St. Andrew CATHOLIC CHURCH Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 806 NE Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 Tel: 503-281-4429 Fax: 503-281-4411 [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Dave Zegar St. Andrew is a faith community baptized into one body, which honors and celebrates diversity. We welcome and include persons of every color, language, ethnicity, origin, ability, sexual orientation, gender expression, marital status, and life situation. La Parroquia de San Andrés es una comunidad bautizada en un cuerpo, que honra y celebra la diversidad. Acogemos a las personas de todos colores, lenguas, razas, origenes, habilidades, orientación sexual, estado civil y estilos de vida. Parish Mission St. Andrew Parish recognizes that, as Jesus Christ was sent by God to “bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favor,” (Luke 4:18) so it is the mission of St. Andrew Parish to be a visible presence of Christ in our culturally and racially diverse neighborhood, rooted in the Gospel and nurtured by liturgy, prayer, and the community of faith. As such we commit ourselves to work with the poor, the powerless, and the oppressed for the liberation of all; to seek justice, compassion, and peace in our lives, community, and world; and to proclaim and celebrate God’s unconditional love for all. La Parroquia de San Andrés reconoce que, así como Jesús fue enviado por Dios “para traer la Buena Nueva a los pobres, para anunciar libertad a los cautivos, y a los ciegos nueva luz. Poner en libertad a los oprimidos y proclamar el año de gracia del Señor,” (San Lucas 4:18) También es la misión de la Parroquia de San Andrés, el ser presencia visible de Cristo en nuestra comunidad con diversidad de razas y culturas, enraizada en el Evangelio y alimentada por la liturgia, la oración, y la comunidad de fe. Como iglesia, nos comprometemos a trabajar con los pobres, los desamparados y oprimidos, por la liberación de todos; para buscar justicia, compasión, paz en nuestras vidas, en la comunidad y en el mundo entero, y para proclamar y celebrar el amor incondicional de Dios para todos. Feb. 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Andrew Announcements Parish Giving Update Youth Ministry News If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts. The Welcoming LGBTQ Ministry is having a potluck on Friday, Feb. 6 at 6:30 PM in the Community Center. All are Welcome. Bring a dish to share. Hey youth and families, do you want to welcome parishioners to mass once Donations Summary - Dec. 2014 a month? Or perhaps be Stewardship giving is on a rise. a server during mass? St. A is in desperate $32,600.05 was donated towards the need of greeters and liturgical ministers. Sunday offertory during the month Contact Heather if you’re interested. of December making the weekly average $9,856.18 - which is $650 more It’s not too late to join us for a retreat centhan the weekly average in December tered on eco-justice and climate change on February 15 and 16. Email Heather if you’re 2013. There were 181 individuals or interested. families who donated during December, which doesn’t include people Mark your calendars for a Mardi Gras party and Lenten kick-off on Fat Tuesday, Februwho gave loose change.. Of those 181 families, 45% are using automatic ary 17, roundabouts 7pm. giving. The pew fund received $5,250 Our March outing will be going to see GODSPELL at Central Catholic on the in donations which is 96% of the evening of Friday, March 13! goal. Donations received at Christmas Prayer Requests Masses totaled $7,827.17 This is For prayer requests via e-mail, please contact down $1,433 from last year. Louise Kasper at 503.280.2690, or e-mail Welcome Cinthia your request to [email protected] We are delighted to announce that Gospel Choir News Cinthia Ifarraguerri has joined the The St. Andrew Gospel Choir’s St. Andrew staff as the temporary next rehearsals will be Wednesreceptionist for the parish office. day Feb.11th and 18th at 7:00 pm in the church. The choir She brings many wonderful qualiwill sing at mass on 4th Sunday ties to this position: she’s friendly, Feb. 22nd. Anyone wishing to competent and bilingual. Her hours join the choir please come to are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursrehearsal. If coming for the first time please day from 9 am – 2 pm. She can be call ahead to 503-477-0424 as we sometimes reached at 503.281.4429 ex.10 or by have last cminute changes. email at ouroffice@standrewchurch. Together we fund our parish and live our mission! GOOD NEWS Capernaum, hometown of Simon and Andrew, became Jesus’ home base too. On the Sabbath, he went out to the synagogue to teach with authority over physical and spiritual evils. He dramatically cast out devils, curing Simon’s mother-in-law and healing many other sick people. Jesus went about the messianic work. That labor came to fruition as he cast out death itself in his passover to resurrection. Bolstered by prayer, Jesus single-mindedly set out to spread the good news. How do we join him? Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. Today’s Readings Deuteronomy 18: 15 - 20 1 Corinthians 7: 31 - 35; Mark 1: 21 - 28 All St. Andrew donors were recently sent a year-end letter summarizing their 2014 donations. Please contact Sarah Granger at sgranger2@ or 281-4429 ext. 22 with any questions or feedback. We especially would like to know if you find any discrepancies, as this feedback will help us improve our systems. Thank you. Vacation Bible Camp We need volunteers to help with the planning. There are roles for all! This has been such an incredibly special week for all the children of our parish. For more info contact April Sandoval at 503.281.4429 ext. 23 or [email protected]. Parent Support Network You can find the website at: http:// Bulletin Announcements In order to ensure timely printing and delivery for bulletins, materials for next Sunday’s bulletin must be received by 5 PM on Monday. Please ensure your items are proofread and edited before sending your announcements to Joy Wallace at joy.wallace@ St. Andrew E-mail If you wish to have something announced to the community, please send your message to Joy Wallace at joy.wallace@ as a Word document that is proof- St. Andrew Welcomes You To find out about the St. Andrew Parish Community, we invite you to fill out the Registration Form found on the Hospitality tables at both entrances to the church. Someone from the Hospitality/Welcoming Committee will call you soon. You can also find helpful information at our website, The Catholic Community of St. Andrew 806 NE Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 Ph. 503-281-4429 Fax 503-281-4411 Servicios Services Sunday Eucharist: 9:30 am (English), 12:30 pm (Spanish) Weekday Eucharist: 9:00 am (Tuesday-Friday) Reconciliation: 5:00 pm Saturday First Saturday of each month, the 5:30 pm bilingual Mayan Community Eucharist is in Spanish and Kanhoval Staff Pastor Fr. Dave Zegar, ext.11 [email protected] Director of Stewardship & Administration Sarah Granger ext. 22 [email protected] Office Receptionist Cinthia Ifarraguerri, ext. 10 [email protected] Bookkeeper Karina Felix, ext. 15 [email protected] Bulletin Editor Joy Wallace 503-284-2613 [email protected] Community Center Joy Ruplinger, ext. 16 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry Diana Ruiz, ext. 17 [email protected] Janitor Ricky Ford Liturgy/Music Michael Prendergast, ext. 12 [email protected] Religious Education April Sandoval, ext. 23 [email protected] Youth Ministry Heather Moline, ext. 37 [email protected] Ministries & Programs Art & Environment Tom La Voie 503.737.5570 [email protected] Community Forum John Villaume 503.282.1705 [email protected] E-mail Prayers Louise Kasper 503.280.2690 [email protected] Emergency Services Joe Condon, 971.244.0339 emergencyservices@standrewchurchcom Welcoming LGBTQ Valerie Silliman 503 953-6242 Ministry [email protected] Jerry Deas 503.319.1326 [email protected] Gospel Choir Edna Hicks 503.287.2360 Hospitality Elizabeth Weber 503.493.9271 Infant Baptism Carmi Lyon 503.231.9140 or [email protected] Rite of Christian Carol Kelley Initiation of Adults [email protected] Senior Ministry St. Andrew Legal Clinic 503.281.1500 St. Andrew Nativity School 503.335.9600 One Spirit-One Call [email protected] La Misa Domingo: 9:30 am (Ingles), 12:30 pm (Español) La Misa diaria: 9:00 am (Martes-Sábado) Confesiones: 5:00 pm los Sábados Primer Sábado del mes, misa bilingue Maya Kanhoval y Español a las 5:30 pm Los Ministerios Asistentes Pastoralesy Comité Hispano Diacono Diaconoy Ministerio Maya Grupo de Jovenes Lectores Preparación Bautizos Promotores de Salud Catequesis Diana Ruiz 503.281.4429, ext. 17 [email protected] Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075 [email protected] Ramón Jacob 503.288.5913 Romeo Jimenez 971.221.6298 [email protected] Alejandro Bautista [email protected] Esteban e Isabel Ruiz 503.735.4617 Diana Ruiz 503-281-4429. ext. 17 Cesar Geronimo [email protected] Martina Murray 503.281.2329 Isabel Camacho 503.737.5192 Council & Committee Chairs Administrative Council Auction Co-Chairs John Kelly 503.528.8221 [email protected] Patty Gardner 503.936.5542 [email protected] and Casey Boggs 310.403.3941 [email protected] Building & Maintenance Jerry Lindsay 503.757.6644 Community Center Lisa Hatten 503.880.0116 Management Council [email protected] Hispanic Committee Bertha Moseson 503.729.8075 [email protected] Liturgy Commission Michael Prendergast, ext.12 [email protected] MACG Core Team Bev Logan 503.922.9481 [email protected] Pastoral Council Christy Mason 503.961.2723 [email protected] Personnel Committee Joan Miller 503.703.3315 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Joe Condon 971.221.8636 [email protected] St. Andrew Weekly Calendar Feb. 1 - 7 Today: Coffee and socializing Monday Centering Prayer 6:30 PM Tuesday Auction committee 7:00 PM Thursday Dental Clinic 7:45 AM Bible Study 7:30 PM Friday LGBTQ Ministry potluck 6:30 PM Saturday Confessions 5:00 PM Mayan Mass 5:30 PM View our Parish Calendar at for all meetings and events St. Andrew Announcements, Continued St. Vincent de Paul/St. Andrew Emergency Services The glories of weakness MINISTERIO HISPANO Bautizos: Preparación pre-bautismal es cada segundo sábado de mes a las 7pm. Y los bautizos son cada cuarto domingo del mes (excepto durante cuaresma). Llame a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 para registrarse. Primera Comunión Las clases inician en el mes de octubre, los miércoles de 6:30 a 7:45. Registraciones están cerradas. Quinceañeras: Se realizan cada tercer sábado del mes. Tienen que ser miembros de la parroquia y tener la primera comunión hecha. Llame a Diana al 503-281-4429 ext 17 para registrarse y confirmar la fecha. Bodas: Comunicarse directamente con Padre David al 503-281-4429 ext 11. El 3 de diciembre iniciamos la novena a la virgen de Guadalupe. Asegúrese de llevar el calendario con fechas y direcciones. “In my weakness is my strength,” Paul writes (2 Cor. 12:10). I never understood that passage nor did I like it until, struck with polio as a young woman, I began little by little to realize that if I ever walked again, it would not be thanks to me, it would be thanks to everyone around me who formed the human chain that kept me human. When I could not move, they carried me. When I could not work, they found functions for me that justified my existence. When I could not find a reason for going on, they liked me enough to give me back a sense of human connectedness. When I could not cure myself, they cured me of the clay of my limits and turned them into life again. They taught me the glories of weakness. When I most wanted to be strong and like no other time in life found myself defined by my weaknesses, I began to understand the great questions of life. If I do not need other people, what is their own purpose in life, what is their claim on my own gifts when they need me as I have needed them? The moment I come to realize that it is precisely the gifts which I do not myself embody that make me claimant to the gifts of others—and they of mine—marks the moment of my spiritual beginning. Suddenly, creature-hood becomes gift and power and the beginning of unlimited personal growth. –from In Search of Belief by Joan Chittister, OSB Alerta de acción referente a un comunicado del IRS por correo postal. Society of St. Vincent de Paul: El IRS le informo a la Arquidiócesis de All donations to the St. Andrew Conference of St. Vincent de Paul support those in Portland que con el proposito de asistir need in our community. Please write checks to St. Vincent de Paul/St.Andrew so it a individuales posiblemente afectados goes to emergency services of our parish. por fraude fiscal, está intentando expedir Action Alert: IRS Mailing & Update! un numero PIN de Protección de Identidad (IP PIN) a cada individuo quien The IRS informed the Archdiocese of Portland that, in an effort to assist indiobtuvo una verificación de antecedentes viduals potentially affected by tax fraud, it is attempting to issue an Identity Protec- penales a través del antiguo proveedor tion PIN (IP PIN) number to every individual who had a criminal background de verificación de antecedentes para la check processed through the former background check vendor for the Archdiocese Arquidiócesis de Portland en Oregon y of Portland in Oregon and the Archdiocese of Seattle, regardless of when, or for la Arquidiócesis de Seattle, sin importar which parish, school or other organization. The IP PIN number has been or will cuando o para que parroquia, escuela u be sent by the IRS via US Mail by early January 2015. The IP-PIN must be included organización fue realizado. El numero IP PIN ha sido o será enviado por el IRS por on your 2014 tax return. The IRS will not process returns that do not include this IP PIN number in an effort to protect people from having a fraudulent return filed correo postal (USPS Mail) a principios de este enero 2015. El numero IP-PIN debe in their name for the 2014 tax year. ser incluido en su declaración de impuesIf you have questions, please contact the IRS Identity Protection Special Unit at 1-800-908-4490 or visit a Taxpayer Assistance Center. Please do not contact the tos para el año 2014. El IRS no procesara aquellas declaraciones de impuesto que Archdiocese. The Archdiocese has no information on the issuance of IP-PINs. no incluyan este número IP PIN, con la intención de proteger a personas para que Urgent Update re: IRS Mailing no se presente un declaración fraudulenta The Archdiocese has just learned that the IRS is delayed in issuing IP-PINs. Thus, en su nombre para el año fiscal 2014. you may not receive an IP-PIN during this tax season, even though you had a back- Por favor lea la información importante ground check performed in connection with service for the Archdiocese, a parish que ha sido publicada sobre este tema or school. The IRS will continue to issue IP-PINs on a rolling basis. If you have del numero IP-PIN en la página web received an IP-PIN, you must use it to file your taxes. If you have not received an de la Arquidiócesis: IP-PIN, IRS advises that the best way to protect yourself is to file your Haga clic en donde dice Action Alert en taxes early. IRS apologizes for the delays and the confusion it has caused. la primera página. Si tiene preguntas, por favor póngase en contacto con la UniBirthdays This Week dad Especializada en la Protección de la Today: Jonathan Anderson Identidad del IRS al siguiente número: Next week Marie Cacao, Dylan Chavez, Rigoberto Matics, Mexi 1-800-908-4490 o acuda a un Centro de Miranda, Diego Murphy, Charity Nwerem, Krista Arias, Chris Asistencia al Contribuyente. Por favor Collett, Angie Euan-Mis, Samuel Herrera-Rivera, Felipe Interiain, no contacte a la Arquidiócesis. La ArValerie Carter, Meg O’Brien, Alberto Velazquez, Alex Nava, Rachel quidiócesis no tiene información sobre la emisión de los numero IP-Pin. Henry, Paige Nakada, Darin Scheurer, and Robert Vaughn Gracias por su cooperación con respecto Anniversary Today! a este asu Julie and Bob Granger Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 6 ALBERTA SIMMONS PLAZA Gifts OF THE Seniors 62 years & older 2.972 x 3.291 O NE -B EDROOM APARTMENTS 503.240.4198 (503) 771-6442 6611 NE MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD PORTLAND, OR 97211 CatholicMatch Oregon Push Talk 6445 N. Greeley Ave Portland, OR 97217 503-285-6607 Nationally recognized Medical Home Online Services available ...we’ll take care Help is on the way! Freedom med Alert * No Contract * Free Equipment * Easy Installation * Waterproof Necklace * USA Made & Monitored * Maintain Your Independence & Peace-of-Mind Printing SPECIAL $19.95* PEr MonTH + frEE SHIPPIng Newsletters Postcards Booklets Mailers CALL ToLL frEE *fIrST 3 MonTHS onLy Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? 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Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Tom Ott 503-650-6347 Supplying the Catholic Community with Gifts for all Occasions Offering extended hours Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ©CPI Tues.-Fri. 10-5:30 Spirit Inc. Sat. 10-4:30 7001 SE 52nd • Portland AFFORDABLE RETIREMENT LIVING North Portland Clinic
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