2015 年 01月 30日星期五 Joanna Zhou (周娜), now residing in Knoxville TN, immigrated to Indianapolis with her husband from Beijing in 2013, where she worked in Human Resources for a U.S. Fortune 500 company. She enjoys her new life with her husband and kept in touch with her IAAT friends and readers by contributing to this column. China 2014 growth at 24-year low China’s economy grew 7.4 percent in 2014, in line with market expectations and registering the weakest expansion in 24 years, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Tuesday. The reading was slightly below the government target of around 7.5 percent for the year, as authorities are at pains to transform the economy onto a more sustainable track while tackling a housing slowdown, softening domestic demand and weak global recovery. 2014GDP增速创24年新低 国家统计局发布消息称,经初步核算,去年国 内全年GDP总量达到63.6万亿元,同比增长7.4%, 略高于此前预期的7.3%。从规模看,去年GDP总量 史上首次突破60万亿元大关,也是首次超越10万 亿美元,但还是创下了24年来的增速新低。 China plans national park at major riverheads China plans to build a national park in the Sanjiangyuan region, the cradle of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers in northwest China’s Qinghai Province. The park will cover more than 30,000 square kilometers, including the rivers’ sources in Madoi, Zhidoi and Zadoi counties. If the plan is given the green light, construction can begin as early as the end of this year. 青海三江源国家公园建设规划编制完成 作为中国国家公园体制试点省份之一,目前青 海省已编制完成《青海三江源国家公园建设规 划》,这也是中国首部国家公园建设规划。青海 省位于青藏高原东北部,是世界上海拔最高、面 积最大、河湖分布最集中的地区之一,作为长 江、黄河、澜沧江的发源地,长江总水量的25 %、黄河总水量的49%、澜沧江总水量的15 %都来自这一地区。青海全省湿地面积超过81 0万公顷,占中国湿地总面积的15%以上,是 中国乃至亚洲重要的生态屏障和水源涵养区,素 有“中华水塔”美誉。目前,青海国土面积中已 有90%被列为禁止开发或限制开发区域。 China leads growth in foreign student numbers in New Zealand The number of foreign students studying in New Zealand from January to August 2014 was up by 12 percent year on year, led by rising numbers of Chinese students, according to a government report out Wednesday. The report from the Education New Zealand agency showed 93,137 international students were enrolled in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions during that period. Over the same period, the value of New Zealand’s international education industry rose by 258 million NZ dollars (197.55 million U.S. dollars) to 2.85 billion NZ dollars (2.18 billion U.S. dollars), said the report. Notable growth came from China, India and Indonesia, with China being the single biggest market. Student enrollments from China were up by 2,978, or 12 percent, while 29.1 percent of international student spending came from China. 新西兰中国留学生逆势增长 人数占25%位居 榜首 新西兰移民局最新统计数据显示,中国留学生 逆势增长,而印度却成为新西兰技术移民最大的 来源国家。3月15日,新西兰年度移民趋势和展望 报告公布,共有18,843人通过技术移民获得新西 兰永久居留权。其中印度就业移民人数上升了27% Business/Perspective 经济/论谈 。印度裔技术移民人数首次超过英国,其增长的 主要因素是留学生在新西兰毕业后留下工作,进 而获得永久居留权。年度报告在留学生来源的比 例上显示,中国仍以25%位居榜首,其后是印度的 13%、韩国的10%。就目前来看,中国留学生数量 仍在不断增长。但印度的就业及移民数量却在不 断上升,已取代了英国。 Car ownership tops 154 million in China in 2014 China added a record 17 million new cars on the road in 2014 as car ownership reaches 154 million, said the Ministry of Public Security on Tuesday. Strong demand for cars has helped the automobile replace the motorcycle as the main method of transportation. Cars made up 58.6 percent of total motor vehicles, a sharp rise from 43.9 percent five years ago. The number of people obtaining driving licenses also ballooned from 219 million in 2013 to 247 million as of the end of 2014, said the ministry, adding 29.7 million drivers have fewer than one year’s driving experience. Of the 35 cities which have more than one million cars each, ten have more than two million cars, including Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing. 2014年中国汽车保有量净增1707万 达历史最 高水平 公安部交通管理局27日晚间发布消息,近年 来,我国机动车和驾驶人迅猛增长,近五年机动 车年均增量1500多万辆,驾驶人年均增量2000多 万人。截至2014年底,全国机动车保有量达2.64 亿辆,其中汽车1.54亿辆;机动车驾驶人突破3 亿人,其中汽车驾驶人超过2.46亿人。汽车保有 量达1.54亿辆,新注册量和年增量均达历史最高 水平。随着我国经济社会持续快速发展,群众购 车刚性需求旺盛,汽车保有量继续呈快速增长趋 势,2014年新注册登记的汽车达2188万辆,保有 量净增1707万辆,均为历史最高水平。汽车占机 动车的比率迅速提高,近五年汽车占机动车比率 从43.88%提高到58.62%,群众机动化出行方式经 历了从摩托车到汽车的转变,交通出行结构发生 了根本性变化。全国有35个城市的汽车保有量超 过百万辆,北京、成都、深圳、天津、上海、苏 州、重庆、广州、杭州、郑州10个城市汽车保有 量超过200万辆。 China’s 2015 GDP growth forecast at 6.8 pct Mr. Kim is the Chief Operation Officer and Chief Compliance Officer for Kirr Marbach & Co. LLC, an investment adviser based in Columbus IN. Please visit www. kirrmar.com. Anybody who drives a car knows the price of oil has dropped dramatically over the past 6 months. According to AAA, the national average price for a gallon of Regular was $2.12 on January 13, down 18% from $2.58 in just a month and down 36% from $3.31 a year ago. I smile every time I fill my Yukon. Since the start of 2010, the price of a barrel of U.S. benchmark Light Sweet Crude oil traded in a fairly tight band between $80-$110, averaging $92 for the 5-year period ending December 31, 2014. Crude oil reached its 2014 high of $107.26 on June 20 before plummeting to $53.27 at year-end, down 50% to a 5-year low. At a basic, Economics 101 level, an imbalance has developed between supply and demand. According to Strategas Research Partners, U.S. production has almost doubled, from 4.7 million barrels per day in 2008 to 9.0 million barrels per day, due in large part to the shale oil boom. This helps explain why U.S. oil imports from OPEC are down 42% over the same period. On the demand side of the equation, while the U.S. economy has been strengthening, Europe and Asia have been slowing. The December 22 & 29 edition of The New Yorker offered a clear explanation of how this supply/ demand imbalance has translated into crashing prices in, “How Low Can Oil Go?” Over the shortterm, supply and demand for oil are “price-inelastic,” which means they don’t respond to changes in prices as quickly as other goods. For instance, if prices increase, consumers don’t An international business publication is recognizing three MBA programs in the state. The Financial Times ranks the schools at Purdue University, Indiana University and the University of Notre Dame among the top 100 in its annual Global MBA Rankings. Sun King’s Second Brewing Operation Progressing The state’s second-largest brewer has completed another step in its planned 40,000-square-foot production facility in Fishers. Indianapolis-based Sun King Brewing Co. has completed the purchase of nearly 13 acres at Delaware Park, where it will serve as an anchor for other potential development. Airport Authority Inks First Land Deal The Indianapolis Airport Authority has crafted an $8 million deal for its land use initiative. Earlier this week, IAA hosted an open house for people who wanted to learn more about the 1,200 acres of airport property going back on the market. IU Lauds Record IT Grant Total Indiana University says its information technology researchers won more than $20 million in federal grants in 2014. The university says the funding, which is a school record, is allowing researchers to use big data to analyze issues ranging from climate change to drug discovery. Study: Indiana a Regional Broadband Leader Ball State University’s Digital Policy Institute says Indiana is in position to remain a regional “broadband overachiever.” A new study released by the group suggests several steps the state can take to capitalize, including easing regulations, developing more uniform statewide policies and creating a rural broadband advisory center. Senior Fellow Barry Umansky says commercial carriers have pumped nearly $5 billion into broadband infrastructure in recent years. Indy Sets Convention, Tourism Records Visit Indy says 2014 was a record-breaking year for convention and tourism business. The organization is reporting more than 880,000 convention hotel room nights have been booked for future dates, which is the most since its founding in 1923. The group says many factors led to the record, including the National Rifle Association announcing its national conference will return to the city in 2019 and 2023. Visit Indy says it also broke records for summer weekend leisure hotel Indy Asian American Times Web Site: www.indyaat.org immediately drive less and producers can’t just open a spigot. Similarly, if prices decrease, consumers don’t automatically drive more. Wealthy producing countries like Saudi Arabia want to maintain market share, so don’t cut production. Countries on shakier economic footing, like Russia, Venezuela and Iran, desperately need revenue, so can’t cut production. Similarly, many producing companies have significant debt obligations to meet if they want to stay in business, so have to keep pumping, regardless of price. With supply and demand essentially fixed over the short-term, small changes in either (or both, in this case) can lead to relatively large changes in price. In addition, commodity-based hedge and index funds have attracted billions from investors who probably believed oil was more likely to rise to $150 than fall to $50. So, it’s very possible some of these funds are being forced to liquidate positions into a falling market (sound familiar?). I have no idea where the price of oil will settle, but if oil averages its 2014 year-end level in 2015, Strategas estimates U.S. consumers would save $192 billion, representing quite a tax cut. With consumer spending accounting for almost 70% of the U.S economy, this is a clear positive. On the downside, the Energy sector represents 8% of the market capitalization of the S&P 500 (12.3% of the S&P 500’s earnings) and its capital expenditures 1% of U.S. nominal GDP. There is an old adage in the oil business; “The cure for high oil prices is high oil prices.” Over the longterm, supply and demand will adjust and the corollary is also likely to be true; “The cure for low oil prices is low oil prices.” Enjoy them while they last! The opinions expressed in these articles are those of the author as of the date the article was published. These opinions have not been updated or supplemented and may not reflect the author’s views today. The information provided in these articles does not provide information reasonably sufficient upon which to base an investment decision and should not be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular stock or other investment. room nights and website visits. Amazon on Board With Indiana Wind Farm Amazon.com Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) is working with a California company on a planned 150-megawatt wind farm in Benton County. Pattern Energy Group Inc. (Nasdaq: PEGI) says the Amazon Web Services Inc. Wind Farm at Fowler Ridge could be operational by the end of the year and power “current and future” data centers. MBA Programs Appear on Global Rankings 近日,各大机构、银行和经济学家预测2015年 中国经济的表现。据梳理统计,几乎所有的外资 机构都完成了对2015年中国经济的预测。其中, 四家外资机构对2015年中国GDP增速的预测基本相 近,在6.8%~7.2%中间。最乐观的是摩根大通, 该行预测,2015年中国全年经济增长7.2%,从环 比来看,第一季度仍是下行,第二季度和第三季 度会好转。摩根士丹利和高盛都预测2015年中国 经济增速为7.0%,高盛进一步称未来几年中国经 济增长轨迹可能会进一步放缓。预测最低的是野 村证券,野村证券预测2015年中国GDP将从2014年 预计的7.4%降至6.8%、2016年继续降至6.5%。野 村证券是目前市场上唯一一家对中国经济增速预 测低于7%的外资行。 7 Enjoy low oil prices, while they last China’s 2015 GDP growth forecast has been maintained at 6.8 percent, as further policy support and export recovery is expected to help bolster the sluggish economy, said UBS on Monday. “December and Q4’s better than expected data will unlikely trigger any immediate significant new easing measures for now, but the first rate cut may happen (around) March or April, when even lower CPI (consumer price index) and PPI (producer price index) are reported,” said Wang Tao, chief China economist with UBS, said in a research note. Wang added that policy support will intensify in 2015 with accelerated pro-growth measures in areas such as price, social safety net and hukou (household registration) reform, and more infrastructure projects. 2015年中国GDP增速预测 Indy Asian American Times Friday, January 30, 2015 Indy Lands Another Nonstop Flight Frontier Airlines is adding nonstop service between Indianapolis International Airport and HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International Airport. The flights are set to begin in March. The carrier will also offer sameplane direct service to Miami International Airport. Pacers Fans Rank Among NBA’s Best An international business publication is ranking fans of the Indiana Pacers seventh best in the NBA. Forbes considered factors such as hometown crowd reach, television ratings, attendance and merchandise sales. ‘Hoosier Promise’ Would Help Fund Community College Legislation proposed by State Senator Mark Stoops (D-40) would cover two years of community college or technical training for participating Indiana high school students. The “Hoosier Promise” program is patterned after a Tennessee law that has been lauded by education leaders, including Ivy Tech Community College President Tom Snyder. Startup Could Hold Final Piece of 3-D Printing Puzzle An Indiana startup says it’s going to “cut through the hype” surrounding a new trend in manufacturing. The excitement centers on 3-D printing technology, a relatively new concept in the industry that involves a type of robot “printing” a three-dimensional object. Guided by a computer, successive layers are laid down until the object is complete. However, Crawfordsvillebased Frontier Additive Manufacturing says a problem lurks within those layers that compromises the quality of the finished product. It’s a glitch that has puzzled engineers and stunted the adoption of 3-D printing, but the startup says it’s cracked the code to unleash the method’s true potential. Italian Companies Invest in Indiana Two Italian auto suppliers have announced plans to bring operations to Indiana. OMR Automotive says it will invest $10 million into a new operation in Speedway and create up to 60 jobs by 2016. Also, Sirmax has announced it will locate its first North American production facility in Anderson. The company plans to pump $25 million into the project and add 50 jobs. Both announcements were made during Governor Mike Pence’s economic development mission today at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Email: [email protected] [email protected] P.O. Box 852, Carmel, IN 46082-0852
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