ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH FOUNDED IN 1886 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Sunday, February 8, 2015 Praise the Lord who heals the broken hearted We at Saint Joseph are a worshiping multi-cultural community, called to share our diverse God-given gifts, in order to grow in holiness and oneness, through the celebration of the Eucharist, preaching of the word, charitable service, and ongoing spiritual formation and conversion. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, to witness God’s Good News to all. Rev. Roberto F. Jaranilla Jr., Pastor Rev. Jose Jesus Martinez, Associate Pastor Rev. Rick Van De Water, Arabic Chaplain HOLY EUCHARIST/MISAS Monday-Friday: 8:05 AM English Saturday: 05:00 PM English, 07:00 PM Arabic Sunday: 08:00 AM English, 09:30AM Español 11:00 AM English, 12:30 PM Español RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Monday-Friday: 7:45 to 8:00 AM Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM ADORATION/ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO Every Friday: 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM GRAMMAR SCHOOL January 18 through January 25, 2015 1200 West Holt Avenue Mrs. Claudia Godlewski….……..……….622-3365 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE …….629-1404 1200 West Holt Avenue, room 6 Mrs. Lillian Cervantes……….Level 1 Coordinator Elementary Age Sacramental Preparation Mrs. Sylvia Garcia…………..Level 2 Coordinator High School & Adult Sacramental Preparation FELICIAN SISTERS 1180 West Holt Avenue………...................629-1308 VOCATION OFFICE……………. …(213) 637-7248 INSIDE: Archdiocesan personnel is mandated to attend VIRTUS training/ El personal arquidiocesano debe asistir a entrenamiento de VIRTUS Page 3/Pagina 3 1150 West Holt Avenue Pomona California 91768 • (909) 629-4101• Fax (909) 623-0265 • ST. JOSEPH (465850-W080269 POMONA, CA LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES Masses for the week Misas de la semana In order to provide you with as many opportunities to make an early confession, the following parishes will be having Lenten Penance Services as follow: Saturday 1 5:00 pm Priest Intention Sunday 8 8:05 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Sacred Heart Church 1215 S. Hamilton Blvd. Pomona, Ca. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25th 7PM YLI (Living and Deceased) St. Joseph Church Luz Cerpuz (RIP) Cruz Ramirez (RIP) St. Madeleine 931 E. Kingsley. Monday 9 8:00 am Ted Parobek (RIP Pomona, Ca. THURSDAY, MARCH 26th 7PM Tuesday 10 8:05 am Phon Bui (RIP) St. Joseph Catholic Church 1150 W. Holt Ave. Pomona, Ca. FRIDAY MARCH 27th 7PM Wednesday 11 8:05 am Jeanette Wozniak (RIP) Thursday 12 8:05 am Christina and Faiz Ennabe (LIV) Our Lady of the Assumption 435 Berkeley Ave. Claremont, Ca TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 7PM (bilingual) Friday 13 8:05 am Florence Cabrera (RIP) Monday/Lunes 9 Pre– Baptismal Class/ Spanish: 7pm CH There will be a number of priest to hear Confessions (Reconciliation) in English & Spanish. Please come early! Additional Confession times here at St. Joseph are: Monday—Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. & Saturday—3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday/Martes 10 So Cal Heat Basketball: 6-8pm Luz & Esperanza: 7-9pm Legion de Maria: 7-9pm AU ER ME Servicio de Confesiones durante la Cuaresma en las tres Iglesias de Pomona In Our Parish This Week Wednesday /Miercoles 11 St. Vincent de Paul MeetingMeeting:11am-12 pm ME CCD Parent class: 5-6:30pm AU&ER YLI Meeting: 6-9:30pm ME Encuentro Matrimonial: 7pm ME Choir Practice 9:30 Mass: 7-9pm MR Thursday/Jueves 12 St. Joseph School Mass: 8:05 am Spanish Choir Practice 12:30 Mass: 7-9pm Friday/Viernes 13 Lectors Meeting/Spanish: 7-9:30pm Grupo de Oracion: 7-9pm Saturday/Sabado 14 CCD Class for Parents: 9-10:30am Baptisms-English: 10am Legion de Maria Rosa Mistica: 10-12pm Legon de Maria Immaculada Concepcion: 8-10am Sunday/ Domingo 15 Vida Nueva en Jesucristo: 6-9pm CSJ MR ME ER AU CH ME C SJ Iglesia Sagrado Corazon 1215 S. Hamilton Pomona, Ca MIERCOLES MARZO 25, 7PM Iglesia Santa Magdalena 931 E. Kingsley. Pomona, Ca. JUEVES MARZO 26, 7PM Iglesia San Jose 1150 W. Holt Ave. VIERNES MARZO 27, 7PM Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Asunción 435 Berkeley Ave. Claremont, Ca MARTES MARZO 31, 7PM (bilingüe) En las tres parroquias habrá varios sacerdotes que escucharán confesiones en Inglés y Español. Confesiones adicionales aqui en la Iglesia San José de Lunes a Viernes 7:45am-8am y Sabado 3:30pm4:30pm Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. JOSEPH/ARAB AMERICAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Rev. Rick Van De Water (909) 865-6895 Arabic Mass: Saturdays at 7PM followed by Fellowship Legion of Mary: 1st Friday - Rosary at 11:30 AM followed by Mass at 12PM Bible Study: Fridays at 7:30 p.m. For anointing of the sick, house blessing and other pastoral needs in Arabic, please call Fr. Rick at the telephone number above. Lenten Examination of conscience: The Act of Contrition My God I am sorry for my sins with all my heart • Do I bring God a truly contrite spirit? Do I hold anything back? In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, • What choices have made me fail? Did I make them consciously? I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. • How does my sins violate God’s covenant with me? With God who is present in my neighbor? I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, • Do I try to live a good life all on my own? How does God’s grace help me? And to avoid whatever leads me to sin. • Are there times in my daily life that lead to sin? What can I do to avoid them? DID YOU KNOW? Archdiocesan personnel is mandated to attend VIRTUS training Did you know that every person working with children and youth in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is mandated to attend VIRTUS training? VIRTUS is designed to prevent child abuse by making adults aware of how sexual abuse is perpetrated by adults as well as other children. More than 210,000 adults have gone through the VIRTUS training program in the Archdiocese in the last decade. To find out about VIRTUS training sessions near you, please call the parish office or the Archdiocese’s Safeguard the Children Program Office, (213) 637-7227. That time of year is fastly approaching again! If you are in need of a statement for your taxes this year. Please call the rectory office (909) 629-4101 with the following information. Your name, address, current telephone number and envelope # if known. Page 3 Examen the conciencia durante la Cuaresma: Acto de Contricion Dios mío, me arrepiento de todo Corazón de todo lo malo que he hecho, • ¿Traigo ante Dios un Corazon verdaderamente contrite? ¿Me guardo algo? Y de lo bueno he dejado de hacer, • ¿Que deciciones me han hecho fallar? ¿Las tome concientemente? Porque pecando te he ofendido a ti, que eres el sumo bien y digno de ser amado sobre todas las cosas. • ¿Como viola mi pecado la alianza que Dios tiene conmigo? ¿A Dios que esta presente en mi projimo? Propongo firmemente, con tu gracia, cumplir la petinecnia, no volver a pecar • ¿Trato de vivir una Buena vida para mi solo? ¿Como me ayuda la gracia de Dios? Y evitar las ocaciones de pecado. • ¿Hay ocaciones en mi vida diaria que me conducen al pecado? ¿Qué pued0 hacer para evitarlas? Perdóname, Señor por los meritos de la passion de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. ¿SABÍA USTED? El personal arquidiocesano debe asistir a entrenamiento de VIRTUS ¿Sabe usted que cada persona que trabaja con niños y jóvenes en la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles por mandato debe asistir al entrenamiento de VIRTUS? VIRTUS ha sido diseñado para prevenir el abuso de menores, informando a los adultos de como el abuso sexual es perpetrado por los adultos así como también por otros niños. Más de 210,000 adultos han asistido al entrenamiento VIRTUS en la Arquidiócesis en la última década. Para más información sobre las sesiones de entrenamiento VIRTUS más cercanas a usted, llame a la oficina de la parroquia o a la Arquidiócesis al programa Protegiendo Los Niños al (213) 637-7227. HEALING MINISTRY During Jesus’ ministry “he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons.” This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Jesus knew, however, that he couldn’t possibly heal all the illness in the world. No matter how many people he cured or how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. Quinto Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario PAGINA 4 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT St. Joseph Catholic Church, Pomona Father Nicholas Assi also known as Fr. Hisham Dabaen served as an Associate Pastor from 1998 to 2003 at St. Joseph Catholic Church. An accusation involving an adult was brought against him in 2014 and an investigation was initiated. Father Assi was placed on administrative leave pending the investigation of this matter. The investigation has been concluded and Father will be returning to ministry with an assignment at St. Basil’s parish as a priest in good standing. We are sorry for the painful experiences of this matter and we ask you to keep all impacted in prayer. ST. JOSEPH PARISH FESTIVAL April 24, 25 & 26, 2015 Is now in search of it’s 2015 Royal Court! To qualify as a candidate you must: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be Between the ages 13 –17 Must attend Mass regularly You need to have a Church sponsor Be willing to sell Raffle Tickets at all scheduled Masses For more information contact Danna Pineda at 909 -643-9147 or Tina Rios 909-465-0759 Información de Quinceañeras Los padres que desean celebrarle Misa de acción de gracias por los quince años de a su hija, registraciones cada segundo lunes del mes. La fecha y hora de esta especial celebración se le dará a conocer tan pronto se cumpla con los requisitos requeridos. Para mas informacion llamar a Maria Mendoza (909)902-9886 Weekly Stewardship Jan. 31, & Feb. 1, 2015 $8,204.59 Corresponsabilidad Semanal Enero 31 & Febrero 1, 2015 $8,204.59 FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday Schedule 8-9am – 5-6pm – 7-8pm – 8-9pm - Ash Wednesday Mass English English Liturgy & Distribution of ashes Spanish Liturgy & Distribution of Ashes Spanish Liturgy of Word & Ashes All parishioners must enter through the front doors ONLY! No one will be permitted through the side doors! Please come early. Thank for your cooperation. FEBRERO 18, 2015 MIERCOLES DE CENIZA HORARIO DE IMPOSICION DE CENIZA 8-9am – Misa en Ingles e imposicion de Ceniza 5-6pm – Liturgia en Ingles e Imposicion de Ceniza 7-8pm -- Liturgia en Español e Imposi cion de Ceniza 8-9pm - Liturgia en Español e Imposicion de Ceniza Todos los feligreses deberan de entrar por la puerta de enfrente de la Iglesia. Las puertas de los costados seran UNICAMENTE PARA SALIR! ASH WEDNESDAY The church gives us the cross of ashes on ash Wednesday to show that we have pledged our selves to walk with Christ during Lent. The imposition of ashes is to recall to our minds the fact that “we are dust and to dust we shall return”. The purpose is to symbolize an eternal commitment and dedication to acts of penance and mortification during the coming 40 days of Lent. EL MIERCOLES DE CENIZA DA COMIENZO A LA CUARESMA La Iglesia nos pone una cruz de ceniza que muestra nuestra promesa de caminar con jesucristo durante la cuaresma. La imposicion de las cenizas es un llamado a nuestra memoria para que recordemos que “De polvo somos y en polvo nos convertiremos” El proposito es simbolizar un eterno compromiso y dedicacion a los actos de penitencia y abstinencia durante los 40 dias de la cuaresma. Sunday, February 8, 2015 Page 5 Pilgrimage of Faith with Mary to the Shrines of Central and Eastern Europe In the Footsteps of the Divine Mercy and St. John Paul II Under the Spiritual Guidance of Fr. Lester Avestruz and Fr. Roberto Jaranilla September 14-28, 2015 Vienna, Melk Abbey, Maria Taferl, Mariazell, Admont, Salzburg, Altoetting, Prague, Velhrad, Krakow, Lagiewniki, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Zakopane, Wadowice, Czestochowa, Swinice Warckie, Plock, Niepokalanow, and Warsaw Pilgrimage Highlights: ☼ Vienna – Austria’s Capital, Mass at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, sightseeing tour of the Imperial City of Vienna and much more, ☼ Melk Abbey – The crown jewel of the romantic Danube Valley ☼ Maria Taferl – the most celebrated pilgrimage place of the Shrines of Mary overlooking the Danube. ☼ Mariazell – Austria's most important Marian Shrine, has drawn millions of Pilgrims from all over central Europe and the world. ☼ Salzburg of Mozart, and the Sound of Music ☼ Altoetting – Shrine of the Black Madonna of Altoetting – the Lourdes of Germany. ☼ Prague of the Miraculous Infant Jesus, St. Vitus Cathedral, the Charles Bridge, and much more. ☼ Velhrad – visit the Shrine in memory of Sts. Cyril and Methodius who brought Christianity to the Czech lands. ☼ Krakow-in the footsteps of St. John Paul II and St. Faustina the Apostle of Divine Mercy, (Including Wieliczka Salt Mine) ☼ Lagiewniki – Capital of the Divine Mercy. Venerate the relic of St. John Paul II in the New Center of “Have no Fear”. ☼ Zakopane – the winter Capital of Poland where Karol Wojtyla used to follow the trails of the Tatra Mountains. ☼ Wadowice of Karol Wojtyla - Birthplace of St. John Paul II, ☼ Czestochowa – the most important Pilgrimage place of Poland Shrine of the Black Madonna, and Jasna Gora Monastery where St. Faustina, St. John Paul II, and St Maximillian Kolbe came to offer their lives to God in holy service. ☼ Niepokalanow of St. Maximilian Kolbe ☼ Warsaw – in the footsteps of St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy and St. John Paul II, and much more. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT COUPON!!! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT COUPON!!! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT COUPON!!! Enclosed is my $500.00 deposit for: Pilgrimage of Faith with Mary to the Shrines of Central and Eastern Europe with Fr. Lester Avestruz and Fr. Roberto Jaranilla. (Above prices are subject to change and will depend on the number of participants. A minimum of 30 passengers is required in order to lock-in the prices). NAME (1): ( 2) ___________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________City: _________________State:_____ Zip Code: ________ Home Phone: (__) __________Work Phone: (___) ___________Cell Phone (___)___________ E-mail: ____________________ Airport of Departure: Los Angeles (LAX) [__] ______________ New Jersey (EWR) [__]_______________ To receive a $100.00 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT and to request for brochure, send your $500.00 deposit before January 30, 2015 to: Fr. Lester Avestruz, Chaplain P.O. BOX 2903 Gardena, CA 90247-1103 Phone: 562-533-6084 Delia Tio, Pilgrimage Coordinator Phone: 310-625-5859 Tour Leader: (Please Indicate) __________________________ Garage Doors FREE Estimates 24 Hour Emergency Service Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Sales Service Installation Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. 626-221-7631 (Español) 909-545-9362 (English) MENDOZA’S GARAGE DOORS Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. TODD Memorial CHAPEL Your Independent Family Owned and Operated Funeral Home since 1907 570 N. Garey Ave., Pomona For further information, please call the Parish Office. (909) 622-1217 FD 110 Alicia Rogan Agent (909) 444-2102 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 POMONA DENTAL GROUP DENTISTRY FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Steve S. Lee, D.D.S. • CROWNS, BRIDGES • DENTURES, PARTIALS & RELINES • EXTRACTIONS • ROOT CANALS • FILLINGS • PREVENTION • DENTAL LAB ON PREMISES • NITROUS OXIDE SEDATION • COSMETIC DENTISTRY • LASER AVAILABLE CREDIT TERMS: Medi-Cal • Insurance • Union Members & Familes Welcomed PROTECTING SENIORS Saint Margaret Sunday Missal NATIONWIDE Designed to be anion al PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM • Sat 9AM-2PM DENTURE REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT 850 North Indian Hill Bl. 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