District Nursing for CC/SC - Patient Information

Contact Information
Contact the team through your GP or District Nurse
Tel: 0844 620 0078 (24 hour)
for District Nurses press option 2
Out of Hours 4pm-8am
Weekends and Bank Holidays
Patient Information
If you would prefer not to contact us by phone,
email us at: [email protected]
There are fewer nurses on duty out of hours, so only
call if the care you require is urgent.
District Nursing Service
All non-urgent referrals should be made on
Monday - Friday
Cambridge City and
South Cambs Area
For further information about this service contact:
Nikki Bidwell
Cambridge City and South Cambs Area Manager - Planned Care
Brookfields Hospital
Management Building
351 Mill Road
Tel: 01223 726466
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Providing a lifetime of care
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust: providing services across Cambridgeshire,
Peterborough, Luton and Suffolk
If you have any concerns about this service or suggestions for improvements,
contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service on Freephone 0800 013 2511 or
email: [email protected]
For free, confidential health advice and information 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year please contact NHS 111.
Philosophy of Care
If you require this information in a different format such as in large print or on audio tape, or
in a different language please contact the service using the details on the inside back cover.
We believe that patients are
entitled to a high standard of care
based on needs while respecting
confidentiality, dignity, multicultural
and religious beliefs
Polish: Jeżeli potrzebujesz tych informacji w innym formacie, jak na przykład w dużej
czcionce, w formacie audio lub w innym języku, prosimy o kontakt z Cambridgeshire
Community Services NHS Trust (Publiczny Zespół Opieki Zdrowotnej i Środowiskowej) pod
numerem telefonu: 01480 308216 lub email na adres: [email protected]
Portuguese: Se precisar desta informação em formato diferente, tal como impressão em
letra grande, cassete áudio ou noutra língua, por favor contacte o Cambridgeshire
Community Services NHS Trust (Trust NHS dos Serviços Comunitários de
Cambridgeshire), através do telefone 01480 308216, ou envie um e-mail para:
[email protected]
We believe in working in close
partnership with family and informal
carers and other social and allied
health professionals to provide
seamless, patient focused care
Russian: Если данная информация требуется в другом формате, например крупным
шрифтом, аудиозаписи или на другом языке – просим обращаться в Социальные
Службы Общественного Фонда Здравоохранения Графства Кембриджшир, по
телефону 01480 308216 или отправлять электронное сообщение no адресу
[email protected]
Cantonese: 本資料亦以特大字體、錄音形式或其它語文提供,如有需要,請聯絡劍橋郡社
區服務國家健康信託(Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust),電話01480
308216; 電郵地址[email protected]
We believe that we are
knowledgeable and highly skilled
professionals providing quality care
to our patients and our community.
Turkish: Eğer bu bilgininin kendi dilinizde çevirisini (ya da daha büyük harflerle baskısını
veya kasete kayıtlı halini) isterseniz, lütfen Cambridge Bölgesi Kamu Hizmetleri Ulusal
Sağlık Hizmeti Birimini (Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust) 01480 308216
no’lu telefon numarasından arayın veya [email protected] adresine e-mail
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©Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Tel: 01480 355184 / 308216
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk
Code: AS/DNT/LFT/0309 - V2.3 (Jan 2015)
Date of Production: February 2014
Date of Review:: February 2017
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Access to Records
Who is The Service For?
To obtain copies of records under the responsibility of
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, you will
need to write to the Access to Records department.
Should you be writing on behalf of someone else, they will
need to provide written confirmation that you are
authorised to do so on their behalf. A form for either
yourself or for someone you are acting on behalf of, can
be obtained from the address below. A fee is chargeable
to both view health records or to obtain copies (currently
up to a maximum of £50).
The District Nursing Service provides nursing care to
anyone aged over 18 in your home when you are
housebound and unable to attend the surgery. If you are
unsure and need to clarify whether you qualify for the
service, please contact your GP practice or District
Nursing Team.
Should you have any queries relating to Access to
Records please call the department on (01480 308223) or
write to:
Student Nurses
On occasions student nurses may accompany the nurse.
Please make it known if you prefer not to be seen by a
Your Appointments
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Access to Records
Unit 3, The Meadows
Meadow Lane
St Ives
PE27 4LG
Further information and a downloadable ‘Access to
Records Patient Information Leaflet’ can also be found on
our public website: www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk
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Once your referral has been accepted a member of the
District Nursing Team will contact you to arrange a date.
Morning or afternoon time slots can be provided on
request. During the initial visit the nurse will discuss your
needs and agree a care plan with you. If you have an
urgent need e.g. a blocked catheter, we will visit you
within a maximum of 4 hours.
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Recognising Your Community Nurse
All nurses will wear an ID badge bearing a CCS NHS Trust
What You Can Expect
To be treated as an individual.
Individually tailored care that you and your carer have
been involved in planning. A copy will be retained in
your home.
Confidentiality: your information and records will be
kept confidential.
If the District Nursing Team cannot help you they will
direct you to the appropriate service.
In order to minimise cross-infection,
nurses are required to wash their
hands before and after consultation.
If possible please provide liquid
soap and paper towels.
Navy Blue
Team Leader
Royal Blue
District Nursing Sister/ Charge Nurse or
Caseload Holder
Pale Blue
Community Staff Nurse
What We Expect From You
Please can you make sure your home is safe for staff
to attend and complete your treatment eg please
remove pets from the room you are going to receive
your treatment in.
We expect to work in an environment that is safe and
free from abuse.
Health Care Assistant (HCA) or
District Nurse Assistant
We expect to work in a smoke-free environment. If you
smoke, please refrain from smoking around the time
you expect the nurse to visit and ventilate the room.
Community Matron
The District Nurse will identify when your condition
enables you to see the Practice Nurse at the surgery.
This will help us be available for other housebound
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