DownShall Primary School Spanish's Scheme of work From November 2014 to July 2015 This Scheme of work follows the guidelines of the Qualification and Curriculum Authority 2007. The units of work have been changed according to the necessities/ pace of pupils. Targets can be seen in the following page. As this is the first year teaching Spanish all years are starting with the targets of YEAR 3. These are the following: EAR 3: TARGETS FIRST YEAR OF SPANISH O3.1 Perform finger rhymes and sing songs. O3.2 Listen with care O3.3 Ask and answer questions about my name. Use of single words, phrases and short sentences. O3.4 Understand my teacher's instructions and praise words. Repeat words when my teacher says them. L3.1 Read Spanish signs in my classroom. L3.2 I know the alphabet and the letters ñ, ll. L3.3 I copy Spanish words with no spelling mistakes. L3.3 I can write some words in Spanish by heart. IU3.1 I know which languages people speak at school. IU3.2 I know some Spanish names and foods. IU3.3 I have contacted a Spanish School. IU3.4 I know some traditions and festivals of Spain. Week/ date 03-Nov-14 Learning Objective Introducing Spanish: Where is Spain and the United Kingdom located on the map? (geography ) Why countries in America speak Spanish? (history) How many languages are in Spain? And in the United Kingdom? Topics: flamenco, paella Simple greetings (1): to teach pupils how they can introduce theirself using basic vocabulary. 17-Nov-14 Simple greetings (2): to teach pupils how they can introduce theirself using basic vocabulary. 17-Nov-14 24 Instructions: pupils need to understand basic instructions Vocabulary and structures, phonetics, cross-curriculum, symbols, special characters, grammar, other: cultural understanding Activities Assessment Resources Framework Phonetics: how to pronounce 'll' Ask pupils to point out where is London, Spain, France and other countries. Ask pupils to mention the 5 continents and to show on the map. Thinking skills: asl pupils to think why countries in America speak Spanish. Observation Power Point IU3.1, IU3.3 Ask pupils to pronounce the new Vocabulary: Buenos dias, buenas tardes, buenas noches, hola, adiós, ¿Qué tal? vocabulary by following me. I will ¿Cómo estás?, Estoy muy bien, estoy mal, estoy regular. Symbols: question mark use my finger and voice to show upside down, accent. them which 'silaba' is the stronger. Observation Power Point O3.2, 03.4, L3.2, L3.3 Observation Power point O3.2, 03.4, O3.3, L3.2, L3.3 Observation Power point O3.4, O3.2 Observation + Spelling exercise Power point + Video (youtube) L3.2, O3.1 Ask for pair of pupils to come forward. Using drama skills they Vocabulary: Hola, Como te llamas? Me llamo Esther. Y tu? Me llamo Ana. Adios! need to pretend they do not know Phonics/ Special Characters: Ñ and ll. each other. Then they need to introduce each other using the vocabulary learnt. Play to 'Simons says' in Spanish. Vocabulary: escuchad, levantad la mano, escribid, abrid los libros, cerrad los So, Simon dice + instruction. Then libros, levantaos, sentaos, mirad la pizarra. ask for a volunteer to play the game. Alphabet: allow pupils to understand how some letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ññ, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, and the vowels have different pronountiation. Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz. Special attention to the letter ñ. 01-Dec Using youtube pupils need to learn the aphabet by following a video which shows the letters by singing them with salsa music. 08-Dec-14 Numbers (1) allow pupils to count from 1 to 10 15-Dec-14 Numbers (2) allow pupils to count from 10 to 50 15-Dec-14 Numbers (3) allow pupils to count from 50 to 99 12-Jan-15 Numbers (4) Recap- numbers IU (Intercultural Understanding): News Year Eve 12 grapes traditions Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. Essential maths operations Observation Video O3.2 once, doce, trece, catorce, quinze, dieciséis, dicisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, veinte, veintiuno, veinticuatro…treinta, treinta y uno, cuarenta, cuarenta y cuatro, cincuenta. Pupils use whiteboard or paper to do mathematical operations. Exercise on notebook Power Point + whiteboards O3.2 cincuenta y nueve, sesenta, sesenta y ocho, setenta, setenta y nueve, ochenta, ochenta y cuatro, noventa, noventa y dos. Pupils use whiteboard or paper to do mathematical operations. Exercise on notebook Power Point + whiteboards O3.2 Recap previous vocabulary BINGO Pupils pretend to have 12 grapes and meanwhile listening the 12 tolls of the bell they pretend to eat them. Pupils write 12 wishes for this year. Bingo numbers provided O3.2, O3.4 Observation Observation + Pupils need to write a short summary of what they Video IU understand about this tradition. Pupils are told how Spanish people celebrate New Year's Eve. 05-Jan-15 19-Jan-15 Creation of posters for the display What are the skills for languages? What have you learnt so far? Vocabulary: blanco, rojo, negro, azul, rosa, rojo, naranja, amarillo, verde, gris, marrón. Two volunteers are asked to compete between each other. At the same time I will say one colour and they need to find some object in the classroom with the colour. Days of the week + Planets (1) Vocabulary: Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo. Luna, Marte, Mercurio, Júpiter, Saturno, Sol. Power Point + Pupils are divided in groups of Youtube song days of seven. Each group represents one the week (the days of day of the week. Meanwhile Singing and following ryhms the week in Spanish, playing song, everythime pupils listen they day of the week they com/watch?v=XZB5qF need to stand up quickly. N6Z9Y ) Days of the week + Planets (2) + colours revised Vocabulary: Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo. Luna, Marte, Mercurio, Júpiter, Saturno, Sol. Mention about the accents. Colours 26-Jan-15 02-Feb-15 09-Feb-15 23-Feb-15 Recap previous knowledge Who wants to be a millionarie Observation+ writing exercise L3.3, 03.2,03.4 03.4, 03.2, 03.1, L3.2 Worksheet Questionnarie Power Point + Worksheets Writing exercise Power Point L3.2, 03.2,L3.3 Power point + worksheet+ listening exercise 03.2, 03.4,L3.2,L3.3 Vocabulary : Enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre. Time (1) Vocabulary: ¿Qué hora es? Es la una en punto. Son las dos en punto. Son las tres en punto. Son las cuatro en punto. Son las cinco en punto.Son las seis en punto. Son las siete en punto. Son las ocho en punto. Son las nueve en punto. Son las diez en punto. Son las once en punto. Son las doce en punto. De la mañana, de la tarde. Son la una y media, son las dos y media.... Pupils need to do a match up exercise and also they are given the time and they need to draw the correct clock hands. Exercise Time (2) Vocabulary: ¿Qué hora es? Es la una menos cuarto. Es la una y cuarto. Son las dos menos cuarto, son las dos y cuarto… Pupils need to do a match up exercise and also they are given the time and they need to draw the correct clock hands. Exercise (writing and reading) 09-Mar-15 Writing exercise Months of the year (1) 02-Mar-15 16-Mar Pupils need to create a poster answering the previous questions L3.2 Power point + O3.2, worksheet+ listening O3.4,L3.2,L3.3 exercise Agenda Previous vocabulary about months, days of the week and time. Body Parts (1) : Face Vocabulary: ojos, orejas, boca, pelo, boca, 23-Mar 30-Mar-15 Body Parts (2) : Body Vocabulary: cuello, tronco, brazos, piernas, manos, dedos, pies 20-Apr-15 23-Mar Singular and plural of words Use of previous vocabulary such as body parts, days of the week, colours… Singular and plural, masculine and femenine of words Use of previous vocabulary such as body parts, days of the week, colours… Singular and plural, masculine and femenine of articles Vocabulary: la, las, el, los 27-Apr-15 04-May-15 11-May-15 Family (1) 18-May-15 01-Jun-15 Family (2) 08-Jun-15 Transports (1) 29-Jun-15 Transports (2) Grammar: masculine and femenine articles. 06-Jul-15 Singular and plural, masculine and femenine 13-Jul-15 20-Jul-15 27-Jul-15 Pupils are given an agenda sheet. They need to listen the month, day of the week and time and be able to write a tick on the write day of the agenda. Pupils need to watch a video in the body parts are shown. They need to touch the right part of the body with their hands when listened. Pupils need to watch a video in the body parts are shown. They need to touch the right part of the body with their hands when listened. With previous vocabulary learnt pupils need to be able to do the singular and plural of the words. With previous vocabulary learnt pupils need to be able to do the singular and plural, masculine and femenine of the words. Pupils are provided with a list of words in singular and plural and they need to add the right article Pupils follow tutorial on website Vocabulary: la madre, el padre, la hermana, el hermano, la abuela, el abuelo, la and we play an online game. They tía, el tío, el primo, la prima. Grammar: which words are masculine and which are need to do a match up exercise femenine? and a table with the masculine and femenine words. Pupils are asked to draw their Vocabulary: same than previous lesson. family tree. Assessment : multiple choice questionnaire Pupils self assessment Pupils follow tutorial on website. Then, play a game in the same Vocabulary: el coche, el autobús, el autocar, la bicicleta, la motocicleta, el taxi, a web. As a plenary, pupils need to pie, el tren, el metro, el tranvía. do a match up exercise. Pupils follow power point and Vocabulary: ¿ En qué vas al colegio / a casa/ al cine/ al restaurante ? Voy en … … they are asked to follow structure (all the previous vocabulary learnt). (voy en…) when questioned With previous vocabulary learnt pupils need to be able to do the Vocabulary: family and transport singular and plural, masculine and femenine of the words. Intercultural Understanding : Los San Fermines (Bull Runners) Games about vocabulary learnt during this course Exercise (writing and listening) Power point + worksheet+ listening O3.2,L3.2,L3.3 exercise Exercise (writing) Video from Youtube Exercise (writing) Video from Youtube O3.2, O3.4 O3.1, L3.3 Exercise (writing and listening) Power Point + table of how to do plurals O3.2, O3.4, L3.3 Exercise (writing and listening) Youtube + worksheet O3.2, O3.4, L3.3 Exercise (writing and reading) Power point + table of articles O3.2, O3.4, L3.3 Observation/ writing exercise/ listening exercise power point + worksheet O3.2, O3.4 writing exercise/observation worksheet L3.2, O3.4 Exercise + worksheet O3.2, O3.4, L3.3 Exercise (writing and reading) + worksheet O3.2, O3.4, L3.3 writing exercise/observation worksheet O3.2, O3.4, L3.3, L3.2
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