IMISCOE Conference Hosted by the EUI Forum on Citizenship, Migration and Demography Mobility in Crisis Is Europe Becoming More Mobile During the Economic Crisis or Is European Mobility in Crisis Scientific Organisers: Rainer Bauböck | Department of Political and Social Sciences, EUI Anna Triandafyllidou | Global Governance Programme, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI Villa La Fonte – via delle Fontanelle 18 San Domenico di Fiesole 29-30 January 2015 ■ Programme 29 JANUARY PLENARY SESSION Conference Room 16.00-17.00Registration 17.00-17.45 Building Solidarity in Diverse Societies: Moving Beyond Neoliberal Multiculturalism and Welfare Chauvinism Keynote: Will Kymlicka 17.45- 19.00 Roundtable with discussants, general debate Rainer Bauböck Peter Scholten Willem Maas Claus Offe 19.00 Cocktail for all conference participants 30 JANUARY PARALLEL PANELS SECTION 1 MOBILITY PATTERNS – MICRO PERSPECTIVES PANEL 1: Intra EU Mobility Patterns 09.00-10.45 PANEL 1A – Patterns of Mobility and Labour Dynamics Chair: Irina Isaakyan New European Mobilities: Spanish Labour Migration to Norway Susanne Bygnes Occupational Paths of Internationally Mobile and Sedentary Local Populations: A Sending Turbulent Country Perspective Izabela Grabowska Uneven EU Mobilities: A Hungarian Case Study of Post-Crisis Mobility Patterns Chris Moreh 09.00-10.45 PANEL 1 B – Mobility and Identity Challenges Conference Room Seminar Room A Chair: Ruby Gropas Immobility in Times of Crisis: The Case of Greece Michalis Moutselos and Georgia Mavrodi Where’s the Future? The Mobility Propensity and Perceptions of Young People Living in Turin Irene Ponzo and Roberta Ricucci 10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break PANEL 2: Mobility Patterns by Categories of Migrants 11.15 – 13:00 PANEL 2 A – Gendered Mobilities Conference Room Chair: Marlou Schrover Unexpected Flex Workers. How Eastern European Women Make Use of Job-Sharing and Circular Mobility in Times of Crisis Sabrina Marchetti What does it Take to Make the Brains Circulate? Professional, Social and Biographical Considerations behind the Trans-National Academic Mobility of Female Scientists Marion Pajumets Well-being and Migration Intentions: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll Milena Nikolova and Carol Graham 11.15 – 13:00 PANEL 2 B – Mobility within the EU and Concepts of Integration Chair: Michael Keith Does the EU Crisis Matter? Mobilities of Bangladeshi Asylum Seekers within the EU Countries Donghyuk Park Inequality, Mobility and Cultural Democracy: Towards a Dualization of the European Cultural Citizenship? Siresa López-Berengueres Seminar Room A Intra-European Mobility of Third-Country Nationals in Times of Crisis: Problematizing the Concept of Integration? George Mavrommatis 13:00 - 14.00 Lunch PANEL 3: Determinants and Impacts of Mobility 14.00-16.00 PANEL 3 A – Determinants of Mobility Chair: Philippe Fargues Bad Times at Home, Good Times to Move? The (Not So) Changing Landscape of Intra-EU Migration Ettore Recchi and Justyna Salamońska The Impact of Crisis on North African Migration to EU: Mobility in Crisis as Seen from North African Migration Jean-Louis Rallu Brain Circulation or Brain Drain in the EU? Cases of Southern Euro Zone Highly Skilled Migration to the Nordic Countries Alessandra Cenci 14.00-16.00 PANEL 3 B – Mobility, Family and Welfare Drivers Chair: Fabrizio Bernardi Migrant Families, Economic Crisis and New Mobilities. Family Unity of Migrants as Runaway Horizon Francesco Della Puppa and Ottavia Salvador Conference Room Seminar Room A Restrictions in Access to Social Protection of Mobile Citizens in Times of Crisis: The Case of EU Citizens expelled from Belgium Jean-Michel Lafleur and Mikolaj Stanek Labour Migrants, ‘Brains in Exile’ or Resilient Europeans? Patterns and Prospects of the Evolving Self-Identity of Spanish Intra-European Migrants Cristina Blanco Sío-López SECTION 2 LAWS, POLITICS AND MARKETS – MACRO PERSPECTIVES ON MOBILITY PANEL 4 – The Legal Regulation of Mobility in Europe 9.00 – 10.45 PANEL 4 A – Mobility and EU Citizenship Chair: Loïc Azoulai Mobility and the Construction of Citizenship in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the EU Gerard Conway Mobility in Times of Crisis: Investment-Based Citizenship and Residence Programs in the EU Jelena Džankić Seminar Room B New Constraints on Mobility in Europe: Policy Response to the Crises or Consequence of Constitutional Ambiguity? Peter Schiffauer and Izabela Schiffauer 9.00 – 10.45 PANEL 4 B – Mobility and EU Citizenship Chair: Maarten Vink Seminar Room 3rd Floor From Freedom of Movement in the Internal Market to (Im)Mobility in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Philippe De Bruycker Strengthening Limits to Mobility? The Economic Crisis and EU Citizens’ Mobility Mónica Ferrín Pereira Between Law and Political Truth? Member State Preferences, EU Free Movement Rules and National Immigration Law Jo Shaw 10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break PANEL 5: The Politics of Mobility in Europe 11.15 – 13:00 PANEL 5 A – The Intersection between Internal and External Mobility Chair: Dušan Drbohlav Discussant: Izabela Grabowska Making Sense of Free Movement: Exploring the Formation and Effects of Understandings about Internal Mobility at the National and Supranational Levels Andrew Geddes and Leila Hadj-Abdou Managing Migration through International Agreements: The Political Economy of EU Free Trade Agreements Philip Hanke Ukrainian-Russian Mobility Pattern: When and if the Dust is Settled Olga R. Gulina 11.15 – 13.00 PANEL 5 B – What Mobility for EU Citizens of Roma Ethnicity Seminar Room B Seminar Room 3rd Floor Chair: Eleonore Kofman Divergent Mobilities of Romani Minorities in Europe and the Impact of the Economic Crisis Julija Sardelić Roma Migrant Children in Spain: Between the Politics of Benevolence and the Normalization of Violence Ioana Vrăbiescu Kerneuropa, Jet-Setters and “Gypsies”: Differentiated (Right to) Mobility in a Multi-Speed Europe Tina Magazzini 13:00 - 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 17.00 PANEL 6: Migration Systems and Mobility in Europe Chair: Jens Schneider Seminar Room B New Patterns of Mobility and Migration Transitions on the Fringes of Europe: The Cases of Turkey and Russia Franck Düvell Liquid Migration: Contemporary Patterns of Mobility and Diversity in Europe Godfried Engbersen Current Emigration from Peripheral Europe: Old Wine in New Bottles? Irial Glynn and Guido Tintori 14:00 – 17:00 PANEL 7: Mobility and Labour Markets Seminar Room 3rd Floor Chair: Christian Fernández The Global Economic Crisis and the Effect of Immigration on the Employment of Native-Born Workers in Europe Vincent Fromentin US Women in Southern Europe: A New Source of High-Skill Workforce for the Euro-Crisis Zone? Irina Isaakyan Citizenship Reframed? Discourses on Politics of Intra-European Polish and Romanian migrants Aurore Flipo PLENARY SESSION 17:30-18.30 Mobility in Europe Today: Concluding remarks Roundtable with opening comments by: Maurice Crul Ettore Recchi Anna Triandafyllidou Darshan Vigneswaran Conference Room ■ Conference Schedule Conference Room Seminar Room A 29 January 17:00 – 18:30 Section 1 PANEL 1 A PANEL 1B PANEL 2 A PANEL 2 B PANEL 4 A PANEL 4 B PANEL 5 A PANEL 5 B Lunch 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 Section 2 Coffee break 10:45 – 11:15 11:15 – 13:00 Seminar Room 3rd floor Plenary 1 30 January 09:00 – 19:00 09:00 – 10:45 Seminar Room B PANEL 3 A PANEL 3 B PANEL 6 16:00-17:00 17:00-17:30 Coffee break 17:30-18:30 Plenary 2 PANEL 7 ■ Participants Loïc Azoulai European University Institute, Italy Laura Bartolini European University Institute, Italy Rainer Bauböck European University Institute, Italy Warda Belabas IMISCOE Network office, the Netherlands Meghan Benton MPI Europe, Belgium Erik Berggren Linköping University, Sweden Fabrizio Bernardi European University Institute, Italy Rutger Birnie European University Institute, Italy Cristina Blanco Sío-López European University Institute, Italy Peter Bosch European Commission, Belgium Susanne Bygnes University of Bergen, Norway Tiziana Caponio University of Turin and FIERI, Italy Alessandra Cenci Roskilde University, Denmark Elizabeth Collett MPI Europe, Belgium Emmanuel Comte European University Institute, Italy Stephanie Condon INED, France Gerard Conway Brunel University London, UK Daniela Carillo ISMU, Italy Maurice Crul Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands Gianni D’Amato SFM, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Philippe De Bruycker European University Institute, Italy / ULB, Belgium Helga de Valk NIDI, The Hague, the Netherlands Francesco Della Puppa Ca’ Foscari University, Italy Adriana Di Stefano University of Catania, Italy Dušan Drbohlav Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Franck Düvell Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford, UK Jelena Džankić European University Institute, Italy Godfried Engbersen Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands Philippe Fargues European University Institute, Italy Christian Fernández Malmö University, Sweden Mónica Ferrín Pereira University of Zürich, Switzerland Rosita Fibbi SFM, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Aurore Flipo Sciences Po, France Vincent Fromentin University of Lorraine, France Andrew Geddes University of Sheffield, UK Irial Glynn Leiden University, Netherlands Izabela Grabowska University of Warsaw, Poland Ruby Gropas European University Institute, Italy Caterina Francesca Guidi European University Institute, Italy Olga R. Gulina Institute on Migration Policy, Germany Leila Hadj Abdou University of Sheffield, UK Philip Hanke University of Berne, Switzerland Adam Holesch Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Nils Holtug AMIS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Juan Iglesias Martínez IEM, Universidad Complutense, Spain Irina Isaakyan European University Institute, Italy Cees Jochemsen IMISCOE Network office, the Netherlands Barak Kalir IMES, University Amsterdam, the Netherlands Michael Keith COMPAS, University of Oxford, UK Eleonore Kofman Middlesex University London, UK Michael Kozakowski European University Institute, Italy Albert Kraler ICMPD, Austria Will Kymlicka Queens University, Canada Jean-Michel Lafleur University of Liège, Belgium Irina Lapshyna Lviv Academy of Commerce, Ukraine Marion Le Texier European University Institute, Italy Siresa López-BerengueresUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Willem Maas York University, Toronto, Canada Jorge Macaísta Malheiros IGOT, University of Lisbon, Portugal Tina Magazzini University of Deusto, Spain Francesco Malfatti European University Institute, Italy Sabrina Marchetti European University Institute, Italy Georgia Mavrodi European University Institute, Italy George Mavrommatis Harokopio University, Greece Fran Meissner European University Institute, Italy Arnfinn Midtbøen ISF, Norway Karin Milovanović IMISCOE Network office, the Netherlands Johanna Mitterhofer EURAC, Italy Chris Moreh University of Northumbria, UK Michalis Moutselos Princeton University, USA / Max Planck Institute, Germany Luigi Narbone European University Institute, Italy Milena Nikolova Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany Sanne Noyon European University Institute, Italy Claus Offe Hertie School of Governance, Germany Laura Oso Casas ESOMI, University of A Coruña, Spain Eva Østergaard-Nielsen Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Marion Pajumets Örebro University, Sweden / Tallinn University, Estonia Donghyuk Park University of Paris 7, France Ferruccio Pastore FIERI, Italy Lorenzo Piccoli European University Institute, Italy Irene Ponzo University of Turin and FIERI, Italy Pablo Pumares Fernandez CEMyRI, University of Almería, Spain Giulia Raimondo Mcgill University, Canada Jean-Louis Rallu INED, France Ettore Recchi Sciences Po, France Alexandra Ricard-Guay European University Institute, Italy Eduardo Javier Ruiz Vieytez University of Deusto, Spain Justyna Salamońska European University Institute, Italy Julija Sardelić European University Institute, Italy Prajwal Sharma Aryal Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, Nepal Jo Shaw University of Edinburgh, UK Izabela Schiffauer Wrocław School of Banking, Poland Peter Schiffauer Fern-Universität Hagen, Germany Jens Schneider IMIS, University in Osnabrück, Germany Peter Scholten Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands Marlou Schrover LIMS, Leiden University, Netherlands Marie Louise Seeberg NOVA, Norway Mikolaj Stanek Coimbra University, Portugal Johanna Søndergaard VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands Elias Steihilper Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy Christiana Timmerman CEMIS, University of Antwerp, Belgium Guido Tintori University of Turin, Italy Gabriele Tomei University of Pisa, Italy Anna Triandafyllidou European University Institute, Italy Eurgenia Vella European University Institute, Italy Alessandra Venturini European University Institute, Italy Darshan Vigneswaran University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Maarten Vink Maastricht University, Netherlands Mattia Vitiello IRPPS, Italy Ioana Vrăbiescu Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Croatia Johan Wets HIVA, University of Leuven, Belgium Verena Wisthaler EURAC, Italy John Wrench CDI, Trondheim, Norway Ricard Zapata-Barrero GRITIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Giovanna Zincone FIERI, Italy
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