Tariffs and Conditions Effective as of 1 February 2015 ING Commercial Banking ING Bank, a Branch of ING-DiBa AG ING is one of the largest providers of financial products in Europe. ING offers Clients financial products in payment services, loans, mortgages and investments. In addition ING acts as an intermediary in insurances and pensions. These Tariffs and Conditions are effective as of 1 February 2015 and applicable to the transaction services offered by ING Bank, a Branch of ING-DiBa AG (referred to as “ING Bank”). Rates offered in this brochure are subject to change. All fees shown in this brochure are exempt from VAT unless expressly stated otherwise. Exchange rates can be found via your local ING Office. The registered office of ING Bank, a Branch of ING-DiBa AG is located at Hamburger Allee 1, 60486 Frankfurt am Main. It is registered with the Commercial Register Frankfurt am Main, Local Court, HRB 7727. ING Bank, a Branch of ING DiBa AG is subject to the supervision of the European Central Bank, Kaiserstraße 29, 60311 Frankfurt am Main and the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 2 Tariffs Accounts Current account1 Opening Maintenance Closing (in local or foreign currency) € 0.00 € 20.00 per month, per account € 0.00 Interest conditions Credit interest | EUR, USD and GBP Credit interest | Other currencies Debit interest | EUR² Debit interest | USD² Debit interest | GBP² Debit interest | Other currencies² % % % % % % 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 - Additional services and fees Booking fee € 0.30 per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum EUR, USD, GBP Upon request Unauthorised. Plus EONIA Unauthorised. Plus LIBOR (USD) Unauthorised. Plus LIBOR (GBP) Unauthorised. Upon request. per posted booking Provision of accounts in currencies other than Euro (EUR), US Dollar (USD) or British Pound Sterling (GBP) is subject to separate negotiation and agreement with ING Bank. 2 Overdrafts on accounts are not permitted by default. Should nevertheless an overdraft be agreed at short notice with ING Bank, the debit interest rates referenced here will be applied at that time. ING Bank reserves the right to unilaterally adjust these debit interest rates for unauthorized overdrafts without further notice. 1 Channels MultiCash¹ Licence Subscription On-site installation, support and training € € € 550.00 30.00 600.00 one-off per month, per account per day MultiWeb Subscription Installation On-site installation, support and training € € € 30.00 0.00 600.00 per month, per account per occurrence per day 5000.00 1000.00 one-off, per structure per year, per structure € € 2400.00 350.00 per year per occurrence € € € 0.003 0.002 0.001 per transaction per transaction per transaction 0 to 5 million 5 to 30 million 30 million and more SWIFTNet Initial purchase € 7500.00 one-off, per structure Plus VAT Other channels Paper delivery of payment instructions € 35.00 per transaction Surcharge to transaction fee EBICS Connection for Payment-Factory Services Set-up € Maintenance € ING-FTP (ING File Transfer Protocol) Subscription Adding customer to current FTP contract of a Service Bureau Connection fee per transaction Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 Plus VAT Plus VAT By the Client themselves By ING Bank. Plus VAT 3 Other applications The use of other electronic banking applications of ING Group (e.g. Telelink@Isabel, InsideBusiness Payments, etc.), is subject to the terms and conditions of the respective provider. ¹ Technical support for MultiCash applications of other PSPs is offered exclusively by those suppliers. Account, Balance and Transaction Reporting Electronic reporting Intraday Intraday | To third bank Intraday | From third bank End of Day End of Day | To third bank End of Day | From third bank Debit / Credit notification € € € € € € € 30.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 per month, per account per month, per account per month, per account per month, per account per month, per account per month, per account per month, per account MT942, CAMT.052 MT942 MT942 MT940 CAMT.053 MT940 MT940 CAMT.054 € € € € per statement per month, per account per statement per statement Actual postal charges 30.00 15.00 30.00 SEPA credit transfer1 Next day Same day Real Time € € € 0.00 5.00 10.00 per transaction per transaction per transaction ING In-house Intra-company Batch Next day in batch Salary in batch Incoming € € € € € € 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.00 per transaction per transaction per batch per item per item per transaction International credit transfer Two days Two days – urgent Intra-company ING In-house2 Incoming international Incoming – urgent, in EUR Incoming ING In-house credit transfer2 € € € € € € € 20.00 26.00 20.00 9.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction Credit transfer R-messages Revocation3 Recall3 Notification of a Rejection of execution Manual repair4 € € € € 25.00 50.00 25.00 8.00 per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence Paper account statements Paper statement via post Paper statement additional copy Paper statement replacement When up to 1 year When older than 1 year Credit Transfers Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 With priority instruction ‘HIGH’ Code word ‘TREA’ required. Via TARGET2 Code word ‘INTC’ required Booking fee applies Code word ‘SALA’ required Covered payment Via TARGET2 Prior to execution After execution Surcharge to transaction fee 4 Please note that ING Bank does not accept SEPA credit transfers in paper format. Payments Orders for these payment instruments many only be transmitted electronically via electronic banking. 2 A list of participating countries can be supplied upon request. This service has to be separately agreed with the bank. 3 ING Bank cannot guarantee the successful recall or successful revocation of a Payment Order. 1 Orders containing errors may be rejected as 'non-executable'. However, we do reserve the right, in individual cases, to make repairs to payment orders. 4 Direct Debits SEPA Direct Debit (as creditor) Batch Transaction € € 0.00 0.12 SEPA Direct Debit R-messages (as creditor) Return Refusal Refund authorised collection Refund unauthorised collection € € € € SEPA Direct Debit (as debtor) Transaction SEPA Direct Debit R-messages (as debtor) Reject Reject per batch per transaction in batch Plus Booking fee Core, Cor1 and B2B 3.00 3.00 0.00 60.00 per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction in addition to 3rd party fees € 0.00 per transaction Core, Cor1 and B2B € € 3.00 0.00 per transaction per transaction Domestic, charged to Creditor International SEPA Direct Debit additional services and fees (as debtor) Mandate set-up € 5.00 Mandate block and filter settings € 5.00 Mandate amendment € 3.00 Mandate cancelation € 0.00 Mandate copy € 30.00 Unjustified request for refund € 60.00 per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence Other Services Audit letter Bank reference Standing Order | Set-up Standing Order | Amendment Inquiry and investigations Proof payment (credit or debit) Confirmation of capital for company under incorporation Tax certificate MT101 from third party PSPs set-up MT101 to third party PSPs € € € € € € 100.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 per page per page per occurrence per standing order per standing order per occurrence € € € € 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 per occurrence per occurrence per written notification per request € € € € 0.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 per occurrence per replacement per account per month, per account Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 For the first 3 pages For each page after the first three Annual bank confirmation Including cancellation Simple (requests via phone and which can be resolved within the same phone call) Complex For activities older than 6 months. Separate notification In case of replacements 5 Cash Management Domestic Cash Balancing1, 2 Set-up Maintenance Transaction Amendment Cancellation € € € € € 500.00 25.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 one-off, per account per month, per account per pooling transaction per account per structure Cross Border Cash Balancing1, 3 Set-up Maintenance Maintenance Transaction Amendment Cancellation € € € € € € 100.00 100.00 250.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 one-off, per account per account, per month per account, per month per pooling transaction per account per structure Multi Bank Funding and Sweeping1 Maintenance Transaction € € 100.00 0.00 per month, per account per pooling transaction Min. € 1000.00 per structure Intraday structure End-of-day structure The services described in this section must be separately agreed with ING Bank. These services require among others the arrangement of credit facilities with the customer. For this reason, the terms and conditions described in this section are only informative in nature. They do not represent an offer or a commitment by ING Bank to provide such credit facilities. 2 Domestic Zero Balancing is executed daily as part of local end-of-day processes. 3 Cross Border Cash Balancing Intraday is executed daily at 15:30. Cross Border Cash Balancing End-of-Day is executed daily, in the morning of the following business day, based on the last end-of-day balances. 1 Cards Corporate Cards¹ Corporate Card, corporate pay Corporate Card, individual pay Emergency provision Purchase | In EUR Purchase | In non-EUR Cash advance | From ATM in EUR Cash advance | From ATM in non-EUR Cash advance | Via counter in EUR Cash advance | Via counter in non-EUR € € € € € € € % % 30.00 37.50 129.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 per year per year per card per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction Plus 1.95% foreign exchange fee² Plus 1.95% foreign exchange fee² Min. € 4.50 Min. € 4.50. Plus 1.95% foreign exchange fee² Additional services and fees Late payment charge % 1.50 of the outstanding balance Paper-based account statement € 0.00 per statement Copy of paper-based account statement € 8.00 per statement Incl. VAT The fees and commissions are subject to separate agreement. Information about ING Corporate Card Solution can be found at http://www.ingcorporatecardsolution.com/. ING Purchase Control The fees and commissions are subject to separate agreement. Information about ING Purchase Control can be found at http://www.ingpurchasecontrol.com/. ¹ The corporate card product is offered by ING Bank N.V., registered office Amsterdam, Trade Register no. 33031431, Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ² The foreign exchange fee is incorporated in the amount of the transaction. The currency conversion rates are published at https://www.mastercard.com/global/currencyconversion/. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 6 Cheques Cheque disbursement Domestic Commercial Cheque in Euro International cheque in Euro or cheque in foreign currency € € 0.00 Cheque collection Incoming Domestic Bank Cheque Incoming International Bank Cheque Incoming Domestic Commercial Cheque Incoming International Commercial Cheque € € € € 3.00 50.00 3.00 50.00 per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction Additional services and fees Stop cheque Unpaid cheque Cheque copy or forwarding Investigations by ING Bank € € € € 10.00 50.00 20.00 5.00 per cheque per cheque per cheque or copy per cheque Cheque book Lock Box1 € € 15.00 20.00 per block of 10 cheques per month, per account 1 per transaction per transaction The fee for the underlying international credit transfer applies In case of incomplete credit information or missing cheque collection forms Plus VAT For terms and conditions, Clients may refer to the separate “Lockbox” Agreement for the collection of cheques directly from Client’s debtors. Guarantees and Documentary Trade Guarantees Guarantees fees € Other fees Advise of a guarantee Opening Amendment Legal checking of text Claim of a guarantee % € € € % 0.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.30 Import Letters of Credit Pre-advice Risk openings commission Opening commission Amendment commission Documents handling commission Commission discrepant documents Refusal and return of documents Release of goods Deferred payment commission Accept commission € € € € % € % € € € 100.00 Export Letters of Credit Pre-advice of a letter of credit Advice of a letter of credit Commission for transferred letter of credit Confirmation commission Amendment commission € % % € € 100.00 0.10 0.30 Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 per year On request. Min. €500.00 Min. €100.00, max. €300.00 per guarantee Text provided by Client Min. €300.00 per commencing month 100.00 100.00 0.30 100.00 0.30 200.00 On request. Min. €100.00 Min. €150.00 Min. €150.00 per commencing month per commencing month On request. Min. €100.00 On request. Min. €100.00 per commencing month Min. €100.00, max. €300.00 Min. €250.00 On request. Min. €100.00 100.00 7 Increase of a confirmed Letter of Credit Pre-check commission documents € € Documents handling commission Commission for discrepant documents Deferred payment commission Acceptance commission Supervisory commission for advised letter of credit with deferred payment Notice of assignment Reimbursement commission % € € € % 0.30 100.00 € € 100.00 50.00 % € 0.30 100.00 € € 100.00 200.00 % € 0.30 100.00 € € 100.00 25.00 % % 0.30 0.30 € € € € € € € 3.50 7.50 15.00 27.50 32.50 37.50 15.00 Import Collection Collection Commission Supervisory commission for handling “documents against acceptance” Amendment of collection instructions Release of goods Export Collection Collection Commission Supervisory commission for handling “documents against acceptance” Amendment of collection instructions Tracers under collection Draft Draft payable at our counters Draft collection, domestic Additional services and fees Postage | Letter Postage | Registered mail Postage | Courier Postage | SWIFT On request 100.00 per document set presented per commencing month per commencing month 0.10 Min. € 150.00 On request. Min. €100.00 On request. Min. €100.00 Min. €100.00, max. €300.00 Min. €100.00 Min. €100.00 Min. €100.00 Min. €100.00 per mailing per mailing per mailing per mailing per mailing per mailing per message Domestic Europe USA Asia and Africa The services described in this section must be separately agreed with ING Bank. These services require among others the arrangement of credit facilities with the customer. For this reason, the terms and conditions described in this section are only informative in nature. They do not represent an offer or a commitment by ING Bank to provide such credit facilities. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 8 Cut-Off Times (COT) and Settlement Dating Credit Transfers COT (CET) Book date Settlement SEPA credit transfer Next day 16:30 D D+1 Same day Real Time ING In-house Next day in batch Incoming 13:30 16:00 13:30 16:30 - D D D D D D D D+1 D+1 - 13:30 11:30 16:00 16:00 11:30 16:00 11:30 N/A 09:00 D D D D D D D+1, D1 D D D+2 D+2 D D+1 D+1 - International credit transfer Two days, standard or urgent Real Time, via Target2 ING In-house Incoming Incoming Incoming ING In-house Paper-based Currency EUR Other EUR EUR Other EUR, EEA Other Any ¹ The incoming transfer is booked same-day if the paying bank has sufficient credit limit with us, subject to the duly receipt of funds thereafter on our Nostro accounts. Direct Debits Currency SEPA Direct Debit (as creditor) Transaction | Core, (first and one-off) Transaction | Core, (recurrent)¹ Transaction | Cor1 (first and recurrent) Transaction | B2B (first and recurrent) SEPA Direct Debit (as debtor) Transaction | Core, Cor1 and B2B COT (CET) Debit value Settlement 23:00 D-6 23:00 D-3 23:00 D-2 23:00 D-2 D D D D D D D D - D D ¹ Please note that an existing mandate counts as “amended” among others when the bank details of the debtor (e.g. account number, payment service provider, BIC or IBAN) change. Thus, any affected recurrent CORE SEPA direct debits do not count as “recurrent” any longer, rather become “with an amended mandate” and must be submitted to ING Bank before the respective earlier Cut-Off-Date. Cheques Currency Cheque disbursement Domestic cheque International cheque EUR Any Cheque collection Domestic cheque International cheque EUR Any Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 COT (CET) 12:00 - Book date Settlement D D D+1 D+2 D+2 upon collection - 9 Account, Balance and Transaction Reporting Intraday Intraday | To third bank Intraday | From third bank End of Day End of Day | To third bank End of Day | From third bank Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 Frequency Time available (CET) On transaction basis On transaction basis as received Once per day Once per day Once per day Real time Real time Real time 05:00 next day 05:00 next day 05:00 next day 10 General Conditions These Tariffs and Conditions are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of ING Bank, a Branch of ING-DiBa AG, to the specific terms and conditions for other banking services, and to the following additional terms and conditions: Unless explicitly otherwise state, all prices are quoted in Euro and net of VAT. The Tariffs and Conditions refer only to the services of ING Bank and related charges. Charges of other payment service providers (in particular charges of correspondent banks) are not included and, where applicable, shall be invoiced separately to the customer. We reserve the right to regularly review our Tariffs and Conditions and, where appropriate, to make adjustments to them, in particular in the event of changes to the legal or regulatory environment with a corresponding impact on our cost or fee structure, where there are changes to market conditions with a corresponding impact on our services (e.g. interest rates). The Tariffs and Conditions shall be deemed valid for one calendar year after entering a business relationship. We specifically reserve the right of early modification of our Tariffs and Conditions when the customer's creditworthiness deteriorates, in the event of a change of the volumes agreed with the customer, of the STP-Rate1 for handling transactions, or of the intended implementation (e.g. number of accounts maintained), In the event of changes in the Tariffs and Conditions, the customer may terminate the use of the services affected by the changes, or the overall framework agreement for payment services, prior to those changes becoming effective, without notice period and exempt from charges, on the basis of the General Terms and Conditions. ING Bank can determine and apply fees and charges for other services, not listed in these Tariffs and Conditions, at its reasonable discretion (§ 315 BGB), when such services are delivered based on a customer’s instruction or in the presumed interest of a customer, and when such services can only be delivered against compensation due to circumstances. 1 STP stands for 'Straight-Through-Processing', i.e. automatic processing of transactions from the time transfer instructions are received until they are fully executed. As a rule, fully automated transaction execution is not possible in the case of paper-based instructions, or in the case of instructions containing errors requiring correction by ING Bank. Business Days A Business Day is any day on which the PSP’s involved in the execution of a payment transaction operate as required to execute that payment. ING Bank operates as required for the execution of payments, on all working days, except on Saturdays, on 24 and 31 December and on national statutory bank holidays and statutory holidays of the State of Hessen. ING Bank supports payment transactions via TARGET on public holidays, on which the TARGET clearing house is open for business (http://www.bundesbank.de/target2/target2_leistungsumfang.php#oeffnungszeiten). Exchange rates Unless otherwise agreed, foreign currency conversions for international transfers are executed at ING Bank's conversion rate from time to time. That conversion rate is based on market rates as of the date of the conversion, which customers may also find, for example, at Reuters. Customers may see the precise conversion rate applied to a given transfer on their bank statements or may subsequently inquire with ING Bank with respect to the rates. ING Bank does not charge customers any additional conversion fees. Rejection of payment orders and return of requests to honor direct debits with insufficient cover Outgoing payments and requests to honor direct debits cannot be executed from accounts with insufficient cover, i.e. from accounts on which there is neither a sufficient credit balance available, nor has sufficient credit limit been granted. ING Bank deletes outgoing payment orders with insufficient cover at the end of the same business day. Customers will be notified about the deleted payment orders promptly thereafter. In case of insufficient cover to honor direct debits, ING Bank will notify customers about the direct debit requests by phone, promptly after receiving them. The requests will be returned as rejected at the end of the same business day, if cover remains insufficient. ING does not separately notify customers about the return of rejected direct debit requests. The above mentioned terms before deleting payment orders or returning direct debit requests, are meant to allow customers to subsequently secure sufficient cover. Payment orders or direct debit requests are automatically executed, once sufficient cover becomes available within those terms. Return of cheques with insufficient cover In case of insufficient cover, checks will not be honored and will be returned after one (1) day, without notification to the customer. Address for cheques submitted for collection Cheques submitted for collection per post should be addressed as follows: P.O. Box 16 03 48 60066 Frankfurt am Main This address applies also for the delivery of cheques in the “Lockbox” Service, directly by your debtors, should you have a prior agreement for this service with ING Bank. Revocation and Recall Requests for revocation or recall of a Payment Instruction must be submitted to ING Bank via an agreed means of communication. For example, such requests can be submitted per telephone to our Customer Support Desk at +49 69 75936 222. ING Bank cannot guarantee the successful revocation or recall of a Payment Instruction. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 11 Blocks and Filter for SEPA Direct Debits Blocks and filters on SEPA products refer to blocking all requests to honor SEPA direct debits, blocking requests to honor SEPA direct debits from specific creditors, from specific mandates or from specific transactions, and putting a cap on amounts per mandate. Blocks and Filters for SEPA Direct Debits can be submitted via an agreed means of communication, for example by telephone to our Customer Support Desk +49 69 75969 222. Payment Orders Delivery When delivering instructions (e.g. Payment Orders) to ING Bank, Clients should use the means of communications agreed with ING Bank, such as the agreed electronic banking channel. Paper based / manual transfers are considered urgent, if they explicitly state the urgent nature of the transfer, for example by explicitly using words like "urgent" or "telegraphic". International transfers in Euro, which can be identified as urgent and which are not transmitted electronically via an electronic banking system, will be routed for execution first via Target2. Should the execution not be possible via Target2, such a transfer will instead be routed to the next best execution form, e.g. via SWIFT. Types of Credit Transfers The flow chart below helps you determine the most appropriate type of credit transfer. SEPA Countries: Austria (EUR), Belgium (EUR), Bulgaria (BGN), Croatia (HRK), Cyprus (EUR), Czech Republic (CZK), Denmark (DKK), Estonia (EUR), Finland (EUR), France (EUR), Germany (EUR), Greece (EUR), Hungary (HUF), Ireland (EUR), Italy (EUR), Latvia (EUR), Lithuania (LTL), Luxembourg (EUR), Malta (EUR), The Netherlands (EUR), Poland (PLN), Portugal (EUR), Romania (RON), Slovakia (EUR), Slovenia (EUR), Spain (EUR), Sweden (SEK) and the United Kingdom (GBP), as well as the EEA States Iceland (ISK), Liechtenstein (CHF) and Norway (NOK) plus Monaco (EUR) and Switzerland (CHF). Privacy Statement This privacy statement contains information on how ING Bank, Niederlassung der ING-DiBa AG (‘ING’) treats and takes care of personal data. ING processes personal data of natural persons who are (potential) clients, business partners or suppliers, or acting in their capacity of employee, (managing) director or representative of them, or who are visitors of ING’s websites. Also, in the framework of ING’s financial transaction processing and handling ING processes personal data of natural persons with whom ING has no relationship. Clients, business partners, and suppliers may use this privacy statement to inform natural persons of passing on their personal data to ING and ING’s processing thereof. 1. Purposes of data processing ING processes personal data for the following purposes: Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 12 assessing and accepting of, entering into and executing of agreements with clients, business partners or suppliers, as well as executing payment and other financial transactions, recording and financially settling services, products and materials delivered to and from ING, including communication with natural persons involved in contracts (e.g. insured persons, beneficiaries, intermediaries), and dispute resolution and litigation; performing relationship management and (targeted) marketing to establish a relationship with and/or maintain as well as extend a relationship with a client; analysing personal data for statistical and scientific purposes, including analyses for the development and improvement of ING’s products and/or services, account management and client service; business process execution, (internal) management reporting and analysis including activities such as managing company assets, conducting internal audits and investigations, finance and accounting, implementing business controls, provision of central processing facilities for efficiency purposes, managing mergers, acquisitions and divestitures; safety, health and security including the protection of ING and client, supplier or business partner assets and the authentication of client, supplier or business partner status and access rights; compliance with laws and regulations as well as sector-specific guidelines and regulations including anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulations; safeguarding the security and integrity of ING and/or the financial sector. This includes (1) the detection, prevention, investigation and combating of (attempts at) unlawful or undesirable activities or conduct targeted towards ING, group companies of ING Bank N.V., clients and staff, or other financial institutions, and (2) the use of and participation in warning systems (such as internal or external fraud registers). 2. Personal data sharing with group companies of ING Bank N.V. For the purposes listed above, ING may pass on personal data to other group companies of ING Bank N.V. 3. Personal data sharing with third parties For the purposes listed above, ING may pass on personal data to third parties not being group companies of ING Bank N.V. such as business partners, other financial institutions, suppliers or other service providers, intermediaries, beneficiaries of transactions, courts, regulatory authorities, warning systems or other third parties involved in any of ING’s personal data processing activities listed above. 4. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) ING Bank N.V. and its groups companies are active worldwide. This means that ING may pass on personal data to parties in countries outside the EEA. ING will only pass on personal data to such parties for the purposes listed above. 5. Recording telephone calls and electronic communication ING may monitor, record, store and use any telephone call, email or other forms of electronic communication for the following purposes: with laws and regulations; compliance 1 .able to provide proof; being 2 . detect and investigate fraud or crime; to prevent, 3 . assessing 4 the quality of ING’s services; and .5 coaching and assessment of ING employees. training, ING may . provide records of telephone calls and electronic communications to authorities to comply with laws and regulations and to the ING unit in charge of security matters and/or ING employees responsible for monitoring compliance with corporate rules and regulations. 6. Right of access/correction and right to object Natural persons may request an overview or correction of their personal data processed by ING; object to processing of their personal data by ING for direct marketing purposes; ING Bank, Niederlassung der ING-DiBa AG Hamburger Allee 1 60486 Frankfurt am Main P.O. Box 20 02 44 60606 Frankfurt am Main Germany Written requests should be accompanied by a photocopy of a valid identity card. 7. Modification of privacy statement ING has the right to modify the content of this privacy statement at any time. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 13 Complaint Procedure Out-of-court dispute resolution Non-Consumers may have any disputes with ING Bank, a Branch of ING DiBa AG which may be resolved by the German private banks’ Ombudsman as far as these disputes result from the scope of application of the law on payment services (Sections 675 c – 676 c of the German Civil Code). Further details are contained in the “Rules of Procedure for the Settlement of Customer Complaints in the German Private Commercial Banking Sector”, which are available on request or can be downloaded from the Internet at www.bankenverband.de. Complaints should be addressed in writing to the Customer Complaints Office at the Bundesverband deutscher Banken (Association of German Banks), Postfach 04 03 07, 10062 Berlin, Germany. Client Services Business Hours Business Days Address SWIFT BIC Telephone Fax E-mail Website 9:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday ING Bank, a Branch of ING DiBa AG Hamburger Allee 1 60486 Frankfurt am Main Germany INGBDEFF +49 (0)69 759 36 222, open from 8:00 – 17:00 +49 69 75936 207 [email protected] www.ingbank.de Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 14 Want to know more about ING? Visit www.ingbank.de or contact your local ING Office Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 15
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