Springville www.springville.k12.ia.us Superintendent: Amy Kortemeyer 400 Academy Street Springville, IA 52336 854-6197 Ext. 1001 Springville Secondary School 400 Academy Street Springville, IA 52336 Principal: Nick Merritt 854-6196 Ext. 1022 Springville Elementary School 602 Mill Avenue Springville, IA 52336 Principal: Amanda Potter 854-6195 Ext. 2002 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Springville Community Schools is to instill a lifelong love of learning, while promoting the achievement of the individual student within a positive learning climate where high expectations are cooperatively set by school personnel, students, parents and the community. The next School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, February 16th, at 7:00 p.m. February 2015 From the Desk of Superintendent Amy Kortemeyer Happy February Everyone! In this month’s article I feature our ongoing facilities work, information on the Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) grant and Attendance Center Rankings. Facilities Update As noted in the past few newsletters, we have invited an independent group in to do a brief study of our facilities and provide feedback as well as hold community meetings to gather input from our stakeholders. In January we held our first of two community meetings. Thank you to those of you who were able to make it and provide feedback to us! Please plan to attend the second community meeting on February 4th at the secondary school. The purpose of the first meeting was for community members to share in the discussion of the needs of the school district as it relates to facilities. The purpose of the second meeting will be to share out the findings from both the facilities study and the first community meeting. During the regular school board meeting, on November 19 th, the board passed a motion to hire Duane Van Hemert and Sam Harding from Iowa Schoolhouse Construction and Planning Services (ISCPS). Their services include: an unbiased assessment of all facilities; determining different possibilities and prioritizing needs; holding two community meetings to gather input from community members, answering questions, and addressing concerns. The timeline is to complete the facilities study and hold community meetings in January and February, with a report due to the board during the February 16th board meeting. Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) Plan We were notified on December 19th that our TLC Plan has been approved for the 2015-2016 school year! Last year the Iowa General Assembly approved $50 million per year for three years totaling $150 million for Teacher Leadership Grants. Districts were asked to apply for this last year and 39 schools were selected in the first round. Our school district applied again this school year and will be awarded approximately $115,000. The majority of this funding will go towards hiring teacher leaders, from within our current staff, beginning next school year. Our grant states that we will hire a full time instructional coach, 5 lead teachers, and 3 model teachers. The instructional coach’s position would be a full time release from the classroom position. The lead and model teachers would remain in their classrooms full time and receive stipends for these positions. Teachers who are interested in applying for these positions will do so by March 23rd. It is our intent to hire for these positions during the month of April. Attendance Center Rankings (ACR) The ACR requirements were established during the 2013 legislative session. It required the Iowa Department of Education (IDE) to develop a school performance system and report card for all (1300) attendance centers. The goal of the legislation is to establish specific performance goals and evaluate the effectiveness of each attendance center in meeting them. The following areas will be included on the report card: student proficiency, student academic growth, attendance rates, parent involvement, employee turnover, community activities and involvement, closing the gap scores for subgroup performance, and college readiness rates. Data sources for several of these areas have been identified. However, data does not currently exist on all of them. Therefore the IDE is not able to combine all the indicators into one ranking at this time but it is the intention to do so over time. The IDE is scheduled to release information on two of the indicators this month. Please let me know if you have any questions about these or any other items. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 319-854-6197. Have a great month! From the Desk of Elementary Principal Amanda Potter As we approach Valentine’s Day, we are encouraging a love of reading at the elementary school! We have set a building-wide goal for students to read 60,000 minutes during the month of February. This school-wide reading incentive is titled, “Read Your Heart Out!” Students will have a weekly sheet to track their minutes they read at home. We have set the following goal for each grade level: PK-1st – 10 minutes per day 2nd & 3rd – 20 minutes per day 4th & 5th – 30 minutes per day These minutes should be considered a goal but if your student would like to read more, that is fantastic! At the end of each week, minutes will be totaled and students will receive a paper heart to write their names on for every 10 minutes they read. We are trying to fill the wall in the elementary gym with hearts and hopefully we will reach (and possibly surpass) our goal of 60,000 minutes by the end of the month. The minutes can be accrued by your child reading to you, you reading to your child, or your child reading to themselves or siblings. We can’t wait to see the hearts grow! Iowa Assessments will take place the week of February 16 th-20th for 2nd through 5th grade students. We will be having an assembly on Friday, February 13th to kick-off the assessments and help students have a positive perspective when it comes to testing. Hopefully the students will come home feeling motivated and excited to do their best and show off all of the learning that has occurred in the past year. Please encourage a healthy and hearty breakfast each day during the testing window because students will be able to concentrate so much better if they are not hungry. C.A.S.T. will also be providing snacks throughout the week to ensure all students are at their best for testing. Upcoming Dates to Remember Wednesday, February 4th @ 6:00 p.m. Friday, February 6th Friday, February 13th @ 2:15 p.m. February 16th-20th March 3rd @6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 4th Community Facilities Meeting @ HS No School – Professional Development Valentine’s Day Parties Iowa Assessments Kindergarten Round Up Spring Pictures From the Desk of Secondary Principal Nick Merritt Thank you to all staff, students, and parents for flexibility in regards to the end of the semester. We were able to get finals in before break and had some time to kick off our project-based learning for the year. The start to the 2nd semester was definitely interesting with the weather issues, but we managed to get through and are now in full-swing. As we begin the 2nd semester, we hope all students had an opportunity to recharge over the winter break and take some time to reflect on how the first semester went. Iowa Assessments – Feb. 16-20 The Iowa Assessments will be held from February 16 through February 20. We are excited to see how much the students have grown over the past year. To help with the students’ performance, remind and help students get a good night’s sleep, eat right, and to do the best they can. I want to take the opportunity to address Iowa Assessments that are coming up. Teachers will be working with students to do goalsetting based on last year’s performance. We ask that you help us in reminding students to put forth their best efforts while taking the tests as they are a valuable measure to their improvement from year to year. To assist students’ performances, students should get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, and work on finding ways to eliminate distractions and stay focused. We look forward to seeing how great our students are doing on these tests and on getting a picture of their growth from year to year. Lastly, as we move through the remainder of the semester, we will be intermittently working on our project-based learning activities that we will focus on at the end of the semester. While plans are still being formulated, hopefully you’ll hear more about this from both your son/daughter and what exciting things we plan to do to help the school and community. It’s a great day to be an Oriole!! Kindergarten Round-up Kindergarten Round-up for parents/guardians of our 2015/2016 Kindergartners will be held Tuesday, March 3 rd in the multi-purpose room at the elementary building. There will be a meeting starting at 6:30 pm and there will be an opportunity for registration and building tours. We will share information regarding our kindergarten program and answer any questions you may have. Children must be 5 years old by September 15, 2015 to enter kindergarten next fall. Please bring a certified birth certificate and a proof of residence to this meeting or before registration in August. If you have neighbors with incoming kindergarteners or know anyone new to the district, please have them contact Jenny at 854-6195 ext. 2000 to be placed on our kindergarten list. SCHOOL CENTS 2014 Thanks to our great community, Springville has received 1 st place the 5th year in a row for School Cents! Our final award was $7,100.00. We also won the 1st place midway award which was $1,675.00. Our grand total for this year was $8,775.00. The staff and students at Springville are so appreciative of the support we receive from our small, but mighty community. The funds should be distributed within the next month to the school. Our administration will discuss how best to benefit our students with the funds and we will be sure to let the community know how the funds are spent at that time! The final point totals are listed below. A special thank you to Marcia Hughes, Tiel Howard, and Iris Trampe for taking time from their busy schedules to take care of the publicity, turning in receipts and making sure we participated in all of the events to earn our school extra points! School Cents ~ Final Standings High School Alburnett HS Anamosa HS Cedar Valley Christian Center-Point Urbana HS Central City HS CR Washington HS East Buchanan HS Edgewood-Colesburg HS Kennedy HS Marion HS Metro HS North Cedar HS North-Linn HS Springville HS Xavier HS Grand Total Points Publicity Points Report Cards Other Points* 14,309 1,048 6,450 1,712 10,749 1,308 2,181 605 442 290 915 1,290 3,187 19,787 1,541 900 270 870 165 450 0 600 130 0 120 240 0 240 900 510 360 0 376 7 362 2 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 435 0 900 150 800 600 900 900 500 0 400 100 400 500 820 925 415 Winter Weather We will utilize three television stations (KCRG, KGAN, and KWWL), four radio stations, One Call (which sends out a phone call using information pulled from our PowerSchool student information system), the school website, Facebook , Twitter and Iowa School Alerts for school cancellations or delays. If you have not already signed up for Iowa School Alerts and are interested be sure to sign up through the website: https://schoolalerts.iowa.gov/ Emergency Bus Routes – Hard Surface Roads Only by Central Office Secretary Barb Hennings Due to certain weather-related conditions, we may be forced to use emergency bus routes in order to have school. Please check daily with your local radio and TV stations for the more current weather related announcements. What does this mean? Emergency bus routes mean that we will run on “hard surfaced roads” only. We hope you understand that we have the safety of your children first and foremost on our minds. We appreciate your cooperation when it comes to emergency routes. How do my children ride the bus during this time? We will need to rely on you, as parents/guardians, to take your children to the nearest paved road (a spot where it is safe for the bus to stop) and meet the bus. A bus should pass by on the same paved road at least twice. *You may see two different Springville buses – you can ride any Springville bus that goes by. The following is the best-case scenario we can give you: Rusty Horak, #98, will travel up Springville Road, X20, north to County Home Road. He will turn left and go through Whittier, and then north on Whittier Road, X20. He will turn around at Bowdish Rd. and return the same way. From Whittier, he will travel east on County Home Road to Alderman where he will turn around and return to Springville. Carry Nelson, #04, will also travel up Springville Road, X20, north to County Home Road. She will turn left and go through Whittier west to Jordans Grove Rd. She will turn around at Jordans Grove, make a stop at Stone Rd. and go back through Springville. She will go south on X20 to HWY 151. She will go west on 151 to Jordans Grove Rd, turn around, and proceed east back to Springville. Alan Horak/Scott Kilburg, #00, will travel south from Springville on Springville Road, X20, to Linn Ridge Rd where he will turn around. He will proceed east on Martelle Road to Taylor Rd. where he will turn around, come back on Martelle Rd, then go north on X20 and return to HWY 151. He will proceed east on HWY 151 and turn north on Linn-Jones Road, turn around, and return to HWY 151 and then to Springville. NOTE: ALL three buses will leave the bus barn around 7:10 a.m. The time the bus goes by your nearest point could vary. You might be able to catch it on the way out or on the way back. Feel free to ride any Springville bus that goes by. For pick up at HWY 151, you will have only one chance to catch the bus going by. The p.m. routes will be run the same way. If we run hard surface for the a.m. routes we will run hard surface for the p.m. routes. We ask for everyone’s cooperation and understanding if it becomes necessary to use emergency or hard-surface only routes. Annual Notifications Teacher Qualifications Notice Parents and guardians in the Springville Community School District have the right to learn about the following qualifications of their child's teacher/paraprofessional: state licensure requirements for the grade level and content areas taught, the current licensing status of the child's teacher, and baccalaureate/graduate certification/degree. The qualifications of an instructional paraprofessional who serves the student in a Title I program may also be requested. Parents and guardians may request this information from the Office of the Superintendent, 400 Academy Street, Springville, Iowa 52336. The Springville Community School District ensures that parents will be notified in writing if their child has been assigned, or has been taught by a teacher for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not considered highly qualified. 102.E1 Notice of Non-Discrimination Students, parents, employees and others doing business with or performing services for the Springville Community School District are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, disability, religion, creed, age (except for permitting/prohibiting students to engage in certain activities), political party affiliation, marital status, or genetic information in admission or access to, or treatment in, its educational programs and activities, or its employment practices. Any person having inquiries concerning the school district's compliance federal and/or state non-discrimination laws is directed to contact the school district’s compliance officer: Melissa Murphy, High School Guidance Counselor at 400 Academy Street, Springville, Iowa 52336, or 319-854-6196 from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. who has been designated by the school district to coordinate the school district's efforts to comply with federal and/or state non-discrimination laws. The Iowa Department of Education has announced a series of February public forums and a statewide survey following a state panel’s recommendation to get public feedback on the Next Generation Science Standards. These are a set of learning expectations in science for students in kindergarten through high school. The Next Generation Science Standards were developed by 26 states, including Iowa. All states can consider adopting and adapting them to meet their needs. Public feedback will be used to provide guidance to the Science Standards Review Team, which is expected to submit a final recommendation regarding science standards to the State Board of Education later this year. The survey, which is open through February 27, can be found at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VW6SHDY?c=Iowa_Science_Survey The public forums are scheduled as follows: Wednesday, Feb. 11: Waukee 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Waukee Community Schools District Office – Board Room 560 Southeast University Ave. Waukee, IA Tuesday, Feb. 24, Ottumwa 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Great Prairie Area Education Agency, Ottumwa Office – Auditorium 2814 North Court Street Ottumwa, IA Wednesday, Feb. 25, Dubuque 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Keystone Area Education Agency, Dubuque Office – Room 1 ABC 2310 Chaney Road Dubuque, IA Thursday, Feb. 26, Sioux City 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Northwest Area Education Agency, Administrative Office – Room A/Auditorium 1520 Morningside Ave. Sioux City, IA The Next Generation Science Standards can be found at http://www.nextgenscience.org/. For more information, please visit the Iowa Department of Education’s website at https://www.educateiowa.gov/. SPRINGVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Springville, Iowa BOARD MINUTES – January 21, 2015 NOTE: These minutes are unofficial until approved by the board at the next regular meeting. BOARD WORK SESSION A Board Work Session was held at 6:00 p.m. on January 21, 2015 prior to the Regular Board Meeting with Lee Ann Grimley, Todd Nulle, Laura Riley, Tami Gillmore, Superintendent Amy Kortemeyer, Secondary Principal/Instructional Leader Nick Merritt, PK-5 Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Amanda Potter, Board Secretary Stacey Matus and guest present. Board member Dee Wagaman was absent. The Board and Administration team discussed Chapter 6 entitled “Developing Leadership and Collaboration around Shared Purpose” from the Iowa Association of School Boards Leadership for Student Learning book. Topics of discussion were as follows: Timely chapter with the recently awarded TLC grant; Leadership and collaboration are deeply imbedded in the culture that has already been established in our district; PLC conference training in June will provide essential learning time and positive feedback to our TLC instructional leaders; District’s commitment to weekly early dismissals provides valuable collaboration time for instructors; Wednesday early outs are devoted to professional learning time and collaboration all in the best interest of improving instruction; Exploring possibilities with neighboring school districts to provide collaboration time with teachers in specialized areas of instruction; Important to create and maintain an environment of not being fearful to try new things to get better outcomes; Teamwork is inclusive from all district personnel and the Board of Education; Board members spoke highly of the teachers and quality of interaction who share during board learning time; Importance of celebrating staff and students who show growth and take on more responsibilities. Secondary Principal/Instructional Leader Nick Merritt and PK-5 Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Amanda Potter gave a presentation on the Teacher Leadership and Compensation Grant. Topics of discussion were as follows: Statewide system to provide leadership opportunities for teachers, increase collaboration amongst teachers, retain and grow new teachers and current teachers in the district and in the profession, and provide compensation for various leadership roles; Ten part application was submitted by the district detailing the plan and impact on the district; Springville applied in year one and was not selected but applied again in year two and was selected out of 171 districts that applied; 74 total districts were selected for 2015-16; Springville’s score was 82 and the cut score to be considered was 73; Estimated funding per year based on enrollment is approximately $115,220.00; Funding will be used for 1 Instructional Coach, 5 Lead Teachers, 3 Model Teachers, and professional development expenses; Full time, full release position of Instructional Coach will have 10 extra contract days and receive a $6,000.00 stipend; Lead teachers will have 5 extra contract days and receive a $3,000.00 stipend; Model teachers will have 3 extra contract days and receive a $1,500.00 stipend; Application criteria and deadline for new positions; Memorandum of understanding will need to be created and agreed upon; and New teacher leadership positions are applied for and selected annually. Board work session ended at 6:56 pm. No action was taken. REGULAR BOARD MEETING President Lee Ann Grimley called the regular meeting of the Springville Community School District Board of Directors to order on January 21, 2015 at 7:01 pm. Other members present were Tami Gillmore, Todd Nulle, and Laura Riley. Also present were Superintendent Amy Kortemeyer, Secondary Principal/Instructional Leader Nick Merritt, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Amanda Potter, Board Secretary/Business Manager Stacey Matus and guests. Board member Dee Wagaman was absent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Todd Nulle made a motion to approve the agenda as presented and also to approve the walk in agenda item. All ayes, motion carried. PUBLIC FORUM No one addressed the board during public forum. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Tami Gillmore made a motion to approve the consent agenda to include the walk in item of Robin Menster’s middle school girls track coach resignation. All ayes, motion carried. - Minutes from the December 10, 2014 board work session and regular meeting. - Financial reports and activity account reports as presented. - List of bills presented for payment. - Resignation of Rachel Scriver as Middle School Special Education Associate. - Resignation of Robin Menster as Middle School Girls Track Coach. - Hiring of Rachel Scriver as Secondary School Secretary; $11.50 per hour. - Hiring of Pamela Nissen as Middle School Special Education Associate; $8.50 per hour. - Approve Contract with the Mt. Vernon Community School District to provide educational services. COMMUNICATIONS/REPORTS Amy Kortemeyer, Superintendent/Transportation Director reported on the following: Site visit preparation continues; SAI New Superintendent’s Mentoring Meeting on January 15th provided learning on updating individual administrator goals, negotiations, Teacher Leadership and Compensation Plan implementation, and crisis planning; TLC implementation planning continues including communication with teachers and developing a Memorandum of Understanding; Attended the Iowa Superintendents Finance and Leadership Consortium conference with Stacey which provided collaboration and learning on various aspects of school finance; Finance meeting with Joe Crozier continues to provide learning and guidance as we work to reverse the declining trend of the district’s unspent balance; State reporting; Forms of communication used with our stakeholders regarding the upcoming Facilities Community Meetings by mailing postcards, newsletter article, district website, City of Springville newsletter, and One Call; Attended SEDC meeting on January 8 th and gave a brief update regarding our facilities study and process the district is undertaking; GWAEA Superintendent meeting was cancelled due to weather. Nick Merritt, Secondary Principal/Instructional Leader/AD reported on the following: TLC Grant will provide many wonderful opportunities for our district; Site visit preparation; January 5th professional development included team building activity, TLC Grant presentation, web-based MAP updates and winter MAP scores, curriculum mapping and essential standards charts; Met on January 15 th to discuss options for adoption of the 7-12 ELA curriculum; 1st semester ended December 23rd; Expressed appreciation to Rob Taylor, retiring School Resource Officer, for the 12 years of service he gave to Springville CSD and the great asset he was to our district; Looking forward to working with Nick Hamilton as the new School Resource Officer; Record boards have been completed through the work of Joe Martin and the support of the summer slow pitch softball tournament proceeds; Deciding on the best way to display the new record boards; Special appreciation to the community for their support of Springville CSD to win School Cents for the 5th year in a row; Mr. Merritt reported that the district will be awarded $8,775.00 through the program and thanked Marcia Hughes, Iris Trampe, Jennifer Wyman, and Barb Hennings for their time and energy in coordinating the effort; Discussed organizing a 5th year School Cents Anniversary Celebration event. Amanda Potter, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director reported on the following: ELI committee will meet on January 22nd to discuss the most current guidance regarding early literacy and to plan for the January 26th parent meeting; Parent informational meeting will provide information to parents on the Early Literacy legislation, the language being used, and will provide an opportunity to clarify questions and concerns parents may have concerning this legislation; January 15th was the first of three Celebration Assemblies to celebrate students who have shown academic and behavioral growth and success; Expressed special appreciation to Gretchen Eastman, Tiel Howard, Kendra Kedley, Amy Kortemeyer, Nick Merritt, Melissa Murphy, and Stephanie Schlotterbeck for their time and efforts in the process of applying for the TLC Grant; Met to review ELA curriculum possibilities and hope to have a recommendation for the board at the April board meeting; Commended Rob Taylor for his service to the district as School Resource Officer and complimented Nick Hamilton for being very visible in the district as he assumes this role; January 27 th will attend the SAI State Mentoring meeting; Mrs. Potter explained a few of the specifics regarding the Early Literacy legislation to the board. BOARD LEARNING – ATTENDANCE CENTER RANKINGS Superintendent Kortemeyer reviewed the State Attendance Center Rankings that were established during the 2013 legislative session. The legislation requires the Iowa Department of Education to develop a school performance system and report card for all attendance centers. The goal of the legislation is to establish specific performance goals and evaluate the effectiveness of each attendance center in meeting them. The information released has been minimal but the criteria shall include student academic growth, parent involvement, student attendance, employee turnover, and community activities and involvement. Performance grades will be used as one measure to rank and classify schools into different performance categories such as exceptional, high performing, commendable, acceptable, needs improvement, and priority. Superintendent Kortemeyer explained there are no current data sources in existence to measure criteria such as Community Activities and Involvement and Parent Involvement. NEW BUSINESS APPROVE LEVEL 2 INVESTIGATOR Laura Riley made a motion to accept the recommendation to approve Nick Hamilton, School Resource Officer, to serve as the district’s Level 2 Investigator. All ayes, motion carried. APPROVE EARLY BIRD PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS Tami Gillmore made a motion to accept the recommendation to approve the early bird physical education class to provide students the opportunity to meet physical education requirements. All ayes, motion carried. APPROVE SPRINGVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEMBERSHIP FOR 2015 Todd Nulle made a motion to accept the recommendation to approve the $250.00 Springville Economic Development membership fee for 2015. There was discussion regarding the different membership level fees. All ayes, motion carried. DISCUSSION ITEMS Upcoming dates: Facilities community meetings will be on January 25th and February 4th; Professional development on February 6th. CLOSED SESSION Tami Gillmore made a motion at 7:50 pm to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(l)(i)of the Open Meetings Law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session. Roll call vote as follows: Gillmore, aye; Riley, aye; Grimley, aye; Nulle, aye. Wagaman, absent. Motion carried. The board resumed open session at 8:32 pm. There was discussion on the hopes that there will be a high number of stakeholders in attendance at the upcoming facilities community meetings to share their thoughts, ideas and concerns. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business President Grimley declared the meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm. ________________________________________ Stacey Matus, Board Secretary _________________________________________ Lee Ann Grimley, Board President
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