who we are: Create Development provides Solutions to Accelerate Learning which will change the way you teach and transform the way your pupils learn. To find out more contact us on: 020 8863 0304 Suite 305 79 College Road Harrow HA1 1BD T 020 8863 0304 E [email protected] www.createdevelopment.co.uk @Create_Dev © 2014 Create Development Limited – All Rights Reserved. Maiden Beech Academy Designed: Smooth 07958 181 550 www.smoothcreativedesign.co.uk Summer School Celebration Report 2014 er s m m Su chool S r e Why Summer Schools? m um ls S o The Summer Schools Programme is funded by Sthe cho Department for Education to support disadvantaged pupils in making a successful transition to Key Stage 3. r e m Sumchools S r e m Sumchools S Ofsted research has demonstrated that this is a time when many children show a significant dip in confidence and academic performance. Funding is used to deliver a one or two week school based programme to develop the key Personal, Social, Cognitive and Creative skills of pupils to ensure they begin Key Stage 3 as happy, confident learners who believe they can achieve. This has a significant impact on attendance, behaviour and achievement. “ I learned... I can push myself and ask for higher challenges. 1 “ Year 7 Pupil 2 Create Development Programme School Performance Data Create Development’s Summer Schools Programme is delivered in partnership with school staff and has six key components: Term 1 % Attendance Average Behaviour points per pupil 98.0 0 % Attendance Average Behaviour points per pupil 98.0 3 % Attendance Average Behaviour points per pupil Not available Not available Summer School pupils Average Achievement points per pupil 667 l Personal, Social, Cognitive and Creative skills focus l Profiling, tracking and celebrating progress l Literacy skills development Overall Year group l Engagement of parents and carers l Leadership training of student mentors l Elite athlete visit Eligible non-attenders 14 Summary of Impact Learning Skills and Confidence 6 Average Achievement points per pupil Not available Volunteer Student Mentors attended over 2 weeks Teachers assessed pupils’ Personal, Social, Cognitive and Creative skills at the start and end of Summer School using Create Development learning journeys and success criteria. The pupils assessed and recorded their own Confidence to Begin Year 7. The Create Development Wheel was used to track, monitor and evidence progress. The green highlighted segments in the images show the highest skill stage demonstrated consistently at the start and end of Summer School with the ‘information box’ providing an explanation of that skill. START of Summer School END of Summer School Ability as assessed by teachers from Maiden Beech Academy. I am able to understand simple challenges/ problems to be solved and questions to be answered. Creative Ability as assessed by teachers from Maiden Beech Academy. I can say something that I would like to do better. I am able to decide, with guidance, some options and strategies to use to tackle a challenge and give reasons for my choice. Creative Cognitive I can recognise what I already know and I am beginning to use the targets set by my teachers to improve my learning skills. Cognitive Personal Personal I am willing to have a go at new tasks with support. I can find my way round. I enjoy stretching myself and see new challenges as opportunities to learn and develop. I can explain what it takes to be a great learner. Confidence Social 3 Year 7 Pupils attended over 2 weeks Average Achievement points per pupil 664 Confidence Social I can work sensibly with others, taking turns and sharing. I can work as part of a team and complete my given part of the task. 4 Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust Athlete Visit Volunteer Student Mentors David Hill spent a day at Summer School and inspired everyone with his life story. The pupils learned how, through hard work, determination and perseverance, he came to represent Team GB at Paralympic Triathlon. He challenged the pupils to learn the basics of his sport and, of course, to respond positively to failure and to persevere. Our Volunteer Student Mentors, who undergo a stringent recruitment and two day training process, have a number of key roles. They lead many of the activities and provide additional support to pupils. Daily duties also include writing a blog, taking photographs and filming the activities. A very big thank you to David for a brilliant day! The mentors, in turn, follow their own Personal and Social development programme, using Create Development tools and resources to monitor, assess and review progress. David Hill Team GB “ My mentor taught me to carry on and never give up. If I find it hard I know I can do it if I carry on trying. 5 “ Year 7 Pupil 6 Literacy Skills Development Many of the activities at Create Development Summer Schools support the National Curriculum for English at KS2 and KS3. Pupils are given the opportunity to develop their reading, writing and communication/language skills in a way that will help them to access the KS3 curriculum. Each day begins with a review of the previous day’s learning through group discussions, drawing explanatory images/diagrams and writing about and repeating practical experiences to recall the important aspects of learning. All pupils keep a personal learning journal, allowing them to record their progress and provide examples to evidence how they are meeting targets. In addition, they have their own Create Development Wheel enabling them to upload photographic, video and written evidence of their learning. The end of week Celebration Assembly provides an opportunity for all pupils to present and perform to an audience. This could take the form of: l Writing and reading from a script l Drawing and explaining a cartoon script l Writing and reciting a poem or song l Producing a drama script or performance I learned... “ to be a good team player because I’ve played a lot of team games. Year 7 Pupil 7 “ “ “ Next year my target is... to ask for more challenges. Year 7 Pupil 8 “ I feel... I am definitely going to be a better learning support assistant because of this experience. I have taken and learnt a great deal that I will definitely put into use. 9 “ School Lead Teacher 10 Lead Teacher’s Report I have loved Summer School. I’m going to miss it. I also know that the pupils have loved it. Their development has been incredible and that is down to the Summer School. Some pupils have been unrecognisable at times. I have noticed they have a sense of purpose and belonging and really pushing to achieve the highest targets and levels possible and some are asking for challenges and how to improve without being asked or prompted. Pupil Focus Comment from the Year 7 pupil: “I really enjoyed Summer School and thought it was fun. I liked all of it and was pleased to achieve a level 7. I now realise that there is no ‘I’ in team. It is important to work together and to help and support others. I can now listen better in class and this year I am really good in English. I feel happier because of this.” As an example, one student is making progress with his behaviour and attitude to work in Maths. We have started to build a good relationship and he responds well to praise and bonus points. He gets on well with others in class and always has a comment for everything! He has also been absolutely brilliant in English this year as he is happy, willing and keen and particularly stands out. His behaviour contribution and quality of work has been fantastic! “ Next year my target is... Year 7 pupil 11 “ to take the lead. 12 Post Summer School Developments Continuing to close the attainment gap... My aim at Maiden Beech Academy over the next few months is to reinforce the learning from Summer School in everyday school life. We also plan to hold monthly training and review sessions with our Volunteer Student Mentors to continue to develop their mentoring skills for them to continue working with our Year 7 pupils. Watch this space! Lead Teacher This celebration report of Summer Schools does not signify an end but rather a step on a journey that for our Year 7 pupils began several years ago and will continue for many more. The opportunities, experiences and progress made during Summer Schools can create a spark that ignites the curiosity, creativity and resilience pupils need to flourish. However, we also know that the barriers to learning have been lowered, not removed, and that key learning habits have been improved or developed but are not yet habitual. In order to ensure pupils continue to make rapid sustained progress I would ask you to reflect on the following questions: l How do you plan to ensure your Year 7 pupils continue to use and celebrate the skills and learning habits developed at Summer School? l How can your staff reinforce and build upon the key messages, language and skills developed at Summer School? As you reflect, I would like to stress that our involvement does not end here. We will continue to provide guidance throughout the year for staff and students and build towards welcoming the next Year 7 cohort. Please keep sharing your success stories and anecdotes with us as pupils progress in Key Stage 3. It has been a pleasure to work with you on this exciting project to narrow the attainment gap and we look forward to continuing our partnership well into the future. Phil Wylie National Lead: Closing the Gap “ “ Create Development My Summer School experience was... fun, epic and challenging. Year 7 Pupil 13 14 15 16 17 18
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