loco lima beans brown basmati & red quinoa and veggie rainbow spinach & bean burrito na a ca age sour cream & roasted sweet potatoes thursday 5 6 anana mu fin applesauce & milk cinnamon raisin agel chicken pasta alfredo caesar salad inf: mutligrain pita bun v: tofu pesto with rice pasta marinara meatballs brown rice and snowpeas & carrots v: marinara veggieballs apple banana kiwi cucum er ole eat ita & tofu spinach dip inf: blueberry apple blend inf: baby broccoli friday organic whole wheat cereal & milk inf: rice crackle fruit spread & milk coco lentil soup mini baguette & green beans in ole eat read peas & carrots melon u ed rice s uare a le utter soft cheese & milk 9 stone eat crac ers hummus & milk 10 coconut date granola & milk 11 organic efir & trail mix inf: organic quinoa puffs slow cooked beans brown rice & baby broccoli meteorite chicken red rice & cucumber salad v: seitan bites kiwi a le inf: banana oatmeal mookie 12 ole eat read fruit spread & no-nut butter all-beef burger tomato chutney and carrot & squash soup v: rice burger 13 muesli pita round & banana lemon herb chicken brown & wild rice and samurai carrot salad v: red pepper quiche banana melon orange tortilla crisps apple inf/tod: puffed rice square inf: apple mango beet blend stone eat crac ers cheddar cheese bites & milk rye bread & tomato bruschetta & southwest salsa & raisin spice loaf background checks on all ingredients globally inspired dishes made fresh from scratch ontario beef & poultry raised ethically with no growth hormones or routine antibiotics as much Ontario-grown and certified organic food as practical no highly processed foods, excess salt or refined sugar no artificial colours or flavours v = vegetarian protein inf/tod = infant/toddler substitute banana & muesli just mini pita cocoa cookie & milk GMO organic whole wheat cereal & milk veggie bolognese cheese tortellini & peas apple inf: banana apple blend carrot eels inf/tod: cucumber whole wheat pita & red pepper hummus milk, dairy products, and organic tofu from Ontario producers we trust whole grain products are used throughout the menu genetically modified ingredients aren’t invited to the party strictly nut-free Water & milk are offered with all lunches © 2015 Real Food for Real Kids Inc. lunch pm snack enabling & inspiring healthy eatingTM the real food promise Veggie Bolognese 4 coconut date granola & milk pear wednesday inf: apple mango beet blend am snack winter menu 3 mixed yogurt & organic quinoa puffs lunch 2015 2 tuesday in cauliflo er ear lend pm snack feb no fish menu am snack monday inf: mutligrain pita bun v: spinach & bean burrito stone eat crac ers hummus & milk 23 24 coconut date granola & milk lunch the real food promise pm snack enabling & inspiring healthy eatingTM lemongrass curry tofu brown basmati & red quinoa and baby broccoli organic efir & trail mix mumbai chicken basmati rice & sweet corn v: spinach quiche orange banana tortilla cris s apple inf/tod: puffed rice square inf: banana apple blend & blueberry citrus loaf cucum er ole eat ita & tofu spinach dip 20 lue erry agel ole eat read ruit s read no-nut butter & milk chickpea chowder red rice & veggie rainbow pineapple muesli just mini pita & applesauce globally inspired dishes made fresh from scratch ontario beef & poultry raised ethically with no growth hormones or routine antibiotics as much Ontario-grown and certified organic food as practical no highly processed foods, excess salt or refined sugar no artificial colours or flavours inf/tod = infant/toddler substitute organic whole wheat cereal & milk inf: whole wheat bread fruit spread & milk madagascar chicken brown rice & green beans loco lima beans purple rice & carrot wheels inf: green peas v: sunshine dahl pear a clementine le banana & apple cinnamon just mini pita inf: banana apple blend harvest cookie & milk inf: banana oatmeal mookie 26 background checks on all ingredients v = vegetarian protein friday in cauliflo er ear lend banana 25 juicy meatballs brown & wild rice and green peas v: juicy veggieballs southwest salsa & milk 19 lemon mu fin applesauce & milk melon thursday 27 organic whole wheat cereal & milk apple cinnamon pita round & banana chicken & wild rice stew whole wheat focaccia & baby broccoli v: lentil stew beef & bean chili couscous and peas & carrots v: chili chili bang bang kiwi inf: blueberry apple blend carrot eels inf/tod: cucumber whole wheat pita & red pepper hummus GMO apple stone eat crac ers cheddar cheese bites & milk milk, dairy products, and organic tofu from Ontario producers we trust whole grain products are used throughout the menu genetically modified ingredients aren’t invited to the party strictly nut-free Water & milk are offered with all lunches © 2015 Real Food for Real Kids Inc. chicken burrito na a ca age sour cream & veggie rainbow inf: organic quinoa puffs Veggie Bolognese wednesday 18 coconut date granola & milk happy family day! am snack winter menu tuesday 17 lunch 2015 16 pm snack feb no fish menu am snack monday
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