FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION February 3, 2015 Regular Meeting Public Agenda The mission of the Freehold Township Schools, in partnership with our community, is to prepare all students to be responsible citizens and life long learners. The Freehold Township Board of Education meets, as a whole, on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. There are three committees of the board that meet before the first board meeting of the month to review issues specific to each committee’s charge and a report is presented at the next board meeting. Each committee spends many hours reviewing recommendations and agenda items. Items are placed on this agenda as a recommendation for full board approval by each committee. I. II. Call to Order Opening Statement “A notice listing the time, date and place of this meeting was posted on the public bulletin board of all Freehold Township Schools, on the entrance door to the Administrative Offices of the Board of Education, on the district website, at the Office of the Freehold Township Clerk and published in the Asbury Park Press on Saturday, January 31, 2015 and sent to the News Transcript on Thursday, January 29, 2015.” III. Pledge of Allegiance IV. Roll Call V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Communications President’s Remarks Administrative Report Bullying Investigation Report Violence and Vandalism Cycle 1 Report for 2014-2015 Model Schools Conference Public Hearing NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education shall open the public hearing on the 2014-2015 Violence and Vandalism Report. a. Public Comments NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education shall close the public hearing on the 2014-2015 Violence and Vandalism Report. X. XI. Public Participation Board Reports and Actions Public Agenda A. February 3, 2015 Page 2 of 12 Personnel/Policies/Communications Committee – Jason Levy, Chairperson Committee Members: Michael Amoroso, Kay Holtz Administrative Liaison: Neal Dickstein COMMITTEE REPORT BULLYING INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. The Superintendent recommends approval to accept the bullying investigation reports received from January 9, 2015 through January 22, 2015, and the EVVRS Cycle 1 report. RETIREMENT 2. The Superintendent recommends approval to accept the resignation for retirement purposes of the following staff members: NAME: Donna Langel POSITION: Teacher Assistant – Catena Elem. School POSITION CONTROL #: 9101-020-TA-05 ACCOUNT #: 11-000-217-100-10 EFFECTIVE: January 31, 2015 NAME: Louise Kozloski POSITION: Teacher Assistant - Errickson Elem. School POSITION CONTROL #: 9101-025-TA-05 ACCOUNT #: 11-213-100-106-10 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2015 ADJUSTED RESIGNATION DATE 3. The Superintendent recommends approval to adjust the resignation date of the following staff member for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: Emily Ward POSITION: Teacher – Eisenhower Middle School POSITION CONTROL #: 1200-024-IS-02 ACCOUNT #: 11-130-100-101-10 FROM: January 31, 2015 TO: February 6, 2015 NEW EMPLOYMENT 4. The Superintendent recommends approval to issue a contract to the following staff members for the 2014-2015 school year. All employments are recommended pending State Department of Education approval of emergent employment for a period not to exceed 3 months pending completion of the criminal history background check as per NJSA 18A:6-7 et seq; 39-17 et seq; 6-4.13 et seq. NAME: POSITION: SALARY: ACCOUNT #: EFFECTIVE: Lauren Marone Long Term Sub Tchr. Sp. Ed. – West Freehold School $49,562.00 GUIDE: A STEP: 0 11-204-100-101-10 February 25, 2015 through June 30, 2015 NAME: POSITION: SALARY: ACCOUNT #: EFFECTIVE: Kate Vallee Long Term Sub Tchr. Gr. 5 – Donovan Elem. School $49,562.00 GUIDE: A STEP: 0 11-120-100-101-10 January 28, 2015 through June 30, 2015 Public Agenda February 3, 2015 Page 3 of 12 NAME: POSITION: SALARY: ACCOUNT #: EFFECTIVE: Kelly Etlinger Teacher Assistant – Applegate Elementary School $24,339.00 GUIDE: Teacher Asst. STEP: 1 11-213-100-106-10 January 28, 2015 through June 30, 2015 NAME: POSITION: SALARY: ACCOUNT #: EFFECTIVE: Scott Zimms Long Term Sub. Teacher Asst. – Applegate Elem. School $24,339.00 GUIDE: Teacher Asst. STEP: 1 11-209-100-106-10 January 28, 2015 through June 30, 2015 ADJUSTED START DATE 5. The Superintendent recommends ratifying the adjustment to the start date of the following staff member for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: POSITION: SALARY: ACCOUNT #: FROM: TO: Alexandra LaBarbara Long Term Sub Tchr. Sp. Ed. – Errickson Elem. School $49,562.00 GUIDE: A STEP: 0 11-213-100-101-10 January 26, 2015 through June 30, 2015 January 21, 2015 through June 30, 2015 CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT 6. The Superintendent recommends the change of assignment of the following staff members for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: FROM: TO: ACCOUNT #: EFFECTIVE: Leanne Heyesey Teacher Special Education– Catena Elementary School Teacher BSI– Errickson Elementary School 11-230-100-101-10 February 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 NAME: FROM: TO: ACCOUNT #: EFFECTIVE: Karen Rieg Teacher Language Arts– Eisenhower Middle School Teacher Art– Eisenhower Middle School 11-130-100-101-10 TBD through June 30, 2015 TEMPORARY CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ SALARY ADJUSTMENT 7. The Superintendent recommends the temporary change of assignment of the following staff member for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: FROM: TO: SALARY: EFFECTIVE: Madeline Caram Office Assistant – Eisenhower Middle School Long Term Substitute Secretary – Eisenhower Middle School $48,652.00 GUIDE: Secretaries STEP: 4 800.00 Longevity $49,452.00 Total January 28, 2015 through June 30, 2015 SALARY ADJUSTMENT 8. The Superintendent recommends ratifying the salary adjustment of the following staff members for the 2014-2015 school year: Public Agenda February 3, 2015 Page 4 of 12 NAME: Steve Turley POSITION: Maintenance – Property Services POSITION CONTROL #: 9600-000-PROSER-01 ACCOUNT #: 11-000-261-100-10 FROM: $51,816.00 GUIDE: Maint. STEP: 9 1,500.00 40 CFR & R-410A Refrigerent $53,316.00 TOTAL TO: EFFECTIVE: $51,816.00 GUIDE: Maint. STEP: 9 1,500.00 40 CFR & R-410A Refrigerent 600.00 Black Seal $53,916.00 TOTAL November 21, 2014 through June 30, 2015 NAME: POSITION: POSITION CONTROL#: ACCOUNT #: FROM: TO: EFFECTIVE: Karen Rose Bus Driver 9400-000-PROSER-40 11-000-270-160-10 $36,603.30 $32,603.30 December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 EXTENSION OF LONG TERM ASSIGNMENT 9. The Superintendent recommends approval of the extension of the following long term substitute teacher for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: POSITION: SALARY: EFFECTIVE: Julie Buffardi Long Term Sub. Tchr. Sp. Ed. – Catena Elem. School $49,562.00 GUIDE: A STEP: 0 February 7, 2015 through June 30, 2015 LEAVES OF ABSENCE 10. The Superintendent recommends approval to extend the leave of absence of the following staff member for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: Emily Ward POSITION: Teacher – Eisenhower Middle. School POSITION CONTROL #: 1200-024-IS-02 ACCOUNT #: 11-130-100-101-10 UNPD LEAVE: February 1, 2015 through February 6, 2015 11. The Superintendent recommends approval of the following leaves of absence of the following staff members for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME: Rebecca Rollo POSITION: Teacher – Errickson Elementary School POSITION CONTROL #: 1001-025-IS-023 ACCOUNT #: 11-213-100-101-10 UNPD FED: February 19, 2015 through May 21, 2015 UNPD LEAVE: May 22, 2015 through June 30, 2015 NAME: Krisa Hennessy-Bader POSITION: Teacher – Donovan Elementary School POSITION CONTROL #: 1001-026-IS-033 ACCOUNT #: 11-120-100-101-10 UNPD LEAVE: January 28, 2015 through June 30, 2015 Public Agenda February 3, 2015 Page 5 of 12 NAME: Tracy Erickson POSITION: Secretary – Eisenhower Middle School POSITION CONTROL #: 9300-024-SEC-002 ACCOUNT #: 11-000-240-105-10 UNPD FED FLMA: January 30, 2015 through May 4, 2015 HONORARIA 12. The Superintendent recommends ratifying the following honoraria for the 2014-2015 school year: NAME Karen Coronado Colleen LaSalle Kimberly Tuccillo Patricia Diaz ACTIVITY Webmaster Webmaster Webmaster Webmaster SCHOOL Errickson Catena ECLC West Freehold AMOUNT $1,042.00 $1,042.00 $1,042.00 $1,042.00 DISTRICT MENTOR 13. The Superintendent recommends approval for the following staff member to serve as district mentor for the 2014-2015 school year: Elizabeth Capone PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINER 14. The Superintendent recommends approval for the following staff member to work as before or after school Professional Development Trainer for a maximum of 10 hours at the curriculum rate for the 2014-2015 school year: Rob Albanese CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTES 15. The Superintendent recommends approval of the following persons to substitute for the eight schools in the district for the 2014-2015 school year at the established rates for certificated positions. All employments are recommended pending State Department of Education approval of emergent employment for a period not to exceed 3 months pending completion of the criminal history background check as per NJSA 18A:6-7.1 et seq,; 39-17 et seq.; 6-4.13 et seq. Melissa Anteola Gina Sciaraffo Pamela Crivera Francine Collins Carissa Patti SUPPORT STAFF SUBSTITUTES 16. The Superintendent recommends approval of the following persons to substitute for the eight schools in the district for the 2014-2015 school year at the established rates for non-certificated positions. All employments are recommended pending State Department of Education approval of emergent employment for a period not to exceed 3 months pending completion of the criminal history background check as per NJSA 18A:6-7.1 et seq,; 39-17 et seq.; 6-4.13 et seq. Teacher Assistant Melissa Anteloa Pamela Crivera Francine Collins Carissa Patti Gina Sciaraffo Office Assistant Melissa Anteloa Pamela Crivera Francine Collins Carissa Patti Gina Sciaraffo Lunchroom Assistant Melissa Anteloa Pamela Crivera Francine Collins Carissa Patti Gina Sciaraffo Public Agenda February 3, 2015 Page 6 of 12 SECOND READING POLICY 17. The Superintendent recommends approval of the second reading of: Policy 5620 B. Expulsion Curriculum/Staff Development Committee – Mindy Wille- Chairperson Committee Members: Thomas Caruso, Michelle Lambert Administrative Liaison: Pam Haimer COMMITTEE REPORT HOME INSTRUCTION 1. The Superintendent recommends ratification for the following student to receive bedside/home instruction for the 2014-2015 school year: Student: Tutors: Cost: Start Date: End Date: 3877601159 Roseann McCrohan, Mike Del Galdo, Laura Collins, Megan Matza $45.00/hour – not to exceed 5 hours per week 01/08/15 TBD Student: Tutor: Cost: Start Date: End Date: 2394475766 Ellen Miller $45.00/hour – not to exceed 5 hours per week 01/09/15 TBD Student: Tutor: Cost: Start Date: End Date: 4244064063 Katie Mulligan $45.00/hour – not to exceed 5 hours per week 01/14/15 TBD COURSE APPROVAL 2. The Superintendent recommends approval for the following course requests for the 2015 Spring Semester and subsequent reimbursement after successful completion: STAFF MEMBER Kean University Samantha Areman Universidad de Puerto Rico Luisa Jimenez COURSE TITLE Foundations in Special Education Teaching Terminology TARGET ACTION PLANS 3. The Superintendent recommends approval of the 2014-2015 Progress Target Action Plans. This is available for review in the Assistant Superintendent’s Office. Public Agenda C. February 3, 2015 Page 7 of 12 Finance/Facilities/Transportation Committee – Chris Marion - Chairperson Committee Member: Dan DiBlasio Administrative Liaison: Brian Boyle COMMITTEE REPORT CERTIFICATION 1. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)(3), the Board Secretary certifies that as of December 31, 2014, NO budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in the total exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22A-16.10(a), N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8 and 18A:22-8.1. SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORTS 2. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the Board Secretary’s report for the month of December 2014 and the Treasurer’s report for the month of December 2014. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)(4), we certify that as of December 31, 2014, the Board Secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) did not reflect an over expenditure in any of the major accounts or funds, and based on the appropriation balances reflected on this report and the advice of the district officials, we have no reason to doubt that the district has sufficient funds to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. BILLS & CLAIMS 3. The Superintendent recommends approval of the following list of bills dated January 27, 2015, which have been reviewed and approved by a Board member: Machine Print Checks Current Expense (General) Current Expense Capital Outlay Education Job Fund Special Revenue Capital Project Debt Service Total Bills TRANSFERS 4. 367,042.34 12,027.45 Hand Checks 697.55 63,791.05 442,860.84 Total Bills 367,739.89 12,027.45 63,791.05 389,671.88 390,369.43 389,671.88 833,230.27 The Superintendent recommends approval of the following transfers for the 20142015 school year: Amount $10,860.00 From 11-000-213-600-26-000 Health Serv. Suppl. Materials To 11-190-100-610-26-000 Reg. Instr. Supplies $ 4,000.00 11-190-100-340-23-000 Reg. Instr. Tech Serv. 11-000-240-600-23-000 School Admin. Supplies, Materials $ 11-190-100-610-20-000 Reg. Instr. Supplies 11-000-213-800-20-000 Health Misc. Expenses 143.50 Public Agenda 5. February 3, 2015 Page 8 of 12 The Superintendent recommends approval to ratify the following transfers for the 2014-2015 school year: ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFERS FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Account Number 11-000-291-241-05-000 11-000-291-270-05-000 11-000-230-331-05-000 11-000-240-440-05-000 11-000-252-440-05-000 Account Description Other Retirement Comp Health Benefits Legal Services Administrative - Lease Purchases Technology, Lease Purchases From Amount 162,202.00 362,530.50 TOTAL TRANSFER 524,732.50 To Amount 103,992.08 229,881.60 190,858.83 524,732.50 SALARY TRANSFERS FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Account Number 11-000-213-100-10-000 11-000-221-102-10-000 11-230-100-101-10-000 11-000-291-270-05-000 Account Description Health Service Salaries Improve Instruction, Supervisor Salaries Central Services, Salaries Kindergarten Teacher Salaries Learning Disabled Teacher Salaries Behavioral Disabled TA Salaries Multiple Disabled, Teacher Sub Salaries Multiple Disabled, TA Sub Salaries 1/2 Day Preschool Disabled Salaries Basic Skills Teacher Salaries Health Benefits 11-000-217-100-10-000 Extraordinary Student Salaries 11-000-218-104-10-000 11-000-219-104-10-000 Guidance, Salaries Special Student Support Prof. Salaries Special Student Support, Secretary Salaries Education Media Non Base Pay General Administration Salaries School Secretary/Clerk Salaries Admin. Technology Salaries Lunchroom Aide, Salaries Grounds Salaries PreSchool Instructional Salary Teacher Salaries,Grd.6-8, Reg. Reg.Instruction,Other Salaries 11-000-251-100-10-000 11-110-100-101-10-000 11-204-100-101-10-000 11-209-100-106-10-000 11-212-100-101-11-000 11-212-100-106-11-000 11-215-100-101-10-000 11-000-219-105-10-000 11-000-222-100-11-000 11-000-230-100-10-000 11-000-240-105-10-000 11-000-252-100-10-000 11-000-262-100-10-262 11-000-263-100-10-000 11-105-100-101-10-000 11-130-100-101-10-000 11-190-100-106-10-000 From Amount 30,500.00 55,000.00 To Amount 60,000.00 202,351.00 300,000.00 80,000.00 165,000.00 130,000.00 90,000.00 23,805.00 77,258.00 57,107.00 38,091.00 57,643.00 351.00 10,369.00 21,393.00 900.00 45,757.00 488.00 2,070.00 118,117.00 249,093.00 21,300.00 Public Agenda 11-190-100-106-11-000 11-204-100-106-10-000 11-209-100-101-10-000 11-209-100-101-11-000 11-212-100-101-10-000 11-212-100-106-10-000 11-213-100-101-10-000 11-214-100-101-10-000 11-214-100-106-10-000 11-216-100-101-10-000 11-216-100-106-10-000 11-000-291-290-11-000 February 3, 2015 Page 9 of 12 Reg.Inst.Other Salaries, Subs Learning Disabled Other Instructional Sal. Behavioral Disability Teachers Behavioral Disabled Tch.Sub. Mult.Disabilities,Teacher Sal. Mult.Disabilities,Oth.Inst.Sal Resource Rm,Teacher Salaries Autism Teacher Salaries Autism Oth.Instr.Salaries Presch. Disabled Teacher Salary Presch.Disabled,Oth.Inst.Sal. Unused Sick/Vacation Pay TOTAL TRANSFER: 45.00 8,805.00 71,255.00 1,000.00 55,652.00 148,461.00 68,836.00 45,418.00 36,388.00 13,828.00 64,289.00 77,258.00 1,213,914.00 1,213,914.00 APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AND RELATED EXPENSES 6. The Superintendent recommends approval of the following travel and related expense reimbursements in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A: 23B as follows: NAME Marion, Chris McKim, Christine TITLE Board Vice President Board Vice President Board Member Board Member Supervisor Haimer, Pamela Asst. Supt. Miller, Kathleen Supervisor Marchese, Charlene Ippolito, Larisa Supervisor Turner, Dana Campfield, Tami Technology Integration Coordinator Teacher Olsen, Edward Teacher Gambino, Lori Asst. Principal Counselor Marion, Chris Levy, Jason Amoroso, Michael Coffey, Megan Nurse EVENT NJSBA 2nd Annual Tech Conf. NJSBA Leadership Conf. NJSBA Leadership Conf. NJSBA Leadership Conf. MC3 Winter Summit – NGSS MC3 Winter Summit – NGSS MC3 Winter Summit – NGSS MC3 Winter Summit – NGSS Workshops for School Nurses ISTE NJ American Alliance for Health, PE, Rec. & Dance NJ American Alliance for Health, PE, Rec. & Dance Next Generation Science Standards Self Mutilation; An Act of Emotional Survival DATES 2/20/15 AMOUNT $200.00 2/7/15 $200.00 2/7/15 $200.00 2/7/15 $200.00 2/4/15 $79.00 2/4/15 $79.00 2/4/15 $79.00 2/4/15 $79.00 3/18/15, 4/22/15, & 5/14/15 6/28/15 – 7/1/15 $135.00 2/23-24/15 $100.00 2/23-24/15 $100.00 $277.00 2/6/15 $75.00 3/20/15 $75.00 Public Agenda February 3, 2015 Coffey, Megan Counselor Rizzo, Patricia Director of Ed. Services Social Worker Krongold, Nancy Lugo, Joelle Maher, Jennifer ABA Prog. Coordinator Psychologist Miller, Kathleen Supervisor Albanese, Holli Coord. of English Lang. Arts Page 10 of 12 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Legal Issues When School Provide ABA Legal Issues When School Provide ABA Legal Issues When School Provide ABA Legal Issues When School Provide ABA Next Generation Science Standards Content Area Literacy and the Common Core 2/20/15 $75.00 3/20/15 $95.00 3/20/15 $95.00 3/20/15 $95.00 3/20/15 $95.00 2/6/15 $75.00 2/16-19/15 $980.00 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 7. The Superintendent recommends approval to accept the settlement agreement for student: 2980448932, as per Agency Reference number 2015-21941. DISPOSALS 8. The Superintendent recommends approval to dispose of the following items at the Barkalow School which are no longer used for educational purposes: Risograph Risograph Risograph Risograph 9. CR CR CR CR S-2488 Master 16 S-2500 S-2488 - 37 boxes Master 16 S-2500 -45 boxes The Superintendent recommends approval to dispose of the following items at the Applegate School which are no longer used for educational purposes: Item Dell Laptop – D630 Dell Laptop – D630 Dell Laptop – D630 HP Photo Smart Printer 1218 Sharp Projector Note Vision Dell DVD Player Optiplex 745 Sony DVD/VHS Sony DVD/VHS Sony DVD/VHS Panasonic DVD/VHS Caliphone 1430k 45” Record Player Sony DVD/VHS Panasonic Boom Box/Stereo Toshiba DVD/Video Model Number 00144-361-980-226 OU344C 00144-551-523-899 C8402A MYOTJ12148 XR32S 810918450 OT7570 80045-532-702-775 SLV-D38OP, 2244340 SLV D380P, 2244377 SLV-D380P, 2181504 PV-D380P, D4IA42633 LE-24490 SLV-D380P, 224374 RX-DS28 G08JB47656 US13800996, SD 4900 Public Agenda February 3, 2015 Page 11 of 12 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 10. The Superintendent recommends approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Transit Workers’ Union. A copy of this Agreement is on file in the Business Office for review. DONATION 11. The Superintendent recommends approval to accept the donation of a Hotpoint 20.6 Cubic Foot Capacity Top Freezer Refrigerator from Traci Shaw, with a value of $500, to be used at the J. J. Catena Elementary School. PACE GRANTS 12. The Superintendent recommends ratification of the adjustment of the following PACE grant: FROM: Number 2014-27 TO: Number 2014-27 Name Social Skills (TIPS: Teen Interpersonal Skills) Teacher(s) Shaina Zupa Laura Brophy (TA) School CTBS Total $2,112.00 ($1,000- CTBS PTO, $1,112PACE) Name Social Skills (TIPS: Teen Interpersonal Skills) Teacher(s) Shaina Zupa Laura Brophy (Teacher rate) School CTBS Total $2,112.00 ($1,000- CTBS PTO, $1,112PACE) XII. Old Business XIII. New Business Interviews board candidates. XIV. President’s Remarks XV. Public Participation XVI. Executive Session WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 (b), the Board of Education may exclude the public from that portion of a public meeting at which the board discusses any of the matters described at N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 (b) (1)-(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act (“Act”), the Board of Education shall conduct a closed session pursuant to the Personnel and Legal exception(s) prescribed by N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 for the purpose of discussing the following matter(s): _____ _____ _____ _____ __X__ Matters rendered confidential by state or federal law Personnel Appointment of a public official Matters covered by the attorney-client privilege Pending or anticipated litigation West Freehold Roof and Windows Public Agenda _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ February 3, 2015 Page 12 of 12 Pending or anticipated contract negotiations Protection of the safety or property of the public Matters which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy Matters in which the release of information would impair a right to receive funds from the United States Government Matters concerning collective negotiations and/or the negotiations of terms and conditions of employment of employees of the Board of Education Possible imposition of a civil penalty or suspension It is anticipated that the length of time of this executive session will be 30 minutes, and that action will not be taken in public after the executive session. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said discussion may be disclosed to the public when reasons for discussing and acting upon it in closed session no longer exist. XVII. Adjournment On motion of _________ and seconded by ________, the meeting adjourned at _______ p.m.
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