February 22, 2015 22 de Febrero, 2015 St. Mary, Mother of the Church First Sunday of Lent Primer Domingo de Cuaresma 1008 Vandora Springs Rd Garner, NC 27529-3546 Office: 919-772-5524 Fax: 919-772-5534 Website: www.stmarygarner.org Rev. David M. Chiantella, Administrator 919-772-5777 Emergencies only 919-909-0514 Email [email protected] Rev. Chesco Garcia, Ministerio Hispano 919-889-7757 Música- Jesús Acevedo 919-649-1051 Deacon Ronald Soriano 919-426-4791 Email [email protected] Lectores- Veronica Martínez, 919-828-5481 después de las 6 PM Chris Keffer, Director of Faith Formation Email [email protected] 919-772-5199 Joe Vuletich, Youth Apostolate Coordinator Email [email protected] 919-772-5524, ext. 109 Monaguillos- Érica Villegas, 919-264-9153 Mary Dziepak, Music Director Email [email protected] Mon — Wed, 10:30 AM to 4 PM 919-772-5524, ext. 102 Rosemary Montague, Receptionist Email [email protected] Mon — Thu, 9 AM to 4:30 PM Olga Salas, Recepcionista Email [email protected] Lunes, Martes 6-9 PM; Jueves, Sábado 6-8 PM 919-772-5524, ext. 100 Today’s Readings First Reading — I will set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth (Genesis 9:8-15). Ministros de la Eucaristía- Cesar Sánchez, 919-890-5734 Formación Religiosa– Mike Munster, 919-567-1565 Quinceañeras– Olga Salas, 919-772-5524 Bautizos-Jeymy Luna, 919-946-5719 Presentaciones– Aurora Saucedo, 919-279-2281 (5-9 PM) Enfermos- visitas a las casas o hospital llame a la oficina, 919-772-5524 Social- Kathya Peña Centeno, 919-723-0310 Visitas Virgen Peregrina- Jorge Fajardo Lecturas de Hoy Psalm — Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant (Psalm 25). Primera lectura — Dios estableció una alianza con Noé y sus hijos y les prometió que nunca más habría un diluvio devastador (Génesis 9:8-15). Salmo — Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos (Salmo 25 (24)). Second Reading — The water of the flood prefigured baptism, which saves you now (1 Peter 3:18-22). Segunda lectura — Aquella agua representaba el bautismo que ahora nos salva (1 Pedro 3:18-22). Gospel — Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him (Mark 1:12-15) The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved Evangelio — Después de los cuarenta días en el desierto, Jesús viene a Galilea proclamando el Evangelio de Dios (Marcos 1:12-15). This Week MASSES / MISAS Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sábado Misa en Español 7:15 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM Monday through Friday 8:15 AM Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday after morning Mass Esta Semana Saturday February 21 Sábado 21 de Febrero 5:30 PM for the people of St Mary Parish 7:15 PM Sunday February 22 Domingo 22 de Febrero 8:00 AM 10:00 AM +Karen Campbell 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Father Nicholson Monday February 23 Lunes 23 de Febrero 8:15 AM 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Father Nicholson Tuesday February 24 Martes 24 de Febrero 8:15 AM 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Father Nicholson Wednesday February 25 Miércoles 25 de Febrero 8:15 AM 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Father Nicholson Thursday February 26 Jueves 26 de Febrero 8:15 AM +Judy Morrisey Friday February 27 Viernes 27 de Febrero 8:15 AM Saturday February 28 Sábado 28 de Febrero 5:30 PM +John Cioppa, Sr. 7:15 PM +Cornelio Aguirre Sunday March 1 Domingo 1 de Marzo 8:00 AM for the people of St Mary Parish 10:00 AM +Patricia Yeronick 5:00 PM To schedule a Mass intention, please call the office. Para solicitor una misa, llame a las oficinas de la Iglesia. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: First Wednesday 5 - 6:30 PM. Every Saturday 4 - 5 PM, or by appointment with a Priest. Baptism: for Infant baptism preparation, contact the Deacon Ron (see bulletin cover for contact info). For Adult baptism preparation, contact the Director of Faith Formation. Marriage: contact the Receptionist at least 6 months before your intended marriage date to schedule marriage preparation. First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation: contact the Director of Faith Formation for information about our youth and adult programs. Parish Council: [email protected] Find us on Facebook: at St.Mary MotheroftheChurch SACRAMENTOS Si asiste regularmente necesita registrarse en la parroquia. Para más información sobre las registraciones y bautizos, favor de llamar a Jeymy Luna al 919-946-5719. Documentos requeridos para el Bautismo de niños menores de 8 años: • Padres: copia del Certificado de Nacimiento Del Niño • Padrinos: copia del Certificado de Matrimonio por la Iglesia Estar registrados en la iglesia al menos 3 meses antes del bautizo. Las clases de bautizo son primer y segundo martes de cada mes a las 7 PM. Offertory/Ofrenda (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015) Due to the bank holiday, the February 15 offertory figures will be reported in the March 1 bulletin. Our 2015 Parish Mission The Evangelization Committee invites you to our Parish Lenten Mission, with Father Paul Nicholson! The Mission will run from February 22 through February 25, 2015 at 7 PM in the church. Jovenes y Adultos Mayores de 18 años Rito de Iniciación Cristiana– Padre Chesco 919-889-7757 Matrimonio Maria y Leo Rangel, [email protected] Today’s second envelope is for the Black & Indian Missions. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast, including our diocese. Thank you for your support. Coordinadores Ministerio Hispano Mike y Beatriz Munster, 919-567-1656 Recibir los Santos Óleos o Eucaristía llame la oficina-919-772-5524 2 Due to the busyness of the Lenten Season, Father David is not able to offer privately scheduled appointments for confession. Please take advantage of our weekly scheduled times for the Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation on Saturday afternoons 4 to 5:15 PM and of the numerous Lenten Penance Services made available throughout the Raleigh area. See the schedule below. You are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life prayer vigil during Lent. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge will kick off this Spring’s campaign on Thursday, February 19, at 8 AM at the Planned Parenthood in Chapel Hill, 1765 Dobbins Drive. The campaign of focused prayer will continue through Lent from 7 AM to 7 PM each day. Contact [email protected] for more information or to sign up for a time to pray. 2015 Raleigh Deanery Lenten Penance Services Date/Time Location 2/23, 7 PM St. Catherine of Siena, Wake Forest 2/24, 7 PM St. Eugene, Wendell 2/25, 11 AM St. Catherine of Siena 3/2, 7 PM St. Francis of Assisi 3/3, 11 AM St. Raphael the Archangel 3/4, 11 AM St. Francis of Assisi 3/4, 7 PM Our Lady of Lourdes 3/4, 7 PM Sacred Heart Spanish (8:15) 3/10, 11 AM St. Michael the Archangel 3/11, 7 PM Sacred Heart English (8:15) 3/11, 7 PM St. Mary, Garner 3/12, 7 PM St. Andrew (& St. MM) 3/16, 7 PM St. Luke the Evangelist 3/18, 11 AM St. Bernadette, Fuquay-Varina 3/18, 7 PM St. Michael the Archangel 3/24, 7 PM St. Joseph 3/25, 7 PM St. Bernadette, Fuquay-Varina You are invited to attend a tour of the new Birthchoice office which is near the abortion facility in Raleigh. Come and see what we do and how you can find a wonderful opportunity to witness God's work. Birthchoice has openings for volunteers to work as receptionists, consultants, data entry and fundraising. No experience needed, training is provided. For info. call Betty Rogosich 919-4180050 or [email protected]. Bolivia Donations Your overwhelming generosity during the 2 month Bolivia Mission collection has yielded 47 pairs of sunglasses, 15 pairs of readers, 116 pairs of glasses, 7 blood pressure machines, 2 digital thermometers, 22 glucose machines, 78 boxes of testing strips, 5 boxes of alcohol wipes, and 7 boxes of lancets. Donated money bought 7 eye testing charts, 2 ear/forehead digital thermometers and 2 biohazard containers. On behalf of ourselves, the medical mission team and the people of Bolivia we thank you. We leave for Bolivia on August 12. Please pray for the success of this mission and for those going. Peace, Sharon and Ed Padfield. Check WRAL, WTVD, or WNCN for our schedule during severe weather. If power fails our telephone system will not work and messages cannot be left. The Triangle Radio Reading Service, a nonprofit organization delivering news and information using the latest audio technology, is looking for bi-lingual volunteers fluent in Spanish to read the Hispanic newspaper Que Pasa on Saturdays. Que Pasa is broadcast live entirely in Spanish from our Raleigh studio from 12-1:00 PM every Saturday. For more information, please visit our website, http:// www.trianglereadingservice.org, call TRRS at 919-832-5138, or email [email protected]. Your ways, O LORD, make known to me; teach me your paths.— Psalm 25:4 3 13th Annual Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference March 20-21, Raleigh Convention Center. “Bringing to light the truth of the teachings of the Catholic Church and igniting in our hearts a love for our Faith”. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Vigil Mass Celebrant and Homilist. FREE Friday Evening Program “Why Be Catholic?” 7-9:30 PM. Full program Saturday includes lunch, 8:30 AM-6:30 PM. For more info see www.IgnitedByTruch.com. Early Registration Discounts through March 1: Adults $30 (for Groups of 5 or more), Individual Adults $40, Students (age 10+) $25. After March 8: Adults $50, Students (age 10+) $30. Group discounted tickets through Julie Randolph 919-601-8182. Retrouvaille is a program for troubled marriages. Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue, or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking only make it worse? Retrouvaille has helped thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty. For confidential call 800-470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail us at [email protected], or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org. Pope Francis in Philly!! The World Awaits You and so does the Pope! It’s official. Pope Francis is coming to the 8th World Meeting of Families! Plan your trip to Philadelphia, PA for September 22-27, 2015. The city will come alive with multicultural family-centered activities, a congress for youth and for adults and a Papal Mass. Register NOW! For more information see: http:// www.dioceseofraleigh.org/worldmeeting Save the Date for the 5th Annual Catholic Charities Gala to Celebrate God’s Gifts! The event will be held on April 25, 2015 and is hosted by Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Raleigh and the Catholic Charities Board of Directors. The special guest for the evening is Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo, President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services. The Gala is a black tie event and will be held at the Raleigh Marriot City Center. The evening will feature a reception, dinner, and silent auction. All proceeds from the event will benefit the work of Catholic Charities. For event sponsorship and ticket information, visit www.CatholicCharitiesRaleigh.org or contact Katey Fithian at 919-821-8142 or [email protected]. Divorced? Remarried? Planning to marry someone who is divorced? Do you have questions about freedom to marry in the Catholic Church? Did you know that the Tribunal is available to answer these and any other questions you may have about remarriage in the Church? Please contact Mrs. Vikki Newell, 919-821-9759 with your questions, or visit our website http:// www.dioceseofraleigh.org/how/tribunal for further info. We welcome the opportunity to help you. THE THIRD OPTION Many of us manage marriage as a series of choices between his desires and her desires, between “peace at any price” and “letting it all hang out.” Because they move us to extremes, these options don’t bring us together. With The Third Option, you can learn how to break through the clutter of past baggage and misunderstandings and build an effective, loving relationship. The Third Option is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh and offered at the following churches: St. Andrew the Apostle, CARE Bldg Rm 211, contact Cathy Rusin 919-362-0685, 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. St. Francis of Assisi, Anthony Hall, Rms 405 and 406, contact Jason Lillis 919-847-8201 x244, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. 4 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Según un dicho árabe, si quieres conocer bien a una persona, debes convivir durante cuarenta días con ella. Cuarenta no puede tomarse al pie de la letra, ya que en las culturas semitas de siglos pasados cuarenta significaba “un largo periodo de tiempo”. Los judíos, cristianos y musulmanes provenimos de esas culturas antiguas y es por eso que para nosotros el número cuarenta es muy importante. Algunos ejemplos bíblicos: El diluvió duró cuarenta días. Moisés habló con Dios durante cuarenta días en el Sinaí. El pueblo de Israel pasó cuarenta años en el desierto purificándose de sus pecados. Jesús ayunó cuarenta días en el desierto antes de iniciar su ministerio público. El profeta Mahoma tenía cuarenta años cuando Dios lo llamó; asimismo, según el Islam, Dios creó a Adán en cuarenta días, y la persona que desea sabiduría necesita ayunar cuarenta días. No se sabe de dónde viene esta conexión del número cuarenta con la religión. Algunos astrónomos piensan que es debido al planeta Venus. Venus (estrella matutina) viaja por el cielo regresando a su lugar de origen cada cuarenta años menos cuarenta días.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Sospecho que la verdadera razón por la cual evitamos el desierto es porque en medio de toda esa monotonía no existen lugares donde esconderse, ni caminos donde haya que arrastrarse para poder curvear una colina, ni ocupaciones que nos hacen hundirnos en ellas y así esquivar lo que tengo ante mis ojos y que requiere mi honesta atención, ni llamadas telefónicas que perturben el silencio donde escuchamos el eco de nuestro propio ser. Es curioso que le tengamos más miedo a nada que a algo. Sin embargo, y al fin de cuentas, es en la nada donde sucede la revelación. Así es el inquietante poder de cualquier desierto: revelarnos lo que más tememos en la vida, esto es, nuestro propio ser, que quizás nos sea menos conocido y más imponente que el ser de cualquier otra persona. Los desiertos hacen eso y es por eso que los evitamos, como los niños que hacen cualquier cosa para evitar hacer sus tareas. En el curso de los años aprendemos que es más seguro malgastar el tiempo de Cuaresma quedándonos en su periferia, que perdernos en el vacío de su vasto desierto. Nos hemos acostumbrado bien a malgastar el tiempo, a ser torpes y a no saber qué hacer sin la televisión o sin comidas que no existen en el desierto. Este malgastar se debe sencillamente a que una vez que pase este tiempo volvemos al mismo estilo de vida que disfrutamos y atesoramos, y nada se ha rediseñado, mucho menos nuestro propio ser. Jesús, sin embargo, se arriesgó a ir al desierto. No era un itinerante torpe, sino que se atrevió a caminar por el desierto durante cuarenta días y cuarenta noches. La primera lectura de esta semana es un pasaje de la historia de Noé en el arca flotante. Así pudiéramos preguntarnos cuál de los desiertos fue más abrumador, los cuarenta días y cuarenta noches del diluvio para Noé o la sequía de Jesús en el desierto. No obstante, cada uno se encontró en medio de un mundo nuevo y diferente, que nunca antes se había trazado. Padre Joseph J. Juknia- El Via Crucis en español 7:45 PM, Febrero 27. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Primer Domingo de Cuaresma; Rito de Elección; Rito de Envío; Rito de Llamado a la conversión continua; Nacimiento de George Washington Lunes: San Policarpo; Inicio de la Cuaresma en el calendario juliano Viernes: Abstinencia lis Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. LA BELLEZA DEL PERDÓN La humanidad nunca es tan hermosa como cuando reza implorando perdón o cuando perdona a otro.—Jean P. F. Richter 5 EL SIGNIFICADO DE NUESTRO BAUTISMO Cantos Para la Misa Cuaresma es la época del año que dedicamos a escudriñar nuestras vidas a la luz de nuestro Bautismo en la muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Las lecturas de hoy son como un catecismo abreviado de lo que nuestras vidas de bautizados significan. Tal como Noé pasó por las aguas del diluvio a una alianza con Dios, así también nosotros entramos en una alianza, una relación con Dios prometida por nuestro Bautismo. El salmo nos recuerda que si realmente vivimos la alianza, el modo de vida que Dios quiere que vivamos no va a ser una carga, sino una fuente de amor y verdad. La carta de Pedro ofrece una explicación de lo que significa nuestro bautismo: es una plegaria a Dios pidiendo una buena conciencia. ¿Cómo obtenemos esta buena conciencia? Las palabras que Jesús proclama justo después de su tentación nos señala el camino: “Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio”. Podría ser un buen ejercicio espiritual mantener estas lecturas a nuestro alcance durante todo el tiempo de Cuaresma, un medio para ayudarnos a volver a una vida vivida según nuestras promesas bautismales. Canto de Entrada…………….…. 545 La Alegría en el Perdón Acto Penitencial…………….….. 65 Señor Ten Piedad Salmo Responsorial……… Tú sendas, Señor,son misericordia y lealtad. Aclamación antes del Evangelio…Aleluya Ofertorio………………………… 537 Vaso Nuevo Santo…………………………..... 83 Santo Aclamación Conmemorativa…… Anunciamos Tu Muerte Amen……………………………. Amen Cordero de Dios…………………. Cordero de Dios Canto de Comunión……………... 598 Eres Tú Jesús Canto Final………………………617 Caminando Juntos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 6 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Be With Us Today Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Michael John Poirier CD $17 Songs that touch the heart and raise the spirit 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com CASE Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Advanced, affordable care you can trust 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm Back & Neck Care Center BETSY L. CASE, D.C. GEORGE D. “JOE” CASE, D.C. STAGE ROAD 1018 Highway 70 West Garner, NC 27529 7580 Old Stage Rd., N.Angier (919) 772-1113 557850 St Mary Mother of the Church (B) www.jspaluch.com ANIMAL HOSPITAL 919-639-3337 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 COMPLETE CAR CARE FUNERAL HOMES Andrew G. Cook, Jr., O.D. MARY & ALEX LEE 1003 Vandora Springs Road Funeral Director Parishioners (919) 772-4575 myeyedr.com Office Hours by Appointment Transmissions • Tune-ups Brakes • Scheduled Maintenance Financing Available “Call Mo at 919.779.1778” Angier Chapel 300 E. McIver St. 639-8225 Garner Chapel 1200 Benson Rd. 772-8225 Raleigh Chapel 831 Wake Forest Rd. 832-8225 PARISHIONER OF SACRED HEART 546 Dynamic Drive, Garner, N.C. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, 860.399.1785 Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Your ad Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! www.jspaluch.com email: [email protected] Call Steve Lardieri 800.432.3240 could be in this space! Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal l mpanion a n o s Per ayer Co r u o Y Pr through 2030 Designed to be Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com 557850 St Mary Mother of the Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Those for whom we pray Faith Formation Announcements All classes are in session. For those in need of God’s healing, strength, and comfort, especially Bernard Streeter, Cathy Tomany, Dee Phelan, Tim Wall, Marge Stewart, Jerry Potter, Kristen Dinarte, Cathy Spillane, Werner Koch, baby Tyson Such, Bob Minges, Will Cannady, Ron Urbanski, Sue Kerrigan, Charity Betts, Roland W. Petruzzi, Karen Reilly, Kari Brown, Bettilyn Smyth, Brian Michael Lee, Faye Yeisley, Rita Such, Kelly Wegenka, Jay Bayne, Mary Bayne, Stacey Jones, Hazel Wolicki, Christian Gould, Andrew Wiesner, Dolores Weisner, Lori Gradle, John Pastore, Glenn Sappie and our Father Chesco Garcia. Looking for a movie the whole family can watch? The St. Mary, Mother of the Church Evangelization Committee invites you to join us for the showing of the fun and inspiring movie, The Mighty Macs. The movie is the true story of the 1971-1972 Immaculata College basketball team and their journey to the first national championship in women's college basketball. This film is rated G and runs 99 minutes. Admission is free. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Come join us on Friday, February 27 in Classroom E at St. Joseph Hall. Movie will begin at 7:30 PM following the Stations of the Cross. Light refreshments provided! Happening This Week Sunday: Mission Monday: Mission, Estudio biblico Tuesday: Mission Wednesday: Mission, Women’s bible study, Columbiettes Thursday: Lent bible study Friday: Fish Fry, Stations, El Via Crucis, Coro en Español, Sedes Great News! The Pysanky Egg Retreat is returning to St. Mary’s on Wednesday, March 18 from 9:30 AM until 3 PM. Cost is $15, includes lunch. To register, contact Chris at 919772-5199 or [email protected]. Let her know if this is your first time so we can provide enough tools and supplies for purchase. ( No purchase necessary, however ). Hurry and register, as space is limited! Please join the Knights of Columbus each Friday during Lent from 5 to 7:30 PM. 2/20 Fish Fry/Mac & Cheese 2/27 Fish Fry/Mac & Cheese 3/6 Fish Fry/Mac & Cheese 3/13 All you can pancake breakfast 3/20 Shrimp Pasta/Cheese Pizza 3/27 Fish Fry/Mac & Cheese Wake Up and Read book collection this month. A box will be located in St. Joseph Hall. See details at www.wakeupandread.org. Friday, February 27: Stations of the cross at 7 PM (English), 7:45 PM (Spanish). There will be a meeting of the Columbiettes on Wednesday, February 25 at 7 PM in St. Joseph Hall. We are a service group that is sponsored by our local Knights of Columbus chapter, but are an independent organization. All women 18 and older are invited to attend. Feel like doing more for your Church, your Community and your Religion? Join the Knights of Columbus and start your adventure today. Call John Cavallaro, 919773-1864. 8
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