Feb. 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Andrew Announcements Donations Summary - January 2015 Over the last few years, stewardship giving has usually dropped in January...but not this year! $26,245 was donated towards the Sunday offertory during the month of January, making the weekly average $6,561. This is $1,281 more than the weekly average in January 2014. Of the 380 individuals and families registered with the parish, there were xxx who donated during the month of January, however this number does not capture the many families who give loose change anonymously. We wrapped up the pew appeal in January and are thrilled to share that 98% of the cost of the pews were paid for from the generous additional donations parishioners made to this appeal. Thank you! Thank you for your consistent and generous support of our ministries! Youth Ministry News DISEASE AND SIN * Heather is looking for parent volunteers to sell fair trade items after 9:30 mass on February 15, 21, and 28 as a fundraiser for youth group. * We’re on retreat next weekend! Prayers requested. * Keep your calendars marked for Mardi Gras party/Lenten Kick-off on Tuesday, February 17 at 7pm. * GODSPELL! We’ll be going in the big bus together to see Godspell at Central Catholic on Friday, March 13. Heather needs to order tickets, so let her know if you’re interested. The begging leper and the paralytic dropped in, and both wanted to be cured of their ailments, including their sin. Overcoming religious fears and social customs, they made their requests. Jesus replied, “Yes, Rice Bowls Available Today of course,” and then made the point Please take a rice bowl, that healing from sin and healing calendar and kit home from disease are two sides of the with you. These will same coin. Do we have courage be part of the procesenough to overcome worries and beg sions with gifts for healing from the Lord in the church? the poor on Holy Thursday. Go If we seek sacramental reconciliato https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=st91WLJFWJc to find tion, Jesus will surely reply, “Yes, of more information about CRS and course.” Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © Rice bowls. CRS Rice Bowl is your 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. passport to global solidarity. Today’s Readings Leviticus 13:1 -2, 44 - 46 1 Corinthians 10: 31 - 11:1; Mark 1: 40 - 45 Vacation Bible Camp We need volunteers to help with the planning. There are roles for all! This has been such an incredibly special week for all the children of our parish. For more info contact April Sandoval at 503.281.4429 ext. 23 or [email protected]. Parent Support Network You can find the website at: http:// groups.google.com/group/st-andrew-parent-support-network St. Andrew Nativity The open house for current 5th grade students will be at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 21st. Please join us to tour the school, go over the application, and have questions answered. The school is only accepting applications for student who will be in the 6th grade in the fall of 2015. Completed applications are due on May 7, 2015. Thank you! Carolyn Becic, President Prayer Requests For prayer requests via e-mail, please contact Louise Kasper at 503.280.2690, or e-mail your request to [email protected] Gospel Choir News The St. Andrew Gospel Choir’s next rehearsals will be Wednesday, Feb.18th at 7:00 pm in the church. The choir will sing at mass on 4th Sunday Feb. 22nd. Anyone wishing to join the choir please come to rehearsal. If coming for the first time please call ahead to 503-477-0424 as we sometimes have last cminute changes. Bulletin Announcements In order to ensure timely printing and delivery for bulletins, materials for next Sunday’s bulletin must be received by 5 PM on Monday. Please ensure your items are proofread and edited before sending your announcements to Joy Wallace at joy.wallace@ comcast.net. St. Andrew E-mail If you wish to have something announced to the community, please send your message to Joy Wallace at joy.wallace@comcast. net as a Word document that is proofread and edited before sending. St. Andrew Welcomes You To find out about the St. Andrew Parish Community, we invite you to fill out the Registration Form found on the Hospitality tables at both entrances to the church. Someone from the Hospitality Committee will call you soon. You can also find helpful information at our website, www.standrewchurch.com. The Catholic Community of St. Andrew 806 NE Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 Ph. 503-281-4429 Fax 503-281-4411 Servicios Services Sunday Eucharist: 9:30 am (English), 12:30 pm (Spanish) Weekday Eucharist: 9:00 am (Tuesday-Friday) Reconciliation: 5:00 pm Saturday First Saturday of each month, the 5:30 pm bilingual Mayan Community Eucharist is in Spanish and Kanhoval Staff Pastor Fr. Dave Zegar, ext.11 [email protected] Director of Stewardship & Administration Sarah Granger ext. 22 [email protected] Office Receptionist Cinthia Ifarraguerri, ext. 10 [email protected] Bookkeeper Karina Felix, ext. 15 [email protected] Bulletin Editor Joy Wallace 503-284-2613 [email protected] Community Center Joy Ruplinger, ext. 16 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry Diana Ruiz, ext. 17 [email protected] Janitor Ricky Ford Liturgy/Music Michael Prendergast, ext. 12 [email protected] Religious Education April Sandoval, ext. 23 [email protected] Youth Ministry Heather Moline, ext. 37 [email protected] Ministries & Programs Art & Environment Tom La Voie 503.737.5570 [email protected] Community Forum John Villaume 503.282.1705 [email protected] E-mail Prayers Louise Kasper 503.280.2690 [email protected] Emergency Services Joe Condon, 971.244.0339 emergencyservices@standrewchurchcom Welcoming LGBTQ Valerie Silliman 503 953-6242 Ministry [email protected] Jerry Deas 503.319.1326 [email protected] Gospel Choir Edna Hicks 503.287.2360 Hospitality Elizabeth Weber 503.493.9271 Infant Baptism Carmi Lyon 503.231.9140 or [email protected] Rite of Christian Carol Kelley Initiation of Adults [email protected] Senior Ministry St. Andrew Legal Clinic 503.281.1500 St. Andrew Nativity School 503.335.9600 One Spirit-One Call [email protected] La Misa Domingo: 9:30 am (Ingles), 12:30 pm (Español) La Misa diaria: 9:00 am (Martes-Sábado) Confesiones: 5:00 pm los Sábados Primer Sábado del mes, misa bilingue Maya Kanhoval y Español a las 5:30 pm Los Ministerios Asistentes Pastoralesy Comité Hispano Diacono Diaconoy Ministerio Maya Grupo de Jovenes Lectores Preparación Bautizos Promotores de Salud Catequesis Diana Ruiz 503.281.4429, ext. 17 [email protected] Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075 [email protected] Ramón Jacob 503.288.5913 Romeo Jimenez 971.221.6298 [email protected] Alejandro Bautista [email protected] Esteban e Isabel Ruiz 503.735.4617 Diana Ruiz 503-281-4429. ext. 17 Cesar Geronimo [email protected] Martina Murray 503.281.2329 Isabel Camacho 503.737.5192 Council & Committee Chairs Administrative Council Auction Co-Chairs John Kelly 503.528.8221 [email protected] Patty Gardner 503.936.5542 [email protected] and Casey Boggs 310.403.3941 [email protected] Building & Maintenance Jerry Lindsay 503.757.6644 Community Center Lisa Hatten 503.880.0116 Management Council [email protected] Hispanic Committee Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075 [email protected] Liturgy Commission Michael Prendergast, ext.12 [email protected] MACG Core Team Bev Logan 503.922.9481 [email protected] Pastoral Council Christy Mason 503.961.2723 [email protected] Personnel Committee Joan Miller 503.703.3315 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Joe Condon 971.221.8636 [email protected] St. Andrew Weekly Calendar Feb. 15 - 21 Today: Coffee and socializing Monday Centering Prayer 6:30 PM Tuesday Jobs for Justice Breakfast 7:00 AM Wednesday Ash Wednesday Mass 9:00 AM Ash Wednesday Bilingual Mass 7:00 PM Gospel Choir practice 7:00 PM Thursday Bible Study 7:30 PM Saturday Confessions 5:00 PM View our Parish Calendar at www.standrewchurch.com for all meetings and events St. Andrew Announcements - Feb. 8, 2015 LENTEN RESOLUTIONS: We tend to think of Lenten resolutions as things that we will give up for Lent, like chocolate, or sweets in general, or coffee. We think it should be something that feels like a true sacrifice. These can be good things to do to build our will power and to help us focus on what is important in our lives. Instead, or in addition, it might be a good idea to do something extra for Lent. One can join a Bible study group or other parish discussion groups that will help us grow in our spirituality or prayer life. We can also sacrifice our time to do things that will help others. We can offer to drive people to church, or to doctor appointments. We can cook a meal for someone who is ill. Just think about what might be a benefit to others and give it a try. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE February 18, 2015: Eucharist will be celebrated on Ash Wednesday at 9:00 AM in the Church. A bilingual Mass with the distribution of Ashes will be held in the church at 7:00 PM. ASH WEDNESDAY: Ash Wednesday is almost upon us. The beginning of a time of reflection and reparation. The beginning of a time of joy. Joy!? Why joy?? Because christ is truly risen. Because our time of lenten preparation is looking forward to the celebration of christ’s resurrection and the promise of our salvation. Because during lent we don’t pretend that easter never happened. During lent we look forward to celebrating that easter resurrection in the best way possible, and we take this season to prepare ourselves for that celebration. We prepare by repentance and conversion. We prepare by making our lives more like christ’s so that we can be one with him in his glory. Christ is risen! Let us prepare in joyful and grateful anticipation. THINGS TO DO & PLACES TO GO Grief Recovery Weekend Are you, or someone you love, grieving the end of a marriage from a death, divorce or permanent separation? A Beginning Experience Weekend can help with the healing from such a loss. The next opportunnity to attend one will be the weekend of March 6 - 8, 2015, in Milwaukie, near Clackamas Town Center. The weekend begins on Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon, The cost of $195 includes lodging for 2 nights in a double room, meals and resource materials, Special arrangements may be made for payment, and partial scholarships are available. Single rooms are available for an additional $20. Please contact Lynda by phone: 503.837.0147 or email [email protected], Additional information may be found on the website of International Beginning Experience at www.beginningexperience.org. LENT The word Lent means springtime. This word comes from the same root as lengthen. Daytime lengthens during Lent. The northern hemisphere turns toward the sun, the source of life, and winter turns into spring. In Hebrew, the word for repentance is the same as the word that means to turn, like the turning of the earth to the sun, like the turning of the soil before planting. “Even now, says the Lord, turn to me.” (Joel 2:12) The word sin means separation. We are called to turn from our separate selves, from our sin, to come together in community. Self-denial is the way we express our repentance. In the lengthening brightness from Ash Wednesday until Holy Thursday afternoon, our holy Lent, we turn to God as our source of life. Self-denial is threefold, advises Matthew’s gospel. We pray: “Go to your room, close your door, and pray to your Father in private.” We fast: “No one must see you are fasting but your Father.” We give alms: “Keep your deeds of mercy secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” Through the Lenten exercise of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we spring-clean our lives, sharpen our senses, put tomorrow in its place and treasure the day at hand. Why are there forty days in Lent? It took forty days for sinfulness to drown in the flood before a new creation could inherit the earth. It took forty years for the generation of slaves to die before the freeborn could enter the Promised Land. For forty days Moses and Elijah and Jesus fasted and prayed to prepare themselves for a life’s work. At the beginning of Lent the bishop calls out the names of the catechumens who seek to be baptized at Easter. Their names are written in the book of the elect, the chosen. God has chosen them, and they have chosen to turn to God. Lent is the forty days before the baptism of the catechumens. The already baptized can share the excitement and the struggles of the elect and rediscover the meaning of baptism in their own lives. During the forty days, both catechumens and the faithful journey together to the holy font. We keep Lent together. We put aside our business-as-usual to support each other in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We turn to God to enlighten us and purify us throughout the lengthening brightness of our holy season of Lent. “For now is the acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation!” Copyright © 1997, Archdiocese of Chicago. Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1800-933-1800. Text by Peter Mazar. L’Arche Portland Nehalem Home Tour Thursday, February 19, 7:00pm-8:00pm Nehalem House Come and see how L’Arche Portland is changing the world one heart at a time when you join us for a tour of one of our homes. RSVP to Tamara Yates: tamara@larche-portland. org or 503-381-4281 Day of Dreaming Sat, Feb. 21 9:30 AM – 3 PM Join our community for a day of dreaming our future as L’Arche Portland: how we are called to increase our impact as a community, and how to best support our community members as they age. St. Andrew Catholic Church St. Andrew Announcements, Continued St. Vincent de Paul/St. Andrew Emergency Services Happy Valentine’s Day There are times when it seems that so much has been written about love that there is no more to be said about it. And worse, sometimes it seems that so much that has been written about love is pure drivel—unattained and unattainable…. Love is something learned only by the long, hard labor of life. It is sometimes over before we’ve even known we had it. We sometimes destroy it before we appreciate it. We often have it and simply take it for granted. But sometimes, if we’re lucky, we live long enough to grow into it in such a way that because of it we come to recognize the value of life. As the years go by, we come to love flowers and cats and small infants and old ladies and the one person in life who knows how hot we like our coffee. We learn enough about love to allow things to slip away and ourselves to melt into the God whose love made all of it possible. Sometimes we even find a love deep enough to detach us from the foam and frills of life, all of which hold us captive to things that cannot satisfy. Sometimes we live long enough to see the face of God in another. Then, in that case, we have loved. The poets and storytellers across time have told us about the dimensions of love that last. The poet Rumi wrote: From myself I am copper, through You, friend, I am gold. From myself I’m a stone, but through You I am a gem. –from The Monastic Way by Joan Chittister. Society of St. Vincent de Paul: All donations to the St. Andrew Conference of St. Vincent de Paul support those in need in our community. Please write checks to St. Vincent de Paul/St.Andrew so it goes to emergency services of our parish. University of Portland Events • An exhibit of 10 large prints featuring art from the lush Saint John’s Bible will be on display in Buckley Center Art Gallery from February 9 - March 6. • Even more on The Saint John’s Bible: following an opening reception in Buckley Center Art Gallery featuring original music inspired by the artwork, one of the project’s chief architects, Fr. Eric Hollas OSB will give a public lecture in the Bauccio Boardroom on “Humor and Whimsy in the Saint John’s Bible.” Reception is at 6:30; talk begins at 7:15 and will include a wine and cheese spread. • Friday, February 27, Mago Hunt Theater doors open at 6:30 for Charles Mee’s play “Full Circle.” All ticket holders are invited to enjoy a pre-show panel of three campus experts highlighting unusual aspects of the show, allowing patrons a richer experience of the play. A complimentary wine and cheese reception accompanies this growing tradition of the Garaventa Center. • Saturday, February 28 at 7:30PM brings our Women of the Bible Concert, in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher: world premieres of vocal music inspired by remarkable women from Old and New Testaments. Birthdays This Week Today: Graciela Barajas, Crystal Perez, Jackie Rossini, and Pam Wood Next week: Jahuaree Carter, Keyrin Cruz-Carrillo, Ingrid Garza, Glenford Hynson, Maura McQuillen, Siobhan McQuillen, Edwin Valle-Uc, Chris Durbin, Lydia Lalic, Cira Rodriguez, Esperanza Sanchez, Stephany Alvarado,Alejandro Bautista, Jesus Pulido, Tricia Quinn, Liam Rinehart, Jessica Starling, Emily Adler, and Marcia Bell. Anniversary This Week Robbie and Ken Bello, and Mary and Jerry LaBarre MINISTERIO HISPANO Bautizos: Preparación pre-bautismal es cada segundo sábado de mes a las 7pm. Y los bautizos son cada cuarto domingo del mes (excepto durante cuaresma). Llame a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 para registrarse. Primera Comunión Las clases inician en el mes de octubre, los miércoles de 6:30 a 7:45. Registraciones están cerradas. Quinceañeras: Se realizan cada tercer sábado del mes. Tienen que ser miembros de la parroquia y tener la primera comunión hecha. Llame a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 para registrarse y confirmar la fecha. Bodas: Comunicarse directamente con Padre David al 503-281-4429 ext 11. El 3 de diciembre iniciamos la novena a la virgen de Guadalupe. Asegúrese de llevar el calendario con fechas y direcciones. Alerta de acción referente a un comunicado del IRS por correo postal. El IRS le informo a la Arquidiócesis de Portland que con el proposito de asistir a individuales posiblemente afectados por fraude fiscal, está intentando expedir un numero PIN de Protección de Identidad (IP PIN) a cada individuo quien obtuvo una verificación de antecedentes penales a través del antiguo proveedor de verificación de antecedentes para la Arquidiócesis de Portland en Oregon y la Arquidiócesis de Seattle, sin importar cuando o para que parroquia, escuela u organización fue realizado. El numero IP PIN ha sido o será enviado por el IRS por correo postal (USPS Mail) a principios de este enero 2015. El numero IP-PIN debe ser incluido en su declaración de impuestos para el año 2014. El IRS no procesara aquellas declaraciones de impuesto que no incluyan este número IP PIN, con la intención de proteger a personas para que no se presente un declaración fraudulenta en su nombre para el año fiscal 2014. Por favor lea la información importante que ha sido publicada sobre este tema del numero IP-PIN en la página web de la Arquidiócesis: www.archdpdx.org. Haga clic en donde dice Action Alert en la primera página. Si tiene preguntas, por favor póngase en contacto con la Unidad Especializada en la Protección de la Identidad del IRS al siguiente número: 1-800-908-4490 o acuda a un Centro de Asistencia al Contribuyente. Por favor no contacte a la Arquidiócesis. La Arquidiócesis no tiene información sobre la emisión de los numero IP-Pin. Gracias por su cooperación con respecto a este asu
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