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PÓRTICO · The Encyclopedia of The Roman Army
Y. Le Bohec, ed.
The Encyclopedia of
3 vols.
2015 — 1.176 pp.
Precio introductorio hasta 30.04.15 € 373,50
Después € 436,80
t should come as no surprise that the history of the great Roman Empire was inextricably linked to
the successes of its army. The Encyclopedia of the Roman Army is a comprehensive three-volume
reference to the armed forces deployed by ancient Rome, from its origins in the early Republic to
the waning days of empire. While sectional listings are considered chronologically in the Republic,
Principate, and Late Antique periods, special emphasis is devoted to the Imperial era—a period for
which textual and archaeological evidence abounds, and a time during which the Roman army was at
its peak.
Entries cover a range of topics from military training, weapons, tactics, and strategy to individual
battles, legions, commanders, army life, veterans, and much more. Larger themes relating to the
military and Rome’s economy, politics, and religion are also explored. With individual listings
contributed from some of the world’s most prestigious scholars and military historians, The
Encyclopedia of the Roman Army is the definitive resource for one of the greatest military institutions
in world history.
PÓRTICO · The Encyclopedia of The Roman Army
List of Entries: Actium "
Administration: Late Antiquity "
Administration: Principate "
Administration: Republic "
Adrianople " Aerial Photography
" Africa " African Auxiliaries "
agens, agentes in rebus "
Agricola " Alamanni: Late
Empire " Alamanni: Principate "
Alani: Late Empire " Alani:
Principate " Albano " Alésia "
Allies: Late Empire " Allies:
Principate " Allies: Republic "
Altrip " Ambush: Late Empire "
Ambush: Principate " Ambush:
Republic " Amida " Amphibious
Warfare " Antonine Wall " Arabia
" Arabs " Arch of Constantine "
Arch of Orange " Archers,
sagittarii: Late Empire " Archers,
sagittarii: Principate " Archers,
sagittarii: Republic " Armament
of the Enemies " Armenia: Late
Empire " Armenia: Principate "
Armenia: Republic " Army as a
total institution " Army
Constructions: Late Empire "
Army Constructions: Principate "
Augustus’s Army " Augustus’s
Wars " Avars " Axes "
bagaudae " Baggage Train:
Late Empire " Baggage Train:
Principate " Baggage Train:
Republic " Bandit: Late
Empire " Bandit: Principate "
Barbarization " Barracks "
Batavi: Late Empire " Batavi:
Principate " Bathhouse "
Battle in Open Country: Late
Empire " Battle in Open
Country: Principate " Battle in
Open Country: Republic "
Battle in Town: Late Empire "
Battle in Town: Principate "
Battle in Town: Republic "
bellum iustum " Belt,
cingulum " Biological and
Chemical Warfare " Black Sea
" Body Armor " bona
castrensia " Bonn " Booty:
Late Empire " Booty:
Principate " Booty: Republic
" Bostra " Boudican Revolt
" Bow " Brigetio Tablet "
Britain: Late Empire " Britain:
Principate " Britons: Principate
" bucelarii, buccellarii "
Caerleon " Caesar "
Camels " Camp " Camp
Security: Late Empire " Camp
Security: Principate " Camp
Security: Republic " campus
" Cannae " Cappadocia "
Caracalla " Carausius "
Careers: Late Empire "
Careers: Principate " Careers:
Republic " Carnuntum "
Catapult " Caucasian
Countries " Cavalry: Late
Empire " Cavalry: Principate
" Cavalry: Republic " Celts:
Late Empire " Celts:
Principate " Celts: Republic "
Cemetery: Military "
Ceremonies, Military: Late
Empire " Ceremonies,
Military: Principate "
Ceremonies, Military: Republic
" Christians: Late Empire "
Christians: Principate "
Cisalpine Gauls " Civil or
Civilian Settlements " Civil
Wars: Late Empire " Civil
Wars: Principate " Civil Wars:
Republic " Civilians: Late
Empire " Civilians: Principate
" Civilians: Republic "
Claudius " Clothes "
Cohorts of vigiles " Colchester
" Colleges, Military " Column
of Marcus Aurelius " comes,
comites: Late Empire "
comes, comites: Republic and
Principate " comitatenses "
Constantine I "
Constantinople: The Defences
" Constantius II " corvus "
Counter-Insurgency: Late
Empire " Counter-Insurgency:
Principate " CounterInsurgency: Republic " Dacian
Wars " Dagger " Danubian
Provinces " Danubian Soldiers
" Death in Battle: Late Empire
" Death in Battle: Principate "
Death in Battle: Republic "
Decisive battle " deditio "
Defenses " Defensive,
Offensive Wars, Strategies of:
Late Empire " Defensive,
Offensive Wars, Strategies of:
Principate " Defensive,
Offensive Wars, Strategies of:
Republic " Demography and
Army: Late Empire "
Demography and Army:
Principate " Demography and
Army: Republic " Depictions,
Military " desertor, proditor,
and transfuga: Late Empire "
desertor, proditor, and
transfuga: Principate "
desertor, proditor, and
transfuga: Republic " Deutz,
Divitia " Diet " Diocletian "
Dionysias " Diplomacy: Late
Empire " Diplomacy:
Principate " Diplomacy:
Republic " Discharge, missio
" Discipline: Late Empire "
Discipline: Principate "
Discipline: Republic " Diseases
" domestici " donativa and
liberalitates: Late Empire "
donativa and liberalitates:
Principate " ducatus " DuraEuropos " Eastern Auxiliaries:
Late Empire " Eastern
Auxiliaries: Principate "
Eastern Auxiliaries: Republic
Empire " Economic Warfare:
Late Empire " Economic
Warfare: Principate "
Economic Warfare: Republic "
Economy and the Army: Late
Empire " Economy and the
Army: Principate " Economy
and the Army: Republic "
Edessa " Egypt " Eleous "
Engineering Works "
Epigraphy: Late Empire "
Epigraphy: Principate " Equids
" Equine Equipment "
equites singulares Augusti "
Ethics " Etruscans, Army of
the " excubitor: Late Empire
" fabrica " Face of Battle for
Civilians " Face of Battle for
Soldiers " Field Officers: Late
Empire " Field Officers:
Principate " Field Officers:
Republic " Flavians and the
Army " foederati " Fortified
Farm " fossa " Franks: Late
Empire " Franks: Principate "
Gaetuli " Gallic War "
Gallienus " General: Late
Empire " General: Principate
" General: Republic "
gentiles " Germans: Late
Empire " Germans: Principate
" Germans: Republic "
Germany " glandes " Glory
" Gloucester " Goths: Late
Empire " Goths: Principate "
Greeks " Guerilla Warfare:
Late Empire " Guerilla
Warfare: Principate " Guerilla
Warfare: Republic " Hadrian
and the Army " Hadrian’s Wall
" Haltern " Hannibal "
Headquarters " Helmet "
Heraclius " Hispani: Principate
" Hispani: Republic "
Historians: Late Empire "
Historians: Principate "
Historians: Republic "
Honorary Titles " Hospital,
valetudinarium " hospitalitas
" Huns " Iatrus " Iberian
Peninsula " Iberians as
Enemies " Iberians: Republic
" imperator: Late Empire "
imperator: Principate "
Imperial Cult: Late Empire "
Imperial Cult: Principate "
Imperialism " imperium "
Implements " Inchtuthill "
Infantry: Late Empire "
Infantry: Principate "
Infantry: Republic "
Instruments of vigiles "
Intelligence: Late Empire "
Intelligence: Principate "
Intelligence: Republic " Irish
" Isaurians " Italians as
Enemies of Rome: Republic "
Italians in the Roman Army:
Republic " Italians: Late
Empire " Italians: Principate
" Italy " ius belli " ius
militare, Military Law " Jewish
Wars: Principate " Jewish
Wars: Republic " Judaea "
Jugurthine War " Julian "
PÓRTICO · The Encyclopedia of The Roman Army
Justice, Military " Justinian "
Kalkriese " Khusro I "
Khusro II " laeti " Lambèse
" Landing " Languages: Late
Empire " Languages:
Principate " Latin People as
Enemies " Law Codes "
Lejjun " limes " limitanei "
Literacy: Late Empire "
Literacy: Principate " Literacy:
Republic " litus Saxonicum "
Local Militias: Late Empire "
Local Militias: Principate "
Logistics: Late Empire "
Logistics: Principate "
Logistics: Republic " Luxor "
Lyon (Lugudunum), Battle of "
Macedonian Wars "
Marcomani " Marcomanic
Wars " Marcus Aurelius "
Marius " Marriage " Masada
" Mauretania " Maximinus
Thrax " Medical Service: Late
Empire " Medical Service:
Principate " Mercenaries: Late
Empire " Mercenaries:
Republic " Mesopotamia "
miles: Late Empire " miles:
Principate " miles: Republic "
Military Footwear " Military
History, Roman Modern "
Military Life: Late Empire "
Military Life: Principate "
Military Life: Republic "
militiae equestres " Mirebeau
" Moors, Mauri: Late Empire "
Moors, Mauri: Principate "
Morale: Late Empire " Morale:
Principate " Morale: Republic
" Music: Late Empire "
Music: Principate " Music:
Republic " Naval Base "
Navy " Nero " Neuss "
Nijmegen " NonCommissioned Officers, NCO:
Late Empire " NonCommissioned Officers, NCO:
Principate " NonCommissioned Officers, NCO:
Republic " Notitia Dignitatum
" Novae " Numantia "
Numidae: Principate "
Numidae: Republic "
Numismatics: Late Empire "
Numismatics: Principate "
Numismatics: Republic "
Oath: Late Empire " Oath:
Principate " Oath: Republic "
Oberaden " Order of March:
Late Empire " Order of March:
Principate " Order of March:
Republic " ordo " Origins of
the Roman Army " ostraka "
Palaestina, Syria Palaestina "
palatini " Palmyra "
Papyrology, Papyrus: Late
Empire " Papyrology,
Papyrus: Principate " Parade,
decursio: Late Empire "
Parade, decursio: Principate "
Parade, decursio: Republic "
Parthian Wars: Principate "
Parthian Wars: Republic "
patria: Late Empire " patria:
Principate " pax romana:
Principate " pax romana:
Republic " Pay and Incomes:
Late Empire " Pay and
Incomes: Principate " Pay and
Incomes: Republic " Persian
Wars: Late Empire " Persian
Wars: Principate " Picti "
pilum " Piracy: Late Empire "
Piracy: Principate " Piracy:
Republic " plumbatae "
Police, Policing: Late Empire "
Police, Policing: Principate "
Politics: Late Empire "
Politics: Principate " Politics:
Republic " postliminium "
Praetorian Cohorts " Prisoner:
Late Empire " Prisoner:
Principate " Prisoner: Republic
" probatio: Late Empire "
probatio: Principate "
probatio: Republic "
procurator " Psychological
Warfare " Punic Wars "
Pyrrhus " Qasr Bchir "
Quadi: Late Empire " Quadi:
Principate " Quarries "
Ravenna " Recruitment,
Organization: Late Empire "
Recruitment, Organization:
Principate " Recruitment,
Organization: Republic "
Recruitment, Social and
Geographical Aspects: Late
Empire " Recruitment, Social
and Geographical Aspects:
Principate " Recruitment,
Social and Geographical
Aspects: Republic " Religions:
Late Empire " Religions:
Principate " Religions:
Republic " Rewards: Late
Empire " Rewards: Principate
" Rewards: Republic " Road
Fortification " Rome "
Saalburg " Samnites "
Sardinia " Sarmatae: Late
Empire " Sarmatae: Principate
" Saxons " scholae palatinae
" Scipio, Africanus I " scutarii
" Scythae: Late Empire "
Scythae: Principate " Sea
Battle: Late Empire " Sea
Battle: Republic " Seapower:
Late Empire " Seapower:
Principate " Seapower:
Republic " Senatorial
Provinces " Senior Officers:
Late Empire " Senior Officers:
Principate " Senior Officers:
Republic " Septimius Severus
" Servile Wars " Severus
Alexander " Shapur I "
Shapur II " Shield " Siege
Warfare: Late Empire " Siege
Warfare: Principate " Siege
Warfare: Republic " Signal,
Signaling " Small War: Late
Empire " Small War:
Principate " Small War:
Republic " Social War "
Society and the Roman Army:
Late Empire " Society and the
Roman Army: Principate "
Society and the Roman Army:
Republic " Spear " Speech,
adlocutio: Late Empire "
Speech, adlocutio: Principate "
Speech, adlocutio: Republic "
Split " Stables " Stamps "
Standards " Stanegate,
Vindolanda " statio, stationarii:
Late Empire " statio,
stationarii: Principate " Stilicho
" Strasbourg, Argentorate: Late
Empire " strata Diocletiana "
Stratagem: Late Empire "
Stratagem: Principate "
Stratagem: Republic "
Strategy: Late Empire "
Strategy: Principate "
Strategy: Republic " Suicid "
Sulla, Sylla " Sword, gladius "
Syria " Syrian Wars "
Tacfarinas " Tactics: Late
Empire " Tactics: Principate "
Tactics: Republic "
testamentum " Theodosius I
" Tiberius " Training: Late
Empire " Training: Principate
" Training: Republic " Trajan
" Trajan’s Column "
Transfers: Late Empire "
Transfers: Principate "
Transfers: Republic "
Transmission of Orders: Late
Empire " Transmission of
Orders: Principate "
Transmission of Orders: Republic
" tribuli " Triumph: Principate
" Triumph: Republic " Trophy
" Units in the Notitia Dignitatum
" Units: Principate " Units:
Republic " Urban Cohorts "
Valens " Valentinian I "
Vandals " Veterans: Late
Empire " Veterans: Principate
" Veterans: Republic "
vexillatio " viri militares "
Waldgirmes " War Cry " War
Machines " Wars against
Mithridates " Wars of the 3rd
century CE " Wars of the First
Republican Period, 509–201 BCE
" Wars of the Late Empire "
Wars of the Late Republic, 133–
31 BCE " Wars of the Middle
Republic, 201–133 BCE " Wars
of the Principate " Warship "
Water " Windisch, Vindonissa
" Women " Wounds "
Writers: Late Empire " Writers:
Principate " Writers: Republic
" York, Eboracum.
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