This Sunday’s Reflection - Father Stephen. The wedding banquet in today’s Gospel is that of Jesus, for he is the king’s son, the bridegroom who is in love with the human race and who invites everyone to the banquet prepared by his Father. Jesus refers to himself as a bridegroom quite early in Matthew’s Gospel and returns to this same image in his parable of the bridesmaids, half of whom were well prepared, with oil in their lamps ready to burn at the appropriate time, but the other half did nothing, only to find that they were too late to attend the wedding. The image of the wedding banquet is a daring one, highlighting the intimacy of love into which Jesus calls us. This Mass we are now celebrating is the banquet. This is, as we now say before communion “the Banquet of the Lamb”, where we disciples of Jesus come together to hear Jesus speak words of love to us in the Liturgy of the Word, and give himself for us, and to us, in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “The faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin”(n.2181). The Catechism goes on to say (n.1380), quoting Pope JohnPaul II: “The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offences and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease”. As incredible as it may seem, some people turn down the invitation to attend the banquet. They either ignore it completely or become so involved in their own concerns they have no time for it. This is the case not only in the parable but also in our world today. An invitation to the banquet that we celebrate at each Sunday Mass does not seem to be as attractive as a sports event, the latest movie, or some social affair or just getting a couple extra hours of sleep. And so we send our regrets: I cannot come. What a shame! We seem to have forgotten that everything is tending toward the end; life itself is moving toward the time of the eternal banquet. All of our plans, all of our interests, all of our distractions will cease. Only the eternal banquet will remain. Will we have turned down the invitation to attend? Even when we decide to attend our Sunday celebration, it must be done with full and active participation. We need to pray aloud together, we need to lift our voices aloud together in song, and we need to participate in this festal celebration of the liturgy fully with body, mind and heart. Reflexion de este Domingo - Padre Stephen. El banquete de bodas en el Evangelio de hoy es el de Jesús, porque él es el hijo del rey, el novio, que está enamorado de los humanos y que invita a todos al banquete preparado por su Padre. Jesús se refiere a sí mismo como un novio en el Evangelio de San Mateo y vuelve a hacerlo en su parábola de las diez virgenes, la mitad de los cuales estaban bien preparadas, con aceite en sus lámparas, listas para ser encendidas en el momento apropiado, pero la otra mitad no se prepararon, sólo al momento de entrar vieron que ya era demasiado tarde para asistir a la boda. La imagen del banquete de la boda es muy atrevido, destacando la intimidad del amor al que Jesús nos llama. Esta Misa que celebramos ahora es el banquete. Esto es, como decimos antes de la comunión "el Banquete del Cordero", donde nosotros, discípulos de Jesús, venimos para escuchar a Jesús deciendonos palabras de amor en la Liturgia de la Palabra, y venimos a recibir a Jesús quien se da a sí mismo por nosotros, y para nosotros, en la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica afirma: "Los fieles están obligados a participar en la Eucaristía los días de precepto, a no ser que esten excusados por una razón seria... Los que deliberadamente faltan en esta obligación cometen un pecado grave "(n.2181). El Catecismo continúa diciendo (n.1380), citando al Papa Juan Pablo Segundo: "La Iglesia y el mundo tienen una gran necesidad del culto eucarístico. Jesús nos espera en este sacramento del amor. No escatimemos tiempo para ir a encontrarlo en la adoración, en la contemplación llena de fe y abierta a reparar las faltas graves y delitos del mundo. No cese nunca nuestra adoración". Por increíble que parezca, algunas personas rechazan la invitación para asistir al banquete. O bien lo ignoran por completo o se involucran tanto en sus propias preocupaciones que no tienen tiempo para ello. Este es el caso no sólo en la parábola, sino también en nuestro mundo de hoy. Una invitación al banquete, que celebramos en cada misa dominical no parece ser tan atractivo, como un evento deportivo, la película de estreno, algún asunto social o simplemente tener un par de horas más de sueño. Y ofrecemos nuestras disculpas diciendo: lo siento no puedo ir. Qué lástima! Parece que hemos olvidado que todo tiende hacia el final; la vida misma se está moviendo hacia el tiempo del banquete eterno. Todos nuestros planes, todos nuestros intereses, todas nuestras distracciones cesarán. Sólo el banquete eterno permanecerá. ¿Hemos rechazado la invitación para asistir? Incluso cuando decidimos asistir a nuestra celebración dominical, debemos de hacerlo con una participación plena y activa. Tenemos que orar en voz alta, tenemos que unir nuestras voces a las canciones, y tenemos que participar en esta fiesta de la celebración liturgia totalmente con el cuerpo, la mente y el corazón. October 12, 2014 / Octubre 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time / XXVIII Domingo Ordinario 11 Vigil Mass/Vigilia: Saturday/Sábado 5:00 p.m. English † Georgette Beaulieu (St. John's Choir) 11 Vigil Mass/Vigilia: Saturday/Sábado 7:00 p.m. Spanish † Ana Murcia Bendiciones por la Familia Molina Lugo (Myrian Jaramillo) 12 Sunday/Domingo 9:30 a.m. English Mass offered for the Parish Community 12 Sunday/Domingo: 11:30 a.m. Spanish Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial 13 Monday/Lunes: 14 Tuesday/Martes: 15 Wednesday/Miércoles: 16 Thursday/Jueves: NO MASS 6:00 p.m. Spanish 10:45 a.m. English 8:00 a.m. English School Thanksgiving Mass For the Intentions of Denis Beaulieu & Family (Len & Marie Solomon) 17 Friday/Viernes: 7:00 p.m. Spanish † Rosario Ugalde (Alicia Karagity) 18 Vigil Mass/Vigilia: Saturday/Sábado 18 Vigil Mass/Vigilia: Saturday/Sábado 5:00 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Spanish † Dan & Jeanne Amatruda (Marcella Yutronkie & Family) Acción de Gracias por el Don de la Vida de Rodrigo Espinal Madrigal y Magdalena Vélez (Emma Espinal) † María Dolores Garcia Castro (Angel Contreras) Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Horario de Oficina: Martes a Viernes de 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every Saturday in English from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Any other time by appointment. Sacramento de la Reconciliación: Todos los Sábados en Inglés de 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. En cualquier otro momento con cita. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated on the third Sunday of the month. Please make an appointment with Father Stephen to register your child for Baptism. Sacramento del Bautismo: La celebración de los bautismos son los terceros Domingos del mes. Por favor, haga una cita con el Padre Stephen para registrar a su hijo(a) para el Bautismo. Sacrament of Marriage: Please make an appointment with Father Stephen one year before your planned wedding day. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Por favor, haga una cita con el Padre Stephen, un año antes de la fecha de la boda. Happy Thanksgiving! Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! First Communion and Confirmation: Students attending our parish school of St. John’s are prepared for First Communion in grade two and for Confirmation in grade seven. Parents of students attending public schools are asked to contact Father Stephen in September of the school year in which your child is to make their First Communion or be confirmed. Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Los niños que asisten a nuestra escuela parroquial de St. John’s seran preparados por esta escuela para La Primera Comunión, en segundo grado y para la Confirmación en el séptimo grado. Los padres de los niños que asisten a las escuelas públicas se les pide ponerse en contacto con el Padre Stephen, en septiembre del año escolar en el que su hijo(a) va a hacer La Primera Comunión o la Confirmación. Visits and Prayers for the Sick: Those who are sick and would like prayers offered at the weekend Masses please notify the office by Friday morning. Those who are sick at home or in the hospital and would like a visit or to receive Communion from Father Stephen please notify the office. Visitas y Oraciones por los enfermos: Los que están enfermos y les gustaría que sus oraciones sean ofrecidas en las misas de fin de semana, por favor comuniquese con la oficina el dia viernes en la mañana. Los que están enfermos en casa o en el hospital y le gustaría una visita o recibir la Comunión del Padre Stephen por favor comunicars con la oficina. When Someone Dies: It is very desirable that a Funeral Mass for those who have died be held in the church, with their body present. Exceptions can be made. Please call the parish office for assistance in planning a funeral. Cuando alguien muere: Es muy importante que una Misa de Funeral sea celebrada en la iglesia, con el cuerpo presente. Se pueden hacer excepciones. Por favor, llame a la oficina de la parroquia para la asistencia en la planificación de un funeral. SJP & OLGP weekly expenses/ gastos semanale: ANNOUNCEMENTS: AVISOS: $3900 Special presentation: "The Five Love Languages of Children and Teenagers" Calling all parents and caregivers to join us for an informative evening at St. Anthony Daniel Parish on Monday, October 20th at 7:00 p.m. for a workshop to help you speak your child’s love language! Based on the book(s) written by Dr. Gary Chapman, this workshop will help parents understand the various ways their children and teens show their love. It will help parents to understand how they can speak their child’s love language and touch their hearts. Don’t miss the cues of love your child is sending and needing! Our presenter will be Teresa Hartnett, Director of Family Ministry for the Hamilton Diocese. Teen Timeline: Matthew - Our teens had an incredible response to T3: Teen Timeline last fall. Wait until you see how their faith is deepened and their perspective transformed by our teen Scripture study on the Gospel of Matthew. Created and hosted by popular author and youth speaker Mark Hart, Thy Kingdom Come picks up where T3 left off. Your teens will take an in-depth journey into the heart of God, into the drama of Christ’s family tree, His birth, His duel in the desert with Satan, and much more. Your teens will feel as if they are walking along with the apostles as they learn firsthand about the inception of the Catholic Church, the papacy, and the sacraments. Join us for Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come at St. Anthony Daniel Church on Saturday mornings October 18th, 25th, November 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Marian Room. Please remember to offer 1 hour of your income each week to support our parish. Last week’s collection/ donación de samana pasada: $3435 Needs of the Canadian Church Collection $30 Ministers of the Word: On Friday October 17 is the regristration deadline for Ministers of the Word formation day. Please call the office to register. Ministros de Lectura: El proximo Viernes Octubre 17 es la fecha limite para incribirse al programa de formacion para ser Ministros de Lectura. Por favor llamar a la oficina para inscribirse. Catholic Women's League Quilt Raffle Tickets: CWL Councillors, please collect and return your tickets (sold or unsold) by November 7th. If you wish you may put the ticket stubs and money in the collection and put CWL and your name on the envelope. Thursday Mass: Starting on Thursday October 16th, the English Mass will be at 8:00 a.m. On Friday, October 17, Dr. Tanya Titchkosky and Dr. Rod Michalko will present a lecture entitled, “Encountering Disability: More than a Problem.” Dr. Titchkosky is a professor in social justice at OISE, and Dr. Michalko is a retired professor of sociology. In this lecture, they will examine society’s idea that disability is a problem and challenge us to consider that encounters with disability can help us to think about what it means to be human. Location: C. L. Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome’s University. Time: 7:30p.m. | Doors open at 6:45p.m. Parking: Free parking is available at Renison University College and St. Paul’s University College. Free Admission | Wheelchair Accessible | Refreshments | No Registration Required. Happy Thanksgiving! World Mission Month: Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Every parish across the world will celebrate World Mission Sunday next week. It is a global sign of the Universal Church and Mission. Your prayers and donations will help support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is beginning, where it is new. Please be as generous as possible to the collection for the Propagation of the Faith, for more than 1,120 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands and some of our Canadian dioceses depend on the World Mission collection. Our School will be celebrating a Thanksgiving Mass in the church on Wednesday, October 15 at 10:45 a.m., everyone is welcome. There will be no English Mass on Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. Holy Rosary: October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, we encourage you to pray the Rosary with your family throughout this month as often as you can. Santo Rosario: Octubre es el mes dedicado al Santo Rosario, los animamos a rezar el Rosario en familia durante este mes tan a menudo como sea posible. Oración de Acción de Gracias: Thanksgiving Prayer: Oh Dios, cuando yo tenga comida, ayúdame a recordar al hambriento; Cuando yo tenga trabajo, ayúdame a recordar al desempleado; Cuando yo tenga un hogar, ayúdame a recordar los que no tienen un hogar; Cuando yo este sin dolor, ayúdame a recordar a los que sufren; y, pedirte para que me ayude a dejar mi satisfaccion, Suscitando en mi compasión y preocupación por los demás para ayudar, con palabra y obra, a aquellos que claman por lo que hemos recibo. O God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, help me to remember the jobless; When I have a home, help me to remember those who have no home at all; When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer; And, in remembering, help me to destroy my complacency, bestir in me compassion and concern for others to help, in word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. Amén. Amen. Por favor, recuerde que la ofrenda de 1 hora de su ingreso cada semana apoya nuestra parroquia. Mes de la Misión Mundial: El próximo domingo es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Cada parroquia en todo el mundo celebrará la Jornada Mundial de las Misiones. Es un signo de la Iglesia universal y de la misión. Sus oraciones y donaciones ayudarán a apoyar a iglesias, hospitales, escuelas y las vocaciones en los países donde la Iglesia está comenzando. Por favor sea lo más generoso posible en su donación para la Propagación de la Fe, más de 1.120 diócesis en Asia, África, América Latina, las islas del Pacífico y algunas de nuestras diócesis canadienses dependen de la Colecta Mundial de las Misiones. Readings for next Week: Lecturas Biblicas para la Proxima Semana Monday: Galatians 4.22-24,26-27,31-5.1; Ps. 113.1-2, 3-4,5a+6-7; Luke 11.29-32. Lunes: Galatas 4.22-24,26-27,31-5.1; Sal. 113.1-2,3-4, 5a+6-7; Lucas 11.29-32. Tuesday: Galatians 5.1-6; Ps. 119.4+43,44-45,47-48; Luke 11.37-41. Martes: Galatas 5.1-6; Sal. 119.4+43,44-45,47-48; Lucas 11.37-41. Wednesday: Galatians 5.18-25; Ps. 1.1-2,3,4+6; Luke 11.42-46. 5.18-25; Sal. 1.1-2,3,4+6; Miercoles: Galatas Lucas 11.42-46. Thursday: Ephesians 1.1-10; Ps. 98.1,2-3a,3b-4,5-6; Luke 11.47-54. Jueves: Efesios 1.1-10; Sal. 98.1,2-3a,3b-4,5-6; Lucas 11.47-54. Friday: Ephesians 1.11-14; Ps. 33.1-2,4-5,12-13; Luke 12.1-7. Viernes: Efesios: 1.11-14; Sal. 33.1-2,4-5,12-13; Lucas 12.1-7. 2 Timothy 4.9-17a; Ps. 145.10-11,12-13ab, 17-18; Luke 10.1-9. Sábado: II timoteo 4.9-17a; Sal. 145.10-11,12-13ab, 17-18; Lucas 10.1-9. Saturday: Sunday: Isaiah 45.1,4-6; Ps. 96.1+3,4-5,7-8,9+10ac; 1 Thessalonians 1.1-5ab; Matthew 22.15-21. 45.1,4-6; Sal. 96.1+3,4-5,7-8,9+10ac; Domingo: Isaias I Tesalonicenses 1.1-5ab; Mateo 22.15-21. Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!
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