Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church Pastor del Valle 600 Beebe Road, Central Point, OR 97502 Office Hours: Monday - 1 - 5 pm Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Horario de oficina en español: martes a viernes de 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Y después de la 6:00 PM con previa cita. Phone: (541) 664-1050 Fax: (541) 664-9312 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail Ministerio Hispano: [email protected] web site - Iglesia Catolica FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Parish Staff Father Mike Walker - Pastor Father Victor Perez - Parochial Vicar Joyce Marks - Coordinator of Ministries & Volunteers Deacon Felix Garcia - Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Kelsie Whaley - Coordinator of Youth Ministry Jenny Zomerdyk- Office Manager David Knouff - Maintenance Rick Knouff - Maintenance MISSION STATEMENT Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church is a welcoming parish family, who worships together as disciples, receives Jesus in Word and Sacrament and proclaims the Good News. We commit ourselves to the joyful love of Christ. Our faith is expressed in service to all God’s children. We go out into the world to share and invite others to experience the love of God. Ministries/Ministerios Altar Servers: Jerry Bourgeois 541-826-4676 Augustinian Seculars: Debbie Childs 541-664-8604 Baptism: Megan Sandlin 541-664-3221 Bautismos: Deacon Felix Garcia 541-664-1050 Bereavement Ministry: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 Catecismo: Yolanda Canjura 541-664-1050 Children's Liturgy of the Word: Joyce Marks 541-664 -1050 Ecuentro Matrimonial: Liz & Santos Godinez 541-890-2698 Grief Support: Jenny Zomerdyk 541-664-1050 Hospitality: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Initiation / R.C.I.A.: Joyce Eason 541-664-5910 Knights of Columbus: Dr. Doug Smith 541-773-1414 Legion of Mary: Jim Brick 541-826-4881 Liturgy Coordinator: Diane Orto 541-535-5980 Men's Book Study: Terry Marks 541-826-7924 Ministeno de Jovenes: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Ministry to the Ill & Homebound: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Music Ministry: Steve Childs 541-664-8604 New Parishioners: Don Krolak 541-879-0319 Prayer Chain: Irene Vaughn 664-2517 or Joyce Eason 664-5910 Religious Education: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 San Juan Diego: Isabel Martinez 541-301-5570 Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 St. Augustine Conference (S.V.D.P.): 541-646-7879 Young Adult Group: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Youth Ministry: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Masses/Misas Saturday: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM (Espanol) Sunday: 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM (Espanol) Weekdays Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 12:00 PM Mass 6:00 PM Bilingual 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 1st Friday or Communion Service Sacraments Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. - 4:00 to 4:45 PM or anytime by appointment Baptisms: Call 3 months prior to the baptism Weddings: Call 6 months prior to the wedding FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FROM FATHER VICTOR: Act and Speak with Authority “Be silent and come out of him” Mark 1:25 I have a family who is very healthy. My dad is very religious and dedicated to his work. My mom is loving and very patient, she frequently has to tell us and show us the way to become not only good people but the model of life. I remember one day I was supposed to be serving at Mass. I had stayed up really late the night before and as I result I couldn’t wake up for Sunday Mass. I heard my mom’s voice saying, “It’s time to get up” but I continued sleeping. Then she called me again and said, “get up already or I will get you up.” She spoke and acted seriously…she took one of her sandals and standing in front of me began to count to three…it was a better choice to get up and do what you were supposed to do. Today the Gospel tells us (Mark 1, 25) that a man possessed by an evil spirit encountered Christ, the Son of God, and something surprising happen. Immediately he recognized him, Satan is intelligent, isn’t he? But Christ is more intelligent than him and with authority he says, “Be silent and come out of him” and the man was left healed. How many times in life have we also experienced this type of thing? How often have we allow addictions or depression or things like pride, envy, sloth, etc, etc, etc. to live in us? What do we do to become free of these things? I told you my mom’s way of “talking” to us, she spoke with authority and things would get done at any cost. Thanks to her, I now realize the word is true and when some spirit is giving us other indications it is better and more recommended to speak with authority. As I said, our call is to arrive at not only being good people, but models of life. The month of January is already gone, we must give thanks to God for the gift of this time but we should also review our progress. If it is necessary to make some change do not doubt or hesitate in doing so. The most important thing is to remember Jesus Christ, he teaches us frequently that it is necessary to be firm and decisive. He always spoke and acted with authority. “Be silent and come out of him.” DE PARTE DE PADRE VICTOR: Actuar y Hablar con autoridad. CALLATE Y SAL DE EL. MK 1, 25 Tengo una familia muy sana, mi padre es muy religioso y muy dedicado a su trabajo. Pero mi mama aunque es amorosa y muy paciente con frequencia tiene que hablar y senalar el camino para llegar no solo a ser buenas gentes sino modelo de vida. Recuerdo que un buen dia cuando servia en la Iglesia parroquial me dormi muy tarde y como resultado otro dia no podia levantarme para la misa dominical, oi la voz de mi mama que decia ‘’ya es hora levantate’’ pero yo segui dormido. Entonces ella me llamo otra vez y me dijo: ya levantate o voy a levantarte, cuando ella hacia eso hablaba en serio y actuaba en serio, se quitaba una de sus sandalias y enfrente de ti contaba hasta tres . . . asi que era mejor levantarse y cumplir con tus obligaciones. Hoy nos dice el evangelio ( Mk. 1, 28 ) que un hombre poseido por un espritu malo se encuentra con Cristo el Hijo de Dios y pasa algo sorprendente, inmediatamente lo reconoce, Satanas es inteligente no? Pero Cristo es mas que el y con autoridad le dice ‘’callate y vete’’ y el hombre quedo sano. Cuantas veces en la vida experimentamos tambien nosotros esta clase de cosas? Es decir dejamos que adicciones o deprecion, o cosas como orgullo, envidia, o pereza etc, etc, etc, vivan en nosotros? Que hacemos para vernos libre de ellos? Yo les platicaba el modo de ‘’hablar’’ de mi mama, ella hablaba con autoridad y las cosas se hacian a como diera lugar. Gracias a ella ahora me doy cuenta que la palabra se cumple y que cuando algun espirtu por alli nos esta dando otras indicaciones es mejor y mas recomendable hablar con autoridad. Como les digo nuestro llamado es llegar a ser no solo buenas gentes sino modelos vida. Ya para terminar, les dire que el mes de Enero ya se fue, y claro que no solo le damos gracias a Dios, sino que tambien revisamos nuestro progreso. Si es necesario hacer algun cambio no dudes en ejecutarlo. Y lo mas importante acuerdate de Jesucristo, nos enzena que con frequencia es necesario ser firme y decidido, El siempre habla y actua con mucha autoridad. “Callate y Sal de El.’’ You can find me here: [email protected] Me puedes encontrar aqui: [email protected] Fr. Victor Fr. Victor page 2 Dying Wishes We are all leaving this planet one way, and as much as we try to escape death, we all will die and in hope, join our Lord in eternity. In a societal culture of expediency and convenience, funerals or the lack of them, are a common casualty influenced by this attitude. In my experience thus far, Catholics don’t tend to preplan their funerals. I can promise you, someone else will and it will be too late for you to have a say so. I can’t tell you how many times a Catholic funeral and burial are not honored by the children or relatives of the deceased, because wishes were not written down, and costs not thought out. Family members who are not practicing Catholics see no need for the time, costs and considerations given to a Catholic Wake and Mass Funeral, and the Committal where the priest blesses the grave site. They often opt for a celebration of life or gathering at a person’s home and call it good. If that works for you, read no more. For the rest, saying what you want isn’t as good as a firm written plan of your burial wishes. I will be giving a morning workshop on How to plan for your end of life needs on Thursday, March 12th. I will have a mortuary speaker so you will know how to plan in advance for costs. I will cover Catholic Funerals, what our Church teaches in regards to them, and you can choose to or not to have yours, down to the readings read at your Mass Funeral. A book of planning will be included to take home with you. Costs include the book. Adult children, invite your Catholic parents to come. Joyce últimos deseos Todos nos estamos dejando este planeta de una manera, y por mucho que tratamos de escapar de la muerte, todos vamos a morir y esperamos unirnos a nuestro Señor en la eternidad. En una cultura de la sociedad de la conveniencia y comodidad, los funerales, son una víctima común de esta experiencia. En mi experiencia hasta ahora, los católicos no tienden a planificar previamente sus funerales. Puedo prometer que, alguien más lo hará y será demasiado tarde para que tu podadas decidirlo. No puedo decirle cuántas veces un funeral católico y el entierro no son respetadas por los hijos de los fallecidos o familiares porque los deseos no fueron escritos, y los costos no pensado. Miembros de la familia que no son católicos practicantes no ven la necesidad de los tiempos, costos y consideraciones dadas para un velorio o una misa de funeral y el sepelio en el que el sacerdote bendice la tumba. A menudo optan por una celebración de la vida o una reunión en la casa de una persona y lo llaman bueno. Si funciona para usted, no lea más. Por lo demás, solo decir lo que quieres, no es tan bueno como un plan escrito de su entierro. Voy a dar un taller sobre cómo planificar el funeral el jueves 12 de marzo. Voy a tener un conferencista de la casa funeral para que sepa cómo planificar por adelantado para los gastos. Vamos a hablar sobre funerales católicos, lo que nuestra Iglesia enseña en cuanto a ellos, y usted puede elegir o no tener el suyo, hasta las lecturas leídas en su misa funeral. Un libro de planificación se incluye para llevar a casa con usted. Los costos incluyen el libro. Los hijos adultos, invita a tus padres católicos a venir. Joyce THE 33ND ANNUAL CATHOLIC MEN’S RETREAT “Saint Joseph The Faithful Father and Husband” We are privileged to have Fr. Ken Sampson as our presenter. He is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Medford OR. He has been with the Archdiocese of Portland for eight years. He was a religious brother with the Discalced Carmelites, who have a principle charism of retreat page 3 work, spiritual direction and teaching the faithful how to deepen their prayer life. The retreat will be held at St. Rita’s Retreat Center in Gold Hill, Oregon on Feb. 27- March 1, Friday- Sunday. To register or for more information call Don Zimmerer at 541-531-2929. THIS WEEKS READINGS February 2 February 8 MONDAY The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4 Ps 24:7-10 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 TUESDAY Heb 12:1-4 Ps 22;26-28, 30-32 Mk 5:21-43 WEDNESDAY Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18 Mk 6:1-6 THURSDAY Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Ps 48:2-4, 9-11 Mk 6:7-13 FRIDAY Heb 13:1-8 Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8-9 Mk 6:14-29 SATURDAY Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Ps 23:1-6 Mk 6:30-34 SUNDAY Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Mk 1:29-39 MEXICO MISSION During Holy Week a team from our parish will be travelling again to Vera Cruz, Mexico to spend twelve days on mission. We go to serve, teach, share, celebrate and live with the people of Mexico. Our team is about six people, but it’s really our whole parish that goes to this mission. So how can you be part of the mission? It’s so simple! You can pray for us. You can offer a sacrifice for the mission. And you can make a donation. Starting this weekend you have the opportunity to donate to the mission in a very special way. Each of the people attending mission are paying their own expenses, but you can help us to bring food and clothing to the people of Mexico. After Masses (or at the parish office anytime during the week), you can stop by and purchase a shirt, a pair of pants, or some bread and fish. Each of these symbolizes clothing or food, which we will purchase in Mexico with the donated money and give to the people in the towns we are serving. Each item is a donation of $5. Your name (or the person in who’s name you would like to make the donation) will be written on the item and posted on the board. You will also receive a prayer card so that you can continue to pray for the mission as we prepare. The donations for clothing and food will be taken until March 22nd. Participate with us in serving, teaching, sharing, celebrating, and living with the people of Mexico. LENT KERYGMA SERIES The “Three Rs of Faith” This Lent, in all the weekend Masses, we as a parish will be preparing for Easter by “going back to basics”. Each Sunday during Mass we will preach and teach on one of the five elements of the Kerygma. The “Good News” for us is that it will help us to understand the basic Gospel message – almost like a review of the “Three Rs of Faith”, so we can be more rooted in our faith and it’s fundamental message. Because it is the fundamentals of the faith, it is the perfect time for others to come to faith. Therefore, we need to invite our friends and family members to come during Lent so they can understand why Jesus and faith matters. We will be beginning this series the weekend of February 21/22 after Ash Wednesday. Plan on making it each weekend during Lent to allow the basic message of Salvation to impact your life. In addition, invite your friends and family members to go with you so that they also might come to appreciate the real Gospel of Jesus and salvation. Now is the time to commit and invite. Lent will be here in about a month. EL KERYGMA DURANTE CUARESMA Los "tres R de la Fe" Esta Cuaresma, en todas las misas del fin de semana, nosotros como parroquia estaremos preparándonos para la Pascua "volviendo a lo básico". Cada domingo durante la misa vamos a predicar y enseñar cada uno de los cinco elementos del Kerygma. La "buena nueva" para nosotros es que nos ayudará a entender el mensaje básico del Evangelio - casi como una revisión de las "tres R de la Fe", para que nuestra fe pueda ser más arraigada en su mensaje fundamental. Debido a que son los fundamentos de la fe, es el momento perfecto para que otros vengan a la fe. Por lo tanto, tenemos que invitar a nuestros amigos y miembros de la familia a venir durante la Cuaresma para que puedan entender por qué son importante Jesús y la fe. Estaremos comenzando esta serie del fin de semana de febrero 21y 22 después del Miércoles de Ceniza. Planea asistir a misa durante cada fin de semana durante la Cuaresma para permitir que el mensaje básico de la Salvación llegue a tu vida. Además, invita a tus amigos y familiares para venir contigo a fin de que también pudieran llegar a apreciar el verdadero Evangelio de Jesús y de la salvación. Ahora es el momento de comprometerse e invitar. Cuaresma comenzará el mes próximo . PUT YOUR GUM IN THE TRASH! Please dispose of your gum properly! It has been very difficult to remove gum from the parking lot asphalt and sidewalk! Put it in the trash. MASS INTENTIONS 12 noon Wednesday, Feb. 4 + Ron Van Domelen 12 noon Thursday, Feb. 5 + Robbie McDaniel page 4 COLLECTION January 26, 2014 - $7,982 January 25, 2015 - $10,971 January Children’s Collection $57.95 MISIÓN A MÉXICO Durante la semana santa un equipo de la parroquia estará viajando a Córdoba Veracruz, para realizar la misión, nuestro lema de la misión es: servir enseñar, compartir, celebrar y vivir. Nuestro objetivo es poder como parroquia ser cada día más generosos, si es verdad que un equipo será el que viaje, pero la participación de la parroquia es muy importante. La manera en que puedes ayudar es muy sencilla, necesitamos que ores por la misión. Por el equipo y por la comunidad que vamos a servir. También puedes ofrecer un sacrificio, (ayuno, abstinencia de algo que te guste, etc.) puedes ayudar con tus donaciones de diferente manera, durante estas semanas estaremos “vendiendo” al- guna camisas y pantalones de papel. En el cual pondremos tu nombre y la donación que se junte será destinada a comprar ropa para los niños del pueblo al que vayamos, también estaremos “vendiendo” “peces y panes de papel, estas donaciones sea para comprar despensas y donarla a las familias que más necesites del pueblo. También se le pondrá tu nombre y se colocara en un espacio de la iglesia, la donación sugerida es de 5 dólares por cada uno. Cabe mencionar que este dinero solo se utilizara para lo que fue donado ropa y despensas, el pasaje de las persona que van será pagado por ellos mismos junto con una donación que darán para comprar materiales de construcción y sonido para algunas iglesias. Te invito a participas con un corazón abierto y generoso. Diacono Félix PASCUA JUVENIL La Pascua Juvenil se llevara a cabo los día 20, 21, y 22 de febrero en el armory de Medford. Para jóvenes de 12 a 18 años. Necesitamos voluntarios mayores de 21 años para servir en la pascua. La reunión será el día 14 de febrero a las 10 de la mañana. PLATICAS PREMATRIMONIALES Para las personas que contraerán matrimonio durante este año las clases prematrimoniales serán el día 7 de marzo de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM. CABALLEROS DE COLON Los caballeros de Colon tendrán una reunión de información acerca del grupo, el martes 3 de febrero a las 6:30 Pm, en el salón parroquial. Y el 15 de febrero a las 9 de la Mañana organizaran un desayuno para recaudar fondos para la parroquia. QUINCEAÑERAS Y BODAS Las reservaciones para las bodas y quinceañeras, solo se harán en la oficina parroquial. Durante el horario de oficina. De lunes a viernes de 9:00 AM a 5:00 PM Encuentros matrimoniales ¿Te gustaría tener una mejor relación con tu pareja? ¿te gustaría mejorar la comunicación en tu matrimonio? Entonces este es un lugar para ti, el grupo de encuentros matrimoniales se esta reuniendo en nuestra parroquia. Si te gustaría unirte a ellos puedes comunicarte con Liz o Santos Godínez. Al 541 890 2698 page 5 RETIRO FAMILIAR el retiro para familias será el día 14 de marzo de 9:00am a 6 de la tarde. Este año tendremos en la música al misterio de música nueva alianza y Josué 24,15. En la predicación diacono José Gutiérrez de Portland y Gela de los ángeles california, la donación es de 20 dólares por persona o 50 por familia, incluye comida. Clases de Bautizo: primer y tercer viernes de cada mes en el salón Marcos. Llamar a la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautizo para verificar la fecha (favor de no traer niños a la clase). Confesiones: sábados a las 4:00 PM. O en Cualquier otro tiempo con previa cita. Bodas: llamar con seis meses de anticipación. Ministerio de visitas a los enfermos: por favor llame al 664 1050 para pedir visita a los enfermos y la comunión, ya sea en su casa u hospital. POWER POINT VOLUNTEER NEEDED! College Students, Dads, Moms, Professionals or anyone who isn’t intimidated by Power Point: We need a person for our 11:00 Sunday Mass to be trained in how to do the Mass power point screen. You can learn how to create them, or do it at Mass, or both. At this point, our sub is a middle schooler, so really, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Contact Dennis Mihocko at [email protected] PLASTIC EGGS & CARTONS NEEDED Collecting one dozen count egg cartons for Rel. Ed. Project. Please only the 12 count, drop off at the office. Also any donations of plastic colored Easter eggs would be appreciated. Dead line March 8th. MORNING PARISH BOOK STUDY The Parish Book Study on “Made for More” will be on Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30, beginning on February 5th and running for 6 weeks in the Mark classroom. MANDATORY MEETING Sacramental Prep, First Communion Orientation Mandatory Meeting for Parents-Tuesday Feb. 10th 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Hall. MEN’S BOOK STUDY TO BEGIN A Men’s Book Study of “Be A Man” will start February 2 and be held on Monday and Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:30. Monday Classes will be in the Hall and the Thursday classes will be in the conference room in the new church. These classes will run for 6 weeks. FRENCH TOAST BREAKFAST Another fine Knights of Columbus French Toast Breakfast. Sunday February 15th after the 8:30 Mass, to be held in the Parish Hall. Cost of $6.00 for adults, $4 for children, and $18 per family. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OPEN MEETING - TUESDAY FEB. 3rd All men of the parish are welcome! Enjoy a pizza dinner with the Knights. To be a knight one must be a Catholic and 18 years of age. 6:00 PM Mass (encouraged, not mandatory) 6:30 Pizza and Fellowship (don’t miss this part!) 7:00 Open Business Meeting Join us for an interesting evening and explore your place in the Knights. BLOOD DRIVE AT SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY schedule an appointment, sign up in the church The American Red Cross and Shepherd office, or visit, or call 1-800of the Valley Catholic Church are teaming up to RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). save on Thursday, February 5 from 4 pm to 7 pm at the church on 600 Beebe in Central Point. How to donate blood All blood types are needed 22 donors are encouraged from our Parish to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor to give the gift of life. In about an hour, donors can card or driver’s license or two other forms of identisave up to three lives. Please sign up today. fication are required at check-in. Individuals who are Donors of all blood types are needed, es17 years of age (16 with parental consent), weigh at pecially those with O negative, A negative and B least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may negative. With a shelf life of 42 days, red blood be eligible to donate blood. High school students and cells must be constantly replenished to maintain other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to an adequate supply for patients. meet certain height and weight requirements. To learn more about donating blood and to FAMILY FAITH SHARING Mark 1:21-28 Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. A troubled man with an unclean spirit cried out untruthful things about Jesus. Jesus knew what the man’s trouble was. He told the unclean spirit to come out of the man, and with a loud cry, it came out. Everybody was amazed at this teacher with such authority. When might we feel worried or troubled? Who can help us? page 6 WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday 12:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm February 2, 2015 Mass Altar Serving Training H. Women’s Group Men’s Book Study Church Church Matt,John Conf. Rm Tuesday 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm February 3, 2015 Rosary & Divine Mercy Mass K of C Meeting Charismatic Prayer Group San Juan Diego Men Welcome Home Catholics Day Chapel Day Chapel Hall 1,2,7,8 Mark Matt John Wednesday 9:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm February 4, 2015 Guitar Lessons Legion of Mary Mass Women’s Prayer Group 1pm Choir San Juan Diego Choir RCIA Confirmation Class H. Liturgy Training John Matthew Day Chapel Matt Hall 1, 2 Hall, 5, 6 Matt,Mark CLOW Day Chapel Thursday 10:00am 12:00pm 6:30pm February 5, 2015 Parish Book Study Mass H. Relig Ed 7:00pm Men’s Book Study Mark Day Chapel Hall, Rm 1-8, Mods, CLOW Conf. Rm Friday 12:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm February 6, 2015 Communion Service H. Choir H. Baptism Class Charismatic Prayer Grp Day Chapel Hall 7, 8 Matthew Lk, Jn WELCOME HOME CATHOLICS Sessions started Tuesday, January 6th at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Contact Terry or Lorna at 541-973-5028 for questions. Session V - The Bible Session VI - Prayer Session VII - Annulments/Divorce Session VIII - Mary and Catholic Opportunities page 7 Saturday 1:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm February 7, 2015 Wedding- White/Pierce Ch. Choir Practice Church Mass Church H. Mass Church Sunday 8:30am 9:30am February 8, 2015 Mass Church Relig. Ed. Hall 1, 2, 5-8, All Mods CLOW St. Augustine Conf Conf. Rm Mass Church H. Mass Church H. School Youth Grp Luke, K, Hall Rm 1 9:45am 11:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm PRINCIPAL/TEACHER OPENING: St. Anne Catholic School in Grants Pass is now actively seeking out qualified persons who will serve as principal and teacher for school in the coming 2015/16 school year and beyond. We are seeking a strong leader who can inspire our children, their parents, the staff, teachers, and volunteers. They must be an example of Catholic faith with excellent organizational and development skills. This position is a 1/2-time principal and 1/2-time teacher position. The person must already hold an Oregon Teaching license and/or hold Masters Degree or be wiling to acquire one while employed. Submit a cover letter and resume to the Catholic Schools Department at the Archdiocese of Portland viapdxpersonnel@ Do not submit any applications to the parish directly. The application closing date is February 20, 2015with initial interviews occurring in March unless the application period is reopened to expand the field of candidates. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OPENING: St. Anne Catholic Church in Grants Pass is seeking out a person will be the face of the parish in answering the phone and receiving visitors to the office. They will provide administrative support, reception and secretarial services and coordinate the parish office. Excellent communication and organizational skills with the ability to meet deadlines are required. They will need general ability in accounting and reconciliation as well as typing 50 wpm and 10-key by touch. Three to five years of experience required. Practicing Catholic preferred. Bilingual in English/ Spanish preferred. Submit resume and cover letter by email to: [email protected]
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