SOUTHEAST AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE 2015 ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE (OUTLINE) THURSDAY, February 12, 2015 12:00-2:00 SEACSM EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING (City Terrace 12) 1:00-6:00 REGISTRATION (3rd Floor Skybridge) 2:45-3:45 Henry J. Montoye Award Lecture, 2014 (Grand 1, 2, 3) Effects of Intensity of Exercise on Cardiom etabolic Risk Arthur Weltman, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Kinesiology University of Virginia Presiding: Kevin McCully, University of Georgia, SEACSM President Speaker Introduction: Laurie Wideman, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 4:00-6:30 EXHIBITS (3rd Floor Skybridge) 4:00-5:00 T1 TUTORIAL SESSION I (City Terrace 7) Is Mitochondrial Maintenance Via Mitophagy Contributing to Skeletal Muscle Adaptation and Recovery? 4:00-5:00 T2 TUTORIAL SESSION II (City Terrace 9) Guts, Nutrition, Health & Performance 4:00-5:00 T3 TUTORIAL SESSION III (City Terrace 10) Implications of the Kinetic Chain on Overhand Throwing 4:00-5:00 T4 TUTORIAL SESSION IV (City Terrace 11) Should an Electrocardiogram Become Part of the Preparticipation Physical Examination? 4:00-6:00 STUDENT AWARD POSTER FREE COMMUNICATIONS I: (Conference Center A) D1-8, M1-8, Authors present, 4:30-6:00 p.m.; Chair, Ed Acevedo, Ph.D., U1-8 SEACSM Past-President, Virginia Commonwealth University 4:00-5:45 O1-O7 Oral FREE COMMUNICATIONS I (City Terrace 4) Physical Activity, Nutrition, Respiratory 5:15-6:15 T5 TUTORIAL SESSION V (City Terrace 7) Respiratory System Limitations to Exercise Performance: Who is Susceptible? 5:15-6:15 T6 TUTORIAL SESSION VI (City Terrace 9) Making Sense of Running Form and Shoe Choice: How Cadence, Foot-strike Pattern, and Shoes Influence Injury Risk 5:15-6:15 T7 TUTORIAL SESSION VII (City Terrace 10) ACSM’s Leadership & Diversity Training Program-Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders 5:15-6:15 T8 TUTORIAL SESSION VIII (City Terrace 11) The Research Misconduct Continuum; The Slippery Slope of Deception in Scientific Research 7:30-9:00 OPENING REMARKS AND KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Grand Ballroom 1, 2, 3) Trials and tribulations of measuring physical activity Patty Freedson, Ph.D. FACSM Professor and Chair, Department of Kinesiology University of Massachusetts Presiding: Kevin McCully, University of Georgia, SEACSM President 9:00-10:00 SEACSM SOCIAL (2nd Floor, Preconvene Area) FRIDAY, February 13, 2015 6:45-7:45 * Register MENTORING BREAKFAST–everyone welcome (River Terrace 1) Mentoring: It is for Every One. by February 6 Chair: Judith A. Flohr, FACSM, Professor Emeritus Founding Director, Morrison Bruce Center for the Promotion of Physical Activity for Girls & Women, James Madison University 8:00-5:00 REGISTRATION (3rd Floor Skybridge) 8:00-6:00 EXHIBITS (3rd Floor Skybridge) 8:00-9:20 P1-P38 POSTER FREE COMMUNICATIONS I (Conference Center A) Metabolism; Cardiorespiratory Physiology; Chronic Disease & Disability 8:00-9:30 08-13 ORAL FREE COMMUNICATION II (City Terrace 4) Biomechanics 8:00-9:00 T9 TUTORIAL SESSION IX (CITY TERRACE 7) Developing a Professional Online Presence 8:00-9:30 S1 SYMPOSIUM SESSION I (City Terrace 9) A Tribute to Hugh G. Welch: SEACSM’s First Scholar 8:00-9:30 S2 SYMPOSIUM SESSION II (City Terrace 10) Using Mixed Methods in Physical Activity Research 8:00-9:30 S3 SYMPOSIUM SESSION III (City Terrace 11) Diagnoses with Evolving Indications for Conservative Vs. Surgical Management 8:00-9:30 S4 SYMPOSIUM SESSION IV (City Terrace 12) What is the Future for the Degreed Exercise Professional? 9:30-10:50 POSTER FREE COMMUNICATIONS II (Conference Center A) P39-P74 Nutrition, Fitness 9:45-10:45 TUTORIAL SESSION X (City Terrace 4) T10 The Role of H-Reflexes in Exercise and Rehabilitation Science 9:45-10:45 TUTORIAL SESSION XI (City Terrace 7) T11 Physiology of Athletes-A New Approach to Teaching Exercise Science 9:45-10:45 TUTORIAL SESSION XII (City Terrace 9) T12 Wisdom of the Exercised Cell: Lessons from Exercise Induced Cardioprotection 9:45-10:45 TUTORIAL SESSION XIII (City Terrace 10) T13 Reviewing Manuscripts and Responding to Reviews 9:45-10:45 TUTORIAL SESSION XIV (City Terrace 11) T14 Occipital Neuralgia as a Sequelae of Sports Concussion 9:45-10:45 TUTORIAL SESSION XV (City Terrace 12) T15 Entropic Measures of Variability in Gait and Posture 11:00-12:00 Andrew Kozar ACSM Presidential Lecture (Grand 1, 2, 3) From Personal Tragedy to Professional Action William Dexter, M.D., FACSM, Past-President, ACSM, 2013-14, Director of Sports Medicine, Maine Medical Center Professor, Family Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine Don Hooton, President of the Taylor Hooton Foundation, McKinney, Texas Chair: Kenneth P. Barnes, M.D., FACSM, Greensboro Orthopaedics PA, Assistant Professor, Exercise Science, Elon University Adjunct Faculty, Cone Sports Medicine Fellowship Program 12:30-2:00 PAST PRESIDENT’S LUNCH (Suite 4104) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEACSM CLINICAL TRACK (City Terrace 4) “Back to Basics” – The Bread and Butter of Sports Medicine 12:30 Welcome and Announcements: Kenneth P. Barnes, MD, FACSM 12:45 Biomechanics and Common Injuries in the Overhead Athlete, Walter Taylor, MD 1:15 Biomechanics and Common Injuries in the Kicking/Running Athlete, Sara Filmalter, MD 1:45 Nutrition and Metabolism in Athletes, Jeffrey Bytomski, DO 2:15 Discussion 2:25 Break 2:40 Fellow Case 1 2:55 Fellow Case 2 3:10 Fellow Case 3 3:25 Sideline Management, Part 1 – Common Fractures & Dislocations, Matthew Close, DO 3:55 Sideline Management, Part 2 – Common HEENT Injuries, Ted Farrar, MD 4:25 Break 4:40 Training Room, Part 1 – Infections and Rashes, William Dexter, MD, FACSM 5:10 Training Room, Part 2 – Principals of Rehab/Bracing/Equipment, David Liddle, MD 5:40 Discussion 6:30-8:30 Clinical Track Reception (River Terrace 1) Sponsored by Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas 2:00-3:00 BASIC SCIENCE LECTURE (Grand Ballroom 1, 2, 3) Circadian rhythms, the molecular clock and skeletal muscle: why your muscles need to keep time Karyn Esser, Ph.D., Professor Department of Physiology, University of Kentucky Presiding: Kevin McCully, University of Georgia, SEACSM President Speaker Introduction: Allan Goldfarb, Ph.D., FACSM University of North Carolina, Greensboro 3:15-4:45 P75-P109 POSTER FREE COMMUNICATIONS IV: (Conference Center A) Clinical Exercise Evaluation; Physiology 3:15-4:45 TP1-TP8 THEMATIC POSTER SESSION I (City Terrace 7) Sports Performance, Athletic Injury, Physical Activity, Body Composition 3:15-4:45 S5 SYMPOSIUM SESSION V (City Terrace 9) Targeting Angiotensin II to Prevent Skeletal Muscle Atrophy 3:15-4:45 O14-O19 ORAL FREE COMMUNICATIONS III (City Terrace 10) Fitness, Nutrition, Testing 3:15-4:15 T16 TUTORIAL SESSION XVI-(City Terrace 11) Glutathione and Oxidative Stress with Exercise 3:15-4:45 020-O25 ORAL FREE COMMUNICATIONS IV (City Terrace 12) Physical Activity, Exercise, Body Composition 4:50-5:50 STUDENT BOWL (Grand Ballroom 1, 2, 3) 5:50-7:00 SEACSM GRADUATE STUDENT FAIR (Grand Ballroom 4) SATURDAY, February 14, 2015 7:30 SEACSM CLINICAL TRACK (City Terrace 4) “Back to Basics” – The Bread and Butter of Sports Medicine Welcome and Announcements: Kenneth P. Barnes, MD, FACSM 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15 9:25 9:40 9:55 10:10 10:25 10:55 11:25 11:55 12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 1:05 1:10 1:15 Exercise Physiology Basics, Chad Asplund, MD, FACSM Principles of Conditioning/Training Techniques in Endurance Athletes, Katie Edenfield, MD Pain Management Options in the Competitive Athlete, Robert Hosey, MD, FACSM Discussion Break Fellow Case 4 Fellow Case 5 Fellow Case 6 Medical Conditions/Sports Considerations in the Young Athlete, Andrew Gregory MD, FACSM Medical Conditions/Sports Considerations in the Older Athlete, Ryan Draper, DO Overview of Tendinopathy in the Active Population, Kenneth Barnes, MD, FACSM Discussion Break Fellow Case 7 Fellow Case 8 Fellow Case 9 Voting for Best Case Presentation and Closing Remarks Closing Remarks Adjourn 8:00-12:00 EXHIBITS (3rd Floor Skybridge) 8:00-9:10 P110-P147 POSTER FREE COMMUNICATIONS III (Conference Center A) Biomechanics, Body Composition 8:00-9:00 T17 TUTORIAL SESSION XVII-(City Terrace 7) ACTIVEARTH: Active Transportation for Health, the Economy, and the Environment 8:00-9:00 T18 TUTORIAL SESSION XVIII (City Terrace 9) Crossfit, Separating Science from Speculation 8:00-9:00 T19 TUTORIAL SESSION IXX-(City Terrace 10) Mentoring Novice Writers: Increasing the Odds your Students Get Published 8:00-9:00 T20 TUTORIAL SESSION XX-(City Terrace 11) A Beginner’s Guide to the Measurement of Sedentary Behaviors 8:00-9:00 T21 TUTORIAL SESSION XXI-(City Terrace 12) Dreaded Statistics: The Essentials of Applying Research Results and Statistical Significance to Practice 9:15-10:15 Henry J. Montoye Award Lecture (Grand Ballroom 1, 2, 3) Exercise Training and the Male Reproductive System Anthony C. Hackney, Ph.D., D.Sc., FACSM. Professor, Exercise Physiology & Nutrition Assistant Chair, Department of Exercise & Sport Science Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Presiding: Kevin McCully, University of Georgia, SEACSM President Speaker Introduction: Mindy Millard-Stafford, Georgia Tech University 10:30-11:45 POSTER FREE COMMUNICATIONS V: (Conference Center A) P148-P181 Fitness/Testing/Assessment; Sports Performance; Athletic Injury; Motor Control; Research Design 10:30-12:00 THEMATIC POSTER SESSION II (City Terrace 7) TP9-TP16 Physical Activity, Body Composition 10:30-12:00 SYMPOSIUM SESSION VI (City Terrace 9) S6 Getting Children and Youth Moving in Many Ways and For Many Reasons 10:30-12:00 SYMPOSIUM SESSION VII (City Terrace 10) S7 Does the Influence of the Scientific Community Have an Effect on Hydration Behavior of Runners? 10:30-12:00 SYMPOSIUM SESSION VIII (City Terrace 11) S8 Food as a Hormone 10:30-12:00 SYMPOSIUM SESSION IX (City Terrace 12) S9 Promoting Long-term Physical Activity and Exercise Among Persons with Neurologic Disabilities: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Overcome Barriers 12:00-2:00 SEACSM LUNCHEON AND LECTURE (Grand Ballroom 1, 2, 3)* *Register by No Guts No Glory: A Role for Exercise in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and February 6 Dysbiosis Jeffery Woods, Ph.D. Professor of Kinesiology, Division of Nutritional Sciences, College of ACES University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign Presiding: Kevin McCully, University of Georgia, SEACSM President; Ed Acevedo, Virginia Commonwealth University, SEACSM Past-President 2:00-4:00 SEACSM EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING (City Terrace 12)
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