www.schoolofthecathedral.org The Wednesday Bulletin January 28, 2015 Nationally designated “Blue Ribbon School” Upcoming Events Wednesday, January 28 “Step Up to Middle School” for grades 4 and 5 Student Council Meeting, 3-4 pm Thursday, January 29 “Day of Discovery” Friday, January 30 Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day Student Appreciation Day 11:45 am Dismissal Saturday, January 31 First Reconciliation, 10 am Monday, February 1 ACRE Testing for Grade 5 Tuesday, February 2 Our Daily Bread pick-up Wednesday, February 4 8 am Assembly Thursday, February 5 Acceptance letters mailed Friday, February 6 Stars and Stripes Volleyball Game Sunday, February 8 First Communion Enrollment and 2nd Grade Class Mass, 8:30 am Wednesday, February 11 CASPA Board Meeting, 7 pm See the full calendar on the website Dear Parents, This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, with the motto of “Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service.” Throughout this week, we have tried to develop activities and events focusing on each of these ideas. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has had her own ideas and disrupted some of our plans. Although Student Appreciation Day was missed due to the snow day, we have rescheduled it to Friday. Students may be out of uniform, but please be sure they are dressed appropriately and warmly; no homework will be given over the weekend. The assembly scheduled for Monday has been rescheduled for February 11th. Kindergarten through fourth grade will have their assembly from 9:00 to 9:45 am. Fifth through eighth grade will have their assembly from 10:00 to 10:45 am. We had a successful Open House yesterday, especially considering our two-hour delay. Our students welcomed many current families and several potential families to visit our school. Today, our fourth and fifth grade students will visit middle school for a second “Step Up to Middle School” event. They will listen to various presentations and have a Q & A with the Middle School students involved in Student Council, Stars and Stripes, the Student Ambassador Program, the technology program, altar servers, service projects, athletics, and the Middle School play. Thursday, we continue Catholic Schools Week activities with our “Day of Discovery.” There will be a multitude of programs including an assembly on Academics, Time Management, and Athletics; presentations about healthy food choices; and the American Heart Association Jump-a-thon kick off. Catholic Schools Week concludes with the rescheduled Student Appreciation day and Faculty/Staff Appreciation day. A reminder that Friday is a half day with dismissal at 11:45 am. A final note: This year we are continuing to develop Fine Arts night as we grow it from a Talent Show style program to a more refined Fine Arts Night. In addition to permission slips for those wishing to perform, we will be conducting auditions. Those wishing to sing will each be asked to perform the same piece of music from the musical Annie. Instrumentalists will be asked to play a prepared 2-minute piece of music. A combination of teachers and staff will help with the selection. Look for further communications next week regarding the process. We are very excited about this evolution of Fine Arts night. Have a great rest of the week and try to stay warm! Msgr. Richard Woy, Rector [email protected] Dr. Jane Towery, Principal [email protected] Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal [email protected] Dr. Jane Towery Principal Mr. Michael Wright Assistant Principal In Celebration of Catholic Schools Week We are having a Community Service Day! The Intermediate Grades will be making breakfast bags for My Sister’s Place! We are asking kindergarten, pre-first, 1st, 2nd, 6th ,7th and 8th grades to help! Where: Cathedral Cafeteria-10:30-11:30 When: Friday, January 30th (Parent helpers need to arrive at 10:00 to help set up.) Items needed: First, Second, and Third Grade- juice boxes Kindergarten, Pre-First, and 4A and 4B- granola bars 4C and 5A, 5B, and 5C- pre-wrapped muffins. Must be wrapped and store bought. No homemade items will be accepted. 6th, 7th, and 8th grades- fruit cups Intermediate Teachers will be donating the paper bags and spoons. Parents who would like to help should contact: Brigid Wilder, [email protected] **Last year, thanks to your generosity, we donated over 500 breakfast bags!!! Counselor’s Corner Chores for Children, Tweens and Teens-Part 2 Featured this week: Ages 10 and up As noted last week, chores are a great way to teach children about responsibility while teaching invaluable life skills--- all at the same time! Below are some recommended guidelines: For children ages 10-11: • Take care of personal hygiene • Keep bedroom clean • Be responsible for homework • Be responsible for belongings • Write thank you notes for gifts • Wake up using an alarm clock • Wash dishes • Prepare a few easy meals on their own • Clean the bathroom with supervision • Rake leaves • Learn to use the washer and dryer • Put all laundry away with supervision • Take the trash can to the curb for pick up For children ages 12 -13: Any of the above chores plus: • Change bed sheets • Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning • Change light bulbs • Change the vacuum bag • Dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms and do dishes • Clean mirrors • Mow the lawn with supervision • Prepare an occasional family meal For children ages 14-15: Any of the above chores plus: • Do assigned housework without prompting • Do yard work as needed • Babysit (Don’t forget to sign up for Babysitter Safety along with First Aid & CPR first!) • Prepare food — from making a grocery list and buying the items (with supervision) to serving a meal — occasionally • Wash windows with supervision Sources and For More information: "Age-Appropriate Chores." Part of the Motivating Kids to Clean Up SeriesFocus On The Family. By Sheila Seifert. http://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/parenting-challenges/motivating-kids-to-clean-up/age-appropriatechores. Also available on this website are PDF's including: 1. Chore Chart for Youngsters & 2. Chore Chart for Tweens. "Chores For Kids." http://thehappyhousewife.com/home-management/files/2012/07/age-appropriatechoresfor-kids-1.pdf. "Divide and Conquer Household Chores." By AnnieStuart WebMDFeature http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/chores-for-children Happy Wednesday! Mrs. Streett Health News Winter isn't a time to just stay indoors and wait for spring. There's a whole wonderland of sports out there for the entire family— sledding, snowboarding, and skiing to mention a few. Plus, someone has to shovel the snow, right? Once outdoors, however, take precautions to keep your family safe. In ice and snow, accidents can occur easily, and before you know it you might be on your way to the emergency room. It's easy to keep safe — and stay fit — during the cold months. By following a few tips, you can have a great time, no matter how much white stuff piles up outside. Cold-Weather Hazards Certain injuries are more common in the winter because cold-weather activities like iceskating, sledding, snowboarding, and skiing can lead to accidents that often involve kids. Now that snowboarding is drawing more kids out in the cold weather, ERs are seeing more abdominal, head, and neck injuries in those who run into trees or large rocks while snowboarding. And some illnesses are more common when the weather turns colder. Respiratory ailments, especially viruses like the flu, are prevalent because people stay indoors more and thus are exposed to more airborne germs. At Home One way to stay healthy while cooped up inside is to make sure your family washes their hands. It's especially important to wash after sharing toys, coughing, and blowing a runny nose to help prevent the spread of viruses. Decided you've had enough of the indoors and you're going to get the family outside to shovel the snow? Fine, but take care. Snow shoveling is strenuous work. It's OK for older, school-age kids to help out, but young children should not be shoveling because they can strain their muscles from lifting heavy shovels full of snow. Younger or older, kids sometimes have a tough time knowing when to come inside from the cold. To nip frostbite in the bud, check on your kids regularly to make sure that mittens are dry and warm and noses aren't too red. www.kidshealth.org •2• The School of the Cathedral • January 28, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org MSGR. WOY’S WEEKLY MESSAGE Financial Aid Reminder: Financial Aid applications for the 2015-2015 school year are now being accepted. Please log into the FACTS website and complete the application under the Grant and Aid tab. Application deadline is February 27, 2015. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE 2nd GRADE CLASS MASS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 8:30AM Reception immediately following in the Undercroft. All are invited! CATHEDRAL WELLNESS COMMITTEE Women in Sports Day, one of Loyola University's most popular annual events, will be held this year on January 31, 2015. This year's event is scheduled in conjunction with a women's basketball game between Loyola and Army. The game is scheduled to tip off at 2pm. Women in Sports Day (WISD) is free to everyone and open to girls currently in kindergarten through eighth grade. Festivities will begin at noon with check-in near McGuire Hall in the Andrew White Student Center and will conclude with a postgame autograph session and ice cream social with the women's basketball team. In between, participants will be able to interact with student-athletes from Loyola's nine varsity intercollegiate women's teams and participate in face painting, poster design, sports-related activities and much more. Participants also will receive a free commemorative t-shirt and other surprises and be treated to free food as they prepare to cheer the Greyhounds on in their game against Army. See attached flier for registration info. Interested in getting involved in either initiative? Please email: [email protected] Sports Corner All Basketball has started. In case of bad weather, please call the Athletic Office 410-464-4083 after 8 a.m. for any cancellation information. Dear Friends, Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. The theme for this year's national celebration of Catholic education is "Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service." We are so blessed to have a nationally recognized "Blue Ribbon" school as part of our parish community. With a current enrollment of 443 students, we anticipate a healthy enrollment again next year. Thanks to Mia White, Director of Marketing, we enjoyed a very successful marketing campaign into the area pre-schools last fall. Next year's kindergarten should be fully enrolled! Of course Catholic education is not inexpensive. Currently, tuition is $8,500 per student and a modest increase is predicted for next year. One of the financial goals of the School Board is to build the school's endowment in order to support tuition assistance. Speaking of assistance, if you haven't made a contribution to the School's Annual Fund Campaign, this is a good week to do so. The goal for this year's Annual Fund is $65,000. So far, we have received 295 gifts for a total of $55,271. There are two case elements in this year's campaign: 60% of the goal will increase the Bill and Lisa Stromberg Endowment Fund, which provides tuition assistance for those who qualify; 40% of the goal will allow the School to provide renovations to the tile flooring throughout the hallways. If you would like to make a gift, please contact Elizabeth Stoops in our Development Office at [email protected] or 410-464-4003. It is a busy time in the faith formation of our 2nd Graders and their families. Next Saturday, January 31st, they will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) for the first time. Preparation for their reception of First Holy Communion in May kicks off with parent meetings on February 1st (Sunday) at 10AM or February 3rd (Tuesday) at 7PM. Parents are expected to attend one of these meetings. Please keep these families in your prayers as they initiate their children into the Sacramental life of the Catholic Church. Lest we forget, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (February 18th)! Above all else, Lent is a time for us to return to the ba-sics of our faith and refocus our relationship with God and His Church. You will receive a mailing from the parish detailing the times for Masses and Confessions during this reflective time of the year. As Catholics, there are three great acts of penance in our spiritual heritage: Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving. Now is the time for each of us as individuals and families to plan how we will observe Lent. I have asked the Service Commission to help us as a parish to reclaim Fridays as days of penance. My hope is that on the Fridays of Lent we will sponsor a service project (Empty Bowls, Food Packaging, etc.) in which individuals and families can participate. These Friday evenings would include a time for prayer (Stations of the Cross and/or Mass) and a simple meal. Please read Carol Gould's message on the Service Page of today's bulletin and watch for more details in the coming weeks. It has been a busy time for funerals. Please pray for the repose of the souls of John H. Bolgiano, William R. Dorsey, III, and David F. Albright, Sr. all of whom were commended back to the Lord this past week. Finally, Fr. Andrew has returned from his winter break and I leave for mine! I'll be away from the parish beginning on the 26th of January and return for the weekend of February 8th. Do keep Fr. Andrew busy! Have a Good Week! Msgr. Woy CASPA Corner News for All Parents Thank you to Mary McFaul, Colleen Strain, and Lauren McQuaid for making CASPA exam treats for the students; they loved them! Join us for 2 exciting events: Friday, February 20th at 7:35 p.m. for Baltimore Blast Night vs the Chicago Mustangs! The registration form is attached to this bulletin. Please return the completed forms to school by Monday, 2/15. Friday, March 6th - Family Ice Skate Night at Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena. Registration flyer will be distributed shortly. The School of the Cathedral • January 28, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org •3• Community News The Painting Workshop offering many classes for all ages. Brochures are available in the office. For information call 410-6029799 (office) or e-mail [email protected] Painted Nest Interior and Decorative Painting, Cathedral parent Emily McGeady 410-428-3641, Experienced, Dependable, Detail Oriented, Reasonable Rates. Got books? Local charities: TurnAround, Our Daily Bread, Sisters Academy, Family Crisis Center and Beans and Bread are in need of children's books (preschool-12). Contact Andrea to donate: [email protected] Join us at Baltimore Mediation for our 40-Hour Fundamental Mediation & Conflict Transformation Skills Training during from 2/23-2/27. This is a certificated training that's part of our Mediation Core Curriculum designed to teach you everything you need to know to start mediating, either professionally or for daily use and practice. Call us at 443-524-0833 for more information! Cathedral Extended Day The Cathedral Tax ID # 52-0716698 Any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Baird [email protected] First Friday Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Chapel February 6, 2015 Schedule 8:45 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 a.m. Private Adoration 11:30 a.m. Catholic Evidence League Rosary 12:00 noon Catholic Evidence League Mass 12:30 p.m. Private Adoration 5:15 pm. Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament If you can be a Eucharistic Visitor for one (or more) of the Private Adoration half-hour slots on February 6th, please print your name and telephone number on the sheet at the entrance to the Chapel. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Healthcare Ministers are especially encouraged to sign up. Thank you. (Note: The Adoration Chapel in the Cathedral Parish Center will be closed during the First Friday Devotions in the Cathedral.) Youth Ministry Ski Trip to Ski Liberty Monday, February 16th The annual Youth Ministry Ski Trip! Ski Liberty on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 16th. The registration forms have been sent home and are on the school website under the “Student Life” tab. Please contact Sherri if you have any questions: 410-464-4010/[email protected] STAND- Shield the Vulnerable Parents in the process of completing the new STAND-SHIELD training 1. Brand new Volunteers follow the instructions on our website 2. Existing Volunteers who need training and/or background check- follow the instructions on the letter you received. 3. Existing Volunteers who do not need training or a background check- please register by March 16, 2015 in order to continue as a volunteer. You will be receiving a letter if you are in this category. If you have questions, please contact Sue Seiler [email protected] Amazon School Rewards Program is Now Available! Use Amazon.com for all of your online shopping and help Cathedral earn 10% for every purchase you make! All you need to do is sign in with this unique link and then place your online order as you normally would. Please know the school is never provided with individual names of the Amazon orders. Thank you for supporting Cathedral when you shop through Amazon! This is our unique Amazon.com Home Page: http://www.amazon.com?_encoding=UTF8& tag=schoofthecath-20 This may be accessed as a link from our website on the main page or under “Parents” Shop at Amazon.com! AMAZON ID: schoofthecath-20 •4• The School of the Cathedral • January 28, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
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