THE NEW VISION c Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson d F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 5 Tu c s o n , A Z | Vo l . V I I I | N u m b e r X LA NUEVA VISIÓN PÁGINA 13 w w w. n e w v i s i o n o n l i n e .o rg | w w w.d i o ce s e t u c s o n .o rg Register today for Diocesean Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference By JOE PERDREAUVILLE The Diocese of Tucson is excited to invite Catholics across the Diocese of Tucson to an amazing conference experience March 5-7. This is a Catholic conference for all. The Diocese’s mission is to share the Good News with parishioners and inspire and encourage them to continue to share the Good News in all that they do - at work, at their parishes, in their neighborhoods, and especially in their families. This conference will be a great opportunity to grow in faith with resources and ideas that will work in real life. The music will be inspiring throughout – Jaime Cortez, an Oregon Catholic Press composer and artist, will be coordinating the house band. The praise, worship and prayer as part of each general session will energize the soul, enliven the mind and open the heart. Celebrating, singing, learning and praying with thousands of Catholics in an arena is an experience that one can remember for years and be able to look back on for strength and wisdom. Three of the most inspiring Catholic presenters in the country will be offering keynotes – Bishop Gerald Kicanas on that Thursday evening, Father Robert Barron on Friday morning and Dr. Carolyn Woo on Saturday morning. F a t h e r Barron will be inspiring hope in all of us through his presentation titled “Seven Recommendations for the New Evangelization.” The New Evangelization is a call for all Catholics to renew an understanding of the Gospel message and to share that message of hope with others. “Hope is not just optimism or having a psychologically upbeat attitude,” Barron said. “It is something much stranger and more profound; it is a trust in God’s goodness and an ordering of one’s life towards a transcendent goal.” Woo is the president and chief executive officer of Catholic Relief Services. She will be inspiring us on Saturday morning with her presentation titled “Charity: in the Word and in the Sacraments.” Sacraments such as Baptism and Eucharist allow us to experience the divine through common, ordinary u STORY CONTINUES ON PAGE 4 Honor all life say participants of Diocesan March For Life in Tucson By VICTOR CALDERON The New Vision Women, men and youth from around the Diocese of Tucson marched about four miles from St. Augustine Cathedral to Holy Hope Cemetery this past month, calling for all life to be respected, from conception through natural death. The crowd, estimated by organizers at more than 1,000 people, loudly prayed the rosary and displayed pro-life messages on signs, banners and t-shirts as they walked northbound on a late u STORY CONTINUES ON PAGE 6 Photo by Victor Calderón Mobile: use your QR app to scan the code to download a digital edition to your smart phone or tablet. Msgr. Robert Fuller honored at dinner for retired priests in Tucson – See page 2 ãI N SI D E • Bishop’s Column Page 3 • In Your Area Page 5 • Schools Page 7 • Co-Workers Conference Page 9 Send your articles or ideas to [email protected] Follow us on Facebook The New Vision and Twitter @newvisiononline Monsignors Cahalane and McCarthy receive prestigious Catholic education awards Msgr. Tom Cahalane and Msgr. Jeremiah McCarthy have been named award winners by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Msgr. Cahalane, pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows Parish in Tucson since 1981, was named one of only 12 winners of the Distinguished Pastor Award. This award recognizes pastors who have given outstanding support to Catholic elementary education. Cahalane was ordained in his native Ireland in 1963 and soon moved to Arizona to join the Diocese of Tucson, which then included what is now the Diocese of Phoenix. He went on to serve as diocesan Director of Youth Ministry and later as the Vicar for Ministries of Christian Education from 1975-1983. Our Mother of Sorrows has a prekindergarten-8th grade school of the same name. Msgr. McCarthy, the diocesan Moderator of the Curia, was named to receive the NCEA Seminary Department’s 2015 Pope John Paul II Award for Distinguished Seminary Leadership. McCarthy a well published author, “I am so very proud of both Monsignors, whom I have known for many years,” –Bishop Gerald Kicanas was ordained for the diocese in June 1972. He has been active in his work with the Association of Theological Schools in assessing and encouraging excellence in Catholic and other schools of theology across the nation. Msgr. McCarthy served as Executive Director for the Seminary Department of the National Catholic Msgr. Robert Fuller honored at dinner for retired priests in Tucson By VICTOR CALDERON The New Vision Msgr. Robert Fuller, who serves as pastor at St. Frances Cabrini Parish in Tucson, was honored this past month at a dinner to raise money for retired priests who have served the people of the Diocese over many years. M s g r . Fuller, 84, has been a priest for the Diocese for 58 years. “Thanks be to God I’m still working,” Fuller said before the event. “I want to keep doing what I do as long as possible.” Over his long ministry, Msgr. Fuller has served in many capacities, including as a parish 2 priest at Queen of Peace Parish in Mesa before the Diocese of Phoenix was created, then as Chancellor for the Diocese and Administrator at All Saints Parish in Tucson. He has also served as Pastor at St. Pius X for 11 years before taking five years to work for RENEW International, an organization based in Newark, N.J. Msgr. Fuller also once served the Diocese as its Director of the Bureau of Information, now called the Communications Department. Fuller returned to Tucson in 1987 and started his assignment as pastor at St. Francis Cabrini, where he has been delivering his famous 8-minute homilies for 27 years. He also served as the Vicar for Education and as the Vicar Forane during part of that time. The 11th annual dinner raised $28,000 for the priest retirement fund. MSGR. TOM CAHALANE MSGR. JEREMIAH MCCARTHY Educational Association in Arlington, Va. from 2010-2014. “I am so very proud of both Monsignors, whom I have known for many years,” Bishop Gerald Kicanas said. “Each truly has brought their gifts of intellect, passion and service to their roles in education, and those gifts have brought many improvements and advances to both K-8 education and to seminary work.” You make possible the education of new priests. You provide services to the poor. You provide education through Catholic school and catechesis. You reach thousands of people when you support the Annual Catholic Appeal! Make your gift today by contacting Robin Evans at (520) 838-2515 or online at: Give Your Support Today 111 S. Church Ave, Tucson, Arizona 85701 | 520.838.2515 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 FROM THE BISHOP Co-Workers Conference: Join us for a memorable experience that will inspire By BISHOP GERALD KICANAS On occasion, as I am walking to the Pastoral Center from St. Augustine Cathedral or when I am on my way to celebrating a Mass at the Cathedral, I notice huge crowds gathering at the Tucson Convention Center. Now, sometimes the crowd assembles for events like WWE professional wrestling or Disney on Ice or the Gem Show, but once in a while people are coming together for religious purposes – such as the Jehovah Witnesses or the Latter Day Saints. Hundreds of people flock to these spiritual happenings as a way of building a sense of community: praying, celebrating, and learning together. I am always amazed to see how fervent and committed the members of these faiths are and their sincere desire to witness that faith. While we have nearly 400,000 Catholics in our diocese, we rarely have a chance to come together as one family. Three years ago we held a conference called “Co-workers in the Vineyard”. The three-day gathering was for those involved in ministry in the 78 parishes and 25 schools that make up our diocese. The spirit and enthusiasm in the Tucson Convention Center Arena for that event was marvelous and people walked away saying how inspiring it was to be together as Catholics. They insisted we do a conference again. This year, from March 5 to March 7, the Diocese is planning a second conference at the Tucson Convention Center in downtown Tucson. This time the conference has been designed for all Catholics in our diocese. The conference theme is “We Are a People of Faith, Hope and Charity”. My hope is that we can assemble more than 3,000 people of all ages from around our diocese to celebrate who we are as Catholics. u STORY CONTINUES ON 4 Bishop’s Calendar - February 2015 1 10:00 a.m., Jubilee Mass, Religious Women and Men, St. Augustine Cathedral, Tucson 1:00 p.m., Charismatic Renewal with Youth, PCC West, Theater 10 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Mass and visit to St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School, Casa Grande 7:00 p.m., Cathedral Concert Series at St. Augustine Cathedral, Tucson 2 7:30 a.m., Mass, Breakfast with Bishop, Residence 11 Presentation to U.S. Congress on Immigration in Washington D.C. 5 7:30 a.m., Mass and Meeting, Catholic Cemeteries’ Board, Residence 2:00 p.m., ACE Board Meeting, Pastoral Center 12 7:00 p.m., Confirmation, St. Francis de Sales, Tucson 7 9:00 a.m., Diocesan Pastoral Council, Pastoral Center 2:00 p.m., Listening Session, Marriage and Family, St. Andrew the Apostle, Sierra Vista 5:00 p.m., Mass, ACA Dinner, St. Andrew the Apostle 8 9:00 a.m., Mass, Sacred Heart, Tombstone 3:00-5:00 p.m., “Who Will Fill My Shoes?”, Sts. Peter & Paul, Tucson 9 THE 14 10:00 a.m., 50th Anniversary of Father Kino Statue in the Capitol, Arizona Historical Society 2:00 p.m., Catholic Foundation Mardi Gras, Residence 15 10:00 a.m., Mass, Asian New Year, Our Lady of La Vang 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., Listening Session, Marriage and Family, St. Anthony of Padua, Casa Grande 16 10:30 a.m., Presbyteral Council, Tucson 4:30 p.m., Dinner, Visiting Mundelein Seminarians, Residence 12:00 p.m., U.S., Canadian Jesuit Provincials’ Meeting, Redemptorist Renewal Center 6:30 p.m., Theology Uncorked, Most Holy Trinity VISION NEW Editor and Publisher: Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas Managing Editor: Victor Calderon [email protected] Graphic Designer: Jessica Caraballo [email protected] Multimedia Coordinator: Omar Rodríguez [email protected] Advertising: Claudia Borders Tel: 520-298-1265 17 10:00 a.m., Mass, Villa Maria 12:30 p.m., Southwest Medical Aid Annual Meeting, Most Holy Trinity 5:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus Priests’ Appreciation Dinner, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 18 12:00 p.m., Ash Wednesday Mass, St. Augustine Cathedral 19 8:00 a.m., Pastoral Center Directors Meeting 11:30 a.m., USCCB Communications Committee Video Conference 20 Staff Service Day 21 9:00 a.m., Knight of Malta Healing Mass, St. Augustine Cathedral 12:00 p.m., Diocesan Compliance Representatives’ Convocation, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 4:00 p.m., Mass, Italian Catholic Federation, Our Lady of the Valley, Green Valley 22 11:00 a.m., Mass, Pastor Installation, Father John Arnold, St. Mark, Oro Valley 3:00 p.m., Rite of Election, St. Augustine Cathedral [email protected] Advisory Board: Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas, Msgr. Jeremiah McCarthy, The New Vision 111 S. Church Ave. Tucson, AZ 85702 Tel: 520-838-2500 Fax 520-838-2599 23 Knights of Columbus Priests and Religious Appreciation Dinner, St. John Neumann Parish, Yuma 24 9:00 a.m., Mass, Immaculate Conception Catholic School, Yuma 7:00 p.m., Confirmation, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Yuma 25 5:30 p.m., St. John Paul II Awards 26 9:00 a.m., Mass, Yuma Catholic High School 7:00 p.m., Confirmation, Immaculate Conception Parish 27 6:00 p.m., Confirmation, St. Jude Thaddeus, San Luis 28 9:00 a.m., Confirmation, Immaculate Conception, Yuma 12:00 p.m., “Who Will Fill My Shoes?”, St. Francis of Assisi 4:00 p.m., Confirmation, St. John Neumann March 1 3:00 p.m., Rite of Election, St. Francis of Assisi 6:00 p.m., Confirmation, St. Francis of Assisi, Yuma Website: Follow us on Facebook: The New Vision Twitter: @newvisiononline Winner of 2012 international award for ‘general excellence’ FEBRUARY 2015 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG The New Vision is not liable, or in any way responsible for the content of any advertisements that appear in its pages. Statements, claims, offers or guarantees made by The New Vision’s advertisers are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Deceptive or misleading advertising is never knowingly accepted. Complaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to the Better Business Bureau. The New Vision reserves the right to reject any advertising copy or art. 3 CO-WORKERS continued from 1 items like water and bread. Charity can also help us experience the divine in our ordinary lives. Charity is more than just service, but the love we receive from God and in return share that love with those around us – locally, nationally and globally. “As people of charity, do we take to heart that when we give, we give to God?” Woo said. “The palms (hands) of the poor in which we place our alms are the altars where we offer our first and best gifts to God. We acknowledge the goodness of God and of the world that God has made.” Catholics are people of faith, hope and charity. When we are living Catholic, we actively live the faith, live in hope and live charitably. We can all live Catholic better when we live Catholic together, as Coworkers in the vineyard. Please see the pull-out center section of this newspaper or the conference website for all the details http://coworkers.diocesetucson. org. 4 FROM THE BISHOP continued from 3 The planning committee has been working incredibly hard and has secured some of the best English and Spanish speakers in the nation and from Mexico, and plans a variety of workshops to meet everyone’s interest during this three-day event. “This conference will be very much a family gathering that will renew us, fill us with pride and gratitude for our faith and be an enjoyable and memorable time.” In addition to the learning opportunities, there will be time to pray together and to meet brother and sister Catholics with whom we share faith and values. Something exciting happens when we come together with others from our various parishes and schools. We recognize that the faith is bigger than our own local parish or school. I have noticed that young people develop a certain pride when they attend events like World Youth Day, where they encounter young people from every culture and nation who share their faith. They experience the universality of our faith and are energized to be part of that faith. As Bishop, I get a chance to meet Catholics living in all parts of our diocese. This upcoming Co-Workers conference could provide a similar experience of meeting one another and being inspired by the deep faith, sure hope and amazing charity that instills deep pride and a sense of inclusion. I see those wonderful characteristics every day and they inspire me to give thanks for such a great local church. While I understand it is hard for people across our vast diocese to come together in downtown Tucson, I know many will make the effort so that we can truly celebrate our rich and remarkable history as a Church and our Catholic family here in the Diocese of Tucson. Family reunions are special moments. This conference will be very much a family gathering that will renew us, fill us with pride and gratitude for our faith and be an enjoyable and memorable time. Our elders attending will have an occasion to remind us of our roots. Our families will give witness to the vibrancy of the faith and the importance of handing on the faith. Our young people will make us aware that the faith is very much alive in the new generation. Our priests, religious, deacons, teachers, catechists and those in other Catholic ministries will find many opportunities to grow in the faith. All who come will benefit from this conference. Why should you attend the conference? •To learn more about the faith from great speakers and timely workshops • To pray with companions in the faith • To meet people who share your values • To have your faith renewed • To enjoy some memorable moments • To experience the joy of the gospel I look forward to seeing you at the Tucson Convention Center from March 5 to March 7. Register online at http://coworkers.diocesetucson. org THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 in your area SIERRA VISTA/CASA GRANDE Bishop seeks comments on marriage and family Pope Francis has asked that bishops consult with their dioceses in preparation for the upcoming Synod on Marriage and Family to be held in Rome this October. Bishop Gerald Kicanas has planned four listening sessions in the Diocese of Tucson to gather comments, recommendations and suggestions from our people on the questions that will be discussed at the Synod. The first session took place at Yuma Catholic High School on Dec. 7 and was followed by another session for parishes in Tucson and in Santa Cruz County at Most Holy Trinirty Parish on Jan. 25. A session for parishes in Cochise and Graham/ Greenlee Counties will be held Saturday, Feb. 7. The session will be held at St. Andrew Parish, 800 N. Taylor Dr., Sierra Vista. The session will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. There will be another session for parishes in Pinal West and Gila/Pinal East Counties Sunday, Feb. 15. The session will be held at St. Anthony Parish, 201 N. Picacho St., Casa Grande. The session will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. TUCSON Cathedral Concert Series this month The Cathedral Concert Series will hold its next concert featuring pianist Eric Zuber on Tuesday, Feb. 10 at St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson. Zuber is the winner of the 2013 Bosendorfer International Piano Competition. He will perform selections of Chopin at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 10. There is a general donation of $25 for adults and a $10 for students. The Cathedral is located at 192 S. Stone Ave. Information: . Search retreat for high school students If you are a junior or senior in high school, at least 16 years old and want to meet other young people for spiritual growth, reflection and fun, sign up for a retreat to be held Feb. 20-22. The Search for Christian Maturity Retreat is sponsored by the Diocese of Tucson and will be hosted at San Miguel High School, 6601 S. San Fernando Road. The deadline to register is Feb. 11. The cost is $40; scholarships are available. For more information contact: Manuel “Mito” Gonzales (co-director) 520-954-1671 or [email protected], or Veronica Lumm (codirector) 520-409-0809 or [email protected] . Vocation Retreat at San Xavier Mission The Franciscan friars of the Province of Saint Barbara are hosting a vocation retreat, Feb. 20 thru Feb 22, in Tucson at San Xavier del Bac Mission for men ages 21 to 45 interested in religious life as a Franciscan brother or priest. For more information and to register contact Brother Eric Pilarcik, O.F.M. at [email protected] or (408) 903-3422. WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR AREA? CALl our news editor at 520.838.2562 or email [email protected] Social Justice Fair at St. John Parish A day-long Social Justice Fair will be held at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Tucson on Sunday, Feb. 22. There will be community organizations from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Church Hall at 602 W. Ajo Way. San Miguel HS holds immigration think tank San Miguel High School in Tucson held a think tank on immigration this past month, providing an opportunity to share ideas and to reflect on migrant issues and the long term needs along the U.S.-Mexico border. San Miguel officials were joined on Jan. 14 and 15 by religious brothers and Lasallian lay partners from the districts of San Francisco, New Orleans and Mexico, as well as Bishop Gerald Kicanas, prominent figures from Southern Arizona and school faculty. “The Immigration Think Tank is an initiative that is a response to a current reality and a challenge made by the 45th General Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools,” said Brother Chris Patiño, who ministers at SMHS where the De La Salle Brothers serve and helped to organize this gathering. “One of the themes that arose from the Chapter is for the Lasallian mission to go ‘beyond borders’ and respond to the emerging educational needs of our time.” St. Augustine HS student’s artwork in calendar A painting by a student at St. Augustine Catholic High School in Tucson is featured in a local calendar with the winners of a high school calendar art contest. “Can’t Escape the Fear” by sophomore Jacob Codoner is the June painting in a calendar produced by Spectrum Printing Company, LLC. Evening of renewal at Sacred Heart Alive in Christ: an Evening of Renewal will be offered by the Diocese of Tucson Renewal Ministry at Sacred Heart Parish, 601 E. Ft. Lowell, Tucson on Thursday, Feb. 12. Worship begins at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. The Renewal gathering is held the second Thursday of every month. Information: 520-2377060 or 520-459-0669. YUMA Celebration of Kino Statue at U.S. Capitol All are invited to join with Bishop Gerald Kicanas and the Kino Heritage Society in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the statue of Padre Eusebio Kino that stands in the National Statutory Hall of Heroes at the United States Capitol Building. Padre Kino brought the Catholic Faith to the Sonoran Desert more than 300 years ago. The State of Arizona honored Padre Kino by naming him as one of Arizona’s heroic representatives to our nation and by presenting his statue at a dedication ceremony held in Washington D.C., on Arizona Statehood Day in 1965. This February’s 50th anniversary celebration will be held on Saturday, Feb. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Arizona Historical Society Museum, 949 E. Second Street in Tucson. There will be a short program about the history surrounding the statue dedication along with a blessing by Bishop Kicanas of the replica of the Capitol’s Kino statue that is located on the Museum grounds. A reception with light refreshments honoring special guests Dr. Bernard “Bunny” Fontana and Dr. James “Big Jim” Griffith will follow. Both professors have devoted their lives and scholarship to the better understanding of the people, history and culture of our region. This Tucson event is free and open to the public. Free parking is located one block away from the Museum at the University of Arizona’s Main Gate Garage. Contact Rosie Garcia at padrekino@live. com for more information. Yuma Catholic HS student gets NROTC scholarship A student at Yuma Catholic High School has been awarded a Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarship worth $180,000, the Yuma Sun reported. Alexis Merino, 17, will be able to use the scholarship to receive a college degree. Merino told the Sun that she wants to be part of the U.S. Navy and has already been accepted into the University of Arizona. She said she is waiting to hear from the University of Notre Dame, Columbia University, Boston University and the University of Rochester. . NOGALES Kino Border Initiative dinner in Phoenix The Kino Border Inititiave, which serves migrants in Nogales, Ariz. and Sonora, Mexico, will hold its fifth annual fundraising dinner Saturday, Feb. 28 in Phoenix. Father Sean Carroll, S.J., the KBI’s executive director, will host the event at St. Francis Xavier School, 4715 North Central Ave. There is a reception at 5 p.m. followed by a dinner at 6 p.m. RSVP by Feb. 16. All proceeds go to KBI. For information, contact Lucy Howell at 602-695-1604 or LHowell@ For reservations, visit FEBRUARY 2015 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG 5 Religious celebrate jubilarian anniversaries Photo by Victor Calderón. Tamara Morris, above left, who is expecting a child, places a white rose at Holy Hope Cemetery in Tucson on Jan. 17. TUCSON MARCH FOR LIFE continued from page 1 sunny morning on Jan. 17. Groups came from parishes and schools in Tucson, Nogales, Marana, Sahuarita, Eloy and other communities. Students from Immaculate Heart School in Oro Valley carried a banner at the front of the marchers. The Diocese’s annual March For Life, now in its 18th year, took place a few days before the 42nd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal. The day began with a Mass, 27 celebrated by Bishop Gerald Kicanas. The marchers left from the Cathedral’s parking lot, escorted by Tucson police officers, and arrived at Holy Hope about 90 minutes later. “Lord, you have called us here today in the spirit of life,” said Father Domenico Pinti, V.F., the Diocese’s Vicar for Life and pastor at St. George Parish in Apache Junction. A bell was rung and red roses were placed in front of a tombstone “dedicated to all the victims of abortion” for each year since 1973 by a person born in that year. Once the 42 roses had been placed, white doves were released. Photo by Steff Koeneman At a Mass for religious celebrating jubilees at St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson on Feb. 1, there were four sisters celebrating 70 years in religious life. From left to right are Sister Mary Evelyn Soto, I.H.M.; Sister Mary Pierre Borboa, I.H.M.; Bishop Gerald Kicanas; Sister Barbara Donahue, S.F.C.C. and Sister Therese Martin, S.F.C.C. Other religious celebrating anniversaries are 65 Years: Sister Corina Padilla, O.P.; Sister Rina Cappellazzo, O.P.; Rev. Franklin Eichhorst, O.F.M. Cap.; Sister Regina Arnold, O.S.B.; 60 Years: Rev. Andre Weller, O.F.M. Cap.; Rev. Nicholas Widhammer, O.F.M. Cap.; Rev. Frank Clifford Herle, O.F.M.; Rev. Cyprian Hibner, O. Carm.; 50 Years: Sister Eileen Mahony, C.S.A.; Sister Esther Calderon, O.P.; Father Robert Kose, O.F.M. Cap.; Sister Ellen Pachmayer, O.S.F.; Sister Carla Riach, O.S.F.; Sister Jeanne Bartholomeaux, S.C.; Sister Kate Mehlmann, O.C.S.O.; 40 Years: Sister Gladys Noreen, O.S.B.; Father Richard Boyle, S.J.; 25 Years: Sister Cathy Lee, O.C.S.O. and Rev. Thomas Koller, O.C.D. th Anniversary Salpointe Willie Kane Memorial Golf Tournament Honoring Bob Logan ’75 A Spiritual Journey to Turkey & Rome With Saints Peter & Paul Spa Under the Spiritual Direction of: Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas is lim ce it Regi ed. ster TOD AY! Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson Mr. Ernie Nedder - Group Coordinator Sr. Lois Jean Paha, O.P. - Liturgy Coordinator LANCER MARCH MADNESS “Lute” Logan invites you to a round of golf honoring the one and only Bob Logan! Friday, March 6, 2015 at Arizona National October 26 to November 6, 2015 Only $4,199 from Phoenix (PHX) Plus $725 in airport taxes and $175 in tips. For More Information and your FREE Color Brochure 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. $200 per player Sponsorships available: Contact Peggie Gessner at 520-547-9365 | [email protected] | Proceeds benefit Salpointe athletics and the Willie Kane Endowed Scholarship Fund 6 Download Brochure & Registration at: Contact Mr. Ernie Nedder CST: 2018667 Email: [email protected] or Call (520) 760-5882 THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 schools TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS GO TO WWW.DIOCESETUCSON.ORG St. Augustine Catholic HS renovating second floor for students Photo by Victor Calderón. A construction worker, above left, is shown inside a former seminarian dormitory at what is now St. Augustine Catholic High School in Tucson. Above right, a rendering of one of the classrooms. By VICTOR CALDERON The New Vision What was once second floor dormitories at Regina Cleri Seminary in Tucson will be transformed into state-of-the-art classrooms for students at the decade-old St. Augustine Catholic High School. Work began in early January for the Oser Wing, named for donor Lee M. Oser, and the Buck O’Rielly classrooms, named for the donor and president of the O’Rielly Motor Co. Classroom space will be about 2,000 square feet, said Dave Keller, St. Augustine High’s president. A groundbreaking was held during Catholic Schools Week in late January and the project is expected to be finished by June, Keller said. St. Augustine High currently has 165 students enrolled and is expected to grow to 200 students for the 2015-16 school year. “It’s so exciting to bring life back to this building,” said school principal Lynn Cuffari. Some rooms on the second floor are currently used by high school faculty and staff, but it has been largely unused by students until now. Salpointe Catholic HS opens student centers Photos by Omar Rodriguez. Above left, Bishop Kicanas joins Salpointe officials in a ribbon cutting. Above right, Salpointe students work in a laboratory. Rain may have moved the festivities indoors at a dedication and blessing ceremony for new student centers at Salpointe Catholic High School in Tucson this past month but the excitement over the new buildings at the Diocese’s most populous school remained. Along with Father William Harry, O.Carm., Provincial of the Carmelite Fathers who have staffed Salpointe since 1952, Bishop Gerald Kicanas blessed the new facilities resulting from a $12 million dollar capital campaign on Jan. 30. That campaign was directed by the school’s President, Kay Sullivan. The new additions include a student center, a library addition, a counseling center, a playing field and a new Chapel of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Nogales students receive letter from Pope Francis Students at Lourdes Catholic School in Nogales wrote a letter to Pope Francis and were surprised to receive a response from the Holy Father this past month. The Kino Teens group at the school had written to the Pope about the situation along the Arizona-Nogales border and also made a video about how people’s lives are being affected and about the Kino Teens’ work. The Holy Father answered back with a letter written on official stationery and bearing his signature and the papal seal. In his FEBRUARY 2015 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG letter to the Kino Teens, Pope Francis encouraged the students to continue to remember others. The Kino Teens began with students at Lourdes Catholic School who have formed an alliance with the Kino Border Initiative under Father Sean Carroll, S.J., and Father Peter Neeley, S.J. The group works to involve teens in work for migrants through hands-on experience on the border, workshops, immersion experiences and political advocacy. 7 Diocese invites men considering priesthood to gatherings in Tucson, Yuma The Diocese of Tucson invites men between the ages of 16-35 who are considering the priesthood to two gatherings this month in Tucson and Yuma. In a campaign called “Who Will Fill These Shoes?,” diocesan priests are asking all parishioners to identify and invite one or two young men who they believe could be called by God to serve as a priest. The first gathering will be Sunday, Feb. 8 at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, 1946 E. Lee Street (Lee and Campbell, across from the University of Arizona Medical Center). The event will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. A second gathering is set for Saturday, Feb. 28 at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, 1815 S. 8th Ave. in Yuma, from noon to 2 p.m. For more information, visit www. or call Father Jorge FariasSaucedo, the Diocese’s Vocation Director for Recruitment, at 520-838-2530. Your support of ACA helps others in Diocese Support fo the Catholic Foundation’s border communities. Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) or attend the “We needed something to protect our annual Gala, you are helping to provide grant donations from the weather and theft”, said money to those in Angie Gill, the ministry’s need throughout our coordinator. “Since Diocese. November of last year, The Catholic we have traveled over Foundation receives 1,000 miles with this nearly 100 grant new trailer, it has been a requests every year godsend.” Native Peoples from parishes, schools Mission Ministry’s goal and programs that is to make sure no one serve our Diocese. If will be without the basic the Foundation doesn’t necessities of life, that reach its goals for the no matter how remote ACA or the Gala, some their village, they will of those requests might not be overlooked or be denied. Attending our Gala or donations From left to right: Angela Colleen Gill, Angie forgotten, Gill said. Gill, Amanda Cox, Angela Dettyand Father Chris “Having this new to the ACA, allows Orndorff are shown with the cargo trailer used by enclosed trailer has the foundation to help Corpus Christi Parish in Tucson. been life-changing for so others. Last year, Corpus Christi Parish in Tucson many of us,” she said. “Thank you to everyone received a grant to purchase a cargo trailer, who made it possible!” For more information about granting which is used diocese wide to deliver much needed items to our poorest ministries. Native opportunities or how to support the grant Peoples Mission Ministry, through Corpus program, please visit our website at www. Christi, receives donations of any kind (food, or call the Catholic clothing, furniture) and then delivers those Foundation at (520) 838-2505. items mainly to our Native American and ALIVE IN CHRIST Evening of Renewal Offered by the Diocese of Tucson Renewal Ministry Stocks | Bonds Mutual Funds Annuities | CDs 8 Money Market Funds IRAs | IRA Rollovers Retirement Plans Ben Palazzo Branch Manager, Senior Vice President/Investments (520) 209-7400 | (877) 879-3156 Toll-Free 1985 E. River Road, Suite 101 | Tucson, Arizona 85718 [email protected] | UITs Cash Management Financial Planning Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 PRESENT S THE 2015 CO-WORKERS IN THE VINEYARD PEOPLE OF FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY. CONFERENCE FOR ALL CATHOLICS March 5 -7, 2015 Tucson Convention Center Our diocese is planning this Catholic conference March 5-7 to bring all of us living here in the Diocese together for prayer, information and a chance to revel in our Catholic family. The conference is called “CoWorkers in the Vineyard,” and its theme is “We Are a People of Faith, Hope and Charity”. I hope to have over 3,000 people from around our diocese come celebrate who we are as Catholics. The Conference planning committee has been working incredibly hard to secure some of the best speakers in the nation as well as a plethora of workshops to meet everyone’s interest during this event. Something exciting happens when we come together. We recognize that our faith is bigger than our own local parish or schools. Young people catch that kind of pride when they attend events like World Youth Day, where they encounter young people from every culture and nation who share their faith. They experience the universality of our faith. We adults can have the same experience at this conference. This event aims to inspire us deeply through the kind of deep faith, sure hope and amazing charity that I see every day and which moves me to give thanks for such a great local church. This conference can be similar to a family reunion. This family gathering will renew us, fill us with pride and gratitude for our faith as well as be an enjoyable and memorable three days. Why should you attend the conference? Here are my top five reasons: • To learn more about the faith from great speakers and timely workshops Our English Keynote Speakers are Father Robert Barron, who produced and “starred” in the popular DVD series “Catholicism” that you may have seen; and Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo, President and Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Relief Services. Under her leadership, the organization has served thousands of the world’s neediest people in dozens of countries and the United States, providing everything from emergency aid to food, safe water programs, and micro-loan and educational programs to assist people with achieving a better life and self-sufficiency. •To pray with companions in the faith •To meet people who share your values •To have your faith renewed •To enjoy some memorable moments I look forward to seeing you at the Co-Workers Conference. – Bishop Gerald Kicanas KEYNOTE SPEAKERS FRIDAY Father Robert Barron Father Robert Barron is the Rector of Mundelein Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. He is an author, speaker and theologian. He is also the founder of the global media ministry Word on Fire, which reaches millions of people by utilizing the tools of new media to draw people into or back to the Catholic Faith. Bishop Gerald Kicanas Bishop Kicanas became the Ordinary of the Diocese of Tucson in March 2003 after being assigned as Coadjutor Bishop in October 2001. Bishop Kicanas was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1967 and served in various capacities for more than 25 years. Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo is President & CEO of Catholic Relief Services, the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Dr. Woo currently sits on numerous boards and USCCB Committees. Dr. Woo is married to Dr. David E. Bartkus and they have two sons, Ryan and Justin. REGISTER NOW! WORKSHOPS Lecio Divina - Peggy Guerrero Rebuilt: Make Church Matter - Father Michael White and Tom Corcoran Discovering the Biblical Roots of Liturgy: Praying the Mass with Scripture - Father Jeff Wocken, S.D.S. Morality in Religious Education; the “How to” Approach - Victor Valenzuela Practical Ways to Keep the Enthusiasm in Our Ministry - Luis Ramirez The Journey Within ~ Contemplative Spirituality for the Everyday Catholic - Tom Booth Learning to Witness: How to Share Your Faith with Others - Deacon Alex Jones Who are They: One Call Different Paths - Sister Jeanne Bartholomeaux S.C. You Have put on Christ: Cultivating a Baptismal Spirituality in the Parish - Jerry Galipeau, D.Min. Priests on-going formation session (priests only) Bishop George Murry, S.J. SATURDAY Building Unity, Here, There and Everywhere - Rose Loughran & Michael Johnson, Missionary Discipleship in a Culturally Diverse Church: Reading the Signs of the Times - Hosffman Ospino, Phd Ite, Missa Est! Now What? - Sister Lois Paha, O.P., D. Min The RCIA and the Parish as an Initiating Community - Jerry Galipeau, D. Min Pope Francis and Missionary Discipleship - Robert Feduccia Practical Ways to Keep the Enthusiasm in our Ministry - Luis Ramirez Jesus is Yaqui - Father Seraphim Molina, S.T. Sacred Art and Spirituality - Father Alex Mills The Living Word: Nourished by Sacred Scripture - Deacon Alex Jones Catholic Moral Teaching and Pastoral Guidance for End-of-Life Care - Monsignor Jeremiah McCarthy Discovering the Biblical Roots of Liturgy: Praying the Mass with Scripture - Father Jeff Wocken, S.D.S. The Two Shall be One: Reflections on Catholic Marriage Who are They: One Call Different Paths - Sister Jeanne Bartholomeaux, S.C. Vocations: a Journey of Faith, Hope, and Charity Rooted in the Family - Father Jorge Farias CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Thursday, March 5 Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 Time Activity Location Time Activity Location Time Activity Location 5:00 p.m. Registration Cochise/Apache 7:30 a.m. Registration Cochise/Apache 7:30 a.m. Registration Cochise/Apache 6:30 p.m. Arena Doors Open Arena 8:00 a.m. Resource Expo Open North Exhibition hall 8:00 a.m. Resource Expo Open North Exhibition hall 7:00 p.m. General Session Arena 8:30 a.m. Keynote - Fr. Robert Barron Arena 8:30 a.m. Workshops TCC 8:00 p.m. Keynote - Bishop Gerald Kicanas Arena Follow us on: @TucsonCatholic #FaithHopeCharity 10:30 a.m. Workshops TCC 12:00 p.m. Break for lunch 10:30 a.m. Keynote - Carolyn Woo Arena 12:00 p.m. Break for lunch 1:30 p.m. Workshops TCC 1:30 p.m. Workshops TCC 3:30 p.m. Conference Mass Arena 3:30 p.m. Closing Program Arena 5:00 p.m. Break for dinner 7:00 p.m. Evening Sessions TCC Questions? Call the Diocese of Tucson at 520-838-2500 PRESENTA L A CONFERENCIA DEL 2015 COLABORADORES EN LA VIÑA GENTE DE FE, ESPERANZA Y CARIDAD. UNA CONFERENCIA PARA TODOS LOS CATÓLICOS Marzo 5 - 7, 2015 Centro de Convenciónes de Tucson Nuestra Diócesis ha planificado una conferencia católica para el 5 al 7 de marzo con el fin de que todos los que vivimos aquí en la Diócesis nos reunamos para rezar juntos, informarnos y tener una oportunidad de disfrutar unidos de nuestra familia católica. La conferencia se denomina “Colaboradores en la Viña”, y el tema es “Somos un pueblo de fe, esperanza y caridad”. Mi esperanza es lograr reunir a más de 3,000 personas de todas las edades y de toda la Diócesis para celebrar juntos lo que es ser católicos. El comité de planificación ha estado trabajando con gran dedicación y esfuerzo y ha conseguido la participación de algunos de los mejores presentadores en inglés y en español de este país y de México, y se han programado una variedad de talleres para satisfacer los intereses de todos los asistentes durante este encuentro de tres días. Cuando nos reunimos con personas de otras parroquias y de las escuelas de nuestra Diócesis sucede algo muy estimulante. Unidos, nos damos cuenta de que la fe es más grande que nuestra parroquia o escuela local. Yo he notado que cuando los jóvenes asisten a eventos como el Día Mundial de la Juventud, donde conocen a jóvenes de todas las culturas y naciones que comparten su fe, se despierta en ellos un cierto orgullo. Es así como viven la universalidad de nuestra fe y sienten el impulso de una nueva energía que los mueve a ser parte de esa fe. Esta conferencia será sin duda una reunión de familia que nos renovará, nos llenará de orgullo y de gratitud por nuestra fe y será un acontecimiento entretenido y memorable. Todos los que asistan se beneficiarán de esta conferencia. ¿Por qué debería usted asistir a la conferencia? • Para aprender más sobre la fe escuchando a expertos oradores y participando en talleres con temas de actualidad. Nuestros Oradores Principales en Español son el Obispo Sigifredo Noriega Barceló de la Diócesis de Zacatecas y el Padre Alfonso Garcia que pertenece a la arquidiócesis de Guadalajara. El mensaje del Obispo Sigifredo es uno de dar elementos para reflexionar y activar la esperanza en nuestras comunidades cristianas en tiempos de incertidumbres. El Padre Alfonso nos inspirará con un mensaje de amor y caridad. • Para rezar con compañeros de la fe • Para conocer a personas que tienen sus mismos valores • Para renovar su fe • Para disfrutar de momentos memorables • Para experimentar la alegría del Evangelio Espero verlos a todos en la Conferencia de Colaboradores. – Obispo Gerald Kicanas TALLERES PRESENTADORES VIERNES Obispo Sigifredo Noriega Barceló Después de su ordenación Sacerdotal desempeño los siguientes cargos: Director Espiritual del Seminario de Ciudad Obregón (1977-1980), Promotor Vocacional (1976-1980), en 1980 viajo a Roma, Italia para obtener la Licencia Docendi en Teología Moral para la Academia Alfonsiana. El 2 de agosto de 2012, el Papa Benedicto XVI lo nombro Obispo de la Diócesis de Zacatecas. Obispo Gerald Kicanas En marzo de 2003, el Obispo Kicanas fue nombrado como Ordinario de la Diócesis de Tucson después de que fue nombrado como Obispo Coadjutor en octubre de 2001. En 1967, el Obispo Kicanas fue ordenado como padre de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago y sirvió en varias capacidades por más de 25 años. Padre Alfonso Garcia El padre Alfonso Garcia pertenece a la arquidiócesis de Guadalajara, México desde Mayo de 1988. Realizo sus estudios de Filosofía en el seminario diocesano de Guadalajara de 1981 al 1983. Ademas curso estudios teológicos en el mismo seminario de 1984 al 1988. El padre Alfonso tiene una maestría en Ciencias de la Familia, otorgada por el instituto Giovanni Paolo II. REGISTRATE AHORA! Evangelii Gaudium - Caridad en Acción Monseñor. Carlos Romero-Moreno ¿Cómo Cuidamos la Creación de Dios? Rebecca Piña Cammarota La Religiosidad Popular: Las Vivencias de Fe en la Comunidad Hispana Hermana Gladys Echenique, O.P. Caminando en Solidaridad Norma Valdez Y Los Dos Serán Uno Padre Manuel Viera, O.F.M. SABADO El Camino de Jesús: amor en Acción, Paz y Justicia Yolanda Cagigas Evangelii Gaudium - Caridad en Acción Monseñor Carlos Romero-Moreno Discípulos Misioneros en una Iglesia Multicultural: Leamos los Signos de los Tiempos Hosffman Ospino, Phd. Dichosos los Misericordiosos Padre Carlos Triana, Eudista Y los Dos Serán Uno Padre Manuel Viera, O.F.M. La Espiritualidad del NiñoIdeas Prácticas Para el Desarrollo de la Fe Victor Valenzuela Cristianismo y Cambio: Santos y Pecadores, Sanos y Enfermos, Navegando en las Mismas Aguas Caudalosas del Conflicto”. Vivir y Ser Testigos de la Esperanza en Situación de Migrantes Obispo Sigifredo Noriega Barceló El Papa Francisco Habla a Los Ministros de la Iglesia Monseñor Raul Trevizo Jovenes y el Futuro de Inmigración Padre Pete Neeley, S.J. El Camino de Jesús: Amor en Acción, Paz y Justicia Yolanda Cagigas Quienes Son: Un Llamado Diferentes Caminos Hermana Jeanne Bartholomeaux, S.C. Vocaciones: Una Jornada de Fe, Esperanza y Caridad Enraizada en la Familia Padre Jorge Farias Pastoral Campesina: Impulsando la Evangelización en el Campo Teresita Kontos Liliana Bustamante Vocaciones: Una Jornada de Fe, Esperanza y Caridad Enraizada en la Familia Padre Jorge Farias Jovenes y el Futuro de Inmigración Padre Pete Neeley, S.J. La Espiritualidad del NiñoIdeas Prácticas Para el Desarrollo de la Fe. Victor Valenzuela Evangelii Gaudium - Caridad en Acción Monseñor Carlos Romero-Moreno ¿Cómo Cuidamos la Creación de Dios? Rebecca Piña Cammarota El Papa Francisco Habla a los Ministros de la Iglesia Monseñor Raul Trevizo Catholic Relief Services Worldwide! Norma Valdez HORARIO DE LA CONFERENCIA Jueves, Marzo 5 Viernes, Marzo 6 Sabado, Marzo 7 Horario Actividad Locación Horario Actividad Locación Horario Actividad Locación 5:00 p.m. Registración Cochise/Apache 7:30 a.m. Registración Cochise/Apache 7:30 a.m. Registración Cochise/Apache 6:30 p.m. Puertas Abiertas Arena 8:00 a.m. Apertura de Expo North Exhibition hall 8:00 a.m. Apertura de Expo North Exhibition hall 7:00 p.m. Sesion General Arena 8:30 a.m. Talleres TCC 8:30 a.m. Presentador - Padre Alfonso Garcia Arena 8:00 p.m. Presentador - Obispo Geraldo Kicanas Arena Siguenos en: @TucsonCatholic #FaithHopeCharity 10:30 a.m. Presentador - Obispo Barcelo Arena 10:30 a.m. Talleres 12:00 p.m. Tiempo para la merienda 12:00 p.m. Tiempo para la merienda TCC 1:30 p.m. Talleres TCC 1:30 p.m. Talleres TCC 3:30 p.m. Clebración de Misa Arena 3:30 p.m. Clausura de Conferencia Arena 5:00 p.m. Ciena 7:00 p.m. Sesiones por la tarde TCC Preguntas? Llama a la Diocesis de Tucson al 520-838-2500 LA NUEVA VISIÓN c El Periódico de la Romana Católica Diócesis de Tucson d FEBRERO 2015 Tu c s o n , A Z | Vo l . V I I I | N ú m e r o X w w w. n e w v i s i o n o n l i n e .o rg | w w w.d i o ce s e t u c s o n .o rg Unidos como iglesia peregrina en la fe, la esperanza y la caridad Por el PADRE VILIULFO VALDERRAMA La diócesis de Tucson esta formada por nueve condados, en una área de 42,707 millas cuadradas. Las 78 parroquias que la forman tienen aproximadamente unos 300,000 católicos. Aquí es donde nos toco vivir la aventura del Evangelio. Aquí es donde construimos la civilización del amor. Aquí es donde evangelizamos o somos evangelizados. Una infinidad de veces hemos oído el verbo “evangelizar”. Este viene del latín evangelium, que significa buena noticia. La evangelización es la proclamación del Evangelio con el fin de atraer a todos a Cristo y a su Iglesia. Para evangelizar hay que vivir el Evangelio. Esto es posible por la obra del Espíritu Santo y nuestro compromiso. Todo bautizado ha de ser un evangelizador. Y el papa Francisco nos exhorta a predicar el evangelio con alegría, “no como quien viene llegando de un funeral”. Debemos comprometernos a una “nueva evangelización”: “nueva en su ardor, en sus métodos y en su expresión”. Las S a g r a d a s Escrituras nos recuerdan: “Vosotros sois la luz del mundo. No se puede esconder una ciudad edificada sobre un cerro. No se enciende una lámpara para ocultarla, sino para ponerla en un candelero a fin de que alumbre a todos los de la casa” (Mt 5,14-16). No hay humanidad nueva si no hay en primer lugar hombres nuevos. La exhortación apostólica Evangelii Nuntiandi dice que evangelizar significa “llevar la Buena Nueva a todos los ambientes de la humanidad y, con su influjo, transformar desde dentro, renovar a la misma humanidad”. La finalidad de la evangelización es por consiguiente el cambio interior. En nuestras parroquias muchas veces la gente pregunta, ¿Dónde puedo estudiar la Biblia? ¿Dónde puedo prepararme mejor en mi fe, para que pueda dar razón de ella? Hay hambre en el pueblo de Dios por adentrarse en los inescrutables ministerios de Dios. He aquí una gran oportunidad que no debe desaprovecharse. La Diócesis de Tucson se prepara para un gran acontecimiento evangelizador que convoca a todos los católicos de la región los días 5, 6 y 7 de Marzo del 2015 en el Tucson Convention Center. El lema del congreso es “Un pueblo de fe, esperanza y caridad”. u ARTICULO CONTINUA EN 15 Honrar toda vida, dicen participantes de la Marcha Diocesana por la Vida en Tucson Por VICTOR CALDERON La Nueva Visión Foto de Victor Calderon Mobile: utiliza tú app QR para scannear el codigo y descargar una edición digital a tu tablet o teléfono inteligente. Mujeres, hombres y jóvenes de toda la Diócesis de Tucson marcharon alrededor de cuatro millas desde la Catedral de San Agustín hasta el Cementerio Holy Hope este mes pasado, haciendo un llamado al respeto a la vida, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. La multitud, estimada por los organizadores en más de 1,000 personas, rezó entusiastamente el rosario mientras exhibían mensajes pro-vida en carteles, pancartas y camisetas en su paso hacia el norte de la ciudad en las últimas horas de una soleada mañana, el 17 de enero. Participaron grupos procedentes de parroquias y escuelas de Tucson, Nogales, Marana, Sahuarita, Eloy y otras comunidades. Los alumnos de la Escuela del Inmaculado Corazón, de Oro Valley, marcharon al frente de la procesión portando una pancarta. La Marcha Anual por la Vida, que en nuestra Diócesis se celebra desde hace 18 años, se llevó a cabo esta vez pocos días antes del 42 aniversario de la decisión de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. en el caso Roe v. Wade que legalizó el aborto. La jornada comenzó con una Misa celebrada por el Obispo Kicanas. u ARTICULO CONTINUA EN 15 Horario, talleres y más información de Colaborades en la Viña en pagina 11 POR EL OBISPO Conferencia de Colaboradores: Acompáñenos en una experiencia memorable e inspiradora Por el OBISPO GERALD KICANAS A veces, cuando voy caminando desde la Catedral de San Agustín hacia el Centro Pastoral o cuando me dirijo a celebrar una Misa en la Catedral, veo numerosos grupos de personas que se congregan en el Centro de Convenciones de Tucson. Algunas veces es gente que va a presenciar funciones como competencias de lucha libre de WWE, el espectáculo sobre hielo de Disney, o la Exposición de Gemas; pero de vez en cuando, la gente se reúne por motivos religiosos, como lo hacen por ejemplo los Testigos de Jehová, o los de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Cientos de personas acuden en multitud a estos acontecimientos espirituales con el fin de cultivar un sentido de comunidad rezando, celebrando y aprendiendo juntos. Siempre me impresiona ver el fervor y el compromiso de los miembros de esas doctrinas y su sincero deseo de dar testimonio de su fe. “Esta conferencia será una reunión de familia que nos renovará, nos llenará de orgullo y gratitud por nuestra fe, y será un acontecimiento entretenido y memorable.” Si bien en nuestra Diócesis hay 400,000 católicos, rara vez tenemos la oportunidad de reunirnos en familia. Hace tres años, celebramos una conferencia llamada “Colaboradores en la Viña”. El encuentro de tres días había sido diseñado para las personas que sirven en ministerios en las 78 parroquias y 25 escuelas que conforman nuestra Diócesis. El espíritu y el entusiasmo reinantes en el Centro de Convenciones de Tucson durante ese evento fueron maravillosos y los asistentes expresaron haberse sentido inspirados al estar congregados como familia católica e insistieron en que volviéramos a celebrar la conferencia. Este año, para el 5 al 7 de marzo, la Diócesis 14 ¿Por qué debería asistir a la conferencia? • Para aprender más sobre la fe escuchando a expertos oradores y participando en talleres con temas de actualidad • Para rezar con compañeros de la fe • Para conocer a personas que tienen sus mismos valores • Para renovar su fe • Para disfrutar de momentos memorables • Para experimentar la alegría del Evangelio Espero verlos en el Centro de Convenciones de Tucson entre el 5 y el 7 de marzo. Inscríbanse en internet en: ha planificado una segunda conferencia en el Centro de Convenciones de Tucson, y esta vez la conferencia ha sido diseñada con todos los católicos de nuestra Diócesis en mente. El tema de la conferencia es “Somos un pueblo de fe, esperanza y caridad”. Mi esperanza es lograr reunir a más de 3,000 personas de todas las edades y de toda la Diócesis para celebrar juntos lo que es ser católicos. El comité de planificación ha estado trabajando con gran dedicación y esfuerzo y ha conseguido la participación de algunos de los mejores presentadores en inglés y en español de este país y de México, y se han programado una variedad de talleres para satisfacer los intereses de todos los asistentes durante este encuentro de tres días. Además de las oportunidades de aprendizaje, habrá tiempo para rezar juntos y para conocer a hermanos y hermanas católicos con quienes compartimos nuestra fe y nuestros valores. Cuando nos reunimos con personas de otras parroquias y de las escuelas de nuestra Diócesis sucede algo muy estimulante. Unidos, podemos reconocer que la fe es más grande que nuestra parroquia o escuela local. Yo me he dado cuenta de que cuando los jóvenes asisten a eventos como el Día Mundial de la Juventud, donde conocen a jóvenes de todas las culturas y naciones que comparten su fe, se despierta en ellos una cierta clase de orgullo. Es así como viven la universalidad de nuestra fe y sienten el impulso de una nueva energía que los mueve a ser parte de esa fe. En calidad de obispo, yo tengo la oportunidad de conocer a católicos residentes de toda la Diócesis. La próxima Conferencia de Colaboradores podría brindarles a ustedes una experiencia similar, de conocerse y sentirse inspirados por la profunda fe, sólida esperanza y asombrosa caridad que nos infunde inmenso orgullo y una sensación de inclusión. Todos los días yo veo esos maravillosos atributos de nuestra comunidad y me siento inspirado a dar gracias por esta estupenda iglesia local. Aunque entiendo que reunirse en el centro de Tucson puede ser difícil para los feligreses de nuestra extensa diócesis, sé que muchos harán el esfuerzo para que podamos celebrar juntos la rica y extraordinaria historia de la Iglesia en nuestra comunidad, y regocijarnos por nuestra familia católica de la Diócesis de Tucson. Las reuniones familiares son momentos muy especiales. Esta conferencia será una reunión de familia que nos renovará, nos llenará de orgullo y gratitud por nuestra fe, y será un acontecimiento entretenido y memorable. Los participantes mayores de edad tendrán una oportunidad de recordarnos nuestras raíces. Las familias darán testimonio de la vitalidad de la fe y de la importancia de trasmitirla. Los jóvenes nos demostrarán que la fe está verdaderamente viva en la nueva generación. Nuestros sacerdotes, religiosos, diáconos, maestros, catequistas y otras personas de los ministerios católicos hallarán muchas propuestas para crecer en la fe. Todos los que asistan se beneficiarán de esta conferencia. THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 En estos días las tiendas están llenas de rosas, dulces, tarjetas y de todas las cosas que nos hablan del corazón. En medio de los días fríos del invierno hay un día que nos habla de la luz, de las cosas románticas, de las cosas del amor. Pero, ¿Por qué pensamos en el amor no más un día del año cuando debemos pensar en el amor todos los días de la vida? Cuando somos sinceros caminamos en la luz, tenemos la capacidad de perdonar a los demás y saber que nosotros también estamos perdonados por nuestras ofensas. Jesús dice que sí es posible no cometer los pecados grandes como asesinatos, robos, adulterio pero si algo pasa, somos responsables por un pecado serio contra los mandamientos de Dios. Podemos COLABORADORES continua de 13 Habra expositores nacionales e internacionales, entre los que cabe destacar la participación del Obispo de Zacatecas, Sigifredo Noriega Barcelo (entre muchos otros) quien impartirá los temas: “Servidores de la esperanza en tiempos inciertos” y “Vivir y ser testigos de la esperanza en situación de migrantes”. La gente tendrá la oportunidad de congresarse en un evento que espera reunir a mas de dos REFLEXIONES Padre Roberto Kose, OFM Cap. Superar La Ley obedecer la letra de la ley y a la misma vez perder su espíritu. Podemos observar la ley por afuera pero no observarla por adentro. De la misma forma que Cristo habla de las cosas del corazón, así mismo habla de la reconciliación, la amistad, el perdón por las ofensas. Estamos creados para vivir en una familia, en una relación íntima con otros. No estamos creados para vivir en soledad. miles católicos de la región. Habra conferencias generales, talleres en Ingles y en Espanol, celebración de la eucaristía y una gran variedad de actividades encaminadas a profundizar mas en el conocimiento de nuestra fe. Ojala los católicos de las parroquias de nuestra diócesis aparten estos días en sus agendas y aprovechen esta gran oportunidad de escuchar las enseñanzas de Jesus. Pueden ya registrarse en el sitio: http:// Sin embargo las relaciones sociales son difíciles. Tenemos choques uno contra otro, desacuerdos con los vecinos, con los compañeros de trabajo, con las familiares. Y a veces hay una ruptura en nuestra amistad. Tenemos rencor con ciertas personas y no sabemos o no queremos perdonar uno a otro por nuestra falta del amor. Tenemos que tomar en serio las palabras del evangelio. Como cristianos nuestro corazón tiene que estar abierto a todos, no podemos excluir a nadie. Tenemos que tratar de no ofender nunca a nadie y tenemos que estar dispuestos a perdonar a quienes nos han ofendido. Eso es la doctrina de Cristo, eso es lo que Cristo, practicó en su vida. ¡Eso es el desafío que tenemos en nuestra vida! MARCHA POR LA VIDA continua de 13 Luego, desde el estacionamiento de la Catedral, la procesión inició su marcha escoltada por agentes de la policía de Tucson, y llegó a Holy Hope aproximadamente 90 minutos después. “Señor, nos has llamado a congregarnos hoy aquí en el espíritu de la vida”, dijo el Padre Domenico Pinti, V.F., Vicario para la Vida de la Diócesis y párroco de la Parroquia St. George, de Apache Junction. “Continuemos rezando por los no nacidos”. Se hizo repicar una campana y frente a la tumba “dedicada a todas las víctimas del aborto” se depositó una ofrenda de rosas rojas, una por cada año transcurrido desde 1973 y colocada por una persona nacida en uno de esos años. Para el 2015, Tamara Morris, de Tucson, quien está esperando un bebé, colocó una rosa blanca. Una vez depositadas las 42 rosas, se soltaron al vuelo palomas blancas. “El don de la vida que hemos recibido podemos usarlo para acercarles la luz a otros”, dijo el Obispo Kicanas. “Los que no tienen opción son los (niños) no nacidos… ellos deben ser respetados y tratados con dignidad”. COMPASSION, COMFORT AND CARE. Hospice is an interdisciplinary team approach to providing support and care to patients in a variety of settings. At Carondelet, our mission is to help the communities we serve better understand end-of-life issues. To schedule an educational presentation, call (520) 205-7575 or email [email protected] SERVING PIMA AND SANTA CRUZ COUNTIES FOR OVER 30 YEARS Carondelet Hospice & Palliative Care | (520) 205-7575 FEBRUARY 2015 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG 15 With your support, Catholic Community Services gives the gift of hope By RUTH LILJENQUIST Every day at Catholic Community Services (CCS), we meet people who feel hopeless -- the single mother facing eviction, the frail senior who feels isolated and lonely, the young person who despairs at the poverty limiting her opportunities, the parent with a drug addiction whose child was just removed from his care, the older child who thinks he’ll never have the home and family he wants, the person with disabilities who has failed in finding a job. When they come to us, we listen, we discover their needs and with them we make a plan and then put it in action. And then, sometimes quickly and other times slowly, their hopelessness fades and something replaces it. It’s hope. What does the gift of hope mean to the people we serve? It means a sigh of relief and a burden lifted. It means a new beginning and a second chance. It means a smile on the face and a tear of joy in the eye. It means a better life and a brighter future. Hope is a precious gift! Giving Hope This Year With the help of donors, volunteers, staff members and clients, the five agencies of Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona carried on in the work of giving hope, accomplishing the following: More than 70,000 people received the offering of help and the gift of hope this year from Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona. Pio Decimo’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program served 5,680 families this year, providing free tax preparation and helping families claim $9.5 million in refunds. The program set a record this year for both the number of families served and the number of dollars refunded. The St. Nicholas of Myra non-profit adoption agency moved its offices to a larger, more-welcoming facility, increasing its capacity to serve more children. The agency also extended its services into Southeastern Arizona. The women at Casa Damas, CCS’ residential program for women with disabilities, are enjoying the improved comfort of their home made possible by a new roof and new air conditioning units that were installed before last summer. Additional accessibility improvements will take place in early 2015. Most of the women at Casa Damas are long-time residents and are aging in place with their friends. The Community Outreach Program for the Deaf was accredited by the Commision on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), receiving the highest level of accreditation for a rehabilitation facility. During the migrant crisis in the summer of 2014, CCS eased the travel of weary migrants by providing a respite center where they could rest instead of Arlene and her family received the gift of hope in Pio Decimo’s transitional housing program. waiting hours at the Greyhound Bus station for their departures. At the respite center, families received food, clothing, and supplies for their journeys. For those unable to travel the same day, CCS re-purposed another property to provide overnight lodging. While not housing unaccompanied minors, CCS provided clothing, recreational and art supplies, books, and backpacks for children under 18 traveling alone. CCS completed a new strategic plan that places clients at the center of everything the organization does. To that end, CCS plans to invest in and grow programs that will enhance the quality of life for the children, adults, families, and communities it serves. Lunch Specials $ 4.95 Mon Tues Chicken Taco Salad Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce & Garlic Bread Wed Steak Burrito w/Rice, Beans & Salsa Thurs Chicken & Beans Burrito w/Rice, Beans & Salsa Fri Lasagna w/Garlic Bread Me Sat-S nudo un $ 5.95 Breakfast Special Monday - Friday $2.49 Not valid on holidays Pancake House Family Restaurant 2532 S. KOLB • 747-7536 16 Open Mon-Sat 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sun 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Serving Tucson 28 years THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future Pledge Report as of September 30, 2014 Parish Total Pledged Total Payments Total Rebates Assumption - Florence Blessed Kateri - Tucson Blessed Sacrament - Mammoth Corpus Christi - Tucson Holy Angels- Globe Holy Cross - Morenci Holy Family - Tucson Immac. Heart of Mary - Somerton Immaculate Conception - Ajo Immaculate Conception - Douglas Immaculate Conception - Yuma Infant Jesus - Kearny Most Holy Nativity - Rio Rico Most Holy Trinity - Tucson Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament, Miami Our Lady of Fatima - Tucson Our Lady of Grace - Maricopa Our Lady of Guadalupe - Solomon Our Lady of La Vang - Tucson Our Lady of Lourdes - Benson Our Lady of the Mtns -Sierra Vista Our Lady of the Valley - Green Valley Our Lady, Queen of all Saints, Tucson Our Mother of Sorrows - Tucson Sacred Heart - Clifton Sacred Heart - Nogales Sacred Heart - Parker Sacred Heart - Tombstone Sacred Heart - Tucson Sacred Heart - Willcox San Carlos Mission - San Carlos San Felipe de Jesus - Nogales San Martin de Porres - Sahuarita San Solano - Topawa San Xavier Mission - Tucson Santa Catalina - Tucson Santa Cruz - Tucson Ss. Peter & Paul - Tucson St. Ambrose - Tucson St. Andrew the Apostle - Sierra Vista St. Ann - Tubac St. Anthony - Casa Grande St. Augustine - Tucson St. Bartholomew - San Manuel St. Bernard - Pirtleville St. Christopher - Marana St. Cyril - Tucson St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Tucson 198,400 70,400 83,200 332,800 249,600 83,200 160,000 134,400 89,600 140,800 870,400 64,000 147,200 563,200 198,400 339,200 230,000 44,800 44,800 211,200 435,200 1,030,400 198,400 1,171,200 102,400 422,400 172,800 32,000 339,200 102,400 25,600 147,200 224,000 25,600 192,000 627,200 326,400 710,400 294,400 591,360 134,400 835,500 595,200 70,400 76,800 179,200 819,200 1,000,000 592,976 101,915 119,990 499,769 371,923 154,240 214,355 201,115 173,377 245,151 1,392,692 148,628 252,376 452,232 258,448 492,424 231,244 24,925 71,640 493,985 601,859 1,607,844 196,246 1,520,150 188,525 551,395 109,435 47,095 406,884 84,988 37,130 623,318 621,804 3,306 159,213 895,549 394,780 836,229 460,818 1,719,550 273,856 573,845 668,654 139,330 89,029 194,510 967,341 1,027,830 113,306 4,281 11,225 140,081 43,313 23,290 14,531 17,170 26,557 22,747 135,878 26,662 27,796 61,107 28,492 46,906 N/A 1,391 6,970 114,068 89,178 321,720 10,725 217,539 33,660 35,081 8,015 7,211 39,849 9,287 1,950 30,135 146,627 661 16,446 171,850 31,681 124,457 110,724 472,060 67,219 62,212 70,038 21,446 9,472 13,825 131,056 N/A St. Frances Cabrini - Tucson St. Francis - Elfrida St. Francis - Superior St. Francis - Yuma St. Francis de Sales - Tucson St. George - Apache Junction St. Gianna Oratory - Tucson St. Helen - Eloy St. Helen - Oracle St. James - Coolidge St. John Neumann - Yuma St. John the Evangelist - Tucson St. Joseph - Hayden St. Joseph - Tucson St. Joseph - Wellton St. Jude - Pearce-Sunsites St. Jude - San Luis St. Luke - Douglas St. Margaret - Tucson St. Mark the Evangelist - Tucson St. Mary of the Desert - Tucson St. Michael the Archangel, San Tan Valley St. Monica - Tucson St. Odilia - Tucson St. Patrick - Bisbee St. Philip - Payson St. Pius X - Tucson St. Rita - Vail St. Rose of Lima - Safford St. Theresa - Patagonia St. Thomas More Newman, Tucson St. Thomas the Apostle - Tucson* Tucson Korean Catholic Com. Bishop’s gifts No parish affiliation 499,200 28,500 96,000 985,000 1,100,800 1,280,000 64,000 128,000 76,800 153,600 175,000 710,400 57,600 838,400 70,400 48,300 192,000 179,200 217,600 569,600 10,000 0 403,200 768,000 140,800 358,400 1,139,200 192,000 294,400 79,000 364,800 1,356,800 10,000 0 1,050,525 329,065 37,170 4,508 105,890 9,735 1,119,706 124,144 1,337,350 217,942 1,314,848 184,677 62,705 7,752 432,442 28,087 106,220 19,970 249,038 22,264 403,743 49,284 721,742 54,570 185,650 29,517 714,215 101,157 51,200 5,256 97,420 27,548 669,100 41,485 326,090 34,526 407,494 35,792 354,150 N/A 6,000 1,200 1,400 950 773,303 37,766 932,603 140,573 214,530 30,568 434,346 66,068 1,598,848 299,546 141,400 21,291 787,107 184,950 101,900 15,292 546,759 88,345 2,983,542 860,380 5,477,398 N/A 104885 N/A 27,723,860 45,344,636 *All rebate money goes to the priest retirement fund TOTALS 6,194,101 CUT YOUR ENERGY COSTS!!! INSTALL A HIGH EFFICIENCY UNIT TODAY! -Service & Installation -Free Estimates on Installations (520) 791-7591 -Commercial & Residential - Family owned and operated -Serving Arizona for over 35 years FEBRUARY 2015 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG 17 With Lent knocking at February’s door, we can be pretty sure that most people have had their Christmas lights safely put away for several weeks. The season of Christmas is over, but we would be mistaken if we said that Lent is not a season to celebrate the Incarnation. “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” These words from the first letter of John are not the easiest words to read in the New Testament. But they do give us an opportunity to consider how to bridge the mystery of the Incarnation with the season of Lent. We pray the name Emmanuel, God-with-us, during Advent and Christmas. And we celebrate God-with-us in the Eucharist at every Mass. We It seems as if troubling world events are occurring every day. In addition, many people suffer from illness, poverty, hunger, job losses, homelessness, failed relationships, family estrangements, crime, etc. Sometimes, it’s overwhelming. When news broke about the terrorist attacks in Paris last month, it brought back memories of all the other attacks that have occurred here and abroad before and since 9/11. My heart goes out to all who have been personally touched by these senseless tragedies. One has to ask, “Are we going to get through this?” THAT ALL MAY KNOW THE SAVIOR Peggy Guerrero Lent : an incarnation invitation profess our belief and our love for God in our personal and in community prayer and celebration, in devotion and in creed. But what about the other part of what the letter asks? “…whoever does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” The author of this letter is paraphrasing the words of Jesus who tells us that the greatest law is to love God, and that the second is like it; love our neighbor as ourselves. Neither the ON THE FAMILY Pat Wargocki Take heart in knowing our God is not an absentee God writer of the letter nor Jesus minces words. It isn’t multiple choice. This law is exactly that, law, the rule by which we are to live. Which brings us to the fast approaching season of Lent. The mystery of the Incarnation invites us to consider all the implications that come with the reality that God became part of God’s own creation in Jesus Christ. We are invited to consider one another in a new way. This Lent we can ask ourselves each day, “Have I loved my neighbor, who is created by God, who share created-ness with Jesus, the way God asks me to love them? The way I deserve to be loved?” Lent allows us to focus on whether our words and actions match what we say we believe about mystery of the Incarnation. It gives us a chance to walk the walk, to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Just as I was ready to give up hope, I read Mark’s gospel about Jesus walking on water (literally) and saving the apostles when they were caught up in a great storm. Jesus’ words, “It is I. Do not be afraid” touched my heart. Mankind has and always will be faced with storms and challenges. We could live our life in fear of when the next shoe is going to drop. Or we could remember Jesus’ words to his frightened apostles after he calmed the storm, “Why are you u COLUMN CONTINUES ON PAGE 20 Last year, Reachout gave out over 50,000 diapers, all from donations provided by generous donors like you. Thank you for helping vulnerable families in Tucson! Diaper donations are y welcome! always 2648 N Campbell Ave Tucson, AZ 85719 520-321-4300 The Jordan Ministry Team Sharers in Ministry EVENTS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Feb. 6-Lev I-CST-St. Charles-1-3pm-San Carlos-Sr. Jane Feb. 10- Communion Service-1-3 pm-Wilmot Prison-Sr. Jane Feb. 11-CFP-eve-day-morn-Fr. Jeff, Sr. Jane, and Peggy Feb. 12-Los Pilares de la Cuaresma-San Augstin Catedral-6:30-8:00pm-Rebecca Feb. 13-15-CFP-eve-day-morn-Fr. Jeff, Sr. Jane, and Peggy Feb 13-Lev I-CST-Moral Principles-St. Joseph-1-3pm-Sr. Jane We offer: • Level One and Two certification classes for teachers and catechists • Courses on theology and spirituality • Advent and Lenten Series • Retreats and Days of Recollection • Other programming to fit the needs of your faith community Jordan Ministry 520-623-2563 18 Feb. 18-Nucleos de Vida Cristina-St. Cyril-10:30am-12:30pm-Fr. Jeff Feb. 18- Lenten Retreat-Most Holy Trinity-8am-12:30pm-Sr. Jane & Peggy Feb. 20-Lev I-CST-Mary & the Saints-1:30-3:30pm-SSP & P-Fr. Jeff Feb. 21-Lev I-Moral Prin/Soc Miss/Beat-Santa Catalina-8:30am-2:45pm-Fr. Jeff Feb. 21-Lev I-Soc Miss/Beat/Stew of Creat-St. John Neuman, Yuma-8:30am2:45pm-Peggy Feb. 22-Lev I-Burnout and Boundaries-11:15am-1:15pm-DMAFB-Peggy Feb. 25-Lev I-Ecclesiology-5:00-7:30pm-St. Rose of Lima, Safford-Rebecca Feb. 28-Lenten Retreat-St. Francis, Superior-9am-6pm-Fr. Jeff Feb. 28-Lent-Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving-San Xavier-10am-12;30pm-Rebecca Prices starting at $2,699 ~ Prices are ALL-INCLUSIVE with Airfare from anywhere in the continental USA Several trips to different destinations: the Holy Land; Italy; France, Portugal, & Spain; Poland; Medjugorje, Lourdes, & Fatima; Ireland & Scotland; England; Austria, Germany, & Switzerland; Greece & Turkey; EL Camino de Santiago; Viking Cruises; Caribbean Cruises; Budapest; Prague; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Domestic Destinations; etc... We also specialize in custom trips for Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. [email protected] [email protected] Call us 24/7 508-340-9370 | 855-842-8001 Carmela Manago Executive Director THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015 RESPECT LIFE The Religious Education Programs and the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Tucson actively engaged youth in the Celebration of Life during the month of October, Respect Life Month. The New Vision continues to report these activities each month, creating the awareness that every day, every month, calls us to respect life in all its forms St. Joseph Catholic School in Tucson decorated bulletin boards outside of each classroom with pictures, prayers and poems created by students in keeping with the theme of “Respect Life.” Prayers of the Faithful included respect life intentions in school Masses during October. Junior High students created Celebrate Life artwork for display and the Diocesan Pastoral Center. St. Andrew the Apostle, Sierra Vista Religious Education Program The Catholic Faith Formation classes learned about the Rosary and prayed a decade for the intention of a growth in respect for all life in all stages each time they met during the month of October. This was in solidarity with the St. Andrew Parish activity of praying a decade of the Rosary, before each Mass, for an increase of respect for life. Students at Immaculate Heart School in Oro Valley celebrated Respect Life Month this past fall. Immaculate Heart School (K-12) in Oro Valley gathered together on Oct. 22, the Feast of Saint Pope John Paul II, to pray the Rosary for the intentions of Respect for Life Month. More than 300 students, teachers, and parents offered their prayers so that the sanctity of life would be respected in all its stages, from the moment of conception to natural death. The time of prayer For more than 127 years, Benedictine University has been preparing students for leadership roles in their communities and the world by providing them with a well-rounded, liberal arts education steeped in the Benedictine values — a search for God, a tradition of hospitality, an appreciation for community, a concern for each person, a life lived in balance, a dedication to stewardship and a commitment to academic excellence. These values are infused throughout our leadership opportunities, student success center and problem-based, technology-enhanced curriculum. was punctuated by quotes from Saint Pope John Paull II about the importance of defending life. Additionally, testimonies were shared by Kate Eichelberger, the high school English teacher expecting her second child in the spring, and Sister Wilhelmine Galle, a religious with the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who has served God’s children for more than 52 years. Catholic scholarships available up to $4,000/year. Schedule a personalized visit to learn more and apply. Gillett Hall • 225 E. Main St. Mesa, AZ 85201 (602) 888-5533 [email protected] • FEBRUARY 2015 | THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG 19 WARGOCKI continued from 18 terrified? Do you not yet have faith? Our God is not an absentee God. Let us remember, “The Word was made flesh and made his dwelling among us.” If we have a close relationship with God (not just at Sunday Mass but every day of our lives), we can talk to him and gather strength in knowing he is present with us always. All of us who are parents know the tremendous hoops we would go through to protect our children. How much stronger must that bond be with the God who created us? He can’t change all the hurdles we encounter, but he will be there to offer strength and solace in our times of need. Not to minimize the concept of God’s love, but isn’t it much like that between a mother and child? Most children have the comforting feeling of knowing mommy will make things better because moms smooth over countless bruises for their little ones and help them heal and move forward. As we grow up, mommy isn’t always available. In fact, she may no longer be on this earth, but God has been with us since our birth and will never abandon us. Trust in his promise, “Do not be afraid. I am with you always.” Our faith in God will give us hope to persevere. Pat Wargocki is a professional writer/ editor and member of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Tucson. Visit us online at for more articles Make your contribution to CTSO by April 15th for the 2014 tax year! Arizona’s new, higher limits up to $2,106* and $1,053* make your support of our students more valuable and more important than ever! You still have time to help our deserving students and get a dollarfordollar tax credit crediton your 2014 state return by making a contribution to CTSO before April 15th! Arizona’s Tuition Tax Credit program allows you to make an invaluable contribution to the education of our children with money you would have to pay in state taxes long as you make your contribution before April 15th and it does not exceed your state tax liability. For more information, contact any of the Catholic schools or call us at 520 8382558 or 1877TAXCTSO 18778292876 or mail your check to PO Box 31, Tucson, Arizona 85702. *Arizona now allows contributions up to $2,106 for a couple filing jointly and $1,053 for an individual as long as it doesn’t exceed your tax liability. Contributions made in 2014 and up to April 15, 2015 may qualify for tax credits on your 2014 Arizona state return. Contributions made before December 31, 2014 may qualify for deductions on your 2014 Federal tax return. School Tuition Organizations cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely based on a donor’s recommendation. Taxpayers may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependent. 20 THE NEW VISION • LA NUEVA VISION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TUCSON | WWW.NEWVISIONONLINE.ORG | FEBRUARY 2015
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