+ Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx www.elsevier.com/locate/meegid Discussion Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations Patricia L. Dorn a,*, Carlota Monroy b, Andrew Curtis c a Department of Biological Sciences, Loyola University New Orleans, 6363 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70118, USA b LENAP, University of San Carlos, 12 calle 11-71 zona 2, Ciudad Nueva, Guatemala, Central America c Department of Geography and Anthropology, Howe-Russell Complex, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4105, USA Received 31 July 2006; received in revised form 30 September 2006; accepted 3 October 2006 Abstract Due to its vast diversity the Chagas vector, Triatoma dimidiata, has been merged and split into species and subspecies since its first description in 1811. Across its geographic range from Southern Mexico to Northern Peru populations differ in their biology and ethology in many ways including those that directly affect vector capacity and competence. Recent phenetic and genetic data suggest that T. dimidiata can be divided into at least three clades and in fact may be a polytypic species or species complex. To effectively target this vector, it will be necessary to clearly understand how ‘‘T. dimidiata’’ is genetically partitioned both at the taxonomic and population level. # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Chagas disease; Triatoma dimidiata; Ecology; Ethology; Genetics; Phenetics; Phylogeny; ITS2 1. Introduction 1.1. The importance of correct identification for control efforts The Chagas vector, Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811), is a highly variable species with a wide geographic range: from Mexico through Central America into Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru. The origin of the species appears to be Southern Mexico/Northern Guatemala (Schofield, 2002). It is currently the main Chagas vector in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and the second most important vector in Honduras and Colombia. Control of the species must take into account its enormous variation and the diversity of its habitat which includes numerous types of sylvatic, peridomestic and domestic ecotopes (Petana, 1971; Zeledo´n et al., 1973; Monroy et al., 2003b). Differences among populations of T. dimidiata have a direct effect on control, e.g. in some areas of Nicaragua reinfestation is not observed after insecticide spraying (Acevedo et al., 2000) however, in other areas, such * Corresponding author. Tel.: +504 865 3672; fax: +504 865 2920. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P.L. Dorn), [email protected] (C. Monroy), [email protected] (A. Curtis). as Jutiapa in Guatemala, reinfestation confounds control efforts (Nakagawa et al., 2003b). From the beginning of the Central America Initiative for the interruption of the vectorial transmission of Chagas Disease, IPCA (OPS, 1997), it was clear that T. dimidiata is not susceptible to elimination. Therefore, assuming the continued presence of the vector, the goal is to reduce the domiciliary infestation of T. dimidiata (OPS, 1999) and avoid human infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease (OPS, 2002). T. dimidiata belongs to a group of Reduviid insects that are found in sylvatic and artificial environments (woodpiles, chicken coops, etc.) and also found colonizing houses as evidenced by the presence of eggs and nymphs as well as adults (Schofield, 2002). The control strategies must take into consideration the degree of adaptation of the species to human dwellings (OPS, 2002). T. dimidiata populations from Peru and Ecuador seem to be exclusively domestic and peridomestic (Arzube, 1966; Schofield, 2002), possibly introduced by sea trade during Pre-Columbian times (Schofield, 2002). The lack of evidence of sylvatic populations in Northern Peru and Ecuador (Abad-Franch et al., 2001) contrasts with numerous sylvatic populations in Southern Mexico, Belize, Northern Guatemala, Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Petana, 1971; Zeledo´n et al., 2001b; Dumonteil et al., 2002; Monroy et al., 2003b). Highly domesticated populations are susceptible to elimination 1567-1348/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 2 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx whereas it is unlikely sylvan populations can be eliminated (Monroy et al., 1998b). It is also clear that not all sylvatic populations are genetically related to the domestic ones (Caldero´n et al., 2004), implying reproductive isolation, although in some areas domestic and sylvan populations are panmictic (Ramirez et al., 2005). In some areas reinfestation is rapid (less than 6 months) following insecticide application, e.g. Yucatan, Mexico (Dumonteil et al., 2004), Jutiapa, Guatemala (Nakagawa et al., 2003b), and Nicaragua (Schofield, 2005). Whereas in other areas reinfestation is not a problem, e.g. in Zacapa, Guatemala (Nakagawa et al., 2003a). For control purposes, those populations that remain sylvatic are not relevant as disease vectors; however, the epidemiological importance of those that re-infest from peridomestic and/or sylvan habitats will require development of new strategies for their control (Ramirez et al., 2005). Vector Control Programs are aimed at reducing the prevalence of the vector and must vary with the species of vector implicated and transmission cycle. Control strategies for T. dimidiata need to be designed in light of the biological and genetic differences of what appears to be a polytypic species (i.e., consists of distinct subspecies varying with geographical distance yet able to interbreed) (Bustamante et al., 2004), or even a complex of cryptic species (reproductively isolated species that are morphologically indistinguishable) (Jurberg et al., 2005; Panzera et al., 2006). We need to understand what all is included under the umbrella of ‘‘T. dimidiata’’ and which variants play major or minor roles in the transmission of Chagas to humans. For control purposes we need to understand how the variability of the species effects observed different outcomes of control. The morphological variation of T. dimidiata across its distribution has been well known since the first description of the species; variation that historically has led to considerable splitting, merging and name changes (Table 1). More recently, Pifano and Ortiz revised the group dimidiata excluding Triatoma capitata of Venezuela from the species. They also provide a description of a ‘‘mexicana-dimidiata group’’, associating T. mexicana with T. capitata and T. hegneri with T. maculipennis and T. dimidiata (Pifano and Ortiz, 1973). Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979) analyzing 160 specimens from Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru conclude that, ‘‘T. dimidiata has not segregated into clearly separable allopatric populations: the observable differences are roughly clinal in nature, but many specimens are difficult to place’’. Only recently taxonomists have suggested that, due to the enormous variation of coloration, external features and size, T. dimidiata is more aptly considered a species complex (Jurberg et al., 2005). Here we summarize the considerable body of work that documents the vast differences among T. dimidiata populations across its geographic range and what is known about the relationship among different populations. Table 1 Historical Classification of Triatoma dimidiata by morphological characters Year Names Comments References 1811 Reduvius dimidiatus von Humboldt and Bonpland (1811) 1859 Conorhinus 1868 1882 1899 1914 C. dimidiatus C. maculipennis C. dimidiatus maculipennis Triatoma dimidiatus maculipennis 1921 1925 T. dimidiata maculipennis T. dimidiata 1933 T. dimidiata maculipenies 1931–1941 T. dimidiata and T. maculipennis First description of the species, thought from Peru, later source was determined to be Ecuador Two very similar species described: C. dimidiatus from Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama and C. maculipennis from Mexico C. dimidiatus and C. maculipennis synonymized Used for specimens from Mexico maculipenis considered as subspecies of dimidiatus Included is the genus Triatoma as subspecies. Rejected separation of species, and recommend the use of the oldest name Accepted the designation of subspecies T. dimidiata and T. dimidiata maculipennis synonymized maculipennis should remain a subspecies of T. dimidiata as many intermediate specimens found Considered separate species 1941 T. dimidiata, T. maculipenis, T. capitata 1944 T. dimidiata, T. d. maculipenis, T. d. capitata 1967 T. dimidiata maculipenis 1960–1978 T. dimidiata ‘‘complex’’ 1979 T. dimidiata, T. d. maculipenis, T. d. capitata T. capitata described in Colombia. Created the group ‘‘dimidiata’’ with T. hegneri, T. capitata, T. dimidiata and T. maculipennis as distinct species Usinger changes 1941 designation and now considers maculipennis and capita subspecies of T. dimidiata Populations from Yucatan T. dimidiata and T. dimidiata maculipennis are interbreeding T. dimidiata ‘‘complex’’ included two subspecies, maculipennis and capitata The differences are clinal, all belong to same species Stahl (1859) Stahl (1868) Stahl (1859), Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979) Champion (1899) Neiva (1914) Del Ponte (1921) Pinto (1925) Bequart (1933) Pinto (1931), Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979), Neiva and Lent (1936, 1941) Usinger (1941) Lent and Jurberg (1985) Gonzalez-Angulo and Ryckman (1967) Lent and Jurberg (1985) Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979) Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 2. Biology and ethology of T. dimidiata 2.1. Life zones and ecosystems T. dimidiata populations are found in diverse life zones and ecosystems. In Costa Rica sylvan T. dimidiata occupies at least eight life zones (Holdridge, 1967) including the very hot and humid premontane forest with the greatest abundance of bugs followed by the humid tropical forest (Zeledo´n et al., 2001b). However, in Guatemala, the vector is most abundant in the dry, tropical forest near the border with El Salvador (Tabaru et al., 1999; Monroy et al., 2003a). The species is more plentiful around the altitude of 1000 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) but it can be found from 0–1750 m.a.s.l. in Guatemala (Tabaru et al., 1999) and 1000–2000 m.a.s.l. in Costa Rica (Zeledo´n et al., 2001b). Triatominae distribution appears to be strongly influenced by climate (temperature, precipitation, humidity). In Yucatan, Mexico, T. dimidiata is more abundant in warmer and dryer climates while in Oaxaca, Mexico it seems to be restricted to regions with milder temperatures (Dumonteil and Gourbiere, 2004). Prediction models using climatological factors seem to accurately predict distribution of the species in Yucatan (Dumonteil and Gourbiere, 2004); however, in Guatemala populations are widespread, differ greatly and climatic factors do not accurately predict distribution (Bustamente et al., unpublished data). 2.2. Dispersion by flight and colonization The capacity for movement of T. dimidiata is evidenced by human blood in insects found in the peridomestic environment (Arzube, 1966; Zeledo´n et al., 1973), domestic and wild animal blood found in bugs inside houses (Sasaki et al., 2003) and the colonization of artificial ecotopes (Zeledo´n et al., 2001a; Monroy et al., 2003b). However, while some populations show a high propensity for movement, others appear not to migrate beyond the immediate surroundings. Nocturnal flight by T. dimidiata was first reported in 1931, associated with the introduction of public electricity in Guayaquil, Ecuador (Campos, 1931). Flight was also reported early on in Yucatan, Mexico (Paloma, 1940) and in Costa Rica, a male was reported flying into a Shannon light trap (Rosabal, 1969). Some populations appear to remain sylvan, e.g. in Belize (Petana, 1971) and in Pete´n, Guatemala (Tabaru et al., 1999; Monroy et al., 2003b) domestic infestation is very low; the few bugs caught in houses seem to have been attracted to the lights at night. It is believed that the populations in these areas are well established in their outdoor ecotopes and feed on the variety of readily available animals in the forest. There is evidence that certain populations migrate between sylvan and domestic habitats, e.g. in Costa Rica (Zeledo´n et al., 1973), Northern (Pete´n) Guatemala (Monroy et al., 2003b), Belize (Petana, 1971) and Yucatan, Mexico, (Quintanal and Polanco, 1977). In Colombia, sylvan T. dimidiata seems to be interbreeding with domestic populations so must be considered 3 epidemiologically important (Ramirez et al., 2005). Seasonality of flight migration into houses is evident in some populations and usually occurs between March and September, with highest levels in Costa Rica in April and May (Zeledo´n et al., 2001b), April–June in the Yucatan (Dumonteil et al., 2002) and May and June in Northern Guatemala, before the rainy season (Monroy et al., 2003b). However, for T. dimidiata from caves in El Cayo District, Belize, the peak of abundance is during the rainy season, August and September (Petana, 1971). In other localities it appears that T. dimidiata is mainly a domestic and peridomestic vector, e.g. Zacapa, Jutiapa, Guatemala; Madriz, Nicaragua and Guayaquil, Ecuador (Arzube, 1966; Acevedo et al., 2000; Nakagawa et al., 2003a,b). The urban presence of the species is well documented in several cities such as Merida, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; San Jose and Heredia, Costa Rica (Zeledo´n and Rabinovich, 1981); Guayaquil, Ecuador (Izquieta, 1968). The urban presence is a feature of the dispersion and colonization of the species which requires novel approaches to control. 2.3. Habitat diversity and blood source preference Different populations of T. dimidiata have been found in distinct microhabitats such as under cow dung, in the bark of dead trees (Campos, 1931), in caves occupied by bats, in rock piles, Mayan ruins, hollow trees, and nests of several mammals such as opossums and armadillos (Petana, 1971; Zeledo´n and Rabinovich, 1981; Monroy et al., 2003b). Palm trees are also reported as habitat for the species in Panama, Guatemala, and Costa Rica (Whitlaw and Chaniotis, 1978; Vargas, 1985; Monroy et al., 2003b). Some sylvan specimens from Belize and Guatemala were found in limestone caves and rock piles and associated with bats, snakes, lizards and rodents (Petana, 1971; Monroy et al., 2003b; Bustamante et al., 2004). In domestic infestation there are also different preferences in resting sites. In Mexico, the species is often found more commonly at floor level (Guzman-Bracho, 2001), and in Costa Rica, a change from dirt floor to concrete nearly eliminated the vector inside houses (Zeledo´n and Vargas, 1984). In Guatemala, the vector is more abundant on the walls, rather than the floors, and wall improvements reduced the density in the house (Monroy et al., 1998b). Populations of T. dimidiata also differ as regards their blood meal preference. T. dimidiata from Ecuador has a marked preference for rats (Arzube, 1966). Mammals and birds are popular in Western Panama where mammalian feeding comprised 74% (mostly humans and dogs) and birds 25%. Opossum blood was not found (Christensen et al., 1988). Birds are important as well in Yucatan, Mexico where T. d. maculipennis preferred birds (chickens) as a primary blood source (Quintanal and Polanco, 1977). Bugs also from the Yucatan collected inside houses showed similar feeding preferences for humans and birds (Guzma´n-Marin et al., 1992). Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 4 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx A wide range of blood sources have been reported in T. dimidiata from Costa Rica (Rosabal, 1969; Zeledo´n et al., 1973, 2005; Zeledo´n and Rabinovich, 1981) and Guatemala (Sasaki et al., 2003) including several mammals, birds, toads and snakes, although most studies report human blood as the most prevalent meal for bugs found in domestic and peridomestic sites. In contrast, several specimens collected in sylvan opossum nests harbored only opossum blood (Zeledo´n et al., 1970). Interestingly, under laboratory conditions wild caught T. dimidiata from Belize refused to feed on human volunteers and preferred animal hosts (animals from caves), showing the sylvan habits in the British Honduras populations (Petana, 1971). 2.4. Infestation rates The size of natural populations of Triatomines is closely related to the density of the host on which the bugs feed (Schofield and Matthews, 1985). The number of T. dimidiata inside houses is regulated by the availability of blood sources; houses with fewer inhabitants showed a lower number of bugs (Monroy, unpublished data). In storerooms and wood piles a greater number of bugs were collected likely due to the presence of a significant number of rodents and synanthropic animals (Zeledo´n et al., 1975). The highest number of specimens recorded comes from a storeroom in Costa Rica where 1861 specimens were collected (Zeledo´n, 1981); while in whole house demolition experiments in Guatemala, lower numbers were found, 100–300 per house (Monroy et al., 1998a). Usually a low number of specimens (1–10) is collected from each house using the person/h method, i.e. one person searching for 1 h or two people for 0.5 h (Zeledo´n, 1981). There are large differences in infestation (number of bugs found in a locality) and dispersion (number of localities infested in a region) across T. dimidiata populations. The dispersion index (the percentage of villages infested with the vector in a province or state) is extremely high in Yucatan, Mexico (95%, Guzman-Marin et al., 1991), very high also in eastern Guatemala (Jutiapa 86%, Tabaru et al., 1998) and El Salvador (Santa Ana 80%, Sonsonate 89% and Ahuachapan 67%, OPS, 2004) and about half this level in northern Guatemala (Quiche 33% and Alta Verapaz 40%, Tabaru et al., 1998). The domestic infestation index in Yucatan, Mexico appears to be one of the highest in the region (61%, GuzmanMarin et al., 1991), followed by Sonsonate, El Salvador (40%, OPS, 2004), while the highest in Guatemala is found in Jutiapa (35%, Tabaru et al., 1998). The sex ratio in sylvan populations shows more males than females on the island of Barro Colorado in Panama (Sousa et al., 1983), in Pete´n, Guatemala (Monroy et al., 2003b), and in Costa Rica in sylvan populations collected by light traps (Zeledo´n et al., 2001b). However, in the caves in Lanquin, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, females are more abundant than males (Monroy et al., 2003b; Bustamante et al., 2004). 2.5. Life cycle of T. dimidiata originating in Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Colombia The length of the life cycle depends on temperature, humidity and availability of blood sources. Under laboratory conditions T. dimidiata from different regions seems to have different life spans. In Costa Rica and Guatemala, the life cycle is approximately one generation per year (384–397 days from egg to adult in Costa Rica, Zeledo´n, 1981; Zeledo´n et al., 1970; Monroy et al., 2003b). One hundred day shorter life cycles have been reported in Mexico (Guzma´nMarin et al., 1992), Colombia (Otalora, 1952) and Ecuador (Arzube, 1966). In Colombia sylvan T. dimidiata capitata had a very short life cycle, about two generations per year (196–210 days, Otalora, 1952), similar to that seen in Ecuador (220 day from egg to egg, Arzube, 1966). However, as the length of the lifecycle depends on the conditions of the experiment, e.g. the density of the population, it may be that the differences observed are not innate to the populations but instead due to experimental conditions. Adults of T. dimidiata maculipennis from Yucatan take, on average, 24 min to start defecating following a blood meal (Guzma´n-Marin et al., 1992). And thus have likely left the host before releasing live parasites in the feces. T. dimidiata from Costa Rica takes a shorter time to defecate (11 min) so may transmit a bit better than the Yucatan population. However, this is also a timid species that is frequently interrupted while feeding allowing less time to leave parasiteladen feces on the host (Zeledo´n et al., 1977). The defecation pattern of the populations may explain some of the differences in seroprevalence in humans found in different regions. 2.6. T. cruzi infection rates Infection rates with T. cruzi also were different among different populations of T. dimidiata. In the Yucatan, at different times and in different localities infection rates were reported to be: 0% in Tipoco, 16.6% in Merida and 25% in rural Tella (Paloma, 1940), or 16% in seven municipalities in the state of Yucatan (Guzman-Marin et al., 1991). There is some evidence that in different ecological zones, the natural infection rate with the parasite differs, e.g. in Guatemala, the domestic populations from the departments of Santa Rosa showed 29.1%, Jutiapa 9.7% and Chiquimula 11.5% infection rates (Monroy et al., 2003a). A much higher rate of infection with T. cruzi was found in Santander, Colombia: 48% of T. dimidiata were found infected (Angulo et al., 1999) and in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 50% infected (Go´mez-Lince, 1968). In San Jose, Costa Rica the infection rate varies from district to district, 28.8% in Santa Ana and 47.5% in Pozos (Chinchilla and Montero-Gei, 1967). The sylvan T. dimidiata from Pete´n, northern Guatemala showed an infection rate of 25% (Monroy et al., 2003b), while under the same sylvatic conditions 43% of the bugs in the island Barro Colorado, Panama harbored T. cruzi (Sousa et al., 1983). Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 2.7. Factors affecting human transmission Clearly many of these factors have a direct effect on the rates of T. cruzi transmission to humans. More competent T. cruzi vectors show a high degree of adaptation to human dwellings (including a possible preference for human blood and/or tolerance of the bug saliva by humans) and high rates of infestation and crowding within domiciles. High rates of infection with the parasite, rapid defecation following the blood meal and a long lifespan which allows a longer time to transmit the parasite also contribute to significant transmission rates. High rates of dispersion whether active (by walking or flight), or passive, e.g. due to human activity or carriage of eggs by migrating birds also contribute to this public health threat. Any or all of these factors (and host factors as well) can affect seroprevalence rates. Indeed, in humans in areas where T. dimidiata is the predominant vector these rates vary considerably. Very low rates have been reported from blood donors in Quiche, Guatemala 0%, (Matta et al., 1994), 0–1.7% in Yucatan, Mexico (Quintanal and 5 Polanco, 1977), 1.5% overall in Mexico (Guzman Bracho et al., 1998) and 4.2% in children less than 10 years old from Santa Maria Ixhu´atan, Santa Rosa, Guatemala (Villagran de Tercero et al., 1993). Much higher rates are seen, e.g. 8.9% in Primera Sabana, Santa Rosa, Guatemala (Paz-Bailey et al., 2002) to 7.1%, 10% and 18.5%, respectively, in blood donors from Escuintla, Santa Rosa and Chiquimula, Guatemala (Matta et al., 1994). In Costa Rica, among 1420 persons examined, 11.7% were seropositive for T. cruzi (Zeledo´n et al., 1975). Thus, there is tremendous diversity in the biology and ethology of T. dimidiata across its geographic range and this diversity has led different investigators, or the same investigator at different times, to split or merge species and subspecies or even create groups for T. dimidiata (Table 1). The current working definition of a single species showing a clinal variation is being called into question with recent data so it is important to again address the question of the relationships of different T. dimidiata populations using the newer phenetic and genetic tools we now have available. Fig. 1. A geographic variation measure among Triatoma dimidiata populations was achieved by adding the total difference for each location based on the total number of nucleotides that differed from the consensus at each position of sequence as a proportion of the difference within that position. Therefore, if one location has a different nucleotide at a certain position, a value of 1/n, whereby n = the total number of other locations also displaying a different nucleotide, is calculated and these are added over all 478 nucleotides. The difference measure is classified into four classes using natural breaks, which minimizes the variance between cluster groups. *Unpublished sequences (Dorn et al.), GenBank Accession numbers: DQ871354, DQ871355, DQ871356. Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 6 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 2.8. Relationships of different populations based on phenetic studies 2.8.1. Geographic proximity correlates with phenetic relatedness Results of several phenetic studies suggest geographic proximity correlates with the relatedness of populations. For example, cuticular hydrocarbon analysis of Mexican T. dimidiata populations showed a clustering among isolates from Southern Mexico (Hidalgo, Veracruz and part of Oaxaca); the next most closely related populations were from Chiapas (Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005b, locations in Fig. 1). Vera Cruz clustered with adjacent states by antennal phenotype (with Hidalgo, Catala´ et al., 2005) and by morphometry of head characters (with San Luis Potosı´, Lehmann et al., 2005). Thus, geographically close Southern Mexico populations are clustered by these phenetic characters, a pattern that is repeated in Central America by morphometry of heads. Here canonical variant analysis polygons generated from head characters of populations from Central Guatemala and Honduras overlap (Quiche´, Alta Verapaz, Santa Rosa, Guatemala and Yoro, Honduras, Fig. 2; Bustamante et al., 2004). However, two populations are completely unrelated to other nearby populations. By cuticular hydrocarbons, populations from the southern foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental were entirely separate from all other Mexican populations, including Oaxacan populations from the northern foothills of the same mountain range. Instead, the southern Oaxacan population clustered with domestic southern Guatemalan populations Jutiapa and Santa Rosa; the authors suggest a recent introduction of Central American bugs (Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005b). And in Guatemala, by morphometry and cuticular hydrocarbons, the sylvan populations from caves in Lanquin, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala are quite separated from all other T. dimidiata populations, including those elsewhere in Alta Verapaz. Instead they are most closely related to isolates from Boavita, Colombia Fig. 2. Canonical variate analysis over three ‘‘allometry free’’ components in head characters of females comparing eight Triatoma dimidiata populations from different geographic origins. The two canonical factors (CF1 and CF2) together represented 99.3% (86.0 and 13.3%, respectively). Reprinted from (Bustamante et al., 2004). (Bustamante et al., 2004; Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005a). Here the authors suggest that habitat may play a role in the similarity; although the Boavita insects were collected inside houses, they appear to have originated in nearby caves and are also associated with the peridomestic environment (Bustamante et al., 2004). In fact, the Lanquin and Boavita isolates are as different from other T. dimidiata populations as a different species (Bustamante et al., 2004; CalderonFernandez et al., 2005a,b). The region encompassing the Yucatan peninsula and northwest Guatemala is the oldest geological region in the Central America (C.A.) isthmus formation (Coates, 1997). Its fauna and flora seem to be related to the northern hemisphere but there was a great interchange with the south as well (Webb, 1997). The complexity of the geology of the Central American Isthmus is manifest in the variety of terrains, ecosystems, asymmetry of geological structures and contrasts greatly from the northern and southern hemispheres. Schofield (2005) postulated that T. dimidiata may have originated in the Yucatan peninsula, dispersing from there into isolated populations which diverged into species such as T. hegneri in Cozumel and T. flavida in Cuba (Schofield, 2005). By analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons, Yucatan populations are separate from all other Mexican populations except for overlap with those from the nearby island of Cozumel (Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005b). By morphometry, the Yucatan populations cluster with those from the Pete´n, Guatemala (Lehmann et al., 2005) and by cuticular hydrocarbons, Pete´n, in turn, clusters with Cozumel and the Yucatan (Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005b), again all within some geographic proximity. In addition, sylvan and domestic Yucatan isolates cluster by cuticular hydrocarbons suggesting that at least for these populations, proximity is more important than habitat in predicting relatedness (CalderonFernandez et al., 2005b). The one exception is the antenna phenotype data which shows the domestic Yucatan isolates clustering with the domestic isolates from Southern Mexico (Hidalgo and Vera Cruz; Catala´ et al., 2005). Thus, with rare exceptions, the phenetic evidence shows a southern Mexico cluster, a Central American cluster and Northern Guatemala (Pete´n) and Yucatan, Mexico as a cluster, quite separate from the others. 2.8.2. Little evidence for a major role of habitat in relatedness of populations In rare instances, habitat may play a stronger role in relatedness than geographic proximity, especially when analyzing the antennal phenotype. Perhaps this is a character particularly susceptible to habitat influence. In contrast to cuticular hydrocarbon and morphometry data (described above), the antenna phenotype showed clustering of domestic Yucatan samples with other domestic Mexican populations from Hidalgo and Veracruz (Catala´ et al., 2005). In addition, antennal phenotype clearly distinguishes populations from three distinct habitats, sylvan-forest (Pete´n, Guatemala) sylvancaves (Lanquin, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala), and domestic populations from Guatemala and Honduras (Catala´ et al., 2005). These results are mirrored by cuticular hydrocarbon data Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx showing sylvan-forest (Pete´n, Guatemala), sylvan-cave (Lanquin, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala) and Guatemalan domestic populations completely separate (Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005a). Although populations may be separated based on distinct habitats, these populations are also geographically far apart suggesting that distance and not habitat is the overriding factor. In addition, from morphometry and cuticular hydrocarbon data it is clear that the cave population is quite distinct from all other isolates, in fact may be a completely separate species (C. Monroy, unpublished data). Arguing against habitat having a major role in relatedness, by morphometry sylvan Pete´n isolates overlapped with the domestic populations, although the Lanquin (sylvan-cave) populations are still separate (Calderon-Fernandez et al., 2005a). Therefore, although some results support the role of habitat in selection for relatedness, most of the phenetic data does not. 2.9. Relationship of populations based on genetic studies The genetic structure of T. dimidiata across its geographic range has been analyzed using several molecular methods including: sequencing regions of the T. dimidiata genome (specifically the internal transcribed spacer 2, ITS2), cytogenetics and determining DNA content, by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) and isoenyzme analysis. Results show the differences in allele frequencies between populations, Nei’s genetic distance (D) (Nei, 1972), or genetic differentiation as a result of separation and genetic drift, Wright’s F ST (Wright, 1978). Qualitatively, an F ST value less than 0.05 indicates little differentiation, a value of 0.05–0.15 indicates moderate differentiation, and 0.15–0.25 great differentiation, and greater than 0.25 indicates very great differentiation (Wright, 1978). 2.9.1. Nearby populations In SE Guatemala (Jutiapa), where T. dimidiata is almost exclusively domestic, RAPD-PCR revealed that populations within one house and one village were panmictic with a low genetic distance and little genetic differentiation (D = 0.018; F ST = 0.025) (Dorn et al., 2003). In addition, populations from nearby villages 27 km apart were also interbreeding (D = 0.0199; F ST = 0.019) (Dorn et al., 2003). However, in Colombia, where domestic, peridomestic and sylvan populations exist in close proximity, moderate genetic differentiation was observed by RAPD-PCR among different ecotopes separated by only 200 m (F ST = 0.070) although allele frequencies had not diverged significantly (D = 0.0078– 0.011). Thus it appears that, like T. infestans, the size of the panmictic unit may differ in different geographic regions. It may be that the distinct habitats (as seen in the Colombian populations) allow more separation of populations. Clearly more studies are needed as so far only two localities have been analyzed. Additional markers with more sensitivity like microsatellites may show population subdivision previously undetected by RAPD-PCR (Dorn et al., 2004). 7 2.9.2. Populations from different departments RAPD-PCR has also been used to examine population structure across different departments in Guatemala. Results revealed moderate genetic differentiation among domestic populations (D = 0.072; F ST = 0.097) and a higher genetic distance and the higher end of moderate differentiation among sylvan populations from different departments (D = 0.161; F ST = 0.135). However, due to the difficulty of obtaining sylvan samples, the sample size was quite low so conclusions must be considered preliminary. Across Guatemala and the two ecotopes, great genetic differentiation was observed (F ST = 0.175; Caldero´n et al., 2004). This is consistent with the high amount of genetic variability seen as high levels of polymorphism by isoenzyme analysis in specimens from two different states in Mexico, Oaxaca and San Luis Potosı´ (P(0.95) = 0.5) (Flores et al., 2001). Therefore, increasing population differentiation correlates with greater geographic distance, consistent with the isolation by distance model (Dujardin et al., 1988). 2.9.3. Populations from different countries Differentiation among populations from different countries has been examined by comparing the sequence of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2), part of the rDNA repeat. As the region is spliced out and degraded to produce the 5.8S and 28S rRNAs immediately following transcription, selection on its sequence probably just involves folding into the correct secondary structure to allow accurate processing. Therefore it shows a relatively high rate of mutation which has made it a useful marker for species, subspecies and even population level analyses (Coleman, 2003). Results comparing ITS2 sequences showed that within different states in Mexico (Oaxaca, Morelos, Veracruz and San Luis Potosı´) ITS2 sequences from different specimens were nearly identical (Marcilla et al., 2001). However, comparing these sequences from Mexico, 7– 10 differences were identified with those from Honduras and Nicaragua which are, in turn, three nucleotides different from each other. Interestingly, the Honduras sequence is identical to that of the specimen from Ecuador suggesting a recent introduction event into Ecuador. As seen with phenetic characters, Yucatan specimens are as different from the others as a different species (Marcilla et al., 2001). The authors propose a ‘‘clinal variation’’ from S. Mexico through Central America although recent data suggests the existence of at least three clades: the Yucatan, Mexico and Pete´n, Guatemala (with identical ITS2 sequence), another from S. Mexico through N. Guatemala and the third extending south through at least Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua (Dorn, et al., unpublished data; Fig. 1). Recent cytogenetic analysis distinguishing ‘‘cytotypes’’ based on the amount, location and behavior of C-heterochromatin during meiosis and mitosis and DNA content showed slightly different subdivisions. Cytotype I was found in domestic and peridomestic individuals from northern and southern Guatemala (excluding Pete´n), El Salvador, southern Mexico (excluding the Yucatan) and Colombia. Cytotype II was found in the Yucatan, Mexico and Cytotype III in the Pete´n region of Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001 + Models MEEGID-297; No of Pages 10 8 P.L. Dorn et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2006) xxx–xxx Guatemala (Panzera et al., 2006). Different samples were used here than those used for ITS2 analysis. However, these results may indicate that there are at least two reproductively isolated populations in the Pete´n region—one more similar to bugs in the Yucatan and one distinct from those. These results have direct epidemiological implications as the ones from the Yucatan appear to invade houses, at least seasonally, so that house treatments are important for control (Dumonteil et al., 2002). In Pete´n, populations appear to remain sylvan so are not important epidemiologically (Monroy et al., 2003b). Thus, from what limited genetic data is available, and not surprisingly, it appears that populations in close proximity are more related than more distant populations. However, the size of the panmictic unit may differ in different regions and may depend on the availability of different habitats. On the broader geographical scale, there is clear population structuring consistent with the ‘‘isolation by distance’’ model proposed by Dujardin et al. (1988). It must be emphasized that there is a minimum of data on which these preliminary conclusions are based and more studies must be conducted to resolve the population structuring of T. dimidiata. As ITS2 and the cytogenetic data are currently showing different population subdivisions (with regards to Pete´n and the Yucatan), it will be important to analyze additional specimens and perhaps use different markers to resolve these differences and clarify finer subdivisions, e.g. between northern and southern Guatemala. As both the bulk of the phenetic and genetic data point to clades encompassing: (1) Southern Mexico, (2) the Yucatan and part of Pete´n, Guatemala and (3) the remainder of Central America, it is not surprising that populations near to a putative border region sometimes cluster with one side or the other (e.g. Pete´n). It will be important to elucidate the boundaries of distinct populations and to understand the mechanism of population subdivision. Accordingly, more populations from Southern Mexico and Northern Guatemala and between Northern Guatemala and the Yucatan peninsula should be collected and typed for phenetic and genotypic characters. In addition, much more needs to be learned about South American populations. Thus, considerable variation has been documented for T. dimidiata across its geographic range. Some of this variation, e.g. degree of domesticity, infestation and infection rates with T. cruzi, etc. directly affects transmission of Chagas. To aid the Central American and Andean initiatives to halt Chagas transmission, it will be necessary to clarify the different epidemiological relevance of the putative T. dimidiata species, subspecies and populations. For the countries that have sylvan and domestic populations in the same region, i.e. Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama´ and Colombia, the control strategy includes clear identification of the target population in the domestic and/or sylvan environment and stratification of risk of reinfestation of each population. Effective control efforts will require knowing precisely which species is being targeted and the biology of that population. To date, an understanding of the population subdivisions of T. dimidiata including its characterization as a polytypic species or species complex is in its infancy. Community surveillance and stratification of the human populations at risk have been proposed as control strategies to target the populations most at risk for Chagas infection (Schofield, 2005). Identification of the areas of highest transmission risk will require application of phenetic and genetic methods to the vector populations to understand the origin of re-infesting populations, to be clear about the target population and to understand the geographic coverage necessary for effective control. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Drs. 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Please cite this article in press as: Dorn, P.L. et al., Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811): A review of its diversity across its geographic range and the relationship among populations, Infect. Genet. Evol. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2006.10.001
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