6th All-RUSSIAN CONGRESS ON ARRHYTHMOLOGY FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT NOVOSIBIRSK II-I3 JUNE www.vnoa.ru INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE President: Bockeria Leo, MD, Professor of Medicine, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, A. Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia Chairman: Revishvili Amiran, MD, Professor of Medicine, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President Russian Scientific Society of Arrhythmology, Electrophysiology, and Pacing (RSSA), A. Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia Vice Chairman: Pokushalov Evgeny, MD, PhD, FACC, FESC, Professor of Medicine, State Research Institute of Circulation Pathology Russian Ministry of Public Care, Novosibirsk, Russia Auricchio Angelo, MD, PhD, FESC, Professor of Medicine, EHRA President 2011-2013, Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano, Switzerland Didenko Maksim, Candidate of Medical Sciences, S. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Russian Defense Ministry, Saint Petersburg, Russia Gerhard Hindricks, MD, FESC, Professor of Medicine, EHRA President-Elect 2013-2015, Leipzig University Heart Center, Leipzig, Germany Karaskov Alexander, MD, Professor of Medicine, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, State Research Institute of Circulation Pathology Russian Ministry of Public Care, Novosibirsk, Russia Katritsis Demosthenes, MD, PhD, FESC, FACC, Athens Euroclinic, Athens, Greece Kautzner Josef, MD, PhD, FESC, Professor of Medicine, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic Kuck Karl-Heinz, MD, PhD, FESC, Professor of Medicine, EHRA President 2013-2015, Asklepios Klinik St Georg Hospital, Hamburg, Germany Makarov Leonid, MD, Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Russian Ministry of Health Care, Moscow. Russia Medvedev Mikhail, MD, I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health Care, Saint Petersburg, Russia Popov Sergey, MD, Professor of Medicine, Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia Shkolnikova Maria, MD, Professor of Medicine, Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Russian Ministry of Health Care, Moscow, Russia Shubik Yuri, MD, Professor of Medicine, “Cardiology” Clinical Research & Education Center of Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Steinberg Jonathan, MD, FACC, FHRS, Arrhythmia Institute, Valley Health System, New York, NY and Ridgewood, USA Sulimov Vitaliy, MD, Professor of Medicine, I. Sechenov 1ST Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia Termosesov Sergey, MD, Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Russian Ministry of Health Care, Moscow, Russia Scientific Coordinator – Alex Romanov, MD, PhD, State Research Institute of Circulation Pathology, Russian Ministry of Health Care, Novosibirsk, Russia, Phone: +7 913 717 26 52, [email protected] CONGRESS SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM AF Summit This summit will focus on the scientific and clinical roles of PVs and their relation to atrial fibrillation and AF ablation strategies that do not involve PVs. New technologies for AF ablation and stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation will be also highlighted. Sessions: PV Based Ablation Strategies for AF; Non PV Based Strategies for AF Ablation; New and Old Technologies for AF Ablation; Stroke Prevention in AF VT/VF Summit This summit will explore various approaches to the treatment of patients with VT/VF. New technologies for treatment of patients with VT/ VF will be also covered. Sessions: Management of VT/VF Treatment; New Technologies for Treatment of Patients with VT Hands-On Workshops We offer a range of hands-on workshops with full training to be supported by simulators and Wet Labs, with testing carried out on a porcine heart model. Lead & Device Management summit The summit will discuss the needs for CRT/ICD testing, as well as the management of inappropriate shocks and infected CIED systems. Focus will be placed on all aspects of lead extraction, choice of the best technique for each patient, avoidance and treatment of lead extraction complications and the results to be achieved. The session will give an update on S-ICD treatment and leadless pacing, present the alternative approaches for LV lead placement and discuss LV lead position optimization. Sessions: CRT/ ICD Management; Device Management; Lead Extraction; Hot Topics in CIED Treatment Arrhythmias in pediatric population Summit Description: This summit will discuss management of cardiac arrhythmias in children. The attention of this summit will be devoted to antiarrhythmic drug therapy, radiofrequency catheter ablation and cardiac devices (pacemakers and implantable cardiac defibrillators) to be used for pediatric population. Sessions: Catheter ablation in pediatric population; Pharmacological treatment in pediatric population; Cardiac devices in pediatric population Guidelines Summit This summit will review all recent guidelines, consensus statements regarding AF, VT/ VF, cardiac devices (CRT/ICD, pacemakers) and arrhythmias (RSSA, EHRA, HRS). Sessions: Atrial Fibrillation; VT/ VF; CRT/ ICD; Pacemakers; Arrhythmias in pediatric population (EHRA/ AEPC Consensus Statement) Case video presentations Live Case Video Presentation of A-Fib procedures from around the world. Late breaking clinical trials Late Breaking Clinical Trials sessions provide the latest breakthroughs in clinical science and potentially will have a significant impact on clinical practice. Clinical Science Report sessions will highlight trial updates, registries and important clinical science. Battle of Titans Two new “Titan against Titan” debate sessions will feature the world-renowned experts sharing their very different views on various challenging issues. Don’t miss the battles of a lifetime! Free discussions (lunch session) Session Description: During this session you can meet and share your ideas with the leaders from cardiology societies on a wide range of hot clinical topics. Principles and practice of clinical research – 5 steps from idea to publication This education activity encompasses the basics of clinical research: formulation of a subject of research; selection of study population, randomization, blinding and statistical methods; data collection, monitoring and reporting; study designs (observational studies, non-inferior and adaptive designs and randomized clinical trials). Sessions: Idea; Planning of Clinical Research. Design of Study; Statistics; Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Considerations; Manuscript Submission Health Care This session will highlight the risk factors for arrhythmias and discuss prevention and care management. Discussion on funding: Government grants (Ministry of Health Care, Ministry of Science and Education, Russian Academy of Sciences, Medicine of the Future) GENERAL INFORMATION Lectures, Posters and Video-Clips Online Abstract Submission will open in November 2014 on our website www.vnoa.ru The deadline for submission of all abstracts for oral presentation, posters and video-clips is January 31, 2015 Official Language Russian. The reports of foreign registrants will be simultaneously interpreted from English into Russian. Registration Fees Registration is possible on our website www.vnoa.ru The registration fees permit attendance to all sessions and exhibits on the day(s) registered for, including coffee breaks and the Final Program. More information on discounts will be provided on our website from November 2014. Registration manager Mrs. Anastasia Sharygina, Tel. +7 913 935 73 64, [email protected], [email protected] Accommodation Exclusive hotel reservation rates can be found on our website www.vnoa.ru Transportation Many airlines serve the Novosibirsk airport www.tolmachevo.ru Novosibirsk International Airport is one of the most dynamically developing airports, the largest transit hub beyond the Ural Mountains on the major routes connecting Europe and Asia. The geographical position of Novosibirsk International Airport allows it to serve prospective cross-polar routes connecting North America and Asia. ABOUT NOVOSIBIRSK We suggest that you take a closer look at the capital of Siberia and see the most interesting sights first-hand. There’ll be some tours around Novosibirsk organized for the Congress attendees. Though in its infanthood, Novosibirsk has about 150 monuments of architecture, history, monumental sculpture and archeology, which are supported by the government. Novosibirsk is Russia’s third largest rare books storage; it also has more than 10 various museums. However, most of all Novosibirsk is known for its people who flash a friendly smile at every guest coming over to the city. WELCOME TO NOVOSIBIRSK!
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