THE BEGINNING. On June 11, Sally Windmüller founded
“Die Westfälische Metall-Industrie Aktien-Gesellschaft”
(The Westphalian Metal Industry Company) in Lippstadt,
Billion €
TURNOVER. HELLA is expanding:
in the past 25 years the turnover
has increased fivefold.
LOCATIONS worldwide. We are a global
player at home and throughout the world.
NATIONS. HELLA unites members of
staff from 39 countries all around the
world. As a result, English has become
our common corporate language.
last fiscal year. The proof of our innovational
drive and the bedrock of our technological
We develop, manufacture, and distribute components and
complex systems used in lighting technology and electronics
technology required by the automotive industry. In addition,
HELLA has one of the largest aftermarket organizations for
automotive parts and accessories in Europe, with its own
sales companies and partners. In our Industrial Business
Division, we are targeting and attaining new target groups
outside the core automotive business. With sales of approximately 5.3 billion euros in the fiscal year of 2013 /2014, the
HELLA Group is one of the top 50 automotive parts suppliers
in the world and ranks among the 100 largest German industrial companies. More than 30,000 dedicated employees
across the globe work for us at ~100 locations in more than
35 countries. More than 5,800 experts working in Research
and Development safeguard our cutting-edge technology.
Innovative ideas, enthusiasm to accept challenges, and the
courage to take entrepreneurial risks all make us confident to face the future – we’re ready.
A Warm Welcome To One and All!
HELLA takes pride in uniting performance-oriented professionalism with people-focused cooperation. Only by promot­
ing such effective teamwork are we able to achieve a healthy and successful evolution of our company in the long term.
Our aim is to satisfy the expectations of our customers, our suppliers, our business partners, and our shareholders
completely and at all times. There is only one way to achieve this demanding objective: working together. As a family
business operating on the international stage, we work in accordance with guidelines that are tailored towards longterm objectives coupled with a high degree of sustainability. Who better to report on all this than the employees themselves? Get to know some of them as you read through this magazine.
At Their Very Best
Five experts describe the part they played in the
“career” of a product, starting from the time of
its technical development right up to its delivery
to the customer.
Equal Partners
Career Paths
We feature an interview with Dr. Jürgen Behrend.
HELLA provides skilled workers and managerial
The real wish of the General Managing Partner
staff with multifaceted tasks of an incredibly
varied nature with the added bonus of further
training and education leading to excellent
prospects of career development.
is to have ambitious, enthusiastic members of
staff who wish to take on lots of responsibility!
One formula for success at HELLA is placing
The Family Principle
trust in managers. They are allowed to act
Any company is only as good as its employees.
autonomously. Such leeway leads to the free-
Therefore, concepts aimed at bringing together
dom to be able to decide for oneself and to
family and career constitute an integral part of
shape the tasks in hand accordingly.
our corporate philosophy.
En Route
Anyone who steps on the career ladder at HELLA
has the chance of working abroad. Inter­national
careers with us tend to be the rule and not the
Key Facts To Know about HELLA
Facts and figures from the world of HELLA. Page 42
Equal Partners
Take responsibility and act as a true entrepreneur, but still be part
of a team. Shaking things up in your own region but also on the
world stage – that is how it works at HELLA . In this interview with
Dr. Jürgen Behrend, the General Managing Partner, he explains
how every single one of HELLA ’s more than 30,000 employees has
the possibility to help shape the future of the company.
Ever since the founding of the Lippstadt lamp manufacturing
business in 1899, HELLA has continued to reinvent itself. In
the last 20 years alone, HELLA has quadrupled its turnover, and
doubled its overseas locations and number of employees.
Throughout each period of progress it was the innovation drive
and the sheer commitment of the staff that made such quantum leaps possible. It has always been the efforts of the employees that carried the company forward. Today HELLA is
a leading automotive supplier on the global stage.
Dr. Behrend, what implications does the Group’s economic
success story have when it comes to recruiting?
Very far-reaching ones. Who wants to work in a company that
is not successful, a company with a shaky existence? Success brings security, which in turn leads to contentment. Our
employees sense that our work is colored and characterized
by our corporate values and that we are pursuing a well-balanced and very reasonable strategy. We give our staff a safe
and secure environment and a great deal of trust so that they
can effectively unfold their potential within our company.
In your opinion, what kind of image does the HELLA brand
have in the eyes of potential job applicants?
It is held in high esteem. Everyone who walks through our
door wants some questions answered: what does the company stand for? Does our name radiate charisma? HELLA
stands for innovation, quality, reliability, and sustainability. All
that makes HELLA attractive for potential job applicants. In
our company, they are given the chance of shaping the future
of the automobile. We stand for innovative products and we
symbolize the concept of a global presence. We rank among the
Top 10 of the top-selling automotive suppliers in Germany
and the Top 50 worldwide.
Does the fact that HELLA is a family-run, global business
play any part?
Since November 2014 HELLA is a family-run, listed company.
Going public has opened the door for us, as a family-run
business in a globally competitive environment, to continue
operating independently long-term and in an even more
flexible way than before. That is and always will be the ultimate objective of the family shareholders. Similarly there
are no changes planned for our corporate philosophy: shortterm priorities, constant high risks, the thrill of the chase,
and the casual handling of billions are not on our daily agenda!
But, of course, we have to get good financial results. We
achieve these by being proactive in a forward-looking way.
»Executives at HELLA are required to form the basis in their
teams for positive and creative processes. This also involves
facilitating the discussion of possible solutions with one’s
boss equitably, in an open and objective manner.«
Your dream candidates – what are the characteristics you
look for in an ideal applicant?
Oskar Eduard Hueck, my wife’s grandfather, who in the
1920s firmly anchored the family as corporate partners, the
same family still involved to this day, once said: “Anybody
who wishes to work with us has to offer two things – a good
character and talent. Today these sentiments might seem
old-fashioned and too simplistic. But the basic message remains the same. When it comes to specialist knowledge
required of an employee, it is easily possible for staff and
company to work together to upgrade levels of proficiency. And it is often the case that this know-how is very company-specific and has to be learned on the job. But I firmly
believe that qualities such as motivation, the ability to show
enthusiasm, a sense of responsibility, and an eye for the
essentials are much more vital criteria. For these are the
attributes which turn our daily work into something authentic and worthwhile.
In which areas are you looking for new people?
Just like all our industry, we, too, need qualified staff for all
the activities in the value chain, from development right up to
production. We are also looking for specialists in overlapping
areas, in finance and controlling, sales and human resources.
We want to make more women interested in the technical
professions. We are also on the lookout for staff members who
are keen to take on responsibility with a view to pushing forward the company’s development. Such people need the emotional intelligence that enables them to lead others, with the
result being a good working climate that is in tune with our corporate values. In this way, a basis can be formed for positive
and creative processes, such as discussing possible solutions
with one’s boss equitably, in an open and objective manner.
Almost 20 percent of all employees work in Research and
Development. How innovative is HELLA?
The etymological meaning of the Latin word “innovare” is “the
ability to renew oneself.” Strictly speaking, that interpretation
could very often relate to our products. Let’s take the exam-
DR. JÜRGEN BEHREND generates a creative working climate in the company by opening the door to
freedom. Freedom to try out new ideas and to be able to break new ground.
ple of lighting technology for cars. For the past 60 years,
HELLA , in true pioneer spirit, has been responsible for every
new development in this field – either solely or in collabo­
ration with other like-minded innovators – with milestones
ranging from the launching of asymmetrical light distribution in 1957, through the first Xenon headlamps and LED combination rear lamps at the beginning of the 1990s, right up
to today’s highly complex full-LED headlamps. In the broader
sense, however, the drive towards innovation infuses all
our processes, beginning with production technology, including
logistics, and embracing our corporate IT systems. Without
this constant renewal, we would certainly not be in the position in which we find ourselves today.
How do you bring about and then maintain this creative
working climate?
Innovation has always been one of our corporate traditions.
An innovative working environment is primarily generated
by freedom and the willingness to take on entrepreneurial
responsibility. The freedom to try out new ideas and to be
able to break new ground, and then the responsibility for technical and financial value creation. The interaction of experts
coming from various disciplines is very important in the whole
process. Development processes, with work carried out
from the outset on an interdisciplinary level and, where possible, also on an intercultural level, are the processes that
give the best results. Because it is these very different types
of approach with their varying perspectives that bring about
the beginnings of creative and innovative solutions.
How rigidly are career structures organized at HELLA?
There is no definite career blueprint at HELLA. Our staff
members all have very different ideas regarding professional development, so we plan such career steps with each
one individually. One person could view the jump from being
an all-rounder in the company to a product specialist as
true promotion, while another would regard the possibility of
working abroad as the best way to climb the career ladder.
A third person might define their career advancement by the
number of colleagues for whom they are responsible. All
»We place great emphasis on the fact that
every individual is allowed to unfold his or
her talents and ideas. This is an excellent
way of turning corporate aims into reality.«
of this depends primarily on one thing: that our employees
can continue developing personally and professionally –
without rushing from one position to the next at breakneck
speed and wearing blinders!
Exercising prudence: DR. JÜRGEN BEHREND considers long-term thinking and
acting to be one of the essential strengths of the HELLA Group.
How much importance do you attribute to work–life balance?
Admittedly, for many of our employees it is not always easy
to reconcile their professional life with their private one,
particularly when one considers the challenges that currently
face us as an automotive supplier. So one of my concerns
is that we set up working conditions and circumstances that
are as appropriate as possible for all the various requirements, e.g. flexible hours of work, sponsored sports programs,
or corporate childcare centers. It is difficult to make a blanket statement as to what this balance could look like in each
individual case. Consequently, we always try to respond to
the private needs of our staff as flexibly and as individually
as possible.
HELLA is carrying out a worldwide search for experts,
specialists ranging from engineers to controllers. Why
should such experts follow this call?
Because we allow everyone scope for development. HELLA
employees, entrusted with responsibility for a particular
project, are able to fashion so many aspects of their work
themselves. That is a great incentive. The flat hierarchies
in our Group offer a lot of flexibility and they enable quick responses. Furthermore, we place great emphasis on the
fact that every individual is allowed to unfold his or her talents
and ideas. So we are looking for movers and shakers who
wish to mold and fashion the space given to them in a creative
way, while at the same time taking on responsibility. We
have to be able to rely on one another – it’s a two-way street.
The signature for all collaboration in the HELLA Group is
the triad of cooperation, creativity, and sustainability.
Looking Ahead With Entrepreneurial Spirit
Today we are already thinking about the day after tomorrow. We are hard at
work on pioneering solutions for products and services of the future. And this
goes hand in hand with our constant opening up of new markets. The wide
spectrum of customers and products that our company enjoys, coupled with
our international presence, provides us with the necessary amount of flexi­
bility, even in challenging times.
Working Together Effectively
We communicate with one another across all the continents, we are reliable
and open to new ideas. We collaborate closely on innovative products, on
a brand of service that is second to none, and on efficient processes – always
endeavoring to give our customers the best possible benefits.
Ensuring Sustainability
We pursue all our aims and plans resolutely. We always think and act with an
eye to the future. It is not only our products which are efficient, but also our
processes. In order to ensure utmost sustainability, standardized environmental
management systems are in force at all our locations.
Delivering Top Performance
Our work is hallmarked with commitment, plenty of individual initiative, and
a tremendous delight in achieving good results. The bedrock of our work is
always setting clear and definite objectives. Our motivation comes from the
high expectations of our customers and also those of our shareholders.
Striving Toward Innovation
We view challenges as opportunities. We value all things tried and tested, but
are always open to the new and the unconventional. One instance of this is
the way our innovative product solutions lead to greater safety on the roads
while significantly reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Doing Business with Integrity
We act in a trustworthy way, using our professional expertise to the full
and showing respect to and cooperation with all people concerned. Our com­
munication is honest and genuine. Even in conflict situations, we strive to­
ward fair solutions. The result is lasting, sound relationships with customers
and colleagues.
Setting an Example
Our behavior is always exemplary and loyal. Each and every individual inter­
nalizes our corporate values, truly takes them to heart, and lives and works by
them. We steadily continue to develop our potential and our capabilities, we
take criticism seriously, and we learn from our mistakes. And we show social
At Their
Very Best
Everything always starts with the customer. And the wish to keep
the customer as satisfied as possible is what spurs the HELLA
global family on. Everyone in our company pulls together in order
to achieve the best possible results – starting from those involved in technical development, right up to our delivery staff. Using
a headlamp and its value chain as an example, five of our experts describe their different responsibilities in this segment. The
common ground they share quickly becomes very obvious:
it is, of course, striving towards perfection.
Innovative ideas, enthusiasm for challenges, and that all-important ingredient of vision make HELLA one of the world’s
leading automotive suppliers. The strengths of the company
are drawn from know-how gathered together over decades
and from the multifaceted synergies arising out of the three
core competence fields of Lighting, Electronics, and the Aftermarket. The result is that in many areas, HELLA enjoys a
unique market and technological standing. And all this is
thanks to the efforts of more than 30,000 members of staff
all around the world.
DR. MICHAEL KLEINKES is a physicist and Head of Lighting Technology Development. He is responsible for every step along the way, starting from the
predevelopment phase, right up to series development projects.
»T he headlamps are the eyes of a car– they give it its character.
The privilege of being instrumental in shaping such trends is really
something; it’s a fantastic job and I find it inspiring.«
Technology is in a constant state of flux as global markets
change. We do not just want to keep pace – we want to set
the pace! More than 5,800 engineers and technicians work
for HELLA in Research and Development worldwide. One of
them is Dr. Michael Kleinkes. Together with his team, he
plays a crucial role in getting new lighting technologies onto
the streets.
Spellbound, Dr. Michael Kleinkes peers into the 140-meterlong, 11-meter-wide Light Testing Facility. “This is HELLA’s
biggest lighting laboratory,” says the specialist, proudly.
Kleinkes is Head of Lighting Technology Development and
carries responsibility for more than 200 members of staff
worldwide. His staff is working today on the automotive lighting technology of tomorrow and participates in the prede­
velopment phase, right up to series development projects. He
is just presenting a headlamp prototype to a customer and
demonstrating its performance in the Light Testing Facility,
located near Group Headquarters in Lippstadt. “Such meetings are always exciting,” explains Kleinkes, “because we get
the message from the customer face-to-face – we soon find
out if they like our work or not. I enjoy experimenting with new
materials or with new headlamp regulations and developing
models suitable for series production.” The physicist, who did
his Ph.D. under the auspices of HELLA, also explains that
product design is gaining steadily in importance. “The headlamps are the eyes of a car – they give it its character. The
privilege of being instrumental in shaping such trends is really
something; it’s a fantastic job and I find it very inspiring.”
Such inspiration is also the motivation for his India-based colleague, Venkatesan Radhakrishnan. He is Head of the Tech­
nical Center for Lighting Products in the Indian city of Chennai.
Under his leadership, more than 150 members of staff design
VENK ATESAN RADHAKRISHNAN works in Development and is Head of the Technical Center for Lighting Products in the city of
Chennai in southeast India.
»We developers are not only interested in perfect
design and style. We must also ensure that
our designs can be optimally integrated in the
subsequent manufacturing processes.«
»Here, perfection means, above all,
convincing people about your ideas.«
RADEK DYČK A is Assistant to the Lighting Production Manager and is responsible for planning highly complex production lines.
The test engineer BINGHUA AN heads the HELLA test laboratory in the Chinese city of Changchun.
»For me, perfection is the 100 % fulfillment of our customers’ requirements.
That can only happen if we deliver top quality.«
lighting components and products. One example of their work
is the way in which adaptive headlamp features, after having
been designed in the pre-development stage, have to be built
into specified areas in a vehicle with the styling requirements
of the customer and the legal requirements of governments
being taken into consideration. In such cases, Radhakrishnan’s
team is often in action around the clock. “We were recently
commissioned by a German car producer to develop a front
headlamp for the Chinese market,” explains the developer.
“The time difference means we had to work in two shifts.”
His professional experience of more than 20 years helps the
Head of Development to maintain the overview of every process while at the same time keeping his eye on the big picture. “Another task is to attract interesting projects to our
location here in India; projects presenting exciting challenges
for our team.” The Head Designer has one more point to
make: “We developers are not only interested in perfect design
and style. We must also ensure that our designs can be
optimally integrated in the subsequent manufacturing process.” In other words, design with vision.
Radek Dyčka likes that idea. The bedrock of manufacturing
at HELLA is profound knowledge. Assisted by his 75-member
team, this Czech national devises complex production lines
for headlamps and tools needed for such manufacturing. This
is a huge challenge for programmers, mechanics, electricians, and purchasers. After all, headlamps are becoming
visibly more complex, more ambitious in design, and their
production is getting more global. Yet despite all the new stipulations, costs cannot rise. On the contrary, continuous advancement in productivity is expected. And the expectations
of customers, suppliers, and employees also have to be factored into the equation. “So many issues must be discussed,
presented, and then decided all at the same time and all
quickly,” explains this dynamic Czech. The golden rules: “Keep
cool, plan wisely, prioritize topics, delegate effectively, and,
above all – win over people.” Dyčka is so convincing in this
role that he has become Assistant to the Manager respon­
sible for the manufacturing of lighting products worldwide.
STEVE LIETAERT is Managing Director of the Corporate Center in the USA , the HELLA organization that expertly looks after the major US automakers.
»A s the interface between customers, suppliers, and colleagues,
we primarily have to listen, liaise, and advise.«
“For me, perfection is the 100 % fulfillment of customer requirements. So top quality is essential,” emphasizes Binghua
An, who has worked for more than 15 years at the Chinese
location in Changchun. From development, through manufacturing, right up to delivery – the quality concept pervades
the entire value chain at HELLA . “Examining meticulously, identifying weak points, recommending improvements” is the
way that the test engineer describes a day at work. Her team,
including more than 20 members of staff, performs tests to
ascertain how materials, individual components, and assembly units react to heat and shock. And how they react to
years of use. “Our aim is to predict as exactly as possible any
potential wear and tear and to locate possible sources of
error,” she explains of the diligent process. “Then, armed with
our results, we advise departments and divisions how com­
ponents, finished products, or even systems can be improved.”
She knows that quality does not mean everything – but
without quality, everything means nothing.
“Listening, informing, liaising, advising,” reels off Steve
Lietaert, explaining his tasks. The US native is Managing Director of the HELLA Corporate Center in Plymouth, Michigan.
This is where the major American and other automakers find
expert support. “It is a challenge to function as the interface
between customers, suppliers, and colleagues,” admits Lietaert.
“One of his biggest customers is General Motors. With 30 international projects every year, about 150 people, from those
in top management to production workers, are required to
collaborate closely. This father of four, together with his team,
coordinates such projects, controls costs, and creates synergies.” One example of our work is how we bring together developers and sales people in the early stages so that market
opportunities can be recognized from the start. “We operate
as a separate entity in accordance with strategic guidelines,”
explains Lietaert. “That spurs us on enormously.” And this is
true not only in the land of unlimited possibilities but also in
the HELLA network worldwide.
Developers are our technology and inno­
vation drivers. Their sphere of work
knows virtually no bounds. They work in
pioneering areas such as energy man­
agement, LED technology, or driver as­
sistance systems and they are very of­ten found in leading positions. Innovation
management is not just restricted to
new products. The optimization and fur­
ther development of existing products
as well as their adaptation to regional
markets also play a central role here.
Anybody whose character is marked by
curiosity and creativity, who is fascinated
by all things technological, a person who
has a heightened sense of responsibility,
who knows what passion is and who is
flexible, that person will be at home
with us. We attach great importance to
teamwork, including collaboration with
colleagues from other disciplines. A tal­
ent for communication is therefore in­
dispensable when working in your own
department and just as essential when
interacting with international partners and
clients and customers.
Sales And Marketing
Our staff in Sales and Marketing make
up the vital interface between the compa­
ny and the all-important market. They
analyze customer requirements in all the
individual regions. Their main tasks re­
volve around winning over new clients and
nurturing existing customer relation­
ships, for a stable bond of mutual trust
forms the bedrock of a good partner­ship. Vital attributes for sales personnel
include positive charisma, plenty of
con­fidence, convincing rhetorical skills, in
combination with comprehensive tech­
nical expertise, knowledge of the indus­
try and, last but not least, a good help­ing of creativity. And finally, the desire to
work in an international environment.
When development is completed, pro­
duction is the next logical step. This is
the place where the requirements of the
customers and the developers are put
into practice: in the form of products, com­
ponents, and assembly units. Day in,
day out, the main objective here is to ad­
here to all the quality, productivity, and
deadline stipulations. All the activities in­
volved demand close collaboration be­
tween the areas of Development, Design,
and Logistics. The real focus is threefold: on the constant optimization of high­
ly complex manufacturing processes
by using skill and intellect; on the imple­
mentation of new production technolo­
gies; and then translating of all these into
the real world. Throughout all this, work­
ers from the most varied nations come
into contact with one another. Conse­
quently, a lot of expertise is required as
regards leadership qualities and soft
skills. As well as technical know-how, an
eye for technical detail is a vital prereq­
uisite. In their role as process shapers, pro­
duction staff also have to prove their
analytical and conceptual talents, skills
which have to be backed by distinct
powers of assertion. And because of our
global client and supplier network, it
goes without saying that the work is of
an international nature.
All roads lead to our Corporate Centers,
and this is where all the threads of our
business operations come together –
from Purchasing right up to Logistics. Our
staff in these centers form an important
interface for all types of communication;
they are a kind of hub enabling efficient
interaction between customers, suppliers,
and colleagues. Depending on the type
of work involved, a variety of diverse qual­
ities is required of our staff. In Con­
trolling, those who are good with num­
bers can shine; the Human Resources
department needs good judges of char­
acter; and Marketing always wants cre­
ative brains to develop effective strategies.
The Logistics department is constantly
looking for specialists capable of devis­
ing efficient delivery chain processes,
and clever negotiators come into their own
in Purchasing. But the one thing they
all have in common is a delight in orga­
nizing and optimizing.
Career Paths
As different and as multifaceted as the people are at
HELLA , so, too, are the ways in which their careers have
unfolded in the company. Here, you can get to know
some members of our staff whose professional dreams
have already come true.
Project Manager
Design Engineer
Software Developer Quality Manager
Hardware Developer
Optics Developer
Key Account Manager
Any company is only as good as its employees. As a familyrun, listed company operating on the international stage,
HELLA is always on the lookout for committed, entrepreneurially-minded people, wherever they are in the world. Enterprising people with aims and plans who wish to put into prac­tice their own ideas and who see challenges as chances to
do all this. For such people we have got the exciting work, the
opportunities to set free their creativity, and a veritable treas­
ure trove of career prospects for their personal and professional development. Whether you are a manager, a specialist,
or a project leader – the HELLA global network is brimming
over with opportunities just waiting to be seized.
At the forefront of technical progress, holding this position
and continuing to advance – such objectives make up part of
the driving force that propels the HELLA global family along
its orbit. Anyone who would like to write another chapter in
the more than 100-year-long success story of this company
will be able to find his or her professional good fortune wait­
ing here. The following impressive career paths of these
members of staff clearly illustrate this.
“At HELLA , avenues were always opened up for me whenever
I sought a new challenge,” so says Dr. Marc Rosenmayr. Today, this successful Swiss businessman is Managing Director
of the HELLA Electronics Corporation in the USA and carries
responsibility for all electronics business operations throughout North and South America. The paths of HELLA and this
electrical engineer crossed by chance as a result of a recruiting event that he attended after completing his doctorate
at the prestigious technical university ETH Zurich, in Switzerland. He began his career in the company at Group Headquarters in Germany, where he was engaged in developing
control units in a small and newly set-up team of just four
members of staff. It did not last long until the team’s numbers
had swelled to 16. In 2006 he was offered the chance of
taking over a new development department in the USA .
“I was a little skeptical at first whether I should or even could
take such a big step into the unknown,” admits the engineer.
“But I received so much encouragement from my colleagues
that I decided to take the plunge and set off for Plymouth
in the state of Michigan.” He originally planned to stay three
years, but now much more than double that time has passed.
What appeals to Rosenmayr is the tremendous variety that his
work gives him. “We acquire projects, follow and guide their
de­velopment up until the products reach series production maturity, and coordinate all necessary processes within the
global network.” He has obviously been doing everything right,
because the next rung on his career ladder took him to
the job of Head of Electronics for North and South America.
DR. MARC ROSENMAYR (pictured in the middle) is responsible, as Managing Director, for the electronics business
in North and South America.
SISSI SHEN has been working for HELLA in Shanghai for more than 10 years.
Rosenmayr believes: “Success only comes when you have
an excellent team – and that is what I have here. So at the
moment I can’t imagine anywhere else I would rather be.”
This sums up the story of Sissi Shen. For well over 10 years,
the Chinese native has worked in her home city of Shanghai
for the HELLA Trading Company. This company manages the
sales operations of HELLA ’s aftermarket products in China.
During these years at HELLA , Sissi Shen has carved out a remarkable career for herself. In her own words, she says,
“A dream has come true for me.” She is referring here to her
own personal professional advancement from secretary
to Department Manager in the division of Supply Chain, Acquisition and Quality. Before joining HELLA in 2000, she
successfully completed university studies in Finance and
Investment. Just 36 months later, she had become the assistant to a Product Manager. “That was a significant, telling
signal,” says the passionate badminton player in retrospect.
“I acquired an ever-increasing amount of knowledge about
HELLA products and began to understand more and more how
the individual divisions of the Group operate and how they
interact.” But there was also another factor that played a decisive role in her burgeoning career: enthusiastic and dedicated superiors who always encouraged her and offered support. “I have grown with HELLA . As a result, an increasing
amount of responsibility was handed over to me, I was always
given a free hand to develop. And running through all this
was always a fantastic team spirit of cooperation and loyalty,” enthuses Shen. All good reasons to climb even higher
up the career ladder: “HELLA has big plans for China. The future looks rosy for me.”
Johannes Schade climbed the career ladder at meteoric
speed. Before joining HELLA, the industrial economist from
Southern Germany studied industrial engineering with business studies in Karlsruhe and gained his MBA diploma. His
first position was that of Assistant to the Management Board
in the Aftermarket Division. “It was the perfect entry to understand the business, to gain an overview, and to start my own
networking,” relates Schade. “It also gave me the chance to
become involved in so many strategic projects, such as the
developing of a new wholesale concept for Poland, Norway,
Denmark, and Ireland.” Three years then passed in the Business Development Division. Then, from this vantage point, he
was catapulted into the position of Managing Director of
the HELLA sales company in Ireland after only two years, and
had just barely turned 30 years of age. When he took over
the job in Dublin in the fall of 2012, he first of all just listened
and let all the others talk – his customers and his colleagues.
“I wanted to find out exactly what the particular features of
the market were like; I wanted to empathize with the experiences and the needs of the staff at grass-roots level so that
I could build on this information and then develop tailor-made
concepts and strategies.” And the young executive feels that
the highly varied mix of theoretical and practical work is similarly tailor-made to suit him. Johannes Schade also stresses
that his superiors played an incredibly important role in his
professional development. “It was a great help for me that I
was able to benefit from their diverse strengths and from the
varied wealth of their experience. That, and the fact that I was
always in direct contact with them to benefit firsthand. I firmly
believe that only a company with such flat hierarchies can
offer this kind of advantage. As is the case at HELLA .”
JOHANNES SCHADE is Managing Director of the HELLA sales company in Ireland.
In order to provide our staff with a certain degree of orientation, we have developed the
HELLA Leadership Model. It elucidates all the qualities that are expected of a manager
at HELLA, whether he or she is based in Germany, anywhere in Europe, in Asia, or in North
or South America. It makes no difference where we find ourselves, we always view leader­
ship in the same way and we place the same demands on those leading, wherever they may
be. Our managers also use the model to assess themselves. In this way, the model forms
the basis for the annual performance evaluations and also for comprehensive and system­
atic 360° feedback. Furthermore, we routinely align our managers’ development pro­
grams to the four aspects found in our leadership model.
Drives business results
Our managers take on responsibility, are customer­centric, provide positive impetus, encourage inno­
vation and creativity, and always go in search of new
business opportunities.
Lives HELLA culture
Develops and inspires others
They understand and accept cultural differences,
they behave in line with the HELLA values and, thus,
gladly set an example to all others in the company.
They support employees, encourage them to achieve
ambitious aims, track the achievement of such
employee aims, and our managers also have to be in
a position to deal with various needs and interests
of their department members.
Brings the best of oneself to HELLA
They have excellent time management, they can
prioritize clearly and effectively, they are good, open
communicators, and are always ready to learn and
develop their own skills.
Entrepreneurship is the driving force in HELLA ’s success
story. This requires great confidence in the company’s
managers. Management operates as autonomous businesspeople within a business, a situation creating freedom for
individual decision-making and setting of priorities. It also
means that huge responsibility has to be taken.
is responsible for more than 1,300 employees. In his first
job as a test engineer, he quickly expanded the department
where he worked from a few employees to 60 people. He
then took over a car showroom and ran it successfully until
a larger company headhunted him. And when, as a father
of two children (today he has three), he again settled with his
family in Timişoara, where he had previously studied Automation, HELLA also established a location there. Murariu was
appointed Plant Manager and, as a true pioneer, he set up
the complex production system, including all the necessary
logistics. “The huge trust placed in me by the Management
was so inspiring and it spurred me on greatly – after all, I was
only 34 at the time.” Now in his late 30s, he can already look
back on an amazing career. The freedom of shaping the HELLA
production footprint for Electronics in Romania to a large
extent by himself is not only a source of delight for this expert
manager, but it also motivates him to forge ahead towards
even greater things.
»I enjoy making decisions and I really like
optimizing processes.«
GELU FLORIN MURARIU is Managing Director of HELLA Romania.
At HELLA , not only thoughts are free. Employees decide for
themselves, organize their work for themselves, and, thus,
carry a great deal of accountability on their own shoulders. It
is almost as if they were running their own company. This
principle of corporate philosophy forms the bedrock of our
international success. It is how we open up new markets,
tap into exciting technologies and access customers. We are
convinced that this philosophy will gain even more significance in the future. The 21st century scenario of a growing
workforce, of new challenges, and of international loca­tions, geographically far removed from Group Headquarters
in Germany, means that a subsidiary company must react
and decide swiftly and responsibly. Five members of staff
from the emerging markets of Romania, China, and India
explain how they work independently in a vibrant environment at a regional and global level.
Mirabela Chera, who runs the HELLA Corporate Center in
Timişoara in the west of Romania, also boasts an extraordinary career. “While the new premises were being built, our
team worked in a container,” explains this talented businesswoman. “Surrounded by cranes and wearing rubber boots
and helmets!” That turned out to be a steep learning curve.
“I took charge of all project management for the new building.” It was an unexpected and unusual task for Chera, who
had studied Computer Science and completed her MBA in
Economics. Not that long ago, the Romanian location had
a staff of just about 30; now, more than 500 people are
employed there. We had to create more room for the burgeoning business operations. “We are growing so fast,”
enthuses the mother of two.
»Deciding and organizing for yourself will
set free positive energies.«
Romania plays a significant role in HELLA ’s global network.
So as to bring about further growth and ramp up competitiveness, existing production capacities in the Electronics and
Aftermarket divisions are being constantly extended, our
teams of developers and designers augmented, and all administration resources expanded. Gelu Florin Murariu knows
this market. As Managing Director of HELLA Romania, Murariu
MIRABELA CHERA runs the Corporate Center in the Romanian city of Timişoara.
JÖRG BUCHHEIM, after holding several executive posts at HELLA , was appointed to the Management Board in his capacity
as President and CEO of Chinese operations.
But not only in numbers of staff. “Our specialists from the areas of IT, Controlling, Finance, and Human Resources are
taking on more work.” Consequently, the Corporate Center is
responsible for many overlapping activities – such as bookkeeping, payroll accounting, and software services – for the
five HELLA locations in Romania. “Nevertheless, 70 % of our
work is performed for the HELLA global network, especially
for the headquarters in Lippstadt.” Here, the HELLA strategy
of the future has already met the present: a global concern with
its head office in Germany that has at its fingertips a power­ful, international network. For Chera, it is a dream job. “I enjoy
making decisions and I really like optimizing processes,”
explains the Romanian native, who speaks English and French
fluently. “We are able to run our Corporate Center like a
company within a company as long as we adhere to Group
guidelines.” That means equal measures of responsibility
and challenge. “But the trust placed in us is a constant source
of motivation.”
»Success in the fast-moving Chinese
market demands the freedom to make
decisions just as fast.«
Enter Jörg Buchheim. He runs HELLA business operations
in China – which means he lives and works at an extremely
dynamic pace. If you want to be successful here, you make
decisions quickly. Buchhheim is responsible for more than
4,800 employees in China and carries responsibility for
ambitious expansion plans in the Land of the Dragon. But
this German-born gentleman enjoys working at warp speed.
You sense that when talking to him, and his résumé tells
the same story. Throughout his career at HELLA – he started
out in the company as a sales consultant – he has taken on
more and more responsibility until, in August 2012, he was
appointed President and CEO for China. And, in this capacity,
he was appointed to the HELLA Management Board at the beginning of 2014. Even as a student, he was ambitious and
proved his versatility by studying physics and electrical engineering simultaneously. He graduated with an engineering
degree. It was obvious that the next stop would be overseas.
“Foreign cultures have always interested me, and I wanted
to break out of my comfort zone,” explains Buchheim, who lives
in Shanghai with his Chinese wife and their two children.
The vibrancy of the Chinese market impresses him. But to
keep pace with the awesome speed there, he needs the freedom to make decisions instantaneously. “Our shareholders
and my colleagues on the Management Board appreciate the
situation and support me.” The hierarchies are flat and exchanges intensive, direct, and swift. If Buchheim needs an answer within the hour because a Chinese customer is under
time pressure, he gets it. “Such swift channels of communication only function in a medium-sized company with a good
family ethic, a company like HELLA – and this is certainly one
of our strengths.”
»The dedicated, the flexible, and the reliable
will be given much responsibility here.«
Dr. Naveen Gautam echoes the sentiments of his colleague
in China. “Anybody at HELLA who is dedicated, flexible, and
reliable will be given responsibility.” As the Managing Director of HELLA India Automotive in Pune, this gentleman is
responsible for two development locations, one plant, the
Corporate Center, and for over 1,200 employees.
He was working for a major car producer in Germany when
he came across HELLA . “The people I first met at HELLA
were all customer-oriented,” remembers the development
engineer. “That is only possible when people are given free
rein.” He liked that. When he wanted to return to his home
country in 2007, he applied for a job at HELLA . “My first
task was to set up an Electronics Development Center in
India.” Dr. Gautam devised a concept, presented it at head
office in Lippstadt, and was given the green light. “All done
at an amazing pace,” enthuses Dr. Gautam. His career took
off at a similarly mete­oric speed. But he has never neglected
his social commitment. The father of two has done much
to improve the lot of children living in poverty in the village
of Dhankot. “I want to give back to society some of the hap­
piness with which I have been blessed.” Thanks to his initiative, a foundation has now been set up. Dr. Gautam – a classic case of a true entrepreneur.
DR. NAVEEN GAUTAM runs HELLA India Automotive.
RAMASHANK AR PANDEY is Managing Director of HELLA India Lighting in
New Delhi and Dera Bassi.
»I always felt supported whenever
I suggested new ideas.«
His fellow countryman, Ramashankar Pandey, also knows
all about entrepreneurial autonomy. The Managing Director
of HELLA India Lighting has been with the company since
2006. He is a true advocate of the corporate conviction that it
is imperative to exploit regional know-how within the com­
pany’s global network. “It is essential to integrate employees
closely in processes and decisions,” emphasizes the tech­
nology and finance specialist. He considers communication
to be the key to success, and this aspect makes up one of
his core competencies. It is obvious that Pandey has a marked
aptitude when it comes to inspiring others, and this gift has
always stood him in good stead. He acquired the talent during
long train journeys. He would spend four days traveling
from his home town to Kozhikode in Southern India, where
he was studying. “I talked to so many people and met really
enthralling characters,” explains Pandey when he casts his
mind back to those days.
He still benefits from those experiences. Pandey began his
career at HELLA in the Aftermarket division but was keen to
explore new pastures. “I was always supported whenever
I went to the Management with new ideas and explained to
them how I could put such concepts into practice in a re­
sponsible way.” Today, the father of two spends half of his time
supporting and supervising his team. The other half is spent
either traveling, when he is in constant contact with customers
or suppliers, or “devising new strategies at his desk.” And for
such a dynamic manager, this combination of activities is a perfect symbiosis, which both challenges and nurtures his career.
Creation of the “HELLA” trademark and
launch of the first product innovation on the
market – the acetylene headlamp called
“System HELLA.”
HELLA builds the first headlamp with
asymmetrical light distribution.
HELLA develops the first integrated
accelerator pedal sensor with accelerator
pedal, pedal power generation, and
sensors in a modular unit.
First-generation Xenon headlamps are
launched on the market by HELLA .
Series production of
the integrated rain and
light sensors launched.
Efficient energy management
thanks to the intelligent battery
sensor developed by HELLA.
A world premiere from HELLA and
Volkswagen: the first camera-based
headlamp with glare-free high beam
in the VW Touareg.
Successful entry of the market with
LED street lighting in Europe.
HELLA develops the first
full-LED headlamp for the
Cadillac Escalade Platinum.
HELLA and Audi proudly present the world’s
first Matrix LED headlight with the glare-free
high beam in the Audi A8.
GERMANY– INDIA After spending several months
in China, our German representative, Anne Terhoeven, is now offering support to the Indian location
of Dera Bassi as part of her business trips abroad.
Pavel Ondryska, the experience of traveling and
working in foreign lands means personal and professional enrichment. At the moment, he resides
in China.
En Route
Everyone who works at HELLA feels at home all around
the world. Here is a selection of experience reports written
by members of staff who love traveling the world and
who work on behalf of our company all across the globe.
GERMANY– JAPAN Ireland native John MacGoey
worked in Japan for many years. Now, as the Global
Key Account Manager for Japanese automakers,
he is once again immersing himself in Japanese culture, but this time from his Lippstadt location.
ROMANIA– MEXICO Romanian IT specialist
Emese Andreea Toro spent almost one whole
year working in Mexico City.
JOHN MACGOEY loves Japan and his job as the Global Key Account Manager for Japanese automakers.
John MacGoey is Irish, works in Bangkok and, as Global Key Account
Manager, looks after Japanese customers worldwide. Japan
is the unifying thread running through his life. He first traveled to
the Land of the Rising Sun in 1992. The magic of this country has
always cast a spell over him. On completion of his Mechanical Engineering degree in Dublin, he set off for Japan, with a scholarship
under his belt. “I only wanted to stay there for three years,” relates
MacGoey. It turned into eight. From the moment he first set foot
on Japanese soil, the country had a firm hold on him. The Irishman’s
path then took him to the USA and Thailand. But his work always
revolved around Japanese customers and com­panies. MacGoey has
mastered the Japanese language and – what is more important
– has a very good grasp of Japanese manners and etiquette.
Japan also brought him into contact with HELLA . He soon took over the
management of the Group’s subsidiary company located in Tokyo. Forging links with Japanese partners is not always easy in the early stages.
But once established, such links grow much stronger. “Japanese people
set great store on loyalty, a facet of their mentality which makes business
relations more resilient, even when the going gets tough,” explains
MacGoey. His relation to HELLA is also very close. When he returned to
Europe in 2012, he took over leadership of the global sales team
dealing with Japanese car producers. In 2014, MacGoey was on the
move again and relocated to Bangkok, Thailand where he continues
to lead the Japanese sales team in addition to establishing HELLA ’s
first subsidiary in that country. So he does not have to forfeit connections with Japan, because his work often takes him back to that country and its culture. A fortunate situation, for as MacGoey himself
says, “I couldn’t live any other way and nor would I want to.”
“I want to do that again,” says Emese Andreea Toro. She has just
completed her first stint abroad. As an IT expert, she spearheaded
a team of 20 and led them through two projects: updating the
SAP system and setting up the software infrastructure in a new
plant. And all that in Mexico City. “A dream came true for me.
I always wanted to work abroad so that I could use my Spanish
skills,” explains the computer expert, who can speak five languages. “As regards Mexico, I must admit I was a little skeptical at
first. I was worried about my own safety.” But thanks to the support of all the Mexican colleagues, she soon realized that she was
safe and in good hands. “For them, it was the most natural thing
in the world to look after me.” Now back in Romania, Toro’s thoughts
are already revolving around the next foreign assignment. “My
husband and I both agree that we wish to make the most of such
a chance. The HELLA global network is big and will surely provide us with a wealth of exciting challenges in the future.”
EMESE ANDREEA TORO relishes the chance to work abroad as an
IT expert.
Pavel Ondryska’s tour of HELLA ’s global network can be mapped
by the birthplaces of his children: the first was born in his home
country of the Czech Republic, the second in Lippstadt, two more
in the Czech Republic, and the fifth one in China, where he now
lives in Nanjing with its population of 7.5 million. On the 32nd floor
of a skyscraper where more people live than in his entire home
village! “I feel good here, especially as we are involved in development work of sorts – a very enriching activity.” Ondryska is the
superior of more than 30 staff working in the Development Center
in Nanjing. “We develop headlamp projects,” relates the well-seasoned traveler, whose career took off with an automotive supplier
in Austria and Spain. He began working for HELLA in the Czech
Republic. When a second stay in Lippstadt was planned, he took his
family with him for two years. Too short a time, in his opinion.
So Ondryska decided to stay in China for three years. But he is not
only interested in the rewarding work. “I also wish to experience
Chinese life and customs and, in so doing, get to know new ideas
and ways of thinking.” The prerequisite for this is that, just like
Ondryska, we are prepared to leave our “home village” and go out
into the wide world. With HELLA , this is usually no problem.
PAVEL ONDRYSK A counts China as his home at the moment.
Anne Terhoeven began as a trainee in the Production
field. Within 18 months, the industrial engineer had gained expe­
rience in six areas of manufacturing. She learned how a headlamp is made. She also forged links with colleagues in other departments. “I gathered practical experience, knowledge never
gained at university,” sums up Terhoeven. “Networking with colleagues is worth its weight in gold, and whenever I need infor­
mation I know where to go,” enthuses the project manager. The
fourth port of call in her training program was in China, in the
HELLA plant in Beijing. “I would have preferred the weather and
the lifestyle in Melbourne,” admits the 30-year-old. But she
knows that China was a valuable experience that she would not
have wanted to miss. “As soon as you dip into a different culture, it
is amazing how much you discover about yourself. You develop
another dimension to your character, personally and professionally.” Her time in China was so successful that her boss offered her
more international projects on completion of her training. One such
task is her assistance with optimizing fog lamp series production
at the HELLA plant in the Indian city of Dera Bassi. She travels there
every two months for one to two weeks. “Our Indian colleagues
are eager to learn and so motivated,” says Terhoeven. “That means
that I, too, am on a permanent learning curve.”
ANNE TERHOEVEN is an industrial economist and, after working in China, now spends time in India on a regular basis.
HELLA is a global player that started laying the foundations for its
internationalization as far back as the 1960s. The close proximity
to the customer has always been and still is a decisive factor in the
success equation for us. Supported by a strong and secure base
in Germany, the company develops, manufactures, and sells its prod­
ucts in those regions where the customer wishes to have them.
And that is why our technical development centers, production plants,
administrative offices, and our sales outlets can be found all around
the world. Because our global network is constantly expanding, there’s
no end in sight – the sky’s the limit. Therefore, we need to ramp
up our human resources, especially at our major locations. But not
only there. We are pleased to hear about anybody, anywhere, who
is interested in becoming a member of the HELLA global family.
Flora (Illinois) Peachtree City (Georgia) Plymouth (Michigan) Irapuato Mexico City
San José Iturbide Guadalajara São Paulo Bremen Berlin Hamm
Ihringen Lippstadt Recklinghausen ­Regensburg Schortens
Wembach Mohelnice Bánovce nad Bebravou Bratislava Kočovce
Ljubljana Budapest Madrid Arad Craiova Lugoj Timişoara Moscow Salo Istanbul
Le Blanc-Mesnil ­Toulouse Banbury Dublin ­Warsaw Vienna
di Settala Nieuwegein
Großpetersdorf Skytta Kallithea ­Caleppio
Odense ­Aartselaar Lisboa Uitenhage Chennai ­(Tamil Nadu) Dera Bassi
­(Punjab) Dhankot (Gurgaon) G­ urgaon (Haryana) Pune (Maharashtra) Beijing Changchun
Jiaxing Nanjing Shanghai Xiamen Tokyo Seoul Ho Chin Minh City
Singapore Mentone Dasmariñas Auckland Dubai
The Family
HELLA has been a family business for over 100
years. And so it will stay. Uniting family and
career is not just a catchphrase, but a concept
well and truly anchored in the company DNA .
This philosophy is also reflected in the company’s
global commitment toward all employees and
their families.
The mechanical engineer, ROGER VENTOSA, is father to three sons and HELLA’s Head of Sales in Mexico.
»My three boys are enjoying themselves so
much in Mexico that I’m beginning to think
they do not want to go back home again.«
Bringing together the spheres of family and work is of utmost importance at HELLA . But admittedly, finding the right
balance between the two is not always so easy. After all,
every employee has his or her own ideas and expectations,
which, in the course of a working lifetime, can change. And
at the same time, as a result of increasing globalization and
the growing success of the company, demands placed on
staff worldwide are also multiplying. Against such a varied
backdrop, there cannot be just one solution to meet all these
diverse situations. So HELLA always endeavors to view the
needs of its staff and their families individually. That is no
easy task when one considers that the workforce numbers
more than 30,000! Nevertheless, all those who are prepared
to shape their future hand-in-hand with HELLA can count on
all-around support and the suggestion of creative solutions.
We take pride in being and in remaining a family-friendly company. And we not only talk the talk, we walk the walk – as
the following stories of two families clearly illustrate.
Roger Ventosa is Head of Sales for HELLA in Mexico. At the
beginning of his HELLA career, this mechanical engineer,
based in the Mexican city of Guadalajara, was responsible for
program management in the Lighting Business Division.
“That was a really exciting task, which captured my enthusiasm
right from the word go,” explains Ventosa in fluent German.
Following his studies in Spain and Finland, the native Spaniard
really wanted to begin working in Germany. The automotive
industry, innovative technologies, German companies – all
these factors belonged in the same equation for him. When
he was later given the opportunity to take up a new challenge
in Mexico, one thing was very obvious from the outset: “On
no account did I want to leave my family in Germany during
my three-year stint abroad.” These sentiments presented
no problem whatsoever. In the course of talks with colleagues
working in the Human Resources department, the requirements of the Ventosa family were carefully analyzed in
advance and appropriate preparations were set in motion.
Since then, HELLA has been supporting him and his family
with the temporary move to North America in so many ways,
with the company seeing to all the necessary formalities.
Even the financing of the English school for the children was
covered. In general, children and their schooling play a major
role in Mexican life. Against this backdrop of thinking, every
year, HELLA Automotive Mexico organizes events in Guada­­
lajara and in Mexico City. One such event awards diplomas
to production workers’ children, who have gained excellent
grades at school. Together with the award, a present is also
given and, more significantly, financial support made available for continuing education.
The three boys of the Ventosa family have in the meantime
settled down well in their new home. “I’m beginning to have
the feeling that they don’t ever want to return to Germany,”
reports Ventosa. “The weather here is fantastic year-round
and we have a swimming pool where we live.” The parents,
too, found it very easy to tune into the Guadalajara lifestyle.
“We have been met with nothing but friendliness. Our colleagues are very kind and invitations to parties, to supper, or
the offer of a cup of coffee are everyday occurrences,” explains Ventosa. But one invitation remains especially vivid in
his mind. “Our Managing Director for the Lighting Business
Division in North and South America invited all the directors
and their families to dinner. The fact that my children were
also made so welcome and looked after so well really touched
me,” remembers the manager. “Something like that is quite
unusual and cannot be taken for granted.” But it mirrors “how
concerned the company is that its employees and their fami­lies are well and contented.”
»It is a real luxury that I only have
to cross the courtyard if my children
ever need me.«
DR. MICHAELA SCHÄFER heads Global Purchasing and has two children.
Career and children can be combined. At HELLA , even topflight jobs do not prevent starting a family. Dr. Michaela
Schäfer is the classic example. Five years ago, just before her
maternity leave, the telephone rang in her office. On the
line was the assistant of the General Managing Partner, Dr.
Jürgen Behrend. “He was inquiring whether everything
regarding childcare had been sorted out, whether a place was
available in the company kindergarten for our daughter,” explains Michaela. Admittedly, it is not usual that Dr. Behrend
personally asks whether employees have arranged child­care. But this little anecdote demonstrates how the issue of
the work–life balance is prioritized at HELLA .
“Many colleagues have a family and are aware of all the
problems arising in the rough and tumble of family life. And
our company is very aware, too,” emphasizes Schäfer, who
heads Global Purchasing. Employees are given support so they
can successfully combine career and family. This applies to
staff in production or in top management. A crucial role here
is played by the company kindergarten. It certainly helps the
industrial economist to reconcile her demanding professional
position with that of her role as mother. Daughter Klara
began attending the Childcare Center at eight months of age,
and five years later, son Hannes joined her there. “It is a real
luxury that I just have to cross the courtyard when Mommy is
needed,” explains Dr. Michaela Schäfer with relief in her voice.
The HELLA Childcare Center was opened in Lippstadt in
2004. Today, 50 children of employees attend, looked after by
trained nursery teachers. The ages of the children range
from six months to six years. The teacher–pupil ratio is good
to allow ample flexibility in the daily routine. And if an emergency should arise, these teachers would even mind the children overnight. The demand for such care is high and the
concept has been well received. Dr. Michaela Schäfer is delighted that HELLA is already planning two more childcare
centers: “One is near Plant 2 in Lippstadt, the other at the
HELLA location of Timişoara in Romania.”
Bringing the personal and professional lives of our staff
into harmony is one of our personnel policies. We offer
our employees a wide variety of measures to help them
find their very own personal balance. Social commitment
is very important to us, and here are some examples
illustrating our sentiments:
Flexible Working Time Models Our staff members are just
as important as our customers. A treasure trove of working time models,
in operation throughout the various business divisions, enables
our employees to keep their personal and professional lives in balance.
Nurturing Relationships The best motivation comes from identi­
fication. We are a family-run business so the integrating of our staff’s
families into the HELLA world is a main concern. That has a long tradition.
The “HELLA Annual Day”, now celebrated in India for more than 12 years,
the “HELLA Kids’ Party” in Romania, and the Family Day in the Chinese city
of Changchun are good examples of how our sense of community is be­
ing strengthened.
Young Talent Scholarships We especially help our junior staff.
We support them in the early stages of their studies by providing
attractive scholarships. And we provide support at all levels of learning.
In Mexico, we offer financial support to the children of our production
employees from the beginning of their school life right up until their high
school graduation.
Save the Children The HELLA Charity Team Maithri (in India) invests
time and effort in helping children in need. It also looks after orphans.
The help offered ranges from the organizing of games and entertainment,
through the provision of schooling equipment and food, right up to cloth­
ing donations.
Wanderlust? We wish to support our staff and their families when
they are overseas – before, during, and after their posting to a foreign
assignment. For a stay abroad, we organize all the formalities, find ac­
commodation, and arrange the move and schooling for the children.
We take over the costs of the move, of furniture storage, and of the return.
Welfare We think ahead! As a family-run business, we think in the
long term and, thus, provide lots of opportunities for our staff to be and
to remain in good health. Our HELLA IN MOTION sports and health
program exemplifies our thinking on this subject. Our certified industrial
safety management systems also contribute to securing the welfare
of our workers worldwide.
Responsibility Since 1999, the Dr. Arnold Hueck Foundation has
promoted science and research, learning and education, art and culture,
the welfare of young and old alike, the conservation of the countryside
and of historical buildings, and the furthering of the welfare system in gen­
eral. All around the world, we are engaged in supporting a variety of
regional social projects, undertakings which have been initiated by dedi­
cated employees on a voluntary basis.
Nature Conservation We pledge ourselves, also in the name of
our employees, to conserve and protect the natural resources of our
planet. Products, technologies, and processes are permanently optimized
to achieve improved environmental compatibility. All our production
locations are certified in line with the ISO 14001 environmental manage­
ment system. And with our innovative product solutions, such as the
LED street lighting concept of “Eco StreetLine”, we are also proactively
helping to protect and preserve our precious environment.
2013 / 2014
Fiscal years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 were adjusted.
Asia / Pacific / RoW
5,819 // 19 %
9,814 // 32 %
FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014
Asia / Pacific / RoW
€ 783 million // 15 %
€ 1,531 million // 29 %
North and South America
3,980 // 13 %
North and South America
Rest of Europe
€ 1,047 million // 20 %
Rest of Europe
€ 1,983 million // 37 %
11,079 // 36 %
Employees worldwide: 30,692
Number of employees as of balance sheet date of May 31
Independent Aftermarket
Special Original Equipment
P arts Wear Parts,
Spare Parts, Accessories
Original equipment for special vehicles,
such as buses, trailers, agricultural and
construction machinery with lighting and
Rear Combination Lamps
Small Lamps
Interior Lamps
Lighting Electronics
Body Electronics
Energy Management
Driver Assistance Systems
Sensor Technology
Actuator Technology
Steering Systems
S ervices Technical Service,
Sales Support
Street Lighting
Full Range Parts, Tools
Airport Lighting
Garage Concepts Services, Information
Local Branch Network
L ogistics
Workshop Equipment
Vehicle Diagnostics & Vehicle Data
A ir Conditioning Service
Lighting Service
Battery Service
Interior Lighting
Industry Lighting
Republic of
The Netherlands
Czech Republic
A S I A / PA C I F I C /R E S T O F W O R L D Brazil
USA Australia
New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
The Philippines
HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co.
Rixbecker Strasse 75
59552 Lippstadt, Germany
Phone + 49 2941 38 - 0
Fax + 49 2941 38 - 71 33
[email protected]
© HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt
9Z0 999 136-003
Printed in Germany