ST. MARY IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Please call (979) 836-4441 Sr. Kathleen or Cindy Bolin for more information. Dismissal for CCD ± Parents come to classroom to pick up child Grades Pre K ± 4th. Older children come to younger classes. (Parents must fill out form first). If you pick up child in Providence Hall and Cornerstone, drive so you are in front of Cornerstone and Providence Hall. First Penance meeting for 2nd grades on October 12, in Spanish 10:30 a.m. and at 11:45 a.m. in English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Para recoger a los niños en CCD ± Los papás deben recoger a sus niños en su salón para los grados Pre K ± 4 Grado. Los niños mayores deben ir al salón de los hermanos menores a recogerlos ,si usted así lo desea ( Papás deben de llenar una forma antes). Si usted recoge a su hijo en Providence Hall y en el Edificio Cornerstone, maneje para que este en frente de Providence Hall o del Edificio Cornerstone. October 12, 2014 Fr. Ernesto is offering several retreats this year which are designed to develop a closer relationship with Christ, as we are all yearning to be united more DQG PRUH ZLWK +LP ,W¶V D ZRQGHUIXO RSSRUWXQLW\ WKURXJK guided practice to find Jesus on that personal level. Fr. (UQHVWR¶V(YDQJHOL]DWLRQ5HWUHDW6FKHGXOHLVOLVWHGEHORZWR help you choose the best time to attend according to your personal calendar. El Padre Ernesto está ofreciendo varios retiros para establecer una cercana relación con Cristo. Esta es una oportunidad maravillosa de encontrar a Jesús y de crecer en su relación personal. Por favor marquen en su calendario el horario de los diferentes retiros. Retreats in Spanish: November 21, 22, 23, 24 Retiros en Español: Noviembre 21, 22, 23, 24 La junta de Penitencia para niños de 2do grado es el 12 de Octubre, a las 10:30 a.m. en español y a las 11:45 a.m. en Inglés. For Registration and/or more information, come by the Church Office or call Bridget and John Studer at 836-4299. Favor de llamar al (979) 836-4441 con Sr. Kathleen o Cindy Bolin para más información. Para más información favor de llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia al 979-836-4441. EMERGENCY NUMBER: 979-451-9824 (FOR NEAR DEATH EM ERGENCI ES ONLY & AFTER 4:00 P.M.). NÚMERO DE EMERGENCIA: 979-451-9824 (SOLO PARA EMERGENCI AS DE DEMACI ADA URGENCI A Y DESPUES DE LAS 4:00P.M.). +++++ Music Notes Do you play the piano or organ? If so, the music ministry needs you! We are looking for volunteers to play for some of our Masses. Please call Amy Schramm at the church office 836-4441 or on her cell phone 203-4335 if you can help us. Toca el piano o el órgano. El ministerio de música está buscando voluntarios para tocar en algunas Misas. Favor de llamar a Amy Schramm al 203-4335 lo más pronto posible. Contact Amy Schramm to join and share your musical talent with God and minister to our congregation. +++++ POLISH HERITAGE FESTIVAL A Huge Thank You to all that donated and helped make Perogis on Sunday, October 5. We had an amazing crowd of hardworking and energetic people. It was such a good feeling to have our returning Perogi makers as well as new faces. Your hard work is very much appreciated. We look forward to seeing those people as well as new people for the Festival on October 26. God Bless you all for all that you do for the Church. Cathy Fritz, Jennifer Gajeske. Raffle Tickets for POLISH HERITAGE FESTIVAL are available at Church Office and after all weekend Masses. Los tickets del Festival Polaco están disponibles en la Oficina de la Parroquia y después de las Misas del fin de Semana. +++++ Third Bann of Marriage for Victoria Guerrero & Hugo Soto. Second Bann of Marriage for Natalie Miller & Kyle Dabiel. Tercera Amonestación de Bodas para Victoria Guerrero y Hugo Soto. Segunda Amonestación de Bodas para Natalie Miller y Kyle Dabiel. +++++ EIM: If your name is on this list, that means you have to take the (EIM) Ethics and Integrity Course to be able to serve in the Church. If you already took the Class please call the Church Office. Thank You, and God Bless You!! Barbara Engbrock, Mr. Benjamin Garcia, Mrs. Linda Garcia, Davin Jezierski, Sheryl Malinowski, Margaret Ogrodowicz, Marisol Perez-Martinez, William Rigsby, Joe Grinder. +++++ We are in need of a Youth Minister. Please call the Church Office for more information. +++++ 6W 0DU\¶V LV LQ QHHG RI D 6SDQLVK - English translator. If you think you have the skills to translate, please call the Church Office at 979-836-4441. 6W0DU\¶VQHFHVLWDXQWUDGXFWRUEspañol ± Inglés. Si usted cree que tiene el talento para traducir, favor de llamar a la oficina al 979-836-4441. Muchas Gracias! TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS Horario de Misas e Intenciones October 13 ± October 19 MONDAY / lunes ± October 13 7:00 A.M. ± Repose of the Souls of Victor & Louise Joswiak + 5:30 P.M. ± Repose of the Soul of Florence Kitowski-Kenjura + TUESDAY / martes ± October 14 7:00 A.M. ± Repose of the Soul of Lillian Arceneaux + 12:15 P.M. ± Repose of the Soul of Verde Daigle + Repose of the Soul of J. W. Jankowski + (sent off) WEDNESDAY / miércoles - October 15 7:00 A.M. ± Wedding Anniversary of Joe & Patti Linn Muldoon 12:15 P.M. ± Repose of the Soul of Guadalupe Cerda + THURSDAY / jueves - October 16 7:00 A.M. ± Repose of the Soul of Dana Jo Kubeczka + 12:15 P.M. ± Repose of the Souls of Bill & Lucille Heidemann + FRIDAY / viernes ± October 17 5:30 P.M. - Repose of the Souls of Bill & Lucille Heidemenn + Living & Deceased Members of the Armour Family (sent off) SATURDAY / sábado ± October 18 6:00 P.M. ± Repose of the Souls of Lawrence, Doris & Grant Guidry + Repose of the Soul of Rosa Bugaj + (sent off) SUNDAY MASSES / domingo ± October 19 8:00 A.M. ± Repose of the Souls of John & Annie Michalak + 10:30 A.M. ± Repose of the Soul of Fr. Biehl + 12:30 P.M. ± Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico Well-being of Pedro Alfonso Salgado (sent off) 4:00 P.M. ± Pro Populo If someone in your family just joined a Rest Home Community and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the Church Office at 979-836-4441 or e-mail Deacon Al at [email protected] Si alguien en su hogar acaba de unirse a una Casa de Asilo favor de llamar a la oficina al 979-836-4441 o de escribirle un e-mail al Diacono Allen, a [email protected] +++++ Flowers donated in honor of the Marriage of Melanie Grote and Michael Landers. Flores donadas en honor de la Boda de Melanie Grote y Michael Landers. If you would like to donate flowers, we have openings for November and December. Please call Sharon Johnston at 979-203-5073 or Elizabeth Fries at 713-703-6437 to donate flowers. Si usted quiere donar flores, tenemos disponibilidad para noviembre y diciembre. Por favor, llame a Sharon Johnston al 979-203-5073, o a Elizabeth Fries al 713-703-6437 para donar flores. +++++ ¢ÄÅÈÀÎÁÊXÏ׬½ÏÏ The First Sunday of the Month, 10:30 a.m. Mass will be dedicated to Children!!! The Children will be the readers and the gift bearers. &KLOGUHQ·V0DVVHVZLOOEHDVIROORZV November 2, 10:30 a.m. Mass December 7, 10:30 a.m. Mass January 4, 10:30 a.m. Mass Misa de Niños We want to thank everyone who has shared a portion of their blessing with God through the Church. Thank you for being so generous. 'RQ¶W IRUJHW LI \RX SUHIHU WR JLYH HOHFWURQLFDOO\ JR WR Gracias por su generosidad de haber compartido una porción de sus bienes con Dios a través de la Iglesia. Para hacer su contribución monetaria automáticamente, favor de visitar REGULAR COLLECTION STEWARDSHIP ......... ««««««««««««.$11,166.54 LOOSE ...... «««««««««««««« TOTAL .... «««««««««««««« +++++ Come join us for coffee and donuts in the P.A.C. from 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Venga a disfrutar café y donas en el P.A.C. de 9:00 ± 10:15 a.m. los domingos por la mañana. Cada primer domingo de mes, la Misa de las 10:30 a.m. será dedicada a los niños!!! Los niños van a ser los lectores y los que entregan las ofrendas. +++++ ATTENTION BLINN COLLEGE-BRENHAM STUDENTS: You are invited to join the Blinn Catholic Student Union on Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in rooms 2 & 3 of the student center on the Blinn College Campus, in Brenham. Come to meet others, learn about the Catholic Faith through spiritual reflection and enjoy the FREE food! If you have any questions, you may contact Tracy Lutkenhaus at [email protected], or "like" our Facebook page: Would you like to prepare or donate a meal for the Blinn Catholic students once a semester? Contact Mary Lovelidge at 277-0713 or [email protected]. +++++ CASINO TRIP! To Grand Casino Coushatta, in Kinder, Louisiana. Tuesday, October 28. For more info call 979-8367285. +++++ ST. MARY IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH October 12, 2014 BAPTISMAL CLASSES MUST BE ATTENDED by parents We Need more Altar Servers wishing to have their child baptized. If you have a child, or are expecting a baby, please COME to the Church Office to pick up paper work to register for the sessions. All your paper work must be turned in to the Church Office Monday A WEEK BEFORE the class, at least. We have classes every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Cornerstone Bldg., and Baptisms are every first Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Church. THE NEXT CLASS WILL BE HELD: on Tuesday, October 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cornerstone Bldg. Next Baptism is November 1st, at 10:00 A.M. CLASES PARA BAUTISMOS Por favor venga a registrarse a la oficina de la Iglesia. Es indispensable que padres y padrinos asistan a las clases. Favor de traer el Certificado de Nacimiento del niño y Acta de Matrimonio de la Iglesia Católica de los padrinos. Las clases van a ser cada tercer martes de mes a las 7 p.m., y los bautismos el primer sábado de mes a las 11:00 de la mañana. Registración para bautizos de lunes a viernes. Por favor, venga a la Oficina de la Iglesia para registrarse una semana antes de la fecha como mínimo. La próxima clase es el 21 de octubre a las 7:00p.m. en el AV Room de Edificio de Educación. El próximo Bautizo es el 1ro de noviembre a las 11:00 A.M. For more information please call the Church Office at (979) 836-4441. Thank you! 2XU)DLWK«2XU+RSH«2XU)XWXUH Together With God Society of St. Vincent De Paul ,QRXU*RVSHO´7KH.LQGJRPRI+HDYHQPD\ be linked to a King who gave a wedding feast to his Son; at the end, many are invited, but few are chosenµ. Have you considered answering the call to help serve by joining the SSVDP? Next Meeting: Monday, November 3, 2014 At 7:00 p.m. in the PAC Próxima Junta: Lunes, 3 de Noviembre, 2014 A las 7:00 p.m. en el PAC Need Help call - 979-421-9653 Si necesita ayuda, llame al 979-421-9653 +++++ Rosary will be prayed 25 minutes before all Masses in October, except the 7:00 a.m. Masses. Se reza el Rosario 25 minutos antes de todas las Misas en Octubre, excepto a las 7:00 a.m. Rosary is prayed every Monday and Friday at 12:10 p.m. and Saturdays at 5:40 p.m. Se reza el Rosario todos los lunes y viernes a las 12:10 p.m. y el sábado a las 5:40 p.m. +++++ SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF October 13 ± October 19, 2014 LECTURAS DE LA ESCRITURA PARA ESTA SEMANA Monday / lunes: Tuesday / martes: Wednesday / miércoles: Thursday / jueves: Friday / viernes: Saturday / sábado: Sunday / domingo: Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31²5:1; Luke 11:29-32 Galatians 5:1-6; Luke 11:37-41 Galatians 5:18-25; Luke 11:42-46 Ephesians 1:1-10; Luke 11:47-54 Ephesians 1:11-14; Luke 12:1-7; 2 Timothy 4:10-17b; Luke 10:1-9 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Matthew 22:15-21 +++++ DCYC 2015 (Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference) Will be January 16 ± 18, 2015 In Waco Convention Center If you register by December 1st, 2014 the registration fee will be $50. After December 1st, registration fee will be $65. Register with Sr. Kathleen, or call the office at 979-836-4441. Stewardship Stewardship hinges on being a reflective person, a person who is aware at every turn that they are incredibly blessed by a loving God. More than anything, stewardship tries to provide a better spiritual base for the giving that we do. Basically two approaches illustrate what is often in the heart, the first says, "Look at all I have earned, what I have achieved, and the results of my hard work". The stewardship approach says, "Look at how much God has given me, how deeply I have been blessed." We don't easily and naturally move into the stewardship stance of blessing God for his gifts. The American way tends to stress the first with the emphasis on MY EFFORTS, MY INGENUITY. Our world places too high a value on individualism. The truth is that ALL IS A BLESSING AND A GIFT. Everyone in the parish is going to be asked to consider a gift to our capital campaign. It is our way of blessing our parish and all who will follow by giving a gift in proportion to the way we have been blessed. We see the future oI 6W 0DU\¶V 3DULVK DV EHLQJ YHU\ strong. If good things have happened in the past they will be multiplied even more with the successful conclusion of this campaign. Your generous gifts of Time and Talent to our parish have touched many people. Your gift of "Treasure" will enable us to do what needs to be done. God bless you and all those who preceded you for their faith and generous support. The enclosed stewardship prayer is especially apropos for our capital campaign. STEWARDSHIP PRAYER Almighty God: You have chosen me to be a Steward of all that is Yours. Help me always to remember as a true disciple to use my Time, Talents, and Treasure for the good of others. :KHQZRUNLQJIRU\RXDQGWKHSHRSOHRI6W0DU\¶VOHWPH USE MY TIME wisely in performing my duties. USE MY TALENTS humbly, always being aware that these Gifts have been given by you. USE MY TREASURE joyfully in thanksgiving for all I have been given. Amen. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION In THE CORNERSTONE BUILDING Ministers for the Weekend of October 18 ± October 19 Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for you. SATURDAY, October 18, 6:00 P.M. To participate in the beautiful ministry of Perpetual Adoration please call Francie Grinder 251-8525 or Emily Armour 2770835. MONDAY: 12:00 a.m. or 1:00 a.m. TUESDAY: 2:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY: 3:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. SATURDAY: 12 a.m., 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 3 p.m. or 8 p.m. SUNDAY: 1:00 a.m. o 12:00 p.m. CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN EUCARISTÍCA PERPETUA EDIFICIO DEL CORNERSTONE Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús, lleno de amor por nosotros, infama nuestros corazones con amor para Ti. Llame a uno de los siguientes coordinadores: Francie Grinder 251-8525; Emily Armour 277-0835. Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre la Adoración llame al 836-4303 con Teresa Gutiérrez. LUNES: 12:00 a.m. o 1 a.m. MARTES: 2:00 p.m. MIERCOLES: 3:00 a.m. o 1:00 p.m. SABADO: 12 a.m., 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 3 p.m. o 8 p.m. DOMINGO: 1:00 a.m. o 12:00 p.m. MASS SERVERS: Cross Bearer ± Chris Chavez Server 1 ± Jacob Leer Server 2 ± Trinity Geick EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Patricia Lange, Connie Smith, James Rowe, Jennifer Gajeske LECTORS: Ellen Remmert, Joel Schretenthaler SUNDAY, October 19, 8:00 A.M. MASS SERVERS: Cross Bearer ± Victoria Bosse Server 1 ± Ben Bosse Server 2 ± Wyatt Bolcerek EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Vicky Kenjura, Barry Gold, Mary Gold, Marcena O'Malley LECTORS: Verna Kaliszewski, Mark Kwiatkowski SUNDAY, October 19, 10:30 A.M. MASS SERVERS: Cross Bearer ± Lisa Lobello Server 1 ± Andrew Zschech Server 2 ± Adrian Whipple EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Louise Hajovsky, Lete Phillips, Sandra Prescott, Sharon Holtkamp LECTOR: Eileen Brown, Margie Ogrodowicz DOMINGO, 19 de octubre, 12:30 P.M. IN SPANISH BLESSED TO BE A MOM: Next Special Event! We invite ALL parishioners (not just moms!) to our next meeting THIS Monday, October 13th at 7pm in the Education Building. Larry Alexander from the organization "Joshua 1:9" will join us to share his group's pro-life mission. Joshua 1:9 is a Texas non-profit 501c3 focused on scholarship charity. They help the parents of children, born and unborn, achieve their education and employment goals in hopes of providing a better life for future generations. J19 helps young families avoid poverty ± specifically new mothers and fathers typically 15 to 23 years in age. We look forward to seeing you there! Please contact Abby Hefferly at [email protected] for more info or to join our email list. +++++ 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN ³,I D PRWKHU FDQ NLOO KHU RZQ FKLOGUHQ WKHQ ZKDW FDQ EH QH[W"´ Mother Teresa once asked. Jesus was not condemned by the power of wicked people. He was condemned because of the silence of good people. Let us pray that we may never be silent about the sacredness of all life, but rather will clearly speak up in support of life from conception to natural death. To learn more, go to +++++ Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers of the Hispanic Community will have a Tamales Sale after all Masses next Sunday, October 19. Thank you for your support! Los lectores y Ministros Eucarísticos van a tener una venta de Tamales después de todas las Misas el siguiente fin de semana 19 de Octubre. Aquí los esperamos! ACÓLITOS: Cruz Alta - Luis Pimentel Cirios 1 ± Jennifer Béjar Cirios 2 ± Armando González MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA SAGRADA COMUNIÓN: Natalia Romo, Manuel Mendoza, Estela Vargas. LECTORES: Hna. Alicia García PCI, Eleodoro Bolaños, Jesús Hernández. MINISTROS DE HOSPITALIDAD: Carlos Acuña, Juan López, Selene Salinas, Edgar García SUNDAY, October 19, 4:00 P.M. IN LATIN 0$18(/¶6± MEXICAN RESTAURANT & TAQUERIA.
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