38th GRC Annual Meeting, Part Two “Geothermal: A Global Solution” Attendees gather for the biggest annual geothermal event in the world. he latest edition of the GRC Annual T Meeting and GEA Geothermal Energy Expo was held in late September/early October in Portland, Oregon, USA. Over 1,400 attendees from 39 countries around the world convened in the “City of Roses” and by all accounts had a very fruitful and enjoyable meeting. We are documenting the meeting in two parts. In the last GRC Bulletin we reported on the Opening Session, Golf Tournament, International Luncheon and one of the Field Trips. In this issue we write about the GRC Awards, other GRC Fieldtrips, Student Leadership Luncheon, Poster and Technical Session awards, GEA trade show and the 34th Geothermal Photo Contest. 24 GRC Bulletin l www.geothermal.org Membership Meeting & Awards Luncheon by Ian Crawford As a climax to the celebrations, distinguished colleagues in the geothermal community from around the world were honored at the GRC Awards Luncheon. The AWARDS WINNERS are: Joseph W. Aidlin Award Marilyn Nemzer For her long-term commitment to the Geothermal Resources Council and extraordinary devotion to the promotion of geothermal energy through education. Ben Holt Award John R. Brugman For lifetime achievement and innovation in geothermal power plant and process design. John Brugman gives thanks for his Ben Holt Award Marilyn Nemzer accepts the Joseph W. Aidlin Award with Awards Program Chair Karl Urbank (left) and Award presenter Dennis Gilles (center) applauding in the background. Geothermal Pioneer Award Joseph LaFleur For lifetime achievement in the exploration and development of geothermal resources worldwide. Award presenter Marcelo Lippmann (left) looks on as Colin Goranson receives applause for his Geothermal Special Achievement Award. Geothermal Special Achievement Award Colin Goranson For outstanding geological interpretation, well testing, and reservoir and drilling engineering contributions to the characterization and development of geothermal prospects. Geothermal Special Achievement Award Jill Robinson Haizlip For her contribution to geochemistry, her efforts to expand the use of geothermal worldwide, and for mentoring young geoscientists. Joe LaFleur receives his award from Karl Urbank (far left), award presenter and GRC Annual Meeting Chair Alex Sifford (second left) and GRC President Louis Capuano, Jr. (right). Henry J. Ramey Jr. Award Anthony (Tony) J. Menzies For innovation in geothermal reservoir engineering and leadership and dedication in supporting the geothermal industry worldwide. Tony Menzies beams with delight as he waits for his award to be presented. Jill Haizlip receives her award from Karl Urbank (far left), award presenter Sabodh Gard (second left) and GRC President Louis Capuano, Jr. (right). January/February 2015 25 Poster Session Awards GRC Annual Meeting: Awards Luncheon Ann Robertson-Tait smiles as she waits to accept her award with Louis Capuano, Jr. looking on. Geothermal Special Achievement Award Ann Robertson-Tait For her great contribution to the study of geothermal systems around the world and for her leadership in the geothermal community. Best Student Poster The History of Lightning Dock KGRA: Identifying a Blind Geothermal Resource, James Crowell, & Anna M.Crowell. James & Anna Crowell (center) are flanked by award presenters GRC Board Members Toni Boyd (left) and Charlene Wardlow (right). Best Non-Student Poster Can Deep Stratigraphic Reservoirs Sustain 100 MW Power Plants? by Rick Allis & Joe Moore. The 2014 GRC Award Winners. From left to right: Colin Goranson, John Brugman, Jill Haizlip, Marilyn Nemzer, Joe LaFleur, Ann Robertson-Tait and Tony Menzies. ~~~~~~~ Rick Allis explains the research behind his poster presentation. Andrea Aguirre of Cornell University talks to Joe Moore, GRC Annual Meeting Education Chair about her poster presentation. Jay Hepper accepts his first place certificate in the GRC Geothermal Photo Competition from Karl Urbank (left). The winning photos can be seen on page 29. ~~~~~~~ For more photos of the Awards Luncheon, go to https://flic.kr/s/aHsk4szrkh 26 GRC Bulletin l www.geothermal.org For more photos of the Poster Session, go to https://flic.kr/s/aHsk4v1gRS Outstanding Technical Session Presentation Awards Awarded by Session Chairs Basin & Range - Regional Crustal Discontinuities as Guides for Geothermal Exploration, Siler, Drew & Kennedy, B. Mack & Wannamaker, Philip. Business Development - Geothermal Power for Integration of Intermittent Generation, Edmunds, Thomas & Sotorrio, Pedro & Buscheck, Thomas & Bielicki, Jeffrey. Case Studies - The Don A. Campbell Geothermal Project, Orenstein, Rahm & Delwiche, Ben. Direct Use/Heat Pump - Enhanced Agricultural Production From an Intensive Bottom Heat System Using Waste Geothermal Hot Water and Steam Condensate in Iceland, Dell, Robert & Unnthorsson, Runar & Wei, C.S. & Foley, William. Drilling - Downhole Power Source for Geothermal Drilling and Well Development Enabled by a Novel Extreme High Temperature (200°C+) Ultracapacitor, Brambilla, Nicolo & Martini, Fabrizio. EGS 1 - The ECOGI EGS Project in Rittershoffen, France, Baujard, Clement & Genter, Albert & Maurer, Vincent & Dalmais, Eleonore & Graff, JeanJacques & Schmittbuhl, Jean. EGS 2 - Utilization of PVA Flakes in Promoting Selfdegradation of Temporary Cementitious Fracture Sealing Material, Sugama, Toshifumi & Pyatina, Tatiana. EGS 3 - Numerical Thermo-Elastic Simulation for Change in Fracture Aperture Associated With Cold Fluid Injection, Kaneta, Kosuke & Mukuhira, Yusuke & Ito, Takatoshi. Exploration 1 - Prospecting for a Blind Geothermal System Utilizing Geologic and Geophysical Data, Seven Troughs Range, Northwestern Nevada, Forson, Corina & Faulds, James & Wannamaker, Philip. Exploration 2 - Toward a Continuum Geothermal Model to Explain Variety of Medium to High Temperature Geothermal Systems in Martinique and Guadeloupe (French Lesser Antilles), Bouchot, Vincent & Gadalia, Alain & Traineau, Herve & Caritg, Severine. Finance/Economics - Uncertainty Analysis of Geothermal Well Drilling and Completion Costs, Silverman, Rachel & Lukawski, Maciej & Tester, Jefferson. Geochemistry - Mineral Selection for Multicomponent Equilibrium Geothermometry, Palmer, Carl & Ohly, Sara & Smith, Robert & Neupane, Ghanashyam & McLing, Travis & Mattson, Earl. Geology - Determination of Geothermal Anomalies Through Multivariate Regression of Background Variables at Yellowstone National Park Using Landsat 5 TM Thermal Band Data, Karki, Sita & Kobs Nawotniak, Shannon & Bottenberg, Carrie & McCurry, Michael & Welhan, John. Geophysics - Imaging the Roots of High-Temperature Geothermal Systems Using MT: Results From the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, Lindsey, Nathaniel & Bertrand, Edward & Caldwell, Grant & Gasperikova, Erika & Newman, Gregory. Instrumentation - Test-Stand for Geothermal Borehole Probes, Holbein, Benedict & Isele, Jorg & Spatafora, Luigi. International - Geothermal Water for Mining, Ussher, Greg & Parker, Cameron & Catane, John Patrick & Urzua, Luis & Mills, Tracy. Nevada - Alternatives to Reduce the High Cost and Risk of Exploration, Drilling For Geothermal Development Case Study - Northern Nevada 2010-2012, Banta, Mathew. Oil & Gas - Analysis of Sedimentary Geothermal Systems Using an Analytical Reservoir Model, Augustine, Chad. Plant Chemistry - Control and Online Removal of Metal Sulfide Deposits, Muller, Logan & Gill, Jasbir & Rodman, David & Brown, Kevin & Robinson, Ray. Plant Design - Optimization of NCG System Lineups, Harvey, William & Fishman, Matthew. January/February 2015 27 ~~~~~~~ GRC Annual Meeting, Part Two Plant Operations - Increased Reliability and Availability of a Geothermal Steam Turbine, Archambeault, David & Larsen, Garth & Layton, Mark. Plant Turbines - The Geothermal Radial Outflow Turbine, Spadacini, Claudio & Xodo, Luca & Quaia, Matteo & Frassinetti, Marco & Rizzi, Dario. Power Cycle - Combined Cycle Strategies for High Enthalpy, High Non-Condensable Gas Resources, Dunford, Tim & Lewis, Bill & Wallace, Kevin & Harvey, William. Power Solar - Design and Implementation of the Gumuskoy Hybrid Geothermal and Solar Thermal Power System, Kuyumcu, Ozgur Caglan & Serin, Onur & Ozalevli, Camil Cihan & Baker, Derk Keith & Somek, Sulejman Kazim. Regulatory/Environmental/Policy - Social and Political Consequences of Geothermal: A Case Study from the Nereidas Valley, Colombia, Dewhurst, Kara S. Reservoir Engineering - 3D Poro-thermo-elastic Numerical Model for Analyzing Pressure Transient Response to Improve the Characterization of Naturally Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs, Abdel Azim, Reda & Gholizadeh Doonechaly, Nima & Rahman, Sheik & Tyson, Stephen & Regenauer-Lieb, Klaus. Resource Assessment - Smart Tracers for Geothermal Reservoir Assessment, Du Frane, Wyatt & Vericella, John & Duoss, Eric & Smith, Megan & Aines, Roger & Roberts, Jeff. Resource Management - Summary of Historical Production for Nevada Binary Facilities, Hanson, Hillary & Mines, Greg. Sedimentary Basin 1 - Can Deep Stratigraphic Reservoirs Sustain 100 MW Power Plants, Allis, Rick & Moore, Joseph. Sedimentary Basin 2 - High Heat Flow in the Idaho Thrust Belt: A Hot Sedimentary Geothermal Prospect, Welhan, John & Gwynn, Mark. 28 GRC Bulletin l www.geothermal.org The GRC has added all the papers associated with the 2014 GRC Annual Meeting Technical Session presentations, including the winning presentations listed above, to the GRC Geothermal Library at www.geothermal-library.org. Papers from the 2014 Annual Meeting are available for members only. Papers from previous years are available for all. Call for Papers The GRC invites you to present your latest technical work in geothermal research, exploration, development and utilization at the 39th GRC Annual Meeting to be held in Reno, Nevada, USA, September 20-23. Successful selection to present at the 2015 GRC Annual Meeting is prestigious and recognizes the presenter as a top industry expert. International participation is key to the success of the GRC Annual Meeting technical programs and we encourage geothermal researchers and experts from around the world to submit their work for consideration to be presented. Authors may submit an oral technical presentation and/or poster at the 2015 GRC’s Annual Meeting. The Draft Paper submission deadline is April 10, 2015. More information can be found on the GRC Annual Meeting webpage at: www.geothermal.org/meet-new.html. Photo Contest Winners In total, 47 photos were entered in the 35th Annual Amateur Geothermal Photography Contest where they were judged for impact, relevance, composition and technical quality. In appreciation of their achievement, GRC awarded cash prizes to photo contest winners. GRC appreciates the creativity and quality of all contest submissions and looks forward to next year’s photo contest to be announced and showcased at the 39th Annual Meeting, September 20-23, 2015 at the Peppermill Resort Spa, Reno, Nevada, USA. 1st Place 1st Place: Coil Tubing from 125 ft. Manlift by Jay Hepper, Cobb, California, USA. 2nd Place: Nga Awa Purua Pipes by Sarah Milicich, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. 3rd Place: El Tatio Dawn by James Stimac, Santa Rosa, California, USA. 2nd Place Honorable Mention: The Bulldog by Andrew Tiedeman, Fallon, Nevada, USA. Honorable Mention: Steaming Pilgrim Lagoon, Fall Colors and Kiqluiak Mountains by Dick Benoit, Reno, Nevada, USA. Honorable Mention: Man Made Rainbow by Sam Abraham, Nairobi, Kenya. ~~~~~~~ To see all the photos in the Geothermal Photo Contest, go to https://flic.kr/s/aHsk2rXKcg Honorable Mention 3rd Place Honorable Mention Honorable Mention January/February 2015 29 Student Leadership Luncheon A highlight of the Annual Meeting, the GRC Student Leadership Luncheon attracted more than 60 students and geothermal leaders to discuss job opportunities in the industry. GRC Field Trip to Mount Saint Helens The most popular GRC Field trip from the GRC Annual Meeting was the one-day excursion to Mount Saint Helens in neighboring Washington State. 43 attendees spent an enjoyable day exploring the sleeping volcano, notorious for its catastrophic eruption on May 18, 1980, the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in the history of the United States. Expert guides from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Richard Waitt and Willie Scott led a fascinating tour of the still recovering area. Charlene Wardlow (left), Director Business Development at Ormat Nevada Inc. talks to a student about her work. PHOTO IAN CRAWFORD Paul Brophy, GRC President imparts his geothermal wisdom. PHOTO IAN CRAWFORD The trippers gather for a first look at the slumbering volcano. COURTESY DUNCAN FOLEY GRC Board member Gene Suemnicht (at one o’clock at the table) leads the discussion. PHOTO IAN CRAWFORD ~~~~~~~ To see more photos from the GRC Student Luncheon go to: https://flic.kr/s/aHsk5777Kx Richard Waitt (left) and Willie Scott (right) are loud and clear! COURTESY DUNCAN FOLEY ~~~~~~~ To see more photos from the GRC Fieldtrip to Mt. St. Helens go to: https://flic.kr/s/aHsk67mqJt 30 GRC Bulletin l www.geothermal.org GEA Geothermal Energy Expo In conjunction with the GRC Annual Meeting the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) ran the Geothermal Energy Expo. The GRC/GEA Opening Reception in the Expo Hall is one of the social highlights of the meeting. The folks at the Power Engineers booth give a warm welcome. The GRC/GEA Opening Reception is a networking nirvana. Desmond Stubbs (left) of Oak Ridge Associated Universities enjoys a chat. Angel Pedraza, Eduardo Reyes of Solenis and Isaac Silva of CFE represent Mexico in Portland, Oregon. Steve Ahn (left) of Chicago Title National Services visits Rahm Orenstein and Tatum Jackson (right) at the Ormat booth. Paul Brophy (left) president of EGS, Inc. and the GRC President for 2015-16 with Juliet Newson, President of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) 2013-2016. Unless otherwise attributed, all GRC Annual Meeting photos by Naim Hasan Photography LLC of Portland, Oregon. ~~~~~~~ To see more photos from the GRC\GEA Opening Reception go to: https://flic.kr/s/aHsk4t7Tss n January/February 2015 31
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