Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 5 February 2015 Leg 5 Addendum 1 THE COURSE Start—mark 1 to port—start pin to port—gate formed by mark 1 and No 18 buoy —mark 2 to port—mark 3 to starboard— Leaving mark to starboard—Western ‘Ice Limits’ 1 to starboard’—Western ‘Ice Limits’ 2 to starboard’— Western ‘Ice Limits’ 3 to starboard— Eastern ‘Ice Limits’ to starboard— Cape Horn to port—Itajai Finish. 2. THE MARKS a. Start Boat b. Start Pin Latitude Longitude Description 36° 50.090'S 174° 45.220'E 65ft White Motor Launch Square raft mark with cube branding. Square raft mark with cube branding. Red lateral buoy Square raft mark with cube branding. Square raft mark with cube branding. White 3m branded mark Variable 36° 50.000'S 174° 49.200'E 36° 50.180'S 174° 49.280'E 36° 49.140'S 174° 49.830'E 36° 44.300'S 174° 46.500'E g. Leaving Mark 36° 42.600'S 174° 47.000'E 53° 00.000'S 53° 00.000'S 175° 00.000'E 152° 00.000'W Line of Latitude h. Western ‘Ice Limits’ 1 53° 00.000'S 47° 00.000'S 47° 00.000'S 47° 00.000'S 47° 00.000'S 54° 30.000'S 55° 58.738'S 152° 00.000'W 150° 00.000'W 150° 00.000'W 130° 00.000'W 130° 00.000'W 106° 00.000'W 67° 15.245'W Straight Line 26° 54.887'S 48° 37.984'W Navigation Mark No 8 Green Flashing light Navigation Mark No 5 Red flashing light. c. Mark 1 d. No 18 Channel buoy e. Mark 2 f. Mark 3 i. Western ‘Ice Limits’ 2 j. Western ‘Ice Limits’ 3 k. Eastern ‘Ice Limits’ l. Cape Horn m. Itajai port finishing Mark n. Itajai starboard finishing 26° 54.781'S 48° 37.766'W Mark Positions are approximate. Datum: to WGS 84. 3. START (a) The starting area will be in front of the Race Village. Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 1 Line of Latitude Straight Line Lighthouse Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 5 February 2015 (b) The starting line will be between a staff displaying a ‘START’ flag on the Race Committee Boat at the starboard end of the line and a square raft mark with cube branding at the other end of the line. (c) Individual Recall notification may be broadcast on the VHF Channel 17. Failure of the Race Committee to notify, delay in notification or the sequence of such notification shall not constitute grounds for redress. This amends RRS 62.1. (d) Addendum Q, excluding Q2.3, Q2.4, Q2.5, Q3.1(c), Q3.2 (b), shall apply from the preparatory signal for the Leg and ceases to apply between boats which have passed and cleared the gate formed by Mark 1 for the second time and Channel Mark 18. 5. LEG START EXCLUSION ZONES Marshalling buoys will be laid around the racecourse to exclude spectator boats from the leg start racing area. They do not have any relevance to the Boats. 6. ICE LIMITS The ‘Ice Limits’ are positions used to form imaginary lines that Boats shall pass to starboard. The western and eastern limits will be set prior to the start. The position of the eastern limits may be moved north before any Boat has reached the longitude of 150° 00.000'W. 7. THE FINISHING LINE The finishing line will be between No 8 and a square raft mark with cube branding. The RC will be listening on VHF 77. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT Each Boat will be provided with an Oceanographic research buoy, these buoys are manufactured by Scripps Institute of Oceanography and each buoy measures approximately 60cm x 60cm and weighs approximately 20kg. The instructions for deploying the buoys will be supplied with the buoys. The buoys will be sealed in place and shall not be deployed until the boat crosses the line of longitude 170oW. When the buoy has been deployed the information form shall be completed and sent to Race Control. Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 2 Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 5 February 2015 9. COURSE DIAGRAMS AUCKLAND START Stage 1 Stage 2 Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 3 Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 5 February 2015 ITAJAI FINISH END Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 4
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