February 1, 2015 Welcome to Our Community Celebration of the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. S t . M a r y M a g d a l e n Pa r i s h If today you hear his voice, harden not y o u r h e a r t s St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community that places God first in all things and comes together as a family to Love as Christ Loves and Serve as Christ Serves. Community Engagement Eucharist a welcoming spirit loving God with all of celebrating the and a culture of our heart, our soul, our center of our faith genuine inclusion strength and our mind to through creative, into our diverse actively and passionately vibrant and diverse parish family build the Kingdom liturgies Faith Formation committing to life-long learning through Catholic education from childhood through adulthood Family Stewardship nurturing, responding gratefully empowering with sacrificial and supporting generosity for all God strong families has given us in today’s world Witnessing & Evangelizing living the Gospel by sharing & teaching our faith through conversion of mind, heart, & reconciliation with God & one another Daily: Monday through Friday: 7am, 8:30am Thurs.: 7pm (Español ) Weekends: Sat: 8am, Vigil: 5pm, 7pm (Español) , Sun: 8am, 10am (Interpreted for the Deaf) , 12Noon, 5:30pm A DDRESS : 861 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 ✥ W EBSITE : StMaryMagdalen.org P HONE : 407.831.1212 ✥ F AX : 407.831.1560 ✥ E-M AIL : [email protected] A L e t t e r f r o m t h e Pa s t o r Dear Brothers and Sisters, This past week we celebrated National Catholic Schools Week here at St. Mary Magdalen and in Catholic communities around our country. For over fifty years our school has shaped the lives of our young folks in academic excellence, in spiritual maturity and in moral responsibility. These generations of students are a living testimony to the priceless value of a Catholic education. It all began with a bold and courageous vision of faith that continues to this very day and will preserve our Catholic heritage for future generations to come. The Church speaks frequently about the importance of being an “evangelizing community” that follows in the footsteps of the Lord and the Apostles. Nowhere is that spirit of evangelization taken more to heart than in our school. Literally from infancy, right through middle school, our teachers, administrators, catechists, priests and deacons join with our families in providing the next generation of disciples with the type of environment where the gift of faith cannot only grow but flourish. Our students grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ and who we are as his disciples. We introduce them to the rich tradition of prayer and spirituality that has grown and developed from the traditions of our Church and to the lively new energy that is part of our praise and worship ministry. Our youngsters are taught the value of being good citizens and are involved in the larger community, particularly through acts of selfless sharing with those who are in need. They are taught to be role models to their younger fellow students in ways of kindness and compassion. They are taught that in all things, whether it be sports, academics or social interaction, that we carry a high responsibility in how we present ourselves as disciples of the Lord Jesus. All of this is done every day, in every setting. It is accomplished while also giving them a top notch academic grounding, with the latest technology being put to use in ways we cannot even imagine, and on a campus that, with its ample, beautiful grounds, is second to none. Because of your generous support through Sacrificial Giving, the mission of our parish school is able to thrive. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. The next few days are full of more celebration. This month we celebrate Catholic Scouting in the parish, including our own Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and American Heritage Girls. Scouting provides young men and women the opportunity to develop strong character, physical fitness, good citizenship and leadership skills. At the 8am Mass, we will bestow our religious awards to our Cub and Boy Scouts. Included in these awards will be the Pope Pius XII Scouting Award, which is a new scouting program and award at St. Mary Magdalen. The Pope Pius XII Scouting program is Catholic Scouting's church-related ministries and vocation program. The program deals with different life choices (single, married, religious, ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as calls from God. It includes youth led discussions on current issues facing the church and society. Congratulations to our Scouts! We are proud of you! St. Blaise: This weekend we celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise and will confer a very special healing blessing of your throat at all the weekend Masses. The blessing of throats, which coincides with the Church’s celebration of the feast of St. Blaise (February 3), is in memory of the miracle of healing the saint performed on a boy who was choking to death from a fish bone that was caught in his throat. The annual blessing of throats is a traditional sign of the struggle against illness in the life of the Christian. Rite of Acceptance—Rite of Welcome—Rite of Reception: At the 10am Mass, we welcome those who have never been baptized into the Order of Catechumens (known as the Rite of Acceptance) as well welcome those baptized but who were previously uncatechized adults who are preparing for confirmation and/or First Eucharist (known as the Rite of Welcoming), and finally welcome those who were baptized in another Christian faith but who begin their journey into full communion of the Catholic Church (known as the Rite of Reception). This is the first stage of the Initiation process in becoming Catholic Christians. We are overjoyed to be able to walk this journey with them. Candlemas (or Candle Mass): Can you believe it’s been 40 days since Christmas? Also known as Candlemas, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates February 2 with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (the Child Jesus) at the temple. Upon bringing Jesus into the temple, his parents encountered Simeon. The Gospel records that Simeon had been promised that “he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ” (Luke 2:26). Simeon prayed the prayer that would become known as the Nunc Dimittis, or Canticle of Simeon, which prophesied the redemption of the world by Jesus: Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32) It is on Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (or Candlemas) that we bless the candles that will be used throughout the year. If you have candles you would like to have blessed for use in your home, please bring them to Mass on Monday morning. (7AM or 8:30AM). We would be happy to bless them for you. In Christ, “Y ou are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5: 14-16 In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to all of us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute: GLADYS BERTRAM Gladys has been with St. Mary Magdalen for many years and co-started our first pre-school Religious Education program (formerly CCD) during Sunday Mass in 1968! She was also one of our three organists for four years. Currently she serves as a Sacristan, Eucharistic Minister, and proofreads our quarterly magazine entitled “Today’s Disciple.” With deep gratitude, we thank you, Gladys! iempo alento esoro In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord of $44,008 on January 24 and 25 for the mission and ministries of St. Mary Magdalen. Thank you for helping us carry out Christ’s mission and ministry. Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step! ✥Ofrenda con Sacrificio: En gratitud por los dones que hemos recibido de Dios, los feligreses y visitantes hicimos retorno gozoso al Señor de $44,008 el 24 y 25 de enero para la misión y ministerios de la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena. Gracias por ayudarnos a seguir llevando a cabo la misión y el ministerio de Cristo. ! Gracias por dar los primeros frutos y dar un paso! Our Catholic Appeal for 2015 is underway! You may have received a mailing that explains more about this important effort to sustain the essential ministries of the Diocese of Orlando. This year we are asked to consider the question: how can we glorify God through our lives? One way we give glory to God is by supporting ministries that carry out his work in the world. Gifts to Our Catholic Appeal help our diocesan family to defend human life and dignity, engage college students in campus ministry, care for those who are suffering, and evangelize more people than we could ever reach alone. We are so blessed that you decided to join us! Won’t you join our Catholic community by registering at St. Mary Magdalen? Registration forms are available at the Connection Central “Concierge” table in front of the Church, by calling Lisa Oak at the Parish Office 407.265.2300, or by filling out the form below. Please drop it in the mail, collection basket, or you can sign up online at StMaryMagdalen.org. Our parish goal for Our Catholic Appeal in 2015 is $476,509. Once we achieve our goal, the majority of the additional funds will be returned to our parish to support our own ministries. Name: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________ City/Zip: __________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ We will celebrate Our Catholic Appeal weekend on February 14-15. Please come prepared to make your sacrificial gift. For your convenience, all pledges can be paid in ten monthly installments. 861 Maitland Ave — Altamonte Springs — FL — 32701 U PCOMING E VENTS: Follow Emmet, an ordinary, rulesfollowing, perfectly average LEGO mini-figure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop ©Warner Bros. an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously under prepared. Free popcorn and refreshments in the Parish Life Center on Friday, February 6 at 7PM…just bring your blankets and chairs. Dove “Family A pproved” for all ages! We invite all who have joined our parish community within the last year or missed a previous celebration to join us Friday, February 6 at 7PM in the School Cafeteria for a Mardi Gras Potluck Social! It will be a great time, good food, and an opportunity for fellowship with many other new parishioners, our priests, staff, and leaders of our community. Please R.S.V.P. by contacting Melissa Findley in the Parish Office at or 407.265.2311 or [email protected]. If you are unable to bring a dish, don’t let that stop you from coming. YOU are important to us! ✥ Mardi Gras para Nuevos feligreses - Potluck Social: ¡Invitamos a todos los que se han unido a nuestra comunidad parroquial en el último año o a los que no han asistido a unas de las celebraciones previas. Únanse a nosotros el viernes 6 de febrero a las 7PM en la cafetería de la escuela para el carnaval con un Potluck Social. Pasaran un rato muy agradable,con buena comida, y la oportunidad de conocer otros nuevos feligreses, nuestros Sacerdotes, empleados y líderes de nuestra comunidad. Por favor R.S.V.P. poniéndose en contacto con Melissa Findley en la Oficina Parroquial al 407.265.2311 o [email protected]. Si no le es posible traer un plato, no deje que eso le impida venir. ¡Usted es importante para nosotros! Join us Saturday, February 14 at 6:15PM in the School Cafeteria for pizza and games. The cost is $5 per person, to be prepaid by Tuesday, February 10. Make checks payable to St. Mary Magdalen, and mark the envelope “50 +.” Leave it at the Concierge Table, the collection basket, or Parish Office. Call Jeanne at 407.260.9515 or Joann at 407.951.5090, if you have questions. If you have game preferences, let them know. If desired, bring a dessert to share. ✥ Ministerio 50+: Nos reuniremos el sábado 14 de febrero a las 6:15PM en la cafetería de la escuela para compartir pizzas y juegos. La entrada es $5 dólares por persona y tiene que ser pagado antes del martes 10 de febrero. Por favor dirijan los cheques a St. Mary Magdalen y escriba en el sobre “50+”. Déjelo en la mesa de conexiones (afuera de la iglesia), la canasta de ofertorio durante las Misas, o en la oficina de la parroquia. Contacte a Jeanne al 407.260.9515 o a Joan al 407 951.5090 si tiene preguntas. Si tiene algún juego preferido déjenos saber. Si desea, traiga un postre para compartir. Bishop John Noonan will celebrate the annual Marriage Anniversary Mass on Saturday, February 14 at 10AM at St. James Cathedral. Light refreshments to follow. Please register at bit.do/weddinganniversarymass-2015 or at 407.246.4930. The Orlando Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Central Deanery will be hosting “Sweet”, an A rt Auction on Sunday, February 15 at the Longwood Community Center at 2:30PM. Join them for this afternoon of fun which will include the auction, a raffle, and a few surprises too! Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Proceeds benefit local charities. For tickets or more information call Judy Hosler at 407.628.0616. ✥ Amantes Atención del Arte: La subasta “Sweet” del Consejo Diocesano de Orlando de “Women Central Deanery” se llevará a cabo el domingo, 15 de febrero 2015 en el Centro Comunitario de Longwood, FL a las 2:30pm. Aperitivos y bebidas serán servidas. Subasta, rifa, fondo y algunas sorpresas también están previstos. Los boletos cuestan $15.00 por adelantado y $20.00 en la puerta. Las ganancias irán a organizaciones benéficas locales . Llame a Judy Hosler al 407.628.0616 . MINISTRY NEWS: The next Infant Baptism Prep session will be this Sunday, February 1 at 3pm in the School Cafeteria. If you cannot make this session, our next one will be held Sunday, March 1 at 3PM in the SMM School Cafeteria. No registration is necessary. Parents and Godparents, simply show up and we will have all the paperwork necessary. Save the Date for XLT on Friday, February 13 at 7PM with Heidi Peckham! How many of us have ended our day as if we were in a V-8 commercial, slapping our head and saying, “I should have said a prayer!” How many of us have said, “I can’t meditate, that’s for monks!” Come, laugh and learn as our speaker, Heidi Peckham, shares reminders and remedies for what ails us as we seek to walk our path closer to Christ. Parishioner Anita D’Sousa will also give her testimony. We hope to see you there! Next week Fr. Charlie will be inviting you to reflect in prayer if you are being called by the Holy Spirit to serve by becoming a Minister to the Sick. Our parishioners who are ill in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and those homebound are in great need. Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministry to the Sick Training is provided to help you with any obstacles. Also, new ministers shadow several times to learn the “How To” in the hospital or nursing home. We will be at the Concierge Table after all Masses next week to answer any questions or call Rosemary at the Parish Office at 407.265.2307.✥ Ministerio de los Enfermos necesita Discípulos: La próxima semana, el Padre Charlie lo invitará a reflexionar, en oración, si Ud. es llamado por el Espíritu Santo para servir como un Ministro Visita a los Enfermos. Nuestros feligreses que están enfermos en hospitales, centros de asistencia, y confinados en casa tienen una gran necesidad de Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión y Ministerio Visita a los Enfermos. Se proveerá entrenamiento y asistencia para superar cualquier obstáculo. Además, los ministros nuevos acompañan varias veces a ministros ya establecidos para aprender la mejor forma de cómo hacerlo en el hospital o asilo de ancianos asignado. Vamos a estar en la mesa de consejería después de todas las Misas la próxima semana para contestar cualquier pregunta. También puede llamar a Rosemary a la Oficina Parroquial al 407.265.2307. Saturday, February 7 we will be hosting our SemiAnnual Leadership Gathering in the Parish Life Center! All leadership teams serving our parish community are invited! R.S.V.P. to Melissa at [email protected] or 407.265.2311. ✥ Encuentro Semestral de Liderazgo: recuerden que será el 7 de febrero, en el Parish Life Center. Todos los equipos de liderazgo al servicio de nuestra comunidad parroquial de Santa María Magdalena están invitados. R.S.V.P. a Melissa Findley en [email protected] o 407.265.2311 Our parish mission is to “Become a Community of Disciple-Makers.” Last year, Casting Nets Ministries presented on “The Seven Pillars of Effective Evangelization” for our Parish Mission and parishioners left on fire to go and proclaim the Good News! Starting Friday, February 20 at 7:30PM in the School Cafeteria (and ending March 20), we will engage in a five-week Lenten Reflection on “HOW” we can live out the seven pillars for Christ and fulfill His command to “Go and Make Disciples.” All are invited! Complimentary refreshments will be provided and we are working on providing childcare! For more information contact John Youngman at [email protected] or 407.497.0090.✥ Evangelización: ¿Cómo difundimos efectivamente la Buena Nueva? La misión de nuestra parroquia es " onvertirnos en Una Comunidad de Creadores C de Discípulos."El año pasado, “Casting Nets Ministries”, hizo una presentación en "Los Siete Pilares de una Evangelización Efectiva"para nuestra Misión Parroquial, y todos los feligreses salieron con una llama encendida para anunciar la ¡Buena Nueva!. Comenzando el viernes 20 de febrero hasta el 20 de marzo a las 7:30PM, en la cafetería de la escuela, tendremos cinco semanas de Reflexión Cuaresmal. Reflexionaremos sobre "cómo"podemos vivir los siete pilares de Cristo y cumplir con su mandato de "Ir y haced discípulos."¡Todos están invitados! Tendremos refrescos gratuitos y procuraremos ofrecer cuidado de niños. Para más información favor de comunicarse con John Youngman al 407.497.0090 o [email protected]. P RO- L IFE N EWS: As we quickly approach the beginning of our Lenten vigil, February 18 through March 29 outside of Planned Parenthood on Tampa Avenue in Orlando, Respect Life Ministry will be hosting a table this weekend after all Masses. Stop by so we can share with you the life-saving work being done throughout the Orlando community. We ask you to join us in prayer for the countless lives impacted by abortion. Contact Melissa at 407.831.2662 or [email protected]. Disciple Volunteers needed for Life Choices Women’s Center, a Catholic pro-life pregnancy resource center in Altamonte Springs. Positions needed are lay counselor (training provided), nurses to perform ultrasounds (training provided), administrative assistance, and receptionists. We also need handymen and help with light cleaning. For details, please call Respect Life representative, Rebie Cruz at 321.422.4168. To all the parishioners of SMM who give your time, talent, and treasure to us here at Life Choices Women’s Center, thank you for your love and support. God bless you. ✥ ¡Tenemos mucho trabajo! Se necesitan discípulas voluntarias para el Centro “Life Choices Women’s” en Altamonte Springs. Este es un centro pro-vida Católica de recursos para el embarazo. Estamos buscando consejeras laicas (se provee entrenamiento), enfermeras para realizar ultrasonidos (se provee entrenamiento), asistente administrativo y recepcionistas. También necesitamos mantenimiento en general y ayuda para labores simples de limpieza. Para obtener más información, llame a la representante de Respeto a la Vida, Rebie Cruz al 321.422.4168. El Centro “Life Choices Women’s”, agradece a todas las feligreses de SMM por su amor, apoyo, y por compartir su tiempo, talento y tesoro con nosotras. ¡Dios la bendiga! As a reminder to all registered families in our Sacramental Preparation Ministry, our first session is Tuesday, February 3 at 6:30PM in the Church. If you are not registered and have questions about this ministry, please contact Larann at 407.265.2303 or [email protected] ✥ Sesiones para Familias de: Primera Comunión: Le recordamos a todas las familias registradas con el Ministerio de Preparación para los Sacramentos, que nuestra primera sesión será el martes 3 de febrero a las 6:30PM en la Iglesia. Si no está registrado y tiene preguntas acerca del ministerio, por favor póngase en contacto con Larann Wilson al 407.265.2303 o [email protected] All children and their parents are invited to a Children's Holy Hour on Friday, February 6, from 3:30-4:30PM in the Chapel. There will be prayer, songs, and adoration at a child's level. Contact Dulce at 407.538.7833 for more information. ✥ Hora Santa de los niños: Los niños y sus padres están invitados a la Hora Santa de Niños el viernes 6 de febrero, de 3:30PM a 4:30PM en la Capilla. Habrá oración, canciones, y adoración a nivel de un niño. Póngase en contacto con Dulce al 407.538.7833 para más información. This Ministry is for 6-8th graders. EDGE meets Wednesdays from 7-8:30PM in the PLC.✥ Los jóvenes de los grados 6 al 8, tienen “Edge” los miércoles de 7PM a 8.30PM en el PLC. ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ This ministry is for 9-12th graders. Join us on Sundays for 5:30PM Mass followed by Life Night from 6:30-8:30PM! ✥ Los jóvenes de los grados 9 al 12, nos reuniremos después de la Misa de 5.30PM para tener nuestro “LifeNight” desde las 6.30 hasta las 8.30PM. ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ I ran on the SMM track. I collected food for poor people in scouts. I helped mom an dad fix the house. I prayed for friend that are sick. I made breakfast for my family. shared with friends. I trained to serve at God's altar. I pressure washed the drive way. I was a good friend. I did my best this trimester. I helped train my dog. M U S TA N G M O M E N T : Give your child the opportunity of a lifetime! Register for the 2014– 2015 school year at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School. It is our mission to teach gospel values, build a community of faith, and provide a rigorous educational experience in a safe, supportive environment. SMM accepts Sister Parish Tuition as well as Florida Step Up for Students Scholarships for those families who meet the criteria. Visit their website, scholarshipfunding.org for more information. Contact the School Office or email [email protected] for additional information or an appointment to take a tour of our school. ✥-E s c u e l a d e S M M : Ha comenzado la inscripción para el año escolar 2014-2015. Las familias, el profesorado y la parroquia comparten en el desarrollo del potencial espiritual, académico y social de cada estudiante como un único hijo de Dios. Para obtener más información sobre nuestra escuela o programar un recorrido, póngase en contacto con Brenda East al teléfono 321.280.5330. The E.L.C. is now accepting VPK Pre-Enrollment for the year 2015-2016! Your child must be 4 years of age by September to qualify. By registering early you will guarantee your child a spot for preschool. Pre Enrollment will run until all spaces are filled. Contact us Monday through Friday, 7AM to 6PM. Openings go fast, don’t miss this exciting opportunity! ✥ El Early Learning Center (E.L.C.): Aceptamos Preinscripción para el VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarden Program) año 2015-2016 Su hijo tiene que tener 4 años de edad en septiembre para calificar. Regístrese temprano para garantizarle un lugar a su hijo. Las preinscripciones se llevarán a cabo hasta que se llenen las vacantes. Póngase en contacto con nosotros de lunes a viernes de 7AM a 6PM. Los puestos se llenan rápido; ¡No deje que sus niños pierdan esta gran oportunidad! Dear Lord, Watch over the guardians of our freedom and those who protect our nation. Would you like to honor a loved one or a special event by providing flowers for the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in the Church? If you are interested in donating, please contact Jo Ann at the Parish Office at 407.831.1212. In Loving Memory of Be with those serving in the air, on the seas and on distant lands. May their faith in your might give strength and honor to their service. Pray for the parishioners who are celebrating new life in Baptism, Marriage, or Eternal Life. Baptisms: Valentino M. Fernandez Gabriela Ocampo Guzman Jacob Herrera Makenna Grace Landefeld Amen. Don Gallagher G ENERAL P ARISH I NFORMATION Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30 AM -7 PM ; Fri 8:30 AM -4:30 PM Sat 9 AM -12 PM Phone Number: 407.831.1212 PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Assisting Priest Pastoral Associate Deacons Fr. Charlie Mitchell x2316 Fr. Ed Thompson x2315 Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. x2318 Fr. Patrick Patton Lois Locey x2317 Marshall Gibbs, Juan Cruz, Jerry Kelly, Henry Libersat, Greg Nelsen, Bill O’Brien, Israel Colón 407.831.1212 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES x2307 Ministry to Sick & Grieving Rosemary Kazyk x2311 Time, Talent & Evangelization Melissa Findley x2313 Facilities Director Vince Edman x2314 Assistant Facilities Director Leslie McCranie x2300 Membership Admin. Assistant Lisa Oak x2312 Parish Accountant Heidi Lewis x2302 Administrative Intern Julie Daligney Receptionist Jo Ann Kuhn/Wanda Padin x2309/x2320 Bulletin Editor Lisa Sojourner [email protected] LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION Steward for Faith Formation Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. Steward for Children & Family Steward for Youth Ministry Steward for Annulments Larann Wilson Darryl Dziedzic Sister Pat O’Malley Lucy Berger Steward for Adult Sacramental Preparation Deacon Marshall Gibbs Project Coord . for Faith Formation x2318 x2304 x2303 x2305 x2306 x2301 MUSIC AND LITURGY Steward for Music & Liturgy Liturgy Assistant Steward for Contemporary Christian Choir Mark Ayers Debbie Karleskint Andres Ocampo Fax: 407.831.1560 407.831.1212 x 2310 x 2310 x2603 SMMSchool.org 407.339.7301 Lorianne Rotz x 5332 Brenda East 321.280.5330 Elisa Steiner (Director) 407.831.3740 x5381 Cecile Bertot (Chair) Joe Hillebrandt (Vice Chair) Adult Center SHARE THE CARE 407.423.5311 S ACRAMENT I NFORMATION 5PM, 7 PM (Español ) SATURDAY VIGIL 8AM, 10AM (Interpreted for the deaf), SUNDAY 12NOON, 5:30 PM Mon-Fri: 7AM, 8:30AM, Saturdays 8AM, WEEKDAY Thurs 7PM (Español) Morning Rosary 8 AM (Monday-Saturday) Adoration First Friday 9 AM - 5PM (In the Chapel) Prayer Line 407.830.9042 [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat 3-4PM (English), Sat after 5PM Mass (Eng/Sp) Sacrament of Initiation, Deacon Marshall Gibbs Baptism and Matrimony Lucy Berger & Fr. Charlie Mitchell Sacrament of the Sick Rosemary Kazyk Religious Bookstore Contact Jo Ann Kuhn SCHOOL OFFICE Principal Registration EARLY LEARNING CENTER PASTORAL COUNCIL O UR C ATHOLIC F AITH : (ca. 450–525) ✥ Feast: February 1 ✥ Patron: Ireland, abused children; midwives; nuns; poets; the poor Historians say we know a lot more about St. Brigid than we have facts, a polite way of saying that legends swirl about Ireland's most celebrated woman. But even legends may have cores of truth. And some miracle stories are not legends at all, but true accounts of God's interventions. Brigid was the daughter of a slave woman and a chieftain, who liberated her at the urging of his overlord. As a girl, she sensed a call to become a nun, and St. Mel, Bishop of Armagh, received her vows. Before Brigid, consecrated virgins lived at home with their families. But the saint, imitating Patrick, began to assemble nuns in communities, an historic move which enriched the Church in Ireland. In 771 Brigid founded a monastery for both women and men at Kildare. This was the first convent in Ireland, and Brigid was the abbess. Under her leadership, Kildare became a center of learning and spirituality. Her school of art fashioned both lovely utensils for worship and beautifully illustrated manuscripts. Again following Patrick's model, Brigid used Kildare as a base and built convents throughout the island. Brigid's hallmark was uninhibited, generous giving to anyone in need. Many of the saint's earliest miracles seem to have rescued her from punishment for having given something to the poor that was intended for someone else. For example, once as a child she gave a piece of bacon to a dog, and was glad to find it replaced when she was about to be disciplined. Brigid exhibited this unbounded charity all her life, giving away valuables, clothing, food--anything close by--to anyone who asked. The saint's unbounded hospitality is the context in which we should read this famous Celtic poem attributed to her: I should like a great lake of ale For the King of the kings. I should like the family of heaven To be drinking it through time eternal. I should like the viands Of belief and pure piety, I should like [scythes] Of penance at my house. I should like the men of heaven In my own house; I should like [tubs] of peace to be at their disposal. I should like vessels Of charity for distribution. I should like vesselsB Of mercy for their company. I should like cheerfulness To be in their drinking; I should like Jesus, Too, to be there among them. I should like the three Marys of illustrious renown; I should like the people Of heaven there from all parts. I should like that I should be A rent-payer to the Lord; That, should I suffer distress, He would bestow on me a good blessing. We should beware of reading twenty-first century notions into a fifth-century poem. Ale in Brigid's Ireland, for example, was a nutritious malt drink brewed and served in every household. You could not get drunk on it, and our tea is a much stronger stimulant. The poem celebrates bountiful larders, which Brigid never knew. She always had to scrounge for something to give. She expected heaven to be different, overflowing with goodness and satisfying everyone's deepest hungers. One of the most appealing things told of Brigid is her contemporaries' belief that there was peace in her blessing. Not merely did contentiousness die out in her presence, but just as by the touch of her hand she healed leprosy, so by her very will for peace she healed strife and laid antiseptics on the suppurating bitterness that foments it. —Alice Curtayne From Bert Ghezzi, Voices of the Saints (www.bertghezzi.com) MASS INTENTIONS Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Don Gallagher John Roderick 8:30AM Richard Michalski Joe, Jerry and Chris Cina Intentions of Rosemary Peaskowski 7:00AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00PM Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22; Mk 5:21-43 Josephine Caruso Jim Cathcart Bill Lawless Chris Holihan Kathy Yanchis Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103; Mk 6:1-6 Gary and Michael Sydnor Bill Lawless Jeff Malm Annie D’Souza Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48; Mk 6:7-13 Margaret Kiffe Jeremy Jones Mark Panico Karen Panico All the People of the Parish Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27; Mk 6:14-29 Fermin and Myriam Arana Joseph Mulson Asuncion Herrera 8:30AM Bill Lawless Chris Holihan Jim Cathcart 7:00AM Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23; Mk 6:30-34 Tomasita Baco Chris Aurand Emma Sisco 5:00PM Joan Floegel Bud Mahoney Brennan-Schad Families Mary Giordano 7:00PM Brunilda Camacho Maida Ravasa 8:00AM W E E K LY C A L E N D A R Living Your Strengths Workshop – Parish Office – 2:00PM Baptism Class – School Cafeteria – 3:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM Life Teen Meeting – PLC – 6:30PM Men’s Bible Study – Mother Teresa Room – 7:00AM Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM Centering Prayer Meeting – Parish Office – 6:30PM New Beginnings Class – School Room 105 – 7:00PM “Shine” Young Adults Meeting – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 7:00PM The Gospel of Matthew Series – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:15PM Father Ed’s Bible Class – Parish Office – 7:30AM Knights of Columbus Meting – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM First Communion Meeting – PLC – 6:30PM CCW General Meeting – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM John XXIII Meeting – School Cafeteria – 7:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 7:15PM The Gospel of Matthew Series – PLC – 9:45AM AARP Tax Aide – Pope John Paul II Room – 10:00AM Women’s Theology Group – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 11:30AM Wednesday Afternoon Seniors – Mother Teresa Room – 1:00PM P.R.E.P. – Church – 4:00PM EDGE Meeting – PLC – 7:00PM Our Lady’s Rosary Group – Chapel – 7:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Chapel – 9:00AM AARP Tax Aide – Pope John Paul II Room – 10:00AM Oración Centrante – Parish Office – 10:00AM Niños en Accion – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 6:30PM Benediction – Chapel – 7:00PM Family Movie Night – PLC – 7:00PM Newcomers Pot Puck Dinner – School Cafeteria – 7:00PM Renovacion Carismática – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM Leadership Gathering – PLC – 9:00AM Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 P.R.E.P. – Church – 9:15AM 8:00AM Chris Holihan Mary’s Bible Study – School Cafeteria – 9:30AM Life Teen Dance – PLC – 7:00PM Justin Auciello Joel Robles 10:00AM Paul and Muriel Dacey Regina Richards Irish American Society Meeting – School Cafeteria – 1:00PM Safe Return of our U.S. Deployed Military Church Tour – Concierge Desk – 1:30PM 12:00PM Joe Verlander Retrovaille Meeting – Pope John Paul II Room – 2:00PM Deceased Members of the K of C The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM Deceased Members of the Wakefield-Iannelli Families Life Teen Meeting – PLC – 6:30PM 5:30PM Vega Voit Glorian Sates T. Damien O’Niele Fr. Ed’s Question Box will return next week! God Bless You! Ailyn Sates
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