SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK ATELIER MOTORS PRESENTS STUDENT MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP 2K15 DARE TO RIDE Page 1 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK CONTEXT I. INTRODUCTION II. ABOUT US III.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.ELIGIBILITY 2. AGE 3. DRIVERS LICENSE 4. FACULTY ADVISOR 5. INSURANCE 6. LIABILITY WAIVER 7. RIGHT TO IMPOUND 8. RULES VALIDITY 9. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE 10. REGISTRATION FEE 11. OFFICIAL ANNNOUNCEMENTS IV.DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1.TOTAL VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS 2.FRAME 3. ENGINES 4. TRANSMISSIONS AND PRIMARY DRIVE 5. EXHAUST SYSTEM 6. FUEL TANKS 7. SUSPENSION 8. BRAKES 9. STEERING 10. WHEELS 11. PROTECTIONS OR SHIELDS 12. FASTENERS AND SAFETY ISSUE Page 2 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK V. VIRTUAL ROUND 1. VEHICLE DESIGN 2. KNOWLEDGE OF RULEBOOK 3. MARKETING SURVEY 4. INNOVATION 5. PROJECT PLANS 6. VIRTUAL PRESENTATION FORMAT VI. STATIC 1. TECHNICAL INSPECTION 2. DESIGN PRESENTATION 3. COST PRESENTATION 4. MARKETING PRESENTATION VII. DYNAMIC EVENT 1. ACCELERATION TEST 2. BRAKE TEST 3. NARROW PATH 4. AUTO CROSS AND SUSPENSION TEST 5. HILL CLIMB TEST 6. ENDURANCE 7. COMMAND FLAGS 8. SAFETY REQUIREMENT 9. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION 10. FACILITIES AT EVENT SITE 11. TEAMS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCE VIII. IMPORTANT DATES IX. SCORING SYSTEM X. AWARDS Page 3 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK I. INTRODUCTION: INDIA’s FIRST STUDENT MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP: Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on rugged muddy circuits. It first started in the France, presently making its craze all around the world. A group of motorcyclists will compete with their highly performing race bikes to run on off road track running over different kinds of tracks like rugged surfaces, small hills etc., and finally the riders are scored on style, level of track difficulty, best use of the course and frequently, crowd reactions. II. ABOUT US: We are a group of Mechanical Engineers with passion for automobiles and automotive racing. With the idea to encourage in-house designing and manufacturing of off-road motorbikes, This Organization has designed “Student Motocross Championship” for the budding engineers who can contribute to the future technology in developing better and sophisticated vehicles for the growing market. We also conduct workshops, seminars and trainings sessions for students to enhance their knowledge over automobiles. III.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. ELIGIBILITY All the Members of the Team must be Undergraduate / Graduate / Diploma Engineering students. 2. AGE All Team Members must have minimum 18 years of age by the time of the Competition. Page 4 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 3. DRIVERS LICENSE Team Members (at least 2) must have a valid Driving License and the License may be verified at any time during the Competition. 4. FACULTY ADVISOR Each Team is expected to have at least one Faculty Advisor, appointed by the College or University, and Organizing Committee will consider Him/ Her as an Official University Representative. 5. INSURANCE A minimum of 2 DRIVERS must have an Individual Medical or Accident Insurance coverage and is the sole Responsibility of the Participants. 6. LIABILITY WAIVER All-on-site Participants and Faculty Advisor are required to Sign a Liability Waiver upon Registering on site. 7. RIGHT TO IMPOUND Atelier Motors and Organizing Committee of SMC 2K15 have the right to impound any vehicle any time in event site. 8. RULES VALIDITY Any Changes / Modifications in rules, will be immediately brought to the notice of participating teams through mails and changed rules will be uploaded in website and Facebook page. Page 5 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 9. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE a. Teams are required to Register for the event at our website b. Registration link will be opened on 9th December, 2014 and will be closed by 31st January, 2015. c. Once the Team is Registered in the website, the Team Captain will receive a confirmation mail containing all the Information. d. A minimum of 6 to maximum of total 20 students are allowed for a team to Participate in the Competition. 10. REGISTRATION FEE a. 1ST Phase:- 5000 INR. 2nd Phase:- 10000 INR. b. 1ST Phase will be charged for the virtual round, and further the 2nd Phase will be charged only for the teams that will be Qualified for the Dynamics round. c. Registration amount can be paid in the following ways: 1. Online Banking 2. Transfer through Bank Accounts d. Payment of Registration amount must be deposited in the Bank Account within 20 Working days from the Date of Registration. e. Once Registration amount is deposited, a scanned copy of Registration form with Photographs and Signatures of Participants and Bank Deposit Slip are supposed to be sent to the Organizing Committee. NOTE:-Teams failing to clear virtual need not pay the 2nd Phase Registration Fee. Page 6 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 11. OFFICIAL ANNNOUNCEMENTS a. All the official Announcements regarding the Student Motocross Championship 2015 will be displayed on our Facebook page:- Twitter:- Gmail:- [email protected] [email protected] IV.DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: 1. TOTAL VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS: a. The overall Dimensions of the vehicle should not exceed Length 85",Width 35", Height 48" and Wheel Base 60". b. The vehicle should be capable of carrying a driver of height 6ft 3"and Weight 100kgs. c. Ground clearance of the vehicle should be minimum of 8". 2. FRAME: a. The Main frame must be Tubular ALLUMINIUM or STEEL Alloy Materials, with Pipe Outer Diameter minimum of 1"and 1.5mm Thickness. b. The Frame must contain Engine mount location, steering head location and angle, swing arm pivot point, and rear suspension linkage. c. There can be a side stand but no other stands are allowed. d. Footrests may be raised or lowered, but cannot be lower than the bottom frame tube. e. Strengthening Gussets and Cross Tubes may be added to the frame if necessary. Page 7 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 3. ENGINES a. Engines are restricted to a single cylinder. b. Engine Displacement should be 180 C.C or less. c. Supercharging or turbo charging is not permitted. d. Type of Cooling System (water, oil or air), Ignition System, Carburettor and Quick Start Button are mandatory. 4. TRANSMISSIONS AND PRIMARY DRIVE a. Vehicle are restricted to the use of rear-wheel drive only. b. The maximum number of speeds in the gearbox is six. 5. EXHAUST SYSTEM a. Exhaust Pipes or Mufflers must fulfil all requirements concerning sound control. b. Must be securely attached together and bolted to the frame. c. The Exhaust Pipes or Muffler of the vehicle should be supported to the frame. 6. FUEL TANKS a. Fuel Tank must be placed on above the engine with a sufficient and proper shielding. b. Capacity of Fuel Tank must be minimum of 10 Litres. c. Carbon fibre or carbon composite fuel tanks are not permitted. Page 8 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 7. SUSPENSION REAR SUSPENSION: Swingarm : a. Swingarm with Mono Suspension and materials used must be of alloys of aluminium or steel. b. Strengthening gussets or tubes may be added. FRONT SUSPENSION: Forks and Shocks: a. Double shocks must be maintained using 2 telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers. 8. BRAKES a. All motorcycles must be equipped with adequate and operating Front and Rear Wheel Brakes. b. Disc brakes or Drum brakes may be used. 9. STEERING Handlebars and Controls: a. Cracked or broken handlebars are prohibited. b. Control levers must have minimum 1/2-inch diameter ball ends. c. All motorcycles must be equipped with a functional mechanical engine kill device or ignition cut-off switch or button, mounted on the handlebar within reach of the rider’s hand when placed on the grip. Page 9 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 10. WHEELS a. Wheels and all wheel components i.e., Spokes, Hubs, constructed exclusively of carbon fibre or carbon composite are not permitted. b. Both the wheels must be assembled with only spokes, no alloys are allowed for the wheels. c. It is mandatory that all the teams should use only dirt tires (i.e. off-road tires only). 11. PROTECTIONS OR SHIELDS : a. All the drive train rotating parts like Chains, Shafts, Belt etc., must be covered and shielded, to avoid the accidents which may occur to the driver and to resist the components to fly away due to the centrifugal actions. b. It must be Bolted with Locknuts so as to avoid the vibrations and to control the sound. 12. FASTENERS AND SAFETY ISSUES: a. The fasteners used throughout the vehicle must be a standard acceptable grades with metric grade M6 or M8.The vehicle should be bolted with lock nuts only ( in required places), so as to overcome the huge vibration effect. b. There should be no sharp edges and corners or any open holes left, which could harm the driver. Page 10 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK EVENT DETAILS: PHASE 1: V. VIRTUAL ROUND: a. Each and every team has to be qualified in the virtual round, to move on to the static and dynamic events. b. In virtual round, the teams should make a CAD model of their vehicle in design Softwares along with the required calculations. c. It will be a 30 minutes session, where 5 of team members will be given chance to present in front of the judges in first 20 Minutes ,and in the next 10 Minutes, the judges will be evaluating the team based on the performance of the team. Judging criterion will be based on the: 1. VEHICLE DESIGN: a. The vehicle design must have a complete CAD model of the vehicle with all the subsystems designed that has to be put in the vehicle. b. It must have Frame, Suspension, Steering, Engine and Transmission and Braking Systems. 2. KNOWLEDGE OF RULEBOOK: a. During the design process, teams have to thoroughly follow all the rules that are mentioned in the RuleBook. b. Judges will be verifying all the rules in the respective vehicle designs. Page 11 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 3. MARKETING SURVEY: a. Teams have to do the market analysis so that they can analyze the major points during design considerations like Cost, market availability, materials used . 4. INNOVATION: a. An engineer will be so effective to the outside world if his engineering thought would apply making a new thing. b. Teams can make a good score by making an innovation. 5. PROJECT PLANS a. DVP (Design validation plan):Testing aimed at ensuring that a product or system fulfils the defined user needs and specified requirements, under specified operating conditions. b. GANTT CHART: Gantt chart is simply a planning that shows how long a project should take and helping to manage the process of design and manufacturing by laying them out in the order in which the tasks need to be completed by dividing the work along the team members. c. Cost Estimation: The cost estimation is a total cost of the vehicle along with all the in detailed report shown in the design report. There should be no more than Rs70,000/Excluding all the driver safety things. Page 12 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK d. DFMEA (design failure mode effect analysis): DFMEA is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly process or a product or service. 6. VIRTUAL PRESENTATION FORMAT: a. Format: 1. The presentation should consists of not more than 20 slides (including videos, images, other sources if necessary). 2. The size of presentation should be 15mb or less in the MS power point format. 3. The other details regarding the virtual round will be announced in the website before 15days of it. b. IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1. Soon after the virtual results will be announced, all the qualified teams have to submit their design report. 2. Selection of teams will be purely on the basis of merit 3.The decision of the judges will be the final 4.There will be no ranks or awards for the virtual round. Page 13 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK PHASE 2:VI. STATIC 1. TECHNICAL INSPECTION:a. A technical inspection will be done along with the SAFETY CHECK and BUILD QUALITY CHECK will be verified judges, to see through the safety as well as the rulebook compliances of all the vehicles. b. To proceed for further tests, Teams who cannot clear the TI will not be allowed to any of the tests of the Dynamic Event. c. If any exceptions or changes to be done after the TI should be done under the judges orders. d. Each team will be given a maximum of 2 chances for TI, after technical inspection a sticker will be given saying TI OK. e. The qualification of the teams will be completely under the performance of their vehicle and the JUDGES decision. 2. DESIGN PRESNTATION:a. This event is totally about the design report imported in the vehicle manufacturing. b. INNOVATION (If done) will be verified along with the design presentation. c. Teams are strictly informed that there should be no changes, made in their vehicle than those shown in the Final Design Report, which has to be submitted at the mentioned dates. d. The Presentation format for design presentation can be done on the teams own approach such as posters or card boards or any other means. e. Judging will be done under the design methodology, calculations, analysis, materials used and ergonomics consideration. Page 14 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 3. COST PRESENTATION: a. The actual cost of all the components of vehicle will be compared with the cost report. b. If judges seem that the cost of the parts are not relevant to that mentioned in cost report, direct penalty will be given to that team ,by the order of the judges. 4. MARKETING PRESENTATION:a. Marketing Presentation helps the students to design a managerial strategy of establishing a firm which can produce a production rate versus time versus money and giving a best sale in the market. b. The judges will examine the presentation as a customer or as an investor or a managing head, depending on the intension of judges. c. Presentation format of the marketing presentation should be less than 15mb in size not exceeding 15 slides and in MS power point format containing all the required things that describes the vehicle and the teams marketing strategy. VII. DYNAMIC EVENT 1. Acceleration Test a. Acceleration Test is the total time taken by the vehicle to accelerate along a 100mts flat straight course. b. Each Team may take 2 attempts with Same Driver or Different Driver. c. Scoring will be based on the best of 2 attempts. Page 15 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK d. PENALTY: A 2 sec penalty will be added for false start. A 5 sec penalty for leaving the course. e. SCORING FORMULA Acceleration score = 50 × ( Tlongest-Tyours ) / (Tlongest-Tshortest) “Tshortest” is the fastest time by any team. “Tlongest” is either a. the slowest time by any team or b. 2 times the fastest time, Whichever is the shorter interval. “Tyours” is the best time of your team. Page 16 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 2. BRAKE TEST a. Break Test is conduct on a break test course along with Acceleration Test, the Vehicle is allowed to Accelerate along 100mts flat and straight surface and then Apply brakes and Vehicle must Stop within a Distance of 5 mtrs after Applying Brakes. b. A maximum of 3 Attempts are given to pass the Brake Test. c. It is mandatory for all the vehicles to pass the Brake Test. 3. NARROW PATH a. NARROW PATH is a narrow way where driver has to drive the vehicle along the path. b. it is to measure the vehicles balancing capability and to ensure the driving capabilities of drivers. c. Each team may take 2 attempts with same driver or with different drivers. d. Scoring will be based on the best of 2 attempts. Page 17 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK e. PENALTY: A 1 seconds will be added for every cone down. A 2 seconds penalty for leaving the course. f. SCORING FORMULA: score = 100 × ( Tlongest-Tyours )/ (Tlongest-Tshortest) “Tshortest” is the fastest time by any team. “Tlongest is either a. The slowest time by any team or b. 2 times the fastest time, Whichever is the shorter interval. “T yours” is the best time of your team. 4. AUTO CROSS AND SUSPENSION TEST a. Auto Cross and Suspension Test is done on a Zigzag course, The course may consist of variety of Suspension and Handling Challenges Including tight turns, Ruts and Bumps, sand Rocks, Gullies logs and Inclines. b. Each team may take 2 attempts with same driver or different driver. c. Scoring will be based on the best of 2 attempts. d. PENALTY A 1 seconds will be added for every cone down. A 2 seconds penalty for leaving the course. Page 18 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK e. SCORING FORMULA Auto Cross and Suspension score = 150 × ( Tlongest-Tyours )/ (Tlongest-Tshortest) “Tshortest” is the fastest time by any team. “Tlongest” is either a. The slowest time by any team or b. 2 times the fastest time, Whichever is the shorter interval. “T yours” is the best time of your team. 5. HILL CLIMB TEST a. Hill Climb Test is done to check the Vehicles ability to ascend a steep grade from a standing start. b. PENALTY A 2 seconds penalty will be added for false start. A 5 seconds penalty for leaving the course. c. SCORING FORMULA Hill Climb score = 100 × ( Tlongest-Tyours )/ (Tlongest-Tshortest) “T Shortest” is the fastest time by any team. “T Longest” is either a. The slowest time by any team or b. 2 times the fastest time, Whichever is the shorter interval. “T yours” is the best time of your team. NOTE: There will be no more extra chance given for the teams, for any of the dynamic events other than the mentioned. Page 19 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 6. ENDURANCE Endurance Track will be closed circuit which contains the Hill Climb, Lots of Turns etc. The endurance event assesses each vehicle’s ability to operate continuously and at speed over rough terrain containing obstacles. 1. Endurance run is based upon total Distance covered in 2 hours. 2. Vehicle must line up according to the Position Declared by the Organizers on the basis of all the Dynamic Tests. 3. If a Vehicle gets Break Down it will be removed from the course Immediately, Vehicle may appear again on the track after completing repairs and with the Permission of Judges on the Track. NOTE:- Decision of Judges is final in this Regards. 4. If the vehicle is not able to maintain lap time with in125% of the faster lap time in the course then it leads to Disqualification from Endurance. 5. Driver change would be allowed only once after the completion of 30 minutes from the start of Endurance. 6. Laps Covered by the Teams will be considered for the Evaluation and each lap is Individually timed by stop watch or by any electronic means. PENALTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Failure to stop for Black Flag will be allotted with 2 seconds penalty. Failure to slow down on Yellow Flag will be allotted with 1 second penalty. Moving out of course will be penalised with 1 seconds. Driving in Unauthorized area adds up 5 seconds penalty. Wontedly Vehicle to vehicle contact, will lead to disqualification from endurance. Over speed or Aggressive Driving will lead to orange flag then the driver should proceed to penalty box and Judges will decide the penalty time depending upon the Offense. NOTE:- At the Time of Endurance only the Fuel is provide by the organizers. Page 20 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 7. COMMAND FLAGS Command Flags are those Flags which must be Followed by the Participates Immediately without Fail. GREEN FLAG:- Start of Race. WHITE FLAG:- One Lap to go Until Finish. YELLOW FALG:- Caution slow down and be prepared to stop, something has happened beyond the Flag Station. BLACK FLAG:- The Driver must Report to Judge. WHITE WITH RED CROSS FLAG:- It indicates that Ambulance or Emergency Persons are on the course. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKERED FLAG:- End of Race. 8. SAFETY REQUIREMENT 1. Protective pants made of Leather or other Durable Materials and Long Sleeve Jerseys must be worn by Driver. 2. When a Riding Jersey or other apparel is used for Rider Identification, It is Recommended that a 6" height number should be on the back, and the number be of contrasting colours. 3. It is Compulsory that Riders Must use the Protective Equipment i.e. GLOVES, CHEST PROTECTOR, NECK SUPPORT, KNEE AND ELBOW PADS, SHOES, SHOCKS AND UNDERCLOTHES to protect against the Possibility of Injury. Page 21 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK GLOVES CHEST PROTECTOR NECK PAD Page 22 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK KNEE AND ELBOW PADS 4. All Riders must Utilize a Shatter proof Face Shield or Shatter Proof Goggles. 5. Wearing of Helmets: It is mandatory for all Drivers taking part in Practice and Competition to wear a full face protective OFF ROADER HELMET. The Helmet must be properly Fastened, be of a good fit, and be in GOOD CONDITION. The Helmet must have a Chin Strap type and Labelled as SNELL or SFI or FIA. MOTOCROSS HELMET 6. All safety Equipments must be Fire Resistance*. 7. A Two 2kgs Fire extinguisher are mandatory, with the team mates who are allowed at Dynamic site. Page 23 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK 9. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION a. All vehicles are required to have proper display of identity of vehicle. Vehicle identification includes Vehicle Number, Team Name and College Name. b. Vehicle number must be 5" Height 2"Width and 1"Line Thickness, It must be protrusions or cut-outs or reflective stickers. The number must be clearly displayed on all four sides of the vehicle. c. Drivers of teams will be attending Driver’s training session on event day. 10. FACILITIES AT EVENT SITE a. Each team will be allotted a pit at the Event site and Electricity facility will be provided for charging laptops and phones. b. Teams are advised to bring their own necessary tools i.e. Welding, cutting tools etc separate area is allotted for Welding away from pits, no team is allowed to do welding with in the pits. 11. TEAMS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCE 1. Misconduct with volunteers or official. 2. Unauthorized entry in restricted area or tracks. 3. Intoxication. Page 24 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK VIII. IMPORTANT DATES RULE BOOK RELEASING NOVEMBER 5TH 2014 REGISTRATION OPEN DECEMBER 9TH 2014 REGISTRATION CLOSE JANUARY 31TH 2015 VIRTUAL ROUND NORTH (DELHI):- 28TH MARCH 2015 SOUTH( CHENNAI):- 31TH APRIL 2015 PUNE OR HYDERABD :- 6TH APRIL 2015 FINIAL DESIGN REPORT SUBMISSION MAY 20TH DYNAMIC EVENT SEPTEMBER 10TH,11TH,12TH,13TH 2015 NOTE:- VIRTUAL AND DYNAMIC EVENT DATES MAY CHANGE Page 25 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK IX. SCORING SYSTEM S.NO TYPE OF EVENT 1. VIRTUAL ROUND- SCORING 250 STATIC ROUND2. TECHNICAL INSPECTION 100 3. DESIGN PRESENTATION 100 4. COST PRESENTATION 50 5. MARKETING PRESENTATION 100 DYNAMIC ROUND6. ACCELERATAION TEST 50 7. NARROW PATH 100 8. AUTOCROSS AND SUSPENSION TEST 150 9. HILL CLIMB 100 10. ENDURANCE 500 TOTAL 1500 Page 26 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS SMC 2K15 RULEBOOK X. AWARDS S.NO EVENT TYPE AWARDS 1ST PRIZE 2ND PRIZE STATIC ROUND1. BUILD QUALITY 2. DESIGN PRESENTATION 3. COST PRESENTATION 4. MARKETING PRESENTATION DYNAMIC ROUND5. ACCELERATAION TEST 6. NARROW PATH 7. AUTOCROSS AND SUSPENSION TEST 8. HILL CLIMB 9. ENDURANCE 10 OVER ALL CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL 15 AWARDS Page 27 of 27 ATELIER MOTORS
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