Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT / 1º DOMINGO DE CUARESMA FEBRUARY 22, 2015 / 22 DE FEBRERO, 2015 A Eucharistic Community Living the Good News Daily 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC PAR ISH INFOR M ATION AND CALENDAR / CALEND ARIO PARROQUIAL FEBRUARY 22, 2015 – 29, 2015 Our parish calendar is online! Please visit www.olfchurch.net/ calendar.html for the most up-to-date information on events and activities in our parish. ¡Nuestro calendario de la parroquia esta en línea! Por favor visite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html para la información más actualizada sobre ventos y actividades en nuestra parroquia. 949-492-4101 CLERGY Fr. William Hubbard, Parochial Vicar whubbard @olfchurch.net / ext. 102 Deacon Chris Ciraulo [email protected] / ext. 118 STAFF Robin Margraf, M.A., M.S., Pastoral Associate [email protected] / ext. 113 Bridget Goodreau Jr High Youth Ministry [email protected] / ext. 105 Lourdes Rojas Office Manager [email protected] / ext. 101 Cate Girskis Confirmation - Youth [email protected] / ext. 117 Rosa Rama Faith Formation- Children & Adults [email protected] / ext. 104 Aida Lopez Maintenance, Spanish Music Coordinator ext. 101 Maria Juul Administrative Assistant, Faith Formation, Online Giving [email protected] / ext. 119 Joanne Williams, MA Ed, Principal [email protected] 949-492-7320 Cindy Clark, Administrative Assistant [email protected] 949-492-7320 MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 am, 5:30 pm 7, 9, 11 am, 1 pm(Sp), 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (SP) M-F 8:30 am, S 8:00 am Thursday 7-8pm, Saturday 4-5pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: M–F: Sat: 9-10am; noon-7pm 8:30am-noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS M-F Phone 2 9am-12pm; 1-6pm 949-492-4101 w e lco m e to It is no surprise that water literally runs through all the readings on this First Sunday of Lent — from the flood waters experienced by Noah in Genesis, to St. Peter comparing Baptism to this flood, to Jesus venturing into the desert for 40 days immediately after His Baptism, as reported by St. Mark. There are more than 700 references to water in Holy Scripture, but as we begin our Lenten journeys, our concentration needs to be on our own Baptism and our personal Baptismal call. Stewardship has been defined as our response to that Baptismal call through discipleship and service. Just as Jesus entered the desert for 40 days, we are doing the same during Lent. Defining our Baptismal call is part of what we should be striving to do at this time. Baptism calls us to a sense of mission. Another key word in today’s scripture is “covenant.” The reading from Genesis speaks to God’s covenant with us, His people. A covenant, nevertheless, is a two-way street. God has blessed us with the Holy Spirit and the Lord has promised us everlasting life if we fulfill His desires. It is time for us to discover how we are going to live out our covenant with God. READ MORE AT WWW.THECATHOLICSTEWARD.COM. PARISH SCHOOL Saturday: Sunday: Daily Mass: Reconciliation: @FATIMACHURCHSC STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 22 / REFLEXIÓN DE LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD PARA LA SEMANA DEL 22 DE FEBRERO PARISH OFFICE Fr. Jim Ries, Pastor [email protected] / ext. 111 OLF is on Twitter our lady of fatima parish No es ninguna sorpresa que el agua literalmente corre entre todas las lecturas en este Primer Domingo de Cuaresma-desde las abundantes aguas que experimentado por Noah en Génesis, a San Pedro comparando el Bautismo a esas abundantes aguas, a Jesus arriesgandose en el desierto por 40 dias inmediatamente despues de Su Bautizo, a lo que fue reportado por San Marcos. Hay más de 700 referencias hacia el agua en las Sagradas Escrituras, pero mientras empezamos nuestra Jornada de Cuaresma, nuestra concentración tiene que estar en nuestro propio Bautismo y nuestro llamado Bautismal personal. La corresponsabilidad ha sido definido como nuestra respuesta a ese llamado Bautismal a través del discipulado y el servicio. Así como Jesús entró al desierto por 40 días, estaremos haciendo lo mismo durante la Cuaresma. Definir nuestro llamado Bautismal es parte de lo que tenemos que tratar de hacer en este tiempo. El Bautismo nos llama a sentir nuestra misión. Otra palabra clave en las lectoras de hoy es “pacto.” Las lecturas de Génesis nos habla del pacto de Dios con nosotros, Su gente. Un pacto no es ni más ni menos que una calle de dos vías. Dios nos a bendecido con las Sagradas Escrituras y el Señor nos a prometido vida eterna si cumplinos su deceos. Es tiempo de descubrir cómo vamos a vivir nuestro pacto con Dios. PUEDE LEER MAS EN WWW.THECATHOLICSTEWARD.COM FEBRUARY 22, 2015 / 22 DE FEBRERO, 2015 f r o m o u r pa sto r , fr. James C. Ries Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima,/ Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, In Matthew, Mark and Luke we are given variations of the temptation in the desert. In Matthew and Luke we see the story flushed out more, but in Mark it’s simple and to the point. Sometimes we need to be challenged in this way. Jesus was driven into the desert; he resisted temptation and came back preaching the Gospel. MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES What if we tried to live like this? If we just did it? I remember when Luke Skywalker was all depressed because he couldn’t raise his X-wing fighter out of the swamp. He reluctantly says, “Alright, I’ll give it a try.” To which Yoda replies, “No, try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.” MONDAY 2/23 I either resist or I don’t. Trying to resist is the same as not resisting. We have all begun a journey into our deserts, where we will be tempted. We can try to resist temptation or we resist temptation, like Jesus, so we can go forth boldly preaching the Gospel. THURSDAY 2/26 Thursday Night Confessions: 7:00 PM February 26, March 5, and March 26 (in the church) SATURDAY 2/28 God bless you all! Fr. Jim En Mateo, Marcos y Lucas se nos da variaciones de la tentación en el desierto. En Mateo y Lucas vemos la historia más pasajera, pero en Marcos es simple y al punto. A veces tenemos que ser retados es esta forma. Jesúss fue llevado hacia el desierto; resistio la tentacion y regreso predicando el Evangelio. ¿Que si intentamos vivir asi? Si solamente lo hicieramos? Recuerdo cuando Luke Skywalker estaba deprimido porque no podía levantar su nave fuera de un pantano. Dijo desconfiadamente, “Esta bien, lo intentare.” A lo que Yoda contesta, “No, no intentes...haslo o no. No hay un intentaremos. Resisto o no. Tratar de resistir es lo mismo a no resistir. Hemos empezado nuestra jornada en nuestros desiertos, donde seremos tentados. Podemos intentar de resistir la tentación o resistir la tentación , como Jesus, para que vayamos valientemente a predicar el Evangelio. SUNDAY 2/22 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5pm 7pm 8:30am TUESDAY 2/24 8:30am WEDNESDAY 2/25 8:30am 8:30am FRIDAY 2/27 8:30am 8am 5:30pm SUNDAY 1/1 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5pm 7pm Misa Pro Popolo Larry & Shirley Dowell Lyoba Craine + Kruz Rivera + Walter Kummetz + Maria Cubillo Edward J. Hoynes + Art Janes + Ethel Janes + Santiago Rivera + Ken Wehage + Lyoba Craine + James A. Samartano Art Janes + Lawson Janes + Dorothea B. Klein + Misa Pro Popolo Lyoba Craine + Francisco Sanchez Al Strong + Perez Torres Family READINGS/LECTURAS DAILY READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.USCCB.ORG/BIBLE/INDEX.CFM SUNDAY 2/22 Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 MONDAY 2/23 Jueves Noches de Confesiones: 7:00 PM el 26 de febrero, 5 y 26 de marzo (en la Iglesia) Dios los Bendiga a todos! Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Padre Jim Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 TUESDAY 2/24 WEDNESDAY 2/25 Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 THURSDAY 2/26 Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 FRIDAY 2/27 Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 SATURDAY 2/28 Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 SUNDAY 3/1 Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT / 1º DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 3 FOR FURTHER REFLECTION/PARA MÁS REFLEXIÓN Each week, we will publish a few questions intended to help you explore a particular theme in the Sunday’s readings. Use them for your personal reflection throughout the week or as a topic of conversation at your dinner table, ministry meeting or your next social gathering. Carrying the Sunday readings into our week is a way to help us grow in our faith as individuals and as a parish. ENTER BOLDLY INTO THE DESERT ENTRAR VALIENTEMENTE AL DESIERTO 1. How do you understand your Baptismal covenant? ¿Qué estás renunciando para la Cuaresma? ¿Es el chocolate o tiempo en la computadora? Tal vez has prometido ser más paciente con tu familia o compañeros de trabajo. ¿Has pensado en cómo vans a responder a las inevitables tentaciones que vendrán a lo largo? Al comenzar los cuarenta días de la Cuaresma, el Evangelio nos recuerda que Jesús mismo no se salvó de las tentaciones. El pacto de Dios lo sostuvo del mismo modo que nos sostendrá para que podamos perseverar en nuestro propio desierto personal. 2. How have you experienced God’s renewal? 1. ¿Cómo entiendes tu pacto bautismal? 3. What is one lesson you have learned by persevering through temptations? 2. ¿Cómo has experimentado la renovación de Dios? What are you giving up for Lent? Is it chocolate or computer time? Perhaps you’ve promised to be more patient with your family or coworkers. Have you thought about how you will respond to the inevitable temptations that will come along? As we begin the forty days of Lent, the Gospel reminds us that Jesus himself was not spared of temptations. God’s covenant sustained Him just as it will sustain us so that we may persevere in our own personal desert. 3. ¿Cuál es una de las lecciones que has aprendido perseverando a través de las tentaciones? THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY/ GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD An Invitation from our Pastor / Lenten Speaker Series 2015 February 15th On behalf of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, I would like to invite you to our English Lenten Speaker Series entitled The Family’s Role in the Modern Era: Technology, Social Media, Structure, Relationships OFFERTORY $17,085 PASTORAL SERVICES APPEAL (PSA) Total Pledged $122,545.15 Recieved to Date $63,887.15 God has given us all we have, let us rejoice and be glad. Please use envelopes or consider giving online at www.olfchurch.net for your offertory gifts. Call the Parish Office to request envelopes or to learn more about online giving. NOTE: to make an online gift to this year’s Pastoral Services Appeal, go to www.orangecatholicfoundation.org Select PSA from the menu bar. Dios nos ha dado todo lo que tenemos, gocémonos y alegrémonos. Utilice sobres o considere la posibilidad de donar en línea en www. olfchurch.net para sus regalos de ofertorio. Llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar sobres o para aprender más sobre las donaciones en línea. NOTA: para hacer una donación en línea a la Campaña para los Servicios Pastorales de este año, visite la página www.orangecatholicfoundation.org Seleccione PSA en la barra del menú.Parish News, Events & Opportunities Lent Information/Información De La Cuaresma Visit the parish website at www.olfchurch.net/Mass_Schedule.html to learn more about the Lenten practices of fasting and abstinence. Stations of the Cross / Estaciones de la Cruz Every Friday at 7pm beginning February 20 / Todos los viernes a las 7pm comenzando 20 de febrero Visit the parish website at www.olfchurch.net/Mass_Schedule.html to learn more about the Lenten practices of fasting and abstinence. 4 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish In conjunction with the Pope’s emphasis on family during the year 2015, this series is planned to address the stresses and strains that men, women, and their families face as they navigate through the maze called the modern era. Unique to this series is that there will be two sessions for the family (mixed audiences) and separate sessions for women and men. The sessions are as follows: SESSION 1: MARCH 5, THURSDAY – 7PM Topic: Presenter: Audience: Challenges Facing the Catholic Family Deacon Chris Ciraulo Families SESSION 2: MARCH 16, MONDAY – 7PM Topic: Presenter: Audience: New Technologies, Social Media, and Women’s Spirituality in the Home and at Work Kathy Schinhofen, D.Min Women Only SESSION 3: MARCH 19, THURSDAY – 7PM Topic: Presenter: Audience: The Call of God the Father: Your Relationship with God, Your Wife, and Your Children Mr. Steve Wood Men Only (18 years of age or older) SESSION 4 MARCH 21, SATURDAY – 7PM (AFTER THE 5:30PM MASS) Topic: The Power of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Presenter: Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, M.Div. Audience Families The talks will be held in McGowan Hall, starting at 7pm and ending at 9pm. Childcare will be provided. I hope you can join us in what will prove to be a series of interesting, educational and informative evenings. FEBRUARY 22, 2015 / 22 DE FEBRERO, 2015 Friday Fish Dinner EVERY FRIDAY THROUGH MARCH 27, 4:30 – 8PM / MCGOWAN HALL This is a great way to enjoy a good meal, good comradery and support our wonderful church community. The dinners offer baked salmon, beer battered cod, baked potatoes, cole slaw, pizza, homemade mac & cheese, desserts, coffee and beverages. $13 per adult, $7 per child (612), children 5 and younger eat free, with a family maximum of $40. Take out is available. Invite your family and friends to enjoy this delicious tradition and support OLF parish. Esta es una gran manera de disfrutar de una buena comida, buena compañía y apoyar a nuestra maravillosa comunidad de la iglesia. Las cenas ofrecen salmón al horno, pescado empanizado, papas al horno, ensalada de col, pizza, macaron con queso, postres, café y bebidas. $13 por adulto, $7 por niños (6-12), los niños de 5 años y menores comen gratis, $40 máximo por una familia completa. Ordenar para llevar esta disponible. Invite a su familia y amigos. PSA2015/Campaña para los Servicios Pastorales 2015 PROUD TO BE CATHOLIC ~ LIVING OUR FAITH” Thank you for your generosity! We have passed our goal of $103,000 for the diocese. All pledges that are returned now come back to the parish 100%. We still have a chance to surpass our personal goal and receive a bonus from the diocese. This opportunity expires on March 1. Please bring in your pledge envelopes before Sunday, March 1 to be counted. We want everyone to participate in some way. No amount is too small or too large. Thank you again!!! ORGULLOSO DE SER CATÓLICO ~ VIVIENDO NUESTRA FE Gracias por su generosidad! Hemos pasado nuestra meta de $103,000 para la diócesis. Todas las promesas que se den ahora, regresan a la parroquia del 100%. Todavía tenemos la oportunidad de superar nuestra meta personal y recibir un bono de la diócesis. Esta oportunidad expira el 1ro de marzo, por favor traiga sus sobres de compromiso antes del domingo, 1ro de marzo para que sea agregado. Queremos que todos participen de alguna manera. Ninguna cantidad es demasiado pequeña o demasiado grande. Gracias otra vez !!! Our Lady of Fatima Parish & School Annual Auction Gala FEBRUARY 28, 6PM BELLA COLLINA TOWNE & GOLF CLUB, SAN CLEMENTE SILENT & LIVE AUCTIONS | DINNER | DANCING Please join us to celebrate 50 golden years! $75 per person – pay with credit card online at www.olfschool.net under the Annual Auction tab or call (949) 492-7320. CRS Rice Bowl / Plato de Arroz de CRS This week’s CRS Rice Bowl Story of Hope takes us to Tanzania, where we are reminded of the important role a community can play in supporting an individual’s work. This takes trust and commitment—two themes apparent in today’s readings. Am I committed to myself, my God and my neighbor? How do I show this trust and commitment, and where is there room for growth? Visit http://www.crsricebowl. org/stories-of-hope to see the video. La Historia de esperanza del Plato de Arroz de CRS de esta semana nos lleva a Tanzania, donde se nos recuerda del importante papel que una comunidad puede desempeñar para apoyar el trabajo de un individuo. Esto requiere confianza y compromiso—dos temas evidentes en las lecturas de hoy. ¿Estoy comprometido conmigo mismo, con mi Dios y mi prójimo? ¿Cómo puedo mostrar esta confianza y compromiso, y dónde hay espacio para el crecimiento? Visit http://www. crsricebowl.org/stories-of-hope para ver el video 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT / 1º DOMINGO DE CUARESMA OLF Blood Drive for Mission Hospital/ Donación de Sangre para el Hospital Mission MARCH 15, 8:30AM - 2:45PM / MCGOWAN HALL - A All the blood collected will be designated for Mission Hospital. To make an appointment, please go to www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: FATIMA. Identification is required. Walk-ins welcome! Volunteers are needed for set up, reception area, and refreshments. Please contact Daisy Nueva at 492-5427 for more information. 15 DE MARZO DE 8:30 AM A 2:45PM / SALON MCGOWAN - A Toda la sangre recolectada será designada para el Hospital Mission. Para hacer una cita, por favor visite la pagina web www.redcrossblood.org e introducir el código patrocinador: FATIMA. Se requiere identificación. Si no tienen cita también son bienvenidos! Se necesitan voluntarios para preparar, área de recepción, y refrescos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Daisy Nueva al 492-5427 para más información. Make a Difference in our Children’s Lives Catechists and assistants are needed for our Liturgy of the Word children’s program. What’s LWC? It is an opportunity for our kids in 1st through 5th grade to encounter God’s Word in a way meant just for them. It takes place during our 9am Sunday Mass, but only with the support of the parish community. If you have special place in your heart for kids and God’s Word, you are invited to explore this. If you are interested please contact Rosa Rama at 492-4101 x104 or rrama@ olfchurch.net. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) / Asistencia Voluntaria de Impuestos (VITA) FEBRUARY 25; MARCH 11, 25; APRIL 5; 3PM - 9PM / MCGOWAN HALL - E If your household income was less than $58,000 in 2014, you may be eligible to file your taxes for FREE and access valuable tax credits. Our parish is partnering with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to provide free electronic preparation and filing services for 2014 Federal and State Income Tax Returns. Please call 1-888-4348248 to schedule your free tax preparation appointment. 25 DE FEBRERO; 11, 25 DE MARZO; 05 DE ABRIL; D5PM A 8PM / SALÓN PARROQUIAL MCGOWAN - E Si su ingreso familiar fue menos de $58,000 en el 2014, usted puede ser elegible para declarar sus impuestos gratuitamente y tener acceso a valiosas devoluciones de impuestos. Nuestra parroquia se ha asociado con el programa de Asistencia Voluntaria de Impuestos (VITA) para proporcionar preparación electrónica y servicios de declaraciones para el 2014 en devoluciones de impuestos Federales y Estatales. VITA proporcionará este servicio. Para hacer su cita gratis de preparacion de impuestos, llame al 1.888.434.8248. OLF PARISH SCHOOL NEWS Welcome to our OLF School Family! Zac Eggert and Zac Cingolani: Kindergarten Lukas Buturovick: 1st grade Ella Eggert and Taylor Cingolani: 4th Grade Enrollment Info OLF School offers transitional kindergarten through the 8th grade level. If you are considering enrolling your child or children please contact Kris Windes at [email protected] or 492-7320 to learn more about our implementation of 21st century learning opportunities. The school is accepting new students. 5 Calling all Alumni: OLF Parish School Celebrates 50 years in 2015! WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/ OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS If you are, or happen to know, an alum of OLF Parish School we would love to hear from you as we plan our BIG celebration. Please contact Kris Windes at [email protected] or 492-7320. Please call 714-557-4538 or email [email protected] for more details and to RSVP. Lilli Selik Geoff Maddocks Calra Graham Leonard Amato Jack Coppes Maria Guarra Fine Chang Holden Zimmerle Miguel Cubillo Wally Schauer Rosemary Kern Terry Varriano Theresa Molina Christy Gildner Ecumenical Prayer Service in Solidarity with Persecuted Christians AND OUR BELOVED DEAD/ Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOS FALLECIDOS MARCH 3, 7:30 – 8:30PM / THE ARBORETUM AT CHRIST CATHEDRAL CAMPUS Marilyn Small Delia Cruz Rose Chang John O’Donnel Maricela Sanchez Iker Liborio Jaiden Liborio Tina Goodale George Akroush Jose Nijme James Shaw Celia Morales Alberto Navarro Dennis O’Keefe AROUND THE DIOCESE Lenten Retreat for Adults FEBRUARY 24, 5:30PM–9PM OR FEBRUARY 25, 9:30AMNOON / HEART OF JESUS RETREAT CENTER, SANTA ANA This year’s annual Diocese of Orange Ecumenical Prayer Service for Christian Unity is focused on bringing attention to the plight of Christians being persecuted for their faith throughout the world, and to show our support and solidarity with them in prayer. All are invited to join the Most Reverend Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, and His Grace, Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of the Assyrian Church of the East, as well as other Christian leaders and members of the Body of Christ, in an ecumenical evening prayer service in solidarity with persecuted Christians. There will be a reception following the service in the Cathedral Cultural Center. Dalia Ornellas Saundra Mulato Jose Sanchez Mary Dull Taylor Pearcy Dorothy Gibney Rose Marie Ledonne Joan B. Busacay Dalia Ornellas Guadalupe Flores Josine Kummetz Socorro Leon Delia Avila Corrine Hardman Roberta Fleming Shirley Taylor Louis Zanotti Alanna Reade Ken Wehage Roy Hurlbut Ron Lathrope Beatrice Lux Lyoba Craine Alberto Navarro Jorge Contreras and all victims of war and violence. Priesthood Discernment Evening MARCH 4, 6PM / DIOCESE OF ORANGE PASTORAL CENTER AT CHRIST CATHEDRAL The Vocations Office cordially invites men interested in diocesan priesthood to this opportunity to become familiar with the life, prayer, and possible call to priesthood in the Diocese of Orange. There is no commitment on your part, other than the expression of interest to participate. Please contact the Director of Vocations, Rev. John Moneypenny at (714) 282-3036 or fr.jmoneypenny@rcbo. org if you have any questions. Magnificat Prayer Breakfast MARCH 14, 9:30AM - 12:30PM / EMBASSY SUITES ANAHEIM – SOUTH, 11767 HARBOR BLVD., GARDEN GROVE Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA, from Poland will be the speaker. Fr. Prusakiewicz served as the chaplain to the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw where St. Faustina began her religious life. He is considered an expert on Divine Mercy and the Holy Angels. Register by mail by March 7 for $28 per person - mail to Magnificat Ministry, P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863. Registration at the door is $33 per person. The event includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s program. Please visit www.magnificat-ministry.net for registration information or contact Dely Pili at 714 -670-7332 or [email protected]. 8 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish FEBRUARY 22, 2015 / 22 DE FEBRERO, 2015
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