E-Mail Newsletter 30 January 2015 MEETINGS Feb 2nd 6pm – BETA 6pm – Board of Education (Admin Bldg) Feb 5th 12 Noon – TIF Review Committee Feb 9th 6pm – Bd of Adjustment Feb 12th 6:30pm – Planning Commission Feb 19th 4pm – Juvenile Ct Feb 24th 3pm – Traffic Ct 6pm – City Council 6pm - BMIA *All City Boards, Commissions, & Authority meets at City Hall unless otherwise noted Volume 30, Number 5 ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS The Blanchard Municipal Improvement Authority will receive separate sealed bids for the construction of Fox Run Drainage Improvements. Bids will be received at City Hall, located at 122 N. Main St, Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010, until 11:00 AM, on Thursday, the 12th day of March, 2015. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud, at 11:00 AM at City Hall. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on this project at 11:00 am on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at the City Hall, located at 122 N. Main St, Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010. All work shall be performed and all construction and material used and furnished shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by Glenn Sullivan & Associates, Inc., and on file in the office of the Blanchard Municipal Improvement Authority, located at City Hall. The Notice to Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans and Specifications, Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Statutory Payment Bond, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the following: City Hall 122 N. Main St. Blanchard, Ok 73010 OR (405) 485-9392 Glenn Sullivan & Associates, Inc. 103 N. Mercedes Drive, Suite A Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-7232 A complete set of Plans and Specifications to prospective bidders may be obtained at the office of Glenn Sullivan & Associates, Inc., (405) 321-7232, upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit of $50.00. Each bidder shall accompany his original bid, with a certified or Cashier's Check on a solvent bank located in Oklahoma or a Bidder's Bond, in the amount of five (5) percent of the amount bid, as a guarantee of his ability to perform the contract bid upon, and that he will enter into a written contract with the Owner to perform said work CALENDAR Feb 4th 2pm – Social Media Workshop (PTCR) Feb 10th 7am – School Board Election (All Precincts) Feb 14th – Valentine’s Day Feb 16th – President’s Day Feb 19th 12Noon – Chamber Luncheon (PTCR) For Blanchard Library Events: Please visit their website at pioneer.lib.ok.us/home and/or furnish said materials in accordance with said plans and specifications and furnish the required bonds within seven (7) days after the acceptance of his bid. The deposit will be retained by the Owner as, and for, liquidated damages in case the successful bidder fails to enter in said contract and furnish the required bonds provided for in the specifications within the time required. Deposit of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the execution of the Contract and required bonds. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn statement in writing that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly entered into an agreement, express of implied, with any other bidder or the price or amount of such bid or any bids, the limiting of the bids or bidders, the paying to anyone any money for promotion expenses, the parceling or farming out to any bidder or bidders or other persons of any part of the contract or any part of the subject matter of the bid or of the profits thereof. A Performance, Maintenance and Statutory Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price with a Corporate Surety licensed in Oklahoma and approved by the Owner and Engineer, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, and the bidder shall state in the proposal the name and address of the Surety or Sureties who will sign this bond in case the contract is awarded to him. The Maintenance Bond required will guarantee the repair of all damage due to improper materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the acceptance of the work by the Owner. All bids shall remain on file at least forty-eight (48) hours. Bids received more than ninety-six (96) hours prior to the Bid Opening will be returned. Contract to be awarded to low responsive responsible bidder on or before March 24th. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bidding and the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act. Conditional bids shall not be accepted. ___________________________________________________ CITY/TRUSTEE ACTION The Blanchard City Council and the BMIA Board of Trustees took appropriate action on the following items at their regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, 1/27: § CITY COUNCIL § ● Discussed road policy and request for repair of Summer Oaks by Jay Solomon; City of Blanchard P.O. Box 480 122 N. Main Street Blanchard, OK 73010 Phone: (405) 485-9392 Fax: (405) 485-3199 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the Web! www.cityofblanchard.us ● Terminated Lease Agreements with Blanchard Historical Society; ● Approved Reservation Agreement with Blanchard Historical Society; ● Approved Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services; ● Provided status update on renovations of the old library/former Methodist Church; ● City engineer provided status of Fox Run Road Improvement District; and ● Approved Consent Agenda. § BMIA § ● Approved Fox Run Drainage Improvements and authorized Bid Advertisement; ● Provided status of Crystal Lake Industrial Park platting, etc.; ● Approved Consent Agenda; and ● Held Executive Session. The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 24th. ___________________________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF A TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT: INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, CITY OF BLANCHARD; BLANCHARD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN: TO ALL INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS: The City of Blanchard, Oklahoma (the “City”) invites and encourages all interested citizens and other interested parties to attend two public hearings scheduled for Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. (during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Blanchard Planning and Zoning Commission), and Tuesday, February 24, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. (during the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council), both hearings to be held in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 122 N. Main St., Blanchard, Oklahoma. The purpose of the first hearing shall be for information and questions, and the second hearing shall be for persons to have an opportunity to be heard concerning proposed Increment District No. 1, City of Blanchard (the “Increment District” or “TIF”) on the following described property known as Tract A, and the Blanchard Economic Development Project Plan (the “Project Plan”). TRACT A The proposed Increment District contains an area generally described as a triangular area bordered on the north by NE 10th Street, on the west by North Council Avenue, and on the southeast by U.S. Highway 62/277/State Highway 9, plus underdeveloped frontage extending northeast along the Highway to approximately Rockwell Avenue and underdeveloped parcels along State Highway 76 west of North Council Avenue and north of NE 10th Street. The subject area comprises a portion of the land in Sections 19, 20, 29, and 30 of Township 8 North, Range 4 West, McClain County, Oklahoma, and more particularly described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN PART OF THE N/2 OF SECTION 29, S/2 OF SECTION 20, AND SE/4 OF SECTION 19 OF TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 4 WEST. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE SW CORNER OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1 OF THE BLANCHARD CROSSING PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY. LOCATED IN THE N/2 OF SECTION 29. THENCE, N00º23’31’W A DISTANCE OF 1401.41 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 2 OF BLANCHARD CROSSING PLAT; THENCE, N89º31’52”W A DISTANCE OF 660.00 FEET; THENCE, N00º05’26”W A DISTANCE OF 545.41 FEET TO THE SE/4 OF SECTION 19; THENCE, N89º53’32”W A DISTANCE OF 560.00 FEET; THENCE, N00º06’28”W A DISTANCE OF 230.00 FEET TO A POINT IN COMMON AREA “A” OF KENDALL HEIGHTS PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY; THENCE, WEST A DISTANCE OF 138.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 18, BLOCK 6 OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, NORTH A DISTANCE OF 230.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 21, BLOCK 6 OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, N89º 53’32”E A DISTANCE OF 99.02 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF LOT 24, BLOCK 6 OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE N45 º 23’54”E A DISTANCE OF 296.12 FEET, ALONG THE KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 25, BLOCK 6 OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT A DISTANCE OF 83.41 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 25, BLOCK 6, OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, N89º48’20”E A DISTANCE OF 240.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 25, BLOCK 6 KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, S00º13’52”W A DISTACNE OF 191.74 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 6 OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, S45º23’54”W A DISTANCE OF 155.00 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6 OF KENDALL HEIGHTS FILED PLAT; THENCE, S43º19’34”E A DISTANCE OF 266.00 FEET; THENCE, N89º55’32”E A DISTANCE OF 128.00 FEET; THENCE, S00º13’52”W A DISTANCE OF 138.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE TIMBER OAKS PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY; THENCE, N 89º31’52”E A DISTANCE OF 2,589.58 FEET TO THE SW CORNER OF LOT 21, BLOCK 1 OF HOUSER PLACE ADDITION PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY; THENCE, N00º05’26”W A DISTANCE OF 283.13 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 21, BLOCK 1 OF HOUSER PLACE FILED PLAT; THENCE, N89º33’17”E A DISTANCE OF 454.19 FEET TO THE SE CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF HOUSER PLACE FILED PLAT; THENCE, N00º04’25”E A DISTANCE OF 675.21 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1 OF HOUSER PLACE FILED PLAT; THENCE, N00º04’25”E A DISTANCE OF 53.31 TO A POINT ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1 OF HOUSER PLACE FILED PLAT; THENCE, N89º33’17”E A DISTANCE OF 420.00 FEET; THENCE, S00º04’25”E A DISTANCE OF 393.76 FEET; THENCE, S49º11’55”E A DISTANCE OF 354.37 FEET; THENCE, N52º05’15”E A DISTANCE OF 1,663.97 FEET; THENCE, S00º23’31”W A DISTANCE OF 793.72 FEET; THENCE, S89º58’36”W A DISTANCE OF 240.26 FEET; THENCE, N19º24’13”E A DISTANCE OF 13.05 FEET; THENCE, S89º58’36”W A DISTANCE OF 177.80 FEET; THENCE, S00º01’24”E A DISTANCE OF 67.31 FEET; THENCE, S89º58’36”W A DISTANCE OF 211.26 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF LOT 2 OF PICKARD ESTATES PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY; THENCE, S A DISTANCE OF 206.19 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2 OF PICKARD ESTATES FILED PLAT; THENCE, S89º58’36”W A DISTANCE OF 420.00 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 6 OF PICKARD ESTATES FILED PLAT; THENCE, S00º01’24”W A DISTANCE OF 415.00 FEET TO THE SE CORNER OF LOT 6 OF PICKARD ESTATES FILE DPLAT; THENCE, S89º44’43”W A DISTANCE OF 211.26 FEET; THENCE, S00º15’41”E A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF FOX RUN ADDITION PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY, TO A POINT IN THE N/2 OF SECTION 29; THENCE, S89º44’43”W A DISTANCE OF 91.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF THE FOX RUN FILED PLAT; THENCE, S52º09’00”W A DISTANCE OF 584.36 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 51, BLOCK 1 OF FOX RUN FILED PLAT; THENCE, S52º09’00”W A DISTANCE OF 65.44 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 50, BLOCK 1 OF FOX RUN FILED PLAT; THENCE, S27º40”07”W A DISTANCE OF 239.62 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 50, BLOCK 1 OF THE FOX RUN II PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY; THENCE, S43º18’59”W A DISTANCE OF 323.51 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 49, BLOCK 1 OF FOX RUN II FILED PLAT THAT IS ALSO A KNOWN POINT ALONG THE NE LINE OF LOT 10, BLOCK 1 OF FOX RUN III PLAT FILED IN McCLAIN COUNTY; THENCE, N35º46’52”W A DISTANCE OF 143.41 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK 1 OF THE FOX RUN III FILED PLAT; THENCE, N35º46’52”W A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE, S51º56’35”W A DISTANCE OF 2,476.34 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE FILED PLAT OF BLANCHARD CROSSING TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT CONTAINING 123.43 ACRES MORE OR LESS. A map of the proposed Increment District boundaries and the proposed Project Area (each as described in the Project Plan) is provided below. The proposed Increment District is the area within which ad valorem tax revenue and sales and use tax revenue may be captured and utilized for the payment of TIF Project Costs. The proposed Project Area is a broader area because certain TIF Project Costs may be expended outside the boundaries of the Increment District in support of the Project as described below. The proposed Project Area will include a portion of Sections 19, 20, 29, and 30 in Township 8 North, Range 4 West, McClain County, Oklahoma. Copies of the Blanchard Economic Development Project Plan may be obtained free of charge at the City Clerk’s Office located at City Hall, 122 N. Main St., Blanchard, Oklahoma, any time after Thursday, January 29, 2015, during regular business hours. The Blanchard Economic Development Project Plan will encourage economic development in the City by facilitating the creation of significant additional commercial development along the U.S. Highway 62 corridor within the City that encourages commerce, increases retail opportunities, and generates a corresponding growth in the local tax base (collectively, the “Project”). The City recognizes the difficulty in attracting significant development to the area due to the lack of adequate infrastructure necessary to serve to serve substantial development. The City will construct or cause to be constructed additional supporting public infrastructure necessary to facilitate additional commercial development throughout the Increment District. Development will proceed based on commercial opportunities that are presented to the City, all in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Proposed Project Costs include significant traffic upgrades, including construction, reconstruction, and/or resurfacing of streets, intersection improvements, signalization, sidewalks, and lighting, plus certain water and sewer line improvements to serve existing and potential development along U.S. Highway 62, along with potential acquisition of certain property within the Increment District. The proposed Project Costs (as described in the Project Plan) total approximately $6.69 million. Incremental increases in ad valorem tax revenue and sales and use tax revenue that are generated within the boundaries of the Increment District will serve as the revenue source for financing the proposed Project Costs. Said revenues are the public revenues directly attributable to the Project resulting from establishment of the Increment District. Increment District Project Area ___________________________________________________ SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION TO VOTE ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 IN THE SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION. ALL PRECINCTS WILL BE OPEN FROM 7AM to 7PM. th ___________________________________________________ TRAVEL VOUCHER CONTEST The Blanchard Chamber will be hosting a $2000 travel voucher contest again this year. The winner will be drawn at the annual banquet on March 6th, but you do not have to be present to win. Tickets are only $20 and will be available for purchase very soon. The winner will receive a $2000 travel voucher through Waves of Adventure Travel. ___________________________________________________ WORKSHOP The Blanchard Chamber along with the REI Women’s Business Center and Mid-America Technology Center will be hosting a workshop on Wednesday, February 4th. The workshop will focus on social media for your business and will feature topics on Twitter and LinkedIn. The workshop will be held in Blanchard at the Pioneer Telephone Community Room from 2 to 5pm. Cost is $15 for Chamber members. Please register online at www.reiwbc.org or call the Chamber office at 485.8787 for more information.
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