J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 | Vo l u m e 5 3 WE GIVE E H T O T BACK Y T I N U M COM N I A G A E ONC WITH The Official Publication of The Bar Association of Metr opolitan St. Louis TABLE of CONTENTS BOARD of GOVERNORS & STAFF 4 President’s Message Joseph A. Frank President Joseph A. Frank ABA Delegate Joan M. Swartz CLE Chair Michael D. Cole 5Ethics President-Elect Seth A. Albin 6 The quality of justice is up to us! Susan Block Vice-President Eric G. Kukowski YLD Co-Chairs Michael J. Hart and Anne-Marie Brockland Presidential Liaisons Richard E. Banks Nicole Colbert-Botchway Section Chairs David L. Orwick, Business Law; Anthony J. Muhlenkamp, Criminal Law; Mary V. Khouri, Employee Benefits; Cynthia Smuda, Family & Juvenile Law; Kurt J. Schafers and Douglas D. Churovich, Federal Litigation & Practice; Matthew J. Gierse, Labor & Employment Law; Jessica M. Mendez, Minorities in the Legal Profession; Paul D. Tietz, Patent, Trademark & Copyright; Debbie J. Smiley, Probate & Trust; David T. Cox, Solo & Small Firm Practitioners; Sara G. Neill, Taxation; Ian C. Simmons, Trial; and Jennifer A. Visintine, Women in the Legal Profession Executive Director Zoe W. Linza Michael Downey 8 Ethical hackers: Thinking like criminals but wearing the white hats. Gail Appleson 9 In Memoriam, Hon. Michael Calvin 10 His Honor's Palate Hon. Richard B. Teitelman 11 Cover Story Chuck Ramsay 14 A Closer Look Young Lawyers Division 15 Hearsay! Secretary Jennifer L. Schwendemann Treasurer Amy Collignon Gunn Immediate Past President Jon M. Baris Members-at-Large Dawn M. Besserman, Kristine H. Bridges, Kerry C. Feld, John J. Fischesser II, Annette P. Heller, Carolyn M. Husmann, Matthew B. Leppert, Jason M. Sengheiser, Scott A. Smith, and David R. Truman 16 New Age lawyers: changing the game David Gregory 18 People & Places Who's doing what and where? 20 Levison Group Traveling with the law of averages 21 Legal Job Placement Listings 22 Classified Ads Editorial Board Editor-In-Chief Charles A. Weiss Board of Editors Lisa A. Herder, Dawn M. Johnson Executive Editor Zoe W. Linza Managing Editor Chuck Ramsay, [email protected] Advertising Sales Jennifer Macke, [email protected] THIS MONTH'S COVER Making a child's holiday more joyful and exciting is the goal of Motion for Kids. This year's event was a huge success, and like all that came before, children from families impacted by the justice system came away with memories of a day of fun, adventure and a little something for under the tree! Cover photo by Chuck Ramsay. UPCOMING BAMSL SIGNATURE EVENTS January FREE CLE - Family Law presented by Susan Ward Legal Support Committee social event with St. Louis Paralegal Association Judicial Retirement Dinner SUSTAINING MEMBER ROSTER Cynthia L. Albin, Seth A. Albin, Susan L. Amato, Brent W. Baldwin, Doris J. Banta, Jon Baris, Melissa Z. Baris, Bartholomew J. Baumstark, William R. Bay, Mark J. Becker, Jill S. Bollwerk, Kristine H. Bridges, Anne-Marie Brockland, Daniel James Brown, Eugene K. Buckley, Sarah M. Bueltmann, Jeffrey J. Bunten, Thomas M. Burke, Joseph C. Carr, Nicole Jean Colbert-Botchway, Michael D. Cole, James S. Collins, David E. Crawford, Albert Crump, Daniel DeFeo, Paul M. Denk, Henry 34th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute M. DeWoskin, Peter C. Drummond, Jeanne Elliott, Chris Faiella, Kerry C. Feld, Peter P. Fiore, Walter Floyd, Joseph A. Frank, Genevieve M. Frank, James P. Gamble, Susan Gentle, Jill M. Gilbert, John H. Goffstein, Maurice B. Graham, Elizabeth Danielle Grant, Amy Collignon Gunn, S. Todd Hamby, R. Dwight Hardin, Heather J. Hays, James M. Hoffmann, Mandy J. Kamykowski, Marc S. Kramer, Eric Kukowski, Hon. William E. Kumpe, Kevin M. Leahy, Martin M. Lipsitz, Hon. Arthur Litz, Lionel L. Lucchesi, Murry A. Marks, John F. McCartney, Garry McCubbin, James E. McDaniel, William A. McDowell, John S. Meyer, Rita J. Mohr, Andrew A. O'Brien, Julia McPhee Pahlow, January 22 February 10 March 5 April 29 Ted L. Perryman, Carl C. Polster, Robert L. Proost, Daniel T. Rabbitt, John C. Rasp, Chris Ratcliff, Canice Timothy Rice, Stephen Henry Ringkamp, Alexander B. Roodman, Hon. Mary R. Russell, Norah J. Ryan, Hon J. Brendan Ryan, Donald J. Sher, John G. Simon Shulamith Simon, Mary E. Simon, Scott Anthony Smith, Mary Beth P. Soffer, G. Michael Stewart, Thomas P. Sweeney, Erwin O. Switzer, Phillip A. Tatlow, Kenneth F. Teasdale, Hon. Richard B. Teitelman, David R. Truman, Hon. Lisa S. Van Amburg, Paul N. Venker, Kenneth K. Vuylsteke, Hon. E. Richard Webber, Charles A. Werner and William Wyne. The St. Louis Lawyer (ISSN #08935971) (USPS #002031) is owned and published monthly by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), a nonprofit organization located at 555 Washington Avenue, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63101-1249, (314) 421-4134. Periodicals postage is paid at St. Louis, MO 63155. Postmaster: Send address changes to the ST. LOUIS LAWYER, c/o The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), 555 Washington Avenue, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63101-1249. No material may be reproduced in any form or by any means without express written permission from the publisher. Direct advertising inquiries to Jennifer Macke, 555 Washington Avenue, Suite 100, St. Louis, Missouri, 63101. Direct editorial news, subscription information or questions to Chuck Ramsay at the above address or [email protected]. The views and opinions expressed in St. Louis Lawyer magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, the St. Louis Bar Foundation, or BAMSL’s Board of Governors. Acceptance of advertising and new product information does not imply endorsement of products advertised or listed nor statements concerning them. Copyright 2014 by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. January 2015 3 President's Column Remembering the fairness of Hon. Michael B. Calvin As I write this column, 2014 is coming to a close. A lot has happened in the past 12 months. For the past seven months I have been so proud to be the President of this great Association. Each month I get to write a column in this publication to share with you my thoughts and observations about this great profession. I have by Joseph A. Frank, frequently spoken of BAMSL President; my appreciation for Owner, The Law being able to practice Offices of Joseph A. law in this great Frank LLC community. There is nowhere else that I would rather practice law than here in St. Louis. We enjoy such great collegiality and camaraderie that is unlike many other metropolitan areas. This past month I was greatly saddened to hear about the passing of Judge Michael Calvin. Judge Calvin had a huge impact on my career and his passing has affected so many in our legal community. As a judge, Judge Calvin exemplified all of the qualities we want in our jurists. Judge Calvin had great patience and respect for the attorneys and litigants who appeared in his court. Many lawyers have shared their experiences with me appearing before Judge Calvin in Division 1 and in his trial division. Trial lawyers often say that all they want from a trial judge is someone who will give them a fair shot and let the lawyers try the case. Every lawyer I have spoken to has agreed that Judge Calvin was that kind of judge. My first experience appearing before Judge Calvin was in 1998. I was involved in a big personal injury case involving the death of two workers and the very serious injury to a third man as a result of a fire in an elevator. The cases of the families of the two deceased workers and the case of the injured worker had been consolidated for trial. There were many attorneys in the courtroom representing the plaintiffs and 4 the numerous defendants. The issues in the case were very hotly contested. From day one of the trial, I was so impressed with the way Judge Calvin ran his courtroom and managed the trial. I know I speak for all of the attorneys involved in that trial when I say that Judge Calvin was the perfect judge to be assigned to try the case. An example of his patience occurred one morning during trial when, during the questioning of a witness, my cell phone began to ring in my trial case. In 1998, cell phones were not as pervasive as they are today and I had forgotten to turn the ringer off before the trial resumed that morning. As the phone rang I was mortified. Knowing that it would stop ringing after the fourth ring, I planned to ignore the disruption and then discreetly silence the phone under the counsel table. Judge Calvin, upon hearing the phone ringing, stopped the proceedings and said: “I don’t do cell phones in my court.” I looked around pretending that I did not know who the offender was. However, my cover was blown by my cocounsel when he blurted: “Joe, your phone is ringing.” I had been exposed as the offender. At the next recess I fully expected to be dressed down by Judge Calvin for my carelessness. Instead, Judge Calvin pulled me aside. I am sure he could see how mortified I was for disrupting the trial. Instead of yelling at me, though, Judge Calvin very kindly looked at me and said, “We’re not going to have a problem with your phone again, are we?” I assured him that it would never happen again, and it did not. That is just one small example of Judge Calvin’s patience and compassion. Over the years I would often see Judge Calvin at bar association events. He had a great sense of humor and always greeted me with kind words and interest in what was going on in my life and career. Since his passing so many people have commented about how they will miss his laugh. When I think about Judge Calvin I can hear his distinctive laugh, as well. After he left the bench, Judge Calvin had a very successful career in private practice and as a mediator. I was fortunate to have Judge Calvin as the mediator on two cases over the past four years. When parties agree to mediate a case they will often exchange a list of mediators they will not use. Judge Calvin’s name never appeared on the exclusionary list of any of my opposing counsel. Just as he was a great judge, Judge Calvin was also a great mediator. His patience and compassion gained him the trust and respect of attorneys and litigants, alike. Mediators often have to tell litigants that their expectations may not be Judge Calvin very kindly looked at me and said, 'We’re not going to have a problem with your phone again, are we?' St. Louis Lawyer reasonable. It is very hard to tell people things they do not want to hear. I will never forget how compassionate Judge Calvin was with my clients. My clients knew that he cared about their loss and that they could trust he was telling them the truth. Both cases I mediated with Judge Calvin settled because of the trust and respect my clients had for him. I debated whether I should write this column. During the course of my career we have lost many great lawyers and judges who have made a lasting positive impact on the profession and our community. However, I wanted to write this column because so many people have told me that Judge Calvin had a huge impact on their careers. I include myself in that category. He will be missed but his impact on this profession and the lawyers who appeared before him will continue on. n Ethics Five points to know about noncompete agreements for lawyers. In virtually every profession except the law, employers expect employees to enter non-compete agreements. These agreements generally prevent the employee from trying to take clients from the employer or compete against the employer after the employee’s relationship with the employer has ended. by Michael P. Downey, In the legal Partner, Armstrong profession, however, Teasdale LLP it is unethical for a lawyer to offer or agree to a non-compete provision that limits the activities of the lawyer after employment ends. Modeled on ABA Model Rule 5.6(a), Missouri Supreme Court Rule 4-5.6(a) states: A lawyer shall not participate in offering or making: (a) a partnership, shareholders, operating, employment, or other similar type of agreement that restricts the right of a lawyer to practice after termination of the relationship, except an agreement concerning benefits upon retirement . . . Rule 4-5.6(a) and Model Rule 5.6 are interpreted broadly to prohibit non-compete agreements that prevent the solicitation of firm clients as well as provisions that prohibit practicing in the same geographic area or same area of law for a specified period. Such interpretation advances the two purposes of Rule 4-5.6 set forth in [1] of the comment, to protect both the professional autonomy of the lawyer and the freedom of clients to choose their lawyer. There are five points lawyers should know about lawyer non-compete agreements. They are: 1. Lawyers may face discipline for improper non-compete agreements. Rule 4-5.6(a) is a Rule of Professional Conduct, so it should come as no surprise that a lawyer may face discipline for offering or making an improper non-compete agreement. Recently the Indiana Supreme Court publicly reprimanded lawyer J. Frank Hanley II, for example, for having an associate sign a noncompete agreement that prohibited the associate from practicing Social Security disability law – the same law Hanley practiced – for a twoyear period after the associate’s employment with the firm ended. See In re Hanley, Cause No. 49S001410-DI-616 (Ind. Nov. 6, 2014). Hanley likely avoided more serious discipline by not enforcing the noncompete provision and transferring several client files to the associate so the associate could continue the representation.. 2. An improper lawyer non-compete is generally unenforceable. In addition to potential discipline, courts regularly invalidate non-compete agreements that would restrict a lawyer’s right to practice. See, e.g., Dowd & Dowd v. Gleason, 693 N.E.2d 358 (Ill. 1998). Had Hanley tried to enforce the non-compete agreement against his associate, a court likely would have found the provision unlawful and thus unenforceable. 3. Lawyer non-competes are permitted for valid retirement benefits. Despite the general bar against lawyer noncompetes, lawyers are permitted to enter – and courts will enforce – restrictions on practice tied to legitimate retirement benefits. The language in Rule 4-5.6 “benefits upon retirement” is normally understood to reference payments to the lawyer from future firm revenue, not simply a return of capital. Schoonmaker v. Cummings & Lockwood of Connecticut, P.C., 747 A.2d 1017 (Conn. 2000). The safest way for a non-compete provision to be related to a legitimate January 2015 “retirement benefit,” and thus enforceable, is for the benefit to be conditioned upon the lawyer ceasing the practice of law, either entirely or at minimum for monetary gain. Where a purported “retirement” benefit is also granted to lawyers who continue to practice, but do so in settings not competitive to the law firm granting the benefit (for example, because the “retired” lawyer becomes in-house counsel), a court is likely to see the provision as a financial disincentive against competition and thus also prohibited by Rule 4-5.6. 4. Lawyer non-competes are permitted in law practice sales agreements. The ethics rule that regulates the sale of law practices, Rule 4-1.17, requires lawyers selling all or part of their practice to cease practice, at least in the area of practice sold. Often this prohibition against post-sale practice is memorialized and enforced through a non-compete provision in the sales agreement. For more information on issues relating to the sale of a law practice, see my November 2014 ethics column. 5. Lawyers may enter “exclusive” practice agreements. Rule 4-5.6 prohibits only limitations on practice “after termination” of the employment, partnership, or similar relationship. A provision that limits what practice a lawyer may assume during a partnership, employment, or other association with a firm is not prohibited by Rule 4-5.6. It is somewhat common for partnership agreements or lawyer employment agreements to state the lawyer will only practice law through the law firm. Such provisions helps a law firm manage conflicts and other risks, and prevents the lawyer from “moonlighting” or trying to channel work – and accompanying revenues – outside the firm. n 5 The quality of justice is up to us! The preamble to the Missouri Bar rules of conduct states that a lawyer is a public citizen having special responsibilities for the quality of justice. Sustaining and improving the quality of justice, to me, is more than seeking legal reform, representing our clients well or by Susan Block, cultivating legal Partner, Paule knowledge. Lawyers Camazine & Blumenthal; former St. who get involved Louis County Family in community Court Judge service increase the confidence the public has in the administration of justice. They present the face of justice, enhancing the lives of citizens, by giving of themselves. Whether it be through strengthening legal education, providing social assistance, helping to assure access to legal services or being a civic leader, lawyers make a real difference. Here are a few examples of what we are doing: Amy Diemer, a devoted family law guardian ad litem, with her husband, Dan, and now college-age sons, found their giving niche by helping coordinate their parish’s Room at the Inn night. One night a month, parishes, churches, synagogues and other organizations provide shelter and food for newly homeless families while they are trying to find more permanent housing. Several times a year they picked up a group of "guests" from Provident Center in Bridgeton and hosted them for a night by providing them dinner, a sleeping area and beds, evening entertainment and breakfast the next morning and then transported them back to the center in the morning. For their whole family it was a very enlightening experience to learn that the homeless were people not so dissimilar than themselves but had had a series of unfortunate circumstances that had caused them to become homeless. Their boys helped to care for and entertain the children giving the mothers a break from a long day. Amy’s whole family gained an appreciation for what they had and felt as if they made others’ lives better even for a brief time. The boys are college men now, but Amy and Dan continue to volunteer in the program as well as in legal world programs in domestic violence and mediation. Missouri Court of Appeals Judge Lisa Van Amburg gives back to the community through annually serving as a judge in the Missouri High School Mock Trial Competition, participating in high school career days, and speaking regularly to elementary and junior high students. Her generosity in giving of time and talent to so many provides increased confidence in our justice system. My law partner and friend Frederick Kruger serves on the executive committee and provides (pro bono) all the legal services of the non-profit corporation, the Spirit of St. Louis Airshow, which is responsible for bringing the semiannual St. Louis County Airshow to the community. A former veteran pilot himself, he brings passion to this special giving to our region. When you watch those amazing planes in the sky, know that a terrific lawyer is a part of their daring performances. Rose Ann Feldman, former St. Louis prosecuting attorney, with an active practice in family law is one of many attorneys who volunteer in the St. Louis County Domestic Violence Court. Her special role is to help the litigants arrive at a custody/visitation schedule. Her work responsible for our courts hearing samesex adoption matters and most recently has given a number of CLE presentations since the Windsor decision on same-sex marriage in Missouri, including at the Missouri Bar Annual Meeting and has served on a panel on Law and Legal Issues Affecting Transgender persons in Missouri at the University of Missouri in St. Louis’ Transgender Spectrum Conference. She and her wife Zuleyma were among the 10 plaintiff couples in this year's successful same-sex marriage lawsuit. She has been fearless in her civil rights commitment, giving presentations in the community on a wide variety of LGBT issues, and other social justice issues (reproductive rights, privacy rights, housing displacement) over the past 40 years, as well as writing numerous commentaries on legal and social justice issues. She has served as a cooperating attorney for the ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights in various matters, including as cooperating attorney for Lambda Legal in 1986, arguing on behalf of Lambda before the Missouri Supreme Court in the State v Walsh case, where I, as a Judge, held that the sexual misconduct law was unconstitutional. Currently she is researching legal issues that the Michael Brown killing in Ferguson and grand jury proceeding highlighted, to help develop strategies for change. Thank you, Arlene and all of you who go that extra step. In the Jewish faith, there is a Hebrew phrase: “tikkun olam,” meaning repairing the world. Lawyers are not only making a difference in the lives of their clients, but giving broadly to repairing the brokenness that we are suffering as a community and world. Do what you can to start 2015 off with giving to others in whatever way you can. We can be proud of what we have done, but there is still so much more to do. Happy New Year and Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. n Sustaining and improving the quality of justice, to me, is more than seeking legal reform, representing our clients well or cultivating legal knowledge. 6 is invaluable at providing safety for the children of the parties while allowing them to have relationships with both parents. Kudos to Kim Bettisworth and her team of “special prosecutors” in Judge Burton’s Domestic Violence Contempt Court who hold batterers accountable for their violent behaviors. Arlene Zarembka is one of my lawyer heroes. She has single-handedly been St. Louis Lawyer A first peek at the 2015 Bench, Bar & Professional Development Conference Schedule... This year’s Bench, Bar and Professional Development Conference promises to be one you won’t want to miss with a dozen great sessions by leading judges and attorneys – not to mention the networking and social aspects that we just do not have enough room to list here. It all begins with Ethical Issues in the Courtroom with Hon. Carolyn C. Whittington and other leading judges. Then sit back and take in an Update from the Missouri Supreme Court Justices. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions too! We all can learn more about technology. Three panelists, Joy Holley, Patrick Chavez and Michael Cole will answer the big question, Are You Still Competent to Practice Law in a Technology World? We think you’ll be able to answer yes by the time they wrap up their presentation – or at least help you identify areas where you need to catch up! For those who practice Family Law, Alisse C. Camazine and other panelists will present a two-part session on Custody Evaluation. Enough great info to fill two sessions! But, if you’re not a family law aficionado, you can check out one of the other two concurrent sessions: Marketing Your Law Practice through Social Media with Christy Pashia, or Effective Techniques for Jury Selection with Maurice Graham. There’s also You and Your Career by Brad Winters and another concurrent session, in the Trial Masters Series scheduled with Hon. Duane Benton, always insightful, entertaining and helpful to your practice. Next will be a certain highlight as Scott Rosenblum and Richard Callahan take on Cross Examination, followed by Missouri’s Secretary of State Jason Kander and his take on the Voting RIghts Act. There will be Friday afternoon recreation and diversions with golf, volleyball and a Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournament, and the famous shopping trip, plus a special evening reception and dinner at the Osage National Golf Resort. Our Past Presidents will host an After Hours Bar back at the hotel. Then, on Saturday morning, take notes as Edward L. Dowd, Jr. and other presenters share the best ways for Protecting the Record for Appeal. Following that session, you’ll be all set for our annual Judicial Panel with all the judges present to learn what’s new, what’s coming, and why. This always-helpful and entertaining session is being moderated this year by Debbie Champion. All good things must come to an end, but not before we distribute special attendance prizes and thank you for your contribution to another Bench & Bar! Your participation makes a big difference at Bench & Bar. Go online now to www.bamsl. org to sign up for Early Bird Discounts. If you prefer not to drive, sign up for the YLD Bus and leave the driving to us. But, don’t delay. Our block of wonderful hotel suites at Camden On The Lake has sold out in the past, so act now. All attendees earn 9.8 MO MCLE Hours plus 2 Ethics Hours! CAMDEN ON THE LAKE | MAY 28-30 Ethical hackers: Thinking like criminals but wearing the white hats. by Gail Appleson, Communications Editor, Armstrong Teasdale LLP When it comes to protecting clients from security breaches, lawyers generally provide advice on such key matters as policies and compliance. But Armstrong Teasdale attorneys Dan Nelson and Lucas Amodio have added a new twist to their legal services. They’ve learned how to hack into computers and have even earned a credential to prove it. These two lawyers became “Certified Ethical Hackers” during 2014 through the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council). An “ethical hacker” is an information security professional trained to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods and techniques as a criminal. But ethical hackers, also called white hat hackers, use their skills to assess and improve security by finding vulnerabilities. And unlike criminal hackers, they have permission to break into computers from the organizations who hire them. There are more than 700 EC-Council accredited training centers across 107 countries. The training program is offered locally by Hacker University™, a subsidiary of the St. Peters, Missouri-based ethical hacking firm, Parameter Security. “On the privacy side, we (lawyers) can have meaningful conversations with our Nelson Amodio clients about their duties to retain and protect information,” said Nelson, an Armstrong Teasdale litigation partner and co-chair of the firm’s Data Security and Privacy Practice Group. “But on the security side, what do lawyers really know about how to protect them? Lawyers and IT people don’t have a good history of communicating. How do we bridge that gap?” A commercial litigator with some 22 years of trial experience, Nelson advises 8 clients about policy and procedures aimed at protecting data. To enhance his practice, Nelson became a Certified Information Privacy Professional. This major credential, issued by the International Association of Privacy Professionals, indicates that a holder knows U.S. data protection laws, key privacy terminology, and practical concepts concerning the protection of personal data and trans-border data flows. Despite this extensive legal background, Nelson felt he needed more extensive computer skills if he was truly going to help clients in this age of constant cyberattacks. As a result, he pursued the ethical hacking credential. Amodio comes from the other side of the equation. An intellectual property lawyer who focuses on high-technology and computer-related matters involving patent law, Amodio is former software engineer who obviously knows the IT talk. But for him, the ethical hacking course was a way to better assist his patent clients. For example, one of his clients is a credit card company and the course has helped him better describe several securitybased patents. “I’ve been a computer geek all of my life,” said Amodio who started programming games when he was only seven-years-old. “I’ve done plenty on my own computer to get past stuff, but I never learned about hacking. So when Dan started talking about the program I thought it looked cool. ” The ethical hacking course does require a high level of computer proficiency, so it’s not for all lawyers. In fact, Parameter officials said Nelson and Amodio are the only two attorneys that have successfully completed the local program. Although Amodio was already familiar with many of the terms, Nelson, who describes himself as being a “tekkie nerd at heart,” put in about 250 hours of study before even taking the course. “If you don’t have a technical background, then you will have to invest the time to get one,” he said. The program, which costs $2, 250 per person, is five intensive days of work. As part of the course, students learn to think like attackers, understanding their motives and strategies. They also acquire skills aimed at recognizing and analyzing the latest security threats; identifying security breaches and determining acceptable risk within organization. “Learning how to hack is kind of a dangerous tool to have,” said Amodio. “It’s incredibly easy to do if you have the time and patience.” Amodio explained that students are expected to be able to The ethical hacking course does require a high level of computer proficiency, so it’s not for all lawyers. St. Louis Lawyer break into a computer in a lab setting, however, they also must sign an agreement that they will never hack without written permission. At the end of the course there is a four hour exam, which both Nelson and Amodio described as being extremely tough. “I was probably more worried about passing this test than the bar exam,” Nelson said. “I don’t see a flock of lawyers doing this,” added Amodio. But for those who have the ability and determination to take on the challenge, helping clients obtain security is the reward. “People perceive the most fundamental problem in cybersecurity to be only an IT problem, but it’s not,” said Nelson. “It’s a problem that starts with lawyers and centers around compliance and the management of people. If we can bridge the gap between IT and in-house lawyers, we’ve added a lot of value. When you can make that conversation happen, that’s really when you start talking about being secure.” n Frankie Muse Freeman and other notable attorneys. The St. Louis legal community lost Hon. Michael B. Calvin unexpectedly on November 29, 2014 from He was only in private practice for three years when complications following a recent surgery. He was 63. he was elected as an associate circuit judge in 1979 at age 28. In 1988, he became a circuit judge until Judge Calvin was known for his fairness, his respect for others, and being a diplomat on the 2008. During that period, from 1999 to 2000, he also bench. It is said he didn’t know a stranger and would served as a presiding judge. It was just six years ago that Judge Calvin retired and stop to speak to and, above all listen to, anyone who had something to say to him. Gary Sarachan, partner with Capes, joined the law firm of Spencer Fane Britt & Browne in their Sokol, Goodman & Sarachan, has said that Calvin “treated dispute resolution division. During his career he received honors and awards from everyone with respect and conducted court session with the Mound City Bar Association, the National College of State humor paired with dignity.” Judiciary, and the Missouri Judicial College. He was born in Nashville, Tenn., but from a practical From colleagues, friends, and even many of those who standpoint he was a St. Louis native since his family moved to St. Louis when he was only two. He attended Beaumont were sentenced by him in court, Judge Calvin was known as High School, went on to graduate from Monmouth College a man of honor with a reputation for always being fair and in Monmouth, Ill., and then earned his J.D. from Saint Louis doing the right thing. He is survived by his wife, Vanessa; sons University School of Law in 1975. Michael Calvin Jr. and Justin; stepdaughter Patrice Willis; brother Lincoln Calvin, and sister Robin Rutlin. n After law school, Judge Calvin joined a law firm with Jeffrey F. Magrowski, Ph.D. www.vocationalexpertwitness.com Vocational rehabilitation; Americans With Disabilities Act; insurance consulting; wrongful death; consultations, personal injury; product liability; slip, trip and fall; expert witness; Workers’ Compensation case consultation; vocational evaluation; divorces; long term disability, Social Security, wrongful discharge, general employment litigation; job analysis/video job analysis; management of Rehabilitation; job placement; wage-loss; and rehabilitation economics. Certifications: CRC, CDMS, ABVE, NBCC, CVE, and CRED. Diplomate of the American College of Forensic Examiners and Senior Disability Analyst. Licensed Professional Counselor. P.O. Box 270329 St. Louis, MO 63127 Telephone: (314) 520-1927 Fax: (636) 220-4270 Email: [email protected] January 2015 9 palate His Honor's Restaurant reviews about town. In our December 2014 issue, we left off with a visit to Al’s; now we continue Judge Teitelman’s quest for great steaks... One of my favorites, understanding that I used to love Ponderosa, is Tucker’s Place for Steaks. Three locations: 3939 Union Road, one block north of South Lindbergh, (314) 845-2584, Monday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday noon to 11:00 p.m., and Sunday 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Also 2117 S. 12th Street, a half block south of Russell, (314) 772-5977, Monday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Friday 11:00 a.m. to midnight, Saturday 4:00 p.m. to midnight, and Sunday 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. And West County, 14282 Manchester Road, by Hon. Richard B. one block east of Hwy. 141, Teitelman, Missouri (314) 227-8062, Monday Supreme Court through Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday noon to 11:00 p.m., and Sunday 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Since I live in the City, the location I favor is the one next to McGurk’s, on Russell in Soulard. Tucker’s is a great place you can go for a casual dinner if you’re looking for a hearty steak or pork chop. They always have specials on a chalk board that you should check first. To give you a sense of the prices and the dishes: appetizers – Chicken Wings, $7.75; Potato Skins, $6.45; of course, Toasted Ravioli, $6.45; Jalapeno Poppers, $6.45; Grated Zucchini Sticks, $6.45; Beer-battered Onion Rings, $6.45; Breaded Mushrooms, $6.45; Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, $6.45; Shrimp Poppers, $6.95; and a Sampler at $8.45. But, of course, the reason you go to Tucker’s is for the steaks and chops, all reasonably priced. An eight-ounce Filet Mignon is $19.45; the New York Strip, 16 ounce. $19.95; the Porterhouse, 20 ounce, $21.85; the Ribeye Steak, 14 ounce, which is a bargain, is $17.95; and the 16 ounce Filet Mignon $25.95. The 20 ounce thickcut pork chop, at $15.95, is my favorite. It is a huge pork chop, smothered in gravy, and it fills the entire plate. You can also get an 8 ounce chicken breast, $11.85; grilled 10 Tilapia, $14.45 or a grilled Norwegian Salmon, $15.45. If you come to Tucker’s for lunch, you can still get a steak but you might also like the 9 oz. Tucker Burger, $4.95; the Big Turkey, $5.95; or the Breaded Pork Tenderloin, $5.95. One of my favorites as well is the Philly Cheese Steak at $5.95. Finally, they also offer reasonably priced pizza. Tucker’s pizzas come in two sizes, 10 inches and 14 inches. A plain cheese pizza is $7.95 or $9.95; and for $1.50 you can add additional toppings, which include extra cheese, onion, green peppers, black olives, mushrooms, tomato, pineapple, bacon, pepperoni, sausage, hamburger and Canadian bacon. Or you can get the Tucker’s Special Deluxe at $11.75 10 inches and $15.75 14 inches with pepperoni, sausage, onions, green peppers and mushrooms. For a delicious, reasonably priced meal, I highly recommend Tucker’s. Hodak’s Restaurant, 2100 Gravois Avenue, 63104, (314) 776-7292, is open Sunday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Dine in or carry out. jack salmon and, on Fridays only, catfish, Iceland cod and jack salmon – served with slaw, potato salad and alternating spaghetti or macaroni and cheese. Finally, if you like barbecued ribs, you can get a large or short end. The short end is $13.10, the large end is $12.50. Classics at Hodak’s include St. Louis’ own country fried steak, a roast beef dinner, chicken strip dinner or dinners which include the roast beef, chicken strip, chicken Parmesan, or chopped steak dinner. If you want good fried chicken or seafood in St. Louis, Hodak’s is the place to go. Tucker's Place in Soulard. Hodak’s is a classic, traditional Mel’s Country Café, 2421 Industrial Drive, Jefferson St. Louis landmark. Known especially City, Mo. (573) 893-9115, Hours: Tuesday through for its chicken, you can get one quarter Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday 7:00 a.m. to golden Fried Chicken served with French 8:00 p.m., and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Fries and slaw for $8.25. Or you can get a If you take a trip to Jefferson City, my half Golden Fried Chicken (add barbecue favorite restaurant there is Mel’s Country sauce) served with French fries and slaw for Café, a classic diner. You can get what’s $8.65. They also have whole-wing dinners called a Cowboy Burger, one-quarter consisting of five wings served with French pound of lean ground beef topped with fries and slaw, $8.50; and a Drumstix a slice of ham, a fried egg and 2 pieces of dinner, four legs served with French Fries crisp bacon, just $7.99. Or you can get a and slaw, $7.15. If your appetite goes to Farm Boy Special, which is a country fried chicken livers, you can get a chicken liver steak sandwich topped with French fries dinner served with mashed potatoes and and covered with Mel’s Country Gravy. vegetables for only $6.80. Generally, I go to Mel’s for one meal, and Hodak’s also offers steaks. Their 8 ounce that’s breakfast. They serve extraordinary Ribeye is $14.35; 12 ounce Porterhouse is country ham, a healthy serving of a ham $14.95; steak and shrimp dinner, $17.45; steak tender. I enjoy it with eggs and hash charbroiled chicken breast dinner, $7.75; browns, $8.79. Usually I will also order a and an 8 ounce pork chop, battered or single hotcake, an additional $1.69. Or I charbroiled, just $7.75. might get biscuits and gravy, a full order Hodak’s also serves seafood. My favorite at $2.95. As you can see, this is traditional seafood dish has been fried oysters - six American food provided with outstanding large breaded oysters served with French service. When in Jefferson City, I highly fries or slaw, $11.95; or you can get catfish, recommend Mel’s. n St. Louis Lawyer Cover Story by Chuck Ramsay Q: What is Motion for Kids like for a kid? A: A bag full of nifty presents from my wish list that I wouldn’t have gotten over the holidays otherwise. A day at the Dome meeting real football players and cheerleaders. A new book or two! Games on the football field and crafts with my siblings. A break for a hot dog, chips and soda. Then off to visit with Santa. Seeing the friendly faces of people I don’t know, wishing me a great holiday! There’s no doubt that Motion for Kids is a gem. It sparkles and shines bright with benefits to all involved no matter which angle you look at it. It allows the legal profession of St. Louis to join together to help those less fortunate children whose family life has been impacted by the justice system, so they can experience a happier holiday. It’s a way for a typically affluent group of professionals to “give back” to their community. Still from another angle, it can be seen as a brilliant public relations move to enhance the sometimes faltering image of lawyers in general. From a slightly different view, for many, it’s another way of calling attention to those who work day-in and day-out seeking justice that often times is viewed as not reaching all in our society. One could even imagine how an earlier party one year in the past may have made an impression on a child that changed their life for the better in later years. Think about it. Six-year-olds from one of the first Angel Tree (the original name of Motion for Kids) parties could be 28 years old now and have children of their own! Take your pick of any, all, or none from above. It’s usually the case that a good deed can stand on its own merit. One shouldn’t necessarily have to have a good reason to do good. This has been the case year after year as BAMSL members, whole law firms, Rams players, and others step up to sponsor one or more children until we have over 3,000 sponsored. They take it upon themselves to purchase and wrap the gifts and get them to the Dome on time. Many go to the next step and volunteer to help out at the party itself because there is so much to do during the day-long party. Plus the clean-up, packing up, hauling away and storage of everything that can be used again next year. While Motion for Kids is often overshadowed by other, local and national, gift campaigns, we like to think ours is more personal and visible for the kids. This year was no exception. And, as the BAMSL and Rams planners hope: next year will be even better. Take a visual walk through this year’s MFK party here and on the next two pages to see what effect this community service creates. January 2015 11 Cover Story Cover Story 12 St. Louis Lawyer MOTION FOR KIDS By the Numbers Just at 3,000 children served. 4,000 hot dogs served. Over 900 families attended (natural and foster). Approximately 2,500 custom cookies decorated. Between 400 and 500 volunteers. Core MFK Committee volunteers worked up to 200 hours each in preparation; others served from 80 to 5 hours to help make the party a success. 12 Santas portrayed by Judges. 3,000 books given out by WILP. January 2015 13 A Closer Look BAMSL's 13 Sections and dozens of Committees not only provide the framework for developing CLEs, but also work to foster networking, conversations about practice areas and many other aspects of practicing law. Each of these groups is chaired by one or more BAMSL members who unselfishly give of their time to create opportunities for other members. This month we take a look at BAMSL's Young Lawyers Division (YLD) to see what they've been up to and how your participation in this all-important group might help you advance your career. When people see “YLD” they often think of younger lawyers getting together and having a few drinks and chewing the fat, and that can be an accurate description, yet not complete by any means. BAMSL’s Young Lawyers Division (YLD) is involved in many activities from community service to finding ways to improve the profession. Michael Hart, YLD Co-Chair, acknowledges that their monthly happy hours are fun to be sure, “but aside from that, at this stage of our careers, networking is a very important activity for most of our YLD members.” He said, “It’s an opportunity to meet other lawyers, get referrals, trade stories and learn from each other.” Hart says that they encourage older lawyers to attend these monthly social gatherings, and many do. That’s an added bonus for his networking members. The YLD often has their executive board meeting preceding the happy hours, so there is some business with pleasure. And at the happy hour, there is some YLD business as Hart can be seen working the room to get members to become active in existing and new YLD projects. One of those projects is the Call-ALawyer program that BAMSL and Fox 2 News provide for the community. While all attorneys are welcome to participate, YLD lawyers are the primary volunteers. Sonette Magnus is Chair of Call-A-Lawyer and wants to get more attorneys involved. Call-A-Lawyer is held every third Tuesday of the month at the Fox 2 News studio. The volunteers anonymously answer legal questions phoned in by viewers. Those who have participated say it’s a great experience and walk away feeling like they have helped people get answers that can help them. Another YLD effort is Read Across America on March 2, 2015. BAMSL gets involved placing volunteers in St. Louis City schools first grade classroom. The BAMSL volunteers are provided with a Dr. Seuess No matter what occasion you are celebrating, Lucas Park has the perfect catering options. From catered breakfast, boxed lunches, formal lunch, happy hour or formal dinner, let Lucas Park handle all of your catering needs. Downtown delivery available. We also offer the perfect event space to assure a memorable experience. experienc Please contact us for menu options and pricing [email protected] [email protected] book, as well as bookmarks, pencils, and other “goodies” to hand out to the students in the classroom to promote literacy. They will also field questions about the legal profession and how reading has impacted their own lives. New for the YLD this year was their partnering with Husch Blackwell to organize a cookie decorating booth at the 2014 Motion for Kids holiday party. Approximately 11 YLD members worked the booth to help kids decorate their own holiday cookie creations throughout the day. This is a great example of the result of howto-get-involved brainstorming sessions YLD members have at their monthly meetings and happy hours. They took an idea and gave it legs for a great community service by the YLD. Keep an eye out for the YLD and other new activities from them in the near future. n DOWNTOWN LOCATION. GLOBAL IMPACT. Join us in January for these upcoming events: James C. Millstone Memorial Lecture January 12, 2015 /// 7 p.m. Human Trafficking Symposium January 30, 2015 /// 9 a.m. For more information, visit law.slu.edu 1234 Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO 63103 14 314-241-7770 lucasparkgrille.com St. Louis Lawyer Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse Learning Center receives ABA Outstanding Law Day Activity Award. Capes Sokol attorneys challenge Missouri’s Defense of Marriage laws as Missouri Supreme Court hears argument in same-sex divorce case. Through their extensive Law Day outreach last spring and on Law Day, May 1, 2014, the Judicial Learning Center and court employees Attorney Drey Cooley of Capes, Sokol, Goodman & Sarachan, at the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse were recently recognized P.C., recently presented arguments to the Missouri Supreme Court by the American Bar Association (ABA) with the Outstanding in In re the Marriage of: M.S. v. D.S., in which a man sought a divorce Activity Award. The Learning Center, known for its unique from his same-sex spouse, and the St. Louis displays and innovative approach to school County Circuit Court dismissed his petition involvement, was one of three groups in the based upon Missouri’s Defense of Marriage nation recognized this year. The 2014 Law Act (DOMA) provisions, which prohibit Day theme was “American Democracy and recognition of same-sex marriages. the Rule of Law – Why Every Vote Matters.” The Missouri Supreme Court heard the Their outreach included a multi-faceted appeal of M.S., a man who sued in January approach to engage over 5,000 people by for a divorce from the man he lawfully sending out voting fact sheets and a call to married in Iowa in 2012. Presently, there volunteer to hundreds of court employees, is no statewide standard for same-sex resulting in participation by the Judiciary, marriage or divorce in Missouri, resulting in as well as Department of Justice employees. inconsistent treatment of same-sex marriages They visited 35 classrooms in two under and divorces across the State. served school districts, Riverview Gardens Cooley suggested to the Court that and Normandy, and created and taught Supreme Court action is necessary to resolve lessons for nearly 900 elementary, middle and these inconsistencies, citing lower court cases high school students. The court volunteers that have granted same-sex couples the right Rachel E. Marshall, Public Education and gave each of the elementary classes a story to get married in St. Louis City and Jackson Community Outreach Administrator (left), with book about voting, and each of the middle County, while same-sex couples have been poster contest winner Cameron Hensley, Normandy and high school classes in the two school denied the right in most other counties. High School, holding his winning entry. districts a book about Freedom Summer, Similarly, the lower courts in a few counties the June 1964 effort to register as many African-American voters as have granted same-sex couples divorces, while others have refused. possible in Mississippi, which had historically excluded most blacks Cooley said, “This has resulted in a great deal of uncertainty and from voting. The packets also included art supplies for a Law Day confusion regarding whether or not the marriages and divorces that poster contest for the high school classes. A curriculum resource have been granted will receive full legal recognition.” guide was crafted and given to each participating teacher in the Referring to reports in the local media that these lower court partner schools, as well as emailed to hundreds of other teachers via decisions from two Missouri counties are binding across the state, the state social studies list-serve. Cooley said. “They are not, and have no precedential value except In addition, a copy of the resource guide was also made available in those two counties.” As a result, the status of those Missouri online and given to all schools that toured the courthouse. When same-sex couples who have already been granted divorces or marriage Law Day (May 1) arrived, high school classes from the two school licenses is in question until the Supreme Court resolves this issue. districts arrived at the courthouse to view an entire floor dedicated Cooley offered to voting rights, including the Freedom Summer traveling exhibit, to the Court that it provided by the Wisconsin Historical Society. At that event, students could provide access were involved in activities designed to familiarize them with the to divorce for samesignificance of Freedom Summer and voting rights and special guest sex couples without speakers reinforced the importance of these historic events. overturning DOMA, On May 6, a public program was held in conjunction with the although he expressed traveling exhibit and CLE credit was offered. The following day, the the hope that the traveling exhibit moved to the Northwest Academy of Law, where Court would take this Chris Hexter and Charles McLaurin held a program on non-violent opportunity to finally voter activism in conjunction with the school’s peace rally. determine whether or The Learning Center at the federal courthouse is a favorite not DOMA is to be attraction for area educators because its displays effectively teach the enforced in Missouri. n importance of civics and how our justice system works. The Center also makes an effort to provide bus transportation for school groups through fund-raising when that will allow attendance by students who normally would not have a way to visit the Center. January 2015 15 New Age lawyers: Changing the game. More attorneys – particularly young attorneys - are beginning to change the legal landscape in courtrooms across the country by using the latest digital presentation technology in arbitration, mediation, and litigation. Tech-savvy lawyers have realized that the art of storytelling can be enhanced through the use of technological presentation software. Law school professors, by David J. Gregory, bar associations, and Founding partner, Drivers Defense legal experts all agree Counsel, L.C. that younger lawyers employ the newest tech tools to plan case strategy, research and draft pleadings, gather facts, manage evidence, and deliver presentations. An old-tech truism of the legal profession was, “Computers will not replace lawyers, but computers will replace lawyers that don’t use them.” Today, the maxim is, “the newest mobile and tablet technology will not replace lawyers, but the newest mobile and tablet technology will replace lawyers that don’t use it.” The future is now Attorneys of the Baby Boom generation grew up when personal computers were being invented and high-tech enhancements began to evolve. As a result, not all Boomer lawyers placed a premium on learning how to implement the newest computer technology into the practice of law. Lawyers from Generation X and Generation Y, however, grew up embracing computer technology, using and evolving with many of the latest computer-tech devices. In fact, most contemporary Juris Doctors will tell you that laptops were a necessity during law school. Does this mean that young attorneys are more ready or better able to apply the newest tech devices and presentation software – such as cinematic animations and holograms – to present cases in arbitration, mediation, and litigation? In 16 my experience, the answer is yes. Smartly managed within the rules, the advantages of effectively using interactive multi-media devices can amaze opposing attorneys, observers, judges, and – most importantly – juries. To be clear, knowledge of law, case preparation, strategy, and effective courtroom tactics are the most important tools for winning cases. This will never change. However, many new age lawyers are using technology to make trial strategies and courtroom tactics much more entertaining and easier to understand. Perhaps that is why Linda Green Pierce, President of Northwest Legal Search, Inc., says that today’s young attorneys are “bold, confident, savvy, and setting today’s legal community on its ear.” The use of animations, simulations and video effects has a powerful effect on the audience. These dynamic visual enhancements convey case theory and evidence in ways that capture and retain the attention of viewers better than the basic PowerPoint presentation. To fully capture the audience’s attention, an attorney should strive to discover and employ the latest presentation software. Some of the latest presentation software that I find impressive includes Circlify, which creates 3D motion graphics. I also recommend PowerSuite, which creates enhanced transition effects, video backgrounds, and 3D charts. Apple has also created an excellent, comparable tool for presentations called Keynote. But, perhaps my favorite media presentations software is After Effects, which is used to animate a presentation and create an entertaining, cinematic experience. Beware, however, because use of these technological enhancements may be met with opposition in some situations. Fortunately, due to relaxed rules of evidence and procedure, arbitration and mediation generally allow for greater use of such technological enhancements. Jury trials, on the other hand, can prove much more perilous. Use of such technological enhancements in the courtroom may intimidate or alarm an opponent, especially St. Louis Lawyer if the opponent relies on old-school presentation approaches. In such situations, be prepared for a barrage of objections, particularly “argumentative” and “too prejudicial.” Change for the better Even in a jury trial, however, opening and closing statements can generally be complemented by dynamic software enhancements. For example, my firm illustrates actual exhibits – that we reasonably believe will be admitted into evidence – in a multimedia platform during the opening statement. We use documentary-styled screen panning and highlighting technology, as well as animated demonstrations, to illustrate particular points during our opening statements and closing arguments. These animations, called “demonstrative” or “illustrative” aids are generally permissible. Even though the practice of law is changing due to dynamic software enhancements, some attorneys and judges are concerned that the use of sophisticated technology may complicate the pretrial and trial processes and tip the playing field. The issues are such that the Federal Judicial Center prepared a 369-page book entitled, “Effective Use of Courtroom Technology: A Judge’s Guide to Pretrial & Trial.” “Beyond a doubt, the era of using computer technology for presenting evidence has arrived,” notes Joel Simberg, an attorney and professor at DePaul University College of Law. “The discovery and evidence rules continue to evolve but are slow to adapt to the changing methods in which technology is being used.” As a practicing lawyer who sees how presentation enhancements capture the attention of the audience, I would love for all lawyers, as stewards of the law, to use more software tools to enhance our profession. I truly believe that when attorneys from all generations apply these tools, the practice of law will change for the better. n People & Places John G. Simon, Managing Partner of The Simon Law Firm, P.C. was recently selected by Corporate INTL Magazine as their 2015 Product Liability Attorney of the Year in Missouri. Jessica Ciacco has joined Legal Simon Services of Eastern Missouri (LSEM) as Staff Attorney in the Housing Unit. Ciacco, who has extensive courtroom experience, will handle all substantive aspects of housing law Ciacco including Missouri state landlord/tenant litigation, federally subsidized housing issues, fair housing rights, and issues related to homelessness. Prior to joining LSEM, Ciacco served in the Missouri Public Defender’s Office. She earned her J.D. from Saint Louis University School of Law, where she was President of the Criminal Law Society. Armstrong Teasdale Partner Daniel Sakaguchi has been appointed to a twoyear term as an AtLarge Member of the Board of Governors of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). Sakaguchi NAPABA is the national association of Asian Pacific American attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students representing the interests of over 40,000 attorneys and 68 state and local Asian Pacific American bar associations. Sakaguchi also co-chairs the organization’s Regional Conference Committee, has co-chaired both the CLE Programs Committee and the 25th Anniversary Committee for last year’s NAPABA Convention in Kansas City. He is a former president of the Missouri Asian American Bar Association and currently serves on its Board of Directors. Jonathan Shulan, an Armstrong Teasdale attorney, has been named to a three-year term on the Missouri Chamber Music Festival (MOCM) Board of Directors. The MOCM brings nationally recognized professional musicians 18 to St. Louis to perform chamber music concerts in collaboration with local artists during an annual festival each June. Shulan, a litigator, Shulan concentrates on complex commercial and business disputes, insurance coverage matters, personal injury cases and other tort-related areas. He earned his J.D. from William H. Bowen School of Law - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, M.M. from the University of MissouriColumbia and B.M. from Johns Hopkins University. Bryan Cave LLP has announced Madeline Stavis has joined the firm in its St. Louis office as an Associate. Stavis will practice with the Labor and Employment Client Service Group. She received her J.D., summa cum laude, in 2011 from Benjamin Cardozo School of Law. Prior to joining Bryan Cave, Stavis was a labor and employment associate at a major New York City law firm. Bryan Cave LLP also announced that it has promoted three lawyers to counsel in the firm’s St. Louis office, effective Jan. 1, 2015. Nathan Boyce is a leader on software licensing and information Boyce technology matters and a member of the firm’s Information Technology Team. A broad-based corporate attorney, Boyce has taken the lead on M&A transactions in the consumer goods, health care and technology areas. He also advises nonprofit clients on formation, compliance, fundraising, complex governance and transactional matters. Boyce’s clients in this area include traditional charities, religious orders, research institutions, incubators, trade associations and political or community activists. In addition, he is very active in pro bono representation in St. Louis. Ben Sodey’s practice involves all areas of intellectual property law, including global patent portfolio management (particularly in the life sciences and chemical fields), licensing, litigation and transactional matters. Sodey has broad experience in the preparation and prosecution of St. Louis Lawyer patent applications; validity or invalidity, patentability and clearance opinions; and counseling in a wide range of technical fields including chemistry and biotechnology, Sodey pharmaceuticals, consumer products, e-commerce, banking and finance, business method patents, telecommunications, medical devices, and electro-mechanical machines, devices and processes. Jennie Wynne specializes in complex, multi state acquisitions and dispositions, commercial leasing and other corporate real estate matters. She regularly advises clients on issues relating to land use, Wynne zoning, appurtenant rights and land development. Wynne has broad commercial leasing experience and works regularly with landlords and tenants on office, warehouse, manufacturing and industrial leases. Polsinelli recently announced that Britton St. Onge, Lauren Wojtowicz Cohen and Zachary D. Wood have all been recently named as members of the Theodore McMillian American Inns of Court. Britton St. St. Onge Onge is an associate in the firm’s Commercial Litigation Practice. Prior to joining Polsinelli, St. Onge worked as a law clerk to Judge Richard A. Griffin of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and Judge Stephen J. Murphy, III, of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. He earned his law degree, magna cum laude, from Notre Dame Law School in 2009. Lauren Wojtowicz Cohen is an associate whose practice focuses on immigration and labor and employment law. Cohen graduated with honors from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law in 2007. While in law school, she served as the President of the Women’s Law Caucus and received the award for Excellence People & Places in Oral Advocacy. She has successfully second-chaired both state and federal trials and has extensive experience in motion practice and managing all facets of the discovery Cohen process, including the taking and defending of depositions. In her immigration practice, she helps clients navigate complicated U.S. immigration and labor laws to hire and retain key foreign national employees. Zachary D. Wood earned his law degree from Saint Louis University School of Law, magna cum laude, in 2013 and is a member of the Order of the Woolsack honor society. While in school, he served as an editor of the Wood Saint Louis University Law Journal. His practice focuses on all aspects of commercial real estate, including property acquisition and disposition; leasing; financing; development; land use and zoning. He also has experience advising health care clients regarding compliance with federal Stark and AntiKickback laws as they relate to national leasing and sophisticated purchase and sale transactions. Behr, McCarter & Potter, P.C. is pleased to announce the addition of its newest attorney, Joey Vitale. Vitale previously served as a legal intern for the Hon. Donald G. Wilkerson of the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Vitale Illinois. Vitale has also interned for the United States Senate. He graduated cum laude from Saint Louis University School of Law in 2014. While in law school, he earned several awards and was the Online Editor of the Saint Louis University Law Journal and served as President of the St. Thomas More Society and as Marshal of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. Legal Services of Eastern Missouri’s (LSEM) Executive Director and General Counsel Dan Glazier has been elected Midwest Representative for the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA). NLADA Glazier is America’s oldest and largest nonprofit association devoted to excellence in the delivery of legal services to those who cannot afford counsel. Named to his current position in 2005, Glazier joined the non-profit organization as a Reginald Heber Smith (Reggie) Fellow in the Welfare Law Unit in 1981. Since that time, Glazier has served in a variety of leadership roles for LSEM including co-managing attorney of the Housing Unit from 1998 to 2005. Joe Kopchick has joined the law firm of Haar & Woods, LLP as an associate, where his practice will focus on business litigation and white collar criminal defense. Kopchick graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School Kopchick in 2011. Prior to joining Haar & Woods, he was associated with Goodwin Procter, LLP in Boston. Williams Venker & Sanders LLC (WVS) has announced that the Hon. Michael P. David has joined the firm effective January 1, 2015 upon his retirement from Missouri’s 22nd Circuit after 25 years David of distinguished service. WVS is honored that such a respected jurist would choose to begin the next chapter of his career with the firm. Judge David will add a new dimension to the growing litigation practice, offering his unique perspective into clients’ legal needs. Besides adding immeasurable value to the existing legal services, he will be developing a mediation/arbitration practice, bringing his vast experience in dispute resolution to the entire legal community. Polsinelli has selected two St. Louis attorneys to lead its national January 2015 Environmental Practice. Shareholder Chris Erker will lead the group as chair, and Shareholder Jane Fedder will provide leadership through her role as vice chair. Polsinelli’s Erker Environmental attorneys work with businesses, stakeholders and regulators in understanding the impact of environmental laws, regulations and policies on their clients, as well Fedder as shaping laws, regulations and policies through advocacy before federal, state and local lawmakers and regulatory agencies. The group’s environmental litigators both bring and defend claims in state and federal courts across the country, including courts of Madison and St. Clair Counties in Illinois. “We’re both very honored to take on these leadership positions within our firm,’ said Erker. “We have a very strong national team of environmental attorneys across the country and we work seamlessly geographically to assist clients on what can often be challenging and complex issues.” Hillary Bean Schumaker, a partner at Armstrong Teasdale, has been named director of the firm’s Professional Advancement of Women Program (PAW). The program, founded in 1998, was one of the first of its kind in St. Louis Schumaker and has served as a model for area law firms. PAW works to promote and support the advancement and inclusion of women in the workplace, in the profession and in the community. Schumaker will oversee efforts aimed at creating a positive and supportive environment for women lawyers through mentoring, networking and educational opportunities. Schumaker succeeds St. Louis Partner Martha “Marty” Hereford. n 19 Levison Group Traveling with the law of averages This column is about Africa, lawyers, and the law of averages. Lawyers think we are pretty smart. That generally may be true, but smartness is an elusive thing. Are you smart if you anticipate your opponent's argument and have a case ready to refute it (as opposing counsel did to me this morning)? Are you smart if you by Mark H. Levison, make a lot of money Partner, Lashley & from your legal Baer, P.C. practice? Maybe you are smart if you know how to structure your life in a manner that results in you being happy? There are probably a lot of measures of "smart" and a question or two about its overall value. A few months ago, I went on an East African Safari. The trip was designed by me, and the tour group included a number of trial lawyers. I cautioned my fellow travelers to leave showy jewelry behind for several reasons. First, we were constantly moving from game park to game park, and it would have been easy to leave something on the night stand. Second, it didn't make a lot of sense to increase the risk of criminal activity. Finally, it doesn't feel right to look too rich in countries where most people look awfully poor. My wife and I travel a fair amount and someday I will write a book about it. I might title the book, Travels With A NonLinear Thinker. Lawyers, of course, are quite rational, and exposure to irrationality makes us itch. Before we left, Cheryl insisted we hide our jewelry. I have a small two foot by two foot safe. It's very heavy, but I suppose with considerable effort it could be picked up and carried away. The big safe is five feet high and four feet wide. We also have a wall safe. It's very cool and old, although the fellow who put it in, installed it so it protrudes four inches from the wall. He apparently had not mastered the concept of recessed wall safes hidden behind a framed picture of apples. At any rate, when we took off our wedding rings I presumed we would put them in the big safe. Cheryl was aghast at that thought. There was no way she was going to put anything of real value in our safes. She explained that if we got burglarized our safes would be the first place the thieves would look! Sometimes I can't even speak after hearing her logic. She just seems to take my breath away. Twenty one people were in the group that was to head off to the so-called 'Forbidden Continent'. A few weeks before departure date, there was a wellpublicized terrorist bombing in the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi. The first time I traveled to Nairobi, its population was 500,000. As one walked along the streets, everyone greeted each other with the salutation 'Jambo' or 'hello' in Swahili. American cities were far more dangerous than Nairobi. Since that time, there has been dramatic population growth in Nairobi, but the bombing and takeover of the Westgate Mall, had little to do with that problem. It was a terrorist attack from the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab. Dozens were killed and others taken hostage. It was purportedly in retaliation for Kenya sending its military into Somalia, which was reportedly in retaliation for al-Shabab's kidnappings and raids. When our last night, eating dinner in one of our luxurious game park lodges, the wait staff came out dancing, singing African songs, and carrying a birthday cake for an African visitor at another table. After singing and dancing, someone at the birthday person's table cut a large portion of the cake into small pieces and brought it to my group of 19. I couldn't help thinking that the chances of Americans cutting up a birthday cake and bringing it to a bunch of complete strangers visiting America was not very likely. That simple gesture was a symbol of the friendliness of the East African people. I often say that when I am on the Savannah in East Africa, it feels like I am standing at the birthplace of man – because I am. One senses the heart of creation beating just below the red dirt. Somehow being in that environment seems to center even the most distracted among us. Two of the lawyers on the trip were married to each other. When Wendy first suggested to Norm that they go to Africa, his response was "[R]eally, why should we do that when we have such a good zoo here in town?" Norm very quickly learned that when one is surrounded by the laws of the jungle – the circle of life – it is a different experience than seeing a lion pacing in a concrete cage. It changes you. When I saw Norm after returning home, he told Cheryl and me, "[I]n the future, I am going to travel more and work less." As hard as lawyers work, my wife works even harder. It worries me. There is something about the atmosphere of East Africa, however, that makes her relax. She is much more laid back post-East Africa, and she tells me it's permanent. We'll see. Even though visiting a country where travelers' warnings had been issued didn't really scare me, I don't consider myself stupid. Since there had been several problems in malls, that was the one place I told myself I would not go - but then I left the battery charger to my video camera at home. The only place to buy one was Once you are into East Africa, it is never forgotten. 20 only days before we were ready to embark, there were problems at another mall, two of the travelers pulled out. They were scared and maybe for good reason, but not me. The thought of being terrorized by terrorists was too much for my macho trial lawyer self-image. If the old Federal District Court judges that were serving their life appointments when I was a young lawyer didn't terrify me, I certainly was not going to be cowed by a bunch of al Qaeda wannabes! Further, the appeal of East Africa, the animals, the landscape, and the people, simply overrode any potential hesitation. Once you visit East Africa, it is never forgotten. Most people go for the animals and then fall in love with the people. On St. Louis Lawyer Continued on page 23... © 2014 The Levison Group BAMSL Legal Placement Service: Job Postings The following positions are available at press time. To view current job openings, go to www.bamsl.org and click on “Career Center”. To apply for these job opportunities, or to obtain additional information regarding BAMSL’s Legal Placement Service, call Jennifer A. Macke, Esq., Director of Legal Placement, at the Bar Association office, (314) 421-4134, extension 3140. A resume may be emailed to [email protected]. ATTORNEY POSITIONS St. Louis (downtown) based law firm with a regional presence seeks a full-time medical malpractice associate to join expanding health law practice area. Qualified candidates will have three to five years of experience defending complicated high-exposure medical malpractice cases. Well-established St. Louis (downtown) based law firm with a regional presence seeks a full-time three to four year associate to join the firm's expanding Wealth Planning and Special Needs Planning Group. Qualified candidates will have three to four years’ experience working with clients in handling estate and wealth planning, probate and trust administration, advanced tax planning, special needs planning, guardianships, and business succession planning. An LLM in Tax is preferred along with Missouri and Illinois licenses. Mid-sized downtown law firm seeks full-time corporate transactional associate. Qualified candidates will have two to five years of both real estate and general corporate transactional experience. J.D. MO license required. PARALEGAL POSITIONS Downtown plaintiff asbestos firm seeks full-time paralegal to work with a bankruptcy/ settlement attorney. Paralegal will be responsible for managing cases that involve VA claims and liens. Qualified candidates will have two-plus years of legal experience - including experience handling liens. College degree and/or paralegal certification required. Well-established downtown firm seeks full-time transactional paralegal. Qualified candidates will have three to five years of corporate transactional/real estate experience. Paralegal degree and/or certification required. Growing plaintiff asbestos firm located downtown seeks full-time experienced litigation paralegal. Three-plus years of full-scale civil litigation experience required. Plaintiff background preferred. Candidates with asbestos defense experience need not apply - conflict. Paralegal degree and/or certification required. Small Chesterfield elder law firm seeks a full-time estate planning paralegal. Position focuses on estate planning document preparation. Qualified candidates will have two-plus years of estate planning experience. Paralegal degree and/or certification preferred. Competitive salary range. Limited benefits. Small trusts and estates law firm located in Frontenac seeks a polished and professional paralegal for a permanent part-time position. Qualified candidates will have two-plus years of experience in estate planning and/ or probate work. Proficiency in Microsoft Office software is required; experience with PCLaw a plus. Hours: two to four days per week. Free parking. No benefits. SUPPORT STAFF POSITIONS Mid-sized downtown law firm seeks fulltime legal secretary. Position will support three attorneys – two litigation attorneys, and one corporate/real estate attorney. Qualified candidates will have three to five-plus years of experience – including both litigation and transactional experience. 70 wpm ++. MS Word. Outlook. ProLaw experience a plus. Well-established mid-sized Clayton firm seeks a full-time legal secretary. Position will support both estate planning and litigation attorneys. Qualified candidates will have two-plus years of legal secretarial experience - including exposure to estate planning matters. 65 wpm ++. Word. Hot docs experience a plus. Small Creve Coeur law practice seeks a permanent part-time legal assistant/ paralegal. Qualified candidates will have two-plus years of legal assistant/paralegal experience. Candidates with prior domestic litigation experience will be preferred. Hours: 20 to 25 per week (flexible). No benefits. Small downtown law firm seeks permanent part-time legal secretary to work for two attorneys primarily practicing plaintiffs' personal injury litigation and workers' compensation. One to two years’ experience as a litigation legal secretary required. Injury-based litigation preferred. Hours: 24 to 32 hours per week (some flexibility). Paid holidays, pro-rated vacation, and paid parking. No other benefits offered. n Here's the inaugural roster of BAMSL 100% Club member firms*. Each of these firms have distinguished themselves by having 100% of their St. Louis-based attorneys as BAMSL members. Congratulations and enjoy this prestigious status! Brown & Crouppen, P.C. Capes, Sokol, Goodman & Sarachan, P.C. Gray, Ritter & Graham, P.C. Lashly & Baer, P.C. Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C. Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. The Simon Law Firm, P.C. Polster, Lieder, Woodruff & Lucchesi, L.C. Sher Corwin Winters LLC Rosenblum Goldenhersh Schuchat Cook & Werner Senniger Powers LLP Uthoff, Graeber, Bobinette & Blanke Weiss Attorneys at Law *These firms were 100% at the time we went to press. There is a possibility that other firms became eligible, but could not be included in this list after that. January 2015 21 Classified Advertising LAWYER REFERRAL Trademark Searches & Registrations Copyright Registrations Representing Law Firms Who Do Not Have Their Own Trademark Attorney Since 1983 Annette P. Heller, (314) 469-2610, www.trademarkatty.com Elder Law: Beyond Trusts & Estate Planning Edison Gaynor, LLC (314)378-1739 [email protected]. National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys member. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Edwardsville, IL Professional Office Suite available January 1. Six offices with new desks and file cabinets, private entrance, security and video surveillance. Media equipped training center, conference room and much more. Contact Larry Lexow at 618-692-9999 or [email protected]. Professional Class A office space available 2 blocks from the St. Louis County Courthouse in Bemiston Tower. This partner-sized office (17’ 8” x 14’) runs along the exterior of the building and has multiple windows with a beautiful southerly view - a perfect space for a solo law practice. Fullsize secretarial/paralegal station available as well. This turn-key prime space includes a comfortable and welcoming client waiting area with legal secretary/receptionist, two conference rooms available for use, kitchen/ break-room with full-size refrigerator, dishwasher, and microwave, making on-site staff or client lunches convenient. Telephone/voice mail systems and facsimile services included. Scanning and copy services are also available. For more information, please contact David Spewak at (314) 862-3535 Ext. 221 or via email at dss@ stllawgroup.com. SPECIALIZED SERVICES Captured Investigative Agency www.ciapi.info 314-392-3205 (24 hrs) Lic# 2010010758 Pre-Settlement Funding “Cash For Your Clients” John Houseman Kye Pietoso 314-374-7642 Rates for Classified Ads are $1.75 per word for BAMSL members and $2.25 per word for nonmembers. There is a minimum $25 charge for all ads. Provide your ad in a Word.doc and you’re set! For more information, or to place your Classified now, please contact Jennifer Macke at (314) 421-4134 or [email protected]. Levison Group: Traveling with the Law of Averages continued from page 20... in a fancy Nairobi mall. The rest of the travelers in my particular safari vehicle waited in the parking lot. I didn't doddle, I did keep an eye out, and before visiting the mall, I did a lawyer's analysis of the situation. It went something like this: the chances of a terrorist attack in this exact mall during the same twenty minutes I will be here is infinitesimal. If such an attack occurs, the chances of me being killed or taken hostage, as opposed to all of the other people in the mall, is even smaller. Finally, I thought to myself, if I am killed, I won't remember anyway, and if I am taken hostage, although it will be a terrible experience, someday I can tell my grandkids about it. Finally, I concluded that the chances of me being hurt in an automobile accident while driving on the treacherous, thirdworld traffic roads of Nairobi was far greater than being harmed in the mall. It was a lawyer's rational analysis of one of the most important laws of all - the law of averages. By the way, they didn't have the battery charger I was looking for. n Please plan to join your colleagues on Thursday, March 5, 2015 for a very special retirement dinner to honor St. Louis Retiring Judges. Please save the date. Location is yet to be determined, but you won't want to miss this opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication of these respected area judges. It's your opportunity to say farewell to a colleague. 22 St. Louis Lawyer 555 Washington Avenue Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63101-1249
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