Directive to Administrators (Specify which administrators) WAD Date (Wednesday) All Administrators January 28, 2015 Subject Measles Information and Guidance for Staff, Parents/Guardians From Title Kim Coates (Cabinet member or approved by one) Inform X Certificated Staff Executive Director, School Health Programs, S Student, Family and C Community Support DepartmentX Classified Staff X WAD No. Date Due Now Signature Parents Page 1 of 7 Not Applicable After n/a Telephone 415-242-2615 Other MEASLES INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS AND STAFF WHAT: As news reports increase about MEASLES outbreaks in California and the recent cases in counties adjacent to San Francisco, the San Francisco Department of Public Health and SFUSD School Health Programs wish to emphasize that prevention and early identification of measles is the best way to avoid an outbreak in our community. It is important that information and guidance about measles prevention and identification is available to parents/guardians and staff. HOW: Give the “measles letter for parents/caregivers of students with waivers” to parents/caregivers of children who have Personal Belief Exemption (PBE) waivers on file. A list of your school’s students with PBE with copies of the letter in three languages will be emailed to the principal by the end of January. • Provide the “measles letter for staff” describing identification of measles to all staff. • Post the “You Could Have Measles” posters at school sites and distribute to staff. • Further information about measles for parents/guardians and staff can be found at This link can also be found on the SFUSD home page. WHY: At this time of year, there is an increased risk of getting flu and many other common illnesses. Good hygiene such as hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when sick should be emphasized. Being up to date with vaccinations is helpful for preventing the spread of flu, pertussis and measles. It is SFUSD policy that students with fevers and rash are not to be in school until they have been without fever (having not taken any anti-pyretic medication for 24 hours). You may wish to post the attached “Keep Our Schools Healthy” flyer. Please contact the Nurse of the Day at 415-242-2615 for any questions. Cabinet Member Kevin Truitt Title Associate Superintendent, SFCSD Signature SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WEEKLY ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE (WAD) Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Special thanks to Rosemead School District 213–Multilingual Dear SFUSD Staff, Currently, California has had a significant increase in the number of cases of measles infections. Although we have not had a reported case in San Francisco to date, our surrounding counties have reported cases. If you are notified by a parent that their student is sick with fever and rash, refer them to their health care provider and remind them to wear a surgical face mask when going to the doctor's office. If you observe students at school with fever and rash, please isolate in a room where other children are not present, have them wear a surgical face mask if possible, and send them home with instructions to the parent to contact their health care provider immediately for evaluation of the rash. The student should avoid taking public transportation if possible until after visiting their health care provider. If you are informed that a student has been diagnosed with measles, call the Nurse of the Day who will assist you in reporting to the SF Department of Public Health's Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Unit at 554-2830. For your own protection, and to protect our school community, please ensure that you have had 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) immunizations or a blood test showing measles immunity, or check with your health care provider if you have any doubt. If you are interested in more information on measles and to see a photo of a case of measles go to: If you have questions, please feel free to call the SFUSD Nurse of the Day at 242-2615. Sincerely, SFUSD measles letter for staff 1/15 Estimados Padre y/o Tutor, En estos momentos California ha tenido un aumento significativo en el número de pacientes infectados con el sarampión. A pesar de que hasta la fecha no se ha detectado ningún caso de sarampión en San Francisco, si se han detectado casos en los condados colindantes. La mayoría de estos casos de sarampión han afectado a niños que no han sido vacunados. Nuestros documentos indican que por razones de credo personal usted presentó una solicitud de exención para las vacunas obligatorias de su hijo. Si a su hijo aún no lo han vacunado contra el sarampión (MMR), enfáticamente lo instamos a que converse con su médico o con su proveedor de cuidados para la salud y en vista del actual brote de sarampión considere vacunarlo. Por favor tenga en cuenta que si se detecta un caso de sarampión en su escuela y su hijo no tiene comprobantes de las dos dosis de la vacuna MMR, entonces es posible que no se le permita asistir a la escuela. Si desea más información con respecto al sarampión, por favor visite el siguiente portal de internet: Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en llamar a la Enfermera de Turno del SFUSD al número 1-415-242-2615. Atentamente, Documento traducido por la Oficina de Traducción e Interpretación del SFUSD Document translated by the SFUSD Translation and Interpretation Unit SFUSD Sarampión: Carta a los padres con PBE, enero de 1025 親愛的家長/監護人: 目前,加州麻疹感染病例數量在大幅度增加。雖然今天為止三藩市還未報告有感染病例, 但我們周邊的縣已出現了感染病例。這些病例大多數是出現在未接種疫苗的兒童身上。我 們的記錄顯示,你曾提交基於你個人信念而要求豁免你孩子接受規定疫苗之豁免書。 若你的孩子還未接種麻疹(MMR)疫苗,基於目前麻疹病例的爆發情況,我們強烈建議 你與你孩子的醫生討論,並考慮讓孩子接種麻疹疫苗。請注意,若你的孩子沒有接種兩劑 MMR 疫苗或沒有接種記錄,當孩子的學校出現麻疹病例時,他/她將可能被要求留在家 中,不得上學。 若有興趣了解有關麻疹的更多信息,請瀏覽網頁: 若有任何問題,請隨時撥打三藩市聯合校區的值班護士,電話:242-2615。 誠摯的, SFUSD Measles: Letter for parents with PBE 1/15 ATTENTION: YOU COULD HAVE MEASLES. If you have: + a fever + a rash traveled overseas in the last 3 weeks Tell Staff and Get a Mask. Protect Yourself and Others Now! Measles is very contagious and is widespread in many parts of the world. California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch IMM-1050 (6/11) 注意: 你可能有痲疹。 如果你有: + 發燒 + 皮疹 在過去3週出國旅遊 告訴工作人員及帶上 口罩 立即保護自己及他人! 麻疹傳染性極強和會傳播到其它國家。 California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch IMM-1050 (6/11) ATENCIÓN: USTED PUEDE TENER SARAMPIÓN Si usted tiene: + fiebre + erupciones en la piel (sarpullido) ha viajado al extranjero en las últimas 3 semanas Diga a los empleados y obtenga una mascarilla. ¡Protéjase y proteja a su comunidad! El sarampión es muy contagioso y se ha extendido en muchas partes del mundo. California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch IMM-1050S (6/11) Pangkalusugang Paalala: Maaaring Nahawa Ka sa Tigdas habang Naglalakbay sa Ibang Bansa. Kung Mayroon kang: + Lagnat + Pamamantal Naglakbay sa ibang bansa sa nagdaang tatlong lingo Tawagan Kaagad ang inyong mangagamot. Protektahan ang iyong sarili at iba pa. California Immunization Coalition Ang tigdas ay lubhang nakakahawa at kalat na sa maraming bahagi ng mundo. IMM-1089T
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