St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish 1421 New Road, Northfield, New Jersey Parish Office: 609-646-5611 Parish Office Fax: 609-484-8345 Religious Education Office: 609-484-0249 * [email protected] Reverend Jason T. Rocks, Pastor Reverend Armando Rodriguez Montoya, Parochial Vicar Mr. George Del Rossi, Permanent Deacon Mr. Luis Correa, Permanent Deacon Sr. Helen Lodge, OSF, Pastoral Associate Miss Mildred DiCicco, Religious Coordinator (609) 484 0249 Sheila Naticchione, Business Manager Claudia A. Costa, Parish Secretary Bettie Timm, Director of Music Ministry Jeff Young, Director of Youth Ministry OUR MISSION We, the members of the diverse community of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, united by one faith, inspired by the Word and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, will bear witness to the contemporary pastoral challenges identified in the Pastoral Priorities of our Diocese. Trusting that our efforts will address the needs of those with whom we interact, we will increase the levels of worship and witness in the New Parish. MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY MASSES 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM; 1:00 PM Spanish WEEKDAYS 8:30 AM Monday thru Friday FRIDAYS: 7:00 PM Spanish P ope Francis: Life is Always Worth Living, Even When Seriously Ill. In a year that saw assisted suicide advocates be applauded by the press, Pope Francis made some poignant commentary about the sanctity of life in his message for the World Day of the Sick, reminding the world that life is always worth living, regardless of the perceived “quality” of it. Saturday, February 7 4:30PM Alfred Pepper r/b Maggie & Rich Corcoran Sunday February 8 8:00 AM Albert & Dorothy DeMeo r/b Estate 9:30 AM Pompei & Isabel Palmentieri r/b The Children 11:00 AM John & Susanne Frederick r/b Mary Frederick 1:00 PM Mass in Spanish A Monday February 9 8:30 AM Alice Hulse r/b St. Gianna Senior Group Tuesday February 10 8:30 AM All Souls in Purgatory r/b Friend Parish Membership ew parishioners are always welcome! If you are new in the area and enjoy worshiping at St. Gianna, make us your official Parish “home” by taking a few minutes to register. Please pick up a Registration Form at the church doors--Yellow (English) and Green (Spanish). Completed forms are to be returned to the Parish office. If returned in the collection basket, they should be in a sealed envelope marked “Parish Census.” They may also be mailed to St. Gianna Parish, 1421 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225. N Wednesday February 11 8:30 AM Rita Hahn r/b Sister Janice Edwards Thursday February 12 8:30 AM Alice Hulse r/b Justine O’Brien Friday February 13 8:30 AM 7:00 PM Eileen Saveriano r/b Mary Catalano Mass in Spanish Saturday February 14 4:30PM James Malia r/b Wife Lena Sunday February 15 8:00 AM Msgr. Thomas Sharkey r/b Deacon & Mrs. George Del Rossi 9:30 AM Jean Palmieri r/b Roseann Hundertmark 11:00 AM Robert James Grote r/b Pat Ledden 1:00 PM warm welcome is extended to all who have come to the faith community of St. Gianna to join us in worship in praise of Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who come every weekend and we welcome all of our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally. Mass in Spanish 2-636 THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TODAY A Word from Fr. Rocks. . . Happy Valentine's day! Valentine's day is associated with romantic love and the wooing of one lover by another by means of dining, flowers, dancing, candies and cards. All this is interesting because Valentine's day gets its name from St. Valentine, a third century martyr, whose feast day is February 14. So who is St. Valentine? According to some, he may have been two people, with the same name, who were martyred around the same time, eventually leading to the stories being combined. According to one account, St. Valentine was a bishop, according to another account he was a priest. In one account St. Valentine was beaten with clubs, the other he was beheaded. In any case, he was martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. So how does he become associated with romance and love? Apparently, during the time of courtly love, young maidens would send a note of some sort to possible suitors in the hope that they would eventually wed. (Keep that in mind when asking someone to be your Valentine). They chose St. Valentine's day due to some thought certain birds began their courtship around the 14 of February. Thus the origins of Valentine day's cards. It might seem odd to have a martyr associated with romance. Yet, recall the tradition mentioned above. Valentine's day was used as a means to marriage, when a man and a woman give themselves to one another in a lasting covenant. St. Valentine did such a thing when he laid down his life for Jesus. Now Jesus is the true spouse of all the baptized. Christian Marriage is to reflect that of Jesus to his bride the Church. May the Martyr St. Valentine inspire us to love our Lord with a "love as strong as death" (Song of Songs 2:6) and for those of us who are married, to love our spouse in a similar way. O n Sunday, March 1, 2015 the Diocese of Camden will be collecting Canned Products (Tomato Sauce, Soups, Tuna, Peanut Butter, Beef Stew, Chili, Juices, Apple Sauce, Beans, etc.). Food Donations can be dropped off at any Catholic Church in the Diocese of Camden. For more information please go to PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SICK OF OUR PARISH AND THOSE WHO ARE IN NURSING HOMES AND IN HOSPITALS. 3-636 S aint Gianna Parish Family prayerfully welcomes Michael Gerard Thomas III who was baptized in our church on Sunday, February 1, 2015. Congratulations to his happy parents: Michael & Julie Thomas. “He went over her …, and the fever left her.” F irst Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 In this passage, Job laments the drudgery and pain all people sometimes experience in life. He talks of troubled days and restless nights. But he does mention that the days move along swiftly, which can remind us that our time here on earth is quite limited and should be well spent. S econd Reading: I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Paul explains to the Corinthians that he has no choice, but must preach the gospel. He tells of making himself all things to all people, in order to save some of them. He reminds them that he does this willingly, in the hope of sharing in the blessings of the gospel. G ospel: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured Simon and Andrew’s mother of a fever, then others with illnesses or demons came to see him. He cured those who were ill, and cast out the demons of the others. Then he went off and prayed alone until his followers sought him out. Jesus and his disciples then moved on to other villages to proclaim the good news. Blessed Mother Statue f you wish to sign up to have the statue of the Blessed Mother in your home for a week, please contact Terri Clark at (609)641-4245 or Rosemary O’Dowd (609)641-4869 to make the necessary arrangements. I O ur Parish community extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Deana C. Mullen. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish welcomes all infants into the Church and prays for all expectant mothers who request prayers for their babies who are soon to be born. All pregnant women are welcome to call Connie Canesi (609)665-0199 for further information. At this time we ask prayers for the following expectant mothers: Bree Kern, Heather Ryker, and Katie Gerace Figlus. OFFERTORY GIFTS n Saturdays evening and Sunday morning Masses, family and friends whose Mass is being offered for a loved one are invited to bring up the Offertory Gifts at the Mass. Before the Mass begins, please indicate your intention by entering your name on the 3-ring binder, which is located at the main door near the sacristy. O 4-636 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCHEDULE OF SERVICES ASH WEDNESDAY The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015. Ashes will be distributed during the liturgies listed below: 8:30 AM Mass 12:00 Noon Prayer Service 1:00 PM Spanish Mass 4:00 PM Prayer Service 7:00 PM Mass T DIOCESAN COLLECTION ASH WEDNESDAY W e invite new members, singers and/ or musicians to be a part of the music ministry of St. Gianna’s. We are preparing for the Lenten and Easter seasons. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays and Thursdays evenings. The Young People’s Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:15PM and the Adult Choir on Thursdays from 7:15 to 9:00PM. If you are interested please contact Bettie Timm (609) 926-7610. S aint Gianna’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are readily available to bring Communion to the homes of the sick on a schedule agreeable to the sick person. If you or someone that you know is a shut-in and would like to receive the sacraments, please let us know by contacting the Parish office. he collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe is to be taken up in parishes of the Diocese of Camden on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015. Envelopes for this purpose have been mailed to all registered parishioners in the January/February pack. Please continue to assist this important work for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe where great needs remain. lease remember that there is a very easy way to help Catholic School Education financially and it does not cost you one cent. You can do so by purchasing ShopRite gift cards from us before you shop. Gift cards can be purchased every Sunday after the 8:00AM Mass. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Valentine’s Day Social Saturday, February 14, 2015 7:00-9:30PM - Parish Hall eniors mark your calendars and join us!! We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:00PM in the Family Memorial Center-Parish Hall. Light refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome! P S (See Insert in this weekend bulletin) 5-636 Gift Card Program T n behalf of all the members of our Parish we thank you for continuing to live faithful Stewardship and for using your Sunday envelopes. We thank you for the sacrifices that you have made. May God bless your generous hearts. he Knights of Columbus All Saints Council #6277 will hold their 13th Annual John J. Heinz Memorial Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at Our Lady of Sorrows Hall from 4:00 to 7:00PM. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children (12 and under), and $21 for a family of 4 or more. Take outs will be available. If you make chili and would like to participate in the Cook-Off please call Bruce Jackson at (609)6461861. There is no entry fee and prizes will be awarded to the top three chefs. I T Stewardship Report January 31 & February 1, 2015 $10,816 O he Sons of Italy Antonio Meucci Lodge are sponsoring a trip to the Pacific Northwest & Northern California with Collette Vacation on September 14-21, 2015. Early booking special price by March 1st ($2649). For more information please contact Sally at 927-4147 after n order to keep our records up to date and also stop the mailing of contribution envelopes during the winter months, note that we would appreciate hearing from parishioners who are summer residents in our parish before they move away. Thank for your cooperation. St. Vincent de Paul Regional School CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS he 2014 Contribution Statements will be prepared and sent ONLY upon request. You are welcome to do so by calling the Parish office, Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Thank you. T S 5809 Main Street, Mays Landing E nrollment is open for the 2015-2016 school year! Visit St. Vincent de Paul Regional School and meet their teachers, students and staff. They educate Pre-K3 through 8th Grade. Open House is Friday, February 13, 2015, 9:00AM-2:00PM. For more information call Nancy Dixon, Advancement Director, at 6251565. Let Us Pray! aint Gianna Prayer group meets every Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:00AM in the Family Memorial Center--Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome. Stanley W. Marczyk Scholarship 2015 Incoming Holy Spirit High School Freshmen Seeking Financial Assistance A TO BECOME MORE FAMILIAR WITH JESUS’ VOICE, WE MUST TAKE THE NECESSARY TIME TO LISTEN TO HIM. $12,000 scholarship honoring Stan Marczyk, longtime Athletic Director, Coach and Teacher at Holy Spirit School is available. This scholarship of $3,000 per year can be renewable for each year. For more information and Application please contact Andy Solary (609)264-1040 or [email protected] 6-636 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 P Holy Hour rayer and meditation before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament are great ways to spend some special time with Him. You can ask Him for graces for yourself or for loved ones, reflect on His Word, or just keep Him company! And it’s no bother for Jesus. In fact, He very much wants to see you! Please mark your calendar: Our Parish will hold a Holy Hour on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM. Come and spend time in prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! O ur parish hosts “Bingo” on Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 10:00AM in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 8:00AM. Come and join us! $1,000 in prize money, instant winners and progressive jackpots! Also, coffee, bagels, donuts and lots of fun. S SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:30 PM thru 4:15 PM. Anytime by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish office. Parents and Godparents must attend Baptism Preparation Class. REQUESTS FOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES The role of a sponsor is primarily a spiritual role to model a Christian life for the child. Therefore, anyone requesting a certificate must be a registered, participating member of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing (not living in violation of the Church laws), at least 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Please call the Parish office for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered parishioners who wish to marry at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish should contact the pastor during office hours before making any other arrangements one year in advance. Call the Parish office to schedule an appointment. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Please call the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director, Mildred DiCicco at 484-0249. Stephen Ministry tephen Ministers are members of our congregation who listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are facing a crisis or going through tough times. The care you’ll receive is confidential, free, and very helpful. To learn how you--or a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative--can receive care, talk to Carolyn Johnson Peterson, Stephen Leader, 609-335-6202. A REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE n independent, toll-free number has been established by the Diocese of Camden to help callers report cases of sexual abuse by priests, deacons, religious, employees and/or volunteers. Calls are handled by a licensed clinical social worker. In accord with state law, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to the N.J. Division of Child protection and Permanency and law enforcement. For information or to inquire about counseling and support services, call 1-800-964-6588. 7-636 DOMINGO 8 DE FEBRERO, 2015 S S i usted visita semanalmente Santa Gianna y aún no se ha registrado formalmente en la parroquia, por favor hágalo. Las planillas de registración son VERDES y están ubicadas al costado de las puertas de la iglesia. El proceso de registración es simple, confidencial y muy importante para la administración de nuestra parroquia y para servir mejor a nuestra comunidad. VIERNES Desde las 6:00 hasta las 6:45PM DOMINGOS Desde las 12 del mediodia hasta las 12:45 de la tarde. Para confesarse fuera de los horarios sugeridos por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial. i usted desea bautizar a su niña/niño por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial para recibir información a cerca de los requisitos necesarios y para hacer una cita con el Padre Rodríguez Montoya quien está a cargo de los bautismos y de las Clases de Preparación para recibir este sacramento. Las clases se llevan a cabo el SEGUNDO JUEVES de cada mes. Santa Gianna Red de Oración S anta Gianna Red de Oración es un ministerio que está compuesto de voluntarios cuya misión es simplemente rezar por aquellas personas que tienen necesidades especiales (espirituales, monetarias, físicas o familiares). Las intenciones solicitadas se mantienen en la Red de Oración durante 30 días. Si usted necesita “oraciones” o desea participar en la Red de Oración de nuestra parroquia rezando por las necesidades de otras personas por favor comuníquese al: (609)646-0806 - (609)646-7472 (Inglés) (609)385-5408 (Español) Grupo de Oración Parroquial de Santa Gianna MARQUEN SUS CALENDARIOS FIESTA DEL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD JUEVES 12 DE FEBRERO 6:30PM - SALÓN GRANDE E l Grupo de Oración de nuestra parroquia se reune todos los martes de 7:00-8:00PM en la iglesia. Invite a sus familiares y amigos y únase a nuestra oración. Todos son bienvenidos! A compáñenos a rezar el Santo Rosario. Nos encontramos todos los Viernes, en la iglesia, media hora antes (6:30 de la tarde) del comienzo de la Misa. 8-636 F eliz día de San Valentín! El día de San Valentín es asociado con los enamorados y es el día en el que una persona expresa por medio de cenas, flores, bailes, bombones y tarjetas el amor que siente por otra. Todo esto es interesante porque el día de San Valentín lleva el nombre del Santo San Valentín, un mártir que vivió en el Siglo III y cuya festividad se celebra el 14 de febrero. ¿Entonces quién es San Valentín? Cuenta la leyenda que podrían haber sido dos personajes con un mismo nombre, quienes fueron martirizados alrededor del mismo tiempo y que sus historias fueron combinándose a través del tiempo. Unos dicen que San Valentín fue un obispo, mientras que otros dicen que fue un sacerdote. Algunos cuentan que San Valentín murió siendo golpeado con varas, otros que fue decapitado. Cualquiera sea la versión, San Valentín fue martirizado por su fe en Jesucristo. Entonces ¿Cómo se lo asocia con los enamorados y el amor? Aparentemente, a las doncellas, cuando les llegaba el tiempo de ser cortejadas, se les permitía enviar una nota a los posibles pretendientes con la esperanza de que contrajeran matrimonio. (Tengan esto presente cuando le pregunten a alguien ¿Quieres ser mi Valentín?). Se eligió el día de San Valentín debido a la creencia de que las aves escogen a su pareja durante el mes de febrero. De ahí el origen de las tarjetas del día de Valentín. Quizá sea contradictorio asociar a un mártir con romance. Sin embargo recuerden la tradición que acabamos de mencionar. El día de Valentín se utilizaba como un medio para el matrimonio, cuando un hombre y una mujer se entregaban el uno al otro en un pacto para toda la vida. San Valentín hizo eso cuando entrego su vida por Jesús. Ahora Jesús es el verdadero esposo de todos los bautizados. El Matrimonio Cristiano tiene que reflejar lo que Jesús es para su novia, la Iglesia. Ojala que el mártir San Valentín nos inspire a amar a nuestro Señor con un amor “tan fuerte como la muerte” (Song of Songs 2:6) y que a los que estamos casados, nos inspire a amar a nuestros esposos/as de la misma manera. E Miércoles de Ceniza, 18 de Febrero, 2015 l miércoles 18 de febrero la Iglesia comienza a vivir el tiempo de la Cuaresma. En nuestra parroquia la imposición de las cenizas se llevará a cabo durante las siguientes liturgias: Misa (English): 8:30 AM Servicio de Oración (English): 12:00 Noon Misa (Español): 1:00PM Servicio de Oración (English): 4:00 PM Misa (English): 7:00 PM Recuerden que el Miércoles de Ceniza es un día de ayuno y abstinencia. Ayuno: hacer una sola comida fuerte al día. Abstinencia: no comer carne. 9-636 U ARMANDO CON EL PADRE ARMANDO Cansancio por vivir n jornalero es un trabajador que realiza su labor durante un día, al final del cual recibe su paga. Seguramente esta última hora es la que él más espera. No soportaría el calor del sol durante todo el día, ni resistiría fatiga alguna si no esperara un pago por el trabajo realizado. El esclavo tiene una suerte más difícil, pues él no espera ningún pago por su trabajo. Su deber es trabajar sin importar los factores climáticos; si hay mucho sol, debe trabajar sin parar; si llueve, igual tiene que producir para su amo, quien no debe sentirse que recibe un favor de parte del esclavo. El esclavo no puede tener ni la mínima esperanza en recibir compensación por su trabajo; cuanto mucho sus momentos favoritos son recibir un plato racionado de comida o pensar en que haya clima favorable, sin tanto calor mientras trabaja. Hay quienes no aspiran a tener dinero de sobra; o buena salud; ni siquiera una buena posición; o al menos un poco de alegría; parece que esto no se hizo para ellos. Se conformarían con que las noches no les parecieran tan largas, ya que no pueden dormir a causa de las preocupaciones que los aquejan como una sombra permanente, sin esperanza de mejora. Estos últimos no tienen aspiraciones en la vida; si acaso se conformarían con que amaneciera pronto con tal de no seguir dando vueltas en el lecho. Se trata de existencias llenas de dura amargura, sin esperanza. Tal vez solo esperan morir para dejar su condición sufriente. No creen que haya alguien que pueda ayudarlos, ni siquiera piensan que puedan interesarles a alguien. La muerte estos últimos la considerarían un regalo. Jesús es considerado como quien ha sido enviado a causa de la misericordia de las entrañas de Dios, como luz de lo alto que nos visita (Lc 1,78). Después, es reconocido como la luz para alumbrar a las gentes (Lc 2,32). Y hay aquí dos notas importantes: la primera, que Dios tiene misericordia de los que sufren. Esta es la reflexión con respecto al problema del mal, generalmente formulado con la pregunta ¿Por qué Dios siendo bueno permite que haya mal?. Pues Dios tiene entrañas (sentimientos profundos que le provocan profundos movimientos en el estómago) y desde esas entrañas es que él se compadece; no ignora al que sufre así; lo mira y lo llena de esperanza al asegurarle que su situación tan trágica no será para siempre. La otra nota es que Jesús es reconocido como "luz", es decir, como alguien que ilumina, la luz permite ver el camino; si está oscuro no podemos ver ningún camino. En este sentido es que el misterio del hombre solo se hace claro ante la persona de Jesús, afirma un escrito de la Iglesia llamado Redemptor Hominis (El Redentor de los Hombres). Jesús en su actividad, según el evangelio de San Marcos, demuestra esta solidaridad con los que sufren: a los enfermos da salud en sus diversos males; expulsa a los demonios que abusivamente poseen a las personas causándoles estragos; tiene celo en que todos (sobre todo quienes más sufren y menos oportunidades tienen) puedan recibir la buena noticia del nuevo reino inaugurado con el cumplimiento de su misión, para lo cual tiene que caminar largas distancias y promover al hombre. Él mismo se somete a juicios injustos; a dolores físicos; a experiencias de soledad y abandono. Jesús está definitivamente del lado de aquellos que sufren. L a Diócesis de Camden estará colectando Productos enlatados (jugos, salsas, sopas, leche, etc.) el Domingo 1 de marzo. Las donaciones podrán ser depositadas en cualquier iglesia Católica de la diócesis de Camden. Para más información consultar la página 10-636 Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. Alicia C. Petrilli Alejandra L. 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Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 636 St. Gianna Beretta Molla • Northeld, NJ (INSIDE) Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy Villa Raffaella Assisted Living 917 South Main Street • Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Tel: 609-645-9300 Fax: 609-645-9600 Email: [email protected] Our Commitment to Excellence involves Quality care giving. Our Community is well planned, secure, and simple. Our Sisters live at the site in separate quarters and are dedicated to serving the elderly. Villa Raffaella is a different kind of assisted care community because we believe in the God-given dignity of all men and women. Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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D’AMATO, ESQUIRE ALEXA D’AMATO BARRERA, ESQUIRE 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 (609) 926-3300 636 St. Gianna Beretta Molla • Northeld, NJ (BACK) 1337 New Road, Unit A Northeld, NJ 08225 Mon.-Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9-4; Sun closed 609-484-0026 Accepting Most Insurances Free Delivery Compounding & Friendly Service. John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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