Trinity Baptist Church exists to proclaim Christ and make disciples of those who claim Christ, all for the glory of Christ. February 2015 On February 1, 2015, we will host our annual Celebrate Community Sunday. This has become one of my favorite Sundays of the year as we join together to worship our Great God in one worship service, followed by a church-wide meal in the ROC. During our time of corporate worship, we will partake of the Lord’s Supper together, reflecting on His saving grace and celebrating the unity that we experience in light of what Jesus has accomplished in His life, death, and resurrection. I hope that you will make plans to worship with us that day and to stay for the meal following our worship service. Please remember the alternate worship schedule on Sunday, February 1. Sunday School will be at 9:15am and Worship will be at 10:30am. Having studied 1 Corinthians together now for the past several months, I am more grateful every day that we are part of Trinity Baptist Church. Reading about all the chaos in the church at Corinth can be depressing at times. Realizing that so many of their issues were self-inflicted wounds, caused by their arrogance, rejection of God’s wisdom, and propensity to worldliness, is eye opening. While we are certainly not a perfect church, I continually give thanks to God that He has (and is) showing us grace and mercy. In a church of our size, we could easily give in to the temptation to be driven by our own personal preferences. If not for God’s grace, our personal agendas and self-centered desires would rule the day. In part, this is what was happening in Corinth, and the divisions and factions were tearing the church apart. To this church, Paul writes to remind them that God has set them free from the power of sin. He writes to remind them that they are no longer who they used to be. He writes: “But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11). God’s merciful intervention makes all the difference in life. God’s grace in Christ serves as the basis for everything that Paul will write in 1 Corinthians 12 as it pertains to being members of the same Body – the Body of Christ. Praise God that He has saved us from the eternal death that we deserve because of our sinful rebellion against Him. Praise God that He has delivered us from our sinful idolatry and from the power of sin. And praise God, that in calling us to Himself, He has made us one in Christ. What a blessing it is to be part of a church that is concerned about God’s glory above all other things. May we continue to love one another with brotherly affection and outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10). May we do this for God’s glory, intentionally seeking to protect the unity that Jesus died to secure. Celebrate with us on February 1, as we reflect on God’s amazing grace. For God’s Glory, Pastor Nate Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) Ravi Zacharias International Ministries will be back in Amarillo February 6 & 7, 2015. Please take advantage of the opportunity to learn from some great Christian apologists with RZIM. Friday, February 7 - Kelly Alumni Dining Hall, WTAMU at 7:00pm John Njoroge - Why does a kind and loving God let bad things happen to good people? Christians are committed to the propositions that 1) God is wholly good, 2) God is all powerful and all knowing and 3) Evil exists. If God is the sole source of all that exists, how can evil be a part of it? Why didn't He correct the problem before He created anything? The problem of evil is almost always given as the number one reason why people reject God. In this session, we will explore why Christians believe in God and worship Him in spite of the reality of evil, pain, and suffering. Saturday, February 8 – Hillside Christian Church Session One: 9-9:45am - Margaret Manning, The Reasons for Hope: Cultural Challenges to the Gospel - In every generation, new challenges and opportunities arise for communicating the gospel. In this session, we’ll explore some of the unique challenges to the gospel that have arisen in the 20th-21st century that impact how we engage the culture with the gospel. Session Two: 10-10:45am - Cameron McAllister, Vital Signs: Signs of Life in a Dying Culture - A casual survey of today’s cultural landscape yields results that are frequently less than encouraging. There are, however, ample reasons for hope. This workshop will highlight a number of the leading cultural voices (many of them non-Christian) that are asking the right questions, wrestling with the right issues, and even pointing in the right direction. The aim will be to recommend a hopeful and well-rounded approach to the world of popular culture that fosters deeper conversations with our non-Christian friends. Session Three: 11-11:45am - Margaret Manning, The Reasons for Hope: Our Response New challenges bring new opportunities for sharing the good news of the gospel. In this session, we’ll highlight those opportunities, and we’ll look at the life/ministry of Jesus for 2,000 year old answers for our contemporary questions. Session Four: 12-1:00pm – Q&A with John Njoroge, Margaret Manning, and Cameron McAllister TBC Pictorial Directory Sign Up The online scheduling site for the Trinity Baptist Church Directory is ready for you to make an appointment. Please copy the entire underlined blue address below (copy it exactly as written) and type it into your internet web browser (ie: Google, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc…). Then follow the simple directions to sign up for your family portrait. Please try and sign up within the next 2 weeks. Life Touch will be at TBC taking portraits the weeks of: February 17 through 21 February 24 through 28 March 3 through 7 Thank you for doing this. Everyone who has a portrait made will receive a free 8x10 portrait along with a free TBC Directory! Peru Mission 2015 We are in the planning stages of our 2015 Peru conference in Trujillo, Peru. We will leave Amarillo on Monday, July 20, and return to Amarillo on Monday, July 27. This trip will be open to men, women, youth, and families as we will have something for everyone. I met with the pastors in Trujillo a couple of weeks ago and shared with them what our plans are. They are very excited! Here is a brief schedule of what we are planning to do: Monday - Leave Amarillo and arrive in Lima late in the night Tuesday – Fly to Trujillo in the morning, rest, take a look at the venue, setup, and start the conference that night with a worship service. Wednesday – Conference begins: -Pastors will be in conference all day -Pastors wives will have a bible study all day -Combined worship service at the end of the day Thursday – Second day of Conference: -Pastors will be in conference all day -Pastors wives will have a VBS training session and plan the next day’s VBS -Combined worship service at the end of the day Friday – Last day of Conference: -Pastors will be in conference all day -Pastors children will have an all-day VBS lead by the pastors wives and missionaries -Combined worship service at the end of the day Saturday – Day of rest, we will do some sightseeing before leaving for Lima that evening Sunday – Worship in Lima. We will have the opportunity to preach and share our testimony in various churches around Lima. We will leave for Amarillo that night Monday – Arrive in Amarillo late morning There will be opportunities for anyone interested in going on this trip. We will need a couple to lead a marriage topic, ladies to lead the bible study. Ladies and youth to help in the training, planning, and leading VBS for the kids. Each day we will eat lunch with our groups. In the evenings we will have time to share with one another what all happened that day along with a time of prayer. We will need 7 men, 2 to 4 women, and 2 to 4 youth. If you are feeling God’s call to go and share the gospel and to help disciple, then this may be the mission trip for you. The first informational meeting for this trip will be Wednesday, February 11, in FH10 at 5:30pm. Please consider going with us this year to Trujillo Peru to minister and serve. If you have any questions, please contact Ken Hansen at the church or by email – [email protected]. Bendiciones de Dios Ken “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 Community matters! At least it should. Really deep down all of us have a desire to belong to a community. It was wired into who we were by our Creator God. It is continually talked about throughout our neighborhoods and schools. Even the secular world has some ideas of belonging to a community. Because of this, all of us have some sense of what it takes to make a community successful. It takes the members of the community working together to accomplish the goal(s) of the community. Trinity is a community of believers who are united in Christ through repentance and faith. Our goal is to proclaim Christ and make disciples of those who claim Christ, all for the glory of Christ. Being a disciple of Christ means we will live like Jesus and love like Jesus. The ultimate expression of Christ’s love was his sacrifice on the Cross. His love for us was demonstrated through his service to us. In Mark 10:45, Jesus describes his reason for coming to this earth, “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Service marked the life of Jesus. As followers of Christ, our lives should be marked by the same kind of service. Unfortunately, our tendency is to look at all the other things we feel like we should do with our time, and then if we have anything left over, we will offer that in service to God. Christ’s life was prioritized with a service first attitude. His desires and his needs came second to others. As followers of Christ, should not the same attitude flow through us? What if we looked at our time and resources as belonging to God and others and served those needs first? What if we put our wants and desires to the background and went to work serving the needs of others first? This month, we are focusing on and looking at community. The key to any community is the unity the members of the community have with each other. What if our community was marked by an others first attitude? What if the needs in our community were met before most people even knew about them? What if people were falling over one another to help and serve? Would this not be a community that screams to the world, “We are different because our Savior came to serve and not be served”? If you are wondering how this kind of service can manifest itself in our church, then let me encourage you to find one of the many opportunities to serve our community here at Trinity. If you are already serving, thank you for modeling the life of our Savior to a world that desperately needs Him. If you are not serving, let me challenge you to take steps toward Christ-likeness and serve. Let’s all join in praying that the Spirit would give us a heart to serve our community here at Trinity so that we can be more effective in proclaiming Christ and making disciples of those who claim Christ, all for the glory of Christ! Derek Community Save These Dates! TBC Opportunities We have many exciting opportunities for you and your family to get involved this spring! Mark your calendars with these upcoming dates and be looking for more information as they draw near! February 13 – Friday Night Lights (6:00-10:00pm) $5 per Child (3 months – 5th grade) February 25 – Kingdom Kids Love Your Leader April 22 – Kingdom Kids Bible Jeopardy Trinity Quilters April 29 – Kingdom Kids Parade of Nations Tuesday mornings at 9:30am in W-200 in the Sewing Room May 6 – Kingdom Kids Celebration Carnival May 15 – Kid’s County Fair (6:00-10:00pm) $5 per Child (3 months – 5th grade) May 3 – Preschool Praize Program at 4:30pm May 17 – Kidz R.O.C.K CD release party at 6:00pm June 14-16 – Children’s Camp (completed 3rd-5th Grade) July 26-30 – Vacation Bible School (6:00-8:00pm) Mother’s Day Out Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30am - 2:30pm For information about any of the above events, contact Tara Cruse at 372.2421, or email her at [email protected] Senior Adult Game Night Monday, February 23, at 6:00pm in the Parlor Sign up in your Sunday School class Deadline is Wednesday February 11 TBC Upcoming Events & More TBC Wednesday Schedule Come join the TBC family as we gather in the middle of the week for fellowship, food, and encouragement from God’s Word. Please remember to make your reservations one week in advance. You can sign up in your Sunday School class or call Rita in the church office. Menu for February 4 - Soup, Salad, Sandwiches, & Chocolate Chip Cake 11 - Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Baked Beans, Crunchy Coleslaw, & Cupcakes 18 - Baked Ziti, Caesar or Italian Salad, Garlic Bread, & Dessert 25 - Beef & Broccoli or Orange Chicken, Steamed or Fried Rice, Egg Rolls, & Brownies The schedule is as follows: 5:30 - 6:30pm Fellowship Dinner (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 - 9:00pm ROC is open for students 6:30 - 7:30pm Equip University 6:30 - 7:30pm Kingdom Kids for all children 3 years - 5th grade (Children’s Wing) 7:00 - 8:15pm Youth “Planted” Worship Service for all youth, 6th - 12th grade (ROC) 7:30 - 8:45pm TBC Worship Choir Rehearsal Celebrate Community Sunday Sunday, February 1, will be a special day of celebration for everyone! Sunday School will begin at 9:15am, followed by one worship service at 10:30am where we will observe the Lord’s Supper. Following the morning worship service, will be our Celebrate Community Fellowship Luncheon in the ROC Gym. TBC Membership Class On the second Sunday of every month, our TBC Membership Class is offered. The class for February will be Sunday, February 8, at 9:45am, in the Library. Please attend this class if you are interested in learning more about TBC or are ready to join the church. Call Rita in the church office at 372.2421, if you are interested in attending. First Friends Registration First Friends is a preschool ministry of Trinity Baptist Church for TBC members and the community. We have been offering classes for 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, and kindergarten students for the past 15 years. First Friends offers a licensed program that includes phonics, math, learning centers, circle time, music, and daily Bible stories. We have caring teachers and great student-to-teacher ratios in a wonderful learning environment. Registration for TBC members and current First Friends families begins on March 23, for the 2015 - 2016 school year. On Monday, March 30, registration will be opened to the community. We encourage parents to sign up as soon as possible, because our classes fill up quickly. A registration fee of $100 is required to hold your student’s place for the program (each additional child is $50). Feel free to come by anytime and check out our program! Sunday School Attendance 01/04/15 - (Combined Sunday School) 01/11/15 - 556 01/18/15 - 551 Monthly Budget Report December 2014 Revenue: $307,294.33 Expense: $168,523.48 Revenue Compared to Expense: $138,770.85 Year to Date – December 2014 Revenue: $1,741,713.15 Expense: $1,669,925.04 Revenue Compared to Expense: $ 71,788.11 General Fund Balance as of December 31, 2014 $340,133.84 Women’s Spring Bible Study February 11 and 12, begins the Spring Women’s Bible Study. We will be studying The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis. This study provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading women in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises point to Christ. During this ten weeks of study, participants will see Christ as the agent of creation, the offspring who will crush the head of the serpent, the ark of salvation, the source of the righteousness credited to Abraham, the substitutionary sacrifice provided by God, and the Savior to whom the whole world must come for life and much more. Two classes are offered, one on Wednesday morning, from 9:30 until 11:30am, and one on Thursday evening, from 7:00 until 9:00pm. Childcare is available for the Wednesday morning sessions only. Call the church office 372.2421, to make reservations for childcare. The cost for the Bible study is $15. Invite your friends! February 1 Zach Scoggin Kim Taylor February 8 Ben Moore Gayla Walker February 15 Genesis Rios Evan Ruiz February 2 David Doshier Nathan Doshier Andrew Hoffman Shirley Holland Doris Talkington February 9 Sharla Carter Gentry Giles Willie Rackley Rusty Raleigh Madok Reed Pat Stidger February 16 February 3 Amy Smith Kim Waters February 4 February 5 Gracie Ingham Kenneth Morris February 6 Steven Fike Ed Frieze Tafney Dunn-Ulven Darian Wright February 7 Andrew Crist Shelly Morgan Jess Murphy Abigail Newlon Ella Silhan February 10 Robby Langan III John Pace Hunter Witherspoon February 11 Sophie Stollings February 12 Paula Wade February 13 Caitlin Baker Ashley Morgan Doyle Reece February 14 Wanda Helton February 17 Chris Norton Elaine Wrestley February 18 Jade Jennings February 19 Jerry Ashworth Daniel Bryant Cody Pierce Elizabeth Reece Jimmy Stiles February 20 Margie Cox Cari Wright February 21 John Bohrer Judy Connelly Rick Haynes Lois Wright February 22 Kaye Matthews Danica Ruiz Larry Touchon February 23 Bill Owens Marie Waltz February 24 Keith Hope Sharon Pace Larry Roush February 25 Michelle Brister John Polley Kallyn Rich February 26 February 27 February 28 Scarlett Benton Krista Martin Cydney Norton Luain Packard David Rice Anika Sanderson February 2015 For Prayer, call the Church Office at 372.2421, Terri Burke at 236.3542, Art Garner at 337.5902, Shirley Holland at 352.1623, Margaret Raleigh 352.2332, Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Celebrate Community 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service Doulos High School (ROC-9) 6:30pm Wed 4 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm Fri 5 6 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm Regular Wednesday Activities (see schedule below) Trinity Quilters 9:30am - 12:00pm Celebrate Community Luncheon Following the Worship Service in the Gym Thu Sat 7 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Worship Center) 6:15am Student Ministry “Broomball” TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm No Afternoon/Evening Activities Scheduled 8 9 10 TBC Membership Class (Library) 9:45am Doulos High School (ROC-9) 6:30pm The Haven Class Fellowship Luncheon (Parlor) 12:00pm 15 11 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm 12 13 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 9:30am Trinity Quilters 9:30am - 12:00pm Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 7:00pm Friday Night Lights (ROC) 6:00 - 10:00pm TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm 16 17 Doulos High School (ROC-9) 6:30pm 18 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm 19 20 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 9:30am Trinity Quilters 9:30am - 12:00pm 14 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Worship Center) 6:15am 21 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Worship Center) 6:15am Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 7:00pm TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm 22 23 24 Senior Adult Game Night (Parlor) 6:00pm Doulos High School (ROC-9) 6:30pm Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm 26 25 Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 9:30am Trinity Quilters 9:30am - 12:00pm 27 Mother’s Day Out 8:30am - 2:30pm Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 7:00pm 28 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Worship Center) 6:15am TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm Sunday Schedule Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00am Sunday School 9:45am Doulos (Jr. High) 4:00pm Small Groups 5:00 - 7:00pm Foundations 5:00 - 7:00pm Kidz R.O.C.K. 5:00pm PreSchool Praize 6:00pm Wednesday Schedule Senior Adult Discipleship (W-100) 10:00am Fellowship Dinner 5:30pm ROC Open for Students 6:00pm Kingdom Kids 6:30pm Equip University 6:30pm Student Ministry/Planted 7:00pm TBC Worship Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite) 7:30pm Welcome New Members Jerry and Cheryl Whatley Bo and Cathy Dunn By Baptism Dane Larson TBC Ministry Staff Nate Magloughlin, Senior Pastor Derek Hall, Discipleship Pastor Troy McConnell, Music and Worship Pastor Joshua York, Student Pastor Tara Cruse, Children’s Director Daniel Coward, Missions Associate
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