Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Conference January 28-31, 2015 Hilton Anchorage Hotel Reaching Potential Together: Join in the Journey Promoting and inspiring excellence in the early care and education of young children, birth through age eight. CONFERENCE PROGRAM An engaging high quality learning experience with sessions designed for Professionals who are Emerging, Established and Experienced. 1 Welcome FROM 2015 CONFERENCE CHAIRS On behalf of the Anchorage AEYC Board of Directors and the Conference Committee we welcome you to the 2015 Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Conference, Reaching Potential Together: Join in the Journey. Over the course of this conference, we encourage you to enjoy time with your colleagues, make new connections, become inspired, and come away with rich ideas and reflections that will positively impact the work you do. This year’s conference offers a wide array of educational sessions with four dynamic keynote speakers, two national speakers and over 140 workshops presented by local speakers. Please make sure you take time to check out the wonderful vendors in our Exhibit Hall as well who have brought their state-of-the-art wares for you to enjoy. Your feed back is important to us so we can continue to improve the conference whether you are with us one or all four days. Please watch your e-mail for your conference evaluation form, fill it out and return to the committee. We are already planning for next year’s conference, so save the dates of January 27-30, 2016. Enjoy the 2015 conference! Neva Lancaster & Bonny Monson 2015 Conference Co-Chairs 2014-15 Anchorage AEYC Board of Directors President Kyle Gardner President-Elect Secretary/Historian Tracy Breimo Treasurer Christina Eubanks Membership Professional Development Jessica Gardner Public Policy Stephanie O’Brien Program Quality: Outreach, Support & Accreditation Scholarships Angie Lantz Liaisons: thread Amy Bradford Anchorage AEYC is looking for our next wave of leaders to serve on the Anchorage AEYC Board of Directors & 2016 Conference Planning Committee. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved in the largest organization of early care and education professionals in Alaska. Volunteer Conference Committee Members Conference Chairs: Neva Lancaster & Bonny Monson Committee Members: Tracy Breimo, Anna Castillo, Jessica Gardner, Cassie Hulse, Monica Luther, Mandy Mundell, Melissa Pickle, Jane Parkhurst Rachel Shanks and Mark Wasierski. Conference Coordinators: 2 C&C Services Cecilia Harmon & Christie Holshouser Stop by the Anchorage AEYC Exhibit Booth or the conference registration desk to speak to a current board or conference committee member to find out how you can volunteer today! Or email us at: [email protected] Thanks to our SPONSORS Anchorage AEYC Board of Directors and Conference Committee members thank the conference sponsors in recognition of their generous financial support and other donations which contribute greatly to the success of this event. Please let them know how much their support means to Alaska’s children, families, communities and you as an educator. Contents Exhibitors 47 General Information 14-15 Keynote & Guest Speakers Map of Hotel 48 NAEYC Membership 12 Presenter Contact 46 Scholarship Recipient 2014 5 Silent Auction 25 Special Events 25-26 Tribute to Cindy Harrington 4 Week of the Young Child 13 Workshop Descriptions 6-11 16-43 Wednesday in Detail 16 Thursday in Detail 20 Friday in Detail 30 Saturday in Detail 38 Conference Bags provided by: Thanks! Anchorage AEYC strives to meet it’s mission of: “ Leading families, professionals, policy makers, and members of our communities to promote a vision of all young children living and learning in a diverse and supportive world.“ 3 4 Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Education Scholarship The Anchorage AEYC Scholarships are offered quarterly to assist early childhood educators and providers who are pursuing a degree or certificate in Early Childhood in the state of Alaska as well as to providers who wish to attend any early childhood conference either in Alaska or out of state. Congratulations 2014 Scholarship Recipient: Applications for the Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Education Scholarship are available now on the Anchorage AEYC website: Funds from the Silent Auction support this scholarship. There will be items in the Silent Auction for you to bid on each day of the conference as well as items that are bid on until Saturday. Jane Parkhurst \The Early Childhood Education Scholarship began in honor of the late Ms. Lare’, a long time public policy advocate on behalf of young children, their families and the individuals who worked with them on a daily basis. She was a past Ms. Lare’ Anchorage AEYC board president & member of the board of directors, member on many NAEYC committees, chair of the Anchorage AEYC conference committee, a mover and shaker for KidPack, sat on the Child Care Alliance committee and a strong supporter of Head Start. How to Make the Most of Your Conference Experience …….. Food Anchorage AEYC plans our Annual Conference with great care. It is our goal to provide you with workshops, events, entertainment and exhibits that will enrich your professional life in many different ways. To assist you in maximizing your conference experience, we would like to offer the following suggestions: This year lunch is provided (included in your registration fee) if you are attending on Thursday and Saturday. On Wednesday and Friday lunch is on your own. Allow appropriate time to get to workshops so you can arrive in plenty of time to avoid a closed workshop. Conference volunteers must close a workshop when all chairs are occupied (full capacity) to conform to fire code regulations. If a workshop is not what you need or expect, then please leave quietly. A more suitable workshop may be available nearby. As an alternative to traditional learning experiences, consider visiting the Exhibit Hall. Please allow yourself time to relax and reflect on your conference experience. Consider: learning to “slow down” as your personal learning objective. Badges Badges must be worn at all times. Entrance to workshops and for lunch on Thursday and Saturday will not be permitted without the proper badge. Network & Nosh Gather insight, solutions and best practices from peers, exhibitors and experts throughout the conference in sessions, during breaks and in conversations! Electronic Devices Please have electronic devices turned off or in silent mode during all sessions. Mingle with Exhibitors Play, explore and re-discover exciting and valuable resources to bring back to your programs. Exhibit Hours: 8:30 am-5:30 pm Thursday 7:30 am-5:15 pm Friday 7:30-2:00 pm Saturday 4:30-5:30 pm Thursday, Exhibitor’s Gala! Join us for some fun! Dress Code Dress code is casual. Temperatures will vary greatly from room to room. Please dress in layers and wear comfortable shoes for walking. Conference Information Program Guidelines Please Be Courteous It’s wonderful to catch up with colleagues but please not while speakers are addressing the group. If you need a place to sit and chat inquire at registration desk as we have rooms available. 5 Dr. Larry Burd is a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Director of the North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center and FAS Clinic. Dr. Burd has been with the Pediatric Therapy Program for 32 years where he has evaluated over 16,000 children with birth defects, developmental disorders and mental illness. Dr. Burd has conducted research in 41 countries around the world. He has ongoing longitudinal studies of linked cohorts of subjects with Tourette syndrome, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome and infant mortality risk that are in their 26th year of data collection. He published over 200 professional papers on topics dealing with development and behavior in children and adolescents. He is also Director of the North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center and the FAS Clinic. The North Dakota FAS Center serves the entire state of North Dakota. The center has been in operation for 24 years. The FAS Clinic sees 150 new patients each year from across North Dakota and surrounding states. Dr. Burd is currently one of the co-PIs of the PASS Network, a $28 million NIH funded network to examine maternal and environmental risk factors for stillbirth, infant mortality including SIDS and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Burd will be presenting: Thursday, January 29th Featured Speaker 8:30-9:30 1:15-2:45 3:00-4:30 Keynote: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: What can we do and how can we help? This keynote will identify children who have FASD especially those who do not meet criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. Working with Parents of children with FASD The emphasis will be on identification of infants who have FASD especially those who do not meet criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. This will focus on strategies that can be applied in everyday settings by people with a wide range of professional training and experiences. This presentation will be divided into four parts: 1. How fetal alcohol exposure results in changes in brain and behavior of young children; 2. Strategies for early identification by screening and awareness of population prevalence of FASD; 3. Working with parents of children with FASD; 4 Strategies for management: What should we do and when should we do it? Denali Room Common Behavior Problems in Young Children The emphasis of this workshop will be on identification of infants who have FASD especially those who do not meet criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. This will focus on strategies that can be applied in everyday settings by people with a wide range of professional training and experience. This presentation will be divided into four parts: 1. How fetal alcohol exposure results in changes in the brain and behavior of young children; 2. Strategies for early identification by screening and awareness of population prevalence of FASD; 3 Working with parents of children with FASD; 4. Strategies for management: What Should we do and when should we do it? Denali Room Friday, January 30th 10:15-12:15 Challenges of Engaging Families Where the Parent has Been Prenatally Impacted This workshop will focus on the identification of infants who have FASD especially those who do not met criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. This will focus on strategies that can be applied in everyday settings by people with a wide range of professional training and experience. This session will be divided into four parts: 1. How fetal alcohol exposure results in changes in brain and behavior of young children; 2. Strategies for early identification by screening and awareness of population prevalence of FASD; 3. Working with parents of children with FASD; 4. Strategies for management: What should we do and when should we do it? Aleutian Room 6 Partner Sponsor: Cathy Cole is a highly accomplished professional with more than 30 years of progressively responsible experience in the field of Early Care and Education. Cathy began her career as a preschool teacher and also had the great opportunity to work with infants, toddlers and school age children within private programs as well as Head Start, Migrant Head Start and California State Preschool programs. Following her experiences within the classroom, Cathy moved on to become a Head Start Delegate Director, a Head Start Grantee Interim Director, a National Head Start Consultant and a Head Start Federal Reviewer. She served as the Professional Growth Project Manager for the California Child Development Training Consortium, managing the statewide Professional Growth Advisor training and support project. Cathy is a certified facilitator/coach for Dr. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and 4 Roles of Leadership and has also taught the Early Childhood Administration of Preschool Programs, Supervising Adults and Mentoring, and Curriculum for Preschool courses at the local community college in Modesto, CA. Cathy has an Associate of Arts degree in Child Development, a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Education and a Master of Science degree in Education Administration. Since 2004, as an independent Early Care and Education Consultant, Cathy draws from her classroom and administrative experiences to assist Early Care and Education staff and administration through her many presentations, consultations and trainings to develop, enhance and implement effective programs and services nationwide. Cathy Cole will be presenting: 10:00-12:00 1:15-2:45 3:00-4:30 Observing, Reflecting and Planning - Part I Observing Observing, Reflecting and Planning - Part II Reflecting Observing, Reflecting and Planning - Part III Planning Observing and assessing children play a key role in the teaching and caring for young children. An effective observation and assessment system helps teachers to learn about each child’s individual needs and interests and allows them to reflect on how best to plan experiences and activities to support each child’s development and learning. Through this training participants will: * Explore techniques for observing, recording, and evaluating a child’s developmental progress; * Learn strategies of techniques to effectively develop and enhance child observation skills; * Learn techniques for using child observation as a tool for collecting assessment information and for purposeful planning of activities and experiences and development of the learning environment. Iliamna Room Featured Speaker Thursday, January 29th: Friday, January 30th: 10:15-12:15 Engaging in Concept Development 1:45-5:00 Observing, Reflecting and Planning Concept Development is the teacher’s ability to plan for and provide classroom experiences, discussions, and activities to develop and promote children’s higher level thinking skills. In this hands-on engaging workshop participants learn how to plan and implement activities that engage the children in connecting concepts to real life experiences and previous knowledge, problem solving, experimentation, prediction and classifying and comparison. Iliamna Room A condensed version of Thursday’s presentations. Iliamna Room Partner Sponsors: 7 Featured Speaker Myra G Crouch 8 serves as the Chief Program Officer for the Council for Profes- sional Recognition, where she is responsible for leading and overseeing the National Child Development Associate ™ Credentialing Program. She joined the Council as no stranger to the Head Start and early childhood community, where she leads an effort aimed at improving the professional development experience of the early care workforce. Prior to joining the Council, Myra served as the Director of Education and Technical Assistance Services for STG International, Inc. where she provided strategic development in support of the Office of Head Start’s Regional Training and Technical Assistance Centers in Regions II, IV, V, VI and IX. She chaired STGi’s Early Childhood Advisory Board and led strategic activities at the national level, including activities involving the business community’s investment in early childhood programs. She brings 20 plus years of experience in managing and directing Head Start, Early Head Start programs and other early childhood programs. She has extensive expertise and a wealth of knowledge in the field of early childhood education, as it relates to training and technical assistance, professional development, strategic planning, public policy and program design and management. Prior to joining STG International, she was the Subject Matter Expert in Program Design and Management for the Head Start Knowledge and Information Management Services contract (HSKIMS) for the Office of Head Start, where she was solely responsible for the content development in Program Design and Management and information management services for the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC). In her capacity as Subject Matter Expert for HSKIMS, she provided technical assistance to members of the Office of Head Start’s Regional T/TA Network and has worked with other federal contractors to execute planning and implementation of key Office of Head Start initiatives. She has also served in several program capacities, as the Head Start Administrator for Fairfax County's Office for Children in Virginia and as Project Director for the Ohio Head Start-Public School Transition Project. Ms. Crouch is an accomplished public speaker, Adjunct Professor and has served three years as a Faculty Member for the National Head Start Association’s (NHSA) Leadership Academy. Myra will be presenting: Wednesday, January 28th Supporting the ECE Community as a CDA Professional Development Specialist 9:45-11:45 Join this session to learn more about the Council for Professional Recognition’s Professional Development Specialist System in CDA 2.0 and how it supports meeting the professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals. Participants will engage in discussion around professional development experiences and how the new role of PD Specialist aligns with assessing competency and support of early care professional’s practices in working with young children. Participants will also receive an overview of how to become a Professional Development Specialist and join a broad network of early childhood professionals to advance the field. Denali Room Thursday, January 29th 10:00-12:00 Supporting the ECE Community as a CDA Professional Development Specialist Repeat of Wednesday’s 9:45 Session. Willow Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development 3:00-4:30 The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program is the best 1st step in professional development of early care professionals. The Council has revolutionized the CDA assessment which is driven by the Candidate and strengthens the Candidate’s professional development experience. The enhancements to the system are aligned to promote the best practices in the ECE field for credentialing and assessment. The assessment process has been streamlined, making it easier for Candidates and programs to understand and navigate. The credentialing system utilizes multiple sources of evidence and is the only comprehensive system of its kind! Join this session to learn more and take away strategies to help you succeed. Willow Friday, January 30th Finding the Wisdom Within: Reflections on Leadership and Professional Development 10:15-12:15 Envision what your professional practice would look like after finding the wisdom within as you learn strategies to further support your professional development. Join this session to engage in a discussion on ideas that support professional growth at any level and across different ECE settings. Review concepts that build on leadership as a purpose, not from a place of position. Learn ways to inspire, educate or be a mentor to others. King Salmon 1:45-3:15 Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Repeat of Thursday’s 3:00 Session Portage. Partner Sponsors: Rita Emmett is a professional speaker, President of Emmett Enterprises, Inc. since 1985, and author. Rita, who lives in Des Plaines, Illinois, has been honored for her High Content / High Fun interactive Keynotes and Training presentations by being included in the prestigious “Who’s Who in American Education” plus “Who’s Who in America” and the “The World Wide Who’s Who of Women”. Her customized presentations covering Procrastination, Clutter, Customer Loyalty, Burn -out, and Communication Skills have helped hundreds of organizations improve their performance, productivity and profitability, and head off burnout before it starts. Some of Rita’s clients include AT&T, Kraft Food, Mercedes Benz, Met Life, and The National Kidney Foundation. Rita uses principles of Accelerated Learning; her stories and humor help people absorb more ideas and retain them longer, and her enthusiasm leaves people feeling energized and invigorated. Rita's presentations help transform audiences from semi-productive to MEGA-productive, from fatigued to energized and from scattered to focused She publishes a free monthly “ANTICRASTINATION Tip Sheet” available at with tips and ideas to help people blast away the procrastination habit. Wednesday, January 28th 9:45-11:45 Strategies to Prevent Burnout: While You Take Care of Others, Who Takes Care of You? Most of us are terrific at taking care of our students, our bosses, our families, our co-workers, our friends, our neighbors, or anyone else who needs nurturing. But when it comes to taking care of ourselves, we just don’t seem to have any time or energy left, right? And so we burn out. The result is stress which directly leads to low employee morale, high absenteeism and tardiness, which in turn, affect productivity and effectiveness. This talk explores how important it is to “recharge our batteries” before we burnout or become totally drained. Iliamna Thursday, January 29th How to do More in Far Less Time 10:00-12:00 DO you control your time or does your time control you? Each of us receives the same number of hours every day. Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much, yet still have time for family, friends and fun, while others plod along spinning their wheels? This presentation will cover topics such as procrastination, priorities, goal setting and tips for becoming more organized. Aspen Friday, January 30th 10:15-12:15 Blast Away Procrastination Do you have way too much to do and never enough time to do it? Are you overwhelmed with all that you’ve been putting off? Is it impossible to get through all the clutter in your office and in your life? Rita Emmett is a “Recovering Procrastinator” and author of 4 books including The Procrastinator’s Handbook. In this high content/high fun interactive presentation, she offers not only techniques & strategies to help you stop procrastinating, she also offers hope. If she can break the procrastination habit, anyone can. Even YOU. If you can’t find the time for this session, perhaps THIS is the session you need to attend. Birch Saturday, January 31st 8:30-9:30 Keynote: Strategies to Prevent Burnout: Are We Having Any Fun Yet? 10:15-12:15 Featured Speaker Rita will be presenting: We all know it’s important for our mental and physical health to include fun in our lives, so what's keeping us from it? Do you say “When this busy time is over, THEN I’ll get together with friends and kick back.” or “When this stress ends, THEN I’ll relax and enjoy life” but you know that as soon as one busy time or stressful time ends, another begins. Don’t wait til a doctor gives you a prescription to enjoy life; NOW is the time to learn how to include fun in your life. Follow Up to Keynote Denali Sponsored by: 9 Keri Krout travels throughout the country providing keynotes and workshops that touch the heart and inspire us to give our best selves to children. She is a columnist, a certified parent coach, and joyful mother of seven children ages 8-28. She is also a soon to be published author. She completed her BA in Child Development from Concordia St. Paul as well as her Coaching Certificate in Parent Coaching. Her vision has broadened and her passion for children, and adults is stronger than ever. Keri’s mission in life is: “inspiring others to give their best selves for children.” Learn more about Keri at Featured Speaker Keri will be presenting: Wednesday, January 28th 8:30-9:30 Keynote: What I Know for Sure: Gifts to Give the Children Enjoy this touching keynote that shares the six gifts all children deserve from adults who care for them. Some gifts will make you smile and some might surprise you! 9:45-11:45 Promoting Peace in the Classroom Inspired by Dr. Becky Bailey, recent brain research and what we know about social emotional development this workshop will focus on developing empathy. Bring your real life concerns and together we can develop a plan for peace and acceptance in your classroom. Aleutian 1:45-3:15 Training & Retaining Quality Early Childhood Educators Whether you are a rookie or a veteran administrator this workshop is for you. Come and learn how to hire and inspire quality educators. Bring your challenges and we will turn them into triumphs together. Aleutian Thursday, January 29th 10:00-12:00 Training & Retaining Quality Early Childhood Educators Spruce Repeat of Wednesday’s 1:45 Session 1:15-4:30 A Parent’s Perspective… Earning a Parent’s Trust and Cooperation You have children’s best interests at heart and parents do as well. Sometimes it feels as if we are on separate sides of a never ending disagreement. How can a bridge be created between you and parents? Come find out. Spruce Friday, January 30th 10:15-12:15 Does Father Know Best: Why Children Need Fathers and What We Can Do to Help Learn why fathers and father figures are vital in the lives of children and how to invite and involve them in your classroom. This workshop was presented at the NAEYC Conference in Chicago and received a standing ovation. Aspen 1:45-3:15 Teaching Toddlers & Loving It! Toddlers are not a tiny version of a four year old. They have specific needs, and temperaments. Let’s discuss what we can do to give them the right start in life. Aspen 3:30-5:00 Rules & Running Noses: Remind Me Why I’m Still Here! You are in charge of over 12 children, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You wipe tears, tables, noses and bottoms with a smile. Our jobs have the 3rd highest turnover rate in the nation because we are exhausted at the end of the day, and have nothing left to give. Burn Out happens to the best of us, and so does depression. Learn how to receive so that we can continue to give. Learn how to breath again, so that we can give our best selves to the children. Aspen This session is repeated on Saturday at 3:30. Saturday, January 31st 10:15-12:15 Promoting Peace in the Classroom Spruce Repeat of Wednesday’s 9:45 session 1:45-3:15 What I Know for Sure: Gifts to Give the Children Spruce Repeat of Wednesday’s keynote 3:30-5:00 Rules & Running Noses: Remind Me Why I’m Still Here! Spruce Repeat of Friday’s 3:30 Session. 10 Partner Sponsors: Gigi Schweikert With 18 published books, in three languages, and 25 years of experience, Gigi Schweikert is a highly demanded, internationally known, subject matter expert and thought leader in child care and early childhood education. Her best-selling book series Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals has changed the field through innovative ideas about leadership, child development, and professionalism. Gigi is a regular contributor to Child Care Information Exchange, the former Director of the United Nations Child Care Centre in NYC, a consultant to Fortune 100 companies on workplace child care, and C.O.O. of Lightbridge Academy (formerly Rainbow Academy). As the working mother of four children, Gigi’s practical ideas and realistic perspective on child care will have you laughing and learning. Gigi’s an international keynote speaker, recently in Malaysia and New Zealand, and headed to Uganda. Follow Gigi on Twitter @gigischweikert, or on her website: Gigi will be presenting: Friday, January 30, 2015 8:30-9:30 Keynote: The Power of One Positive Person 10:00-12:00 Winning Ways for Partnering with Families Why do we do all this for parents? Why did they have kids anyway? Don’t we work here to educate and care for children, not their parents? Our lives would be much easier if children didn’t come with parents. Sound familiar? Sure, but in today’s world, we’re realizing that if we really want to impact children, we have to have a positive impact on their families, too. Join us for this humorous and practical workshop to learn about creative ways to partner with families. A can’t miss attend session for anyone who gets a little crazy sometimes from demanding and questioning parents. Denali Sponsor: or Using Them As a new supervisor or even a seasoned one, you’re likely to hold on tightly to the reins of control, feeling as if you tell everyone exactly what to do and how to do that they will do it just like you. Voila! But it doesn’t work that way. Supervision is not getting people to act like us, but getting them to act and perform the very best they can. For people to be motivated to do their best they need the freedom to take on new responsibility, use their creativity, and do things “their way.” You need to delegate to motivate. Are you utilizing people or using them? Denali Room 3:00-4:30 Supervise with Confidence: Using Your Teacher Skills to Guide Adults Would you ever give up on helping a child succeed? Never. So why, as supervisors, are we so willing to throw up our hands in defeat when guiding adults? Use your teacher skills to guide adults, discover ways to communicate your expectations more clearly, and help others overcome the barriers that keep them from succeeding. A must see workshop for anyone who works with adults and gets a little impatient sometimes. Denali Room Saturday, January 31, 2015 10:15-12:15 Supporting Infant & Toddler Exploration on Play Infants and toddlers are capable of doing so many wonderful things. They need the opportunity to use mastered skills, practice emerging skills, and try new skills. Explore ways to maximize learning experiences for young children, learn how to encouragement language development in your daily interactions, and support their play in a whole new way. Iliamna/King Salmon Rooms 1:45-3:15 Toddlers in Motion! Put on Your Comfortable Shoes! Caring for toddlers can be busy and exhausting. How do you help every child reach their fullest potential when there are so many little ones? How can you give each child the time and attention he needs while managing the rest of the group and fishing toys out of the toilet? In this humorous and practical session, you’ll learn easy ways to effectively give every toddler individual attention by making care times, prime times. Are you ready? Put on your Comfortable Shoes. Iliamna/King Salmon Rooms Featured Speaker Have you ever thought about the incredible power you have to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you? The positive choices you make each day, the ways in which you help others, and even your smile can change the course of a day, and in some situations, the course of a life. Join us for this informational and humorous keynote session that will renew your spirit and affirm your commitment to working with young children and their families. One positive person does make a difference. Is that positive person you? It can be. 1:15-2:45 Are You Utilizing People 3:30-5:00 Why Do They Push Chairs? Understanding the Toddler Mind Are there some toddlers in your class who just aren’t listening? Do they keep pushing the chairs? It’s our job as educators to help children make positive choices as often as possible. With time, patient and consistency, we can help every toddler succeed. Learn developmentally appropriate behavior and steps for redirecting children’s behavior. You might not get all the answers, but you’ll definitely receive some new and innovative ideas plus lots of laughs. Ready to understand the toddler mind? Iliamna/King Salmon 11 6 Reasons To Join 1. Get great content! Receive the latest research-based ideas to inspire and inform your work with young children. Choose a journal or magazine full of developmentally appropriate content you can use in your work. Comprehensive members receive six books a year as part of their membership. Read your digital version of Young Children, exclusive articles, and previews of new books in the Members Only area. 2. Save 20% off NAEYC books and resources! NAEYC is the premier publisher of research-based books and multimedia for early childhood educators who work with children of different ages and in a variety of settings. All members save 20% on all products in the NAEYC catalog and online store. For more information or to join visit: 3. Receive discounts at 5. Change the world! conferences! Get reduced rates for conferences and other professional development opportunities. NAEYC’s Annual Conference is the world’s largest early childhood education conference and an opportunity to network with early childhood educators from around the world. Partner with NAEYC in education, advocacy, and public awareness activities that help to increase understanding and support for high-quality early childhood education among policy makers and the public. NAEYC is a leading voice for early childhood education to Congress and other federal entities. 4. Build your network! 6. Become a leader! When you join NAEYC you will automatically receive all local, state, and regional member benefits (where available). Attend local and state Affiliate conferences, professional development events, and networking opportunities, or join an NAEYC Interest Forum. Affiliates are leading voices for early childhood education in their communities or state legislatures. Take advantage of the many opportunities NAEYC offers for members to get involved. Consider working as a consulting editor or serving on the Governing Board. NAEYC’s network of Affiliates also offers many leadership opportunities—whether you are an occasional volunteer or board officer and committee chair. Comprehensive Benefits of NAEYC/Alaska AEYC/AnchoragePresenters AEYC Membership (continued) The benefits of membership are endless, including a discount to this conference. Increasing our membership numbers magnifies our voice in the community, in the profession and in Alaska. We hope you will consider joining. 12 Membership $110 Regular Membership $66 Student Membership $55 Six cutting edge books each year- $100 value—mailed to you √ 20% discount on all products in NAEYC catalog/online store √ √ √ Print publication package of your choice: 5 issues of Young Children or five issues of Teaching Young Children √ √ √ Five digital issues of award-winning Young Children √ √ √ Reduced registration fees for NAEYC Sponsored conferences √ √ √ Discounted insurance plans and an Association sponsored credit card service from Bank of America √ √ √ Access to Members Only area of NAEYC website, which features exclusive digital benefits & content √ √ √ Reduced subscription fees for the highly respected Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Exchange Magazine, Highlights High Five, and Education Week √ √ √ Membership in your local (Anchorage AEYC, Fairbanks AEYC, AEYC-SEA) & State affiliate √ √ √ WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD April 12-18, 2015 EVERY SPRING early childhood This year’s theme is EARLY YEARS ARE LEARNING YEARS. You can use this theme to promote the importance of early childhood education. educators and programs use the WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD (WOYC) to highlight the importance of quality care and education for young children. It’s an annual opportunity to reach out to families and communities and to emphasize the crucial role adults play in giving children the foundation they need to succeed in school and beyond. Now is the crucial planning time for WOYC. Has your program visited for resources for organizing a celebration? Have you picked a format? Do you want to collaborate on a celebration with other organizations serving young children? For help in promoting your event, check out NAEYC’s WOYC Event Planning Handbook. It’s free and available for downloading at The handbook includes a sample press release and a radio public service announcement script plus a suggested letter to the editor. Young Children & Teaching Young Children Publication Schedule for 2015 As a NAEYC/Alaska/Anchorage AEYC member you receive five issues of either Young Children or Teaching Young Children. The journals will appear in March, May, July, September & November. NAEYC For Families Research-based tips and ideas on children’s learning & development families can trust and much, much more. The source for your family engagement needs. Families Today Learning & Development The meaning behind young children’s behaviors 13 General Sessions Conference Tracks Parking All General Sessions will be in the Aleutian/Alaska Ballrooms. Conference tracks have been identified to assist you in identifying sessions most pertinent to your professional needs or work. Sessions are categorized by their most dominant theme and tracks are organized around the ten standards for quality programs as identified by NAEYC. Parking is limited Conference Identification Please wear your conference name badge for admission to all workshop sessions, exhibits and special events. Meals A breakfast snack with coffee is available each morning 7:30-8:00 am. Lunch on Thursday and Saturday are included in your conference registration. Your nametag is your ticket for the luncheons. The Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Conference strives to: □ Provide educational General □ □ □ opportunities and resources to those who work with and on behalf of young children and families. Promote inclusive attitudes and practices and to support awareness of diversity issues. Support partnerships, networking and collaboration between educators, families, providers, schools, agencies and the community. Provide an engaging high quality learning experience with sessions designed for professionals who are emerging; established and experienced. Program Changes Workshop changes and cancellations will be posted at the Registration Table. Please check this for updates throughout the conference. While we make every effort to minimize these changes, they are unavoidable, and we ask for your understanding. Emergency/Safety Should an emergency arise during the course of the conference, we will utilize the approved plan in place at the Hilton Anchorage for security, evacuation and medical purposes. 14 They include: Relationships Curriculum Teaching Assessment Nutrition and Health Teaching Staff Family Relationships Community Relationships & Collaborations Physical Environment Management Workshop Titles & Descriptions Workshop titles & descriptions are written by the workshop presenters. Therefore, they should reflect the content of the session. While Anchorage AEYC entertains and accepts differences of opinion, we do not necessarily endorse the products or views expressed by speakers. Anchorage AEYC urges conferees to contact individual exhibitors and/or presenters about any concerns and objections they may have about products, services, or practices. The Association also encourages that conferees extend their compliments to presenters/and or exhibitors whom they feel have provided a product or presentation of exceptional quality. No person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unlawfully be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any activities performed pursuant to the conference or as an Anchorage AEYC member. downtown. Hotel Parking □ □ Overnight Valet for Hotel Guests is available for $24.00 per day. Day only Valet parking for attendees is available for $16.00 per day. Parking charges for guests can be posted to your guest room folio and paid at the end of your stay. Overflow Parking Lot 12 located at the corner of E St. and 3rd Ave. Parking is available at Lot 12 (The Saturday Market Lot) for $1.00 per hour and can be paid for at the parking kiosk located in the parking lot. All parking for both the Hilton Valet and Lot 12 are based upon first come first serve basis and subject to availability. Workshop Capacity Facility Capacity We offer a large selection of workshops with plenty of seating during each time slot. Seating for all sessions is on a first come, first serve basis. Seating may be limited due to the desire of the presenter, content of the session and size of the room. Because of this, we suggest selecting two or three workshops per session in the event your first choice is full. Workshop Volunteers/Host will monitor seating capacity and deny entrance once a room reaches maximum capacity. Please honor the Closed Session signs. In compliance with fire code regulations set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage, overflow seating on the floor or in the aisles of meeting rooms or hallways is not permitted. Remember this is for your safety as well as everyone else. We apologize for any lost opportunity. Conference Etiquette With an average of 600 attendees, a successful Anchorage AEYC Annual Conference requires that we extend professionalism and courtesy to one another. The following tips may make for a more pleasant learning environment for all: Dress Code Temperatures will vary greatly from room to room. No matter what, meeting rooms are always too cold for some and too warm for others. You are strongly encouraged to dress comfortably and in layers to accommodate the sometimes fluctuating facility temperature and your personal thermostats. University of Alaska announces a Continuing Education Credit class: AAEYC Conference 2015 Where: Prince William Board Room Cost: $74.00 in addition to conference registration Fee Course Requirements: 1. Attend face to face meeting on Thursday, January 29th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm A. Administrative – Register and pay for course ($74) B. Introductions C. Explanation of course requirements 2. Attend face to face meeting on Friday, January 30th from 4:45 – 6:15 pm A. Reflection – Share, show and tell 3. Documentation of at least 15 contact hours through AAEYC conference – submit copy of conference certificate (at least two full days of conference and our two face to face meetings) 4. Write a brief summary of each session attended, to include key notes 5. Write an in-depth summary of one session that is at least one page in length and includes: A. The key message(s) you took from the session B. Relate how the Alaska Early Learning Guidelines fits with the content of the session ( EarlyLearningGuidelines.pdf) C. At least one idea that stood out to you from the session and how you can apply it to your program D. Any additional resources you may need to learn more or to assist you to apply the new idea $74 Registration fee is paid directly to UAA either online or at the class on Thursday, January 29th. Credit Course Disclaimer Conference registration does NOT include credit courses. The credit course registration fee is $74 and must be paid on Thursday during the class or call for student enrollment assistance (Sally or Katie) at 7861934 or toll-free 1-888-828-8974. Payments can be made by credit card or check (payable to UAA). UAA is an EQ/AA employer and educational institution. Certificates of Participation Each conference attendee has a Certificate of Participation in their conference folder. A total of 25.75 hour (6.5 per day) can be earned should you attend all sessions on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/ Saturday of the conference (including the keynote addresses). Credit for attending is granted through the issuance of session stickers (labels). At the conclusion of each session you attend, the presenter (or volunteer) will give you a label. You will need to place this label in the corresponding box on your Certificate of Participation. This certificate becomes your proof of attendance as no other documentation will be provided. CDA Professional Development Track Information Use this Program to plan your schedule. Select an alternate in the event of session being at capacity or a cancellation. Conference Volunteers must close a workshop when all chairs are occupied (full capacity) to conform to fire code regulations. Arrive early, but do not block other participants exiting a meeting room. Participants are encouraged to share materials (especially folks from the same program) and to refrain from taking more than one copy of handouts (even of the best ideas!). Turn off all cell phones. If it is necessary to leave a session early, or arrive late, make the interruption as non disruptive as possible. It’s wonderful to catch up with our colleagues but please not while speakers are addressing the group. Others are trying to hear what is being said. We know that infants may need to stay close to their mothers. If your baby becomes inconsolable, we ask you to respect the needs of others and to go to a quiet area to relax until your infant is settled. Extend to others the courtesy you would like to experience. Continuing Education Class ECD A 591 101: AAEYC Conference 2015 1 CREDIT thread is providing a training tract for individuals interested in achieving formal clock hours towards a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. In order to receive CDA credit, participants must attend the entire session and complete a retrospective evaluation. For more information about the CDA, available training or advising please call thread's main line (907) 265-3100 or visit Electronic Devices In order to provide a positive learning environment for participants and as a courtesy to speakers, all cellular and paging devices will need to be set on the silent mode or turned off during the conference. 15 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 AGENDA IN DETAIL 7:30-5:30 REGISTRATION/CHECK IN/INFORMATION DESK OPEN ……………………………….………...……… Promenade 7:30-8:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST …………………………………….…………………………………………...…………....…...Promenade Menu: Fresh muffins, fruit, juice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate 8:00-9:30 OPENING GENERAL SESSION …………………………………………………..……………………..………………… Aleutian/Alaska KEYNOTE: Keri Krout What I Know For Sure: Gifts to Give the Children See Keynote description page 10 8:30-5:00 INFANT LEARNING COORDINATOR’S MEETING …………………………………………………………………. Chart Room 9:00-2:55 SILENT AUCTION………………………………………….…………………..………………..…..… Lobby down from Registration 9:45-11:45 SEMINAR SESSIONS 11:45-1:30 LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 1:45-3:15 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 3:30-5:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 6:00-8:30 ALASKA HEAD START AWARDS/RECOGNITION DINNER ……………………...…………...…Aleutian/Alaska WEDNESDAY: SESSIONS-AT-A-GLANCE NAEYC STANDARD LEVEL AGE GROUP WORKSHOP PRESENTER(S) CAPACITY ROOM Colleen Carol Patrick Cockrell 80 King Salmon Keri Krout 125 Aleutian Rita Emmett 80 Iliamna Hattie Harvey, Ph.D. Erin Kinavey Wennerstrom 80 Dillingham Myra G Crouch 125 Denali Keri Krout 125 Aleutian Ethan Petticrew Jenna Lundy 125 Denali Wednesday, January 28th, 9:45 am -3:15 pm Teaching Established Adults Using Child Plus Part I: How to Use Live Reports, Filters & Question Answers Part II: Combining Data from Child Plus & Teaching Strategies Gold into Useable Reports Wednesday, January 28th, 9:45 am -11:45 am Relationships All All Promoting Peace in the Classroom Leadership & Management All Adults Strategies to Prevent Burn-out: While You Take Care of Others, Who Takes Care of You? Relationships All Birth-3 Support Parents Supporting their Infants. An Overview of the PIWI Leadership & Management Intermediate Advanced Adults Supporting the ECE Community as a CDA Professional Development Specialist Wednesday, January 28th, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Leadership & Management All Adults Training and Retaining Quality Early Childhood Educators Community Relationships All Adults Parent, Family, Community Engagement Alaska Style Health All Birth-5 Obese at Age 3: How Providers Can Help Reduce the Alarming Trend of Childhood Obesity in Alaska Russ Stevens 80 Iliamna Families All Birth-3 Infant/Toddler - Creating Partnerships with Parents Melissa Pickle 80 Katmai Christine Boivin Rachel Boudreau 125 Denali Wednesday, January 28th, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 16 Teaching Intermediate Established 3-5 Building Playful, Meaningful Interactions throughout the Day Leadership Management All Adults Networking Session for Head Start Education Leaders Bonnie Powell 80 King Salmon Families All Adults Engaging Families in Your Program: We All Have a Role! Melissa Pickle 80 Iliamna 9:45 am-3:15 pm Using Child Plus Room: King Salmon Presenters: Colleen Carol, RURAL CAP, Anchorage, AK & Patrick Cockrell, CCS Early Learning, Palmer, AK 9:45 am-11:45 am Promoting Peace in the Classroom Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA Training & Retaining Quality Early Childhood Educators Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach & Parent, Vancouver, WA Whether you are a rookie or a veteran administrator this workshop is for you. Come and learn how to hire and inspire quality educators. Bring your challenges and we will turn them into triumphs together. This workshop session is repeated on Thursday at 10:00, Spruce Room. Most of us are terrific at taking care of our students, our bosses, our families, our co-workers, our friends, our neighbors, or anyone else who needs nurturing. But when it comes to taking care of ourselves, we just don’t seem to have any time or energy left, right? And so we burn out. The result is stress which directly leads to low employee morale, high absenteeism and tardiness, which in turn, affect productivity and effectiveness. This talk explores how important it is to “recharge our batteries” before we burnout or become totally drained. Supporting the ECE Community as a CDA Professional Development Specialist Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Myra G Crouch, Chief Program Officer, Council for Professional Development, Washington DC Join this session to learn more about the Council for Professional Recognition’s Professional Development Specialist System in CDA 2.0 and how it supports meeting the professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals. Participants will engage in discussion around professional development experiences and how the new role of PD Specialist aligns with assessing competency and support of early care professional’s practices in working with young children. Participants will also receive an overview of how to become a Professional Development Specialist and join a broad network of early childhood professionals to advance the field. Support Parents Supporting their Infants. An Overview of the PIWI Room: Dillingham NAEYC Standard: Families Presenters: Hattie Harvey, Ph.D. Faculty Early Childhood, UAA, Anchorage, AK and Erin Kinavey Wennerstrom, Faculty, Early Childhood, UAA, Anchorage, Alaska Engage parents to support their competence and confidence! Support the parent child relationship! This workshop will focus introducing the Parent Interacting with Infants (PIWI) model. PIWI is an evidence based practice that supports parent child interactions as the foundational skills needed to facilitate a PIWI group. 1:45 pm-3:15 pm Wednesday Inspired by Dr. Becky Bailey, recent brain research and what we know about social emotional development this workshop will focus on developing empathy. Bring your real life concerns and together we can develop a plan for peace and acceptance in your classroom. This session is repeated on Saturday, 10:15, Spruce Room. Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Rita Emmett, CEO, Emmett Enterprises, Inc., Author, Des Plaines, IL Workshop Sessions This session is for agencies who are currently using Child Plus. The first session (9:45-11:45) will focus on how to use live reports and filters with a question/answer period. The second session (1:45-3:15) will focus on combining data from Child Plus and Teaching Strategies Gold into Useable Reports. Strategies to Prevent Burn-Out: While You Take Care of Others, Who Takes Care of You? Parent, Family, Community Engagement Alaska Style Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Community Relationships Presenters: Ethan Petticrew, Executive Director, Cook Inlet Native Head Start, Anchorage, AK & Jenna Lundy, Head Start Director, Chugachmiut, Anchorage, AK This community café will engage participants in conversations about what Parent, Family Community Engagement looks like in Alaska. 17 1:45 pm-3:15 pm (continued) Obese at Age 3: How Providers Can Help Reduce the Alarming Trend of Childhood Obesity in Alaska Wednesday Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Russ Stevens, Public Health Specialist II, State of Alaska, Juneau, AK More than 4 of every 10 children in Alaska are overweight or obese by age 3.We all need to pitch in and help curb this alarming trend…. Do you want to be part of the solution? If so, join us in this interactive session where you will learn evidence-based strategies to increase physical and improve nutrition as well as model policies and state standards in this area. Workshop Sessions Infant/Toddler - Creating Partnerships with Parents 18 Room: Katmai NAEYC Standard: Families Presenter: Melissa Pickle, Alaska State Manager/Regional ECE Specialist, Eagle River, AK Participants will examine their feelings around working with parents and understand how their actions affect relationships with parents. Participants will practice the Acknowledge, Ask and Adapt process to develop their skills in working with families. 3:30 pm-5:00 pm Building Playful, Meaningful Interactions Throughout the Day Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Christine Boivin, Center Director, Kid’s Corps, Inc., Anchorage, AK & Rachel Boudreau, Child Development Coordinator, Kid’s Corp, Inc. Head Start, Anchorage, AK This workshop will cover ways to build on engaging interactions through the entire day that children are in your care; free choice, meal times, tooth brushing, hand washing, outside time, etc. We will build on ways that you can enter a child’s play and build meaningful relationships as well as extending their thinking. We will also discuss ideas for encouraging thicker conversations for routine parts of the day. We will also cover ways to have more engaging circle times and alternative methods, more than just calendar and weather. This workshop is repeated on Thursday, 1:15-2:45, Aspen Room. Engaging Families in Your Program: We All Have a Role! Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Families Presenter: Melissa Pickle, Alaska State Manager/Regional ECE Specialist, Eagle River, AK Participants in this workshop will learn about the Office of Head Start Parent, Family and Community Engagement Framework which is an approach designed to assist Head Start Programs in achieving outcomes that lead to positive and enduring change for children and families. Come learn how all program staff can contribute to successfully engaging the families in your program through building strong relationships and partnerships with families! Networking Session for Head Start Education Leaders Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Bonnie Powell, ECE Specialist, Homer, AK Across our State, Head Start Education Leaders are working to support effective teaching practices. Join us for this networking session to meet other Head Start Education Leaders (managers, coordinators, and coaches). We will have a facilitated discussion focused on sharing your expertise in supporting teachers via coaching/mentoring (onsite and distance), effective teacher student interactions (CLASS), support teacher’s effective use of data, and teacher retention strategies. We invite you to bring your expertise along with examples of tools you use to share with fellow Education Leaders. Conference Evaluation Questionnaire PLEASE remember to complete the 2015 Conference Evaluation Questionnaire which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the conference. Anchorage AEYC sincerely values your feedback which is used to evaluate the conference and to plan for future conferences. Thank You! Don’t leave home without this program and your name badge! Your name badge allows you into sessions and lunch! 19 Thursday, January 29, 2015 AGENDA IN DETAIL 7:30-5:30 REGISTRATION/CHECK IN/INFORMATION DESK OPEN …………………….…………………….……… Promenade 8:30-5:30 EXHIBIT HALL OPEN ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...……Dillingham/Katmai Connect with community resources and vendors who provide products and services ideally suited to early childhood and school-age care professionals. 7:30-8:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST …………………………………….…………………………………………...…………....…...Promenade Menu: Fresh pastries, fruit, juice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate 8:00-9:45 OPENING GENERAL SESSION …………………………………………………..………………………..…………… Aleutian/Alaska KEYNOTE: Dr. Larry Burd Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: What Can We Do and How Can We Help? See description page 6. 9:00-2:55 SILENT AUCTION………………..………………………………...…..………..…………….... Lobby down from Registration Participate in the silent auction. Not only will you come away with terrific items, you will be giving someone else the opportunity to attend the conference in the future. Proceeds support Anchorage AEYC scholarships fund and Head Start. 10:00-12:00 SEMINAR SESSIONS 12:00-1:15 LUNCH ON SITE—Lunch included in Conference Registration Fee ……...……...………..Aleutian/Alaska 1:15-2:45 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 3:00-4:30 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 4:30-5:30 EXHIBITOR’S GALA! ……………………………………………………………..…………………………..…………….Dillingham/Katmai 5:30-7:30 Menu: Cold Lunch Buffet Fresh Green salad, potato salad, vegetable salad & fresh fruit salad. Tomatoes, assorted cheeses, grilled vegetable wraps, turkey, ham, assorted bread, desserts, coffee/tea Come play, explore and re-discover exciting and valuable resources to bring back to your program in the Exhibit Hall! Prizes await you! If luck is on your side, you may be one of the attendees who win a fabulous prize! CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT CLASS AND REGISTRATION ………………………...Prince William Class requirements listed on page 15. Additional fee of $74 for credit class. ▪ Engage and join the conversation ▪ Connect with others and develop your expertise ▪ Receive the latest updates in early care and education * d R ea nt me m o C Sh are * * * * The National Association for the Education of Young Children * AEYC-SEA * Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children * Northern Interior Alaska Association for the Education of Young Children 20 THURSDAY: SESSIONS-AT-A-GLANCE NAEYC STANDARD LEVEL AGE GROUP WORKSHOP PRESENTER(S) CAPACITY ROOM Monica Luther & Panel 150 Denali Myra G Crouch 50 Willow Jennifer Russell 50 King Salmon Trevor Storrs 60 Lupine Raissa D’Antonio 70 Fireweed Rita Emmett 60 Aspen Keri Krout 60 Spruce Bonnie Powell Jaad McElroy 50 Birch Cathy Cole 50 Iliamna Dr. Kathryn Ohle 50 Chart Keri Krout 60 Spruce Dr. Larry Burd 200 Denali Christina Eubanks 60 Willow Staci Collier, Lewis Watson 50 King Salmon Meghan Johnson 60 Lupine Jacqueline Tagaban 70 Fireweed Thursday, January 29th, 10:00 am-12:00 pm Assessment of Child Progress ALL Birth-5 How Using the ASQ Online System Can Help Better Understand the Children You Work With Leadership & Management Intermediate Advanced Adults Supporting the ECE Community as a CDA Professional Development Specialist Curriculum All 3-8 Math & Science In the Classroom Health Intermediate All Resiliency Trumps ACES Teaching All All Getting a HANDLE on Behaviors Leadership & Management All Adults How To Do More in Far Less Time Leadership & Management All Adults Training and Retaining Quality Early Childhood Educators Teachers All 3-5 Assessment of Child Progress All Birth-5 Teaching Advanced 3-5 Circle Time for Everyone: Maximizing Effective Teacher Student Interactions Observing, Reflecting & Planning for Young Children Part I Observing Preventing Struggling Readers: Activities That Help Promote Early Reading Success Thursday, January 29th, 1:15 pm - 4:30 pm Relationships All All A Parent’s Perspective… Earning a Parent’s Trust & Cooperation Thursday, January 29th, 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm Health All All Working with Parents of Children with FASD Health All Adults Bed Bugs Aware! Leadership & Management All Adults State of Alaska Child Care Licensing Leadership & Management All All Families All Birth-8 Teaching Intermediate 3-5 Building Playful, Meaningful Interactions Throughout the Day Christine Boivin Rachel Boudreau 60 Aspen Relationships All 3-5 Unlock the Door to Classroom Communities: Keys to Success Tabatha Peterson Michelle Cook 50 Birch Assessment of Child Progress All Birth-5 Cathy Cole 50 Iliamna Eddie Wood 75 Aleutian Dr. Larry Burd 200 Denali Janice Braden Christina Hulquist 50 King Salmon Continuous Quality Improvement: Quality Program Practices & Next Steps for Alaska’s QIS: Learn & Grow Culturally Appropriate Family Support Observing, Reflecting & Planning for Young Children Part II Reflecting Thursday, January 29th, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Teaching All All All Aboard! Our Journey to Worlds of Music, Dance, Storytelling! Health All All Common Behavior Problems in Children Leadership & Management All Adults Roundtable with the Child Care Program Office Teaching All Birth-5 Hands on Literacy Christy Pratt, Julie Vang 60 Aspen Teaching Intermediate 3-5 Using Environmental Supports in the Classroom Melissa Pickle 50 Birch Relationships All All Health Insurance Coverage - What Do I Need to Know to Get Our Families Covered? Angelica Gutierrez 50 Lupine Assessment of Child Progress All Birth-5 Observing, Reflecting & Planning for Young Children Part III Planning Cathy Cole 50 Iliamna Teachers All Adults Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Myra G Crouch 50 Willow 21 10:00 am-12:00 pm How Using the ASQ Online System Can Help Better Understand the Children You Work With Workshop Sessions Thursday Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Assessment of Child Progress Presenter: Monica Luther, ILP Program Specialist, State of Alaska ILP Office, Anchorage, AK & Panel (Anna Castillo, Christina Eubanks, Monica Anderson, Amy Simpson) 22 Hillcrest Children’s Center, CU1’s Learning Center and Providence Center for Child Development will discuss their experiences using the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) Developmental & Social Emotional Online screening system to help them (and the families they work with) better understand the development of children in their programs. Amy Simpson from Program’s for Infants & Children (PIC) will explain how the Online System works. Supporting the ECE Community as a CDA Professional Development Specialist Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Myra G Crouch, Chief Program Officer, Council for Professional Development, Washington DC Join this session to learn more about the Council for Professional Recognition’s Professional Development Specialist System in CDA 2.0 and how it supports meeting the professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals. Participants will engage in discussion around professional development experiences and how the new role of PD Specialist aligns with assessing competency and support of early care professional’s practices in working with young children. Participants will also receive an overview of how to become a Professional Development Specialist and join a broad network of early childhood professionals to advance the field. Math & Science in the Classroom Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Jennifer Russell, Student Services Professional, UAF, Fairbanks, AK This workshop will focus on math and science in the classroom. We will discuss key concepts that are needed in both subject areas, as well as talk about new activities to take back to your class. Limited hands-on work. Resiliency Trumps ACES Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Trevor Storrs, Exec Director, Alaska Children’s Trust, Anchorage, AK The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. The ACEs study shows that trauma impairs a child’s physical, social and intellectual development resulting in increased risk of poor performance in school, mental health problems, substance abuse, problems with the law and serious long-term health problems. But ACEs is not the end of the story. Resiliency is the glue that holds the circle of life together. In this session, you will learn how the brain develops, how trauma/ACE’s impacts this develop and how resilience can help individuals overcome these impacts. Most importantly, you will learn how you can help to reduce trauma and build resiliency in your life. This session is repeated on Saturday, 1:45-5:00, Birch Room. Getting a HANDLE on Behaviors Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Raissa D’Antonio, Teacher, St. Mary’s Creative Play School, Anchorage, AK HANDLE is a systems approach that views all behavior as communication, rather than symptoms that can be masked or controlled. HANDLE treats presentations of ADD, Autism, dyslexia, learning differences, balance and many more issues. This introduction will give you tools you can use to help students, parents, staff and yourself to function more efficiently, enhance weak systems, and understand how your brain and body work together. We’ll do fun and easy activities you can use with students of all ages and abilities. How to Do More in Far Less Time Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Rita Emmett, CEO, Emmett Enterprises, Inc., Author, Des Plaines, IL DO you control your time or does your time control you? Each of us receives the same number of hours every day. Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much, yet still have time for family, friends and fun, while others plod along spinning their wheels? This presentation will cover topics such as procrastination, priorities, goal setting and tips for becoming more organized. 10:00 am-12:00 pm (continued) Training & Retaining Quality Early Childhood Educators Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA Circle Time for Everyone: Maximizing Effective Teacher Student Interactions Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenters: Bonnie Powell, ECE Specialist, Homer, AK and Jaad McElroy, Education Coordinator-YK Region, Anchorage, AK Observing and assessing children play a key role in the teaching and caring for young children. An effective observation and assessment system helps teachers to learn about each child’s individual needs and interests and allows them to reflect on how best to plan experiences and activities to support each child’s development and learning. Through this training participants will: Explore techniques for observing, recording, and evaluating a child’s developmental progress; Learn strategies of techniques to effectively develop and enhance child observation skills; Learn techniques for using child observation as a tool for collecting assessment information and for purposeful planning of activities and experiences and development of the learning environment. Preventing Struggling Readers: Activities That Help Promote Early Reading Success Room: Chart (15th Floor) NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Dr. Kathryn Ohle, Assistant Professor, Early Childhood, UAA, Anchorage, AK This workshop will share several instructional strategies developed and evaluated by the Targeted Reading Intervention, a federally funded professional development intervention recommended by the Rand Corporation & Annie E Casey Foundation and developed through the National Research Center on Rural Education Support at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill through funding by the Institute of Education Sciences (VernonFeagans, Ginsberg, & Amendum, 2008). These activities were created to help teachers work with children at risk for becoming struggling readers, matching instruction to assessment. During the workshop, a quick overview will be given of the main components present in quality reading instruction; the majority of the time will then be spent learning several activities, including Segmenting Words, Change One Sound, and Read, Write & Say, all of which help foster strong decoding skills. Skills that target vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension will also be shared through the activities Re-Reading for Fluency, Pocket Phrases, and Guided Oral Reading. Teachers will be given explicit instruction in how to execute the activities, as well as scaffolding as they try them out with their colleagues. Materials will also be provided so they can continue to practice these activities with the children in their classrooms. Thursday Are you looking for fun ways to engage all children during circle time? Join us as we explore ways to maximize effective teacher student interactions during both large and small group times. We will explore instructional approaches that are effective for engaging a range of children’s learning styles, needs, capacities, interests and backgrounds. Our focus will be on strategies that encourage effective facilitation, incorporate a variety of modalities and materials, engage students with effective questioning, provide quality feedback, model language, and build in opportunities for leadership. Come prepared for a hands-on session and be willing to share your circle expertise! Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Assessment of Child Progress Presenter: Cathy Cole, Independent Early Care and Education Consultant, Riddle, OR Workshop Sessions Whether you are a rookie or a veteran administrator this workshop is for you. Come and learn how to hire and inspire quality educators. Bring your challenges and we will turn them into triumphs together. This workshop session is a repeat of Wednesdays 1:45 session. Observing, Reflecting and Planning for Young Children Part I Observing 23 Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children ince 1971, Anchorage AEYC has worked to: Support Excellent Early Education Accreditation Position Statements Professional Development Promote Public Support & Policies Build a Profession Advocacy Outreach Public Awareness Inclusive Leadership Development Standards Equitable Compensation Improve Teaching & Learning Professional Preparation Research Resources You may not know it, but if you are a member of Anchorage AEYC you are a member of NAEYC, Alaska AEYC & Anchorage AEYC National State Affiliate Local Alaskan Affiliates National Association for the Education of Young Children Alaska AEYC Anchorage AEYC PO Box 97156, Washington, DC 20090 Website: PO Box 22870, Juneau, Alaska 99802 Mary Gibson, President Website: E-mail: [email protected] Website: AEYC Southeast Website: Northern Interior Alaska AEYC NIA-AEYC (formerly Fairbanks AEYC) Email: [email protected] 24 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE! Network & Nosh! Gather insight, solutions and best practices from peers, exhibitors and experts throughout the conference - in sessions, during breaks and in conversations! Wednesday, January 28th Thursday, January 29th Friday, January 30th Alaska Head Start Association Awards Banquet Vendor Spotlight Early Care & Education Celebration! 4:30 pm-5:30 pm The Exhibit Room is the place to be! 6:00 pm-8:30 pm The Alaska Head Start Association Annual Awards Banquet for Head Start Attendees. If you have not paid to attend, please contact AHSA directly at [email protected] If luck is on your side, you may be one of the attendees who win a fabulous prize! Come play, explore and re-discover exciting and valuable resources to bring back to your programs! Continuing Education Credit Class & Registration 4:30 pm-5:30 pm Prince William Boardroom 5:00 pm-6:30 pm Alaska Ballroom Fun Entertainment! Come celebrate! Connect with old colleagues, meet new friends, and relax as we celebrate being early childhood professionals! Silent Auction: Wednesday-Saturday 9:00 am-2:55 pm New items each day Stop by the Anchorage AEYC and Alaska Head Start Association silent Auction tables each day. The Anchorage AEYC annual Silent Auction is held to raise funds for Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Education Scholarships. 100% of funds raised go toward scholarships. The Alaska Head Start Association Silent Auction supports AK Head Start Associations Advocacy & Training. Last year’s auction was a huge success; we anticipate that this year’s auction will be even better! Have something you’d like to donate? Wonderful! Bring your items to the Conference Registration Desk. 2015 NAEYC Public Policy Forum March 8-10, 2015 Washington DC NAEYC's 2015 National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development June 7-10, 2015 | New Orleans, LA NAEYC's 2015 Annual Conference & Expo November 18-21 | Orlando Visit for more information 25 Lyrics, Language & Literacy Anchorage AEYC EC Conference 2015 AEYC-SEA Conference Our Children, Our Families, Our Community: Building Resiliency March 6-7, 2015 Juneau, Alaska January 27-30, 2016 Lyrics, Language & Literacy Join us for engaging workshops and inspiring guest speakers! The conference will focus on effective strategies for language and literacy that are responsive to the skill and developmental level of each child. Visit: For additional information! Anchorage AEYC EC 2015 Conference WRAP UP MEETING March 18, 2015 BP Energy Center, 1:00-2:00 Join us as we “wrap up” the 2015 Conference and begin to plan the 2016 conference. We’d love to have you on this committee, which meets 5 times a year, so join us! Help Anchorage AEYC Earn Donations Just By Shopping with Your Fred Meyer rewards Card! Anchorage AEYC Non-Profit Number 92524 Fred Meyer is once again in 2015 donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works: 1. Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Anchorage Assn. for the Education of Young Children at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number #92524. 2. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Anchorage AEYC earn a donation! 3. You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today. 4. If you do not have an Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service Desk at any Fred Meyers Store. 5. For additional information visit: 26 Thanks for supporting Anchorage AEYC! 1:15 pm - 4:30 pm A Parent’s Perspective: Earning a Parents Trust and Cooperation Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Christina Eubanks, Director, Hillcrest Children’s Center, Anchorage, AK As bed bugs make their way into more homes they are also finding their way into schools. A comprehensive plan that addresses early detention and thorough response is key to keeping the situation to a “hitchhiker” rather than an infestation. During this training we will present a comprehensive plan, costeffective early detection techniques and how to bring in the professionals. Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Meghan Johnson, Learn & Grow Director, thread, Anchorage, AK Working With Parents of Children with FASD Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Dr. Larry Burd, Professor, UND School of Medicine, Grand Forks, ND Please Be Courteous It’s wonderful to catch up with colleagues but please not while speakers are addressing the group. State of Alaska Child Care Licensing Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenters: Staci Collier, SOA Licensing Program Manager, SOA-Child Care Program Office, Anchorage, AK & Lewis Watson, Child Care Licensing Supervisor, SOA-Child Care Program Office, Anchorage, AK Child Care Licensing is continuing to implement the philosophy: child focused, family friendly and fair to providers, into the work we do every day. We invite you to come hear about licensing updates, new regulation changes, statewide licensing trends and statistics, and join a discussion on the importance of appropriate supervision of children in care. This workshop will explore statewide survey results regarding current quality practices programs already implement and how these practices directly link to Alaska’s Learn & Grow Quality Improvement System. Your program may already be engaged in implementing quality standards! This session will also describe Learn & Grow quality standard areas, tentative activities for each level of quality and how your program can get involved. Culturally Appropriate Family Supports Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Families Presenter: Jacqueline Tagaban, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood, UAF, Juneau, AK Thursday The emphasis will be on identification of infants who have FASD especially those who do not meet criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. This will focus on strategies that can be applied in everyday settings by people with a wide range of professional training and experiences. This presentation will be divided into four parts: 1. How fetal alcohol exposure results in changes in brain and behavior of young children; 2. Strategies for early identification by screening and awareness of population prevalence of FASD; 3. Working with parents of children with FASD; 4 Strategies for management: What should we do and when should we do it? Continuous Quality Improvement: Quality Program Practices & Next Steps for Alaska’s QIS: Learn & Grow Workshop Sessions You have children’s best interests at heart and parents do as well. Sometimes it feels as if we are on separate sides of a never ending disagreement. How can a bridge be created between you and parents? Come find out. Bed Bug Aware! This workshop will focus on the importance of culture in children’s lives and how to appropriately support and incorporate children’s culture and family in your classroom. 27 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm (continued) Building Playful, Meaningful Interactions Throughout the Day Workshop Sessions Thursday Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Christine Boivin, Center Director, Kid’s Corps, Inc., Anchorage, AK & Rachel Boudreau, Child Development Coordinator, Kid’s Corp, Inc. Head Start, Anchorage, AK This workshop will cover ways to build on engaging interactions through the entire day that children are in your care; free choice, meal times, tooth brushing, hand washing, outside time, etc. We will build on ways that you can enter a child’s play and build meaningful relationships as well as extending their thinking. We will also discuss ideas for encouraging thicker conversations for routine parts of the day. We will also cover ways to have more engaging circle times and alternative methods, more than just calendar and weather. This workshop is a repeat of Wednesday’s 3:30-5:00 (Aspen Room) presentation. Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Assessment of Child Progress Presenter: Cathy Cole, Independent Early Care and Education Consultant, Riddle, OR Observing and assessing children play a key role in the teaching and caring for young children. An effective observation and assessment system helps teachers to learn about each child’s individual needs and interests and allows them to reflect on how best to plan experiences and activities to support each child’s development and learning. Through this training participants will: Explore techniques for observing, recording, and evaluating a child’s developmental progress; Learn strategies of techniques to effectively develop and enhance child observation skills; Learn techniques for using child observation as a tool for collecting assessment information and for purposeful planning of activities and experiences and development of the learning environment. 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Roundtable with the Child Care Program Office Unlock the Door to Classroom Communities: Keys to Success Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenters: Tabatha Peterson, Family Partnership Coordinator, CCS Early Learning, Wasilla, AK & Michelle Cook, Family Educator, CCS Early Learning, Wasilla, AK This workshop will focus on building positive and healthy classroom communities. We’ll cover: bringing family into your class community; benefits of having a class community; and many hands-on activities and strategies to promote community in the class. 28 Observing, Reflecting and Planning for Young Children Part II Reflecting Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenters: Janice Braden, Program Coordinator II, Child Care Program Office, Anchorage, AK & Christina Hulquist, Program Coordinator II, Child Care Program Office, Anchorage, AK Administrators and staff are invited to join the State of Alaska, Child Care Program Office in a roundtable discussion regarding State programs: Child Care Assistance, Alaska In! and Child Care Grant. An overview of each of these State programs and how they are interconnected will be presented, along with a roundtable discussion to gather input and honest feedback from child care providers about what is working and where improvements are needed. Observing, Reflecting and Planning for Young Children Part III Planning Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Assessment of Child Progress Presenter: Cathy Cole, Independent Early Care and Education Consultant, Riddle, OR Observing and assessing children play a key role in the teaching and caring for young children. An effective observation and assessment system helps teachers to learn about each child’s individual needs and interests and allows them to reflect on how best to plan experiences and activities to support each child’s development and learning. Through this training participants will: Explore techniques for observing, recording, and evaluating a child’s developmental progress; Learn strategies of techniques to effectively develop and enhance child observation skills; Learn techniques for using child observation as a tool for collecting assessment information and for purposeful planning of activities and experiences and development of the learning environment. Using Environmental Supports in the Classroom Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Melissa Pickle, Alaska State Manager/Regional ECE Specialist, Eagle River, AK As teachers we want all of the children in our classroom to be engaged in learning and to be successful. We know that some children need additional assistance in order to do this. Environmental supports such as visual schedules and supports, physical adjustments to the environment, social pairing of children and schedule of adjustments can have a major impact on children’s level of engagement. Participants will learn practical strategies they can immediately implement upon returning to their classroom. All Aboard! Our Journey to Worlds of Music, Dance & Storytelling! Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Eddie Wood, Performing Artist/Education Consultant, Homer, AK Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenter: Angelica Gutierrez, MSW, Program Specialist, Admin for Children & Families, US Dept of Health & Human Services Health Insurance coverage is vital to ensuring family stability and positive educational outcomes for children. Early childhood educators are in a prime position to play a vital role in supporting the parents they serve apply for and get health coverage for themselves, their children and other family members. Angelica will share tangible information, tools, and ideas to support and build the confidence of educators in these outreach efforts. She will also share the “From Coverage to Care” roadmap aimed at helping people with new health care coverage understand and access the benefits they need and deserve. The emphasis of this workshop will be on identification of infants who have FASD especially those who do not meet criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. This will focus on strategies that can be applied in everyday settings by people with a wide range of professional training and experience. This presentation will be divided into four parts: 1. How fetal alcohol exposure results in changes in the brain and behavior of young children; 2. Strategies for early identification by screening and awareness of population prevalence of FASD; 3 Working with parents of children with FASD; 4. Strategies for management: What Should we do and when should we do it? Hands On Literacy Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Christy Pratt, & Julie Vang, Center Directors, Kids’ Corps, Inc. Head Start, Anchorage, AK Welcome to Hands on Literacy! Please come and explore the wonderful world of literacy and how to teach your children the very best that literacy has to offer. In this presentation we will be discussing early childhood literacy and oral language development using the 5 best practices. Teachers will have an opportunity to join us for a shared book reading, sing songs, and make their own story re- telling props to familiar stories. Teachers will have an opportunity to model some of these practices using a KWL chart to scaffold their knowledge of literacy and oral language development. Our goal is for teachers to walk away excited about literacy and have new literacy tools in their toolbox to teach from. Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: Myra G Crouch, Chief Program Officer, Council for Professional Recognition, Washington, DC The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program is the best 1st step in professional development of early care professionals. The Council has revolutionized the CDA assessment which is driven by the Candidate and strengthens the Candidate’s professional development experience. The enhancements to the system are aligned to promote the best practices in the ECE field for credentialing and assessment. The assessment process has been streamlined, making it easier for Candidates and programs to understand and navigate. The credentialing system utilizes multiple sources of evidence and is the only comprehensive system of its kind! Join this session to learn more and take away strategies to help you succeed. This session is repeated: Saturday, 1:45-3:15, Portage Room. CONFERENCE EVALUATION Thursday Health Insurance CoverageWhat Do I Need to Know to Get Our Families Covered? Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Dr. Larry Burd, Professor, UND School of Medicine, Grand Forks, ND Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Workshop Sessions Our goals are healthy children in families, schools, communities and cultures. Our mission is to help young ones use sound, story and movement to grow their potential with play to act in our world. Music, dance and storytelling help kids see their parents/teachers as role models with life lessons to share. Play begins at home and education begins with family activities. We use percussion instruments and performing arts techniques to engage children in collaborative skits. These have lessons about taking care of ourselves, friends and family. Important themes are woven into a tale that has dancing and music/ sound effects. The story concludes with a positive outcome to the plot situation. We spark the hearts and minds of little ones and they return that creative energy tenfold! Join us in hands-on exploring and share common ground that grows amazing kids! Common Behavior in Young Children Your opinion matters! The Anchorage AEYC Conference Evaluation will be emailed to all attendees after the conference. We look forward to receiving your feedback and comments! 29 Friday, January 30, 2015 AGENDA IN DETAIL 7:30-4:30 REGISTRATION/CHECK IN/INFORMATION DESK OPEN …………………………...……...….……… Promenade 7:30-5:15 EXHIBIT HALL OPEN …………………………………………………………………………………………..…....………Dillingham/Katmai Connect with community resources and vendors who provide products and services ideally suited to early childhood and school-age care professionals. 7:30-2:55 SILENT AUCTION………………………………….....……………….….……..………....…. Lobby down from Registration 7:30-8:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST …………………………………….…………………………………………...…………....…...Promenade 8:00-9:30 OPENING GENERAL SESSION ……………………………………………………………………………… Aleutian/Alaska/Denali Participate in the silent auction. Not only will you come away with terrific items, you will be giving someone else the opportunity to attend the conference in the future. Proceeds support Anchorage AEYC scholarships fund & Head Start. Menu: Muffins, fruit, juice, coffee, tea & hot chocolate KEYNOTE: Gigi Schweikert Keynote Address: The Power of One Positive Person See description page 11. 9:45-10:15 VISIT EXHIBITORS/BREAK 10:15-12:15 SEMINAR SESSIONS 12:15-1:45 LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 1:45-3:15 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 3:30-5:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 5:00-6:30 EARLY CARE & EDUCATION CELEBRATION ……………………..…………………..……...………………..Alaska Room 6:00-7:45 CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT CLASS WRAPUP……………………………...Prince William Board Room FRIDAY: SESSIONS-AT-A-GLANCE NAEYC Standard LEVEL AGE GROUP WORKSHOP PRESENTER(S) CAPACITY ROOM Friday, January 30th, 10:15 am - 12:15 pm 30 Health All All Challenges of Engaging Families Where the Parent Has Been Prenatally Impacted Dr. Larry Burd 200 Aleutian Relationships Beginning All Winning Ways for Partnering with Families Gigi Schweikert 200 Denali Leadership & Management Intermediate Advanced Adults Finding the Wisdom Within: Reflections on Leadership and Professional Development Myra G Crouch 60 King Salmon Assessment of Child Progress All Birth-5 Engaging in Concept Development Cathy Cole 60 Iliamna Teachers All 3-12 Anji Gallanos Deb Riddle 60 Lupine Leadership & Management Intermediate Adults Joy Lyon Margaret Bauer 70 Fireweed Relationships All All Keri Krout 60 Aspen Teachers All Adults I Wonder: Building Science into Each Day Bonnie Powell 60 Spruce Leadership & Management All Adults Blast Away Procrastination: Get it Done NOW Rita Emmett 60 Birch Teachers Intermediate Birth-8 What’s Beneath the Behavior - Developing Plans of Support Alicia Deaver Helen Strothers 50 Willow Aligning Pre-K Readiness with the Alaska State Standards Overview Advocacy from 1 to 5 Does Father Know Best: Why Children Need Fathers and What We Can Do to Help FRIDAY: SESSIONS-AT-A-GLANCE NAEYC Standard LEVEL continued PRESENTER(S) CAPACITY ROOM Patty Meritt 50 Chart Cathy Cole 60 Iliamna The Art Journey Jessica Gardner Aubrey Sabin 50 Aleutian Are You Utilizing People or Using Them? Gigi Schweikert 200 Denali Rimala Rein 60 King Salmon Myra G Crouch 18 Portage Deb Riddle 60 Fireweed Angi Gallanos 60 Lupine Brian Kenneweg 60 Birch Keri Krout 60 Aspen Working with Challenging Behavior: Thinking Outside of the Box Rachel Shanks Emily Urlacher 60 Spruce Mildred Parker 50 Willow Panu Lucier Hilary Seitz 50 Top of the World AGE GROUP WORKSHOP Friday, January 30th, 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm Teaching All 3Adults Reaching Potential Through Puppetry Assessment of Child Progress All Birth-5 Observing, Reflecting & Planning for Young Children Friday, January 30th, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Teaching Intermediate Birth-5 Leadership & Management Beginning All Teaching Intermediate Birth-3 Vision Impaired Services and Resources for Alaskan ILP Providers Teachers All Adults Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Teachers All 3-12 Focus on Math: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness Teachers All 3-12 Focus on Literacy: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness Teaching All 3-5 Beginning STEM Relationships All Birth-3 Teaching All 3-8 Teachers Beginning Adults Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism Teaching All Adults Introducing Alaska’s Core Knowledge and Competencies for the Early Care and Learning Workforce Teaching Toddlers and Loving It! Friday, January 30th, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Leadership & Management Intermediate Adult Supervise with Confidence: Using Your Teacher Skills to Guide Adults Gigi Schweikert 200 Denali Physical Environment All Birth-8 Creating Community through Play Environments: Choosing Toys that Invite Participation from Every Age Group PJ Hatfield-Bauer 60 King Salmon Teachers All 3-12 Focus on Math: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness (Repeat of 1:45-3:15 session) Deb Riddle 60 Fireweed Teachers All 3-12 Focus on Literacy: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness (Repeat of 1:45-3:15 session) Angi Gallanos 60 Lupine Leadership & Management All All Rules & Running Noses: Remind Me Why I’m Still Here! Keri Krout 60 Aspen Teaching All 3-8 Working with Challenging Behavior: Thinking Outside of the Box (Repeat of 1:45-3:15 session) Rachel Shanks Emily Urlacher 60 Spruce Teaching Intermediate 3-5 Using Music in the Preschool Classroom Toni Rae Osiecki Robyn Hautala-Pieper 60 Birch Teaching All 3-5 Up, Up, and Away with Parachute Play Paige Chase & Bridget Kelly 50 Aleutian Teaching All Birth-5 Adults Lisa McCuthcheon 50 Willow Won’t You Be My Neighbor: How to Include Children with Special Needs 31 Finding The Wisdom Within: Reflections on Leadership and Professional Development 10:15 am - 12:15 pm Challenges of Engaging Families Where the Parent has Been Prenatally Impacted Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Myra G Crouch, Chief Program Officer, Council for Professional Development, Washington DC Workshop Sessions Friday Room: Aluetian NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Dr. Larry Burd, Professor, UND School of Medicine, Grand Forks, ND This workshop will focus on the identification of infants who have FASD especially those who do not met criteria for FAS. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for engaging parents of children with FASD to improve outcomes for both parents and children. This will focus on strategies that can be applied in everyday settings by people with a wide range of professional training and experience. This session will be divided into four parts: 1. How fetal alcohol exposure results in changes in brain and behavior of young children; 2. Strategies for early identification by screening and awareness of population prevalence of FASD; 3. Working with parents of children with FASD; 4. Strategies for management: What should we do and when should we do it? Winning Ways for Partnering with Families Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenter: Gigi Schweikert, Author, International Speaker, High Bridge, NJ Why do we do all this for parents? Why did they have kids anyway? Don’t we work here to educate and care for children, not their parents? Our lives would be much easier if children didn’t come with parents. Sound familiar? Sure, but in today’s world, we’re realizing that if we really want to impact children, we have to have a positive impact on their families, too. Join us for this humorous and practical workshop to learn about creative ways to partner with families. A can’t miss attend session for anyone who gets a little crazy sometimes from demanding and questioning parents. 32 Does Father Know Best: Why Children Need Fathers and What We Can Do to Help Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenters: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA Learn why fathers and father figures are vital in the lives of children and how to invite and involve them in your classroom. This workshop was presented at the NAEYC Conference in Chicago and received a standing ovation. Engaging in Concept Development Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Assessment of Child Progress Presenter: Cathy Cole, Independent Early Care and Education Consultant, Riddle, OR Concept Development is the teacher’s ability to plan for and provide classroom experiences, discussions, and activities to develop and promote children’s higher level thinking skills. In this hands-on engaging workshop participants learn how to plan and implement activities that engage the children in connecting concepts to real life experiences and previous knowledge, problem solving, experimentation, prediction and classifying and comparison. Envision what your professional practice would look like after finding the wisdom within as you learn strategies to further support your professional development. Join this session to engage in a discussion on ideas that support professional growth at any level and across different ECE settings. Review concepts that build on leadership as a purpose, not from a place of position. Learn ways to inspire, educate or be a mentor to others. King Salmon Aligning Pre-K Readiness with the Alaska State Standards Overview Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Anji Gallanos, Literacy Content Specialist, Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK; & Deb Riddle, Math Content Specialist, Department of Education & Early Development, Juneau, Alaska The Alaska Standards (adopted 2012), continue to be a focus for educators in Alaska. The standards are designed to ensure students progressing through K-12 are ready to graduate from high school, college and career ready. Early childhood educators must take action to know and understand what these new Alaska standards mean and what schools will expect of children who are entering kindergarten. This workshop will provide an overview of the expectations of the Alaska Standards in Language Arts and math and will give early educators an opportunity to align curriculum to the standards in a developmentally appropriate way. 10:15 am-12:15 pm (continued) Advocacy from 1 to 5 Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenters: Joy Lyon, Executive Director AEYC-SEA, Juneau, AK & Margaret Bauer, Alaska AEYC Public Policy Chair, Anchorage, AK I Wonder: Building Science into Each Day Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Rita Emmett, CEO, Emmett Enterprises, Inc., Author, Des Plaines, IL Do you have way too much to do and never enough time to do it? Are you overwhelmed with all that you’ve been putting off? Is it impossible to get through all the clutter in your office and in your life? Rita Emmett is a “Recovering Procrastinator” and author of 4 books including The Procrastinator’s Handbook. In this high content/high fun interactive presentation, she offers not only techniques & strategies to help you stop procrastinating, she also offers hope. If she can break the procrastination habit, anyone can. Even YOU. If you can’t find the time for this session, perhaps THIS is the session you need to attend. Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: Bonnie Powell, ECE Specialist, Homer, AK What’s Beneath the Behavior Developing Plans of Support Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenters: Alicia Deaver, Director of Outreach & Program Expansion, thread, Anchorage, AK & Helen Strothers, Clinician/Consultant, Anchorage Community Mental Health Services, Anchorage, AK Join us for an in-depth discussion around developing support plans for children with challenging behaviors. This session will focus on developing case studies and implementing strategies of support based on individual child needs. If you are attending this session, please come prepared to actively participate in small groups, develop a case study for a child with challenging behaviors, to problem solve, and to reflect on teaching practices. Reaching Potential through Puppetry Room: Chart Room (15th Floor of West Tower) NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Patty Meritt, Professor of Early Childhood Development, UAF, Fairbanks, AK This workshop explores puppets for all ages. Facilitator will share a handout and lead discussion defining puppets and the value of puppetry as well as how to guide puppets and avoid discipline problems that sometimes occur when puppets get aggressive. Participants will watch a few short video clips of famous and successful puppeteers as well as children using puppets at the Bunnell House Early Childhood lab School at the University in Fairbanks. Basic instruction will include how to develop a plot and resources for creating performances. Then participants will make basic puppets and those who are willing will share short stories/plays with their group. We will also look at the history of puppets, if time allows (through a puppet performance of course). After this session you should be ready to “Give Puppets a Place in your Space”! Friday I wonder…. How does that work? We are all scientists! Together we will explore ways to incorporate science and encourage curiosity throughout each day. Building on materials from the Head Start National Center of Quality Teaching and Learning, our focus will be on blending fun science activities with instructional practices strategies that encourage effective facilitation, incorporate a variety of modalities and materials, engage students with effective questioning, provide quality feedback, model language, and build in opportunities for leadership. Come prepared for a hands-on session and be willing to share your expertise! This session is repeated on Saturday, 1:45-3:15 in the Aspen. 1:45 pm-5:00 pm Workshop Sessions Learn how 1 person can make a difference - you! With an issue you are passionate about - children! Fast forward simulation of 2 jobs of a legislator - passing bills, and a state budget. Tour 3 great resources to keep you informed about what is happening with young children. Discuss the 4 arms of Government, and how, when, and where you can influence each. Review 5 great ways to advocate, and hear about 5 hot advocacy topics in Alaska for 2015. Blast Away Procrastination: Get it Done NOW 33 1:45 pm-5:00 pm Observing, Reflecting and Planning for Young Children Workshop Sessions Friday Room: Iliamna NAEYC Standard: Assessment of Child Progress Presenter: Cathy Cole, Independent Early Care and Education Consultant, Riddle, OR Observing and assessing children play a key role in the teaching and caring for young children. An effective observation and assessment system helps teachers to learn about each child’s individual needs and interests and allows them to reflect on how best to plan experiences and activities to support each child’s development and learning. Through this training participants will: Explore techniques for observing, recording, and evaluating a child’s developmental progress; Learn strategies of techniques to effectively develop and enhance child observation skills; Learn techniques for using child observation as a tool for collecting assessment information and for purposeful planning of activities and experiences and development of the learning environment. This session is a condensed repeat of Thursday’s presentations. 1:45 pm-3:15 pm The Art Journey Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Jessica Gardner, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK & Aubrey Sabin, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK Participate in a session of hands on art activities that are all about the process, not the product! These activities will focus on the creation of art and what this process does for a child’s development. You will learn ways to support children’s natural curiosity, exploration and creativity. You will also learn ways to discuss the art process with parents. 34 Are you Utilizing People or Using Them? Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenters: Gigi Schweikert, Author, International Speaker, High Bridge, NJ As a new supervisor or even a seasoned one, you’re likely to hold on tightly to the reins of control, feeling as if you tell everyone exactly what to do and how to so that they will do it just like you. Voila! But it doesn’t work that way. Supervision is not getting people to act like us, but getting them to act and perform the very best they can. For people to be motivated to do their best they need the freedom to take on new responsibility, use their creativity, and do things “their way.” You need to delegate to motivate. Are you utilizing people or using them? Vision Impairment Services & the Resources for ILP Providers Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Kimala Rein, MEd, TVI COMS, Teacher of students with Visual Impairment & Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Anchorage, AK This workshop will discuss how to incorporate appropriate services and effective teaching approaches as part of Individualized Family Service Plan for a child with a vision impairment and the child’s family. 1.What qualifies a child as visually impaired? 2.What are the Service Delivery Guidelines for Vision Impairment in Alaska? 3.What resources are available for the child, family, and Infant Learning Provider? This session will help ILP providers understand Service Delivery Guidelines for Vision Impairment in Alaska and give them resources to use when they have a child with vision impairment in their ILP. Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Room: Portage NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: Myra G Crouch, Chief Program Officer, Council for Professional Recognition, Washington, DC The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program is the best 1st step in professional development of early care professionals. The Council has revolutionized the CDA assessment which is driven by the Candidate and strengthens the Candidate’s professional development experience. The enhancements to the system are aligned to promote the best practices in the ECE field for credentialing and assessment. The assessment process has been streamlined, making it easier for Candidates and programs to understand and navigate. The credentialing system utilizes multiple sources of evidence and is the only comprehensive system of its kind! Join this session to learn more and take away strategies to help you succeed. This session is repeated on Saturday, 1:45-3:15, Cook Inlet Room. Teaching Toddler’s & Loving It! Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA Toddlers are not a tiny version of a four year old. They have specific needs, and temperaments. Let’s discuss what we can do to give them the right start in life. Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism 1:45 pm-3:15 pm (continued) Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: Mildred Parker, Professional Development Specialist, thread, Anchorage, AK Beginning STEM Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Brian Kenneweg, Northwest Regional Manager, Lakeshore Learning Materials, Carson, CA lenge. Focus on Literacy: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Anji Gallanos, Literacy Content Specialist, Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK This workshop is a continuation of the morning session and will provide a deeper understanding of the Alaska Standards, specifically the expectations in Mathematics. Early educators will focus on teaching strategies that will align mathematical content and the mathematical practices to curriculum in a developmentally appropriate way. This session repeated 3:30-5:00 in the Fireweed Room. Working with Challenging Behavior: Thinking Outside the Box Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Rachel Shanks, Disabilities Coordinator, Kids’ Corps, Inc. Head Start, Anchorage, AK & Emily Urlacher, Center Director, Kids’ Corps, Inc., Head Start, Anchorage, AK Come learn tools, strategies and ideas on recognizing and meeting the needs of students with challenging behavior. We will look at triggering events, cycles of behavior, teacher responses, children in crisis, strategies to cope (both teacher & child), and how to implement these in a busy class day. We’ll take a look at the deeper problems and how to avoid the short term “band-aid” fixes. This session is repeated 3:30-5:00 in the Spruce. Introducing Alaska’s Core Knowledge and Competencies for the Early Care and Learning Workforce Room: Top of the World (15th floor West Tower) NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Panu Lucier, SEED Director, thread, Anchorage, AK; & Hilary Seitz, Professor, Associate Dean, UAA, Anchorage, AK Alaska’s Core Knowledge and Competencies (CKCs) are the road map for defining the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed by professionals working with children birth through age 8 to provide high quality care and education. In this presentation, you will learn about why the CKCs are important; how the six standard areas of competency can be used by teachers, caregivers, family child care providers, directors, program administrators, trainers, higher education, policy makers, and advocates to improve the quality of early childhood education. Friday This workshop is a continuation of the morning session and will provide a deeper understanding of Alaska Standards, specifically the expectations in Language Arts. Early educators will focus on teaching strategies that will align reading readiness, pre-writing and language, curriculum to the standards in a developmentally appropriate way. This session is repeated 3:30-5:00 in the Lupine. Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Deb Riddle, Math Content Specialist, Department of Education & Early Development, Juneau, Alaska This training will define what a professional is, introduce professional organizations in early education, review the Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment from The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and discuss the early educator’s role in advocacy. Workshop Sessions During this interactive journey, we will discuss developmentally appropriate activities for S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), while including extension ideas to engage families. We will also look at the learning environment through the natural curiosity of a child as we explore. Session will also include a cardboard chal- Focus on Math: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness 35 Up, Up, and Away with Parachute Play 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Supervise with Confidence: Using Your Teacher Skills to Guide Adults Workshop Sessions Friday Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenters: Gigi Schweikert, Author, International Speaker 36 Would you ever give up on helping a child succeed? Never. So why, as supervisors, are we so willing to throw up our hands in defeat when guiding adults? Use your teacher skills to guide adults, discover ways to communicate your expectations more clearly, and help others overcome the barriers that keep them from succeeding. A must see workshop for anyone who works with adults and gets a little impatient sometimes. Focus on Math: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Deb Riddle, Math Content Specialist, Department of Education & Early Development, Juneau, Alaska This workshop is a continuation of the morning session and will provide a deeper understanding of the Alaska Standards, specifically the expectations in Mathematics. Early educators will focus on teaching strategies that will align mathematical content and the mathematical practices to curriculum in a developmentally appropriate way. This workshop is a repeat of the 1:453:15 session in the Fireweed Room. Focus on Literacy: Bridging the State Standards and Preschool Readiness Creating Community through Play Environments: Choosing Toys that Invite Participation from Every Age Group Room: King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Physical Environment Presenter: PJ Hatfield-Bauer, ILP Manager, SeaView Community Services ILP, Seward, AK Setting up indoor play spaces are important in Alaska because of our unpredictable weather. The emphasis of this workshop will be on finding and choosing toys that invite participation from a wide range of ages and abilities in order to build community play spaces where children who experience special needs can play with typically developing children. Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Anji Gallanos, Literacy Content Specialist, DEED, Juneau, AK This workshop is a continuation of the morning session and will provide a deeper understanding of Alaska Standards, specifically the expectations in Language Arts. Early educators will focus on teaching strategies that will align reading readiness, pre-writing and language, curriculum to the standards in a developmentally appropriate way. This workshop is a repeat of the 1:45 -3:15 session in the Lupine Room. Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Paige Chase, Associate Educator, CCS Early Learning, Chugiak, AK & Bridget Kelly, Family Educator, CCS Early Learning, Chugiak, AK New and seasoned educators will learn how to incorporate parachute play into their classrooms daily routine. The parachute is a limitless tool that can encourage and build a plethora of skills. Won’t You Be My Neighbor: How to Include Children with Special Needs Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Lisa McCuthcheon, Professional Development Specialist, thread, Anchorage, AK In this session, you will learn how to create an inclusive environment through environmental supports, basic adaptations and modifications of curriculum that support all learners. Participants will gain knowledge about the importance of working with families, resource agencies and related services to ensure best practices. Participants will also explore how they can empower all children in their child care settings. Using Music in the Preschool Classroom Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Toni Rea Osiecki, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK & Robyn Hautala-Pieper, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK Be inspired, no musical background necessary. Learn how to integrate music into the preschool classroom to promote structure, enhance early learning concepts, facilitate transitions, and much more! The presentation will combine lecture with interactive learning opportunities. 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (continued) Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA You are in charge of over 12 children, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You wipe tears, tables, noses and bottoms with a smile. Our jobs have the 3rd highest turnover rate in the nation because we are exhausted at the end of the day, and have nothing left to give. Burn Out happens to the best of us, and so does depression. Learn how to receive so that we can continue to give. Learn how to breath again, so that we can give our best selves to the children. This session is repeated on Saturday at 3:30. Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Rachel Shanks, Disabilities Coordinator, Kids’ Corps, Inc. Head Start, Anchorage, AK & Emily Urlacher, Center Director, Kids’ Corps, Inc., Head Start, Anchorage, AK Come learn tools, strategies and ideas on recognizing and meeting the needs of students with challenging behavior. We will look at triggering events, cycles of behavior, teacher responses, children in crisis, strategies to cope (both teacher & child), and how to implement these in a busy class day. We’ll take a look at the deeper problems and how to avoid the short term “band-aid” fixes. This session is a repeat of the 1:453:15 session in the Spruce. Conference Evaluation Questionnaire PLEASE remember to complete the 2015 Conference Evaluation Questionnaire which will be sent to you electronically immediately following the conference. Anchorage AEYC sincerely values your feedback which is used to evaluate the conference and to plan for future conferences. Workshop Sessions Friday Rules & Running Noses: Remind Me Why I’m Still Here! Working with Challenging Behavior: Thinking Outside the Box Thank You! Early Care & Education Celebration! 5:00 pm-6:30 pm Alaska Ballroom Fun Entertainment! Join us as we connect with colleagues, meet new friends and relax as we celebrate being early childhood professionals. Refreshments, door prizes, and tons of fun! Everyone welcome! Partner Sponsors: 37 Saturday, January 31, 2015 AGENDA IN DETAIL 7:30-1:00 REGISTRATION/INFORMATION DESK OPEN ………………..……...……………………….………….……… Promenade 7:30-2:00 EXHIBIT HALL OPEN …………………………………………...……………….………………………………….………Dillingham/Katmai Connect with community resources and vendors who provide products and services ideally suited to early childhood and school-age care professionals. 7:30-2:55 SILENT AUCTION………………..…...…………………………………...………...…….……. Lobby down from Registration 7:30-8:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST …………………………………….…………………………………………...…………....…...Promenade 8:00-9:30 OPENING GENERAL SESSION ………………………………………………………..…………………..…………… Aleutian/Alaska KEYNOTE: Rita Emmett Strategies to Prevent Burn-Out: Are We Having any Fun Yet? Participate in the silent auction. Not only will you come away with terrific items, you will be giving someone else the opportunity to attend the conference in the future. Proceeds support Anchorage AEYC scholarships fund and Head Start. Assorted muffins, juice, coffee and teas See description page 9. 9:45-10:15 VISIT EXHIBIT HALL/BREAK ……………………………..……………….………………………………….………Dillingham/Katmai 10:15-12:15 SEMINAR SESSIONS 9:30-4:30 ALASKA AEYC BOARD MEETING……………………………………………………………………………………... Top of the World 12:15-1:30 LUNCH ON SITE…..…………………………………………………………………..…………………………………….......Aleutian/Alaska Lunch included in Conference Registration Fee Menu: Beef Taco Bar, chicken fajitas, three cheese quesadilla, Mexican rice & three bean Cowboy beans, cheeses, desserts, coffee/tea 1:45-3:15 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 2:00 EXHIBIT HALL CLOSES…………………………………...…………………...………………………………….………Dillingham/Katmai 3:30-5:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS Would you like to help plan the 2016 Anchorage AEYC EC Conference? The committee meets 5 times a year! September, October, November, January & March Stop by the Registration Desk or speak to any committee member to learn more! 38 SATURDAY: SESSIONS-AT-A-GLANCE TRACK LEVEL AGE GROUP WORKSHOP PRESENTER(S) CAPACITY ROOM Rita Emmett 200 Denali Gigi Schweikert 100 Iliamna King Salmon AnneMarie Mattacchione 50 Lupine Katie Olson 50 Fireweed Melissa Picklet 60 Aspen Keri Krout 50 Spruce Alicia Deaver Sarah Holland 60 Birch Reanne Honemann 50 Willow Veronica Pope, Jackie Sparrow, Tennie Mackie, Serena Mollenkopf, Stuart Beard, Raissa D’Antonio 50 Chart Saturday, January 31st, 10:15 am -12:15 pm Leadership & Management All Adults Strategies to Prevent Burn-Out: Are We Having Any Fun Yet? (Follow-up to Keynote) Teaching Intermediate Birth-3 Supporting Infant & Toddler Exploration on Play Teachers All Curriculum All 3-12 Creating Little Botanist! Teaching Intermediate 3-5 Individualizing Teaching to Meet the Needs of All Children Relationships All All Promoting Peace in the Classroom Relationships All Birth-5 Families All Birth-12 Building Productive Relationships with Families Teaching All Birth-12 Screen Time: The Good, The Bad and the Reality 3-5 Implementing Classroom Supports for Children with Challenging Behaviors The “Arts” of Play Saturday, January 31st, 1:45 pm -5:00 pm Health Intermediate All Resiliency Trumps ACES Trevor Storrs 60 Birch Families All All Parent Navigation and Programs: An Overview of Stone Soup Group Amy Westfall 50 Fireweed Big Movement Big Learning Emily Urlacher 50 Aleutian Saturday, January 31st, 1:45 pm -3:15 pm Teaching All 3-8 Teachers All Adults Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Myra G Crouch 18 Prince William Teaching Beginning Intermediate Birth-3 Toddlers in Motion! Put on Your Comfortable Shoes Gigi Schweikert 100 Iliamna King Salmon Relationships Intermediate Birth-5 Happy, Sad, Mad and Glad: Why it Matters Jessica Gardner Aubrey Sabin 50 Lupine Teachers All Adults I Wonder: Building Science into Each Day Bonnie Powell 60 Aspen Relationships All All Keri Krout 50 Spruce Curriculum All Birth-5 Well Planned Activities Promote Curiosity, Reasoning and Problem Solving Donna Wade 50 Willow Curriculum All Birth-5 How To Make Preschool Learning Fun in a Home Child Care Brenda Nice 16 Portage Gigi Schweikert 100 Iliamna King Salmon Melissa Pickle 60 Aspen Keri Krout 50 Spruce Jessica Gardner & Aubrey Sabin 50 Aleutian Amy Bradford Reanne Honemann 50 Willow What I Know For Sure: Gifts to Give the Children Saturday, January 31st , 3:30 pm -5:00 pm Teaching Beginning Birth-3 Why Do They Push Chairs? Understanding the Toddler Mind Teaching Beginning 3-5 Successfully Managing Classroom Transitions Relationships All All Rules & Running Noses: Remind Me Why I’m Still Here! Health All All Let’s Move Curriculum All Birth-12 Make-It and Take-It: Connecting the Arts with Young Children 39 10:15 am - 12:15 pm Supporting Infant & Toddler Exploration on Play Saturday Room: Iliamna/King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Gigi Schweikert, Author, International Speaker, High Bridge, NJ Infants and toddlers are capable of doing so many wonderful things. They need the opportunity to use mastered skills, practice emerging skills, and try new skills. Explore ways to maximize learning experiences for young children, learn how to encouragement language development in your daily interactions, and support their play in a whole new way. Creating Little Botanist! Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Curriculum Presenter: Katie Olson, Faculty Chair Paraprofessional, Alaska Christian College/The Learning Tree Montessori, Soldotna, AK In this session we look to engage our students as active learners during our non-winter months. Join us as we examine common plants, weeds and herbs. Learn the anatomical structures of plants, identify specific species in the wild, as well as understand how to use plants for medicinal/edible usages. We will play games, create mini-field journals and sing songs. During the fun of our session you will learn how to stop nose bleeds and calm insect bites. We will share the top 5 plants for your school garden and my personal recipe for homemade spruce gum. Workshop Sessions Individualizing Teaching to Meet the Needs of All Children 40 Screen Time: The Good, The Bad and the Reality Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: AnnMarie Mattacchione, Assistant Professor, UAF, Fairbanks, AK Are you concerned with the way children behave in the classroom because of what they see in video games or movies? Are you struggling for a way to help parents make an appropriate plan for screen time with children at home? Screens are not going away! Program supervisors, teachers and family services staff members should understand the effects of using screen technologies with children and support families to provide a balance of activities for healthy child development. This workshop will provide the latest research on the effects of screen time on young children and strategies to help bring a balanced approach to resolving the screen time dilemma. Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Melissa Pickle, Alaska State Manager/Regional ECE Specialist, Eagle River, AK Every child is unique with his or her own strengths as well as areas of needs. As teachers how can we ensure we are meeting the needs of the children we are supporting? This can be particularly challenging when working with children with special needs, those exhibiting behavioral challenges, dual language learners as well as children who just are not making as much progress as we would like. This workshop will focus on ways in which teachers can embed teaching through out the day to meet those needs using materials from the National Center on Quality Teacher and Learning. Implementing Classroom Supports for Children with Challenging Behaviors Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenters: Alicia Deaver, Director of Outreach and Program Expansion, thread, Anchorage, AK & Sarah Holland, Lead Teacher, Southcentral Foundation Employee Family Center, Anchorage, AK This presentation will provide a panel discussion around different strategies to support all children's social-emotional competence and specifically provide targeted supports for children with challenging behaviors. The panel will be made up of early educators from the Alaska Pyramid Partnership (APP) sites in Anchorage. APP is a model for early care and education programs to implement the pyramid model based off the research from the Center for Social-Emotional Foundations in Early Learning (CSEFEL) and the Technical Assistance Center for Social Emotional Interventions (TACSEI). The panel will discuss the successes and challenges of implementing APP, specific classroom strategies that have helped promote social emotional competence and the overall impact APP has had on their program in regards to working with children with challenging behaviors. There will be a question and answer portion and time for participants to build their own plan for increasing supports for young children. Strategies to Prevent Burn-Out: Are We Having Any Fun Yet? Room: Denali NAEYC Standard: Leadership & Management Presenter: Rita Emmett, CEO, Emmett Enterprises, Inc., Author, Des Plaines, IL Follow-up to Keynote. 10:15 am - 12:15 pm (continued) Promoting Peace in the Classroom Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA Building Productive Relationships with Families Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Families Presenter: Reanne Honemann, Professional Development Specialist, thread, Anchorage, AK 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm Resiliency Trumps ACES Parent Navigation & Programs: An Overview of Stone Soup Group Room: Fireweed NAEYC Standard: Families Presenter: Amy Westfall, Program Manager, Stone Soup Group, Anchorage, AK The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. The ACEs study shows that trauma impairs a child’s physical, social and intellectual development resulting in increased risk of poor performance in school, mental health problems, substance abuse, problems with the law and serious long-term health problems. But ACEs is not the end of the story. Resiliency is the glue that holds the circle of life together. In this session, you will learn how the brain develops, how trauma/ACE’s impacts this develop and how resilience can help individuals overcome these impacts. Most importantly, you will learn how you can help to reduce trauma and build resiliency in your life. This session is a repeat of Thursdays, 10:00-12:00 Session in the Lupine. This hands-on workshop will present activities and resources through the eyes of play. We’ll explore many “Arts”: Science in the classroom, Cooking without a kitchen, using Dry Trash for projects, exploring Fine Arts and the masters, Outdoor Play and activities and Music throughout the day. Attendees will go home with ideas and activities they can use in the classroom right now. "The gifts we treasure most over the years are often small and simple. In easy times and tough times, what seems to matter most is the way we show those nearest us that we've been listening to their needs, to their joys, and to their challenges" Saturday Stone Soup Group: programs, populations served, families supported. A review of what parent navigation is, and how we support families. An overview of community resources and how a parent navigator can support your program, teachers, and families. We will also review the programs SSG has and how to refer to and utilize them. Some examples are clinics, MAP Family Program, support groups, STAR, diagnosis specific support, IEP and school supports and peer to peer connections. We look at a day in the life of a parent of a child with special needs. Practice in small groups will identify resources and supports feasible for a family in a rural community vs. Anchorage. Room: Birch NAEYC Standard: Health Presenter: Trevor Storrs, Exec Director, Alaska Children’s Trust, Anchorage, AK Room: Chart (15th floor West Tower) NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenters: Veronica Pope, Jackie Sparrow, Tennie Mackie, Serena Mollenkopf, Stuart Beard, Raissa D’Antonio: Teachers, St. Mary’s Creative Playschool, Anchorage, AK Workshop Sessions Inspired by Dr. Becky Bailey, recent brain research and what we know about social emotional development this workshop will focus on developing empathy. Bring your real life concerns and together we can develop a plan for peace and acceptance in your classroom. This session is a repeat of Wednesday’s 9:45 session. Understanding how to create open, friendly, and cooperative relationships with each child’s family benefits the developing child. Forming a partnership that allows for effective communication creates mutual support for both parents and early educators in meeting their needs and the needs of the child. The roots of this conversation lie in the Strengthening Families Framework. The “Arts” of Play Mr. Rogers 41 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Workshop Sessions Saturday Succeeding in CDA 2.0: Navigating the Process to Support Professional Development Room: Prince William NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: Myra G Crouch, Chief Program Officer, Council for Professional Recognition, Washington, DC The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program is the best 1st step in professional development of early care professionals. The Council has revolutionized the CDA assessment which is driven by the Candidate and strengthens the Candidate’s professional development experience. The enhancements to the system are aligned to promote the best practices in the ECE field for credentialing and assessment. The assessment process has been streamlined, making it easier for Candidates and programs to understand and navigate. The credentialing system utilizes multiple sources of evidence and is the only comprehensive system of its kind! Join this session to learn more and take away strategies to help you succeed. This session is a repeat of the sessions offered on Thursday & Friday. What I Know for Sure: Gifts to Give the Children Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA Repeat of Wednesday’s keynote. 42 Happy, Sad, Mad and Glad: Why it Matters Room: Lupine NAEYC Standard: Relationships Presenters: Jessica Gardner, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK & Aubrey Sabin, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK Come create some interactive visuals about feelings to add to your classroom! These are simple strategies to help young children identify and regulate their emotions. You will learn how to use what you make to help reduce frustration and increase classroom participation. You will also learn simple ways to talk to children about their emotions and why it is important that you do! I Wonder: Building Science into Each Day Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Teachers Presenter: Bonnie Powell, ECE Specialist, Homer, AK I wonder…. How does that work? We are all scientists! Together we will explore ways to incorporate science and encourage curiosity throughout each day. Building on materials from the Head Start National Center of Quality Teaching and Learning, our focus will be on blending fun science activities with instructional practices strategies that encourage effective facilitation, incorporate a variety of modalities and materials, engage students with effective questioning, provide quality feedback, model langue, and build in opportunities for leadership. Come prepared for a hands-on session and be willing to share your expertise! This session is a repeat of Friday’s, 10:15-12:15 session in the Spruce. Toddlers in Motion! Put on Your Comfortable Shoes Room: Iliamna/King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Gigi Schweikert, Author, International Speaker, High Bridge, NJ Caring for toddlers can be busy and exhausting. How do you help every child reach their fullest potential when there are so many little ones? How can you give each child the time and attention he needs while managing the rest of the group and fishing toys out of the toilet? In this humorous and practical session, you’ll learn easy ways to effectively give every toddler individual attention by making care times, prime times. Are you ready? Put on your Comfortable Shoes. Well Planned Activities Promote: Curiosity, Reasoning & Problem Solving Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Curriculum Presenter: Donna Wade, Professional Development Specialist, thread, Anchorage, AK It is a well documented fact that children learn and develop at their own pace. Providing developmentally appropriate learning experiences to children in your group can be a challenge. With your knowledge of each child, general child development patterns and some time tested teaching methods you can encourage all children’s learning, creativity, problemsolving and age appropriate development. 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm (continued) How to Make Preschool Learning Fun in a Home Child Care 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Why Do They Push Chairs? Understanding the Toddler Mind Room: Iliamna/King Salmon NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Gigi Schweikert, Author, International Speaker, High Bridge, NJ In this session we will cover the following: Incorporating preschool learning into home child care environment using play, letter & number identification; Using crafts to recognize name, seasons, days of the week/month; Special activities for example using music & musical instruments to learn rhythm and word memorization; Teaching responsibilities and organization; Working as a team in cleaning up, and putting toys in proper place while having fun. Are there some toddlers in your class who just aren’t listening? Do they keep pushing the chairs? It’s our job as educators to help children make positive choices as often as possible. With time, patience and consistency, we can help every toddler succeed. Learn developmentally appropriate behavior and steps for redirecting children’s behavior. You might not get all the answers, but you’ll definitely receive some new and innovative ideas plus lots of laughs. Ready to understand the toddler mind? Big Movement Big Learning Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Emily Urlacher, Center Director, Kids’ Corps Inc., Head Start, Anchorage, AK Come learn how to incorporate large muscle movement into your daily activities, including ideas for parachute play and keeping restless bodies active to increase learning. Building skills to use physical activity to stimulate learning. Kids’ Corp, Inc Head Start Children for making the creative table decorations. Room: Spruce NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Keri Krout, Author, Parent, Columnist, Certified Parent Coach, Vancouver, WA You are in charge of over 12 children, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You wipe tears, tables, noses and bottoms with a smile. Our jobs have the 3rd highest turnover rate in the nation because we are exhausted at the end of the day, and have nothing left to give. Burn Out happens to the best of us, and so does depression. Learn how to receive so that we can continue to give. Learn how to breath again, so that we can give our best selves to the children. This session is a repeat of Friday’s 3:30 Session. Children in early childhood classrooms spend much of their day moving from one activity to the next. These transition times can be frustrating for both the children and the adults in the room. Participants in this workshop will learn ways to make the most of transitions by ensuring these times are not only free from chaos but are also great learning opportunities for children. Make-It and Take-It: Connecting the Arts with Young Children Room: Willow NAEYC Standard: Curriculum Presenters: Amy Bradford, Professional Development Specialist, thread, Anchorage, AK & Reanne Honemann, Professional Development Specialist, thread, Anchorage, AK Come to our interactive workshop to play and learn the process of connecting the arts with young children! In this session you will participate in fun activities and engaging conversations about the importance of learning through play. Let’s Move Room: Aleutian NAEYC Standard: Health Presenters: Jessica Gardner, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK & Aubrey Sabin, Developmental Specialist, Programs for Infants & Children, Anchorage, AK Saturday Anchorage AEYC Thanks Rules & Running Noses: Remind Me Why I’m Still Here! Room: Aspen NAEYC Standard: Teaching Presenter: Melissa Pickle, Alaska State Manager/Regional ECE Specialist, Eagle River, AK Workshop Sessions Room: Portage NAEYC Standard: Curriculum Presenter: Brenda Nice, Owner/ Care Provider, Nice Little Daycare, Wasilla, AK Successfully Managing Classroom Transitions Join us to explore ways to incorporate movement into classrooms or homes without creating chaos. This is an active session, come prepared to move! 43 Homer Librarian Offers Tips on Sharing Books with Children Some parents aren’t sure how to share books with their young children. To give these parents a starting point to enjoy a book, Claudia Haines of the Homer Public Library has devised this poster of tips. Available on Apple iBooks! The bestselling authors of NAEYC’s Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning have released an enhanced, interactive ebook! Created for coaches and other professionals who support the work of early childhood educators, this must read guide is filled with video examples and other digital features. Designed to complement any coaching model, this guide will help you have Powerful Interactions with coaches, teachers, and other early childhood professionals. 44 Excited for the new release? Share your thoughts about the new ebook using the hashtag #powerfulinteractions 45 2015 Presenter Contact Presenters Anchorage AEYC thanks all the conference presenters who volunteered their time and shared their invaluable knowledge and expertise! McCuthcheon, Lisa: [email protected] Anderson, Monica: [email protected] Mollenkopf, Serena: [email protected] Bauer, Margaret: [email protected] Nice, Brenda: [email protected] Beard, Stuart: [email protected] Ohle, Kathryn: [email protected] Boivin, Christine: [email protected] Olson, Katie: [email protected] Boudreau, Rachel: [email protected] Parker, Mildred: [email protected] Braden, Janice: [email protected] Peterson, Tabatha: [email protected] Bradford, Amy: [email protected] Petticrew, Ethan: [email protected] Burd, Dr. Larry: [email protected] Pickle, Melissa: [email protected] Carroll, Colleen: [email protected] Pope, Veronica: [email protected] Castillo, Anna: [email protected] Powell, Bonnie: [email protected] Cockrell, Patrick: [email protected] Pratt, Christy: [email protected] Cole, Cathy: [email protected] Rein, Kimala: [email protected] Collier, Staci: [email protected] Riddle, Deb: [email protected] Cook, Michelle: [email protected] Russell, Jennifer: [email protected] Crouch, Myra: [email protected] Sabin, Aubrey: [email protected] D’Antonio, Raissa: [email protected] Schweikert, Gigi: [email protected] Deaver, Alicia: [email protected] Seitz, Hilary: [email protected] Emmett, Rita: [email protected] Shanks, Rachel: [email protected] Eubanks, Christina: [email protected] Simpson, Amy: [email protected] Gallanos, Angi: [email protected] Sparrow, Jackie: [email protected] Gardner, Jessica: [email protected] Stevens, Russ: [email protected] Harvey, Hattie: [email protected] Storrs, Trevor: [email protected] Hatfield-Bauer, PJ: [email protected] Strothers, Helen: [email protected] Holland, Sarah: [email protected] Tagabon, Jacqueline: [email protected] Honemann, Reanne: [email protected] Urlacher, Emily: [email protected] Hulquist, Christina: [email protected] Vang, Julie: [email protected] Hulse, Cassie: [email protected] Wade, Donna: [email protected] Johnson, Meghan: [email protected] Watson, Lewis: [email protected] Kenneweg, Brian: [email protected] Wennerstrom, Erin Kinavey: [email protected] Krout, Keri: [email protected] Westfall, Amy: [email protected] Lucier, Panu: [email protected] Wood, Eddie: [email protected] Lundy, Jenna: [email protected] Luther, Monica: [email protected] Lyon, Joy: [email protected] Mackie, Tennie: [email protected] 46 Mattacchione, AnneMarie: [email protected] McElroy, Jaad: [email protected] Meritt, Patty: [email protected] Exhibitors Exhibit Hours: Thursday Friday Saturday 8:30 am-5:30 pm 7:30 am-5:15 pm 7:30 am-2:00 pm Exhibitor’s Gala - Thursday 4:30 pm-5:30 pm Alaska Association for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Kathleen Hansen, OTD, OTR/L President Phone: (907) 500-8920 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Alaska Immunization Program Lorraine Alfsen Phone: (907) 869-8066 or 888-430-4321 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Anchorage AEYC Kyle Gardner, President Phone: (907) 696-5884 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Arctic Mermaids Studios Melody Beachem Phone: (913) 704-9784 Email: [email protected] Cookies 4 U Mary Meacham Phone: (907) 696-1555 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Council for Professional Development Myra Crouch Phone: (202) 260-9090 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Delaney Educational Enterprises, Inc. Bill Barnet Phone: (425) 334-1395 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Web Site: Eddie Wood Eddie Wood Phone: (907) 235-6160 E-mail: [email protected] Emmett Enterprises, Inc. Rita Emmett Phone: (847) 699-9950 Email: [email protected] Web Site: ExerPlay, Inc. Karl & Mary Croft Phone: (907) 887-3444 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Kaplan Pam Tester Phone: (800) 334-2014, ext 6122 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Keri Krout Keri Krout Phone: (360) 607-7145 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Lakeshore Brian Kenneweg Phone: 1-800-421-5354 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Gigi Schweikert Gigi Schweiker Phone: (908) 627-2547 Email: [email protected] Web Site: thread Stephanie Berglund, CEO Phone: (907) 265-3100 Email: [email protected] Web Site: University of Alaska Anchorage Center for Human Development Christal Smaw Phone: (907) 264-6223 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Usborne Books & More Andrea Blanchette Phone: (907) 412-2220 Email: [email protected] Web Site: 47 Name:_____________________________ Hilton Anchorage—Main Level Anchorage AEYC EC Conference Susan Barrow Don’t leave home without this program & your name badge! Silent Auction Your name badge allows you into sessions and lunch! EXHIBITORS Top of the World Anchorage AEYC Registration Area 48 Printing by Alaska Laser Printing and Mailing Services (907) 561-8000
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