Whiteley 50p Villager www.whiteleyvillage.org.uk February 2015 Swimming Pool Timetable Monday 9 —11am Tuesday 9 —11am Wednesday 9am-4pm 7.30-9.30pm Thursday 9 —11am 7.30-9.30pm Friday 9 —11am Saturday 9 — 9.30am Sunday 11.30am — 2pm 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7pm Line Dancing (H) Survival Course 10.30am St Mark’s 10.45am Upper Room Fellowship (HH) 22 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7pm Valentine Line Dancing Party (H) 15 10.30am St Mark’s 10.45am Upper Room Fellowship (HH) 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7pm Line Dancing (H) 8 10.30am St Mark’s 10.45am Upper Room Fellowship (HH) 10am Workout Zone (AC) 7pm Line Dancing (H) 1 10.30am St Mark’s 10.45am Upper Room Fellowship (HH) Sunday Tuesday CC = Care Centre IH = Ingram House BG = Bowling Green BP = Bowls Pavilion PCP = Putting Club Pav L = Library SP = Swimming Pool 24 10am Drop In ((HH) 11am WVRC AGM (H) 2pm Bridge (HH) 2.15pm Water Fitness 23 1.45pm Craft (CON) 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) CON = Conservatory C = Club DR = Dining Room H = Hall HH = Huntley House S = Store AC = Activities Centre 18 17 Shrove Tuesday 10am Drop In (AC) 2pm Bridge (HH) 2.15pm Water Fitness 2.30pm Trustees’ Surgery (L) 16 Copy Date for Villager 9.45-11.30am Library Book Sale (BP) 1.45pm Craft (CON) 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 25 9.30am Art Group (AC) 9.30am Library open (S) 12.30 RBL Outing 2pm Mahjong (AC) 2pm Library open (S) 7.30pm Private Function (H) Ash Wednesday 9.30am Art Group (AC) 9.30am Library open (S) 10am Holy Communion (St Mark’s) 2pm Mahjong (AC) 2pm Story Club 2pm Library open (S) 7.30pm Movie of the Month (CON) 7.30pm Private Function (H) 11 West Gate Closed 8.30-11am 9am WDFAS (H) 9.30am Art Group (AC) 9.30am Library open (S) 2pm Camera Club (AC) 2pm Library open (S) 630pm Bingo (CON) 7.30pm Private Function (H) 10 10am Drop In (AC) 2pm Bridge (HH) 2.15pm Water Fitness 9.30am Art Group (AC) 10am Holy Communion (St Mark’s) 9.30am Library open (S) 2pm Mahjong (AC) 2pm Library open (S) 2pm Story Club 7.30pm Private Function (H) 4 Wednesday 9 10am Royal British Legion (CON) 1.45pm Craft (CON) 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 7.05pm Bridge (IH) 3 2 9am Ladies’ Breakfast (CC) 1.45pm Craft (CON) 2pm Card / Board Games (AC) 10am Drop In (AC) 10-12 Volunteers’ Bureau (L) 2-4pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2pm Bridge (HH) 7-9pm Indoor Bowls (H) 2.15pm Water Fitness 7.05pm Bridge (IH) Monday 26 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 2.30pm Drop In (AC) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 7pm Workout Zone 19 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 7pm Workout Zone 12 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 2.30pm Drop In (AC) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 7pm Workout Zone 5 9am Men’s Breakfast (CC) 9.30am Keep Fit (H) 11am Communion (HH) 6.15pm Whist (CON) 7pm Music/Movement (H) 7pm Workout Zone Thursday 21 Survival Course 9am Private Function (CON & H) 14 Valentine’s Day 7pm Valentine Dinner (C) 9am Private Function (CON & H) 7 9am Private Function (CON & H) 4pm Farewell Party for Rev Terrie (St Mark’s) 8pm Big Bingo (CON) Saturday Lunches in the Club Wednesday—Friday Breakfast and Carvery on Sundays Remember 27 28 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 9am Private Function 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) (CON & H) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) 20 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) 13 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 2.30pm History Society (AC) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) 6 10am—12 Indoor Bowls (H) 2.30pm Bridge Club (IH) 5.30pm Film Club (HH) Friday Editorial Events Contents As everyone recovers from Christmas and New Year celebrations, January has been a quiet month for events in the Village. However, the month ended strongly with Haggis, Kilts, and Bagpipes all on show during the Burns’ Night celebrations. Many thanks must go to Paula Ware for this month’s cover photo and to Jim Buckley for putting together a beautiful spread of photos from the event. AGM - WVRC.................... 4 Blue Bin Recycling ............. 13 Barn Dance......................... 10 Burns’ Night ....................... 19 Big Bingo Dates ................... 8 Café Menu............................21 Brooklands Bus..................... 9 Freecycle ............................... 8 Church Services.................. 14 Fundraising......................... 10 Copy Date ............................ 6 Job Request Syatem .............. 6 Drop In .............................. 12 Let’s Talk Report .................. 8 Library Book Sale................. 7 Open Engagement Session... 9 Film and Music Prog .......... 17 Quiz Master ....................... 20 Trustees’ Surgery ................... 4 Robin Hood Panto ............. 18 Visit to Poppy Factory ........ 13 Support Services ................... 5 Over the last few months I have become more heavily involved in the production of the magazine, which has really made me appreciate the hard work and effort Heather puts in to ensure the magazine reaches you each month. As part of my continued involvement we have decided that the articles for each magazine should now be sent to me instead of Heather. Valentine’s Day Dinner......... 3 WVRC Elections ............... 11 Valentine Line Dancing ..... 13 WV Flower Show............... 16 To send me articles, you can email me at Rachel.bartholomeusz@ whiteleyvillage.org.uk, phone me on 825837, or come and see me in person in the Admin Building. All that leaves me to say is that I hope you have a great February and enjoy reading! Rachel © Whiteley Homes Trust No part to be reproduced without permission. Photographs remain the property of the owners and should not be used without their permission. Valentine’s Day Dinner Come and join us at Whiteley Village Café On 14th February from 7.00pm Glass of Prosecco on arrival French Onion soup Or Chicken liver pate **** Burgundy beef, mashed potatoes, green beans and carrots Or Pan fried salmon and beurre blanc, mashed potatoes and asparagus **** Chocolate mousse and raspberry coulis Glass of red or white wine and coffee £12.95 per person all included Book your table with Dionne on 01932 825 848 February 2015 Whiteley Villager 3 WHT News * WHT News * WHT News *WHT News * WHT News * WHT News What we appreciate appreciates. I am keen to see how the Village can do more for itself, so that over time we can reduce reliance on state funding and be more self-sufficient. We have so many wonderful resources at our disposal, not least of course is our land, and Bob has made some interesting suggestions about how this could be better utilised for the good of the charity. I was intrigued to see Bob Dunckley’s article last month about resilience. It gave me hope and encouragement that elements of the strategic thinking we have done about the future of the Village are resonating with some people. I am also keen to see how we can support different ways of thinking about the future. Last weekend I met some interesting people who proffered an alternative way of appreciating our “wealth”. This was not on a financial basis, but in terms of our attitude and I quote “Sufficiency is not an amount, The AGM will be held on will be held in the Tuesday Library at 2:30pm on Tuesday 17th February 24th February at 11 am This is an opportunity to chat to a Trustee about Village matters that are of concern to you. No appointments needed. 4 Whiteley Villager February 2015 in the Village Hall All Villagers are invited. If you have a subject you would like discussed please contact Chris Goldsmith, Secretary WVRC. Support Services the Housing Officer, and will from the beginning of February be based in Huntley House. it’s an experience”. When we evaluate what we already have here in the Village for example in terms of committed staff, buildings, land, trees, beautiful space, thoughtful and neighbourly residents, activities and facilities that bring people together, faith community(ies), individual talents and engaged families / carers / friends, we do indeed experience an abundance of good fortune. We shall be having our first quarterly Engagement Event in the spring (see page 9) and I have a feeling we shall be talking more about our ability to create a future that builds on the wonderful things that we already have. Chandra McGowan WVRC AGM A Trustees’ Surgery WHT News * WHT News * WHT News *WHT News * WHT News * WHT News West Gate Closed Wednesday 11th February From 8:30 – 11:00am I will be taking on the role of Support Services Manager, and will be overseeing all the above services, I will continue to be based in Huntley House. We hope that the changes will be smooth and will be of benefit to all in the Village. You will be aware that we are going through a period of change within Huntley House and the Village Support Services. Over the next couple of months the Domiciliary Care Team led by Lisa Sparrow will be moving out of Huntley House to new premises nearby, this will not affect individuals who receive care from us; this will continue as normal. The support team will be increasing in numbers, and will be on-site and contactable 24/7; they will be based in Huntley House, providing support to all in the Village. As well as this, we will be introducing a home help service, which will provide a wide range of services including domestic support, shopping, dog walking and escorting to appointments. Janet Mills, who many of you know, has taken on the role of During February Lisa, Vanetia, Heather and Janet can be contacted either on the Welfare Office number 825847 or at Huntley House 825838. Agnes Field, Manager Village Rep on the F&M Committee The Trust is looking for a Village representative to sit on the Fundraising and Marketing Committee. The representative will need to be a Villager who has demonstrated a commitment to helping the Village. If you are interested in applying, please contact Christine Goldsmith with your name and a short note explaining your reasons for applying. Applicants will then have an interview with a trustee. Deadline for applications is Monday 9th February 5.00pm. WVRC Elections I know that the next few weeks are an important time in the life of the Village as there will be elections to the Section Reps positions and crucially to the Officer post of Vice Chair. I am very pleased that the Leadership Team are moving into a new era of relationship with your committee and am keen to support that development. We all know that cynicism doesn’t change the world, engagement does. So I am trusting that moving forward together will be a key factor in your decision making as you vote for people to represent you. Good luck with your elections. Chandra McGowan Whiteley Village Place Mats Available to purchase at £10.00 per set from the General Office February 2015 Whiteley Villager 5 Facilities and Estates Services, Spotlight on: Job Request System (Residents) It is very important that when you request work you get a job number so if we don’t give a job number to you, ask for it. This is your record that a job exists and can be used to follow up if nothing happens. Without a job number it is difficult to track what has happened! Now it is no longer a job request it is a job sheet. This article will provide some details into the inner workings of the Job Request System. The Job Request System has been in use in its current format for some years now and in many ways it’s a “ticket to ride”. If it has a number, then it’s a job and it will get done. The process is straight forward enough and over the years has been enhanced to provide a better service. We have an exciting new addition to it from 2015 to help us get better and let us know what you think, but more about that later! The process can be seen on the next page. When you report the job, Lois is the person the job should be reported to. The job can be reported by telephone 825825 from 8:30am - 4:30pm or in person at Centre Point at the Shop. Centre Point is open between 09:30 – 11:00 Monday to Friday. 6 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Once the job has been raised and you have your job number and priority, the request is passed on to our Maintenance Manager (Steve Hearn) or our Grounds Manager (Peter Oates) who assess what is needed and who should do the work. Once our staff have their job sheets they will complete the work in order of priority and within the agreed timescale. If you are not at home when our operative calls, don’t worry as we will leave a calling card advising you what to do. The new bit! When the engineer completes the work he will now ask you to complete the client section which asks a few simple questions. These are very important as it will help us track quality and improve our service. We will also be publishing performance statistics this year based on one of these questions. It’s the one that rates your satisfaction with the quality of service you feel you received. If you have rated us low, Lois will call you within two working days to find out what went wrong and how we can fix it. If we don’t contact you, we want you to get in touch so we can log this as a complaint. Please do this directly with Lois, as it is this team that are the only ones who can do anything about it (and we will). Once the job comes back and is satisfactory we will close out the work. This is when I ( John Pollard) gets involved. Each month I am required to produce a report showing the number of jobs completed within the timescales as Key Performance Indicators (a formal measure that tells us how we are doing). In addition to this I produce an outstanding jobs list which is posted on the wall outside Centre Point. If you have a job number and the work has not been completed within the timescale, it should be on this list. If it is not, please tell us as something has gone wrong. John Pollard Library Book Sale REMINDER and Coffee Morning Monday 16th February COPY DATE 9:45 – 11:30am FOR In the Bowls Pavilion MARCH All sales by donation A Survival Course is taking place in the Woods WILL BE Coffee and Tea - 50p on MONDAY Please come along and support us 16TH FEBRUARY 21st & 22nd February February 2015 Whiteley Villager 7 First Let’s Talk Session I have been at the first Let’s Talk session in the Library today and as you will see from the photo have been engaged in some interesting conversations from the start. People came to see me, each with their own issues and ideas for the Village. It is always so illuminating to hear direct about your experience of living at Whiteley. There were a couple of themes that struck me, both of which we are already making plans to address. 1) Relates to care and support for people who are struggling to cope in their cottages. 2) Relates to planned maintenance which takes account of the wear and tear on internal fixtures and fittings. I was able to reassure all my visitors today that to some extent these two important issues are in hand and we have started to find solutions. In regard to care and support, you will see further information in this magazine from Agnes about the changes which are taking place precisely because we want to make sure everyone has the support they need to remain healthy. In relation to maintenance, we have engaged the Bourneville Trust (of Cadburys fame) to start to assess and plan our regular maintenance requirements so that we can allocate budget on a cyclical basis to replace items of wear and tear. Once again, the message is that we have begun planning and need some time in order to lay the foundations of new ways of working in the future. I had an extremely interesting and entertaining afternoon, continuing to meet people that I haven’t had a chance to say hello to yet. I am looking forward to the next Let’s Talk on 12th March. Chandra McGowan FREECYCLE A service within the Village to find new homes for unwanted goods. If you require a contact phone number for an advertiser, please phone General Office 842360 Offers of unwanted items that others might find useful should also be sent to the General Office. Open Engagement Event On 24th March we shall be holding the first Open Engagement Session for anyone living in the Village. It will be interactive and fun. the richness of the debate. The session will update people about our strategic ideas for the future of the Village and you will be encouraged to give your own views and ideas to add to In preparation for this session you can read some of the headlines which will be described in more detail below. Available However, if you simply want to come and listen you are also very welcome. talking about the future and how together we can create the ‘Best place to age in Britain’, which is our ambition. Chandra McGowan We aim to get the Village Shower stool Sister Jane Doyle 6’ x 4’ Blue Patterned Rug Graham Fearn Red Velvet Armchair Jean Machin Box style Bookcases x 6 Diana Cranston-Miller Wanted Gent’s Bike Tall Standing Lamp Bob Dunckley Stuffed Draught Excluders Meryl Harrison Video Recorder Cliff Jorgens Please let the General Office know when you have either disposed of an item or have acquired one. Big Bingo Bus Dates Guildford 11th February The Village bus will be going to Guildford leaving at 10:00am and returning at 3:00pm. Bookings with £2.00 can be made at the General Office and Centre Point Kingston 13th February For a change the Village bus will be going to Kingston leaving at 10:00am and returning from Kingston at 12:30pm. Bookings with £2.00 can be made at the General Office and Centre Point Fully Booked 7th February 8:00pm Len Lampard engaging with Chandra during the Let’s Talk session 8 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Social Club Brooklands 27th February The Village bus goes to Brooklands Retail Park (Tesco, Marks and Spencer, Argos, Currys) leaving at 9.00am and 10.00am. Bookings with £1.00 can be made at the General Office and Centre Point. February 2015 Whiteley Villager 9 Head of Fundraising Election of Section Representatives Election of Section Representatives Announced at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday February 24th at 11am in the Village Hall You can raise funds for Whiteley Village for free. Book your holiday and flights online through our link: http://www.easyfundraising. org.uk/causes/whiteleyvillage It is so easy to raise £100 in free donations for the village with one holiday!! Save the link in your favourites and start using it for all your online shopping. It is so easy and it doesn’t cost YOU a penny. Calling all Whiteley Village residents, non-residents, Trustees, staff, friends and members of the local community. You can play a part in helping us to run the fundraising events listed above. Please do get in touch for updates and register your interest and availability. Sonja Freebody, Sonja. [email protected]. uk 10 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Barn Dance and Buffet With this edition of the Villager you will receive a nomination form for section representatives. This is the opportunity for Villagers to choose the representatives for their section. If you are happy with the current representatives, and if they are prepared to stand again then please nominate them. If you feel that it’s time for a change then this is the opportunity either to put yourself forward or to nominate a neighbour. Current representatives are:- Saturday 7th March Section A: Terry Pottinger Village Hall Section B: Jean Laurent Iris Mills Section C: Sandra Rossiter Margaret Joseph Section D: Jean Joiner Section E: Shirley Smith Margery Hird Section F: Carole Arnold Jill Flaherty Section G: Sandy Edmonds Len Lampard Section H: Sid Guichard Chris Caesar Section J: Jean Graham Terry Eames Section K: Richard Hickey Doors Open 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm Dancing to The Hersham Revellers Bar – Raffle Buffet: Cold meats – various salads (vegetarians, please let me know) Tickets £15.00 each All tickets must be collected and paid for before Friday 28th February as caterers need positive numbers for meals required. Please indicate your preferences for the seating plan Enquiries/Tickets from Pauline/ Bill Crook Huntley House: Pat Cockburn Mary Bond Care Centre: Hoban Jasmine Coach House Mews: Diane Garrard If you would like more information please contact Dennis Williams, WVRC Chair Chris Goldsmith WVRC Secretary, I have listed below the duties of a section rep and would ask that ALL villagers putting themselves forward are able to commit to these tasks. The WVRC holds six meetings per year; the meetings for 2015 are - March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th September 1st , November 3rd held in the Conservatory at 2pm. have to the WVRC secretary for inclusion in the meeting. NB NIL RETURNS ARE REQUIRED if there is nothing to report. 4. It is advisable that the two reps work together and submit a joint report for their section. If one rep is unable to attend the other should be able voice any concerns. 5. Sometimes residents, especially if they are new to the Village, will raise issues which have already been dealt with at length (eg TV’s in Guest House, inappropriate items in bins etc.) Whereever possible reps should try to point this out or seek clarification before submitting their reports to the Secretary. 6. If there are problems with Cottages the reps must explain the correct procedure for reporting Role and Duties of a Section faults and make sure that the Rep resident has a job sheet number before items can be dealt with. Each section has two Complaints should only be brought representatives elected by the to the WVRC if they have not residents within the section and been resolved through the normal serving for two years. Reps may channels. be re-elected. Their duties are as follows: 7. Reps should take due note of proceedings during meetings so 1. To welcome new that they can report back to their residents to their section sections especially when important and help them to settle in eg issues are discussed. Location of recycling bins etc. and to point out available 8. Reps are an important parking spaces. link in communication within the Village and their contribution is 2. To collect The Villager valuable. each month and distribute it within their section. 9. There is normally a section tea during the year and it’s a good 3. Three weeks prior time for meeting up with your to WVRC meetings to neighbours. communicate with residents and relay any concerns they February 2015 Whiteley Villager 11 Welcome Store Mrs Audrey Akeroyd moved into Huntley House on 1 December from Woking. Mr Ron Floyd moved into Huntley House from West Molesey on 27 December. Many of the Villagers use the notice boards outside the store on the veranda. Sonja and I have been revamping them. We have put a heading on each board so it is clear. We would appreciate it if the Villagers and non-villagers followed the heading. Also can the outdated notices be removed? Remember that all advertisements placed on the last board are valid for one month and they all need a start date displayed on them. foreign currencies, to keep your mail safe while you are away and more. Every month we try to introduce new products be it frozen, chilled or tinned Just a reminder: The Store is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.00pm except on Friday it closes at 2:00 pm. The Post Office stays open as long as the store does except on Saturday when it is closed. The Store does home deliveries (Wednesday and Thursday), magazine, fresh fruit and vegetables come in on Tuesday. Tuesdays at 10:00am The Post Office offers you click and collect, top-up for phones (no matter what network) and all your travel needs – such as 12 Whiteley Villager February 2015 I know I keep repeating this – but please come and see one of us in the Store if you need us to stock anything for you, if you have any questions or just to chat. Noorie Mrs Avis Bowles moved into Ingram House on 10 January from Esher. Ms Carol Bassett moved into 17 East Avenue from Chichester on 12 January. Mrs Jean Whittle moved into 10 Heather Walk on 19 January from Whitstable, Kent. Drop In Thursdays at 2:30 pm th 3rd 10 th Activities Centre Activities Centre How to use the blue bin recycling service Only place loose recyclable materials, individually into your bin. DO NOT place them in a plastic bag first as these cannot be recycled – really important as the bins are left unemptied, if the bin men find bags in there. The reason for this is that the bags get caught in the recycling machines. A bundle of cardboard boxes, flattened and tied with string, can be placed next to your recycling bin. Top tips for recycling Remove plastic lids from containers and put them in your recycling bin separately Rinse out containers. Recycle Trip to Poppy Factory meat trays and other food trays, but remove any plastic film first. If you can, take juice cartons, called Tetra-Paks, to your local recycling centre. Keep a separate bin or box indoors to store recyclable material. Flatten all cardboard boxes to make plenty of space. Sign up to the Mailing Preference Service to stop unwanted mail from being put through your door. You can also opt out of unaddressed mail using the Royal Mail opt out service and if something can’t be put in your recycling bin, check recycling A to Z to see if it can be reused, recycled or taken to a Recycling Centre. - See more at: http://www. elmbridge.gov.uk/environment/ recycle/recycle.htm#b. This is booked for Wednesday 25th February and there are still places available, but the list will be closed by Monday 9th February. To those who have already put your names on the list, I will need the balance of your money by 9th February, and if possible before this date. We will leave from the bus stop outside St Mark’s at 12:30pm – please meet at 12:15pm. Margaret van Stryp, 844950 Valentine’s Line Dance 12 Activities Centre 26th Activities Centre 17th Activities Centre 24th Hand Care in Huntley House Sunday 15th February 7.00pm in the Hall Everyone welcome Please wear red and bring a plate to share Come along and see what we get up to - first timers welcome. February 2015 Whiteley Villager 13 St. Mark’s Church Time to say goodbye CHAPLAIN : Revd Terrie Stott (854658) Church Services in February Coffee is served after the Service on the first Sunday of each month st th 1 4 of Epiphany 10.30am Holy Communion 4th Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion 5th Thursday 11.00am Huntley House Holy Communion 8th 2nd before Lent 10.30am Holy Communion 15th Next before Lent 10.30am Holy Communion 18th Ash Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion with imposition of ashes 22nd 1st of Lent 10.30am Holy Communion 2nd of Lent 10.30am Holy Communion 1st March Upper Room Fellowship United Free Church Upstairs Lounge, Huntley House Elder: Mrs Sheila Bartlett SUNDAY SERVICE at 10:45 am 1st February Rev Tony Taylor 8th February David Ritchie 15th February Rev Tony Wingett 22nd February John Christopher Holy Communion Come and enjoy the Christian fellowship Roman Catholic Mass (Transport is available for 11am Mass on Sundays) Enquiries to Mrs Veronica Robbins, Tel: 849447 If you are unable to get to Mass, are housebound or sick and would like to receive Communion, please let me know. 14 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Please join us for Rev Terrie’s Farewell Party It’s time to say goodbye. “Goodbye” one word which says so much and always brings with it an emotional response. I want my goodbye to say, thank you for allowing me to work with you, to be your Chaplain and to share so deeply in the life of the Village and all its people, Villagers and their families, staff, colleagues, visitors, trustees and those who passed through in respite care, church services, and concerts. I have loved the work I have been privileged to do and I will take with me memories which will make me smile for years to come. Can I take this opportunity to say a big thank you to the church community for all their support and help in ministry in the Village, to the church committee for the fantastic work they do and to all who have taken on roles to keep the church running until the next chaplain is appointed. I am really sad to be going, but excited to be called by God to serve with the people of Skerton in Lancaster, in the Blackburn Diocese. I know that my goodbye will make people anxious about the future; I know that change is hard for everyone. My prayer is that the foundation of faith which is our hope in Christ Jesus will allow us all to step out with courage and be hopeful for the future. Thank you for your love, your prayers, your care and your fellowship. Goodbye and God bless you all. Rev Terrie. on Saturday 7th February from 4pm in St Mark’s Church Refreshments provided Photo by Kate Haywood Rest In Peace 11/12/2014 Mrs Sylvia Davy, aged 99, who moved into Ingram House in June 2011. 30/12/2014 Mr Robert Bromley, aged 96, who moved into Chestnut Wing in August 2013. 31/12/2014 Mrs Stella Wicks, aged 92, who moved into Chestnut Wing in February 2014. 04/01/2015 Mrs Muriel Warren, aged 96, who moved into Chestnut wing in August 2013. 15/01/2015 Mrs Winfred Foden, aged 91, who moved into Ingram House in November 2013. 15/01/2015 Mr Alan Mclelland, aged 96. Who moved into Redwood Wing in January 2013. February 2015 Whiteley Villager 15 Farewell to ‘Blinkie Bill’ Bill Sherwood’s sister, Mrs Eileen Rigler contacted Whiteley Village to inform us that he had passed away in Brisbane on 21st December. She wrote: ‘Bill was a resident in Whiteley for many years before moving to Australia to be with his family. He loved his time in Whiteley Village and made many friends there. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the many organised events and my husband and I joined him on several occasions for Village Day. After moving to Brisbane, Bill made regular return trips to the UK to see family and friends and always arranged to stay in the Guest House. He enjoyed nothing more than sitting in the bar, drink in hand, exchanging news and catching up with old friends. Several residents may remember him and his endless supply of funny stories.’ 16 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Whiteley Village Flower Show 2015 I would like to point out that the flower Show is not the Flower Festival. The Flower Festival is held in St Mark’s Church for the Village Fayre and the Sunday concert on 18th and 19th July. spacing on the tables. The Flower Show will be held on Saturday 29th August in the Village Hall. This show is put on for the Villagers who are interested in: • cooking comes under Domestic, but these classes vary each year • gardening • growing vegetables • flowers (eg dahlias, chrysanthemums) • pot plants (these must be in your possession for at least three months before the Show) • cut flowers grown in the garden, allotments or polytunnel • fruit Many flowers and vegetables can be grown in pots and you can have great fun and enjoyment getting them growing in time for the show date. Incidentally, you can bring anything up on the day, if you have a special rose or cut flower (the majority of entries have to be in before Friday 28th August as we have to write out the cards to organise the The schedule for this year will be out sometime in March with many other categories such as: • handicraft (knitting, sewing, embroidery) • Film & Music Club – February Programme Date: Club: Film: Genre: Venue: 6th 13th 18th 20th 27th 30th F&M F&M F&M F&M M&C F&M Cowboy Love Story Blockbuster True Story Musical Comedy Huntley House * Huntley House * Conservatory Huntley House * Huntley House** Huntley House* * TA Fistful Of Dollars Blue Jasmine Gandhi A Man for all Seasons Robin Hood Prince of Thieves Down and Out in Beverley Hills F&M = Film Club – Huntley House – Upstairs Lounge – 5:30pm Start Limited Bar Available art • flower arranging (beginners, intermediate and advanced) – flowers for flower arranging can be purchased from the shops • photography – this is for amateurs. The experts from the Camera Club will have a different class this year to make it fair for the lesser person who only takes ordinary snap shots. Monthly Block Buster will be shown in the Conservatory starting 7:30pm Full Bar Available Now offering Free Bus Service - Pick up and drop back (Book your seat via Main Office) Villagers say Goodbye Nearly 120 Villagers (including residents from Huntley House) gathered in the Conservatory on Thursday 22nd January to say goodbye and express their good wishes to Barbara Collins (formerly of the Welfare Department). The Show has improved every year, but we could still do with more people entering. On the day you often hear ‘I could have entered that’, so please have a go – you may be lucky and get a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize – you never know! All our judges are from outside the Village, so everyone stands a fair chance. Dennis Williams, the Chairman of the Whiteley Village Representatives Committee, presented Barbara with Amazon vouchers. Barbara would like to convey her gratitude for all the cards, gifts and kind wishes for her future. She was amazed and gratified at the number of Villagers who attended the party to wish her well. If you have any queries regarding entries after seeing the schedule, please do not hesitate to contact me. Pauline Crook Dennis Williams presenting a farewell gift to Barbara Photo by Chris Ceasar February 2015 Whiteley Villager 17 OUT AND ABOUT * OUT AND ABOUT * OUT AND ABOUT * Robin Hood Panto The cast of ‘Robin Hood’ with Director, Jane Cairns, in the middle of the back row Photo by Kate Haywood Panto is always a lot of fun, but when it is a local group and directed by our own Jane Cairns (Admin Receptionist), it is even more worthy of our support. Several Villagers took advantage of the free offer to be taken to the dress rehearsal and treated to a very humorous version of ‘Robin Hood’. It was a very colourful, entertaining performance by the Desborough Players with some witty ad-libbing which always goes down well. The costumes, scenery and slick responses were superb – well done everyone. 18 Whiteley Villager February 2015 We could have done with a few more to swell the audience for the cast responses to be effective, (oh! yes we could!!) but it was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Many thanks to Vanetia for giving up her time to drive us all to and from the Village in the bus. Make a mental note to join in when it comes along next year – such a lot of fun and jolly hard work for those involved. Kate Haywood Fresh Fish!! A new supplier, Shane Linford, has started to bring in fresh fish from the Grimsby docks for Villagers every Tuesday at 3:00pm near the Village Shop. February 2015 Whiteley Villager 19 Your Letters Quiz Presenter Wanted! Are you confident speaking in public? RECYCLED SPECTACLES Do you have an interest in all things trivial? Having recently had my spectacles changed, I was reminded that Vision Aid Overseas is always wanting our old spectacles, so that thousands of people in Africa in particular, can benefit from our cast offs. Are you the next Bruce Forsyth? If so, you may be the person we are looking for to pose those all important questions on quiz nights. The Quiz Master will be required to provide their own questions, but don’t worry, we have plenty of books to get you started! The quiz night is run once a month on a Wednesday. If interested please contact Sylvie on 264544. Fun at Mahjong When Audrey and Marian said Hello, Marian said, “Mahjong, do you play Mahjong, Oh, please say you do.” “No, but we will,” Audrey declares And gathered us under her wing With infinite patience Marian started to teach. We mixed up our bamboos, characters and circles. The Dragons were a mystery especially the Green. The poor Green Dragon gets called all sorts of things. Seasons and flowers were different each set Which only added to the confusion, you bet! We ponged, punged, chowed, konged, Even a ping in all the wrong places. Eric braved the Woodwork Room to make racks for us all. Paula printed and printed to keep us informed. We ALL did our bit to make the afternoons run smoothly. The say laughter is the best medicine and we have plenty of that. More important of all are the good friends We have made along the way. They will surely last for many a day. So as we go into 2015, we can all have a gold star. Let’s aim for this year to be even better by far. Anon 20 Whiteley Villager February 2015 be coming into the Village to in my time here. I hope you all visit friends still and I hope that have a happy and a healthy new I will be able to continue with year. Best wishes. Geraldine all my friendships that I made The spectacles are not sent overseas as it is just not cost effective, instead they are recycled here in the UK. Recently Vision Aid raised £196,000 from this recycling - which saved 3.6 million pairs of UK spectacles from ending up in landfills. These funds are then sent to Africa for spectacles to be made there for folk who urgently Beginning first weekend in February need help with their eyesight, but who could never normally Sandwich no garnish £2.50 afford to buy a pair of their With chips and salad £3.95 served on fresh bloomer own. New Café Menu I have started collecting unwanted pairs of spectacles, so perhaps other villagers will find that they too have some tucked away at the back of drawers etc?! They could be left at the Village Charity Shop, my cottage or I can collect, I will then of course drop them all off at Vision Aid headquarters. Meryl Harrison THANK YOU I would like to thank all of you for your kind wishes, cards and the collection which you all gave to me when I left the Salon on 31st December. I will bread Egg and cress, tuna mayonnaise, baked ham and mustard, mature cheddar cheese, Main course Lancashire hotpot £6.25 Vegetable lasagne £4.95 Chicken kiev with salad and fries £5.95 Battered prawns with sweet chilli dip £6.25 Scampi and fries with salad £6.25 Bbq ribs with coleslaw, salad & fries £6.25 Home baked ham, eggs & fries £5.75 Omelette of your choice, fries & salad £4.75 Special of the day Thursday roast £6.95 – (starting 4 Feb) Friday - chip shop day £6.25 Sunday roast two course £7.95 – (starting 1 Feb) February 2015 Whiteley Villager 21 Message to all WV Clubs The Trust needs to co-ordinate all funding and donated prizes, through one channel and I need your help. If you are considering asking for funding or raffle prizes, please can you let me know the name of the shop, corporate, club or funder you are thinking of approaching. If you already have an existing arrangement for your club, please also let me know. We all need to avoid asking the same people more than once! Head of Fundraising, Sonja Freebody 01932 825828 allotment association At the time of writing we have just welcomed Chandra McGowan for what was, according to our records, the very first official visit ever made by a Whiteley Village CEO to the Allotments in their twentythree year history! The weather was kind for midwinter, but even so of course the plots were hardly looking their best – we’ll have to hope she will come and see us again in midsummer when there is delicious soft fruit and greenery everywhere. Talking of greenery, the new turf has at last started to put a few little roots with the mild weather in the first half of January, but will obviously take much longer that we had hoped to get properly established. At least it has not needed watering – the weather has taken good care of that. By the time you read this everyone should have received the agenda and other papers for the Allotment Holders’ Meeting on 16th February (10:30am in the Conservatory). NB: All subs are due on this date, if you want 22 Whiteley Villager February 2015 to continue for another year. We are hoping Peter Oates will be there for further discussion of his plans for dealing with the allotments’ rubbish and compostable waste following on from the on-site meeting we had with him in mid-January. Big changes are definitely on the way. Judith Lucas bowling Indoor bowls is back in swing after the festive season break, being enjoyed by those that take part. Oatlands Bowling Club are back on Monday evenings from 7pm and WVBC members are made most welcome to join in for a good evening of bowls. We have a return match against Cobham on 1st February when we will seek to revenge our earlier loss. We are always on the lookout for new members who wish to have a roll-up and test their skills, so please don’t be shy and give me a call for a chat. Trevor Waterworth camera club What better way to be thinking of holidays on a cold January afternoon! This was the main topic for our January meeting which was effectively illustrated by Jim Buckley with 8mins video of a recent holiday in Sri Lanka. He explained that some forethought goes a long way in creating a ‘story’ of the holiday starting with a map showing the area and route taken. Then to be mindful of including panoramic shots, giving a flavour of the place, supported by key features which can be ‘panned and/or zoomed’ to show more detail. Looking for the unusual shot will add interest and often an amusing moment. This proved to be a good incentive to first get planning and then put into practice this helpful advice – thank you Jim. Several members had brought shots of previous holiday experiences which were received with favourable comments. The meeting concluded with a lengthy discussion on possible future visits including Painshill Park if the weather is suitable. Otherwise there is another interesting exhibition on at the Woking Lightbox scheduled for next month. It was also reported that we had sold all the Christmas cards produced by the Camera Club, final figures in next month. Well done to all members involved with this project. Our next meeting is Wednesday 11th February at 2.00pm in the Activities Centre. We need some more members so do encourage anyone who is thinking of getting more out of their camera to come along and swell the group, (maybe it was a New Year resolution!) Kate Haywood card and board games Many a happy Monday and Wednesday afternoon in 2014 was spent playing Mahjong and we ended the year - thanks to Sonia and her helpers, (you know who you are), - with a Christmas party on 17th December. Now here we are in February 2015 and Mahjong is in full swing once again. May 2015 prove to be a really good year for you and yours. Marian Welch film and music club Please see Page 17 A photo of tree cutting on 16 thJanuary taken by Camera Club member Chris Ceasar golf history society Not much to report except to say the course is extremely wet and at the moment unplayable. We had an extremely productive Wednesday meeting at which we re-elected Chris Ceasar as Chairman and the following: Peter Oates has organised a work plan which hopefully means that we will have our course looked after on a regular basis. There is still work that we can do ourselves in early spring. Any help always appreciated. Terry Porttinger (Capt) PS: Don’t forget to practise golf in the winter. Walk four miles to work, swing your umbrella every two hundred yards, swear at your secretary, have a few drinks, go home. Secretary – Colin Atkinson Treasurer – Bernadette Ayer In addition the four main groups within the Society have agreed to meet as separate sub-committees under their own team leaders who will then represent them at our monthly Society meeting. It was thought that this would stimulate each group individually and speed things February 2015 Whiteley Villager 23 up at our monthly meeting. The following team leaders were agreed: Oral Group - Colin Atkinson Archiving – Doug Clarke Museum & Tours – Ann Vallis & Sonia O’Donnell Clubs – Bernadette Ayer & Bernadette Coleshill WADFAS representative for Whiteley Village – Doug Clark All positions to be up for reelection on a yearly basis. Museum Opening We agreed that we would trial a different regular opening time for the Museum as the existing Thursday effort was bringing in few people for the time involved. We propose to open once a month on a Sunday 2.00 – 4.00 with two members overseeing the hoped for increase in visitors. We would also cater for prebooked visits such as during the Village Tours or other organised events. We have agreed in principle to work with Sonja Freebody on the possibility of Whiteley Village, with the help of the History Society, taking part in the National Heritage Open Days in September – more details when we get them. We need to speak to Peter 24 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Oates about brightening up the outside of the Museum, something that has been mentioned before in order to make it look more appealing. Also mentioned was better signage for the Museum. WADFAS are a local group who already use our Hall on a monthly basis and are a fine art society with more than a passing interest in history, who would welcome a Villager to their meetings. This is something that could be of mutual benefit for us both and Doug Clarke has agreed to represent us. Our next meeting will be on Friday 13th February at 2:00pm in the Activities Centre. Chris Ceasar keep fit Good to be back exercising and seeing our old friends gain. We know it is good for us and it is a fun class. Jean Laurent library We will be having a Book Sale and Coffee Morning on Monday 16th February from 9:45am to 11:30am. It will be held in the Bowls Pavilion with the kind permission of the Bowls Club. No matter the weather we will be warm and dry and there will be room to relax and have a chat. All sales will be by donation. As always I use the money raised to buy books for the Library. Come and join us for tea, coffee and a sandwich or cake and be tempted by the book sale. Loraine Litster line dancing The year had started well – Del has a new grandson! We are having a big Valentine Dance on Sunday 15th February – everyone enjoys dressing up for this (who knows who is waiting for us??) Come and see! Jean Laurent music and movement By the time you read this we will be back to reality. Our music and movement classes resumed on 22nd January and our new tap classes started on Tuesday 27th January. Tap will be basic to start with as we have mixed abilities, some have never tapped before, some have done a bit and some have done a lot. Liz and I taught tap for 22 years with separate classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced, but for now, as we are all in one class, we will start with the basics and those who are more advanced can stay on at the end of the class and riff, wing and timestep to their heart’s content. More to report next month when we have actually moved off our sofas. Iris Mills Royal British Legion We had our first meeting for 2015 and thirty-four members braved the weather. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both George Farrell and Gina Webb on their sad losses. We are planning to have two guest speakers and various trips out. This will be open to all members and Villagers and we will try to keep the cost to the minimum. There will two main events - the ball on the 17th October and the band concert on the 22nd November in the Hall. If anyone would like to visit a place of interest that is fairly close to the Village, we need a minimum of thirty persons to keep the cost down - please let Margaret know. Our Poppy Appeal raised a total of £26,154.43, and money is still coming in. So a big thank you to all who helped in putting out cans and boxes and those who stood out in some of the really bad weather. “Well Done!!” There are still places for our trip to the Poppy Factory in February. See page 13 and the notice on the R B L Board outside the Shop. Our next meeting will take place on 9th February at 10.00 for 10.30hrs in the Conservatory. Bill McMinn, Chairman theatregoers and we smile radiant smiles. Reminder – our next performance is ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ at Walton Playhouse on 10th February. We will meet at 6.45pm at the Monument. Good breathing techniques are very important to bring oxygen and nutrients into our bodies… We all came into the world with an exhalation, to clear and empty us, so that we can receive. We never ‘take’ a breath; we ‘receive’ a breath. There will be NO meeting in February so our next meeting will be on 2nd March at 10o’clock in the Conservatory. Gina Webb water fitness I know this is a difficult time of the year to get motivated for any exercise, let alone to go outside knowing you then have to take many layers of clothing off. What an off putting situation; certainly not something any of us look forward to, but do you realize that the water at the Whiteley Pool is kept at a constant temperature of around 31° centigrade and this is like walking into a warm bath... making the journey from your cottage to the pool far more worthwhile. Here is a simple breathing technique that restores and balances all our bodily functions. The thirty-six breaths: begin by counting your exhalations, (one exhale/one inhale, two exhale/two inhale, three exhale/three inhale – and so on). Count until you have completed thirty-six breaths. If you lose count you can start again. This can be done at one time or throughout the day, counting in four groups of nine. In time your breathing will automatically become deeper and more rhythmic allowing more oxygen and nutrients into cells throughout the body and this includes our brain. So, don’t forget that as individuals we are the only ones responsible for our own health and quality of life - Use it or lose it! The warm temperature of the pool water is very important for the hydro-therapy side of exercising. We need our muscles to be relaxed, which happens in warm water and For more information please once our muscles are relaxed feel free to contact me . wonderful things transpire. Aching limbs stop aching, backs Jacqueline Newman relax, shoulder pain diminishes, our arms and legs move more freely, our hips are autonomous February 2015 Whiteley Villager 25 Village Directory Club Secretaries Allotment Association Judith Lucas (Chair) 14 East Avenue John Banks (Membership) 8 Drapers Crescent Art Club (Group Leader) Pauline Crook 98 Octagon Road Bowling Club Trevor Waterworth 140 Octagon Road Bridge Wally Cooper 146 Octagon Road Camera Club Kate Haywood 5 South Avenue Card and Board Games Club Audrey Levett 142 Octagon Road and Mahjong Marian Welch 85 Circle Road Craft Carole Barker 12 Drapers Crescent Film and Music Club Graham Burgess 45 Circle Road Golf Club John Sheppard 1 Drapers Crescent History Society Colin Atkinson 2 Heather Walk Keep Fit Jean Laurent 14 Hornbeam Walk Library (Librarian) Loraine Litster 12 Hornbeam Walk Line Dancing Jean Laurent 14 Hornbeam Walk Music and Movement Iris Mills 5 East Avenue Putting Vivienne Guichard 130 Octagon Road Royal British Legion Bill McMinn 11 The Green Snooker Alan Burrows 6 South Avenue Social Club Bill McMinn 11 The Green Story Club Jill Flaherty 17 East Avenue Theatre Goers Gina Webb 64 Octagon Road Volunteers’ Bureau Richard Hickey 11 Drapers Crescent Water Fitness Jacqueline Newman 94 Octagon Road Whist Mary Chapman 12a Drapers Crescent Workout Zone Sandie Hickey 11 Drapers Crescent WVA/WVRC Secretary Chris Goldsmith 1 Hornbeam Walk 827290 847958 849995 961554 850764 847741 828470 988196 859081 841123 952953 989470 827068 853557 827068 847302 820415 827385 07731831903 827385 858655 850403 988905 910761 621240 988905 859447 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Chandra McGowan CEO’s PERSONAL ASSISTANT We had a good turnout for our first meeting of 2015. Keep it up! I have two people to thank - Annette who very kindly laundered the velvet cloths and Julie for the magnificent cake she made and decorated for Wally’s birthday, a work of art. We send our best wishes to Janet and hope the recovery is well on the way. All those suffering with coughs and colds, get well soon and we look forward to seeing you back. Mary Chapman 26 Whiteley Villager February 2015 Last Word Random thoughts as we age ... I need people to stop annoying me! The biggest lie I tell myself is ... “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.” Old age is coming at a really bad time! Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinklefree and three sizes smaller! Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven’t met yet! I don’t trip over things, I do random gravity checks! Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the friends to post my bail when I finally snap! I don’t have grey hair. I have “wisdom highlights” . I’m just very wise. My people skills are just fine. It’s my tolerance to idiots that I don’t need anger management. needs work. Hilary Harding (857821) Please phone for an appointment. Jacci Penton (825820) email: PA@ whiteleyvillage.org.uk WHITELEY & INGRAM HOUSES GENERAL ADMIN OFFICE, NURSING HOME DUTY ROOM (847954) Serena Barnes, Jane Cairns (842360) email: [email protected] Open for all enquiries VILLAGE LAUNDERETTE HOUSING AND BENEFITS OFFICER VILLAGE STORES (858550) Janet Mills (825845) WELFARE ASSISTANT/HH ADMIN Heather Baker (825838) email: [email protected] HEAD OF FUNDRAISING Sonja Freebody (825828) (857821) Visitors welcome at any time Open 24 hours. Tokens to be bought from Village Store during opening hours Monday to Thursday 8.30 am – 3.00 pm Friday 8.30 am – 2.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 12 noon POST OFFICE, Noorie Meghjee (821467) 9.00 am – 3.00 pm Monday – Thursday 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Friday email: [email protected] HAIRDRESSER (07880603946) COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Rachel Bartholomeusz (825837) email: [email protected] Wednesday 9am-5pm, Thursday 10am - 6.30pm and Friday 9am - 4pm HUNTLEY HOUSE MANAGER Agnes Field (825838) HUNTLEY HOUSE ADMINISTRATOR (825838) whist MATRON/MANAGER HEAD OF FACILITIES & ESTATES John Pollard (825825) Please phone for an appointment MAINTENANCE MANAGER Steve Hearn (825825) Please phone for an appointment FACILITIES ADMINISTRATOR Lois Sauvarin (825825) Phone for all cottage maintenance requests or enquire in person at Centre Point (Stores Building) from 9:30-11:00 am Monday to Friday ACCOUNTS DEPT. (825824) CHAPLAIN Revd Terrie Stott (854658) ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST Canon Brendan MacCarthy (221007) Out of hours cottage emergencies 0333 321 6349 Out of hours medical concerns CHARITY SHOP Monday to Friday 9.30 am – 12.30 pm LIBRARY, Stores Building Wednesdays, 9.30am – 12 and 2 – 4 pm ROYAL BRITISH LEGION VOLUNTEER CASEWORKER Dawn Eyers First Monday 10 - 11 am 11 - 12 noon Huntley House Centre Point GUEST HOUSE (44b Octagon Road) Available for visitors to the Village Rates and terms available from Admin VILLAGE CLUB BAR (264544) Monday & Tuesday Wed, Thursday, Friday Saturday Wed & Thursday Friday & Saturday Sunday CLOSED ALL DAY 12.00 – 2.00 pm 1.00 – 2.30 pm 7.30 – 10.30 pm 7.30 – 11.00 pm 12.00 – 2.00 pm THE CLUBHOUSE CAFÉ (825848) Wednesday - Friday Sunday 111 February 2015 9.00 am - 11.00am 12 noon - 2.00pm 8.00am (Breakfast) 12 noon - 2.00 pm Whiteley Villager 27 Time Out 1 2 3 How fast can you complete our Crossword? Let us know your best tim 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Across 1 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 Roughly (5) Wading bird (5) Pause (7) Delete (5) Holy Messenger (5) Toy (5) Assembly (7) Group (3) Get up (4) Next to (6) Broken Fragment (5) Severe (6) Just (4) Declare (3) Furniture item (7) 26 27 28 29 30 31 Small boat (5) Scatter (5) Money bag (5) Implore (7) Aspic (5) Inclined (5) Down 2 3 4 5 6 7 Breed of dog (6) Bear-like (6) Golf peg (3) Upset (5) Began (7) Canvas shelter (4) 8 12 13 Stank (6) Battle (5) Stupid (5) 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 28 Money-lending (5) Temptress (5) Principle (5) Snap (5) Meagre (7) Gossip (6) Tiny (6) Ground (6) Bear (5) Capsize (4) Friend (3) JANUARY SOLUTIONS Across: 3 Blade 8 Hoods 10 Enter 11 Rum 12 Damps 13 Enticed 15 Augur 18 Roc 19 Crease 21 Habitat 22 Reel 23 Cede 24 Recital 26 Portal 29 Tar 31 Sited 32 Lantern 34 Rival 35 Oar 36 Seams 37 Enrol 38 Sheer Down: 1 Corny 2 Admiral 4 Lead 5 Depart 6 Ensue 7 Venus 9 Out 12 Decibel 14 Cob 16 Gavel 17 Revel 19 Capital 20 Drops 21 Heart 23 Cartons 24 Radish 25 Tan 27 Oiled 28 Terms 30 Error 32 Lame 33 Ear 28 Whiteley Villager February 2015
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