WHAT’S ON WHAT’S ON GUYRA/ARMIDALE /WALCHA/URALLA GUYRA/ARMIDALE/WALCHA/URALLA www.gala.org.au www.gala.org.au GLEN INNES GLEN INNES First Aid Course Discover your Passion Discover your Passion CPR, Anaphylaxis & Asthma This workshop covers the following units: HLTCPR211A ‐ Perform CPR 21886VIC ‐ Emergency Asthma Management 22099VIC‐FirstAid Management of Anaphylaxis CPR cer ficates are valid for 1 yr. FEE: $90 VENUE: @ GALA Guyra DATE: Sunday 22nd Feb 2015 TIME: 2.00pm ‐ 5.00pm Safe Food Handling Stage 1 SITXOHS002A‐Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures This course focuses on the correct workplace hygiene procedures, and iden fies hygiene risks. Par cipants are issued with a Statement of A ainment for this Unit from the SIT07 . Course delivered by ATAC. FEE: $100 VENUE: @ Glen Innes Services Club DATE: Monday 30th March 2015 TIME: 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm SpraySafe Chemical User Refresher Current training in Chemical Use is necessary to lawfully use pes cides in NSW in ones work or business. A workbook is to be completed at home prior to a ending the course. Course delivered by SpraySafe (RTO 90044) AHCCHM101A‐Follow Basic Chemical Safety Rules AHCCHM201A‐Apply Chemical Under Supervision AHCCHM303A‐Prepare and apply Chemicals AHCCHM304A‐Transport, Handle and Store Chemicals FEE: $250 ( $340 FULL) VENUE: @ GALA Guyra DATE: Monday 20th April 2015 TIME: 8.30am ‐ 1.30pm RSA/RCG SITHFAB009A / SITHGAM006A An RSA Cer ficate is required for anyone involved in the sale, service or supply of alcohol. The Gaming Machines Act 2001 requires all staff working in venues with gaming machines to undergo Responsible Conduct of Gambling. (RCG) Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee Units covered in this course: HTLFA311A ‐ Apply First Aid HLTCPR211A ‐ Perform CPR HLTFA211A ‐ Provide basic emergency life support. This cer ficate is valid for 3years. The workbook is completed at home and bought with you when you a end the face to face prac cal. FEE: $160 (manual is included) VENUE: @ Presbyterian Church Hall DATE: March 2015 TIME: 6 ‐9 pm you complete the process at Australia Post.) FEE: $180 each (do both for $300) VENUE: @ Glen Innes Services Club DATE: Mon ‐Tue 16/17 March 2015 TIME: 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm SITHFAB204 Learn to make all the major coffee styles; La e, macchiato, long and short black cappuccino and mocha. Learn different coffee beans and work with different types of milk, and cover the correct cleaning procedures. FEE: $130 VENUE:@ Glen Innes Services Club DATE: Tues 31st March 2015 TIME: 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm Food Safety Supervisors Combined Stage 1 & 2 WHS White Card Construction Induction RMS Traffic Control Stop/Slow Bat -BLUE CARD This course combines SITOHS002A ‐ Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures and SITXFSA001A ‐ Implement Food Safety Procedures This course provides accredited training to comply with NSW Food Authority’s requirements for Food Safety Supervisors. Delivered by ATAC. Statement of A ainment issued. FEE: $180 VENUE: @ Glen Innes Services Club DATE: Wed 18th March 2015 TIME: 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR: Cheese Making Salami/ Pastrami Cured Meats Photography Upholstery MYOB Cake Decorating For further details or to enrol go to www.gala.org.au or call 6779 2132 (Your competency Card will be issued once All persons who enter or work on a building/construc on site are required by law to hold a WHS White Card. This course covers the unit CPCCOHS101A ‐ Work safely in the construc on Industry from CPC08 Training Package. Your WHS card will be issued by WorkCover and posted directly to you. Requirements: 100 point ID FEE: $140 VENUE: @ Glen Innes Service's Club DATE: Monday 23rd March 2015 TIME: 8.30am ‐ 4.00pm This course is essen al for anyone who is required to control traffic using a stop/slow bat in road construc on or maintenance. A logbook, valid for 3yrs will be issued. Prerequisite: WHS Construc on Induc on Cert (or equivalent) and a Provisional”P2” Licence, or current Traffic Controller Card. FEE: $180 VENUE: @ Glen Innes Services Club DATE: Wed 11th March 2015 TIME: 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm RMS Apply Traffic Control Plans - YELLOW CARD This is a RTA accredited for anyone required to set up and work with Traffic Control Plan’s (TCP). NOTE: This course does not qualify a person to control traffic using a stop/slow bat, or to select or modify exis ng traffic control plans. Delivered by ATAC. Prerequisite: Hold a NSW WHS Construc on Induc on Cer ficate. FEE: $180 VENUE: @ Glen Innes Services Club DATE: Thurs 12th March 2015 TIME: 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm Taking Enrolments and Enquiries for Semester I Basic Computer Course Customer Service Cluster (units from Cert III Business) BSB20107 ‐ Cer ficate II in Business ICA10105 ‐ Cer ficate I in Informa on Technology ICA20111 ‐ Cer ficate II in Informa on Technology www.gala.org.au For further details or to enrol go to www.gala.org.au or call 6779 2132 USI - Unique Student Identifier Under the new USI ini a ve, students will be able to get a full transcript of all of the accredited VET training they have undertaken from the me the USI comes into effect, or an extract of it that shows the par cular achievements they require. It will make it easier for you to find, collate and authen cate your achievements and ensure that your records are not lost. As of 1 January 2015, new and con nuing students undertaking na onally recognised VET courses will need to have a USI. Your USI must then be provided to the training provider before you can receive a statement of a ainment or qualifica on. The USI will be available online and at no cost to you. Your USI will stay with you for life and be recorded with any na onally recognised VET course that is undertaken from 1st January 2015. How to Apply: The Australian Informa on Commissioner will be the key regulator of the privacy and confiden ality aspects of the USI legisla on. Students can apply for their USI at www.usi.gov.au FLEXIBLE PAYMENT OPTIONS AVAILIABLE. CALL NOW 6779 2132 VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE www.gala.org.au Find us on Facebook New England Upholstery Workshop Learn to Upholster an antique , or reupholster your favourite piece of furniture. This course will run over a 6 week period, from 9.30am - 3.30pm every Thursday from 5th February @ GALA, Guyra. COST $130 see office for requirements Cheese Making Workshop Cured Meats Salami, Pastrami and Prosciutto (TBA) We will be running The Cheese making & Cured Meets on Sat & Sun 7th/8th February. Costs will include a take home goodie pack as well as recipe booklets and other information. For more details please call the office on 6779 2132. Cost: $ 160 Cheese Workshop $ 170 Cured Meats If there is a general interest class you are interested in we would be happy to try and accommodate Community College For further details or to enrol go to www.gala.org.au or call 6779 2132 First Aid
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