High School Opera Singers Intensive Application The High School Opera Singers Intensive (HSOSI) is open to high school students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade . We are seeking dedicated music students and vocalists who are serious about the pursuit of musical studies in college and beyond. Admission will be based on application form, previous musical studies, teacher recommendation, and audio/video submission. TENTATIVE PROGRAM SCHEDULE: Day One: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 11am11am-4:30pm: Orientation and warm ups; First group master class; Audition Technique workshop 7:307:30-11pm (approx): Performance of Don Giovanni at the Metropolitan Opera. We will meet there as a group; transportation to/from the opera house not provided. Details and optional second ticket purchase will be provided to accepted participants. Day Two: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11am11am-4:30pm: Warm ups; Second group master class; Song Interpretation & Analysis workshop Day Three: Thursday, February 19, 2015 11am11am-4:30pm: Warm ups; Third group master class; College & Conservatory Q&A Panel; Acting & Theatre games workshop Day Four: Friday, February 20, 2015 11am11am-4:30pm: Warm ups; Fourth group master class; Chat with a Met Opera artist; Backstage tour; Prepare for final recital 5:305:30-7:00pm: Final recital program—friends and family welcome, please RSVP *Schedule, sessions, and workshops are all subject to change. Finalized schedule and list of presenters will be shared with confirmed participants. Please return completed application to: Metropolitan Opera Guild Community Engagement 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, 6th Floor New York, NY 10023-6593 or email to: [email protected] HSOSI applications are due by 5:00pm on Wed, December 10, 2014 A $25 Application Fee MUST be included with all applications. Visit us online at www.metguild.org.. For questions, please call the Community Engagement Hotline at (212) 769-7028. HSOSI Application page 1 of 5 STUDENT ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION: Student Name:________________________________________________________________ Street Address:________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:___________________________________________ Sex: M F Home Phone:____________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________ Email Address:___________________________ Birthday:_____________________________ School That You Attend: ___________________________________ Grade: 10 11 12 PARENT/GUARDIAN ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION: *We require the information for at least one Parent/Guardian as well as an Emergency Contact person, but please feel free to give us contact information for a second Parent/Guardian via email or phone if you would like! Parent Name:_________________________________________________________________ Street Address (if different than student’s):_____________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_______________________________________________________________ Home Phone:____________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: *Please provide the information for a contact person OTHER than the parent/guardian listed above in case of an emergency. Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Relationship:________________________ FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Does your child have any allergies, medical conditions, or medications that we should be aware of? Please explain. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ HSOSI Application page 2 of 5 FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS: PROGRAM INFORMATION: The Met Opera Guild High School Opera Singers Intensive (HSOSI) will be taking place Tuesday, February 17 through Friday, February 20, 2015, at the Met Opera Guild in the Samuel B. and David Rose Building at Lincoln Center. HSOSI includes workshops and trainings designed specifically for high school singers, led by Met Opera Guild staff as well as special guest teachers and experts. The final day culminates in a recital open to friends and family (please RSVP in advance). Program fees are $450, payable via credit/debit card or check. Upon acceptance, we require a $100 deposit to hold your space in the program. Payment of remaining $350 must be made in full by Friday, January 30, 2015. Limited financial assistance is available. A $25 application fee must accompany all applications. All payments are non-refundable. Daily lunch is not provided, but you may bring your own or purchase lunch at the Juilliard Cafeteria (lobby level of the Rose Building; most lunch options are $5-$10) with cash or credit/debit. WAIVER: I/we fully understand the potential risks involved with my child’s participation in this program. In the event that a medical emergency should occur, I/we hereby give permission for my child to receive emergency medical treatment. I/we agree to update the emergency contact form as needed. I/we hereby release, waive, discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Metropolitan Opera Guild (MOG) and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any loss, liability, damage, or any cost including any claim or demands therefore on account of any injury to my child or damage to my child’s property while my child is upon the MOG premises, or observing or using any facilities or equipment of MOG or participating in any MOG program. I/we hereby consent to having photographs/video images taken of my child by a Met Opera Guild staff member or a professional approved by MOG and the use of such visual images at the discretion of MOG. I/we hereby release MOG, its directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability, which may arise from taking or the use of such photographs/images. All negatives, positives, prints, or other visual images shall remain property of MOG. By my signature below, I indicate that I have read this form in its entirety and agree to my child’s participation in the High School Opera Singers Intensive at the Metropolitan Opera Guild. If accepted, I and my child agree to provide full payment and adhere to all regulations for participation. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: DATE: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ $25 Application Fee — please check one: Check is included (made out to The Metropolitan Opera Guild) Credit/Debit Card (circle) Visa Mastercard AmEx Discover Credit/Debit Card Number: ____________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______/______ Security Code: __________ Name as it appears on the card: ________________________________________________ Cardholder’s signature: ________________________________________________________ HSOSI Application page 3 of 5 FOR STUDENTS: We are happy that you’d like to join us for the Met Opera Guild High School Opera Singers Intensive! To be considered for admission, you must fill out the following questions and submit an audio or video submission as well as a teacher recommendation letter. Please see the attached AUDIO/VIDEO SUMBISSION GUIDELINES sheet (page 5) for additional information. The following questions tell us about you and your musical background to help us determine acceptance and plan the best sessions that we can. What voice part are you? (circle one) Soprano Mezzo Alto Tenor Baritone Bass Not sure Do you currently study or have you studied in the past with a private vocal teacher? Have you taken any music, choir, or music theory classes in school/afterschool? Please detail all applicable study and experience. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you play any instruments and/or read music? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What’s your favorite type of music to sing? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ At the Intensive, we’ll ask that you bring one song or aria that you already have memorized and that you already know well to work on for all four days. Do you have any ideas about what song you might choose? You don’t have to make your final selection now, but please give us some ideas about what you might want to pick. Opera, operetta, art song, or legit Broadway songs are preferred! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are you interested in learning by doing this program? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are the two songs/arias that are included in your audio/video submission? 1)__________________________________________________Composer:__________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________Composer:__________________________________ REQUIRED: Return completed application (Student and Parent sections) along with your audio/video submission, teacher recommendation, and application fee ($25). Optional: Attach a résumé of your performing and/or musical studies. HSOSI Application page 4 of 5 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS GUIDELINES: All applicants to HSOSI must submit an audio or video submission AND a teacher recommendation along with completed application form. Audio/video recordings may be submitted via email ([email protected]) or via postal mail (on CD or DVD) and must be received by 5:00pm on December 10, 2014. Please make sure your name is clearly marked on all materials. AUDIO/VIDEO SUBMISSIONS: • Audio/video submissions must include two vocal selections; each should be no more than 4 minutes in length. • Please state your name and the name of the songs you will be singing before you begin. • Selections must be drawn from the classical music, art song, opera, operetta, or legit Broadway repertoire. If admitted, your song choice during the Intensive must also come from those areas of repertoire and will be coordinated with us in advance. • Selections should be accompanied by piano only. • We strongly recommend that one of your selections be in a language other than English (Italian, French, or German suggested). • Do send us the best recording you can, but don’t worry if it isn’t a professional recording — even if all you have to work with is a cellphone, that’s great! • Do use a common and easily readable file format. For audio, .mp3, .m4a, and .wma are best; for video, .mov, .mp4, .avi, and .mpeg are best. • Always double check your submissions to make sure that the files open correctly and that they reflect your best work before you send! TEACHER RECCOMMENDATIONS: Ask a teacher you know well and trust to write a one-page letter telling us about your skills, background, work ethic, and areas of growth. • • We recommend that you ask a music teacher, choir director, theatre teacher, vocal coach, etc. If you have a question regarding which teacher you should ask, please feel free to ask us. • Recommendations can be emailed directly to us at [email protected] or included along with your application form and other materials. HSOSI Application Checklist Completed Application pages: Contact Information page; Parental Section: Medication Information and Waiver/Agreement; Student Section: Musical background and interests page Audio/Video Submission clearly marked with your name Teacher Recommendation Letter $25 Application fee (include a check or please enter your credit card information on page 3) HSOSI applications are due by 5:00pm on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Questions? Please call 212-769-7028 or email [email protected].
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