RTPSD #34 February Newsletter Snow Days @ RTHS February 4,5,6 Wednesday, February 4– Hawaiian Day The students will be bused to Bismarck to see a movie: Grade 7-8: The Hobbit Grade 9-12: Unbroken Thursday, February 5Pajama Day and Trivia Friday, February 6 – Class Color Day Skating and Dodge Ball Tourney February 2015 Inside this issue: Superintendent’s 2 Report KC Hoop Shoot 3 Counselor’s Cor- 4 ner Secondary Principal’s Report 5 High School Years 6-7 Seniors – Blue and Grey RTHS & St. 8 Mary’s Feb Menu Juniors - Black District Calendar 9 Sophomores - Pink Freshmen– Purple 8th Grade –Rainbow 7th Grade - Red Saturday, February 7 Jr. High Dance 7-9; High School Dance 9-12 TRE February Menu 10 Elementary Principal 11 TRE Staff News 12 Building Readers 13-14 PAWS Prints 15 Superintendent’s Report… By Brent Bautz Preschool Preliminary Data Results Encouraging We have now entered into our second year of preschool, and the data we have gathered so far definitely supports the importance of funding a preschool within our district. We have been using iStation, a computer adaptive reading assessment, to monitor students’ overall reading development on a monthly basis. iStation assesses five critical areas of development: phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. After taking the assessment, students are then placed in tiers. Consistent with other reading assessments, iStation has defined a three-tier normative grouping, based on scores associated with the 20th and 40th percentiles. Students with a score above the 40th percentile for their grade are placed into Tier 1. Students with a score below the 20th percentile are placed into Tier 3. These tiers are used to guide educators in determining the level of instruction for each student. That is, students classified as: Tier 1 are performing at grade level. Tier 2 are performing moderately below grade level and in need of intervention. Tier 3 are performing seriously below grade level and in need of intensive intervention. In analyzing our data, we have found that 67% of the kindergarten students who attended preschool the previous year, began their kindergarten career performing at grade level. On the contrary, only 36% of the kindergarten students who did not attend preschool the previous year, began their kindergarten career performing at grade level. Please view the charts below: iStation Data as of October, 2014 Total number of Kindergarten students: 20 Number of Kindergarten students with 1 year of pre-school: 9 # of students Tier I Tier II Tier III 9 6 (67%) 1 2 Number of Kindergarten students with no pre-school experience: 11 # of students Tier I Tier II Tier III 11 4 (36%) 3 4 Page 2 February Newsletter KC Hoop Shoot Results…by Tyler Ward I would first like to congratulate all students that have advanced in the Knights of Columbus Hoop Shoot. Everyone did an outstanding job during the contest. Trinity High School has been chosen as the Regional site. Doors will open on Sunday March 15, 2015 at 2:00 pm, and competition will begin at 2:30 pm MST. KC Hoop Shoot Region Qualifiers Date: 1-18-15 Boys Age 9 Name: Blake Kaylor- Beulah Boys Age 10 Jace Olson- Taylor Boys Age 11 Gunnar Remboldt- Glen Ullin Boys Age 12 Britton Paulson- Taylor Boys Age 13 Logan Hoff- Richardton Boys Age 14 RTPSD #34 Girls Age 9 Name: Gracee Kuntz- Richardton Girls Age 10 Hadlee Gebhardt- Richardton Girls Age 11 Kinsley Kaylor- Beulah Girls Age 12 Carly Diede- Hebron Girls Age 13 Lexi Gieten- Glen Ullin Girls Age 14 Kendra Hue- Beulah Page 3 Counselor’s Corner By Scott Bohn…….. Senior Scholarships: Buick Achievers Scholarship Program ............................................www.buickachievers.com Foundation for Rural Services ............................................................................ www.frs.org Frame My Future .......................................................................... www.framemyfuture.com Music and Broadcast ......................... www.radioscholarships.com or www.theconclave.com Consolidated Telephone Cooperative ..................... http://www.ctctel.com/scholarships.asp ND Propane Gas Association (same requirements as 2010) ................................................... .................................................... http://www.ndpropane.org/Scholarship/Scholarship.asp Western Coop ........................................................... http://www.wccu.org/wccu/News.asp Co-op House .................................................. http://www.ndfu.org/youthscholarships.php North Dakota Farm Bureau .............................. http://www.ndfb.org/edusafe/scholarships Stockmen’s Foundation Legacy Scholarship ............... http://www.ndstockmen.org/?id=160 Children of Warriors National Presidents' Scholarship ........................................................... .............................http://www.legion-aux.org/Scholarships/Children-of-Warriors-NationalPresidents--Scholarship/ Spirit of Youth Scholarship for Junior Members .................................................................... ...................... http://www.legion-aux.org/Scholarships/Spirit-of-Youth-Scholarship-Fund/ Standout Student College Scholarship .................................... www.collegepeas.com/money AFSA Second Chance Scholarship ............ http://www.afsascholarship.org/highschool.html Lil’ Opryland Days 5K Walk/Run Scholarship (Return to Mr. Bohn) ................ see Mr. Bohn Gate City Bank ................................................................................................ see Mr. Bohn Dickinson Women of Today ............................................................................. see Mr. Bohn ND Conservation District Employee Association Conservation Studies ............. see Mr. Bohn Farm Credit Services ........................................................................................ see Mr. Bohn Junior and Senior Scholarships: Duck Tape Stuck at Prom ........................................................................................................................... http://www.cappex.com/scholarships/index.jsp;jsessionid=6771AEF3AEE530034A355C6A38696E0E. server6 Juniors: Samsung American Legion Scholarship .........http://www.legion.org/scholarships/samsung Scholarships for Alumni: North Dakota Farm Bureau .................................................... http://www.ndfb.org/edusafe/scholarships Page 4 February Newsletter Counselor’s Corner Continued Activities: Manufacturing Day (NDSCS) February 4, 2015 ACT Test at DSU February 7, 2015 Fargo Programs Day (NDSCS) March 3, 2015 Registration Deadline for April ACT March 13, 2015 IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE February Professional Development Day changed from Friday, February 13th to TUESDAY, February 17th. Secondary Principal’s Report By Russell Ziegler…... We have had a generous donation from Amber Waves for the new crow’s nest. They have already donated $30,000 for the crow’s nest for this year. My dad Russell Ziegler senior has drawn up some plans and Harlee Leingang is drawing an elevation that we could possibly use for a brochure. We are hoping to get started right away when the ground thaws. Carrie Ziegler is working on the brochure to hopefully get some other contributions to the crow’s nest. I will keep you updated on the progress. My Two Cents: Girls Basketball: As you may have heard, our girls’ basketball team has not been doing very well this year. I feel the reason is a combination of a lot of things. I have been talking to Mr. Tyler Ward and Mr. Rummel about the season and the girls. I do understand that parents are up-set with the season and some with the coaching. As a previous coach I have always found it funny that when the team is doing well it’s because the kids are good and you have a lot of talent. But, when a team is doing bad, it is because you have a bad coach. Never fully understood that concept. The example I want to use is the Raider’s 72 – 9 loss to Hazen a few weeks ago. There was nothing Devin could have done during the game. He could not go and shoot the ball for the girls and he was not out on the court stopping the girls from shooting. I talked to Hazen’s coach the next day, and he said that they have not shot that well all season. They were hot from everywhere. We were not! We had a lot of good, open looks but couldn’t put it in the basket. How often are they shooting around in the off season, are they going to camps, are they really making a commitment to the sport? Coach Rummel has a lot to learn about basketball and coaching girls in general. But, we have to remember that he is a young coach. This is only his second year out of college and only his second year coaching. It takes time and patience to learn the sport. Devin is willing to learn and he is doing the best that he can. I remember when Rob Bartz started with the boys. It was during his second year also that it seemed the parents and community were ready to lynch him. We stuck behind him and supported him and now they are doing really well as team, and I’m not talking about wins and losses. I feel the best thing we can do for Coach Rummel is to support him, to help him learn about the sport and coaching in general! Consistency in a program is what is needed for RT sports. Also the program has to be from Elementary on up to Varsity. The head coaches HAVE to get involved with the elementary programs to get the athletes ready. Fundamentals, Fundamentals, Fundamentals!! RTPSD #34 Page 5 Page 6 February Newsletter RTPSD #34 Page 7 RTHS and St. Mary’s Menus BREAKFAST LUNCH Week of February 2-6 (Snow Days) Mon. Feb. 2: Cereal, granola bars, fruit, juice, milk Chili, bread, salad bar, fruit, milk Tue. Feb. 3: Pancakes, sausage links, fruit, juice, milk Indian taco, cheese, lettuce, salad bar, fruit Wed. Feb. 4: Cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk Ham & cheese sandwiches (HS), (St. Marys) Peanut Butter and Jelly, chips, choc. pudding, Apples, carrots, milk. Thur. Feb. 5: Breakfast sandwich, juice, fruit, milk French dip, oven potatoes, salad bars, fruit, milk Fri. Feb. 6: Cereal, nutri grain bars, fruit, juice, milk Chili crispitoes, Spanish rice, salad bar, fruit, milk Week of February 9-13 Mon. Feb. 9: Cereal, muffins, juice fruit, milk Chicken nuggets, oven potatoes, buns, lettuce, fruit Tue. Feb. 10: French toast, sausage patties, juice, fruit Sausage w/ gravy & biscuits, egg patties, hash browns Wed. Feb. 11: Breakfast sandwich, juice, fruit, milk Meatballs, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad bar, fruit Thur. Feb. 12: Cereal, breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, milk Spaghetti , meat sauce, garlic rounds, lettuce, corn, salad Fri. Feb. 13: French toast, sausage patties, juice, fruit Super Potatoes Oles, salad bar, fruit, milk Week of February 16-20 Mon. Feb. 16: No School Presidents Day Tue. Feb. 17: No School –Professional Development Day Wed. Feb. 18: Omelets w/ cheese, toast Shrimp poppers, oven potatoes, salad bar, fruit, milk Thurs. Feb. 19: Cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice Bacon, cheese, burgers, oven potatoes, lettuce, salad bar Fri. Feb. 20: Cereal, caramel rolls, fruit, juice, milk Tomatoes, grilled cheese sandwich, salad bar, fruit, milk Week of February 23-27 Mon. Feb. 23: Waffles, links, juice, fruit, milk Southwest salad, popcorn chicken, bread sticks, cheese Tues. Feb. 24: Cereal, muffins, juice, fruit, milk Super nachos, cheese sauce, lettuce, fruit, milk Wed. Feb. 25: Scrambled eggs, sausage links, toast Pork roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, buns, salad bar, fruit Thur. Feb. 26:Breakfast sandwich, fruit, juice, milk Corn dogs. oven potatoes, baked beans, salad bar, fruit Fri. Feb. 27: Cereal, turnovers, fruit, juice, milk Mac & cheese, peas, tuna & egg salad sandwiches, fruit Page 8 February Newsletter February 2015 Schedule of Events February 5 Rainbow Dancers Performance @ TRE Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AB GBB @ New England5:30 JH BBB vs Hazen @ TRE, 4:00 JH BBB vs Killdeer @ TRE, 4:00 ABC BBB vs Bowman @ RT, 4:00 Speech Meet @ RT ABC BBB vs N. E @ RT, 4:00 Rainbow Dancers Performance @ TRE Just 4 Kix half time Entertainment 12 13 Speech Meet @ Shiloh February 10 Rainbow Dancers Performance @ RTHS Girls and Boys Basketball Basket Fundraiser February 16 8 No School Parent teachers Comp. Day Girls BB Parents Night 10 JH BBB vs G. U. /Hebron @ Hebron, 3:30 ABC BBB vs Hazen @ RT, 4:00 AB GBB @ Beach, 5:30 Rainbow Dancers Performance @ RTHS 16 17 No School No School 11 AB GBB @ Trinity, 5:30 JH BBB Tourney @ RT, 3:00 ABC BBB vs Heart River @ Belfield, 4:00 14 Speech Meet @ Mandan JH BBB Tourney @ RT, 10:00 February 17 No School Professional Development Day 9 BBB C Squad Tourney @ Trinity-TBA 15 18 P/T Comp Day Professional Development AB GBB vs Day Heart River @ RT, 5:30 ABC BBB @Killdeer, 4:00 Parents Night February 19 Boys BB Parents Night 19 20 21 AB BBB vs New Salem @ RT, 5:30 Region 7 GBBTBA Speech Meet @ St. Mary’s Bismarck 26 27 28 AB BBB @ Mott Armory, 5:30 Speech Meet @ DSU Parents Night BBB C Squad Tourney @ Trinity—TBA 22 23 24 25 Region 7 GBB Region 7 GBB Region 7 GBB @ Trinity @ Trinity @ Trinity Speech Meet @ Mott RTPSD #34 Page 9 Miss Burbidge Teaches Second Grade at TRE Hello Reader! My name is Miss Devon Burbidge. I am a 24 year old woman from Circle, Montana. I graduated from Dickinson State University in May 2013 with a degree in elementary education. This is my first year as a classroom teacher. I used to work as a paraprofessional in Dickinson. My passion is teaching, but when I am not teaching I love to go canoeing in Montana. I also love reading and my favorite book is Marcel the Shell: the Most Surprised I’ve Ever Been. TRE February Menu Breakfast: Lunch: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday- cereal, donut, fruit, juice, milk breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, milk cereal, toast, fruit, juice, milk breakfast on a stick, fruit, juice, milk cereal, banana bread, fruit, juice, milk tator tot hot dish, green beans, bubble bread, peaches, milk taco w/lettuce & cheese, broccoli & cauliflower, mandarin orange, cookie, milk cream chicken w/biscuits, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, grapes, ginger bar rib burger, French fries, coleslaw, grapes, cookie, milk chili crispitos w/ lettuce & cheese, smile potatoes, cantaloupe, rice krispie bar February 9-13 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday- egg omelet, toast, fruit, juice, milk cereal, granola bar, fruit, juice, milk caramel roll, fruit, juice, milk cereal, muffin, fruit, juice, milk cereal, cinnamon toast, fruit, juice, milk beanie weinies, lettuce salad, cinnamon bread, pears, milk chicken nuggets, rice pilaf, broccoli w/cheese, applesauce, muffin, milk scalloped potatoes, ham, corn, dinner roll, Jell-O w/fruit, milk sub sandwich w/lettuce & cheese, carrots & celery, sun chips,1/2 orange, milk chicken burger, puzzle potatoes, baked beans, apple crisp, milk February 16-20 MondayPresident’s Day TuesdayProfessional Development Day Wednesday- pancakes, sausage patty, fruit, juice Thursdaycereal, lemon bread, fruit, juice, milk Fridayegg & cheese biscuit, fruit, juice, milk No School No School cheese pizza, lettuce salad, pears, cookie, milk sausage, buttered noodles, California blend veggies, muffin, apricots, milk macaroni & cheese, cinnamon roll, carrots & celery, grapes, milk February 23-27 Mondaycombo bar, toast, fruit, juice, milk Tuesdaycereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk Wednesday- cinnamon roll, fruit, juice, milk Thursdaycereal, toast, fruit, juice, milk chicken hot dish, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, peaches, milk sloppy joes, French fries, carrots, ½ apple, milk pork roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner roll, chocolate chip bar, milk chili, cheese crackers, breadsticks, cauliflower & broccoli, ½ orange, milk Friday- French toast, hash browns, juice, banana, milk Page 10 long john, fruit, juice, milk Newsletter Title From the Principal’s Printer….. By Mr. Beckman Now that 2015 is in full swing, teachers and students are working hard to achieve personal and school-wide goals. Student behaviors and academic progress remain top priorities here at TRE. Staff members monitor the progress of students in both areas, and look to recognize growth and provide reinforcement where necessary. At our December assembly, students were treated for meeting their school-wide behavioral goal. Mrs. Gullickson, Mr. Rummel, and myself were put on the spot at the assembly. Students from grades 4, 5, and 6 were nominated to put a “pie” in our face. The excitement was high…. On behalf of the RichardtonTaylor School District, I would like to introduce and welcome Miss Leighton Vetter to our team. On January 5th, she started as one of our first grade team teachers. She and Mrs. Christensen will be working closely to meet the needs of our first grade students. We look forward to the educational experiences our students will have with Miss Vetter. On February 6th, fourth grade students will participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). This is an assessment that provides a common measure of student achievement across the country. Schools are selected to participate every 2 years. We look forward to seeing the results and wish our students luck as they represent our district. Save the Date…. Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for March 4 & 5. Third quarter ends March 12. Volume 1, Issue 1 Reading Month will be celebrated in February. Our monthly committee for this month will meet to organize activities and events that promote literacy in our students. Some of these activities include Campfire Reading with hot cocoa and popcorn, Reading Buddy activities, D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read), and Flashlight readings. Students enjoy the genuine reading opportunities as they become independent readers and writers. In March we will be fortunate enough to welcome author Jerry Pallotta to our school. Just as last year, the well-known author will speak to our students about experiences and the importance of reading. If you wish to purchase any books by Jerry Pallotta, be on the lookout for an order sheet coming home. A great big Fourth grade thanks to our PAWS orstudents will take ganization for providing the NAEP the funding for this speassessment in cial opportunity. February. Parent/Teacher Conferences have been scheduled for March 3rd and 4th. Mark your calendars. We look forward to seeing you there. Our attendance at conferences has traditionally been great! We look to continue this pattern as we emphasize the importance of school for our children. Thank you all very much for everything you do in the best interest of our students! Have a great month and hopefully spring is right around the corner! Mr. Beckman Page 11 Miss Vetter Joins TRE staff in January My name is Leighton Vetter. I was born and raised in Dickinson where I attended elementary and high school. I graduated from DHS in 2010 and moved to Grand Forks to complete my degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of North Dakota. I graduated in August and moved back to Dickinson to be closer to my family again. My journey has brought me here, to Taylor-Richardton Elementary where I have taken the role as first grade teacher. Thank you for the support I have already received and welcoming me into the district. Next PAWS meeting Monday, February 23 6 p.m. @ TRE Mrs. Poswilko Enjoys Teaching at TRE My name is Sarah Poswilko and I am one of the new second grade teachers at TRE! I am originally from Killdeer, ND, but now I live in Dickinson with my husband, Kevin. I graduated from DSU in December of 2013, and after that I taught 2nd grade in Belfield for half the school year. Some of my hobbies include playing piano, fishing, quilting, swimming, and reading. Thank you for welcoming me into the RTPS district. Page 12 Newsletter Title Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 13 Page 14 Newsletter Title PAWS PRINTS Taylor Elementary School Taylor, ND F e b r u a r y, 2 0 1 5 S e c r e t a r y: C o u r t n e y Sanchez Winter’s Success February Meeting Parents, teachers, and community members, our next scheduled meeting will be Monday, February 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the Taylor Elementary staff room. We would like to encourage all of you to take the time and come see what it is that we do for the students and the teachers in the elementary. All of our efforts are voluntary and it helps for new faces to offer their input when trying to brainstorm new ways to better the school year for faculty and students. Remember: Next meeting – 6pm on February 23 @ TRE Spring Fling 2014 We are in dire need of helpful ideas for this year’s Spring Fling. Last year we had a very successful carnival theme and dance, and this year we want to top that one. All are urged to attend and offer any support you have available. This will be the main discussion for the next meeting so please plan to attend. Volume 1, Issue 1 Clubs Choice We would like to extend a massive thank you to all of the parents and students for the tremendous efforts during our Clubs Choice Fundraiser. It is our main fundraiser every year and this year was a great success. Again, thank you to everyone that contributed their time and money to this fundraiser. There are so many things we would not be able to accomplish without it. Now with it complete this school year we can start planning those bigger projects that help the entire elementary student body. Santa and His Bags Dear Santa, Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend the Elementary concert. The kids were so excited about their goody bags. We know that those would not have been possible without the generous contributions from our local community organizations: Taylor VFW, Taylor Lions Club, Richardton Fireman’s Auxiliary, Taylor Volunteer Firefighters, Taylor Community Activities, American Legion Auxiliary, Richardton Knights of Columbus and Richardton Lions Club. Not only did these organizations make your visit a success, but they also helped the students enjoy their end of season events. Page 15 Carrier Route Pre-Sort Richardton-Taylor Public Non-Profit Organization Richarton-Taylor High School PO Box 289 Richardton ND 58652 701.974.2111 US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT Number 29 Richardton ND 58652 Taylor-Richardton Elementary PO Box 157 Taylor ND 58656 701.974.3585 www Expect e web We’re on th d.us -taylor.k12.n .richardton Success! BOXHOLDER
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