BECKMAN NEWS 1325 9TH St. SE Dyersville, IA 52040 VOL. XLVI, Issue 7 (563) 875-7188 phone (563) 875-7242-fax Beckman Website Address: February 2015 “Love of God. Love of Others” (Mt 22:37, 39) UPCOMING EVENTS February 12 – Fine Arts Night 7:00 February 19 – No School – In-‐‑service February 28 -‐‑ March 2 – Beckman TEC FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Dear Parents: The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2014 is “Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” We are sending a tabloid on Catholic Schools that will be included with the electronic version of our Newsletter. Mass and dress up day were on Thursday, January 30 and our Academic Awards were held Friday, January 31. Religious Activities This is a reminder that our weekly Masses are at 10:20 a.m. each Thursday, and students are not allowed to miss these Masses. Please remember this as you make appointments for your students so you avoid this time. If you have conflicts that cannot be resolved, please contact us at least a week ahead of time. We also have a 7:20 Mass in the Chapel each Tuesday morning and First Friday of each month so please encourage your children to attend. Weather We have two days we need to make up so far and as of now we plan on doing that on April 7 & May 20. It has been a good winter thus far and we have a ways to go yet. Let’s hope for the best. Host Family Search We have been fortunate enough to have twenty-five foreign exchange students at Beckman Catholic over the past four years. It adds much diversity and cultural experience for both the visiting students and our own students here at Beckman. Heidi Wall has become our contact by a foreign exchange student 1 program again and would like to work with you to place students again next year at Beckman Catholic. These foreign exchange students would be able to speak English, have medical and liability insurance, and have pocket money. The host family would receive a $500 tuition credit for their own family. The stay usually is from mid-August through May. Please contact Heidi Wall if you are interested in this opportunity. STO Update I cannot begin to thank people enough in this area for their generosity to the School Tuition Organization. The amount of money that was contributed in 2014 to be restricted to Beckman is a high amount again. The commitment to this school is amazing. Applications are available in the office or online at Beckman’s web page. I would encourage electronic filing if at all possible. Two important things to remember when completing the application, our (Beckman) school/system code is 3244 and the authorization code online is Arch1. PSAS is pleased to provide your program with a new online application link for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year! Your new PSAS online application represents the first of many new enhancements you will see from PSAS this year. The online application has been redesigned for ease of use and it is customized for your school or program. Attached with this Newsletter is a special mailing outlining the procedure for applying for tuition assistance with money generated by the STO. Both the STO and Beckman Catholic will be utilizing Private School Aid Services (PSAS) to assist in determining the level of assistance to be awarded. PSAS has developed an application that all families need to complete to be considered for assistance. Your personal information will be held in strictest confidence at all times. If you have a child at more than one Archdiocesan School, you will only need to complete one application form. There is a $25 non-refundable processing fee for the online application (or $26.00 for a mailed application) payable to PSAS. The application is available at the school office and on line at In addition to your completed application, you must include a copy of your 2014 federal income tax return or your 2013 federal income tax return with a copy of your 2014 W-2(s). The application needs to be completed on-line or via U.S. Mail, postmarked no later than March 23, 2015. We urge you to send the materials in early. Please be assured that your information will be kept confidential through this process. There is a $25 fee for completing this application on line or $26 to mail it in. If that cost prevents you from applying, please let me know and we will work something out. If you think that there’s even a remote chance that you will need tuition assistance for next year, please plan on filling out this form. If you plan on appealing for local assistance you must apply for STO assistance to receive it. So please be sure to apply for STO first. Submitted by Pat Meade, Principal 2 FROM THE NURSE February is Heart Month♥ Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. You can make healthy changes to lower your risk of developing heart disease. Controlling and preventing risk factors is also important for people who already have heart disease. To lower your risk: • Watch your weight • Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke • Control your cholesterol and blood pressure • If you drink, drink only in moderation • Get active and stay healthy Beckman will be sponsoring a blood drive on Monday, March 30th, 2015. Please mark your calendar. Our goal is to collect 53 pints. Remember it is recommended that you wait eight weeks between donations. Beckman is in need of boxes of Kleenex. Please consider donating one box per family. Beckman students are still experiencing respiratory illnesses and then will soon have students with spring allergies. Submitted by: Jolene Bagge BSN, RN ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT FRUIT SALES The Athletic Department is conducting a fruit sale during the month of February. To order fruit, you can do one of the following. 1. Wait to be contacted by a Beckman student during February. 2. Fill out the attached order form yourself and mail it or return it to Beckman (Please put Attn. Todd Troutman on the mailing address) 3. Call Beckman at 875-7188 and your order will be processed. 4. PICK UP DAYS ARE MARCH 9th & 10th FROM 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. ***Payment is not due until you pick up the fruit. Submitted by Todd Troutman, Athletic Director SPEECH NEWS The District Large Group Speech Competition was held Saturday, January 24th at Cascade High School. Twenty-two students in a total of five groups participating in the large group speech season this year. All of the groups competing did an excellent job, and we are very proud of their hard work! Four groups, including group improvisation, "Tell Tale Heart," “Jekyll & Hyde”, and "Left Brain, Right Brain" advanced and will perform at the State Large Group Speech Competition at Decorah High School on Saturday, February 7th. Along with large group competition, individual speech competitions are also just around the corner! The WaMaC Individual Speech Competition will be held Saturday, February 14th at Western Dubuque High School. The District Individual Speech Competition is being held Saturday, February 28th at Independence. Submitted by Emmy Thomason, Speech Coach KAIROS Beckman Juniors are invited to attend Beckman’s Kairos retreat March 5-8. Kairos is conducted at the American Martyrs Retreat House by an all-Beckman team. In short, the focus of the retreat is growing closer to Christ by growing closer to each other. Kairos reaches students at all levels 3 in their walk with Christ. Because this is an all-Beckman effort (including prayers of those at home), we bring Kairos back to Beckman with us. Kairos will be led by six Beckman Seniors: Abbie Decker, Jill Pohland, Lauren Bollweg, Shannon Schuster, Shannon Burkle, and Sam King. Adult team members are Chad and Emmy Thomason, Beth Derr, Fr. Dole, and Jerry McGrane. Please encourage your son or daughter to attend. Contact Jerry McGrane for more information. Submitted by Jerry McGrane BECKMAN TEC Thank you to all who are willing to come to the chapel and pray for the team and candidates of TEC 556 to be held February 28 - March 2 at Beckman. Anyone wishing to donate refreshments, pop, water, or cash for this year's TEC weekend or work in the kitchen, please contact Cassie Koetz at [email protected] or Carol Schneiter at Beckman Catholic High School. Thank you for all of your support. Remaining TECs: February 28-March 2 Beckman March 14-16 Don Bosco March 21-23 Calmar April 18-20 Wahlert Submitted by Kim Koetz MARCH FOR LIFE This year on January 22, 2015, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, over forty of Beckman’s 8th-12th grade students and over twenty chaperones marched in Washington D.C. with hundreds of thousands of people gathered to be a voice for the unborn. Thank you to our school and community for your prayers and support on our pilgrimage. On Wednesday, February 11th please plan to attend our Students for Life activity at the Beckman Library. Dubuque County Right to Life will hold their monthly meeting at 6:30 at Beckman and everyone who attended this year’s pilgrimage is encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences. Submitted by Mary Kluesner & Emmy Thomason GUIDANCE NEWS Grade 8 The ACT Aspire Test is replacing the Explore Test. The ACT Aspire will be administered to 8th graders on Tuesday, April 14th. The Aspire is one of three college readiness tests prepared by ACT. The Aspire scores provide early indicators of whether students are on track for college. The test also helps 8th graders build course plans that will prepare them for college and work. There is also a career interest component to the Aspire. The second ACT Aspire Test also tracks college readiness and replaces the ACT PLAN Test. The sophomores will take the ACT Aspire on Wednesday, April 15th. § The ACT Test is an admissions requirement for a four year college or university. Typically students take the ACT for the first time in the spring of their junior year. The cost of the test is $38.00. Students can register on-line at The school code for Beckman needs to be recorded on the registration form. The Beckman school code is 161-375. The remaining ACT Test dates for the 20142015 school year are: 4 § Test Dates: April 18 June 13 Registration Date March 13 May 9 Grade 8, 9, 10 Students are in the process of completing the Guideways in the IHaveaPlanIowa. As part of career education students will be researching careers and majors at, a free service provided by the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, which is endorsed by the Iowa Department of Education. Another excellent resource for career exploration is . Interest and values inventories are available along with skills assessments to help students determine where they fit into the world of work. Much information on over 600 occupations and information on all the two and four year schools in the country are included in the IHaveaPlanIowa program. Students in grades 8 -12 will work with the program throughout the year as part of the guidance program. Parents can also create their own account using the website. Grade 11 This semester juniors have the opportunities to apply for National Honor Society (NHS) selection, and the Top of the Class Scholarship (TOC). . NHS NHS guidelines are posted on the Beckman webpage under Clubs and Activities. Students must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA and complete the five required essays. The application must be submitted to Mrs. Noel by March 16th. The 1997 Top of the Class Scholarship was created in 2013 to honor the memory of Dean Funke and Krista Deutmeyer, members of the class of 1997. Juniors will be able to apply by going to the Top of the Class website. Juniors will be notified when this application becomes available. The application deadline is March 14th. There will be two recipients chosen, each for a $1000.00 scholarship for their 12th grade year at Beckman. The Real Life Academy The Real Life Academy is hosted by the Dyersville Area Chamber of Commerce will be on March 31st. This is great opportunity for seniors to learn more about financial responsibilities as they approach their adult lives. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Coalition Against Domestic Violence Monstanto~America Farmer's Grow Ag Leaders Warren A Morrow Memeorial Scholarship Iowa Newspaper Foundation AXA Achievement Scholarships Essay & Recommendation 60 Ag Majors Apply/ entering college 2/1/2015 2/1/2015 2/6/2015 2/13/2015 2/15/2015 Clarke University Scholarship Iowa Student Loan Scholarship 1st Gateway Credit Union Scholarship DuTrac Academic Scholarship Buick Achievers Scholarship GFWC/Iowa Federations of Women's Club Northeast Iowa District Dietetic Ass Scholar ICAN Outstanding Student Scholarship community college See Mrs. Noel/several scholarships major in dietetics/food services or Nutrition 2/17/2015 2/22/2015 2/27/2015 2/27/2015 2/27/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 5 ISU Scholarships - President Award Iowa State FinAidScholar Innovative Ag Services Scholarship Iowa Automobile Dealers Foundation Delaware County Farm Bureau Scholarship Thomas Determan Global Perspectives Scholarship Dubuque County Right to Life, Inc Dubuque County Dairy Promotion Association Iowa Golf Association American Legion Scholarship Kirkwood Scholarships Dale Schroeder Charitable Trust Milroy's Formal Wear Dubuque County Fair Noon Optimist Club Fidelity Bank & Trust Hawkeye Community College Schoalrship Iowa ACAC Access Scholarship Dyersville Federated Womens Club Mercy Medical Center Nursing Scholarship American Visionary Scholarship Iowa Section PGA - Charlie Burkart Iowa College Access Network Christian Connector University of Iowa Scholarships AYN Rand Institute University of Iowa Scholarships Iowa Credit Union Foundation Scholarship Siemens Competition: Math; Science; Technology academic / admissions to ISU customer/ag related college field automotive related studies Delaware County Farm Bureau Member 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/2/2015 3/2/2015 written speech Dairy involvement Resides in DBQ or Delaware Counties reference letters, essay Essay; 2 letters1 4-H members/FFA members Essay/Member [email protected] academic/extracurricular activities Nursing Career 3/2/2015 3/13/2015 3/13/2015 3/13/2015 3/14/2015 3/16/2015 3/20/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 4/3/2015 4/1/15 6/12/2015 For more information have your students check in the Guidance Office. Submitted by Marilyn Noel, Guidance Counselor POST PROM Due to the great success of last year’s Post-Prom Party, we made plans for “Post-Prom Party 2015” to be held at Xavier Auditorium in Dyersville on April 26th from 12:00 AM to 3:30 AM. The mission of the Post-Prom Party is to provide a safe and alcohol-free environment for our kids. To help cover the cost of the Post-Prom Party, we are asking each family of juniors and seniors to contribute $25.00. Please make checks payable to Beckman Post Prom. Mail your check to Gwen Recker, 1621 300th Ave, Dyersville, Iowa 52040 or drop it off at the Beckman Office. Submit your contribution by February 20. Please note this is a contribution and does not include the cost of the ticket for your son or daughter to attend the Post-Prom Party. A hypnotist will be performing that evening, and we will also have a variety of games. Many prizes/gifts have been donated and/or purchased for the students attending the Post-Prom Party. Drawings will be held throughout the evening giving students the opportunity to win these prizes/gifts. Refreshments and snacks will also be provided. 6 Students will be expected at the Xavier Auditorium by 12:25 AM. Post-Prom is not a lock-in. We want all the students to come and have fun, but if a student chooses to leave, the student will not be allowed to re-enter. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. If you have any questions or would like to help out on the committee, please at contact Lori Wessels at 563-590-0861,[email protected] and Lisa Westhoff at 563-543-5541, [email protected]. The next meeting will be held Monday, February 2nd, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Beckman Library. Junior and Senior parents are encouraged to come and help plan this great event. Submitted by Lori Wessels BOOSTER CLUB We've had great fund raising activities going on! Thanks to all who support the Booster Club! We need more members on the board. Give it a try and find out it's not overwhelming. Maybe meet some parents you don't know and help Beckman Catholic at the same time. Contact me or any board member for information. Submitted by Jeff Driscoll JUNIOR HIGH SPEECH 7th and 8th grade students will participate in the Dubuque Area Junior High Speech Meet on Friday, February 27th. Beckman will host the meet for about 150 area junior high students as they perform in the categories of individual pantomime, prose, poetry, storytelling, or acting. Parents and community members are welcome to attend; judging begins at 3:15 p.m. Practice will be held after school beginning in February for interested students. Submitted by Emmy Thomason, Speech Coach MUSICAL NEWS Broadways Hottest Show Hits the Beckman Stage – Guys and Dolls March 20th, 21st & 22nd We have a great show with over 65 cast members posed to entertain you in “Guys and Dolls”. Joining the talented cast of actors, dancers and singers, we have the pit band, back stage crew, lights, and sound, you will find almost 100 students participating in this production. Returning to the stage in lead roles- Skye Miller, Casey McCarraher, Sam King, Nicole Kluesner, Cater Shaul, and Elise Weshtoff. You will also see some new faces in supporting role include Jamison McKeehan, Colton Lueck, and Logan Welling About the Show…… All the hot gamblers are in town, and they're depending on Nathan Detroit to set up this week's incarnation of "The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York"; the only problem is, he needs $1000 to get the place. Throw in Sarah Brown, who's short on sinners at the mission she runs; Sky Masterson, who accepts Nathan's $1000 bet that he can't get Sarah Brown to go with him to Havana; Miss Adelaide, who wants Nathan to marry her; Police Lieutenant Brannigan, who always seems to appear at the wrong time; plus the music/lyrics of Frank Loesser, and you've got quite a musical. Includes the songs: Fugue for Tinhorns, "Luck Be a Lady", and "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat". We are still in need of the following: Outside lighted Palm Trees, Hawaiian Themed Men’s Shirts, Fedora Style Men’s Hats, Striped Men’s Suits. If you have any of the above items that you would be willing to let us use, please leave a message for Mr. Jacque at Beckman. Show dates are Friday, March 20th and Saturday, March 21st at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 22nd at 3:00 p.m.. All Seats are reserved and tickets will go on sale Tuesday, March 3rd in main office. Ticket price for 7 seats are $10.00. There will be a free senior citizen dress rehearsal at 2:00 PM on the 18th followed by a dinner that day after the show. Our creative team consists of - Jeff Jacque - Director, Krystal Smith –Choral Director, Becky WilliamsAccompanist, Serica Rowley- Choreographer, and Kyle Amati- Pit Band, along with Student Directors –Autumn Heiderscheit and Jacqueline Ehrlich. Submitted by Jeff Jacque, Musical Director BAND NEWS The high school band has been busy since this semester started -- playing pep band and preparing for upcoming events. We are currently working on a pep-band video to compete as one of the best bands in the region. Once the videos are uploaded through West Music we will need support of families of friends to help us win. Congratulations to senior Jill Pohland for being selected to participate in the Wartburg Honor Band in Waverly the first weekend of February. Luke Chapman was selected as an alternate. Our next big event is the high school musical on March 20, 21, and 22. After that on March 26 at 7 pm in the Beckman Gym we have the Music in Our Schools Month Concert. This concert includes the music groups in the district from grade 5-12. Each concert band will perform as well as a combined piece with all band students. Submitted by Kyle Amati, Band Director SCRIP NEWS We would like to give you a short update on the earnings we have received from SCRIP sales in December for Beckman Catholic families: December SCRIP Sales = $212,715.00 Beckman Catholic family tuition earnings = $1,511.11 New Retailers, by special order only: Neumann’s Bar and Grill, Holy Cross, $10 certificates with a 5% rebate Express is now available on ScripNow! with a 10% rebate Now available: Phillips 66/Conoco 76 - $25 gift cards available with a 1.5% rebate There are many retailers offering bonus rebates. Take a look! We are always looking for more Scrip volunteers to assist with this program. Please contact Xavier School at 875-7376 if you or someone you know is interested. Submitted by Jennifer Helle 8 VOCAL MUSIC NEWS The high school vocal students are currently preparing for numerous performance opportunities for the second semester: * The Fine Arts Night on February 12th will include performances by the Concert and Treble Choirs. This event also features all Beckman arts programs which will include other performances and displays between 7:00-8:00pm in the school commons. * Cool School Night at Dairy Queen will also be held on February 12th. All are invited to treat themselves before or after the Fine Arts Night, and Dairy Queen will donate 10% of all sales that take place between 3:00pm-closing to the Beckman Music Department. * This year, we will be holding a combined Band and Choir concert for Music In Our Schools Month, which is the month of March. We will have performances by the 5th/6th grade band, 7th-12th grade bands, and 7th-12th grade choirs. This is going to be an exciting performance! Don't miss it - March 26th at 7:00pm. * Students are encouraged to participate in State Solo & Ensemble Contest on Saturday, April 11th at Monticello High School. Students interested in participating will prepare a piece of standard choral literature in their individual voice lessons, perform that selection at the contest, and receive comments and a division rating for how well they sang. This experience helps strengthen their musicianship, performance confidence, and also helps further develop their musical training. * Mark your calendars for the annual Dessert Concert, which will be held on Monday, April 27th at 7:00pm. Students will be performing Broadway Musical themed selections with the choir ensembles as well as in their individual/small group performances. Students are encouraged to sign up to sing a Broadway musical selection of their choice and perform solo or with a small group. At this performance, the vocal department awards will also be distributed. A dessert reception will be held in the commons after the concert. Submitted by Krystal Smith, Choir Director ART NEWS Second semester art is off to a great start. Senior art is working on drawing objects from multiple angles. Graphic Design is tackling their new computer program. Clay and sculpture have started their coil vessels, and Art 2 is creating complex color wheels! We are looking forward to our annual Arts Night on Feb 12. Submitted by Michael Wade, Art Teacher DEVELOPMENT NEWS NCAA March Madness Raffle March Madness tickets are now available for distribution. All parents will receive two (2) tickets to purchase or sell. Contact the Development Office if extra tickets are needed. Remember that tuition credit and valuable prize money can be won through ticket sales. Please make a concerted effort to sell your allotted tickets. Please do not discard any unsold tickets! Return all unsold tickets to Beckman for redistribution. Annual Appeal The Beckman Annual Appeal mailing is being mailed during Catholic Schools Week. This Appeal directly impacts the cost of tuition. Your continued generosity is appreciated. 9 Endowment The Beckman Endowment Corporation annual meeting will be held Wednesday, February 11 at 7 PM in the Beckman Library. Three Board positions are up for election: St. Paul’s, St. Joseph’s and one atlarge. If you are interested, please contact Pat Meade or Tim Pins at Beckman 875-7188. Submitted by Tim Pins, Development Director Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God ~Leo Buscaglia~ 10
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