FEBRUARY 2015 . Purpose Statement and Evangelism Month – A Community in Christ Sharing in the Word and Work of Jesus – During the month of February, Grace’s Evangelism Committee asked for a month of emphasis about Grace’s evangelism. At the same time, we at Grace were presented a new Purpose Statement for our congregation that is based on the words we ourselves have used about Grace at Its Best, as well as the needs of the Waynesboro/Augusta area around us that we heard from our own discussions, and from interviews with leaders in our community. What needs to be said is that our Purpose is Evangelical. It can be said a lot of different ways, but the reason for our being at Grace is to share in the word and work of Jesus. Jesus says to all of his disciples “Follow me,” and he tells us to “go” out into the world and to be about God’s Mission. We’ll begin to unpack what that means for us and for our evangelism during this month, through sermon, and Temple Talk. And many thanks to Jane McGehee and Janet Parmer for their beautiful work to craft a banner for worship using our new Purpose Statement. Lent 2015 – In a few short weeks, we will begin our observance of Lent here at Grace, joining our Christian brothers and sisters around the world. In Lent, we reflect on the enormous love of God to send his Son, who bore the cross and the grave, so that in his resurrection, our lives are also resurrected to new life. Some observations about our practices in Lent this year: ● The Baptismal Font – For this Lenten Season, we are locating Grace’s baptismal font at the entrance of the worship space, in the “back.” There are a number of reasons for this: ○ This traditional location of the font helps us to remember who we are, and whose we are – baptized children of God, claimed by God, dying with Christ each day, and living new every day because our lives have been resurrected with Christ. (continued on next page) ○ The font will be filled with water each Sunday. A great practice before entering for worship is to dip a finger into the baptismal font, and make the sign of the cross on your forehead – Martin Luther did this every day to remind himself that he was a baptized child of God, and that God had rescued his life from sin and death, and had instead given Luther -- and you and me -- new life through Jesus Christ. ● The Lord’s Prayer – During Lent we will pray the contemporary form of the Lord’s Prayer. ○ This most famous of prayers is familiar to us all, and perhaps so familiar that the meaning of the prayer is sometimes lost in the routine or rote way we are tempted to pray it. The contemporary form hopefully will invite us to consider anew why Jesus taught us to pray in this way, and what it is that we are praying for. ○ The contemporary form of the Lord’s Prayer gives us present day words to make it easier to understand. On occasion we may “trespass,” but each day we encounter sin, or are sinful ourselves, and are in need of forgiveness. When we ask forgiveness of our sins, we are clear about what we are praying for! ○ Perhaps the most important part of the contemporary Lord’s Prayer is that it correctly translates an important petition – “Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.” Jesus teaches us to pray to God to save, or rescue us from the times we find ourselves tempted by or acting in a way that welcomes sin or evil. Our first assumption of God is not that God deliberately seeks to tempt us so that we must pray that God will “lead us not into temptation!” No, we know that we will face temptation, and we pray to God to “save us from the time of trial!” ● Wednesday Night Soup Suppers and Evening Prayer – This year we join again with our brothers and sisters from Bethlehem, St. James and Zion Lutheran Churches for Wednesday meals and worship! Beginning February 25th at Grace, we’ll gather for a delicious soup meal at 6pm, and then gather for worship at 7pm. We’ll then worship at Bethlehem, Zion, St. James and then finally at Grace a second time over the five Wednesdays of Lent. Check out the schedule elsewhere in this newsletter Our theme is Tree of Death and Life, as we investigate various scripture texts that tell us about God’s activity to save the world and God’s people from death, and offer them life that really is life. 2 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, February 17th -- For many years, Grace has been invited, and has participated in fellowship and good food on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Ladd Road (near Target). We'll also prepare the ashes for our respective Ash Wednesday services, which are burned from the palms of the previous year's Palm Sunday. Come an enjoy this longtime tradition! Ash Wednesday is February 18th - Lent begins with the traditional Ash Wednesday worship service, where we acknowledge, as Martin Luther writes, that we are simultaneously saint and sinner - redeemed by God's grace through faith, yet still tempted to sin, which is separation from God and from our neighbor through our words and deeds. We receive ashes as an act of repentance - repent means to turn, or change direction - and are then reminded that God does not desire death, or punishment, but life, and salvation, not only for us, but for the whole world. Plan to come to one of the following Ash Wednesday services: 10:00 AM - Grace Chapel - this abbreviated service with Ashes and Holy Communion is for those unable to come to the Noon LARCUM worship service or evening service. 12:00 Noon - We observe Ash Wednesday with our fellow Christian brothers and sisters from LARCUM (Lutheran/Anglican/Roman Catholic/United Methodist) downtown congregations. The service is at St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church on 11th Street, and there is no Holy Communion. 7:00PM - Grace Nave - Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion, and music by Grace's Choir Wednesdays during Lent -- "Tree of Death, Tree of Life" is our Lenten Theme, and we share that them with our fellow Lutheran Congregations, Bethlehem, St. James and Zion Lutheran Churches. Each congregation will offer a Soup Supper at 6:00PM, followed by Evening Prayer worship at 7:00PM. Come and worship this Lent! The schedule is as follows: February 25 - at Grace - Genesis 2:5-9; 15-18; 3:22-24 - Tree of Eden - Jan Tobias preaching March 4th - at Bethlehem - Ezekiel 17:22-24 - The Lofty Cedar - Rev. Karen Taylor preaching March 11th - at Zion - Luke 19:1-10 - The Tree of Zacchaeus - Rev. Jim Pence preaching March 18th - at St. James - Galatians 3:10-14 - The Cursed Tree - Rev. Cynthia Long preaching March 25th - at Grace - Revelation 22:1-5 - The Tree of the Healing - Rev. Paul Pingel preaching 3 WARM Thermal Shelter! Grace just completed a successful week of service to the Thermal Shelter. From January 19 – 26, we served an average of 19 guests per night. Grace provided 25 volunteers with many hours of service along with St. John’s Catholic, Zion Lutheran, Bethlehem Lutheran and St. John’s Episcopal. We served over 400 meals including breakfast, bag lunches and hot dinner meals. During the week we had 20 volunteers from the various churches that served as overnight hosts. It was a very rewarding week for volunteers and it gave the opportunity to know and understand many of the struggles that our neighbors face each day. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this mission outreach week possible. Quilting Ten quilters participated in a very productive Quilting day on Saturday, January 17. We want to thank Caroline Biggers for the delicious soups that she provided for lunch. A reminder that we do quilt on Tuesday’s in the Fellowship Hall starting at 9:30. If quilting isn’t enough to entice you to come, there is usually a group that goes out to lunch for more fellowship. For more information, contact Gwen Kite at [email protected]. Thanks from Giving Tree Families To everyone that helped to bring gifts together for my lil ones, I wanted to write you this thank you note, with all of your help I am able to see the smiles on their faces on Christmas Morning! I am grateful for each and every person that was able to help me & my family this holiday season! Our family wanted to take the time to let each of you know how much we appreciate the wonderful gifts that we received from you this Christmas Holiday! We are truly grateful for your kindness. May God Bless each of you and your families. 4 Family Fun Night – brought to you by Grace Lutheran Church & St. John’s Episcopal Church SAVE THESE DATES AND WATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION TO BE ANNOUNCED: Feb. 1st at 12 noon - Grace (This will be our Souper Bowl of Caring) Mar. 1st at 5pm - St. John's Episcopal Church Apr. 5th at 5pm - Easter Sunday-No Family Fun Night May 3rd at 5pm - St. John's Episcopal Church A Different Theme Each Month • Fun Foods w/Vegetarian Options • Games • Crafts • Service Projects • Music • Story Time Our youth are going to the National Youth Gathering in July. Thanks to those who have given a donation of $20 or more and received a 2015 "Grace at its Best" calendar. There are still calendars available if you'd like to support our youth in their efforts! THANKS Dear Members of Grace Lutheran church, Thank you very much for the care package I received during finals! Every year finals is an extremely stressful and busy time, and every year I’ve had a moment of surprise & glee for the great generosity that you display for me. Your care package not only keeps me well fed during a time when food is my lowest priority but also reminds me of my wonderful church family & community at home and honestly helps grant me the inspiration to keep going. This is my last year of undergrad, but I hope that I can find some way to pay forward & pay back the support you have shown me. I couldn’t be more grateful. Sincerely, Jordan Driskill 5 6 CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEETING ON FEBRUARY 170TH. The Congregation Council will meet on February 17th at 7:00pm in the Conference Room. Members of the congregation are always welcome to attend meetings. If you would like to speak to the Council, please contact Tripp Franklin for time on the agenda. COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Council Highlights of January Meeting—January 20, 2015 Mike Myers attended the meeting to enlighten Council on the condition of the organ and repairs that are recommended. A detailed report was presented that included past repair/maintenance. A quote was received from a local technician dated July 14, 2014 to rebuild the existing console and releather the valves at a cost of $58,000, or a second option of releathering only at $18,000. The technician will be contacted to see if these figures are still good, and to ask for an extended time on the labor warranty. An inspection was required by the Fire Marshall due to the hosting of the Warm Shelter. Replacement of 21 exit lights was needed as well as other improvements to ensure safety of the building at a cost of just under $4,000. A meeting was held by Brad Keefer to organize a new Property Committee. FINANCIAL BAROMETER as of December 2014 YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET DIFFERENCE 1. Pledge /giving of Record/Faith $243,443.50 $246,576.00 -$3,133 2. Total Budget Receipts $269,733.80 $271,176.00 -$1,442 3. Budget Disbursements $275,857.17 $277,109.00 -$1,252 Helen Deyo Avante at Waynesboro 1221 Rosser Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980 Anne Broyles Shenandoah Nursing Home 339 Westminister Drive R-21 Fishersville VA 22939 Fred Meier 94 Mt Vista Drive Apt 100 Stuarts Draft VA 24477 Dot Gladwell and Jennings Whitmer Bridgewater Ret. Community 202 N. 2nd St. Room 216 Bridgewater VA 22812 540-828-3958 June Huff Baldwin Park 21 Woodlee Rd. Apt 325 Staunton VA 24401 540-886-0764 Shirley Krizovsky %White Birch Estates 847 Oakwood Dr R-#33 Harrisonburg VA 22801 7 Feed My Sheep Grace Lutheran's contribution to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank for December, 2014 was but 115 pounds of food and $26 in funds. The distribution center we support feeds over 800 families per month. Families who receive our donations are screened by the distribution center folks for eligibility. The staff at our food pantry is all volunteer. All who receive these offerings both rely on, and are grateful for our generosity, through God's blessing. February 1, 2015 is our Feed My Sheep Sunday. Items especially needed are: Canned fruit and/or Canned vegetable Beef stew; hearty soup Peanut butter and/or Jelly Canned meat and canned salmon Cereal, but please no chocolate (allergies) Thank you for sharing God's bounty. 8 02/03 02/04 02/05 02/06 02/06 02/07 02/07 02/08 02/08 02/09 02/10 Gavin Wade Becky Jones Karl Gerlitz Janet Lunger McGregor Long Donnie Kiblinger Jennifer Apesa Emily Jordan Ryan Lefevre Shirley Krizovsky Irma Graf 02/0? 02/0? 02/06 02/07 02/12 02/13 02/13 02/13 02/13 02/17 02/17 02/18 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 02/23 Dick Tomey Helen Moyer Carolyn Hite Justin McCloskey Mike Trauscht Kayla Metcalf Tricia East Aiden Kohl Charles Efird Jerry Gum Christine Day Genevieve Arneson Mickey Shook McGregor Long Torrey East Edward Jones Randolph Varner Brett Stein 02/14 02/22 02/22 02/23 02/23 02/27 02/29 9 02/24 02/26 02/26 02/27 02/27 02/28 02/28 02/28 02/28 02/29 Dawn Reid Carol Sewell Leslie Sweet Marcus Crowder Beth Hochstein Carol Varner Ed Driskill Robert Quickel Kim Hull Pete Rufe Chloe Cawiezell Bryan Martinez/Vargas Iris Vargas Justine McCloskey Dick Tomey Eddie Etter Kevin Knicely FEBRUARY Sunday Servers at Grace: Assisting Minister, Communion Assistant, Altar Guild, Offering Stewards, Altar Flowers, Ushers, Council Member of the Week, Greeters, Nursery, Acolyte and Cup Gatherer February 1 4th Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 A.M.SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Assistant Minister Robin Crowder Communion Assistant Cathy Crowder & Marge Cloutier Altar Guild Lisa & Glen Gray Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding Offering Stewards Februay 8 Assistant Minister Gail Johnson 5th Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 A.M. SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Ushers Bill Meicke Tom Carper Pat Brady Altar Flowers Open Ushers Bob Moyer E.G. Rankin Zachary Rankin Fred Biggers Jerry Kite Communion Assistant Jerry Kite & Robert Shaw Altar Guild Beth & Joe Perkins Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding Offering Stewards Altar Flowers Open February 15 Assistant Minister Christine Day Ushers Marge Cloutier Linda Meyer Jack Eckstorm Jean Morgan Transfiguration of Out Lord 9:00 A.M. SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding February 18 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday February 22 1st Sunday in Lent 9:00 A.M. SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding Communion Assistant Donna Gum & Mike Trauscht Altar Guild Jean Morgan Altar Flowers Open Offering Stewards Council Member of the Week Anne Putnam Greeters Cynthia Long Dick Tomey Council Member of the Week David Schwiesow Greeters Donna Dodge Rudy Yobs Council Member of the Week Kate VanBremen Greeters Carol Varner Tom Varner Nursery Deloris Wertman Sarah Kite Acolyte Sydney Rankin Cup Gatherer Karla Rankin Nursery Karla & E.G. Rankin Acolyte Brodie Franklin Cup Gatherer Robin Crowder Nursery Jean Morgan Susie Driskill Acolyte Lily Pingel Cup Gatherer Anne Putnam Assistant Minister Donna Gum Communion Assistant Linda Meyer & Marge Cloutier Assistant Minister Robert Shaw Communion Assistant Robin Crowder & Cathy Crowder Altar Guild Kathy Meicke Offering Stewards Ushers Ron Knicely Dwight Moomaw Glenn Myers Robert Shaw Altar Flowers Open 10 Council Member of the Week Tyler Wertman Nursery Kim Hull Jane Stein Greeters Susie & Ed Driskill Acolyte Hannah Pingel Cup Gatherer Sarah Kite Sun 1 4th Sunday after Epiphany 9:00am Sunday School 10:00am Holy Communion Mon 2 8:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Cracker Barrel) Souper Bowl of Caring After Worship (Fellowship Hall) Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding 8 5th Sunday after Epiphany 9:00am SC 10:00am Holy Communion 7:00pm Women’s Group (Conf Room) 9 3 Pastor Away 16 8:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Cracker Barrel) Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding 23 Thu 4 Pastor Away 5 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30 Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pmAdult Handbell 7:30pm Worship Choir 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study 11 12 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30 Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Worship & Music (Conf Room) 7:00pmAdult Handbell 7:30pm Worship Choir 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study 17 18 5:00pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (Bethlehem Lutheran Church) ASH WEDNESDAY 19 8:30am New Comers Club (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30 Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 9:30am Quilting Group (Fellowship Hall) 6:00pm Office on Youth (Seminar Room & Nursery) 10 6:00pm Office on Youth (Seminar Room & Nursery) 22 1st Sunday of Lent 9:00am SC 10:00am Holy Communion Wed 6:00pm Office on Youth (Seminar Room & Nursery) Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding 15 Transfiguration of Our Lord 9:00 SC 10:00am Holy Communion Tue 24 10:00am Lutheran Family Services (Conf Room) 6:00pm Office on Youth (Seminar Room & Nursery) 10:00am Ash Wed Service (Chapel) 12:00Noon LARCUM Service (St. John’s Catholic 7:00pm Ash Wed Service (Grace Church) 25 6:00pm Lenten Meal (Grace Church Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Evening Prayers (Nave) l 7:30pm Worship Choir Fri Sat 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf Room) 26 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30pm Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf Room) Members of Grace, Ministers Tripp Franklin President of Congregation Council Council Members: Fred Biggers (Vice President), Pat Brady, Lisa Gray, Bobby Hull, Gail Johnson, Gwen Kite, John McGehee, Joelle Miller, Anne Putnam, Eleanor Sampson (Secretary) David Schwiesow, Kate VanBremen Tyler Wertman (Youth) Ron Almarode, Treasurer Charles Goodrich, Financial Secretary Rev. Paul Pingel, Pastor Mike Myers, Organist Director of Music Janice Collins, Administrative Secretary Office Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Roger Clark & Willie Clark, Sextons Stamp Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 500 South Wayne Avenue Waynesboro Virginia 22980 LABEL
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