A c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e We e k Wednesday 6:00-7:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:25-8:15 p.m. Thursday 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday 7:00-9:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00-9:30 p.m. Men’s Prayer Group: Act Like Men. A time of prayer and accountability for each other and our church (perhaps a small devotional). Open to any men who want to join us! Contact: Dan Blosdale (519-754-1566) Pioneer Club continues for children in SK to Grade 6 here at the church. For more information please contact Chris John. Small Group: Revelation (David Jeremiah) at the home of Ken & Ruth Bell. This group meets every week. (Full) SHENSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH ...a caring place for family and friends to grow together! Small Group: Following Christ at the home of Peter & Janina Dekker (920-406 Colborne St. ) This group meets every week. (Room for more) Small Group: Study tba—Held at the church, lead by Ted & Sherri Comer. This group meets every week. (Full) Superteens meet at the church (gr. 7-8 from 6:30-9:30 and gr 9-12 from 6:30 –11 p.m. Join us for games, 6:30-11:00 p.m. worship, small groups and more! Contact: Scott & Mandy Calberry Friday Men’s Breakfast: Come for a hearty meal to start the day, followed by the powerful testimony of Gord Jack8:00-10:00 a.m. son. All men and boys are welcome! Saturday Please note: The Small Group led by Chris & Janet John (at Betty Neumann’s home) will resume in a week or two. (room for more) Tuesday The Small group led by Dan & Julia Blosdale will begin on Feb. 8 and run every other week. (God’s at War by Kyle Idelman). Room for more! Attention Ladies: Emmanuel Bible Church in Simcoe is hosting a Ladies Conference on Sat. February 21 from 9 am until 3 pm entitled “Unleashing God’s Transforming Power”. Lunch and coffee break included. Registration is $35 before Feb.6 and $45 after. Please contact Sherri Comer @ 519-753-7161 to register. 4 Interim Pastor: Rev. Jim Reese 25 St. George Street Brantford, ON N3R 1T9 Phone: 519-756-2870 E-mail: [email protected] www.shenstonechurch.com February 1, 2015 Thank you for joining us today at Shenstone Baptist Church. If you are one of our guests today, please note that there is a nursery available upstairs for children 0-3 years old during the morning service. We also have a morning children’s program for children aged 4-8 and Kids Precept for 9-12 that will be dismissed mid-way through the service. Our service will include worship choruses and hymns led by the praise team, some special music, followed by the message. Whether you are a regular or a guest, we’d like to ask you to fill out the Friendship Registry Book as it is passed along the pew. We’d love to have a record of you being with us today. If we can be of help to you in some way, please speak to one of the ushers, someone you see on the platform or write a note in the Friendship Registry. 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jim Reese shares “Hell: and How to Avoid It” followed by Communion. Special music provided by Win and Doreen Johnson. Our Kids Precept begins again this morning for children ages 9-12. Please note there will not be an evening service. A Prayer Group meets each Sunday from 10:30-11a.m. in Room # 3 downstairs. If you are interested in praying for our church services, you are welcome to join with them for one or all of the Sundays. For more info, please contact Sherri Comer (519-753-7161). 2 Next Sunday Sunday School continues for all ages, nursery to adult! 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jim Reese will share “Disappointment...His Appointment”. Please note there will not be an evening service. News and Notes PASTOR JIM REESE is at the church this Wednesday (9 - 5) and available for appointments and visitation. You can contact him via email at [email protected] or by phone in Kitchener at 519-578-8833 SUNDAY EVENING SERVICES will begin again on February 22 at 6 pm. Pastor Jim Reese will present an eleven-week series on THE MOUNTAINS OF GOD from Ararat: The Mount of New Beginnings, to Zion: The Mount of Christ's Reign. This will be of interest to teens and pre-teens as well as all adults. Dear Shenstone Family, Bill and I would like to thank you for the wonderful shower you arranged for us. Special thanks to Kathy Comer and Janina Dekker for organizing it, to Pat Purdy for making the cake and to everyone who came to honour us. The picture is beautiful and will be a special reminder to me of Shenstone. It is now hanging in the living room at Bill's home. We will enjoy sipping our tea or coffee in the Mr. and Mrs. mugs. The generous monetary gift is so appreciated, and we are still deciding what will be purchased with it for our home. We appreciate your support, best wishes, and prayers as we begin our new life together. Christian love, Denise Campbell and Bill Karmiris We would like to invite anyone who can come to witness our marriage ceremony at Central Baptist Church at 11:00 a.m. on February 14, 2015.
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