Mardi Gras Conference 2015 February 12 & 13, 2015 Louisiana State University LSU Student Union PROGRAM Thursday, 2/12 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Capital Chamber (329) Check-in and welcome 9:00-10:20 Red River (323) SPATIALIZED SELVES Chair: Lindsay Dearinger Ambient Ecologies: The Recreation and (Re)creations of Space and Self Ryan James McGuckin, Louisiana State University The human body, the space and the identity: What links the urban man’s identity to the spatiality and how the desire for alterity is born in this case? Mehdi Alizadeh, University of Limoges (France) 10:30 AM-11:50 AM Red River (323) SOCIAL/PUBLIC SELVES Chair: Brandon Kyle About Facebook: Re-Viewing Black Women's Subjectivity on Social Media Sarah Webb, Louisiana State University My Life Had Stood a Loaded Gun: Aestheticized Violence in Hip Hop Music David Hill, Louisiana State University Identity Mischief: Where Play Challenges Reality in the Yes Man Matthew Tougas, Louisiana State University 10:30 PM-11:50 PM Castillian (304) OBJECT ORIENTED SELVES Chair: Daren Hutchinson Guerilla Poetry: Ashbery, Deleuze, Harman and the Allure of the Object Zach Tavlin, University of Washington Tristan Garcia and the Persistence of Objects Mark Ohm, Louisiana State University The Strange Glimmer of the Twilight: The Potentiality of Tension in the Works Jacques Derrida and Derek Walcott Daniel Benyousky, Baylor University 1:30 PM-2:50 PM Orleans (302A) (Re)ORIENTING SELVES Chair: Cristina Rosell “What shall be our sport?”: Playing Games in As You Like It and La dama duende Kristina Sutherland, University of Georgia The Object Identified Object, or the Woman-Oriented Ontology: An Inquiry into Orientation Annie Atura, Stanford University 1:30-2:50 Caddo (305) EXISTENTIAL and ETHICAL SELVES Chair: Amanda Swenson Possibilities and Limits of Ethical Subjectivity in Coetzee’s Disgrace Min Kyung Boo, Sung Kyun Kwan University (Korea) A Defense of No-Self Kimberly Mae Dill, University of Texas at Austin “But There was No Other Change in Nature”: The Refusal to Accept Change in The Turn of the Screw Clare Chiappetta, Our Lady of the Lake College 1:30-2:50 Castillian (304) PERFORMATIVE SELVES Chair: Ben Bergholtz Heaven Is for Real, and So am I: Perverse Faith Narratives, Reproduction, and Belief in the 'Real' American Male Laura Clapper, Indiana University Chuck Palahniuk’s Choke: A Gag Reflex to the Masculinity Crisis of the 1990s Sheridan Santens, Texas A&M San Antonio The Confidence Man in Antebellum American Literature: An Exploration of the Nexus between Individual and National Faith Caleb Doan, Louisiana State University 3:30 PM – 4:50 PM Capital Chamber (329) Dr. Ian Bogost, Keynote Speaker The Mistrust of Things How can we learn to live with things, where ‘things’ means stuff rather than ideas and events? How do we approach a world so replete, so overburdened with stuff that it's literally falling apart from the wear? How do we think of ourselves as really just another thing among others, rather than their masters and mistresses? How can we respect things for what they are, irrespective of our contact or concern, and how do we really do so, not just late one weird night, but every day, habitually, for real? And how do we do so without descending into the anguish of nihilism, without simply concluding that the universe is fundamentally indifferent? 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM Keynote Dinner The Chimes Restaurant (3357 Highland Road) Friday, 2/13 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Capital Chamber (329) Check-in and welcome 9:00-10:20 Red River (323) IDENTIFYING SELVES Chair: Mary Pappalardo When Ripley Looks: Female Gaze and Liminality in the Alien series Amandine Faucheux Louisiana State University “But Edna. My goodness. She was a Birthmother”: An Examination of Othering the Birthmother in Lois Lowry’s The Giver Lisa Sanna, Texas A&M San Antonio The Pseudo-Liberation of Aunt Jemima through Art and Nomenclature Brittany Walker, Emory University 9:00 AM-10:20 AM Castillian (304) TRANSNATIONAL SELVES Chair: Stacey Amo Warriors, Weirdos, and Weakling: The Roles and Revelations of Women’s Identity Portrayal in Virgil’s Aeneid Brittany N. Krantz, Stephen F. Austin State University Re-Examining the Female Futurist: Valentine de Saint-Point and the Atlantic World Charla Hughes, Louisiana State University New Names to Old Faces: Cultural Blending of the Identities of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa and Ezili Dantor Alexandra Torres, Louisiana State University 10:30 AM-11:50 AM Red River (323) PROFESSIONAL SELVES (PROFESSIONALIZATION PANEL) 1:30-2:50 Vieux-Carre (325) MEDIATED SELVES (SCREENING PANEL) Chair: Dustin Zemel The Subtlest Barometer: Mothers and Daughters Brenda Burmeister, Duke University Tiptoe: On “Becoming” a Woman of Color Robin McDowell, The University of Texas at Austin This Is a Longing For-Muriel Leung, Louisiana State University Kimberly Jones, Louisiana State University
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