OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH 131 Davis Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center and St. Bernard’s Oratory: 132 S. Fifth Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center hours 8 AM – 4 PM daily Monday thru Friday (except holidays) Phone: (610) 252-7381 • Fax: (610) 252-6757 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.olomercy.com Through Stewardship ~ Reaching Out With Love Pastoral Staff: Administrator: Rev. Keith Laskowski Permanent Deacon: Mr. Jose DeCastro Permanent Deacon: Mr. Henry Fleck, Jr. Catholic Ministry to the Sick: Rev. Elias D. Munyaneza, A.J. Easton Area Catholic Youth Group: Mrs. Kelly DeRaymond Business Manager: Jill L. Weaver Parish Music Director: James Convery PREP Coordinator: Mrs. Johanna Florez Baptism/Bautismo: (Pre-registration is required) English Preparation Class: 7:00p.m. 1st Monday of Month Baptisms in English: Third Sunday of the Month 2:00p.m. Charlas Pre-Bautismales: Primer Domingo del mes Bautismos en Español: Segundo Domingo del mes 2:00p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday / Sabado 3:30 – 4:15p.m. at St. Bernard’s Oratory or by appointment at any time. Ministry to the Sick: Communion Call List/Homebound Visits: Call Parish center to be put on list. Hospital Calls/Last Rites: Notify your hospital staff. They will contact priest on call or dial 610-252-7381 x309. Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Notre Dame High School (610) 868-1431 Parish Religious Education Program Classes are held: Sunday/Domingo 8:45 – 10:15a.m. Grades 1-8 and Special Sacramental Programs in the Parish Center. For information call Johanna Florez at the Parish Center. Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LCP Confidential Telephone: (800) 791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sr. Meg Cole, S.S.J. - Telephone: (610) 866-0581 March 8, 2015 3rd Sunday of Lent SATURDAY VIGIL MASS: St. Bernard’s Oratory 4:30p.m. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: St. Bernard’s Oratory 7:30a.m. (English) 9:00a.m. (English) 10:30a.m. (English) 12:00noon (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES: St. Bernard’s Oratory Monday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Tuesday: 8:00a.m. Wednesday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. 7:00p.m. (Spanish) Thursday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Friday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. New Parishioners: WELCOME! See the Priest after Mass to register. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Upcoming Weekend Schedule For March 14th & 15th Mass Schedule 4:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Pat Clarke Eucharistic Minister: Betsy Kennedy Altar Servers: Campanelli Sisters Greeter: Pat/Larry Bleam OUR LADY OF MERCY ST. BERNARD ORATORY Saturday, March 7 4:30 pm Jackie Smith [Tom Smith Family] Sunday, March 8, THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 am Pam Warner-6th Ann. [Family] 9:00 am Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy 10:30 am Marianne Cox [Val Lutz] 12:00 pm Fabio Pineda [Family] Monday, March 9 8:00 am Eleaner Bowers [Jeanne/Bob Young] 12:10 pm Nathan Deutsch [Mom/Dad] Tuesday, March 10 8:00 am Patsy Sortino [Joe/Karen Corpora] Wednesday, March 11 8:00 am Edward Rafferty [Marion Rafferty] 12:10 pm Thomas Umholtz [Ann Purcell] 7:00 pm Carmen H. Rivera [Rivera Family] Thursday, March 12 8:00 am Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy 12:10 pm Spec. Int/Ralph Altieri [Cimino Family] Friday, March 13 8:00 am Patricia Kelly [Santo Salamone] 12:10 pm Dec’d Mem/Cordero/McCaffrey Fam [Cordero’s] Saturday, March 14 4:30 pm Clara Templeton [Templeton Family] Sunday, March 15, FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 am John/Helen Hodge [Family] 9:00 am Dolores Cortright [Family] 10:30 am Dennis Patrick [McNally Family] 12:00 pm Luz Ortiz Padilla [Husband Marcial Fam] RESPONSORIAL PSALM: words of everlasting life. 7:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Julie Gerancher Eucharistic Ministers: Amy Robinson Altar Servers: Steve Wallo Greeter: 9:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Loretta Susen Eucharistic Ministers: Carina Schaffer Altar Servers: Nicholas Kummer Greeter: 10:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Elias Lector: Dvid Kmetz Eucharistic Ministers: Dora Gaviria Altar Servers: Matthew Smickle/Michael Jablonski Greeter: Millie Reichard Collection Counters: Carmen/Lois DeFrancesco, Diane Wallo Katherine Malia Feast of St. Joseph Wednesday, March 19, is the Feast of St. Joseph. There will be a 12:10 pm and 7:00 pm Mass at OLOM. (There will not be a 12:10 Mass at St. Bernard.) Lord, you have the Budgeted Sunday Offering $7,500 February 28/March 1st - $8,911 Home Missions - $1,135 The Women’s Guild will have a meeting Thursday, March 19, at 1:30 pm, St. Bernard’s Oratory. New members are welcome. Please pray for our parishioner who died in February: Vincent Ramunni. THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE will be selling gift certificates at the weekend Masses of March 14th & 15th . 4:30 pm –Eugenia Lippincott 7:30 am – Bill Scannell 9:00 am – Pat Bleam 10:30 am – Nancy Bonfanti Don’t forget that your Lenten Sacrifice can become a real blessing for others through Operation Rice Bowl. A receptacle is in the vestibule to receive your donation. 2 204 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH March 8, 2015 Holy Week Services Volunteers are needed for the Holy Lenten Opportunities This week Week Services – All parishioners involved in Parish Ministries (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers, Greeters). Also, parishioners are needed for washing of the feet on Holy Thursday. Please call the parish center if you can participate – 610-252-7381. Daily Mass: 8 AM & 12:10 PM – Monday thru Friday (No 12:10 Mass on Tuesdays) Wednesday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament -- 8:30-9:30 AM 6:15 PM – Sacrament of Reconciliation in English and Spanish 6:00 PM – Stations of the Cross in Spanish 7:00 PM – Mass in Spanish WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE A FLOWER FOR THE ALTAR AT EASTER in memory of a loved one? You can do so by enclosing $10 in an envelope appropriately marked. Your help in defraying the cost of our Easter flowers will be greatly appreciated. All the Masses on Easter Sunday in OLOM will be celebrated for those in whose memory the flowers are donated. Thursday: Soup & Unleavened Bread 12:45 PM – Following 12:10 Mass St. Bernard’s Oratory (Followed by a presentation: Theme – “7 Deadly Sins and 7 Lovely Virtues – Avarice/Generosity Pro-Life Over 70 Babies Saved and Counting so far during the 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign. Please continue to pray and fast for the unborn and their parents. A daily update and devotional can be found at www.40daysforlife.com. Come pray at the Allentown Women’s Center. Contact Theresa at www.40daysforlife.com/allentown or call 610-704-6935. Friday: 7 PM – Stations of the Cross in English followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Bernard’s Oratory 7:30-8 PM – Confessions Available Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Saturday, March 14. There will be an 8 am Mass at Notre Dame Church in Bethlehem, followed by the Rosary at the Allentown Women’s Center. This is the site of the 40 day days for Life Spring Campaign. For more information, call 610-838-2817. Fasting: All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence (no meat) Tickets for the Lenten Fish Dinner held by the Knights of Columbus on Fridays, March 6, 13, 20 & 27 at Father Farrell Hall on Washington Blvd are available at St. Jane’s Church office (8 am-4 pm). Adults/$11, Seniors/$10 Children/$6 (4 & under FREE). Shake-off those Winter “blues” and put the freshness of romance back into your marriage at the next WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND, April 10-12 at the Hilton Garden Inn Allentown West. During Lent, make special sacrifices for each other daily and WATCH YOUR LOVE GROW! For information or to register call 1-732-904-9636 or visit www.aweekendforyourmarriage.org. OLOM Lenten Crib Benefits Mary’s Shelter of the Lehigh Valley is in the vestibule through Easter Sunday. Please check the clothes line for tags of some of the most needed items. Every donation is greatly appreciated. 3 204 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT PREP Easton Area Catholic Youth Group News & Upcoming Events March March 8 – Stations of the Cross Practice -7:00 Confirmation Class in St. Bernard’s Oratory 15- Sponsor Sunday 7th grade confirmation students @ St. B March 15 – Stations of the Cross Practice -7:00 in St. Anthony's Church 9 am sponsor must accompany child Cemetery Palm Crosses for Sale (Sponsor form & projects due) Sponsors must have eligibility from their parish The Youth Group will be selling Cemetery Palm Cross Cost $10 Please see the insert of all details Samples can be seen in the back of the church next Sunday th th March 14 & 15 – Orders will be Due March 21st & 22nd – Palm Cross Pick-up invited after all masses Communion News 22 - First Communion Meeting in English nd Please bring a photo of your child- wallet size 29th- Reunión de Padres-Español Favor de traer una foto tamaño billetera April 5th - NO PREP-Happy Easter! 11 – Communion Retreat @ St. Bernard’s FAITH ALIVE: THE FAMILY FULLY ALIVE The Offices of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Marriage and Family Life Formation have come together to offer a regional event in preparation for the September 2015 World Meeting of Families. On Sunday, March 22, 6 to 8 pm, come as a family to Holy Family Church in Nazareth and join us for a day of faith, food and fun. The event is $10 per family and will include guest speakers, prayer, group activities and a family meal. Registration materials are available at www.allentowndiocese.org/FaithAlive. Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 11. For questions call 610-289-8900, ext. 221 or [email protected]. 9-12 pm Oratory in the social hall. Children must bring a packed lunch and wear clothes that might get dirty. 12- Report Cards will be given out 19- Report Cards due (must be signed) 25- Communion Practice 11 am @ St. B O 26- Last Day of PREP (except communion Kids) Weather alerts; please go to wfmz.com for closings. Go to weather alerts, business and worship closings. Monday March 09 Lenten Weekday Saint Frances of Rome, Religious 2 Kgs 5:1-15b Lk 4:24-30 (237) Tuesday March 10 Lenten Weekday Dn 3:25, 34-43 Mt 18:21-35 (238) Wednesday March 11 Lenten Weekday Dt 4:1, 5-9 Mt 5:17-19 (239) Thursday March 12 Lenten Weekday Jer 7:23-28 Lk 11:14-23 (240) Friday March 13 Lenten Weekday Hos 14:2-10 Mk 12:2834 (241) Saturday March 14 Lenten Weekday Hos 6:1-6 Lk 18:9-14 (242) Sunday Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Chr 36:14-16 , 19-23 Eph 2:4-10 Jn 3:14-21 (32) A Home for the Wounded Heart — a Lenten evening of reflection for the separated and divorced will be offered at two locations — Tuesday March 24th 7:00 PM at McGlinn Conference Center at Alvernia University, Reading (Presenter is Father Pat Lamb) and Wednesday March 25th at 7:00PM at St. Francis Retreat House, Easton (presenter is Father George Winne). The events are sponsored by the Office of Marriage and Family Life Formation and are part of preparations for the World Meeting of Families. RSVP-call 610-289-8900 ext. 228 or by email to [email protected]. 4 204 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH Week of 03/08/15 Time Sun. 1:30 1:30 Mon. 9:15am & 7pm Tues. 10:30 7 pm 6 pm Wed. 7:30pm 12:30 Thurs. 6:30pm Fri. 7 pm 9-4pm Sat. 5 pm Week of 3/15/15 Time 1:30 Sun. Mon. 9:15am & 7pm 10:30 Tues 7 pm 7:30 pm 6 pm Wed. 6:30pm 7:30pm 10 am 12:30 Thur. 1:30pm 7 pm Fri. 5 pm Sat. March 8, 2015 Event Ultreya de Cursillo Juan XXIII Loc. St. B O St. BO Book Club St. B O Rosary Group Knitting Ministry Estaciones de la Cruz Juan XXIII Lenten Soup & video Hispanic Soc. Mtg. Stations of Cross Spanish lent retreat Spanish Charismatic St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O Event Ultreya Book Club Rosary Group Knitting Ministry Pro-life Mtg. Stations- spanish Divine MercyCenacle Juan XXIII Building & Grounds Lenten Soup & video Women’s Guild mtg. Stations of Cross Grupo Carismático Location St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O Lecturas: Éxodo 20:1–17; Salmo 19; 1 Corintios 1:22–25; Juan 2:13–25 Salmo: Tú tienes, Señor, palabras de vida eterna. Misa de Domingo 03/08 Lector: Deisy Escalante & Roger Cruz Contadores: Evodio M. /Roger Cruz / Adan C. Scrip: Esteban & Tatiana Soto Misa de Domingo 03/15 Lector: Daysi Diaz & Margarita Carreon Contadores: Iris & Carlos Orellana, Deisy E. Scrip: Evodio & Margarita Palacios Los Sacramentos Confesiones: Sábado 3:30 – 4:15 PM Bautismo: La charla para los bautizos será el primer domingo del mes después de la Misa de las 12:00 del mediodía. Los bautizos se celebrarán el segundo domingo del mes a las 2:00 pm. Hablar con el Padre o el Diácono después de la Misa Dominical para hacer los arreglos. Requisitos Debe estar registrado y asistiendo a Misa por lo menos 3 meses y dar constancia, en preparación para todos los Sacramento. Favor de usar los sobres en la ofrenda. Matrimonio: La Diócesis requiere un tiempo de preparación de 6 meses para matrimonios. Favor de hablar con el Padre con tiempo para más información. Clases de Religión (catecismo)- todo niño estudiando en una escuela pública debe venir a las clases de PREP. Empezando el 1er grado. Misa en Español: La Misa dominical en español es a las 12:00 pm. Hay una Misa durante la semana en español, los miércoles a las 7:00 pm. Intensión Especial: Fabian Pineda [familia] Tema de la Misa: Las lecturas en este domingo, ya en el punto medio de la Cuaresma, son indudablemente desafiantes. Tenemos los Diez Mandamientos que se les entregan a Moisés y a los israelitas, y tenemos también a Jesús que confronta el statu quo, o estado del momento actual, en el templo. Tal vez san Pablo nos pueda dar la perspectiva que necesitamos: los Diez Mandamientos son nuestro cimiento, pero proclamamos a Cristo resucitado. Al escuchar estas lecturas de hoy reflexionemos sobre lo que significa en nuestra propia vida proclamar a Cristo resucitado. 5 204 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT RETIRO DE CUARESMA Nuestra Senora de la Merced Rev. Padre Keith Laskowski y demás Sacerdotes & Diacono Jose DeCastro Te invita a un retiro parroquial de preparación para la Cuaresma. Dia: Sabado 14 de Marzo del 2015 Hora: 8:30-3 pm Predicador: Padre George Winne Tema: Esten Alegres, Oren siempre y Den Gracias a Dios! (1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18) Lugar: Oratorio de San Bernardo Se proveerá cuidado de niños de 1 a 10 Anos Donacion $5 (almuerzo incluido) Para mas información llamar: Daysi Diaz 610-704-7870 Email: [email protected] ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL Fecha: Mayo 22, 23, 24 Para cualquier información dirigirse al Diacono José DeCastro o a los Esposos: Fausto & Mery Marte POR FAVOR, ÚNASE A NOSOTROS EN NUESTRO 5TO AÑO Retiro Juan XXIII Para Mujeres, será el 13, 14, & 15 de Marzo Para más info, favor de hablar con Margarita DIOCESANO DE LA CELEBRACIÓN MULTICULTURAL DE LA FE Estaciones de la Cruz Durante la cuaresma serán todos los miércoles en el Oratorio de San Bernardo comenzando a las 6 pm, antes de la Misa Hispana. Ven a celebrar la unidad de nuestra fé y descubre la diversidad de nuestros orígenes étnicos. Reverendísimo John O Barres celebrará la MisaDomingo, 19 de abril 2015 a las 3:00 PM Catedral de Santa Catalina de Siena 18 y Turner St. Allentown “Ven y Déjate Amar por el Padre Misericordioso. Él espera por ti” Predicador: Lisandro Pena de la Colaborativa Jesuita Sábado 21 de marzo, 2015 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Centro Parroquial San Pablo, Allentown 219 W. Susquehanna St. Allentown, PA 18103 Almuerzo Incluido Donación $5.00 por persona Auspiciado por la Oficina de Asuntos Hispanos, La Renovación Carismática de la Parroquia San Pablo y La Colaborativa Jesuita. Inscripción requerida. Regístrese llamando al 484-353-3212 / o al 610-289-8900 X 234 [email protected] Le invitamos a traer un postre étnico para compartir en comunidad después de la Misa. Donaciones en Línea Si usted desea apuntarse para dar sus donaciones en línea, favor de llamar a la oficina. No tienes que acordarte de sobres, cheques, o traer el dinero exacto. Puedes tener control total de tus donaciones, sea cantidades iguales o no, y puedes cancelar o cambiar cuando quieras. Tendrás acceso a tus donaciones y será aun mas privado. 6 204 KARL H. KLINE Attorney at Law Lehigh Valley Families Together, Inc. Experience and personal attention a winning combination Contact us to learn about making a difference in the lives of children by becoming a foster parent. 2925 Wm. Penn Highway [email protected] www.lvfamiliestogether.org 610-559-8668 “We CLEAN for You!” Residential & Commercial Locations Reasonable Prices Reliable • Professional • Experienced Contact: Jessica 484-838-4727 [email protected] 15% OFF YOUR 1ST CLEANING SERVICE W/ AD 610-432-9420 FUNERAL HOME, INC. 610-252-8875 602 W. Berwick St., Easton, PA 18042 RONALD P. PLANTONE SUPERVISOR 610-258-7211 2101 Northampton St., Easton PA 18042 MELISSA PLANTONE RECCHIA SUPERVISOR www.strunkfh.com Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! PennDot Online Motor Vehicle Services FedEx • UPS • USPS •DHL •Se Habla Espanol Stop By & See All We Have To Offer! In The Exxon Plaza, Sullivan Trail • 484-373-3150 PK MASONRY “We specialize in Stonework” Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Fireplaces • Steps • Retaining Walls • Plastering Foundations • Concrete Work • Block • Patios Brick Work • Repointing • Sidewalks • Garages FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 610-438-3879 Easton, PA Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Glenn Wassmer this week Cell: 267-549-7210 1-800-333-3166 extension #171 204 Our Lady of Mercy, Easton, PA (inside) R John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Family Owned and Operated Since 1955 3720 Nicholas Street • Palmer Twp. 610-253-4941 Funeral Home, Inc. John A. Morello F.D., SUPVR Hope S. Newell, F.D. Morgan Stanley RAUB’S FLORIST and GREENHOUSES Office Supply 610- 515-0103 808 Packer St., Easton The Regan Family FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Potted & Garden Plants From Our Own Greenhouses • Homegrown Fruits & Vegetables In Season Morgan Hill Rd., Off Easton Exit of 1-78 1-610-250-8795 Michael R. Glovas, CFP® Managing Director CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM 700 Bushkill Drive, Easton, PA 18042 Resident Manager (610) 253-6215 101 Larry Holmes Drive Suite 301 Easton, PA 18042 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Main 610-515-1062 • Toll Free 800-965-9110 FUEL OIL [email protected] 1-800-359-UNION T& H ATTORNEY AT LAW AUTOMOTIVE Transmission • AC Family Law Wills & Estates Real Estate Diagnostics General Repairs Emissions/Inspections 290 N. Riverside Dr., Easton 610-253-8227 610-252-6653 BELL APOTHECARY ©2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member of SIPC William K. Murphy, Esq. ATTORNEY Beth A. Knickerbocker 101 S. Third St., Suite 203, Easton, PA 2 Acre Facility Ample On-site Parking Advance Planning Specialists R. Kline Ashton, Sr., F.D. • R. Kline Ashton, Jr., F.D. W. Scott Ashton, F.D. • Debra Jo Ashton-Chase, F.D. 14th & Northampton Sts. Easton, PA 18042 (610) 253-4678 Real Estate • Title Insurance • Wills • Living Wills Family Law • Contracts • Estates • Trials • Trusts HERSTER, NEWTON & MURPHY Initial Complimentary Consultation 127 N. 4th Street • Easton, PA 18044-1087 610-258-6219 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Home Medical Equipment & Supplies Mastectomy Products Prescription Services • Drive Up Window Stair Glide • Stairway Lifts Oxygen and Respiratory Supplies Maryann Isaac, R.Ph. John Isaac, R.Ph., Parishioner Kathy Kelly R. Ph., Parishioner FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 2045 Fairview Ave. Easton, PA 18042 258-2311 252-4411 Family Owned & Operated Since 1939 EASTON BAKING, CO., INC. PHILLIPSBURG G. Mosellie Family, Proprietors Italian Bread Donuts Rye Bread Cakes Cookies Cannollis 34 North 7th 610-252-6343 MEMORIAL CO. Monuments & Markers Cemetery Lettering & Cleaning 1300 South Main St., Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 Phone: (908) 454-2341 www.philipsburgmemorial.com SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE Check out our reviews on: FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com GUTTER CLEANING FINEGAN 4080 William Penn Hwy. Easton, PA John M. Finegan, Director Jeffrey E. Finegan, Supervisor 204 Our Lady of Mercy, Easton, PA (back) R FUNERAL HOME, INC. (610) 258-7021 www.FineganFH.com Follow us on: 610-776-2000 1837 Washington Blvd. Easton, PA 18042 GUTTER DOCTORX David J. Williams, Supervisor John M. Finegan, Director Jeffrey E. Finegan, Director Licensed & Insured PA 050067 John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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