9th BIENNIAL SHAFRAN TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE Memoir, Testimony and Text in Holocaust Education FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 • 9AM - 3PM VANCOUVER HOLOCAUST EDUCATION CENTRE 50 - 950 W 41ST AVENUE, VANCOUVER Sponsored by the David & Lil Shafran Endowment Fund of the VHEC To help teachers navigate the complexities of the Holocaust, the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre is proud to present the 9th Biennial Shafran Teachers’ Conference, Memoir, Testimony and Text in Holocaust Education. Featuring keynote addresses by Dr. Diane Afoumado (International Tracing Service Research Branch, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) and Dr. Jay Eidelman (Department of History, University of British Columbia), the program promotes historical thinking and demonstrates the cross-curricular teaching potential of integrating trace evidence, including early postwar documentation and eyewitness testimony, into lessons on the Holocaust and other genocides. Participants will receive teaching resources from the Historical Thinking Project and the International Tracing Service, as well as the latest series of Holocaust survivor memoirs and short films courtesy of the Azrieli Foundation. REGISTRATION INFORMATION $100 teachers ($75 if you register before December 5, 2014) / $25 student teachers Registration closes on January 30, 2015 Registration fees are non-refundable. 5 0 – 950 W 41 S T AVE, VAN C O U V E R BC , V 5 Z 2 N 7 W W W. VH E C . O R G | 6 0 4 . 2 6 4 . 0 4 9 9 | I NF O @ V HEC.O RG 9TH BIENNIAL SHAFRAN TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE Memoir, Testimony and Text in Holocaust Education FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 • 9AM - 3PM • VANCOUVER HOLOCAUST EDUCATION CENTRE Sponsored by the David & Lil Shafran Endowment Fund of the VHEC KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS Documenting the Holocaust: Insights from the International Tracing Service DR. DIANE AFOUMADO, International Tracing Service, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Dr. Diane F. Afoumado is Chief of the International Tracing Service Research Branch at the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Formerly Assistant Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Paris X-Nanterre and the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) in Paris, she worked for the two French Commissions related to compensation to Jewish victims. She also worked as a Historian for the Archival Division of the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine - Mémorial de la Shoah. From the Specific to the Universal: History, Memory and Teaching the Holocaust DR. JAY EIDELMAN, Department of History, University of British Columbia Dr. Jay Eidelman is a writer, editor and educator. A graduate of Yale and McGill universities, he developed UBC’S online History of the Holocaust course through the History Department at the University of British Columbia, which he has taught for the last ten years. Dr. Eidelman is the former historian at the Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City. He has previously taught at New York University and Queen’s College. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS Using Historical Thinking Concepts with Genocide Issues ANDREA WEBB, VHEC Teacher Advisory Committee Using the Internet and Social Media to Teach the Holocaust JONATHAN FRIEDRICHS, VHEC Teacher Advisory Committee The Twitter Book Club TIM MACKAY, Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program, The Azrieli Foundation 5 0 – 950 W 41 S T AVE, VAN C O U V E R BC , V 5 Z 2 N 7 W W W. VH E C . O R G | 6 0 4 . 2 6 4 . 0 4 9 9 | I NF O @ V HEC.O RG 9TH BIENNIAL SHAFRAN TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE Memoir, Testimony and Text in Holocaust Education FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 • 9AM - 3PM • VANCOUVER HOLOCAUST EDUCATION CENTRE Sponsored by the David & Lil Shafran Endowment Fund of the VHEC REGISTRATION Deadline: Please register by January 30, 2015 Registration fees are non-refundable. name School/Organization GRADE LEVEL (IF APPLICABLE) Address phone FAX email WORKSHOPS Please Select One Using Historical Thinking Concepts with Genocide Issues – Andrea Webb Using the Internet and Social Media to Teach the Holocaust - Jonathan Friedrichs The Twitter Book Club – Tim MacKay REGISTRATION FEE & PAYMENT Includes lunch, refreshments and conference materials $75 Teacher Advance registration bY December 5, 2014 $100 Teacher TOTAL payment AMOUNT $ $25 Student Teacher Cheque enclosed to the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre visa expiry date mastercard card # signature Travel subsidies for teachers outside of Metro Vancouver may be available. Please contact [email protected] to inquire. MAIL / FAX / EMAIL REGISTRATION TO: Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre, 50 - 950 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7 FAX: 604.264.0497 | EMAIL: [email protected] | PHONE: 604.264.0499 | WEB: www. vhec.org
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