8 February 2015 TODAY 9.00am & 10.30am Worship & Communion Worship: James McBurney Speaker: James McBurney 6pm Youth Tea 7pm Evening Gathering this week Tue 7.30pm Prayer in the Church Wed 9.30am Mainly Music Wed 6.15pm ICONZ Wed 7pm Ladies Knitting Evening in the Youth Pad Thu Ladies Exercise Group in the Hall NSH Chapel Helpers If you are a kind, caring and practical sort of person we would love to have you join our little team of volunteers visiting North Shore Hospital 3 times over the course of 2015. We assist the Chaplain by bringing patients to the hospital chapel service and then returning them to wards after‐ wards. Please contact Elizabeth K if you would like to know more. admin‐ [email protected] Thank you. Do You Have Pressure on Your Budget? January is a tough month, school fees, uniforms, tablets and station‐ ary. If your bank balance is in the red, the Samaritan Fund run by LBBC may be able to give you a loan so you can spread the costs over several months. If you want to know more, speak to James McBurney, Keith McMinn or Neil Binnie. From Desk Most if not all of you will be aware that we had a church meeting after the service last Sunday. There were brief presentations by the various ministry leaders outlin‐ ing the plans for the year. There are many ideas and hopes for the year that lies ahead. I look forward in anticipation of how God will work in our midst. Our Min‐ istry leaders do a great job and are a blessing to us here at LBBC. We also spoke briefly about plans for our property.John Deed has been appointed as our architect and he will aid with design and feasibility study. At that point we can start to present something tangible to the church for consideration. We hope to use the resources we have been given to further the mission of LBBC. We also voted on a new associate in the form of Jacob Sawyer. We had a good dis‐ cussion in this regard and ultimately the vote was passed. Jacob has accepted and will start with us this week on Tuesday. I am pleased he will be joining our team to help us further the work in our area and help to take our ministry to children and families to the next level. There is usually a time lag between the appointing and the arrival of a new pastor (you may remember it took us a few months to get here) but Jacob is available now and so he will start now and we will plan his com‐ missioning service shortly. Finally we had 2 meetings midweek one in the evening and one during the day linking with our current preaching series. It was encouraging to see the number of people present and the helpful conversations I have been part of and heard about since. Being open to the move of the Spirit in our lives will reap a harvest. James World Day of Prayer FRIDAY 6 MARCH 10 am at St Johns Catholic Church 7.30pm Browns Bay Presbyterian Church A very special service repeated around the world on this day. This year's service is prepared by the Women of the Bahamas. We have been asked to supply a team of readers to help with the service. We need at least 8 volunteers and suggest we aim to be at the 7.30pm service in Browns Bay. Some new voices would be much appreciated. Please volunteer this week to Stella Lord 476 3994 or email [email protected] (new email). Prayer For those unable to attend church due to ill health. For James to make a successful recov‐ For Peter and Margaret as they adjust to a new living situation. For the children settling in to new routines at school. For ICONZ as it commences this week. For Jacob & Miriam as they join LBBC. Knitting Evening Wednesday 11 February at 7pm in the Youth Pad Jill Devonshire will be welcome, for a fun evening together with refreshments. (Wool and some needles available). Any queries please contact Sharon Strong 447 1375. Verses of the Week 1 Corinthians 14:26‐33 26 What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up. 27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two or at the most three should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God. 29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. 30 And if a revela‐ tion comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. 31 For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. 32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of proph‐ ets. 33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace as in all the congregations of the Leadership Nominations Contact Details Please prayerfully consider the following nominations for the Leader‐ ship Council: Katrina Hema, Mike Ang, Gordon Duncan & Shannon Mawdsley. If you have further suggestions, please forward them to the Leadership Council. If you have changed your email, mobile phone or home address in the past year, please ensure correct details are sent to the office by mid‐February so we get them right for the new church directory. Accommodation Needed Next Week Grant & Sharon Dixon are looking for a flat or house to rent from mid March. If you can help please phone them on 473 1128. They are also having a clean out of household items. If you are in need of things please phone Sharon. Worship & Learning Gift of Teaching 6pm Youth Tea 15 Feb at 9.00 am & 10.30am 7pm Evening Gathering DUTY NEXT WEEK 15 February THE WEEK AFTER 22 February 9.00AM Welcoming/Stewards Les & Kath Coffman Ian & Jill Devonshire Offering Counters Penny Cowling & K.K. Lum Raewyn Forsyth & Wilma Wilson David Palmer David or Marie Gray Communion Intercessory Prayer 10.30AM Welcoming Sharon Dixon & Salome Watton Rob & Liz Stewart Stewards Robyn Barry & Debbie Richards Chris & Rosie Miller Intercessory Prayer Chris Bornman Elizabeth Kostelijk Morning Tea John & Helen Casey & Angie Ng Neil Binnie Neil Binnie Communion Family Time 6.00PM Youth Tea Lorraine Meissner & Rosemary Marks Sharon Dixon & Julianne Oller‐ enshaw GENERAL Sat 14 February Cleaning Sat 21 February Bathrooms & Kitchen Paul & Sandra Macklin Joy & Alan Milne (Replenish Supplies in bathroom) Milal Milal Flowers Carole McMinn Lawns (fortnightly) David Attwood Angie Ng LEADERSHIP COUNCIL: Jan Schouten, Rachael Mulder, Ross Georgiou, Keith McMinn, Helen Kerr & Chris Miller PASTORS: James McBurney (Team Leader) 473 5301, Jared Dixon (Youth) 022 329 8947 Have an urgent prayer request? Send it to [email protected] or phone 476 5242 to notify Prayer Chain. All requests are confidential to Prayer Chain participants.
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