Grace Connection N EWS LETTER OF G RACE F ELLOWS HIP F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Be a part of this encounter with the Almighty God this Sunday, February 1. CHOOSE LIFE Bringing Life and Hope to Our Community Choose life that you...might live. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Friday, February 20 at 6:30 pm Saturday, February 21 at 6:30 pm Sunday, February 22 at 10:30 am We welcome Dr. Robert Smith, Jr., pastor, author and preaching professor from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama We are excited to have The Akins to lead in worship while Dr. Smith is here. We also look forward to The Akins in CONCERT Sunday, February 22 at 6:30 pm G C Greeters Serving on Sundays February FEBRUARY 1 - Sonya & Darrell Roth, Perry Underwood 8 - Beverly & Richard Sparkmon, David Torbert 15 - Adrian Beasley, Tony Parker 22 - Lonnie & James Moore, Al Hawkins Pre-school Workers FEBRUARY 1 Nursery - Sara Floyd, Jane Cobb Toddlers - Jennifer Tripp, Joyce Daniel 3 year - Shirlie Durameni, Terry Lynch 4 and 5 year - Kim Cash, Wanda White Pagers - Teresa Charles FEBRUARY 8 Nursery - Sara Floyd, Candice LaPierre Toddlers - Jennifer Tripp, Jenny Carmichael 3 year - Shirlie Durameni, 4 and 5 year - Kim Cash, Mallette Cook Pagers - Gerald Torbert FEBRUARY 15 Nursery - Sara Floyd, Ann Duncan Toddlers - Velma Winslette, Lisa Dalton 3 year - Shirlie Durameni, Nancy Long 4 and 5 year - Kim Cash, Stacy Malone Pagers - Mary Lynn Mobley FEBRUARY 22 Nursery - Annette Lightsey, Jayne Lindsay Toddlers - Jennifer Tripp, Susie Porche’ 3year - Amy Ferman, Latamy Worthen 4 and 5 year - Kim Cash, David Torbert Pagers - Keith Lindsay Power House Children (Grades 1-5) February 1 Leader: Tara & David Allen Workers: Carolyn Fears, Jody Sandwick February 8 Leader: Tara & David Allen Workers: Yvonne & Adrian Beasley, Joe Piekielek February 15 Leader: Tara & David Allen Workers: Jon & Carrie Human, Tommy McDonald February 22 Leader: Tara & David Allen Workers: Prayer Room Ministry FEBRUARY 18 - Glenn & Velma Winslette 15 - Robert & Orian Motley 22 - Mallory & Karen Granitz Ushers FEBRUARY- Captain Roberto Mattei, Brock Miller, Adrian Beasley, Glenn Winslette, Joey Ward, Matt Ferman Welcome Team FEBRUARY 1 8:30 - 9:00 am - Darryl Woodruff 10:00 -10:30 am - Bonnie Arthur, Barbara Twilley FEBRUARY 8 8:30 - 9:00 am - Darryl Woodruff 10:00 -10:30 am - Carol Smith, Trish Robinson FEBRUARY 15 8:30 - 9:00 am - Darryl Woodruff 10:00 -10:30 am - Sherrie & William Leavell FEBRUARY 22 8:30 - 9:00 am - Darryl Woodruff 10:00 -10:30 am - Inez & Jim Cox Grace Guides FEBRUARY 1 - Linda Weaver - 8 - Earl & Susie Porche’ 15 - Michelle Laud - 22 - Joyce Slate Hospitality Coordinators FEBRUARY 1- Donna & Wayne Hurst, Shirley Henry, Evona Hall - (Long Grace Group - Food) FEBRUARY 8- Orian Motley, Mary Lynn Mobley, (G-Men Grace Group- Food) FEBRUARY 15 - Tommi Ward, Ashlie Miller, Germaine Copelan, (Monday Night Coed Grace Group - Food) FEBRUARY 22 - Children and Youth Bible Study Teachers Darrell Roth – High School Boys - Game Room Barbara Twilley – High School Girls - Conference Room Shawn & Tona Slate – Middle School – Classroom A1 Lisa Dalton – Children (Grades 1-3) Classroom C4 Denise Bickers – Children (Grades 4-5) Classroom C9 Elder FEBRUARY ROBERT MOTLEY, WILLIAM LEAVELL Join us Thursdays at 6:30pm Doors open at 6pm G C Elder Communication February Newsletter The Elder Council met on January 6, 2015. The Elders present were: Jimmy Long, Robert Motley, Jim Cox, James Moore, Glenn Winslette, Darrell Roth, and Rick Cook. Yokefellows present were: David Allen and Ray Warwick. Also in attendance was the Church Treasurer, Brenda Warwick. The meeting was opened in prayer by Rick Cook. Acting Elder Chairman Robert Motley gave the devotional. December minutes were presented and approved. Treasurer Brenda Warwick presented the final financial report for 2014. Grace Fellowship was blessed to have strong giving this past year. Brenda furnished the group a contribution analysis. This analysis revealed that 40% of the contributors provide 90% of the income. The proposed 2015 budget was presented for review. After discussion and making some adjustments, assignments were made for the meeting the following week to finalize the proposed budget and disseminate it to the church prior to the Annual Meeting on January 25. A Question and Answer session was held on January 18 to allow people to make comments or ask questions about the 2015 budget. The Elders were asked to remind ministry leaders who wished to present reports to have those ready ahead of time. Any written reports or Powerpoint presentations should be turned in prior to the worship service on January 25. The Elders then considered both the job description for the Administrative Coordinator position and the changes that needed to be made in the Worship Pastor job description. These items will be fully addressed as part of the Elders and Yokefellows Master Planning meeting on Sunday, February 1. This will include a thorough consideration of worship style – an important factor before any search team can be formed. The Elders met again on Tuesday, January 13, to consider potential members for the Student Pastor Search Team and the charge for that team. The Elders should be contacting team member shortly. The next Spiritual Master Planning meeting will be held February 1 and the next Elders and Yokefellows meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10. As always, the Elder Council desires open dialogue with the members and encourage members to bring their ideas and dreams to the council. After praying over member needs, the Elder Council adjourned. Wears Valley Mission Trip May 11-15 Next Elder and Yokefellow Meeting Tuesday, February 10, 7:00 pm If you have items you would like to bring to the Elders, please contact Vice-Chairman Robert Motley to be put on the agenda. (706) 453-0020 [email protected] 1971 S. Main Street Greensboro, GA 30642 Grace Fellowship God’s Great Outdoors If you are interested in discovering ways to reach outdoorsmen with the gospel, you may be want to attend a "2015 Trail to Adventure Conference." Donnie Chapman will be taking a group to Warner Robbins on February 21. For more information call Donnie Chapman 706-816-9257 or 706-923-5229 or to register, go to Beginning with Grace Class Pastor Jimmy will be leading a Beginning with Grace Class on Sunday, February 8, at 3:00 pm in room A-1. This class is designed for new members, or prospective members and those curious about Grace Fellowship. You do not have join Grace Fellowship to take the class however; it is a requirement for membership. The class lasts approximately two hours. Childcare will be available upon request only. If you are interested in attending, call the church office 706-453-0020 to register. Dominican Republic Mission Trip June 9-17 The 2014 budget in the amount of $601,924.00 passed at annual church conference held on Sunday, January 25.
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