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Integrated Health, Safety and
Wellbeing Summit 2015
Innovative Strategies, Tools and Techniques to Enhance
Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing
E. Scott Geller Ph.D. Senior Partner
Safety Performance Solutions, USA
Alumni Distinguished Professor
Psychology Department,
Virginia Tech, USA
Dr Stan Rodski
Psychologist and Chief
Mind Peak Performance
Stuart Gibson Co-Chief Executive Officer and Group General
Delta Group
Neville Williams National Quality, Safety, Environment and
Integrated Management Systems
Delta Group
Christian Frost Head of Workplace Health and Safety
News Corp Australia
Kurt Warren General Manager Work, Health, Safety, Environment
Quality Australia and New Zealand
Veolia Water Technologies
Jon Baker Head of Health and Safety
Coca-Cola Amatil
Pre-Summit Workshop
24 March 2015
25 & 26 March 2015
Post-Summit Workshop
27 March 2015
Quay West Suites Sydney Hotel
Keith Hoskins Group General Manager, Health Safety and
Shailendra Tripathi National Work Health and Safety Manager
QBE Insurance
Strategies to drive cultural change to
achieve your health and safety goals
Grace Singh Executive Manager, Work Health and Safety Governance
Performance Rewards Human Resources
Suncorp Group
Patricia Pereira Workplace Health and Safety Manager - Australia
and New Zealand
Chris Cashman Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
Rob Lowe Zero Harm Manager
Mineral Technologies
Gerard Ferrara Director
Johari Management Consulting
Steve Williams Principal Risk Management/Occupational
Health and Safety Consultant
Steve Williams & Associates
Scott Paine Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Scott Paine Consulting Pty Ltd
Promoting employee resilience and
wellbeing for improved performance
and sustainable workplaces
Techniques to engage with internal and
external stakeholders to communicate
health and safety messages
Exploring future directions for health,
safety and wellbeing leadership
Book & Pay by 17 December 2014 to
receive an additional Value Plus Discount!
Phone: +61 2 8239 9700
Fax: +61 2 8239 9777
Booking Code - I
Practical strategies, tools and advice from industry leaders
Pre-Summit Workshop
24 March 2015
9.00 - 4.30
Designing and Implementing an Effective Integrated Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing Programme
Only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work, according to Gallup’s new 142-country study on the State of the Global Workplace. Low
levels of engagement can result in an increase in health risk, pushing up the cost of presenteeism and absenteeism and reducing productivity.
In an attempt to counteract these escalating costs, Health and Wellness programs have increased in popularity in recent years. However, rates of
absenteeism, presenteeism and injury (mental and physical) continue to rise at alarming rates despite existing health and wellness initiatives.
Research indicates that organisations that implement targeted best practice health and wellbeing strategies can reduce their employees’ health risks
by up to 56%. Therefore, by taking a proactive approach to health, safety and wellness, organisations are able to increase productivity while reducing
the occurrence, severity and cost of injury.
This interactive workshop will present principles and methodologies to help organisations deliver effective health and wellness management strategies
which will improve employee performance and build sustainable workforces. Explore:
• The impact that health and wellness has on workplace performance and culture
• Identifying existing risks that should be addressed
• Understanding issues surrounding fatigue risk management, psychosocial risk management, mental health promotion and bullying and harassment,
• Addressing health, safety and wellbeing with a holistic and integrated approach
• What return on investment can wellbeing programs deliver to your organisation?
• Demonstrating the value of implementing new initiatives to senior executives and boards
• Designing an effective programme to embed an organisational health perspective throughout the business
Expert Facilitator:
Julia Evecek BA(Psych), BSc(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MAPS, CCLIN
CEO / Founding Partner
Health Cubed
After graduating Summa Cum Laude (with highest honours) from the University of Colorado, Julia obtained her Honours and then Master’s Degree in
psychology.Her career spanning over 20 years has seen her work in a number of global industries including a variety of health settings (hospitals and
private practice), the U.S. Airforce, international airlines, foreign government ministries, financial and insurance services. Julia successfully combines
her two areas of expertise: psychology and management consultancy to develop and deliver best practice health and wellness initiatives to promote
sustainable healthy workforces.
8.30 - 9.00
11.00 - 12.30
Session Two
3.00 - 3.20
Afternoon Tea
9.00 - 10.40
Session One
12.30 - 1.30
3.20 - 4.30
Session Four
10.40 - 11.00
Morning Tea
1.30 - 3.00
Session Three
Close of Workshop
Women in Safety Leadership Summit 2015
29 January 2015
Fraser Suites Sydney
The Women in Safety Leadership Summit 2015 will explore the nature of safety and address the
inherent challenges and obstacles that have stopped women from accessing and acquiring senior
safety leadership roles in the past. With an outstanding speaker faculty, the summit will provide
current and emerging female safety leaders with the skills, strategies, solutions and inspiration to
achieve their potential and become high-performing and influential long-term safety leaders.
• Strategies to lead safety reform, manage change and overcome adversity
• Optimising your stakeholder management, relationship building, influence and networking skills
• Mastering critical leadership skills to enhance performance and ensure peak productivity
• Strategies to cultivate and lead high-performance teams for enhanced organisational safety success
Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
available. For your chance to brand yourself as a
market leader, please call: +61 2 8239 9700 or email:
[email protected]
Day One
25 March 2015
and/or welfare of others
E. Scott Geller Ph.D. Name Senior Partner
Safety Performance Solutions, USA
Alumni Distinguished Professor
Psychology Department, Virginia Tech, USA
8.30 - 8.55
Registration and Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00
Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from
the Chair
11.00 - 11.15 Morning Tea
9.00 - 9.45
Everything you know about safety is wrong, what
legacy do we want to leave? A case study in
culture change
Many activities that companies engage in with the aim
of reducing safety metrics may actually enhance the
probability of an incident occurring. Much of the dominant
thought in the safety industry today mirrors the approach
to financial risk in companies like Lehman Brothers prior to
the 2008 financial crisis. A descriptive vision enables people
to see the future and share how they “fit in” to the new way
of doing things, the more vivid the picture, the easier it is
for others to see the pathway and, most importantly, their
role in achieving success. Stuart and Neville will outline the
approaches they rejected as well as the key elements of
Delta’s ‘Right 1st Time’ cultural change programme as well
as their ‘Delta Way’ triple certified integrated management
system. They will describe how Delta, an Australian
company, providing inherently dangerous services, moved
from industry average to world’s best safety metrics in less
than 2 years. Explore:
• Challenging the traditional assumptions about health and safety leadership
• Key elements of Delta’s cultural change programme that contributed to their success
• Lessons learnt and advice to other organisations who want to improve their safety performance through cultural change
Presented by: John Haines, Managing Director
11.30 - 12.00 CASE STUDY
Beyond compliance - Is a culture of safety
compliance holding us back?
Ensuring compliance with various rules and regulations is
undeniably an important part of the remit of workplace health
and safety leaders. Understanding where compliance starts
and finishes in order to achieve health and safety goals can be
problematic. In fact, focusing too heavily on compliance may be
holding us back. Kurt Warren will reflect on his experiences at
Veolia Water Technologies to explore the subject of compliance
and its evolution in business. His case study will provide
the opportunity to reflect on the number of safety slogans,
catchphrases and KPI’s you have come across, the number of
framed documents hanging on your companies’ walls and to
really think about what safety feels like. Explore:
• How does safety compliance evolve in commercial business?
• What is your organisations appetite for compliance?
• Compliance’s effect on management systems
• Breaking the cycle of just compliance
Stuart Gibson Co-Chief Executive Officer and Group
General Manager
Neville Williams National QSE and IMS Manager
Delta Group
9.45 - 10.00 Questions and Discussion
Seven life lessons from humanistic behaviourism:
How to bring the best out of yourself and others
An injury-free workplace requires widespread and
effective engagement of people giving best efforts for the
safety of themselves and others. Scott will discuss his
extensive research to illustrate seven leadership lessons
everyone can use to cultivate an actively-caring culture
of people continually looking out for human-welfare and
well-being. If practiced extensively, these life lessons
would most assuredly improve overall quality of life by
reducing interpersonal conflict and bullying, preventing
the occurrence of unintentional injuries and fatalities, and
enhancing work productivity, environmental sustainability
and life satisfaction. Scott will explore:
• The first three guidelines – Applying behavioural science principles of positive reinforcement, observational learning, and behaviour-based feedback
• The subsequent four life lessons derived from humanism
• Techniques for operationalizing these humanistic
• How leaders can apply these humanistic fundamentals to make behaviourism more acceptable, effective, and sustainable on a large scale
• The Actively Caring for People movement – Going above and beyond the call of duty to benefit the health, safety, VALUE PLUS DISCOUNT
Receive $400 off registration if you
register and pay by 17 December 2014
Kurt Warren General Manager Work Health, Safety,
Environment Quality Australia and New Zealand
Veolia Water Technologies
12.00 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion
Psychometric testing as a tool for health, safety and
wellbeing leaders
Experienced health, safety and wellbeing managers would
be well aware that some employees are far more likely to act
safely than others, despite all their environmental factors being
the same. Gerard will draw on his extensive experience of
designing, using and evaluating assessment tools to discuss
identifying and understanding the types of employees who are
more likely embrace the health and safety programmes of their
organisations. Explore:
• Using objective assessment measures such as cognitive and psychometric tests for the appropriate selection and
placement of people
• Comparing return to work, injury rates and other measures of employee safety
• Details of the key personality, temperament and motivational characteristics that safe employees share
Gerard Ferrara Director
Johari Management Consulting
12.45 - 1.30 Networking Lunch
1.30 - 2.05
Engaging the organisation - The key to developing
and maintaining an effective safety culture
Day One
25 March 2015
People often shy away from actively participating in safety
activities as they don’t believe they are suitably qualified,
sometimes confused because they find safety too technical
and often viewing safety as being the responsibility of only
those with safety in their title. While there is absolutely a
need for technically qualified safety people within business,
our challenge, if we are to deliver outstanding safety
performance, is to engage everyone to play a part in making
the workplace safe. Over the last 3 years Coca-Cola Amatil
has been on a journey to drive safety performance through
engagement, participation and ownership of safety from the
most senior leader through to front-line employees. During
this time safety performance has improved 60% and there
is a wave of momentum across the business where people
show genuine care for each other and have the confidence
and capability to act as a safety leader wherever they sit in
the organisation. This case study will share:
• Cultivating ownership of safety at every level of the
• Learnings from CCA’s journey so far
• The next steps towards becoming world class at safety
workforce. Focusing on employee wellbeing in this way can be
challenging as it requires a shift away from the customer centric
approach, where customers are more valuable than employees.
However, by placing staff satisfaction at the forefront, customer
satisfaction will naturally result. Shailendra will present on how
to build a psychologically resilient workforce. Today he will
explore the implementation of this education programme to
• Equipping leaders with the awareness to recognise employee stress and distress
• Effective strategies to deal with employee welfare issues when they arise
• Embedding psychological resilience throughout the
Shailendra Tripathi National Work Health and Safety
QBE Insurance
4.15 - 4.30
Questions and Discussion
4.30 - 5.00
Jon Baker Head of Health and Safety
Coca-Cola Amatil
2.05 - 2.20
Questions and Discussion
2.20 - 3.05
Keith Hoskins will start off this interactive discussion by sharing
some of Mirvac’s current successes and challenges in the
health, safety and wellbeing sphere. Delegates will then have
the opportunity to discuss and share practical suggestions for
the future. Discuss:
• What new Health and Safety challenges are we confronting? Why we need to be more innovative?
• Main barriers to achieving healthy people in safe and productive workplaces
• Sharing strategies for the practical application of safety
Neuroscience and human energy systems for
improved employee performance
Psychosocial risk factors in the workplace such as poor
work-life balance, unreasonable work demands and
negative work environment can lead to stress, violence and
harassment. These hazards in the workplace are inevitable
yet many organisations do not have sufficient preventative
and support mechanisms to manage and reduce such
Occupational Health and Safety hazards. Dr Rodski will
share his expert opinion on:
• Understanding psychosocial health issues and identifying areas of concern in your workplace
• Developing and implementing an energy management system as part of a stress prevention program
• Evaluating outcomes of programs against costs of workplace stress - A 2013-14 research study presented
Dr Stan Rodski Psychologist and Chief
Mind Peak Performance
3.05 - 3.20
3.20 - 3.35
Afternoon Tea
3.35 - 4.15
Emerging strategies for health, safety and wellbeing
Keith Hoskins Group General Manager, Health Safety
and Environment
Concluding Remarks from the Chair
5.00 - 6.00
Presented by: James Mah, NSW State Manager
Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to
network over complimentary canapés and drinks
The role of leaders in building a psychologically
resilient workplace culture
Psychological resilience is defined as the individual’s ability
to adapt to stress and adversity. Stress and adversity can
come from a variety of directions – including workload,
customers and family / personal life. An individual’s ability to
operate effectively in all areas of their live will be predicated
on their ability to handle stress and adversity in the most
productive way. Individual resilience and psychological
wellbeing must be taken into account and developed
by managers seeking to foster a healthy and productive
Receive $300 off registration if you
register and pay by 20 January 2015
Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag
#LZH0315 and @LiquidLearning for daily industry
Day Two
26 March 2015
10.45 - 11.00 Questions and Discussion
11.00 - 11.15 Morning Tea
8.30 - 8.55
Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00
Opening Remarks from the Chair
9.00 - 9.30
Addressing wellbeing and psychosocial harm in
the workplace
This interactive session will allow delegates to reflect on some
of the issues facing health, safety and wellbeing leaders when
it comes to dealing with psychological factors in the workplace.
Consider and discuss:
• How do you increase resilience during times of organisational change?
• How does your management team predict and measure which psychological factors are at play when staff engagement and morale are low?
• Should psychological health be a priority when operational safety is still a significant concern?
Developing trust with relationship-based safety for
an engaging and effective safety framework
Trust and credibility play a central role in creating a successful
safety culture within an organisation. Dalrymple Bay Coal
Terminal’s Health, Safety Environment and Quality (HSEQ)
Manager, Chris Cashman has conducted a Relationship Based
Safety (RBS) study within a subset of the Coal Terminal. The
study has examined the effect of proactive RBS application,
compared to the Behavioural Based Safety previously practiced.
Chris has also been involved with transforming the organisational
response to health and safety through a hands on training
programme with safety managers. Today Chris will discuss
the findings of his examinations, as well as advice on practical
strategies for transitioning to new safety strategies such as RBS.
• Transitioning to better safety practices and overall organisational change
• Educating the workforce to understand the value of positive safety behaviour
• Ensuring safety managers are all on the same page with your safety messages and policies
• Examining safety specific attitudes about trust and self-
reporting safety behaviours
• Sustaining enthusiasm and uptake from the workforce
Julia Evecek BA(Psych), BSc(Hons),
MPsych(Clinical), MAPS, CCLIN
Chief Executive Officer and Founding Partner
Health Cubed
11.45 - 12.15 CASE STUDY
Revolutionising and integrating health, safety and
wellbeing at Suncorp
Increasingly, organisations are recognising that traditional
models of safety leadership may not be the most effective
method to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of their
employees. Suncorp is at the forefront of this movement
towards an integrated approach and is seeking to innovate the
way safety is viewed in the business. Grace is responsible for
leading the design and development of the Suncorp Group’s
Safety & Wellbeing strategy and work health safety governance
requirements. In the last three years Grace has been involved
in the redesign of the safety portfolio and supporting safety
management system, and launching a safety and wellbeing
online information portal for the Group. Today she will discuss:
• Viewing health, safety and wellbeing through a commercial lense – As a service to be delivered to the end user
• Ensuring leaders in the business are supported with centrally delivered self-services, timely advice, and specialist support when needed
• Driving a cultural movement towards integrating health, safety and wellbeing
• Suncorp’s progress so far and learnings for other organisations
Chris Cashman Health, Safety, Environment and
Quality Manager
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
9.30 - 9.45
Questions and Discussion
The importance of trust and credibility in creating
a positive safety culture
Communication, trust, relationship building and leadership are
essential elements that combine to form an organisation’s health
and safety culture. Successful health and safety professionals
embrace these skills in order to ensure compliance and drive
cultural change. Reflect on your own experiences to discuss:
• Building trust and credibility within the organisation
• Developing a ‘working with’ mentality rather than a ‘them and us’ attitude
Steve Williams Principal Risk Management/
Occupational Health and Safety Consultant
Steve Williams & Associates
10.15 - 10.45 CASE STUDY
Dynamic risk assessment: Getting the story
Grace Singh Executive Manager, Work Health and
Safety Governance Performance Rewards Human
Suncorp Group
12.15 - 12.30 Questions and Discussion
Journalism is integral to a free and democratic society. Journalists
are often inquisitive and curious and they love getting the scoop.
Journalists often face risks including threats, natural disasters
and working in war and conflict zones. Caring for the health
and safety of journalists while advocating for a better society
is the challenge faced by Christian Frost, Head of Workplace
Health and Safety at Newscorp Australia. As the nation’s largest
media company operating across newspaper print, digital and
multimedia including The Daily Telegraph, The Herald Sun, The
Australian,, FoxSports and Vogue, the organisation
employs numerous individuals who put themselves in risky
situations in order to get the story. Christian will explore:
• How does an organisation care for its journalists in a dynamic environment whilst helping advocate for a better society?
• Do the traditional approaches to safety work?
1.00 - 2.00
• What is the role of the Leader and safety professional?
• What challenges are faced and what lessons can we all 2.00 - 2.30
learn from this approach?
Christian Frost Head of Workplace Health and Safety
News Corp Australia
Examining and benchmarking your attitudes
towards health and safety as a leader in the field
A key requirement of an effective health and safety leader is the
ability to move beyond compliance to understanding how to
win your followers “share of heart” as well as “share of mind”.
This highly interactive session facilitated by Scott Paine will be
an opportunity for health, safety and wellbeing professionals
to reflect on their own beliefs and attitudes which may impact
upon their leadership. Explore:
• Discuss your attitudes towards workplace health and safety
• Use real time polling to gain insights into opinions of the group
• Unlock the power of using data to influence
Scott Paine Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Scott Paine Consulting Pty Ltd
Networking Lunch
Engaging with the workforce to cultivate a positive
safety culture
Health and Safety leaders are often challenged to convey the
Receive $150 off registration if you
register and pay by 20 February 2015
Day Two
importance of WHS regulations to employees who may not see those
policies as being directly relevant to them. Since starting at Unisys 2
years ago, Patricia has been responsible for developing, implementing
and maintaining a health and safety management program across
Australia and New Zealand. Despite most employees working in
relatively low-risk environments, the company was experiencing a
higher lost time injury rate than some higher risk environments. The
challenge for leaders was to engage with employees to communicate
the importance of safety and the potential harms of not complying with
safety regulations. Following the implementation of a suite of initiatives
including consultation with staff at all levels, face-to-face training and
communication campaigns, injuries have been reduced by 50%.
Today Patricia will discuss:
• Understanding and communicating the importance of health and safety in lower-risk environments
• The effects of credibility, communication and authentic leadership on safety outcomes
• Getting the board on board- demonstrating the value and importance of delivering safety outcomes
• Engaging with senior executives, mid-managers and supervisors to proactively lead safety
Patricia Pereira Workplace Health and Safety Manager –
Australia and New Zealand
2.30 - 2.45
Embracing an integrated
26 March 2015
course of the two day Summit, providing scope to
continue conversations raised, brainstorm solutions to
common challenges faced and reflect on the strategies
and advice that resonated with them. Explore:
• How can organisations move towards forward-thinking
health, safety and wellbeing programmes?
• Overcoming barriers to innovation and resistance to health and safety evolution
• The take away lessons you can put into practice when you are back in the office
Gerard Ferrara Director
Johari Management Consulting
Concluding Remarks from the Chair
and Summit Close
Women in Project Management
Leadership Summit 2015
18, 19 & 20 May 2015
Rydges World Square, Sydney
Questions and Discussion
2.45 - 3.15
Influencing up and down as a safety leader
Health and Safety leaders must have the ability to influence both up and
down. They need to influence senior organisational levels to achieve
objectives such as safety budget, gaining buy in and commitment for
new and existing initiatives. Leaders must also be able to influence the
organisation below them in order to manage issues such as compliance
and reporting. In this interactive session, delegates will have the
opportunity to share their experiences in this area. Discuss:
• Influencing senior management to support and fund initiatives
• Motivating executives, managers and supervisors to proactively lead health and safety
Gary Rowe Chief Executive Officer
Safety Action
Andrea Rowe Senior Consultant
Safety Action
Health, Safety and Wellbeing professionals working
across all industries in roles including:
3.15 - 3.30
Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 4.15
Workplace Health and Safety Managers
Safety Manager
The safety leader’s ability to inspire “followership” is an essential skill
that is the foundation of effective safety leadership. At the core of
inspiring “followership” are two vital skills, coaching and influencing.
Safety leaders need to be able to influence those above them in the
company as well as those below them, they also need to be able
to engage their followers though coaching. As Zero Harm Manager
at Mineral Technologies, Rob Lowe has been leading a cultural shift
towards providing a safe workplace for employees through building
good decision makers throughout the organisation. Today, Rob will
discuss their progress over the last 3 years to explore:
• Influencing and coaching your followers to ensure that everyone in the organisation is engaged and striving towards achieving safety objectives and outcomes
• How to build relationships with, and engage, your followers
• How to challenge unwanted behaviour and initiate behaviour change
• Practical applications of coaching and influence for health and safety leaders
Site Superintendents
Workers Compensation
Health and Wellbeing Managers
Health Programs
Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag
and Safety Managers
and @LiquidLearning
for daily industry
updates! Hygiene
Employee Wellness
Human Resources
Operations / Site Managers
Principal Advisers / Consultants in Safety
General Managers
Organisation Development
Rob Lowe Zero Harm Manager
Mineral Technologies
Risk and Compliance Managers
Injury Management Specialists
WorkCover Managers
Occupational Therapists
Rehabilitation / Return to Work
Industrial Psychologists
Professional transformation, we are safety coaches
4.15 - 4.45
Future directions for health, safety and wellbeing
This interactive discussion will provide delegates with an
opportunity to revise the themes and topics covered over the
To request an electronic version
for easy circulation, email
[email protected]
approach to health, safety and wellbeing for improved productivity
Post-Summit Workshop
27 March 2015
9.00 - 4.30
The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Leader’s Toolkit: Developing the Key Skills for Effective Leadership
Health, safety and wellbeing leaders have significant obligations under workplace health and safety legislation. However their role goes far beyond
an enforcement role – they are expected to provide the necessary leadership to continually encourage compliance and achieve the various business
Effective safety leaders recognise that they need to continue their professional development in order to lead at their full potential, master the tools
and techniques for optimal leadership and to hone their skills in a “safe” learning environment.
In this interactive workshop, expert facilitators will use practical exercises to equip existing and aspiring leaders with the proven tools and
techniques to take their safety leadership to the next level. Discuss:
• Develop a deeper understanding of your role as a workplace safety and compliance leader
• Identify and address your strengths and weaknesses as a health and safety leader
• Understand and build the skills to be an effective health and safety leader
• Tools and techniques to continuously reinforce the desired workplace safety culture
• Building relationships with and engaging your followers
• Have the confidence and skills to implement the proven safety leadership techniques in day to day activities
• Influencing and negotiation skills for effective leadership
• Know when and how to have “courageous” conversations
Expert Facilitator: Gary Rowe and Andrea Rowe
Gary Rowe Chief Executive Officer
Safety Action
Gary is the founder & CEO of Safety Action Pty Ltd. and has over 25 years experience in managing safety and risk management programs. Gary’s
key specialties include, safety culture & leadership, safety systems, risk assessments and independent audits.
Andrea Rowe Senior Consultant
Safety Action
Since joining Safety Action over a decade ago, Andrea has qualifications in safety management and experience working with a wide variety of
business and industries.
Drawing on her background in science, Andrea’s key specialties include hazardous chemicals management, fatigue management and machinery
safety. Andrea most enjoys sharing her skills by training others in safety
8.30 - 9.00
11.00 - 12.30
Session Two
3.00 - 3.20
Afternoon Tea
9.00 - 10.40
Session One
12.30 - 1.30
3.20 - 4.30
Session Four
10.40 - 11.00
Morning Tea
1.30 - 3.00
Session Three
Close of Workshop
The health and safety landscape in Australia is changing. There is an increasing awareness that an integrated and proactive approach is needed to
address the full range of health, safety and wellbeing needs of employees in order to foster healthy and productive workplaces.
The Integrated Health, Safety and Wellbeing Summit 2015 is the first event to look at the issues through this lens, and presents in-depth case
studies from organisations at the forefront of health, safety and wellbeing leadership. It will showcase companies who have implemented initiatives
aimed at goals including: reducing hazards, driving behavioural and attitudinal change, improving employee wellbeing, developing a positive safety
culture and preventing and managing psychosocial harm. Leading experts will also provide analysis and commentary on current and emerging
trends in health, safety and wellbeing leadership in the sector.
Workplace health and safety professionals working across a wide range of industries will benefit from this much needed opportunity to reflect on their
evolving role and develop the skills necessary to lead their organisations into the future.
+61 2 8239 9700
+61 2 8239 9777
Booking Form
Quay West Suites Sydney Hotel
98 Gloucester St
The Rocks NSW 2000
PH: +61 2 9240 6000
Integrated Health, Safety and
Wellbeing Summit 2015
24, 25, 26 & 27 March 2015
Receive $150 off registration if you
register and pay by 20 February 2015
Receive $300 off registration if you
Receive $400 off registration if you
register and pay by 17 December 2014 register and pay by 20 January 2015
Organisation Name
Registration Information
Full Name or TBA
Full Name or TBA
c Summit
c Workshop
Full Name or TBA
c Summit
c Workshop
c Summit
c Workshop
* Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend
Please confirm my registration for the Integrated Health, Safety and Wellbeing Summit 2015
Your Investment
No. #
Standard Rate
Early Bird Rate*
Super Saver Rate**
Value Plus Rate***
Summit + 2 Full-Day Workshop (4 days)
Options (per person)
$4595 + GST = ($5054.50)
$4445 + GST = ($4889.50)
$4295 + GST = ($4724.50)
$4195 + GST = ($4614.50)
Summit + 1 Full-Day Workshop (3 days)
$3795 + GST = ($4174.50)
$3645 + GST = ($4009.50)
$3495 + GST = ($3844.50)
$3395 + GST = ($3734.50)
Summit or 2 Full-Day Workshop (2 days)
$2895 + GST = ($3184.50)
$2745 + GST = ($3019.50)
$2595 + GST = ($2854.50)
$2495 + GST = ($2744.50)
1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day)
$1295 + GST = ($1424.50)
$1245 + GST = ($1369.50)
$1195 + GST = ($1314.50)
$1095 + GST = ($1204.50)
Standard Rate
Early Bird Rate*
Super Saver Rate**
Value Plus Rate***
Summit + 2 Full-Day Workshop (4 days)
$4095 + GST = ($4504.50)
$3945 + GST = ($4339.50)
$3795 + GST = ($4174.50)
$3695 + GST = ($4064.50)
Summit + 1 Full-Day Workshop (3 days)
$3295 + GST = ($3624.50)
$3145 + GST = ($3459.50)
$2995 + GST = ($3294.50)
$2895 + GST = ($3184.50)
Summit or 2 Full-Day Workshop (2 days)
$2395 + GST = ($2634.50)
$2245 + GST = ($2469.50)
$2095 + GST = ($2304.50)
$1995 + GST = ($2194.50)
1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day)
$995 + GST = ($1094.50)
Options (per person)
* Small Business defined as turnover less
than $2million per year. Proof may be
Fax this form to:
Group Discounts
3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard
5 – 7 people: 15% off Standard
8 + people: 20% off Standard
Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only.
Group discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird Discounts are
not applicable to the individual Workshop. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid
Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts.
Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per
person only.
LZH0315 - I
All Prices listed in Australian Dollars
+61 2 8239 9777 Please call us if you require any assistance on: +61 2 8239 9700
Payment Details
Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event.
Credit Card Details - Please charge my credit card for this registration:
c Credit Card
Card Type
c Cheque (payable to Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd)
c Electronic Funds Transfer
c Visa
c MasterCard
c Diners Club
c American Express
Note: 2% surcharge applies to Diners Club and American Express payments
Card Number
c Please invoice me:
Send To
Purchase Order No. #
*** Receive $400 off registration
if you register and pay by 17
December 2014
** Receive $300 off registration
if you register and pay by 20
January 2015
* Receive $150 off registration
if you register and pay by 20
February 2015
Local Government* or Small Business*
No. #
* Liquid Learning reserve the sole right to
determine eligibility for these discounted
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Please transfer funds directly to:
Westpac Account Name: Liquid
Learning Group Pty Ltd
BSB: 032 002
Account No: 407 273
Full Name as on card
Cardholder’s Contact Number
Please quote ref LZH0315
and registrant name
Authorising Manager’s Details: This registration is invalid without a signature.
+61 2 8239 9777
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd
GPO Box 1542
Sydney NSW 2001
Registration Policy
If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please
advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run
by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify
us in writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid
Learning Group Pty Ltd in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14
days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus
GST. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person
per registration. It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split
tickets, i.e. a different person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details.
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised
details are correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to
change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances
arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will not be
responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is
cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an
event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use
towards any future Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd event held in the twelve months following date of issuance.
[email protected]
+61 2 8239 9700
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course
facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd and should
not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and
recommends that its clients seek further professional advice.
Privacy Statement
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in
the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will add your
information to a secure database. This will be used primarily to contact you for ongoing research, product development
and notice of future events and services offered by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. Occasionally you may receive
information from organisations associated with Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. If you do not wish to receive such
information please tick this box: c
To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd,
Level 9, 80 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000, PH: +61 2 8239 9700, FX: +61 2 8239 9777,
email: [email protected] 
© 2015 Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd ACN 108 415 354