FEB. 2015 In This Issue Dear School Families, As we finish Catholic Schools Week, I would like to take a moment to thank you for choosing Catholic education. I understand in today's society, this is not always a popular decision to send children to a Catholic school. Of course our children would go to your school is the response that I often hear. "Let it be known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school!" These words which greet every visitor to our school remind us of our goal to maintain excellent academic standards in a Christ-centered environment. We are committed to the 21st century challenge of preparing students who are both ready for this life and heaven. To this end, we assist our families in helping our students to recognize their dignity and worth as a child of God, to strive for excellence and individual responsibility, and to learn and practice the life skills they need to be confident adults in today’s society. However, just as other parents try to choose the right education for their children. I am proud of the great teachers and caring staff that your children have and the excellent academic achievement both as a school and what we see in our children, and the beautiful facilities that Saint Rose Catholic School provides. While these are all wonderful and important, it is not the only reason why you have chosen Saint Rose I hope that your selection first priority one be based on your faith. In a world where talking about Jesus gets funny looks in public at the very least, it is a joy sending your children to a school where God and our faith is celebrated daily. How their faith makes a differences in your family lives. As parents, you understand that in order to raise your children in the faith, they have to be surrounded by their faith. While many schools have great teachers with caring staffs, excellent academic achievement and beautiful facilities, the one thing that sets Catholic schools apart is that our faith is celebrated every day. As school principal, I would like to thank all of you for the part that you play in helping us raise your children in faith center and Christian values that facilitate our mission in tis school community. My prayers for you and your families, especially those enduring difficult circumstances. Sister Rebeca Muñoz, SJS Page 1 Principal’s Letter Page 2 Reflection and Prayer Page 3 Monthly Calendar Page 4 Coming Soon Page 5 Announcements Page 6 Acknowledgements Season of Lent Lent offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. In our busy world, Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon our patterns, to pray more deeply, experience sorrow for what we've done and failed to do, and to be generous to those in need. May Our Lord grant us all the graces we need and desire. "Dear brothers and sisters, how greatly I desire that all those places where the Church is present, especially our parishes and our communities, may become islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference!" Pope Francis: Lent Message - 2015 PAGE 2 CURRICULUM February 6th February 16th February 24th - Minimum Day / Extended Care is Closed No School President’s Day 5th grade shadows Middle School CAMPUS MINISTRY February 6th February 11th February 17th February 18th February 20th February 20th February 21st February 24th February 27th February 27th February 27th - School Mass at 8:30 a.m. 2nd Grade Sacramental Preparation Parent Meeting at 6:15 p.m. at the Parish Hall Mission Carnival at 10:00 a.m. at the Parish Hall Ash Wednesday – School Mass at 8:30 a.m. Lenten Mass at 8:30 a.m. Fish Tacos First Reconciliation at 10:00 a.m. Bishop Garcia visits SRS Lenten Mass at 8:30 a.m. Gospel Awards / Spirit T-shirts Fish Tacos - Family Mass at 10:00 a.m. - PTO Board Meeting at 8:30 a.m. PTO General Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Science Room Faculty Meeting and Faculty Luncheon (hosted by 2nd grade) State of the School Meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Parish Hall SAC Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m. Advanced Band Parent Meeting at 6:00 p.m. - Open House ICF Pasta Feed at 5:00p.m. at the Parish Hall Honor Band Concert at Cal Ply Performing Arts Center Valentine’s Day Free Dress – RED Color Theme Lenten Lunches SRS Band Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser after 10:00 a.m. Mass at the Parish Hall 7th grade visits Mission College Prep, San Luis Obispo Kinder & 1st grade Field trip to Cal Poly Performing Arts Center FAMILY MASS February 8th MEETINGS February 2nd February 10th February 6th February 17th February 19th February 19th OTHER February 3rd February 7th February 11th February 13th February 18th February 22nd February 25th February 26th STAFF BIRTHDAYS February 3rd PAGE 3 - Lori Chamberlain school accreditation update Saint Rose Catholic School has completed the Self Study Report this week and distributed them to the Committee during the Pre-Visit on Monday, February 2, 2015. Saint Rose Catholic School will undergo the Accreditation evaluation process on March 4th, 5th and 6th, 2015. The accreditation process outlined in this protocol is the result of the efforts of the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA) to develop a Self Study protocol incorporating the ACS WASC Criteria organized by four categories developed by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Schools, (ACS WASC) and the Key Self Study Outcomes and Accreditation Factors developed by ACS WASC and WCEA. It includes the Catholic Identity Accreditation Factor developed by WCEA and approved by the Bishops of Dioceses using the WCEA accreditation process. This protocol is meant to meet the needs of WCEA in having an instrument that helps Catholic schools assess the quality of their program while meeting the accreditation requirements of ACS WASC, AdvancED/NWAC, and NCA CASI/AdvancED, the three regional accrediting agencies with whom WCEA jointly accredits schools. Accreditation by a regional association is ordinarily granted after the school has completed a Self Study, had a visit by a WCEA Visiting Committee, and WCEA has granted a term of accreditation. The basic concepts addressed in this new protocol focus upon assessment of student success in meeting Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs), Arch/diocesan curriculum standards, (local curriculum standards where Arch/diocesan standards don’t exist), and other governing authority expectations. These basic concepts are: To what extent is Catholic Identity infused into the total school program? To what extent are the students achieving the SLEs? To what extent are students mastering the essential academic content standards? To what extent is there evidence of adequate ongoing academic growth for all students? To what extent does the school support high achievement for all its students? To what extent is assessment data being collected, disaggregated and analyzed? To what extent are student learning decisions being made based on the analysis of the assessment data? I invite you to keep our school in your prayers for the success of this important of this important process. State of the school meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Parish Hall is set for our State of the School meeting. This year holds many exciting and critical changes that benefit our school in various areas. Come and be informed about progress in our new school security gate system, school technology, budget and finance status, facility improvement projects, new Kindergarten announcements, and registration and enrollment information. Please join in the meeting to have all the information you need to be involved in your student’s school environment. Come catch and share our school spirit! Child care is available for your convenience. website Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that it will be a helpful resource not only for our own school families but also for the community and area families who would like to learn more about our school. If you are unfamiliar with Saint Rose Catholic School, I invite you to begin by reviewing our school history, mission statement and philosophy. Those familiar with the school or wanting to learn more will find many resources by using the navigation buttons across the top. Please feel free to contact the school office at (805)238-0304 if you would like further information or would like share additional information to add to our website. May God be praised in and through us, and may He bless you and your family in abundance. PAGE 4 PAGE 4 Middle School 2nd Quarter Academic Awards January 30, 2015 ~ CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR STUDENTS ~ 6th Grade Honors Jordyn Galles Ejohne Hall Trinity Holland Gabriel Rodriguez Eva Rodriguez – Henderson Ryan Smith Evie Wouters 7th Grade Honors Abigail Avery Olivia Baxstresser Delanie Beavers Alexandria Berber Thomas Erskine Sarah Munoz Emily Olsen 8th Grade Honors Dylan Beavers Reese Brumley Joseph Daou Andrew Nave Matthew Robertson 6th Grade Second Honors Brooke Ellsworth Kira Brockman Kaden Chaney Max Duenow Hannah Hagen 7th Grade Second Honors John Alexiev Brian Kowall Megan Murray Regan Rowins 8th Grade Second Honors Elizabeth Duenow Jacek Mierzwinski Hannah Montgomery Christopher Murray Isabel Smith 6th Grade First Honors Eliana Elder Natalia Gingerich Logan Stout 7th Grade First Honors Loretta Burke Amiah Ciampi Mikaila Ciampi Virginia Enney Olivia Mays Kai Thomas 8th Grade First Honors Patricia Clark Grace Emmons Madison Irons Katherine Moffatt Justin Robertson Camryn Stout Gabriella Trevisan PAGE 5 Acknowledgements DONATION On behalf of Saint Rose Catholic School we would like to extend a great appreciation to the Erskine Family for their recent generous donation to the Angularis Foundation. The money they have donated will be used to improve the Parish Hall, specifically the basketball facilities, stage and flooring. In addition, a new Apple Computer has been purchased for the Art Room Teacher. This generous donation will greatly improve student education experiences and further our progress in making Saint Rose Catholic School the best school possible. PAGE 6
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