DÍAZ LEMA, JOSÉ MANUEL Chair of the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Valladolid (Spain). Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Between 1974 and 1993 I held the following teaching posts at Madrid’s Autónoma University: Assistant Lecturer (1974-76); Lecturer in charge of Level C-1 course (1976-82); Lecturer (1982-84); Associate Professor (1984-93). In 1993, through a public merit-based selection process, I was appointed to the Chair of Administrative Law at the University of La Laguna. In 1997, through a merit-based transfer process, I was appointed to the Chair of Administrative Law at the University of Valladolid, a position I continue to hold at present. All the above posts have been carried out on an exclusive dedication or full-time basis. Carried out Postgraduate studies between 1977 and 1980 at the University of Munich’s Institute of Public Law on a grant from the German foundation Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), under the supervision of Professors Lerche, Badura and Vogel, specialising in Economic Public Law subjects. Prepared my doctoral thesis – “Subvenciones y crédito oficial en España" (Subsidies and official credit in Spain) – read at Madrid’s Autónoma University in 1982, which merited a distinction cum laude. At the above Spanish universities, I taught the subjects associated with this discipline, both the general and the special part (especially Public domain, Urban Development, Economic public law). I have also taught Doctorate Courses and seminars including those on “Energy Law”, “Education Agreements”, “Law on Water Supply”, “Law on Coastal Zone Management”, “Urban Development Law”, etc. Member of the University Institute of Urban Development of the University of Valladolid. Currently director of the “urban development technician” courses (Masters Programme, pending approval) at the National Institute of Public Administration. Member of several evaluating committees, and visiting professor at Universidad de Roma 3. I have delivered lectures for numerous Master’s programmes, courses and seminars held by various institutions including the Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (Higher School of Architecture of Madrid) , Escuela Gallega de Administración Pública (Galician School of Public Administration), Instituto nacional de administración pública (National Institute of Public Administration), Revista de Derecho urbanístico (Urban Development Law Magazine), etc., especially on subjects related to urban development, energy, local legislation and education law. I have also carried out consultancy activities for public and private institutions on issues related to Public Law, and participated in the preparation of several regulatory texts, including urban development plans. I have taken part in several research projects, including as a principal researcher in the following two: "el estatuto jurídico de las redes energéticas en Europa" (the legal status of energy networks in Europe), y "endeudamiento de las entidades locales y crisis financiera del Estado" (indebtedness of local administrations and financial crisis of the central State). My fields of research include Urban development law, Public economic law, Local law and Fundamental rights. My publications include: Energy sector: Política y Derecho (Policy and Law, 1984); Subvenciones y crédito oficial en España (Subsidies and official credit in Spain, 1985); El Derecho de Aguas en España (The water supply law in Spain 1986) (jointly authored); Derecho urbanístico de Galicia (Galician urban development law, 1989); Los conciertos educativos (Education agreements, 1992); Los monopolios locales (Local monopolies, 1994); Nuevo Derecho del Suelo. Comentarios a la Ley 8/2007, de 28 de mayo, de suelo (New Land Law. Comments to Law 8/2007 of 28 May, on land regulation, 2008); Energy Grids in Europe (2012); Sostenibilidad financiera y administración local: un estudio comparado (Financial sustainability and local administration: a comparative study, 2014).
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