Requirements Contact Us Students entering the program from outside the school’s geographical boundaries must complete an Application for Optional Schools at the Board of Education, 160 S. Hollywood St., Room C106. Parents of applicants must provide a copy of the most recent comprehensive report card and a copy of the student’s current nationally normed or TCAP Achievement Test scores. Students must also meet the following requirements: • Students applying for grades one and two will be required to take the Optional admittance tests at Willow Oaks. No other tests will be accepted for admittance into grades one and two. • Parents of applicants will be contacted for testing dates. Students tested for first and second grades must score at or above the 65th percentile in total reading and total math on the admittance tests. • Students applying for grade one must have earned M (Mastery) for 85% or more of the second quarter Kindergarten Report Card Skills. At the end of fourth quarter, students applying for grade one must have earned M (Mastery) or C (Completion) for 85% or more of the fourth quarter Kindergarten Report Card Skills. In addition, applicants for grade one must have earned a grade of S or above in all skills and behaviors that support learning after the first quarter. There may be no conduct or content grades below S in support classes after the first quarter. • On the most recent report card, all applicants for grades two through five must have no report card grades below C or S. • Current nationally normed or TCAP Achievement Test scores for grades three through five should indicate that the student is functioning at or above the 65th percentile on the Reading/Language Arts AND the Mathematics subtests or its equivalent. • Students applying for grades two through five must be reading from a grade-level reader with no report card grades below C or S. • Students must have no grades lower than a C or S as a semester average on the most recent report card. Conduct must be E, G or S. • Attendance (including promptness to school) must be satisfactory. A total of more than 15 absences, tardies, and/or early dismissals is considered unsatisfactory. • Students must earn E or S in Conduct and Content for non-academic subjects, such as Physical Education, Music, and Art. The principal and staff at Willow Oaks Elementary encourage parents and prospective Optional students to visit the school. Please call the school office to schedule a guided tour. To remain in the Optional Program, students must maintain the entrance requirements for grades, conduct, skills and behaviors, academic and support subjects, and attendance. Willow Oaks Elementary (901) 416-2196 Department of Optional Schools and Advanced Academics (901) 416-5338 Willow Oaks on the Web Board Members Teresa Jones, Chair Kevin D. Woods, Vice Chair Shante K. Avant Miska Clay Bibbs Chris Caldwell Mike Kernell Stephanie Love Scott McCormick William “Billy” Orgel Dorsey Hopson II, Esq., Superintendent Transportation is the responsibility of the student’s parents/legal guardians. Final approval is contingent upon review of the student’s final report card. Shelby County Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or genetic information.12/14 Enriched Academics Quality Environment Willow Oaks Elementary School • Seventy-four percent of professional staff holds Master’s degrees or higher. • One hundred percent of teachers are state certified and Highly Qualified for the grades/subjects they teach. • Every classroom is a Responsive Classroom where teachers maintain a nurturing, student-friendly learning environment. • Technology is integrated in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. • Specialists deliver instruction in computer technology, vocal and Orff music, strings, art, piano, and physical education. • Character education is a school-wide emphasis. • Ten National Board Certified Teachers grace our staff. • Creative Learning in a Unique Environment (CLUE)* is available for eligible students. • Every Optional student works in our state-of-the-art computer technology learning lab. • All classrooms are equipped with SMART Board technology and student workstations. • A spacious, computerized library and a teacher resource center are equipped with laptops and engaging learning resources. • Students have wireless internet access to resources that specifically support and enhance the curriculum. Grades 1-5 4417 Willow Road Memphis, TN 38117 Principal: Pat Alexander (901) 416-2196 What We Value: Academic, Social and Emotional Growth Arts and technology support the enriched academics Optional Program at Willow Oaks. Teachers promote enthusiasm and excitement for learning daily by helping students understand and apply what they are learning to everyday life. Although our primary focus is continuous academic growth, we believe that all students grow academically, as well as benefit socially and emotionally in a safe, caring and orderly environment. We believe that helping students learn to take care of themselves, others and their community is an essential part of their education. The school’s highly talented and dedicated professional staff provides a balance of structure, creativity, and discipline in a child-centered atmosphere. *Students must meet eligibility requirements to participate. What We Offer Advantages of the School The Willow Oaks curriculum includes all state performance standards, while stressing a higher level of learning in Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer Technology, and the Visual and Performing Arts. Teachers encourage all students to achieve at higher levels through project-based instruction, arts competitions and performances, and enriched academic activities. Willow Oaks has a challenging academic program that prepares each student to excel in middle school and beyond as lifelong learners. Three new initiatives support our academic focus: 1) “Thirty Classics by Fifth” ensures that every student will have read thirty specifically identified works of classic literature. 2) “Fry Word Fridays” supports our conviction that vocabulary mastery is critical to reading success at every grade level. 3) “Field Trips with Purpose” supports our belief that students must see and explore the world around them and use those experiences as the basis for further exploration and writing opportunities. • Conveniently located in East Memphis, near I-240 • Faculty trained in developing opportunities to expand upon the curiosity of the child through the use of critical and creative thinking strategies • Multifaceted student experiences in gathering, processing, and applying information • Cooperative group activities and challenging individual assignments to strengthen learning, based on students’ learning styles • Strong emphasis on oral and written communication, creative writing, and problem-solving skills • Recipient of numerous grants to enhance instruction • Emphasis on student self-discipline and self-motivation while building respect for people, property, and community • Active and supportive Parent Teacher Organization • Strong community support through school adopters, community partners and active parent volunteers • Enriched before- and after-school child care available • Class piano, chorus, and strings classes • After-school clubs and activities include Honors Club, dance, ballet, tennis, Girls in Pearls, Guys in Ties, and more Parent and Community Support At Willow Oaks we believe that building trust and respect among parents, teachers, students, and community is critical to our success as a school. Parents visit the school, volunteer in our classrooms, and organize a variety of school activities. We enjoy enthusiastic parental involvement through a wide range of events, including Family Reading Night, CSI Math and Science Night, parenting seminars, Open House, Book Fair, Willow Walk & Fall Festival, Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, WATCH D.O.G.S., and more. In addition, parents enthusiastically support our visual and performing arts groups (Spring Arts Academy, chorus, strings, dance, and piano) as they practice, perform and compete throughout the year. Academic events include Awards Day ceremonies every nine weeks, Fifth Grade Promotion and our annual Spelling Bee. The school is proud to have several enthusiastic and devoted adopters and community supporters, including The Dixon Gallery and Gardens, C.B. Richard Ellis Co., Aldersgate Church, and White Station Church of Christ.
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